Episode Transcript
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Good Morning Rock at ninety five fiveone us DA. Hello, Good morning,
Auntie Taylor's show is on is Rockninety five to five. Good morning
Roadies, Good morning, Mari's,good morning, Little, Good morning Angie.
You got them glasses on again.Yeah, well they're going to be
consistent for a while. It's socute. Yeah, this is a new
thing. Known you for many years. I'm just not used to seeing you
in glasses every day. Well,I mean I went blind within the last
well not blind, but you knowit starts to fade. It's starting.
The vision starts to fade. Iknow it started for me after thirty.
Then when I hit forty, itwent down like it's like the day I
turned forty, And then when Iwoke up at fifty, I was blind.
Oh so okay, it's you havea lot to look forward to.
Thank you. It only gets better. So so very optimistic. I'm so
excited. Sorry, welcome to thefour our club. Good morning, how
you feeling. Thank you for beingwith us. Happy Tuesday. Today on
the show, we got tickets toBush, We got tickets to switch Foot,
We got tickets who alofish hohudo.You can text us, call us
at any time eight four, four, nine, five, five, ninety
five fifty today partly cloudy, inninety's getting hot. It's gonna be sticky
today. It's Lallapalooza week. Yeah, it's Lallapalooza week, which means hot,
sweety sweety. It's sticky and sweaty, sweety sweety sweety. You get
the you get the swasts. Ohthat's the swamp ass, and you get
the under boob sweat the sweeties.They've already started closures on Columbus. Yes,
so I saw that, lots ofclosures on lookout. Okay, good
time. There's closures everywhere. There'sclosures there. There's closures over by the
Convention Center. There's closures over bythe United Center for the DNC coming up.
There were people I live over thereby United Center, and they were
canvassing all the neighborhoods, like SecretService and like all the cops. And
I'm like, oh boy, y'allact right, Oh no, it's gonna
suck. Hey, we love thatyou are here starting your day with us
every day. Thank you for that. Let's kick you in the crotch.
What do you need at five am? A big kick in the Crutch.
Yes, you need us and youneed paf pen. Tell Burger, come
on do We're right in the crotch. I want to shout out the Chicago
White Sox made franchise history with theirfifteenth straight loss franchise history. You know
what well, I mean, Ilove watching the sports around Chicago, and
everybody's like a historic here for theChicago white sauce. It is it is.
I mean, what do we doto deserve to be White Sox fans.
We're good people. We are greatpeople, we work hard well,
we pay our taxes. We didn'tdeserve this. You don't. The Chicago
doesn't deserve the Chicago deserves better.We deserve better. But shout out to
the socks man. All Right,we're gonna tell you what happened on this
day in just a minute. Yourlook back in history is next Rock nine
five five Angie Taylor Show. Goodmorning, roadies. Let me tell you
what happened on this day. Todayis July thirtieth, twenty twenty four.
On this day July thirtieth. Uhokay, now I forgot his actual birthday.
Christopher Nolan is fifty four today,though he was born on this day
July thirtieth one of those years.Nineteen seventy. Oh, let me seeking
four nineteen seventy, Yeah, nineteenseventy. Christopher Nolan, Yes, okay,
Hello, Director of the Dark Knightdun Kirk Memento inception Oppenheimer, Oh
Hello, well done, thank you. On this day in nineteen sixty six,
Batman, the movie made its rollpremiere, starring Adam West. It's
a campy classic that sets Batman andRobin and gets four of their arch nemesis.
In addition to the Joker, theyalso went up against Catwoman, the
Riddler, and the Pink One.When what her name was? Catwoman?
She was so sexy earth the bestCatwoman. On this day in nineteen seventy
five, Jimmy Hoffa was last seenoutside a restaurant near Detroit, Michigan.
He was sixty two, officially declareddead by an Oakland County judge after seven
years and one hundred and thirty onedays, but his body has never been
found. Did anybody look in theChicago River? No murder and no murder?
Just say it, I mean Andtoday's Florida Man is Florida woman.
Florida woman arrested during a traffic stopwhen officers located a bag in her purse
that was labeled bag of drugs.Inside there was drugs and drug paraphernalia,
a bag of drugs. I mean, you're asking for it. I guess.
Oh, nobody's surprised by that one. You put your bag of drugs
in your butt like everybody else whenyou're driving around. Silly woman. That's
what happened on this day. Thanksfor rocking with us today, Rock Naughty
five to five. Offspring. Myneighbors went to Harley homecoming last weekend up
in Milwaukee. It said, Offspringset it off. Oh it's crazy.
I gotta see them. Yeah,Love Offspring. Rock ninety five to five.
Good morning, Hello to Angie TaylorShow. Let me tell you what's
up for your day. Angie willnow fill your brain with the right amount
of craft for your day. Here'swhat's up your daily Olympic update. Team
USA snagged eight more medals at theOlympics yesterday. No gold. We did
hold on to the overall metal leadwith twenty after day three, but if
you go by the gold count,we had it in sixth place. Japan
has the most gold. Yes,we got a silver and bronze and skateboarding
a silver and bronze, and women'sswimming two bronze medals, and men swimming
a bronze, and men's fencing andthe men's gymnastics team took bronze in the
team event, which is a bigdeal because they haven't meddled since two thousand
and eight. Wow. The USwomen's basketball team crushed Japan by twenty six
points in their first game and they'redefinitely hoping for that gold in that one.
Yes please, They now won that. US women's Olympic basketball team has
now won fifty six games in arow, dating back to the nineteen ninety
two Olympics. Well done in Barcelona. Oh no, ladies Barcelona. Speaking
of Olympics, eurosport commentator Bob Ballardhas been booted from Olympic broadcasts after a
sexist comment that he made at theexpense of the Australian women's swim team after
the team's secured a gold. Hesaid, well, the women are just
finishing up. You know what womenare like, hanging around doing their makeup?
Oh yeah, sir. The backlashwas swift and bye bye to him.
Go sit at home, go home, you go home. Now get
two days into your broadcast and it'sover all right. Delta Airlines is seeking
compensation from Microsoft and CrowdStrike following theglobal software outage earlier this month. Airlines
hired a law firm to pursue damagesdue to the cyber outage that began July
nineteenth. Delta, I feel likewas in the news the most they got
hit, the hardest. They gothit the hardest. Like I was seeing
like women and children, like sleepingin the jetway and like nowhere to go.
Delta canceled thousands of flights in theaftermath, leading everybody stranded. The
meltdown could cost a company hundreds ofmillions of dollars. I'll get your money,
Travis Barker Blink one drummer, TravisBarker Kardashian, We'll see them must
Sunday nights at Lollapalooza. He isn'tjust sharing the good vibes of overcoming his
understandable fear of flying after that crashthat almost killed him. But he raised
some money too. He sold apersonal boarding pass for eight thousand dollars.
It was from a flight earlier thisyear, when he went from Sydney to
Perth. Australia on a commercial flight. It also featured a handwritten message that
said, I know I got angelswatching over me. Don't know who the
buyer is, but a boarding pass. That's a big deal for Travis and
if you're a big fan of his. Yeah, it's a weird piece of
memorabilia to have, but it's agood piece of I mean it obviously because
of that crash that he had.Yes, the plane crash, it makes
sense. But the proceeds will bedonated to the Loss but not Forgotten Foundation.
It's a teen adoption agencies that helpedfamilies in need. So love that
right on. That's what's up foryour day. Thanks for rocking with us.
Today is rough ninety five to five. Ben Halen rocking ninety five to
five, Penama, Good morning ninetyand sunny ish today, partly cloudy later.
Thank you for listening. I haveto share something with you, guys.
What happened when we come back.I've lost something very important and special
to me. Can we help youfind it? I don't know. I
don't know if it's coming back.I'll tell you what I lost. It's
a huge loss for the world,really, for the world. The world
yes, for the whole world,not just for me. The Olympics are
going to be upset about this.Everybody will be upset. Okay, I'll
tell you about it next Rock ninetyfive five, Rock ninety five five,
Good morning, Happy Tuesday, ninetytoday a hot, sweaty, humid enjoy.
Thank you for being here on Rockninety five to five The Angie Taylor
Show. I am all about transparency, yeah, and letting you guys know
what's going on in my life.Uh oh, I have lost something very
dear to me. What'd you lose? Okay, let me just say,
take a moment. Let me takea moment. Take a moment. It's
very tragic. So let me backstorythis. Okay. You know I went
I'm going through menopause. I well, I'm like through it, you know,
and like yeah, like I hadthe menopause and a long bout of
depression that went on, and inthat time I gained probably like twenty pounds.
Okay. Now, I've never hada problem losing weight in life.
I've always been an athlete. However, when you're going through menopause, your
metabolism is gone. You don't haveany anymore. There's no metabolism, so
losing weight was impossible, and Iwas not happy with myself. So I
did what everybody does and got onthe ozempic. Don't judge me, because
if you've ever been on a diet, you cannot judge me. It's the
same. And let me tell yousomething that ish works. It works,
it does. So I went onit in like May. It's now the
end of July. I've lost thetwenty pounds. Congrats, job, thank
you, thank you. However,oh I have ozempic ass. Now what
I lost my whole ass? What? And my ass is my thing,
It's my thing. It is universallyknown twins like, yes we were the
big booty sisters. Yes, thereis no more bubble butt. Look this
HP where to go. There's alittle meat not the same. It doesn't
have the same roundness, it's notas juicy as it wants. It's deflated.
And I knew this could have happened, you know, I knew this
was like because they talk about ozempicface ozempic ass, and I'm like,
I got the ass part, likethe one thing I need to hold on
to. That's cruel. It's mysignature, that is cruel. I know.
So it's like my body ate myass. They needed to eat something,
because with ozempic you do get hungry. Still. However, when you
do get hungry, you'll have likethree bites of something. You're like,
I'm full, I'm good, andI've been the beneficiarya of that. Yeah,
because like I'll get something and I'llfinish it. So I'm right,
I'm helping you would. Yes,I feel like if you love food,
ozempic isn't for you because you're notgoing to enjoy it the food. Can
I loan you some of mine?Can I have some? Yeah? Anybody?
I mean, let me see whatI can figure out. I don't
want to be a long back bitch. Oh no, God, miss six
o'clock straight up now, no,no, Oh, it's a sad day.
This thing was epic. It wasepic. It was a thing of
beauty. It was the one bodypart I was very proud of. A
listener called in and said, youshould pray to Saint Anthony to help find
what you lost. Saint Anthony willget my ass back. I think.
So do I have to bury likean idol in the yard or something.
Now, if your ass comes back, you got to donate to the St.
Anthony Box. Okay, but wegot to get that ass back.
I'm talking about squats and talking aboutcorn bread. I'm talking about whatever we
need to do. Miss me.No, we don't get some beans.
It's a sad day. I'm sorry. We're avoiding BBL. We're not going
no, no, no no.I just naturally have always had an ass.
Even when I was in high schooland I was a size zero,
I still had a big, fatass. Now nothing, It's like a
deflated balloon. Sad day, Chicago. This is a sad day. If
you guys want to wear black armbands, ont pour one out. If you
want to do some like you knowmorning. If you want to wear all
black and like a whiling garb,do it. I understand. There will
be a prayer vigil later today wedo a prayer vigil at Grandpa. Yes,
yes, it is necessary, right. I just I'm sorry to break
the news to you guys. It'sgone. It's gone. Hopefully it comes
back. We're gonna get you rightbefore the end of the summer. All
right, Okay, thank you,No more, no more. Ozimpic Rocking
ninety five five your Sunday Lallapalooza headlinersBlink can't wait to see him. I've
never seen Blink you ever? Neverwhen they were at the United Center,
Oh yeah, insanity, never sawthem excited. Do you think the Kardashians
are going to be there? Whocares? Is that? I don't care,
don't even care? Rocking ninety fiveto five, Good Morning. Rolling
Stone Magazine just lost a lot ofcredibility in many people's eyes. They recently
referred to the Haktuah girl as quotegen Z Dolly Parton, gen Z Dolly
saying a song. The Internet isrightfully horrified. Oh my god, the
hawk to a girl is experiencing famebecause of you know, the hawk to
a joke. But Dolly Parton isthe queen of country music, prolific singer,
songwriter, cured covid, she's amazingto the rock and roll Hall of
Fame, actress, entrepreneur, philanthropist, style icon. The similarities are not
there. The only similarities are bothblonde, yes, and they both kind
of have a country accent. Soother than that, no, Some of
the responses on the internet, thisis sick. How could they insult my
beautiful Dolly? Shocked and appalled rollingin my grave already as a living being.
This generation's Dolly Parton is Dolly Parton. Yes, there's no other dollar,
There's no other Dolly. How arewe going to replace somebody who's still
living? Come on, iconic DollyParton like she Whenever, like Betty White
was in the news or like trending, everybody got really freaked out because Betty
White national treasure and they were alwaysscared that she's gone. And I feel
like, now that Betty White isgone, our next national treasure is Dolly
Parton that we must protect at allcosts. You know what The big thing
about Dolly is, like she issuch a big personality, but she's just
so sweet and wholesome, so sweetand whole song like she just I want
to hang out with her. Whenit said some wine, just chill versus,
like, you know, other peoplehave these personalities about them, right
Dolly's. However, I will nevergo to Dollywood because prison Tattoo told me
they don't serve booze there. Ohso what's the point. Okay, I
think we can reach out to Dollyabout that. I'm gonna go puke and
a roller coaster. I want tobe fun with it. Don't ever say
that about Dolly dammit. Oh,speaking of the South Southern nurse. Somebody
came up with a whole list ofbecause the Olympics are going on right now,
what would the events be at acountry music Olympics? The answers are
very funny. I want to talkabout Chicago Olympics. Oh yes, yeah,
rock naety five to five. Okay, rock ninety five five. Earlier
this month, Britney Spears said theOsbourne's are the most boring family and to
kindly off after she heard Ozzy saythat he was sick of seeing her dance
on videos every day. And Iagree, I'm sick of it too.
But who gave who gave Ozzi Instagram? Then? But then Ozzie came back
and said, Brittany, I reallyowe you an apology. I'm sorry for
making that comment. However, itwould be better if you didn't do the
same effing dance every day, changea few movements. Oh so is that
an apology? I don't think that. That's not an apology. But funny
if we got celebrity beef between Brittanyand Ozzy, Yeah, it's hilarious,
so random. Hey, thank youfor listening Antie Taylor's show. There's a
website or something called Taste of Countryand it recently asked a great question to
their fans on Instagram. Because we'rean Olympics time right now. If country
music had its own Olympics, whatwould the events be? Here are some
of these responses. Beer chugging,yes yeah. If you can't shotgun a
beer or a chug a beer superfast, how would you expect to place
on the pody at the Country MusicOlympics. Line dancing or square dancing?
Oh yeah? Sawdust on the floors. Mandatory beer can smashing after you chug
it, smash it on their head. The note holding contest. Note holding
hold a high note as long asyou can, depending on how drunk you
are from the earlier rounds, Thiscould be quite a show. Banjo string
breaking, there you go, lawnmowerracing, beer pong that could be anybody,
and cornhole anybody, watermelon seeds spittingvery specifically. And then hay bail
throwing like a farming shot put.Yeah yeah, I thought that was cute,
but I want to know we cando better. This is Chicago.
This is Chicago. If we're talkingOlympics in Chicago Olympics, what would Chicago?
What events would the Chicago Olympics have? First up for me, sitting
in traffic, the sitting in traffic, Yes, yes, the navigating lower
Whacker Olympics. That's like an escaper Yes, in and out the fastest.
Okay. I want to know fromyou roadies. Let's say we're putting
on the Chicago Olympics. Who ornot who? But what events? What
events would be in the Chicago Olympics. There's so many, Oh, there's
so many options. There's so many. I mean, think about the food,
think about the tourist attractions, thinkabout everything. What events would be
in the Chicago Olympics? Call noweight four four ninety five fifty with your
answers. Somebody will win tickets toswitch Foot Blue October and Matt Nathanson eight
four four ninety five fifty, whatevent is in the Chicago Olympics? Taking
your calls now, Nickelback, It'srock ninety five to five. Good morning
sex, Saroni's how you're doing.Somebody came up with a list of events
that would be at a Country musicOlympics, things like the watermelon seeds spitting
and line dancing, square dancing,things like that. But I want to
know, all right, we haveChicago Olympics, Chicago Olympics. What would
be in the Chicago Olympics. Whatevents? Let's go to the calls Chris
from Glenn Allen, Good morning,good morning, good morning. All right,
let's say we're just hosting an Olympicsright here for our city. What
events would Chicago have? Yeah,I got the best. One would Divvy
bike tossing. Divvy bike tossing.There is a an epidemic of people throwing
Divvy bikes into the lake and it'slike why it's horrible because they say it's
these crazy teenagers because it's not theirbike. They don't care. But those
things are heavy and then you throwthem in the lake and then they got
that lithium battery and it like goesinto the water. It's not good,
but you're right, Chris, thatwould be an event that would I'm sure
a lot of people around here wouldmeddle in a gold on that one.
Thank you, Chris. Extra pointif you get in the lake, extra
points or lake which one? Mmmm? River would be good because like river's
easy, but if you can tossthat thing into the lake. Yeah,
then you've got you're strong. Allright, Thank you, Chris. That's
a good one. All right,divvy bike tossing. Have a great day.
Everybody hanging the line. Sobody's gonnaget some tickets today. Let's go
to Eric from Chicago. Good morning, Eric, good morning, doing great?
Thank you for listening, Thank youfor calling. All right? What
event are we putting in the ChicagoOlympics? Well? I had two they're
sort of related. One is thewinter parking space clearing, Yes, and
then the other one is the DibbBuilding and Creativity count Yes, dims creativity
like that? What piece of furniture? What? Or like maybe you put
your grandma out there lake to holdyour spot whatever? I like it.
Eric, hang on the line.That's a good one. That is very
Chicago. Let's go to Matt fromWest Chicago. Good morning, morning guys.
How are you doing doing great?What are we putting in the Chicago
Olympics? Real Wife, GTA,Real Life GT Grand Theft Auto? Yes'm
oh yeah. The problem is thisso much traffic, Like you can't really
go fast? How are you goingto get away? You got to be
real good? Yeah, I needit happened so much as Chicago. It
just naturally would have to be asport. True, true, true true.
That's a good one, Matt,thank you. Hang on the line.
Let's go to Tony from Arora.Hi, Tony, Hey, Hi,
doing doing great? Thanks for calling. What are you putting in the
Chicago Olympics. We're going to gowith the street tacos street taco competition.
This just needs to be a thing. Yes, let's please just back up
all the street taco trucks and let'sjust have that every day. I love
it. Hang on the line.Let's go to Bob from Chicago. Hi,
Bob, Hey, good morning guys, good morning. What are you
putting in the Chicago Olympics? Sothis is like a triathlon, right,
So you have to start on thesouth side like ninety fifth Streets and then
get to Hedge Water and then outthe o' hair using only public transportations.
Oh and you have to avoid gettingharassed or oh oh my god, no
like this it sounds like very hard. That's a very hard competition, very
hard, using only the CTA,the triathlon of the CTA. Ooh,
crazy random stoppages you're gonna hit onceyou hit the loop. Oh my God,
and the no harassment part. Idon't know if that's even possible.
It's never happened to me. Youknow, they don't. They're not doing
the triathlon, the real triathlon inthe Olympics this year in Paris because the
water is so polluted. And Ifelt so bad for those Olympians that train
for four years they go to Paristo get the opening ceremony. It's like,
no, too much poop in thewater, Like, damn, it
is terrible, horrible, God,I didn't know that. Yeah, it
sucks. Hang on the line,Bob. Let's go to Carl from Rockford.
Hey, hot, Carl, goodmorning, Good morning. Here's the
thing why you're skitching. You haveto miss the potholes and uh man hole
covers, and you gotta get thefastest time. Oh that's okay. The
potholes and the manhole covers. Iwould not I would not meddle in that
because I seem to find every singleone. That's a lot to avoid.
Yeah, that's a good one though. Hang on the line, Carl.
That one has to be done onWestern Avenue, by the way, good
luck, you have a strip inmind already, all of Western like just
all of it. The whole thingis. It's goddamn. It's like a
whole cave. Like Mike from Bloomingdale, good morning, good morning, good
morning. What you got. Igotta say, move over chestnut Chicago style
hot dog eating ooh, hot dogeating contest and they have to be Chicago
style with everything, yes, everythingon them. Do I get through the
garden? Now? You got toeat it all? No dipping, Nope,
you gotta do the whole damn thing. Just raw dog, oh double
dog. Mike talking dirty. Mikeis talking dirty to me today. All
right, line, let's go backto Matt from West Chicago. Good morning,
Matt, what's going on? Guys? Hey you got the tickets?
My man? All right? Sweetdeal, real life grand theft onto I
got you. You know, geta catalytic converter in that or whatever,
like, hey, you're gonna gosee switch Foot Blue October. And Matt
Nathan said, okay, Hey,by the way, if you're looking for
a booty builder backup or you canalways contact him. Kim Kardash, I'm
she could help you a booty builderbackupper. That's that's a lot of booty,
but you know, like she didn'treally build it. Naturally though she
did the f she did the fattransfer. She would take fat from her
stomach and put it in her assor whatever. H well, at least
forgets it there, right, that'strue. I guess, Hey, hang
on the line and we'll make surethat prison tattoo hooks you up. So
anybody else that wants to Oh,by the way, those are sweet tickets?
Yes to see switch Foot Blue Octoberand Matt Nathanson. I Love Matt
Nathanson August seventeenth at the venue atHorseshoe Casino and Hammond, Indiana. Anybody
else wants to go ticketmaster dot com. Thank you for the calls. Today
it's rock ninety five to five LincolnPark, rocking your hot a muggy Tuesday,
ninety degrees today under degrees. WhenI tell a bitch, please,
I want to know what you woulddo in this situation. A woman took
to Reddit to vent about the dresscode at her brother's wedding. Ooh,
rather the lack of dress code.The dress code is no clothes. That's
an interesting wedding. The woman said. Her brother's wedding is no clothes only,
and it's being held at a naturistresort. She's not going, and
now her brother's pissed that she's notgoing. So whatever consent take adults do
in their private lives none of myconcerns. She said. This extends to
my brother and his fiance being natureists. She said that she has no issue
with them being naturists. That's nudistsright. What she does have an issue
with is being naked in front ofa bunch of people. She said,
I'm not comfortable being nude in frontof a large crowd of strangers, either
at the wedding or the resort period. I was asked to be a bridesmaid,
even though I don't know my brother'sfiance well enough to be friends with
her or standing next to her.Right, I'm definitely not comfortable walking up
the aisle arm in arm with agroom's man i've never met when we're both
naked. No surprise, the commentswere in her favor, including from other
nudists, saying I'm a nudist andyou're one hundred percent not wrong here.
Your brother's really trying to jam hislifestyle down your throat. This is that
weird moment where it feels like hisbrother always wanted to see his sister naked,
and now this is his chance beforeyou went there, Yeah, I
went there. You think the brotherwants to see sister naked and that was
a whole plan, Like it's justhis whole nudest lifestyle was all a big
ploy just to see his sister naked. Yes, I don't know, because
the last person I want to seenaked, no shade to my sister.
Love you, Chrissy. I don'twant to see my sister naked. Yeah,
I don't want to see my siblingsnaked. Like that's not a thing.
Like if you if I'm holding anudist naturist wedding and I want you
there and you're not gonna be naked. If you want to show up and
be there for me, you canwear clothes. I don't want to see
anybody at my wedding naked, likemy boss was at the wedding and like
you know, coworkers. I don'twant to see all these people that I
know naked. Or they're using thisas a resource to keep the plates down
so they don't have to spend thatmuch money on food. There are I
feel like there are ways to dothis, but that is extra the fact
that he's pissed at her, that'snot cool. That's the part I don't
get. Yeah, and it's like, that's your life, that's your lifestyle,
and you can't expect your entire familyto just I don't want to see
grammat wedding naked, like I don'twant to see Grandma wants to Grandma because
there's some mysteries to life that Idon't need to know exactly, Like I
don't even care, Like unless itwas like a Victoria's Secret Catalog wedding of
people, I'll fine. I'll lookat you naked. If it's that one
swimmer from France with a big junk, yes, I want to see him
naked. You know his name?What's his name? I forgot? You've
already forgot. That's a big junyou're supposed to do research. You forgot
it. Like I'm really focused onhis name. Get out of here.
But yeah, I mean, thefact that he's mad is crazy. But
I would be curious to see howmany people actually abide by the dress code.
I'm sure most of the people aregoing to come with close eyes.
His nature's friends are going to bethere. Okay, so that's ten people,
maybe but like, how do youroll up to that wedding? Do
you do you want to see yourmom naked at your wedding? Come on,
I just did it. That justdid it for you, marriag really
naked mom and your mom's beautiful.Nobody wants to see their mom. I
love my family. I just don'twant to see all naked. My mom
used to walk around the house nakeda lot. Is that imprinted in your
brain? Yes, we had anaked house. Oh yeah. She was
naked all the time. Like shewould lay out so naked, show naked
shot. And we lived in likea trailer park at one time, and
she would like lay out in thebackyard at the trailer park naked, like
not naked, but like topless,and like all these dudes were, like,
you know, walking by like rubbingtheir he got it going on sick
all right. I just wanted toput that in your head. Just imagine
naked mom at your wedding. It'snainety five five, they're vah, yeah,
it is walk ninety five five onyour glorious Tuesday morning. Thank you
for listening. Do you ever seethose stories of people that have surgery and
then the doctor's left something in yourbody. Oh, terrified. Doctors in
Brazil removed a seven inch piece ofcloth that was left inside this woman,
Mariel Vadal, during a surgery shehad in twenty twenty two to remove a
cancerous tumor. The cloth was discoveredduring a procedure she had last week.
So her daughter said that her momstarted experiencing stomach pains and weight loss in
November twenty twenty three, similar toher initial cancer symptoms. So this poor
woman is like, oh my god, maybe the cancer is back. Then
two weeks ago, she noticed unusualmaterial in her colostomy pouch. A doctor
in training found it to be cloth, not pooh that is supposed to be
in that battle. She saw itand she thought it was strange and started
pulling it out of her body andrealized it was a seven inch piece of
cloth. Oh, oh my gosh. Obviously she's upset. She's like,
I thought the cancer was coming back, but finding out that it was a
cloth inside me made me very angry. I mean, so they naming the
hospital after her, or what areyou doing exactly if they're doing legal action
against this hospital and that surgeon gotfired. But she's it's kind of strange
her reaction, no, because shethought it was the cancer coming back.
But then she found out it wasa cloth, and she was real pissed.
I'm like, I feel like thecloth would be better. No,
none of those are a good outcome. No good, but at least is
not the cancer. Right. Yeah, the cloth is coming out today.
The doctor removed it. It's over. But still, oh god, did
you ever have anything left in you? No? No, no, not
that well, at least that Iknow of. Yeah. Same here.
It's probably a couple of class ringsup in here somewhere somebody's watch. I
don't know, pinky ring. Allright, it is time to get your
text in right now, send themin eight four four fifty. We love
reading your text. We always wantto know what's on your mind, what
you're think of, what you're doing. You want to shout somebody out,
you want to ask us a question. Let's go eight four, four,
nine, five, five ninety fiveto fifty. Send them in now.
We will read them next. Let'stake some calls from the request line number
one. Yes, the texts arein. Thank you, Thank you for
all the texts. We love it. We want to know what's on your
mind, and we read your textevery day eight four four ninety five to
fifty. That is our line.Hit us anytime. All right, let's
go through these area code two twofour high rock Stars is Andres from Naperville.
I took a month long vacation inColombia and miss listening to you guys.
Now I'm back and it's good tohear you again. If you make
my morning's a lot better, keeprocking, Andres, thank you, thank
you. You get the iHeartRadio app. You can take us everywhere you go.
There you go. Maraus nice pluggyseven seven three says good morning.
What happened on this day is myfavorite thing to listen to in the morning.
Also, I used to cut ChristopherNolan's brother, Matt Nolan's hair.
Look up his prison escape. He'snuts. Oh but so today's Christopher Nolan's
birthday, the director, right,So I did look up his prison escape.
Oh my god. So Matt Nolanis an a paid assassin. Oh
yes, and then he went toprison here in Chicago and tried to escape
failed, caught fourteen more years onhis case for that. But like crazy
man, yeah eight one five Auntieand Marris, what is your guilty pleasure
music. Yah, rock Baby,that's mine. K pop. W Yeah,
we didn't know we had a BTSfan in the house. Oh it's
not BTS. It's like there's Lalathis year, you know. Oh of
course you do. Eight one fiveis Chad wanting to shout out all the
kids racing at Loretta Lynn's Ranch forthe motocross Amateur Nationals. Be safe,
have fun. I love you guys, love your show. Very nice out
two two four. Let's be honest, the only reason most dudes watch women's
gymnastics at the Olympics is because theydon't feel like looking at porn. Well,
for the creepiest statement of the day, maris as a man who watches
a lot of women's sports, Iknow you like women's soccer and basketball.
Now you're not just watching to seelike, No, there is a crotches,
a great skill behind all of this. If there is an attractive athlete
that comes with the package, thenyes it's okay. So Marison, not
clear that up at all, Notat all. Nope, you're welcome.
So I was talking about how Inow have ozempic ass seven and wait,
says I turn on the radio thismorning. First thing I hear is Angie
saying that her body ate her ass. I'm confused. That's Mike from Chicago
Heights. Yes, Joe had Rodyof wrestling. Angie, come by my
gym. I'll I'll help you getthat ass back. I don't know you
guys. Let's go two to nine. Tell me where to buy the sausage
to bring Angie's ass back. OhBury the sausage, Yes from yesterday?
A one five? That sounded bad. Eight one five. I'm calling into
work today in honor of Angie tomourn the loss of her ass. That's
Leanne from Plainfields. Thank you,thank you. We all need to pray,
to pray to everybody. Chicago Olympicseight four to seven. Pothole avoidance
or the pothole slalom for Olympics.Hell, yes, all the way through
Western I know it's the longest streetin the city or in the state,
I think, but that would bea good one seven seven three carjacking,
competitive eating pizza Italian beef buritas,Joe said. Chicago Olympics. Pothole dodging,
yep and hot dog eating and Milertshooting. Oh the Lord shooting capitalto
Tim and Chicago Olympic event most creativeuse of furniture for Dibbs, Yes,
yep, seven away, Good morning, Angie and Marris. Chicago Olympics would
definitely include car jacking teams Smash andGrab, I predict gold in both and
final one two two four or ChicagoOlympics build your own Chicago Dog the fastest.
Yeah, that's a competition. Thatis all right. We love you'll
thank you for all the text today, Roadies, Cinnamon. Anytime we're always
here. I'm gonna tell you what'sup for your day. News and info
that you need is next Rock ninetyfive five, Alison Chains love it.
It's Rock ninety five five. HappyTuesday morning. All right, it's time
to play your favorite game. Don'tkill Angie. Reminder you don't want to
kill me? Okay, Oh that'show you play. Yes, I think
a lot of people take joy andkilling me. If you keep me alive
today, we got bush tickets foryou eight four four ninety five fifty call
now. Don't kill Angie is tochoose your adventure game to hopefully get Angie
safely to Friday, Big or fat, but be careful. One wrong move,
We'll kill Angie. Killie and it'sonly on Rock ninety five five today.
I beg you, I beg ofyou. I don't want to die.
Let me talk to Nikki from LoganSquare. Hi, Nikki, what's
up? What's up? Nikki?Hey? You like Bush? Oh?
Well, who doesn't like Bush?On a taco Tuesday? Bush Taco?
I get it. That's funny.Manute Nikki. If you keep me alive
today and don't kill Angie, I'msending you to Bush. Let's go Hell.
Yes, you're gonna love it allright, let's take it away.
Keep me alive, please, Nikkigo to our narrator Berkeley's in a nutshell
with his sexy glasses. Turtles wearglasses. It's mariss. Have you ever
seen a turtle? I'm looking atone right now wearing glasses. Okay,
Nikki, welcome to to kill Angie. The Olympics are going on and today
all of our Rody's gave ideas onwhich events would be perfect for with the
Chicago Olympics, so many awesome suggestions, and Angie wants to represent her city
proud in the first ever Chicago Olympics. Yes, now, Nikki, the
question for you is which event shouldAngie compete in Pothole Dodging or the CTA
Triathlon. Very Chicago centric. Yes, let's go with the pothole dodging.
Oh boy dodging, Nikki. Areyou a frequent listener to the show.
Yeah, so you know that Ihit every pothole on earth with my car.
But okay, here we go.You're onto them like a magnet.
Fine choice, indeed, a finechoice. Indeed, you picked pothole dodging.
Let's go. Angie walks into GrantPark for the opening ceremonies in her
Chicago track. Soon yeah, Jordan'sShe's ready to get the gold. Once
she gets to her events, shestarts sizing up the other Chicago competition.
Wait. Oh, she's competing againstTom Skilling. Oh no, the crowd
is going crazy for Tom. Howam I gonna beat the hometown favorite?
Angie tries to use verbal mind tricksto yell and yells at Tom. Hey,
hey, scaling, did you havea tornado to chase or something?
Hey, don't let your barometer gettoo high, are you? My?
Tom is furious, and like theweather god he is, he pulls out
a lightning boat from his pocket.Ern writes Angie down damn. Oh,
Nikki, I'm so sorry, butyou killed Angie. Oh, Nikki,
See I'm not scaling. He thoughthe retired from the opic. Niki,
you're still qualified for our grand prize, so my guy, Okay, Okay,
is that the screaming Gold Ferry.Yes, that is the screaming Gold
Ferry mood Schacho with the Bush.Yes, I love Bush. Yes,
we all love Bush. Shot.Yes, Nikki, you're going to Bush,
my guy, Okay. This isthe best ever. It is the
best day ever. You're going toBush the Greatest Hits Tour with special guests
Gary Can, Jerry Cantrell and Candlebox. August seventh, Huntington Bank Pavilion on
Northerly Island, right there on thelake, out in the sun. It's
gonna be beautiful, Niki. Yes, yes, it is to be a
lot of bush, lot of bush. Yeah. You have a great time,
Niki. Okay, thank you,We love you for listening. Hang
on the line. Prison Tattoo willget you all hooked up. Anybody else
that wants to go. Tickets stillavailable Live Nation dot com. Thank you
for playing Don't Kill and Jay Damn. The slaughter continues. Sorry, Angie,
They promised to do better rock.It's Rock ninety five five. But
who Morning Road is. So yesterdayI was out in like my back yard
area, like cleaning up. Ihave company coming tomorrow, they're staying for
Lollapalooza. Cleaning up everything outside inthe backyard. I noticed that pigeon guy
next door. Update. Yeah,none of the pigeons were home. They
were not in their pigeon beautiful condoin mid Race. So pigeon guy.
In case you guys don't know,there's a guy next door to me that's
running in an illegal pigeon gambling ring. And I am not happy with him
because he won't let me get onin the gambling. He's trying to act
like it's not for gambling, Likewhat else are you doing anyway? So
well, I asked him, Iwait, we're all the pigeons and he's
like they're racing, and I'm likehow far out today? He's like,
one hundred of miles take them outone hundred miles. Whoever gets home first
wins. So I was like,how long does it take them to do
one hundred miles? As I'm askinghim that question, one of the pigeons
lands and He's like this pigeon threehours it should have been two hours.
I was like, Oh, he'snot happy with the pigeon fleet. So
I'm afraid that there's gonna be asquab roast. I think there's gonna be
a squab acue this weekend if thelead pigeon was an hour late coming home.
Because the one time he had thatlight lately, the meat smoker thing
out there and it wasn't chicken andit wasn't beef. It looked like the
pigeons, So I think that,Yeah, I think the pigeons that are
not racing good. He eats them. So he's pissed, and I think
there's gonna be a squab aque inmy neighborhood. We'll keep us updated,
I will. I'm a very Ican't wait for my guests to come in
from out of town see what thehell is going on in my house?
What kind of nightmare? All right, thank you so much for listening.
Hey, ninety five minutes commercial freerock. We love to give it to
you every single day. It's calledit ninety five at nine, but we
pregame, we do a little bitearly. Ninety five minutes of commercial free
rock is next Rock ninety five tofive, Kidous Rock ninety five to five.
See you at laala yes, laalalalla. Starting in a couple of
days. Ninety five minutes. Commercialfree Rock going on right now. Hello,
good morning, Thanks for hanging withus. It's the Angie Taylor Show.
So the Olympics are going on,and a lot of people gamble on
the Olympics. Yeah, as itshould, which as a degenerate gambler,
I never have what however, howI mean because I didn't, like four
years ago, I didn't really.I don't think I had like Draft Kings
or whatever on my phone at thattime. Whenever the last Summer Games were,
I should absolutely get into it.There's so many games about it.
Oh are you gambling on the Olympics? I know, but I know how
you are. You just want meto spend my money. You like to
gamble. I want you to behappy and all your degeneracy. Yeah,
I'm happy while I'm gambling, butnot when I lose. But the Paris
Summer Games are expected to be themost heavily bat Olympics in US history,
for sure, But in Louisiana andMassachusetts, gamblers have a much smaller choice
on where to put their money thanother states. You know, all these
different states have different gambling laws.There's certain places that you can't gamble through
the app things like that, becauseboth states don't allow betting on judged events,
meaning that sports books can't accept wagerson gymnastics, equestrian, break dancing,
surfing, and BMX skateboarding. Yeah. Yeah, but you can do
the other ones. So that's soconfusing if you like to get that's out
a small amount of games. Therest of them are pretty still based,
yeah, because like there's a lotof racing, a lot of targeting.
Yeah, that's true. Match.I was watching fencing. I don't get
the rules of fencing, not atall. It's not judged. Ye okay,
there you go. Okay. Andthe other thing about the Olympics when
it comes to peeing in the swimmingpool, Oh boy, Olympic athletes have
thoughts. They were talking with theWall Street Journal. Katie Hoff, olympian
swimmer, says it sounds gross tooutsiders, but because there's so much chlorine
in the pool, you don't eventhink about it. Louie King, also
Olympic swimmer, I pee in everysingle pool I've swam in that's just how
it goes. I can actually peewhile I'm swimming, and then that's a
lot of body control. Yeah,and then Colin Jones, you never want
to swim through a warm patch.That means you're crop dusting everybody with your
pee, of course, but Ibet they all do. I got to
That's what I was saying. Thatwould be cool if they had like the
yellow line to follow the ones thatare peeing, Like if there was something
in the water that showed you thatthey were peeing while they were switch.
There's some mysteries I want left inthis world. Can you heel attack you?
You've been pissing the whole butter.Thank you for listening. Hey,
Request Wars is up next to Marrisand I battling it out with a new
theme of music today, and youget to vote. Make sure you're here
and make sure you're ready rock ninetyfive to five. It's now time for
Request Wars. Arm your torpedoes.Are you sure we should do that?
Yes, we're sure we should dothat. Repair your best smacked off because
this is gonna get real in abouta second. On the Angie Taylor Show,
Request War, Oh we're going towar today. So yesterday in Request
Wars, it was a gen xrock song battle. I won that battle
the gen Xers. I am agen Xer. They showed up yesterday.
Today Maris wants to defend his millennials. Yes please, So we have a
millennial rock song battle today for allyour millennials. Let's see if you're homies
show up now. All right,So today in the millennial music Battle of
rock songs, I am the fourtime champion. Merris, you're the challenger.
What is your pick? Actually,you know what? Hold on before
you say that. I just lookedat this board and realized what both our
picks are. I don't know whyI'm playing today, but go ahead.
What do you Because you're gonna win, but go ahead. Why why are
you upset my shot right now?I know you're gonna win, but go
ahead. This is because I wouldhave picked this song too, because is
a curse? Is not a curse? No, not at all. I
think you have a great song today. I wish I would have picked that
song. Well, this one,yeah, that's all right. Yes,
I went with corn freaking Alice.Oh, yes, you and me.
That's a big cord. Wow,Oh, there's a lot of distress coming
from you right now. It's corenfreakent ely Do you want that? Text
a letter M to eight four fourtyfive fifty. I do like my song
kind of like cares better. Mysong today for millennial rock a battle is
Veruka salts see there. Don't wantto be foaming at the mouth, see
there, very nice song angel Itis from Aruk Assault. It's I right.
If you want that one, textthe letter A to eight four four
ninety five fifty. Get your votesin. We need them, we want
them, we love them. Justclear the throat. Hey good more Happy
Tuesday. The Auntie Taylor's show ninetyfive minutes commercial Free is going on right
now. We are in the middleof request wars. Have you voted yet?
If not, what are you waitingfor? Come on? Yesterday was
a gen X rock song battle,me being the gen X girl here,
I actually won that battle. Sotoday Maris wants revenge. Yees, you
would like some revenge today and wantsto defend the millennials. So today we're
doing the millennial rock song battle.Maris. Your song today corn Freakin' a
leash? What what I mean?I love this song. I love it.
I love that song. I loveCorn's corn It's got the juice.
If you want that one, textthe letter M to eight four four nine
five ninety five fifty. My millennialrock song today Verruca salt see there care
five all right if you want that, text the letter A to eight four
four nine ninety five fifty. Getthe votes and we want them all.
We want them now, we wantthem fast, and we want them hard.
Well. Damn, it's rock ninetyfive five Californians. That's such a
great SNL skit. I love thatskit so much, Californians. Read your
shirt. It's rock ninety five tofive. And we are in request wars.
Today's battle with the Battle of MillenniumRock Songs for you millennials. Millennial
rock songs. Yesterday was the genx Battle. I won that battle.
I am a gen xer. Iwas very proud to represent Maris. You
are the millennial of the show.Today's Millennial Rock Battle featured Maris with Corn
freaking a leash and myself with verrucosultsee dar Do we have a winner.
I'd like to thank everybody for thevotes today, but your day champion here
Corey get on the floor van.That is John bon Giovi and the boys.
Did you say g O, Yes, that's the that is the government's
name, ov bon Giovi. Oh, I don't I believe? Well now
I'm questioning myself. Damn it.Don't have an ass I don't forget everything.
All right, let's go to aheadof it's because of my that's where
all the brains were. That's whatthe head of all the roady is the
secretary of the show. I'm sure. Just chock full of notes today.
Hello, Joy the guy. Goodmorning to you, my darling thing doc.
Good morning. Listen. Since theolympicure full swing, we took a
look this morning at some Olympic sportsthat'd be Chicago exclusive. Okay, you
know we have the forever classic hojumping where Angie lays on the floor and
you leap over her. Okay,did you say hole or poll ho?
Ho jumping? Oh Ho jumping hojumping side scrolling SmackDown where you're racing its
maris de Fincial levels of Ninja Turtlevideo games are past this, though,
I should note he's made gold everytime. You better practice, Okay,
I'm sure. And of course,my personal favorite shot, putting down your
throat. It's a race against Angieto see who can drink the most of
the bar, and that leads intothis thrut where you and herd the compete
who can walk the furthest without fallingover come? How come everything about me
is always like ho drunk and everythingabout him is just cute video games or
turtles because he doesn't have any dark, horrible secrets. You Yes, he
does, Yes, you do?You are is the most mild mannered sweet
man. Under the surface, there'sevil bubbling. We just haven't seen it
yet. One day he's gonna snap. Yeah, he's gonna unleash, and
we're all gonna die. We're notall gonna die. I don't know what
else do you have anyway? Continuingalso this morning, Chicago, we need
you to put on your Italian's pianowhiling guard, put on your black armman's
and pooling out because we lost oneof the greatest this morning. We did.
We did, that's right, Andshe's fat asses no more because she's
known as m pig for sure.She could have started drinking wine and eating
buckets of chicken and lose that seventwenty pounds. What she blamed on menopause
and Collie documentaries on streaming. Right, it's not having a delicious round peaches
behind She now looks like it platedthe black plated bag over the hill birthday
blow. It looks like I don'tknow, but uh, don't be alarmed
when you see someone who looks likeKate Moss's grandmother at Lolla Fluza this weekend.
That's all once blessed host of snackcakes. I mean it looks like
one of those off grandcakes you getat the gas station. Wow, you're
real proud of yourself today, aren'tyou. You're real proud of yourself.
It was filthy, dirty, justdirty. Wow. Okay, where can
we find your notes? Yeah,bitch, come and click on the Anti
Taylor cab. It is John bondiObi okay, couple chest so the brains
haven't right it away, Angie,I'm coming to your house today. It's
time for the ten o'clock toast onthe Angie Taylor Show. Yeah, Angie's
drinking at ten am. Join herin a toast, dumb fellah. I
mean it's hot as hell out here. You need a hide tra Come on
now, hey, thank you forlistening today's ten o'clock toast goes out to
the person that was nominated, avery famous musician that is a horrible singer.
So people are voting at rancor dotcom on which musicians aren't really great
singers. Jennifer Lopez was number one. Couldn't agree more. Yep, terrible
singer, terrible human being. Theshe didn't get me anything out of her
purse when I interview, I askedher something from her purse of like a
penny, a piece of gum,and she's like no, and she looked
at me like I was trash.I'm like, whatever, you know what
diamond she was hiding in her purse. My baby hairs are better than hers
anyway, So that's right, that'sright. So just because somebody is a
great musician doesn't necessarily mean they cansing. So people are voting on the
musicians that aren't great singers. WhenI brought this up to the room,
Maris is like, huh, AxelRose, but he's not a music and
I'm like, uh, yes,he is a vocalist. That is a
musician. That makes him a musician. Yes, that is an instrument.
That is your voice is your instrument. Okay, I'm sorry. I never
learned how to play my voice.You're on the radio, that's your instrument.
God. Here's some other people thatwere on the list. Neil Young,
Tom Waits, Paul Abdul Hello,Bob Dylan interesting, great songwriter,
but you maybe I yeah, LeonardCohen, Dave Mustaine from Mega Death,
Damn, Macy Gray, Elvis Costello, Brian Johnson from A C D C
m M. It's just strained vocals. I feel like it's a very unique
sound for Jimmy Hendrix. I mean, come on, vocalist, more of
a guitar, X Men exactly,Cheryl Crowe, Taylor Swift, Damn and
then lou Reid, Lou Reid andthen Ozzie, Joe Walsh, Mick Jagger,
Chris Christopherson and Jack White. Ifeel like this is a giant slap
in the face to a lot ofpeople. Well, sometimes a bitch needs
a slap in the face. Maris, Well, you know everybody needs a
slap in the face sometimes, comedown reality. Yeah, Jay is the
one today, Jay the gay.Oh yes, he was cruising for a
bruisa and today to get one.You are what he said? All right?
Thank you so much for listening.Oh Walt is here today, finally
back from wherever I saw him inthe hallway. He had on his hat,
his uh Thomas, the train littlehat. It's so cute you did.
Little conductor has so rude it was, it's at the train conductors wear.
Wow, I love him the trainconductor hat. Yes it's a conductor
hat. You know what saying?That's not what I would have thought of
that, all right? Wow holds, Thank you so much for listening.
We love your roadies. We'll chat. Mannana Rocket ninety five to five