All Episodes

July 9, 2024 • 68 mins
For a second day in a row I find myself chronicling the Angi Taylor ailments like I'm some kind of journalist steeped deep in a war. However, unlike that guy on the front lines, I'm in the comfort of my own home thinking of clever ways to make fun of Angi's failing health so it's a good trade off. That said, it's no secret that most of us are either old or getting to the point of being old enough that our various health maladies consume our conversation (even young/old man Marris is in that boat.) As for granny Taylor, she made a scheduled visit to the doctor yesterday after her eye doctor told her she had "blood pressure eyes." After giving her a squeeze, it turned out Angi's blood pressure was absolutely fine but the real concern is her cholesterol. Now, it should be noted that she has "familia" cholesterol so even if she made the right choices like being a vegetarian for 15 years and a vegan for a time, she's still a mess and has been since she was 13. The same can be said for Marris so he absolutely understood where Angi is coming from. To get a better feel for just how bad she is, Angi's normal cholesterol is 316 and the proper should be under 200. As for her LDL (aka the bad kind,) hers is 237 and it should be under 100. In other words, we should start prepping the coffin choices because Angi's arteries are basically made of wax. To offset this though, Angi has now been placed on a statin which she'll have to take forever but hopefully it will keep her from stroking out or having a heart attack on air. This is also not a bad thing because she has wanted to be on one for a long time seeing as this is genetic and her grandfather had 3 strokes that led to him getting dementia so the fear is valid (unlike 89% of her other nonsense.) As for the secondary treatment Angi was served, that honor belongs to Cologuard, the at-home colonoscopy kit. Obviously, there was a confusion on how she actually goes about taking the test (we would learn from a roadie in a secondary segment,) but we do know it involves Angi giving her UPS man a box of poop (which is probably better than the half drunk bottle of wine she gave him for Christmas last year.) While Marris lamented the poor UPS man that has to handle Angi's orange sherbert scoops, Angi talked about how she had sworn that her pooping in a box days were over (more on that in the secondary segment offshoot.) Either way, our horse looks like she still has a bit more life left in her but you know, tick tock.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good bye, good morning, HappyTuesday. Auntie Taylor Show is on Rock
ninety five to five. What's up, Roadies, Hi feeling good morning,
Maren's good morning, Little I likeyour out cast shirt. Oh, thank
you very cute. Thank you forlistening. Hey, what's going on?
You've been up all night, You'vebeen working Creatures of the night. How

you feeling? Thank you for beinghere today on the show. We have
a lot of tickets to you.Have a way today, Busy, busy,
busy. Yes, we have DeafLeppard in the fourth row. Deaf
Leppard and Journey a whole bunch moreat Wrigley next week Monday. Yes,
we have tickets for that show,fourth row for that. We have tickets
to the Harley homecoming. That's gonnabe awesome too. In Milwaukee, we

have I Prevail and Hailstorm tickets.We have Rocky the Rooster who will be
here. Oh we're busy, Yes, Rocky the Rooster be here after eight
am. One thousand dollars your firstshot at one thousand dollars after eight am
with the keyword. So make sureyou're listening for that. Texas US anytime,
call us anytime, eight four fournine, ninety five fifty. Our

ears are always open, the phonesare always open, the text line is
always there for you. Hit usup today eighty two cloudy rainy, getting
some of that Burrel rain Burrel.Thank you for being here. Let's kick
you in the crotch. What doyou need at five am? A big
kick in the crutch? Yeah,first one, Hit you up. Whit

you going and start your day?Do rock ninety five to five? Hell
yeah, d oh, that isyour kick in the crotch. You have
been kicked. Kim's kicked right inthe crotch. I hope it felt good.
Felt good for me? Was itgood for you? We're gonna tell
you what happened on this day?Or look back in all the history is

next? Rock ninety five to fiveAerosmith. We're rocking your Tuesday. Good
morning Auntie Taylor's show. Let's tellyou what happened on this day. So
Dave is July ninth, twenty twentyfour. On this day, July ninth,
nineteen sixty four, Courtney Love wasborn. Today she is sixty.
Madonna had a quote about her oncesaying, I'm fascinated by Courtney Love,

but the same way I'm fascinated bysomeone who's got Tourette syndrome walking in Central
Park. Oh that's not a compliment. No, wow, Wow, Madonna
fascinated on this day. In nineteenninety seven, Mike Tyson was banned from
boxing ring for and fine three milliondollars for biting Evander Holyfield's year. Still

can't believe that happened on this day. In two thousand and four, Anchorman
The Legend of Ron Burgundy was released. God, I laughed so hard in
the theater at that movie. He'sdying. I know. I didn't see
it in theater, but I watchedit on repeat on DVD. I love
Gosh Down, Down, Goals,Scotch Scotch, slo down in my Ballet,
Unique New York, and Today's FloridaMan, Florida Man drinks whiskey all

day and bold. So was thispolitical campaign signs? I'm not mad at
it. I mean, so thisis a victimless crime. I feel like,
is it more because it was aduy well? I mean he got
arrested. I think it was theyeah drum roll dozing. But like the
campaign signs, it's fine. I'mcool with that. That's what happened.

On this day. Thanks for beingwith us today, Rocket ninety five to
five. Good morning, what else? Rocket ninety five to five. How
you doing, Angie Taylor Show.The Midwest here has a reputation for being
a little more polite than other areasof the country. But is it really
true somebody pulled a bunch of Midwesternersto find out, so they didn't pull

people in other areas of the country. So there's no way to do in
apples to apples comparison here. Butthere's some good mannered things, and how
many biden Westerners do them? Apparentlyapologizing when you've done nothing wrong. Seventy
four percent of Midwesterners say they dothat regularly. Very Midwest. It's it's
very Midwest. It's a very femalething to do as well. You know,

like you're always like taking the temperatureof the room. You don't want
anybody mad at you wave to peoplethat you don't know. Oh, absolutely
you do. Yeah, You're justwaving at people on the street when I'm
in my neighborhood. Yeah that youdon't know. Yeah, just you wave.
Yeah, I'll just like hand outthe car from walking. Oh yeah,
okay, I got you. I'mnot just walking down Michigan Avenue,

waving at people like hey, lookto range. Holding doors for strangers all
the time. I always do,and I don't like it though. When
I hold the door and people don'tsay thank you, Oh my god,
I want to throw the door atthem. I say you're welcome, real
loud, you know. Passive aggressivebe bringing a shared dish to a party.
Always should always bring something. Yeah, yeah, whether it's a dish

or like a bottle or something.I'm smiling at strangers. I got a
real awkward smile, so I trynot to. You don't have an awkward
smile. It was forced and looksweird. I feel. I feel like
you're just out here trying to lookhard all the time. To look hard.
Maaris is out here smiling and wavingat everybody like I'm not crazy,

tipping well, helping neighbors out witha chore, giving a stranger directions,
and obeying the speed limit. Onlyforty percent of us do that speed limit.
I don't even know. Apparently,the nicest city in the Midwest is
Saint Paul, Minnesota, and thenicest state is also Minnesota, with two
cities in the top five. ListenI grew up in Minnesota until I was
like twenty five years old. Peopleare nice to you, Yes to your

face, but then as soon asyou turn around, they're like, do
you see his stupid smile? Whyis he out here waving at everybody's smiling?
Ask waving ass Yes, nice toyour face, but as soon as
you turn then they talked back.So, as you know, the rudest
cities in the Midwest are both inIndiana, Evansville and Fort Wayne. Then

it's Rockford, Illinois, and thenColumbus, Ohio and Detroit Rockford, what
y'all do? Yeah, what's goingout over there in Indiana? And why
you're mad? Thank you for listening. We're to tell you what's up for
your day. All the news ininfo you need is coming up in minutes.
Rock ninety five to five. Yesyou do, you're rocking out with
us Rock in ninety five to five. Auntie Taylor Show, Good Morning Roadies
eighty five today or eighty two ishtoday, rainy today. Thank you for

being here. Let's tell you what'sup for your day. Angie will now
fill your brain with the right amountof craft for your day. Here,
what's up? Boo boo Sacramento Kingsannounced yesterday the team has acquired six time
NBA All Star, three time AllNBA guard forward Damar DeRozan my favorite ball

right now and a three team signand trade with the Bulls and the Spurs.
It's part of the deal. Sacramentosent Chris Dwarte, two second round
picks and a cash consideration to Chicago. Hmmm, it's real scary times for
all of our teams. Like it, tell me one Chicago team that is

doing great right now. The skythe sky in the middle of the pack.
The red star is the middle ofthe pag This is not a fun
time. I love Damar. Heardto the grape vine if he has a
lot of problems, zactly, so, there's some beef. There're not surprised
by that. Just by the waythey played on the court. Good boy,

they both played better apart. Well. He will be missed. He
will thank you for everything. Tamar, good luck. Have you ever looked
up at a clear blue sky andwondered why your flight is delayed because of
bad weather? The problem is thatthe weather is bad, either at your
destination or somewhere along the flight path. United Airlines understands the confusion and frustration

you might have. Now they're goingto start sending passengers real time weather maps
to explain those delays. This seemsvery passive aggressive, by the way,
like, don't call and bitch atus. Right now, here's the weather
it is and it isn't because likesometimes the airport would be completely dry,
but there's that big stormfront out westand you don't know. Yeah, well,

I mean you could also like justgo on your Googles, your phone
and look at the weather. Passengersare going to receive text or emails with
links to live weather maps showing theconditions affecting their flight. So they basically
are saying, stop blowing up ourlines. We're going to send you the
map. I can't wait for thisto backfire and it's all clear, and
they're just like, oh, you'restill grounded. Yeah, you're still grounded.
Now it's mechanical, all right.Is anybody watching the Netflix latest hit

docuseries The Man with a Thousand Kids? Jonathan Meyer, the sperm donor who
became the subject of this show,is now suing Netflix on a slander suit.
So The Man with a Thousand Kidsinterviews various couples and individual women who
discovered that their sperm donor, thisJonathan Meyer, had fathered hundreds of children

around the world through multiple sperm banksand private donations, private donations, So
like he's just coming over with likea cup of juice to your house.
This is such a sticky situation.No, it is sticky. Yes,
so there's this risk of now inbreedingamong half siblings who have no idea they're

related. It's not funny. Hedidn't participate in this documentaries, and he
claimed he's fathered approximately five hundred andfifty children, not a thousand as the
title suggests. But the documentary saysthat he lied to a lot of families
about the number of offspring he hadproduced. I mean, this is where
this is where you find out ontwenty three of me that you're dating your

brother. Basically, yes, it'son him, and it's on the sperm
donors, the banners, the banks. Yeah. Yeah, so he's not
the only one liable for this.But I guess, I mean, how
do you track if he has donatedto a whole bunch of other banks.
I mean, he could just sayhe's never donated before, right, you
got to limit it to like well, I mean he's going bank. He's

going bank to bank. The bank'sgot to talk to each other. The
banks have to talk to each other. Yes, so now, yeah,
just like money at this point.Yeah. I saw this on my cue,
this Netflix show, and I'm like, oh, maybe I'll watch that.
Now I have to watch it.Yes, Now I have to check
my twenty three meters. That's what'sup for your day. Thanks for rocking
with us today on Rock ninety fiveto five. Rock ninety five five,

Good morning, How you doing?What is that? What is that noise?
She sounded like the coal map inthe background in the morning Auntie Taylor
Show. I went to the doctoryesterday. Oh here, does anybody has
anybody ever used coli guard? Youknow those Coliguard commercials for the colon testing
thing. So yeah, uh,anyway, I want to talk about that

next. If you guys have everused that Coliguard thing. I need I
need some help, all right,Rock, No, no, no,
no, okay, I'm not gonnadie, at least not today, I
hope. Rock ninety five five,Good mornings, Rock naety five to five.
How you feeling happy Tuesday? Thanksfor being with us eighty two today.
Sprinkles little rain today. Thank youfor listening. I know, I

know, listen. I know.I've been talking about my ailments a lot.
But I'm getting old, and thisis what old people do. We
talk about the things that are wrong. It comes up in conversation way to
me times it does. I'm ahypochondriac. And yes, and the older
you get, the more you discussyour ailments, you've got to bounce it
off other people to normal. Soyesterday I had to go to the doctor

because I got these blood pressure eyes. Apparently my eye doctor told me that
he saw some like dots on myeyeball and he's like, that's usually a
sign of high blood pressure. AndI was like, oh, So I
went to the doctor yesterday. Shetakes my blood pressure. It's perfect,
everything's fine. Good. However,what is not okay is the cholesterol.

Because I have familial lesterol problems.Since I was like thirteen, I think
the first time I ever got acholesterol test, it's been way too high
for like a teenager. I spentmy whole life trying to regulate these cholesterol
levels. I was a vegetarian forfifteen years. I was a vegan.
I'm an athlete. I did allthe nothing changed it yesterday. She's like,

your cholesterol. My cholesterol is threehundred and sixteen. It's supposed to
be under two hundred. Oh.My LDL that's the bad cholesterol. Uh
huh is at two thirty seven.That's supposed to be under one hundred.
Oh right, So apparently my arteriesare made of wax. Now, okay,

okay, she's putting me on astatin. Do you know what that
is. It's a cholesterol regulating drugthat I have to take now forever so
I don't stroke out, so Idon't have a heart attack. Appreciated.
Yeah, you like my grandfather,Like, I have always wanted to get
on cholesterol medication because I'm like,this is way too high. Nothing's ever

making it budge. These numbers.They just keep going up since I was
a teenager. It's just inherited.My grandfather had three strokes which led to
his dementia from oxygen deprivation of thebrain. All of that. He died
of dementia. And I am solike paranoid about strokes, you know what
I mean, Like, if Iever feel strokey on this show, if

I trip up my words I'm like, am I stroked? So I'm like
very paranoid about it. So I'mhappy that I'm finally going on meds.
Good. The other thing is she'slike, how, uh, well,
there's one more thing. Okay,because I was talking about the cold.
You know, I have to havethe indoscopy, the colonoscopy. Yeah,

so she said, you know what, I'm just going to send you a
coli guard kit. Have you seenthose kids on TV? I haven't.
I've heard about it, but Ihaven't the commercial. Yeah. So my
question is like, okay, Ihave to take this at home colonoscopy thing.
How does that work? You know? Like, have you done the
collar guard? Somebody on the textjust said I've done the coal guard.

I did it last year. Youpoop in a box and drop it off
at UPS bought a bing about abar. I swore when I came up
off the streets that I would neverpoop in a box again. Oh Lord,
getting old is fund camera and everythingelse. No, honestly, I

would rather do this. I justdidn't know what it entailed. And the
idea of POPE for UPS right,the biohazard boxes that they have to transmit
back and forth oh my god.Anyway, Uh, I just want everybody
know that I'm fine. Hopefully nostroking out all right, goodness, you

know what else is okay, You'regonna be okay if you get these tickets.
I got tickets for you. Igot tickets right now. I prevail
and hailstorm a pair of tickets.Actually, two callers will win a pair
of tickets, so four tickets total. Pair for you, A pair for
you. Eight four four nine ninetyfive fifty. I prevail in hailstorm July

twenty first, Credit Union won Ampitheaterand Tinley. Call right now eight four
four, nine five five naughty fivefifty It's rock ninety five to five.
Shout out to Rick from Algonquin.He just got a pair of tickets to
I prevail in a hailstorm at CreditUnion one Amphitheater in tin Ley. Let
me talk to Rachel from Woodstock.Good morning, Rachel, Good morning.

How are you. I'm good?How are you? I'm great? Are
you calling to talk about my call? I'm talking to the Angie Taylor,
the Angie Taylor. It's Angie MF. Taylor. By the way, Rachel,
are you calling to talk about mycall? In Yes, what advice
do you have for Meuse I hadthe same exact thing done to myself.

I had the started with the colonguard and it actually saved my life.
It did. That's great, that'sawesome to know. I mean, they
were gonna have me do a colonoscopyand she's like, well, you're,
you know, low risk, youdon't have any history of like colon cancer,
so you can do this col ofguard. But what do I have
to poop in a box? Likethey're saying on the text? Uh,

well, no, you like topoop it out? You what you could?
You scoop it out? Oh?God? So I gotta have like
are so I have to put likea colander in the toilet or something like
a spaghetti strainer in there? Yeah? Pretty long. See this reminds me
of my drug mealing days, Rachel, because I would get right off the

plane and they would take me tosome CD hotel room and I would have
to like poop into a strainer soI could get all the bags. But
it's for everybody's own good, okay. And so it saved your life.
Did it have a marker or somethingfor colon cancer that you found? No?
I ended up having cancer. Oh, and you found out because of
the test. Yes, Oh mygosh, I'm so glad that. I

was so lucky I found it atthat time. Wow. They had to
have surgery, and luckily enough Ididn't have to go through chemo and all
that. Oh that's great, that'sgreat. Do you have a history of
that cancer in your family? Yeah? Oh okay, So it was very
important that you got that test.I'm so glad you got tested. I'm

so glad you're okay now and youhave recovered. I'm gonna I did have
to keep getting on testing like forprobably forever, right, yeah, well
yearly, yearly, yeah yeah,yearly. All right, Well, I'm
glad you last test here it wasit got down there every two years.

Okay, good, nice progress,Rachel. I'm gonna give you a pair
of tickets as well to I prevailin hailstorm at Tinley Park. What's that
say? What now? Death fer? No, I don't have deaf lepperd
tickets right now. I have deafflipper tickets after eight o'clock. If you
don't want these tickets, I'll givethem to somebody else. Rachel, Oh,

you can give them someone else,Okay. If you know what I
have never heard. I don't listento them. That's fine, what I
love it. I am old rocktoo, and I I am New rock
too. But I appreciate you beinghonest so that somebody that actually wants to
go can enjoy the tickets. ButI will have tickets for Deaf Leppard after
eight o'clock. Thank you for thecall, Rachel. All right, all

right, talking to you later.You're so cute, all right, so
now call her eleven eight four fourninety five fifty. You got the tickets
that Rachel didn't want. Hailstorm andI prevail at Tinley Call now. Some
puddles on the road today rain eightytwo. Today, Good morning Road is
Anngie Taylor's show. Listen. Iwant to talk to you dudes. I

know you guys are what up?You guys are lying? You know,
manly men, bruh, you're men. But sometimes I know you guys love
a chick flick. There's like onechick flick that every dude loves. There's
a lot of good ones out there, right, and from my past research,
I have found that the doublewaars Pradais one of the ones that guys

typically like it's a good movie.Yeah, it's a great movie. Yeah.
And the deublwaars Prada is now gettinga sequel. I know. I'm
so yeah, I'm so excited.It's almost so. It came out in
two thousand and six, so that'salmost twenty years eighteen yeah, almost twenty
yeah, eighteen years. So,but we don't know. I mean,

if Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt andAnne Hathaway are not in it, what
is a point Meryl's back and it'snot confirmed in Emily, Well, you
can't do it without Anne Hathaway.Yeah, sorry, but I know a
lot of dudes love that movie.I want to talk about the the chick
flick movies that guys like Maris MeanGirls. You like Mean Girls? Girls

is great? Love Me and Girls. So many one liners and just hilarious
every time. All right, prisontattoo? What was yours again? She's
the Man Amanda Bynes? Oh,Amanda Bynes, Poor Amanda Bynes. Yes,
She's the Man from Amanda Bynes.Okay, what is your favorite chick
flick? Guys? Now it's okay, nobody's questioning that you're not like,

you're a badass man. You geton the Harley and like rock and roll,
But every dude has a chick flickthat they like. You can admit
it. Eight four four ninety fivefifty Somebody that calls is going to get
tickets to Harley Homecoming, which isvery manly, very manly, very madly.
All right, you love your chickflick? Yeah? Eight four four

ninety five fifty two. What isyour chick flick? We're going to take
your calls now. It's rocking.Look at park. Good morning. Listen,
dudes. I know you're manly men, right, beers and tits in
my right. That's cool. Butevery I feel like every guy has a
secret chick flick that they really love. I was looking down the list.

There's a lot of great ones outthere there are, and the devil Worst
Product is getting a sequel. That'swhat brought this whole discussion up today.
Love that movie. Can we gofirst to Larry from McHenry because I am
dying. I want to know everyguy's secret favorite chick flick. Larry from
McHenry, Good morning, good morning, Good morning, Larry. What's your

deal? Magnolias, Oh my god, shield sad oh God. And then
Jul blowing up the birds, DarylHannah with her little glasses. Oh yeah,
I forgot about yes Steel Magnolias.You guys, if you want to

ball your tits off and you wantto see one of the best chick flicks
ever, Steal Mangolia's is the one. Larry, I love you. I
just had to go to you firstbecause I was like, I saw what
you said. I've never seen thisone. Oh, you have to see
it, Maris love you. Hangon the line, Larry, hang on
because somebody's gonna get tickets to theHarley homecoming. Let's go to Dan from

Oaklawn. Hi, Dan, Hey, how are you good morning? Doing
great? All right? Dan?I know you're a man man. But
there is a chick flick that youlove. Yeah? Which chick flick do
you love? Luis Clueless? Greatone. Yeah. I didn't even know

there's a chick flick until some guyfriends of mine back in the day started
making fun of me for watching it. But I mean, at least it's
so stone Is classics. She wasso hot back in the day, and
especially those Aerosmith's videos she did.Hell yes, hell yes. That's when
Stacy Dash was normal too. Thatwas good back then she was so hot
back then, but then she wentcrazy. Dan. I love that one.

Clueless is great. Everybody hanging theline, Thank you for the call.
Let's go to Martin from Island Lake. Hi, Martin, Good morning
Tuesday. Happy Taco Tuesday, Tuesday. Marris loves taco, Martin, Martin,
what is your favorite chick flick?I want to remember, Martin?

Why are you trying to make uscry? Yes, Mandy right in the
field, and you just don't knowwhat to do with this. It really
does Mandy. Oh, that's agood one, Martin. Hang on the
line. Let's go to Wayne fromMatt's and Hey, Wayne, good morning,
good morning. What's your chick flick? Oh? Hell, yes,

iconic, the best. There's acolonial woman on the wing, churning butter.
What a kind of name is stove? My name is Steve, ma'am.
Wayne. That is one of thebest. I love it so much.
Christen Wig is a genius. Ilove it. That whole lineup was

amazing. You feel that steam heatcoming from Undercarris. Hang on, Wayne.
Let's go to Nick from Michigan City. Hey, Nick, Hey guys,
Hey love you Nick. What's yourchick flick? The all time when
we returned to Me with David D. Coobley and Minnie Driver Chicago Favor Jim,

Jim Belushi and Bonnie Hump. Oh, Jim and Bonnie, you don't
have the lump. But at theend of the movie here, I've never
seen that movie. It's Oh,it's gonna make me cro awesome movie.
Oh, I got to watch that. I love that, I said,
Jim and Bonnie like they're my friends. Of course we all did. I
actually did a drink some champagne withBonnie Hunt on the Millennium New Year's Eve

in Veil, Colorado, of allthings. She was at at at M
and I had a bottle of champagnein my hand, of course, and
I'm like, Bonnie, you aresome She's like yeah. She was also
Nick Hag on the line, let'sgo to Kevin from Chicago. Kevin,
what's your chickleke alr? My favoritechick flick is bring it on? Hell?

Yes, are you a clover ora Toro? Because I'm a clover.
I'm for sure a toro. Stealingour dance the best, the best,

Kevin Hay on the line, Ilove it, oh, stealing our
stealing our dance moves, Kevin.Let's go to Richard from Griffith. Hi,
Richard, Hey, good morning guys, Good morning. What's your chick?
Click? Well, it's gotta bepretty woman, Julia Robert. I
mean it's amazing Mile, the smile, the legs. Let me tell you
something, though, Richard, thatdoesn't happen to us hookers. We don't

ever like find that that night issighting armor. It doesn't happen fictional movie
is I don't know if you afterI agree, hang on the line.
Can we go back to Larry fromMcHenry Larry, Larry, Larry. I
got you the tickets to the Harleyhomecoming? Larry, do you have Harley?

I do? Oh? Hell yeah, man, you and the you're
gonna get on that hole I wantedto go. I'm gonna take my kid.
Oh I learn. Oh he's gonnago. He's gonna go. That's
awesome. That is so awesome.You're gonna get on that steel horse,
you and that kid. Yes,Harley Davidson Homecoming twenty twenty four, that
is July twenty sixth and twenty seven. It's gonna be so great in Milliewalk.

A nice ride on the bike,Red Hot Chili Peppers, Offspring,
Jelly Roll, Cypress Hill. It'sgonna be awesome. You're so welcome,
Larry, We love you for listening. Thank you all you guys, all
you sensitive sweet guys that love alittle chick flick. I love it,
Larry, hanging the line prison tattoowill get you hooked up at your tickets.
Have a great time, and thankyou for all the calls. Rock

ninety five to five, Good morning, Roadie's how you feeling? Auntie Taylor's
show? All right, everywhere youwork usually has some kind of cafeteria that's
attached. Let's say you were,because we're talking about the NFL's cafeterias.
Okay, but let's let's talk aboutours here at work. What would you
what rating like grade A, B, CD, e F. What would

you give our cafeteria? We gota solid B A B yeah yeh see
yeah, I mean it's all likecheetos. I mean it's chips, soda,
water, some fruit tea. We'renot highly trained, fine tuned athletes

like the NFL players are, thoughI wish. But they did a whole
The Pro Football did a whole surveyof all the players in the NFL and
asked them to grade their cafeterias.Now, listen, NFL players, you
get to finally tuned athletes. Yougotta have good nutrition and you should probably
have like chefs in there, likemaking new food or whatever all the way.

Yeah, okay, So who wouldyou think has the worst? Arizona
Cardinals. Arizona Cardinals are twenty eightout of thirty two. I've heard they
have terrible fits. They got aG they gotta d the absolute worst.
The Cincinnati Bengals. Oh, theygot an F minus. Can you even

issue an F minus? I feellike I would have gotten one of those
in history or something. The lowestscore went to the Bengals F minus.
There were multiple microwaves for Cincinnati playersto reheat food that they brought from home.
That is there like nutrition. TheGatoray coolers doubled as fridges in the
cafeteria where players would store their lunchbags. Just went to a Super Bowl.

Yeah, please treat them better.The best Miami Dolphins. I got
an A okay, the Eagles gotan A. San Francisco forty nine ers
A minus, Houston Texans, thenLas Vegas Raiders. The bottom of the
list. Arizona Cardinals, LA Rams, New Orleans Saints, LA Chargers,

Bengals, We're some Chicago's somewhere inthe middle. I'm kind of upset that
so far is so bad as faras well, I guess it's not the
stadium, it's their actual practice facilitiesso as separate. Oh yeah, I
didn't even think about that. Sothis would be if we're talking about the
Bears, it would be their practicefacility. Okay, are any Hellas Hall

people listening. What's the food likein there? Do you have a chef?
They should have chefs. You shouldhave a nutritionist and a chef.
Yes, based on whatever your goalsare for the season or getting through the
preseason, it should all be there. These are elite athletes. I'm sure
they have dietary restrictions and you know, but if they're stopping all you know,

nothing against McDonald's or any fast food, but if they're stopping off to
get fast food on their way topractice, like, what is that doing?
Is always saying to hear like,oh so and soul is out of
weight when you're talking about the preseason, I'm like, how Yeah, I
mean I get that they're like eatingat home too, but come on.
What are they eating over there atHollas Hall. I don't know. Maybe

we should get the nutrition up andit might help our game. What are
the eating at United Center? Whatare they eating at STS Park? Do
we have nutrition? They need something? You know what they need those Jack
Daniel flowis is what they need todeal with this. Caesar Oh Chicago Sports

Rip, Demart de Rosen, allof it. It's rock in ninety five
five Rock ninety five five. Hey, Hey, thank you for listening eighty
two Today, Ryanie, I talkabout gen Zers a lot because I'm tired
of being bullied by gen z Erslike they bully us. Yeah, I
don't know how high my socks areright now. You know. I read

a thing the other day that genZer said that if you wear eyeshadow,
you're old. Like what, Yes, it's fully judging us, Yes,
constant judgment. I'm sick of it. I'm tired of being bullied by gen
Zers. They're bullies. But theoldest gen Zers are in their late twenties
now, and they're having some realizationwe all have eventually, maybe the decisions

you make in your youth aren't sogreat. Gen Zers are starting to hit
the tattoo regret stage of their life. It's been trending on TikTok as we're
getting closer to wedding season, whichis crazy because if you're getting married,
Let's say you're a woman getting married. Yeah, like I was when I

was thirty five. I got marriedat thirty five. However, I had
a tattoo on the back of myshoulder that was tweetybird nice, and I
had it removed because I am notwalking down the aisle in this beautiful,
expensive dress with a huge bird onmy back. I gotn't own that.
No, I was not owning that. A lot of brides are venting about

how they'll consider their tattoos. Youknow that maybe they don't make sense anymore.
Do you have a tattoo that youregret? You have a whole sleeve
there of Wait, you have awhole sleeve marass of teenage mutant ninja turtles?
Yes, and what else? Sometribal stuff. Get some tribal stuff
on my other arm. You don'tregret anything. See that's good. Yeah,

did you get tattoos young? Myfirst one was at eighteen Okay,
that eighteen one is usually the oneyou regret that was my tweety bird was
eighteen. That was the one Ilove the most. Prison tattoo has a
tattoo that he regrets that you know, somebody else gave you. It's a
very prison with a needle and thething back in the day. But that's
why your prison tattoo. You can'tget rid of that tattoo. But hey,

if you have a tattoo that youregret, tell us what it is.
Eight four four ninety five fifty onthe text, text us what that
tattoo is. Speaking of texts,we want all your texts right now.
Whatever is going on with you,Any questions you have for the show,
any comments, any smoke, willtake it all. Eight four four nine
ninety five fifty. Send us yourtext We will read them next. Let's

take some calls from a request line. Lots of texts today. Thank you
Rhodes. Let's go through these texts. Send him anytime. Eight four four
ninety five fifty. We read themevery day at this time. Angry Bob.
First text in the morning, Goodmorning Angie and Marris. Thank you
for the great cake. It wasDio. Rainbow in the dark. You're
welcome, bye welcome. Seven towaightGood morning you guys. I just wanted

to give you a big shout out. I'd listen to you guys every morning.
Love your show, Love you guys. Thank you. Seven to eight.
Then we go into the text aboutmy stupid cholesterol and Statin's I'm on
Now and Call of Guard seventh seventhree said Angie. Look into songs number
seven for detoxing. Thank me inabout three months. Uh, I don't

like the word detoxing. I justfeel like I don't I wouldn't be able
to abide by that, Like there'sso many other things in my life that
I can't detox. Bob the Hedrodyof Elmhurst. Coliguard is easy. Hardest
part is having to smell your owndoochie. What a new high. Oh.
By the way, Bob the headroady of Elmhurst. Happy birthday to

Bob's wife Janet today well, happybirthday, turning sixty. Happy birthday,
Jennet six, She's a sweetheart.Seven away, Good morning, Angie and
Marris. Angie, I just acoliguard hit this past weekend. It's very
well executed and easy. Every stepof the process is well done. You
need to pay attention to the instructions. The box is part of it.

Worst part is standing in line atups with a very clearly labeled box to
ship your poop back. Oh,you should be. There is an option
of scheduling a pickup, which Iwill be doing. Six one four.
The kit comes with a toilet seatinsert and container that sits on there that

catches the pooh. You add thesolution and seal it up. Oh,
I have to do. I haveto do mixed. I have to do
chemistry. You thought you were justgonna go in the toilet cube. I
put it in the mystery. Ihave to mix some sort of solution.
Do you want this to work properly? I guess it's better than the option,
all right. Then we went intochick flicks that does love because they're

doing a spinoff of The Devil WorstProduct, which I love. Five one
two. That's Austin, Texas favoritechick flick La La Land that I haven't
either. I don't like. Uhno, who don't you like on that
movie? It's not the who,it's the theme. It's yeah, I
don't like all that okay nonsense.Theatrical too much theater six to three to

Oh, Hanji and crew. Mysituationship said his favorite chick flick is burlesque.
Interesting, but I think it's becauseof the spice that adds to our
bedroom. Thanks Mom and Dad forall those dance lessons growing up. A
go well Christina Aguilera dancing six toThroe to Oh. Anytime my wife and
I see crazy rich Asians on,We're gonna stop and watch it, mostly

because of Aquafina. Love Aquafina.It's hilarious. I didn't know that was
a chick flick. It kind ofis like it. I feel like anything
that revolves around weddings immediately gets quantifiedas a chick flick. That makes sense
because you guys just think that allwe want to do is get married or
something. Is that not true?No, it is not. Ka Angry

Bob again, Good morning, AuntieMerrets. The former men calling excitedly about
their favorite chick flicks need to takethe pot pourri out of their panty drawer
and watch all of the mad Maxmovies over and over again until they feel
their testicles grow back. Ha ha, Angry Bob, You didn't. Angryob

R. Two nine another great moviefor guys, It's a chick flick is
vision Quest, Vision Quest. Idon't remember that one was that eighties?
Was that about bicycleing bicyclists? Idon't know. Seven to seven three,
Good morning, Auntie merrits HP prisontattoo. My all time favorite chick flick
has to be Mean Girls. Ican quote that whole movie in so many

good one liners. She doesn't evengo here. Yes, that's Damien and
I am Janice. People were talkingabout their tattoos two one nine. My
daughter was talking about getting a mushroomtattoo removed yesterday because it's an eyesore.
My son had a scorpio tattoo symbolthat resembled the print symbol. He got
it covered. It's much better now. That mushroom definitely looks like a penis.

Now it has to. It hasto. What kind of mushroom is
that? There's very I haven't beenforaging in a hot minute, but I
know three eight six says at nineteenI paid a friend a quarter to do
a flaming vampire skull on my calf. We smoked the quarter during I wasn't

a quarter a week. I wasn'tpaying attention watching Ren and Stimpy, and
he gave it horns with no fangsand some very shaky line work. I
hate it. Oh no Mike fromJuliet Lack And the tattoo I have was
when I got when I was twenty. I'm forty eight now I got the

Rocky the squirrel from Rocky and pullWikle on my upper thigh staring at my
nuts drooling. Yeah, but it'sRocky staring at your balls. It's because
he's a squirrel getting squirrel nuts.Yes, you should have gotten Natasha.
Was that her name on the otherOh a baronov Oh Maris knows the government

names. Thank you for all theTEGs. I'm gonna tell you what's up
for your day next rock In ninetyfive to five, don job on your
Tuesday. Good morning Roadies. Whowants tickets to death Leopard and Journey and
Steve Miller Band and Hart and CheapTrick. Yes they're all playing Wrigley Field
on Monday. Your tickets if youkeep me alive and don't kill Anngie call

now eight four four nine five ninetyfive fifty. Don't kill Angie is to
choose your adventure game to hopefully getAngie safe to Friday, Bigger Fast,
but be careful, one wrong move, We'll kill Angie Kill and it's only
on rock. Oh, these aregood tickets. These are a good tickets.

Monday Night, Daft Leopard Journey,Steve Miller Band. Let me talk
to Chris from Chicago. Chris TobalHello, Hello, Hello, How are
you? I'm doing great? Now? You at work? What are you
doing? Y'all? Just flirting?I guess I'm sitting out of the road,

sitting on the side of the road. What do you What do you
do for work besides sitting on theside of the road, Chris, I
work. I'm in shouts of makingsure girl? Can we talk? Can
we talk? Hey? What youcan talk about this? What are you

filling these potholes with sand? Andwhere where's goya beans? What is in
the potholes? Yeah? I gotabout fifty seven places I need you to
check out real. Yes, Chris, please bring your ass over to Westown
today. Please? All right,Hey, Chris, you are going to

play Don't kill Angie? Ready togo? Yes, ma'am? All right,
sir, Let's take it away toour narrator, Berkeley's Hill and a
half shell representing out cast today.It's Morrish, Yes, Chris, and
welcome to don't kill Angie. Yes, today we learned that some of these

NFL facilities are really dropping the ballwhen it comes to feeding our athletes.
He said, drop the ball somuch. The Cincinnati Bengals are the worst
in the league for their cafeteria scoringon F grade F minus F minus.
That's even a great Oh my god, that's below the deck. Yes,

our Chicago Bears were somewhere in themiddle of the pack. But Angie believes
if she made meals for the Bearsthey might perform better this season. She
is now head chef for the ChicagoBears. Now, Chris, the question
for you is what nutritious meal shouldAngie cook for the Bears. Come on,

tater tot hot dish, it's good, or Goya beans and rice.
Oh that's good too, Yeah,the same stuff and put the potholes Chris,
Yeah, yeah, Well you seehow that's working for the potholes.
And now we're trying to get theseBears healthy. All right, go ahead,

you picked Goya beans and rice.Angie is excited to be the new
chef for the Bears and get themin the fighting shape for this season.
Do you like my lunch lady outfit? Check it out. All the boys
get in the child line after practiceand start sampling the delicious Coia means and

rice. It's all good until CalebWilliams starts joking and she realizes she used
a rat poison instead of salt onall of the meals. It looks the
same and vomity place. Angie runsout of the cafeteria, but oh no,

here comes Staley in a golf cart. Sally down, Down, Angie.
Chris. I'm so sorry, butyou killed Angie. Sorry, Chris,
so sorry. You know one timeI was making salmon and I thought
I was putting old Bay on it, but it was actually s'mores popcorn flavoring

seasoning and it wasn't good. Myhusband choked. Whatever, he doesn't play
for the Bear, so hey,you're still qualified, Chris for the grand
prize, which is the Incarceration ofMusic and Tattoo Festival. Okay, Chris,
what was that? Sounds like ascreaming goat, so you damn us

hell? Yes, it does.Just an update on this. I text
Jerry Azuma, from the Bear's formerBear, and said, hey, was
it really bad in that cafeteria?He goes, hey, boop. I
read all about that recently. WhenI was there in the early two thousands,
it was horrible. We didn't havea cafeteria. Now it's like a

fully stocked Michelin Star restaurant. Theyhave everything and anything whenever you want it.
All right, so we get thatgrading back up. But thank god,
I'm not the shop because Chris.But Chris, the good news is
you're going to deaf Leppers. Heckhell yeah, not only deaf Lepper,
deaf Leppard in the fourth row,Chris Fielder, what did you see a

pothole that you missed? Is thatwhat happened? Damn Yeah, deaf lepperd
Journey, Steve Miller band in thefourth row. Chris, Oh my god,
oh my god. All right,when you're done with the Goya beans
whole filling wherever you're sitting right now, you better come in my neighborhood.

Okay, okay, I'll see youlater. Chris. You have a great
day. Thank you so much.Thank you. Hang on the line,
Prinson tattoo will get you hooked up. Thank you for playing toco Ange execution
was an order, and now wepray for Angie Soul. Whatever's left of
Angie Soul. Ro it's rock ninetyfive to five. Happy Tuesday sucks manchons

it's gonna be a little rainy today. Eighty two. Thank you for listening.
A ninety five minutes commercial free iswhat you need on a Tuesday,
because Tuesdays suck, right, realblack Tuesdays have no feel. It's class,
it's going to rain. It's notMonday. It's not Monday. It's
a Tuesday. But we have allthe rock, NonStop rock that you need.
Next Rock ninety five to five.He's of a nation that's us gen

X, right right? Am?I right? No boomers millennial elders of
the nation. Oh oh, youjust call me an elder of the nation
because I'm gen X. You're rightbehind the boomers. Guess what we don't
care for gen X. I knowyou do. We don't really care what.

You don't know where you are halfthe tag. No, we know
where we're where we are. Wejust don't care about anything. Speaking of
not caring, oh ninety five minutescommercial free music is going on, right,
I care about that. We docare about that. This is very
on brand for Wisconsin. Shout outto our cousin Wisconsin. Like being assaulted
by a potato in Ohio or alobster role or did I say Ohio,

Idaho? Udaho? Being assaulted bya potato in Idaho? Or like a
lobsterole in Maine or something. Policeand o'claire, Wisconsin put out an APB
after somebody threw cheese at somebody else'scar because they were pissed. The victim
said it felt like someone was tryingto chase them down and that the parson

threw cheese at their car. Theo'claire police posted about it on Facebook and
called it the most Wisconsin complaint they'veever received. They called it no gouda,
It's unbelievable that somebody would do that. Throwing cheese is not your best
look. Oh my god, doyou have more? Someone called it a

Swiss demeanor. I Another said,what kind of monster would do so to
thing? Hits keep coming. Let'ssay you're in a road rage right now.
I mean, I know you're stuckin traffic. Bonnie Green said everything
is murder out there, like shealways does. Let's say you're stuck in
traffic. What is the most Chicagothing to throw at somebody out of your

car? Don't say a gun don'tthrow your gun at somebody. But what
are you gonna throw a full canof old Style? Oh? A canna
old style? What do you say? Prison? Hot dog? Leon Rodgers
from w GC I, what isthe most Chicago thing to throw at somebody?
Out the car? Another baby out? Don't maybe turn this car around.

Grandma out there to spot off tooin the winter, right, crying
ass, baby, shut up,don't make me talk. I'll call your
dad right now, my lord.Obviously some pizza, slice of deep dish.

Yeah, yo, yeah, itwould be. It would make them
that would beat on the windshield,on the windshield, be a good splatter.
I would say, like a hotdog, a Chicago style hot dog.
But I would never throw that outof my car. It's too delicious.
It's so delicious. That's not Guda. You know it's no good.

I'm sorry, it's unlivable. Proudof yourself right now? That's your look?
Sorry? Okay, hey, requestwords is next? Maris the two
time champ. That is unbelievable.That is not Gouda. That is not
my best look. You're wearing itout now. Yeah, it's it's thanks

over. Its course is gone.We'll battle it out next. It's now
time for Request Wars. Are yousure we should do that? Yes,
we're sure we should do that.Repair your best macked off because this is
gonna get real in about a second. On the Angie Taylor Show, Request

I love the cheese puns that arecoming in from the Wisconsin, like throwing
cheese by Yes, in Chicago,we throw hands because we are chedder than
the rest. That's from two toone nine. Somebody said you fed us,
stop Angie create six love you.Oh my god, cheese puns.

That's that's where we are. Yes, that's where we are. I'm going
to get their Radio Hall of Fameone day. Yes, you are from
stuff like that. Yes, okay. Today's Request Wars theme came from three
to one two. This is whereyou guys send us a theme music theme
whatever theme to eight four four ninetyfive fifty three one two sent us a

theme and then we battle out asong based on that theme. Three one
two. Really trying to get thosedeaf Lepper Journey tickets at Wrigley. I'll
keep trying, but you should doa Request Worse based on those two bands.
If you pick my theme, doI get the tickets? Ooh?
Three one two. It's a nicetry. It was a nice try though.
It was a nice try. Butwe'll take your theme. We'll take

your theme. Deaf Lepper. Journeytickets again tomorrow after eight with don't Kill
Angie? All right, Maris twotime champion right now? So I picked
Journey today, Wheel in the Skysometime where I've made tomorrow. I don't

know I'm supposed to be here,but you never know. I don't know
if you want Journey the skide Textthe letter A to eight four four ninety
five to fifty. I guess thatmeans you it with Jeff Leppard. Yes,
I did go with def Leppard.It is Arma getting it a really

get any Steve, get it allright? If you want Maris armageddet def
Leppard. Text the letter M toeight four four nine five ninety five fifty
three one two. That was avery great theme. And by the way,
the def Leppard and Journey tickets tomorrowduring Don't Kill Angie, third row,

third row row, Babe, it'sstill ninety five minutes commercial free and
Rocky the Rooster with one thousand dollarsfor you, Yes, you need one
thousand dollars. Who doesn't please theranch is two down fruit costs one hundred
dollars. Rocky the Rooster with yourkeyword is next Rock ninety five five.

It's Rock ninety five to five.What's up, Superman? Thank you for
listening. We love you, AuntieTaylor show Rock ninety five to five listen.
Uh? Is anybody counting these votesfor Request Wars? M m oh,
okay, yeah. Do we havea one side or the other?
Anybody doing better than the other person? It's I mean, it's looking pretty

good right now. It's pretty even. Okay. Yeah, So today in
a Request Wars, we always askfor themes. Are you trying toians?
What? Why would you say that? I just didn't know if anybody was
counting? Yeah? Why are youso scared? All right? Today in
Request Wars, the theme that camein from three to one two? Thank

you three one two? Texterter reallytrying to get those Deaf Leopard Journey tickets
at Wrigley. I'll keep trying,but you should do a Request Wars based
on those two bands. If youpick my theme, do I get the
tickets? No? Sorry? Loveyou three one two though that is a
solid try. But I have yourthird row Deaf Lepperd Journey tickets tomorrow morning

after eight and don't kill Angie.So we picked a deaf Leppard Journey song
each of us. Maris two timechampion deaf Leppard. Ahma, getting you
made me go just be ready,throwing just throwing balls, death Lepperds,

Armageddon. Are you getting Armaga?Are you getting there? Yeah? All?
Okay, arm again? Yes?If you want that, text a
letter M to eight four four ninefive ninety five fifty. I picked Journey
today, Wheel in the Sky.I'm I'm I'm some money. What are

you doing there? I'm bleeding?Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait,
picked up my arm what are youbleeding? Hold on? Okay? Yeah,
if you want Journey Wheel in theSky. Text the letter A to
eight four four nine fifty. Maristo answer your question, I have skin
picking disease. That's the thing.I don't know if about. This is

not a Sarah mac moment, butI'm a skin picker. So like I'll
scan my skin and see if there'sany bumpies, and if there is,
I'll scratch it really hard and thenI'll probably get a little scabby, and
then I pick that This is aOCD anxiety thing. Can I buy you

some mittens? Yes? Okay perfect? Can they be Gucci? So now
I'm glad you think I have Guccichannel money for mittens whatever somebody's grandmas wants.
Don't you give me those? KirkFlint Mintens is Metallica ninety five minutes
commercial Free get your boats into arequire soars. By the way, thank

you for listening. It's raw ntyfive five bitches, notty bye bye.
Okay, Yes, I'm having funtoday. We'll get I'm glad you're having
fun today. Yeah. I justwant you to date one of our co
workers. And I know if HRis listening, go away. I just
like you guys are so meant tobe. Yeah. Do you ever see

like two people? I'm talking toyou, Rody, do you ever see
like two people? Don't Rick rollme? Do you ever see two people
and you're like, I like,back up and you're just like, oh
my god, they should be togethergoing through the Wow, you're no,

and so do it is perfect.Rick rolled myself right into that Maris and
Mares needs to date his work wife, because you guys have been work spouses
for many years and it's they're Ijust found out she's single. All right,

thank you too. I don't haveenough sound effects to out right now.
No, no, I'll scream louder. Thank you for three one two.
Wow that wants see what louder you'rejust talking about. Don't talk to
me like that, talk to herlike that. I am trying to distract
you so we can move forward inthe show when you get low. Just

okay. Deaf Lepper Journey tickets atWrigley tomorrow. We have third row coming
up after eight am. And don'tkill Angie. Somebody said I want a
deaf Lepper Journey battle from three onetwo. Thank you, Thank you for
the text. Always send in yourthemes for request wars. Why are you
shaking your head, Maris? I'mjust ready to go. Okay, ready

to today, Maris, our twotime champion had def Leopard, Armageddine,
I had Journey Wheel in the sky. Do we have a winner? Thank
you and you for all your ramblingstoday, but we do have a winner
of the pekoy I could you knowI am an ordained minister. I'm ordained

too. What are we talking about? Well, I'm just saying cook you
guys up. You know you wouldhave such beautiful babies, oh little nerd,
turtles in the turtle water. Heis so mad, you got it.
He won't even look at me.Whatever wheel in the sky keeps turning,

Maris keeps Bournan. Come on,it's rock ninety five to five.
It is ninety five minutes commercial.Just one request wars. What's wrong?
I'm very happy, thank you forall the votes today. I'm just very
irritated with Maris. I know whatdid I do? Now, we'll talk
about it later. Let's go tothe head of all the road. Is
the secretary of the show, whichwill always share the tea with me.

Pour me a cup. Jay theGay, Hello, good morning to you,
my darling ding Dong, Good morning. I would always share with you.
I mean, who would not dothat? That's the rude ass people.
Yes, don't you breute him?Yes I did? He is me?
You are brute, damn you.Anyway, what are your notes today?

Listen if you're listing all the funtreats that you can find inside.
I heard kitchen, including things likechips, left over holiday candy, liquid
cheese, a six pack of beer, Goya beans, a half bottle of
Jack Daniels spilled tea, left overfood from the weekly low paid distraction party
and of course uncrushables. My AuntieNarish device told plan on how to save

Chicago sports. Now, apparently youare midchair in terms of food are and
if you could just get them onthis. I heard food plan because you
see how well adjusted all that's inthe studio A right, Yeah, we're
well adjusted. Yeah, we're verywell adjusted, super well adjusted. Tell

each other everything told h Jay improving? I see, I'm calling it,
Maria, hold on system. Idon't trust you because you wouldn't share the

team. Where's Maria? Maria?Okay, Maria, I have a question
for you. I'm sorry, Jay. The gay is on the line right
now, Maria, you're live,Maria. I'm very upset with Maris because
he said that you asked him aboutsome tea and I was like, oh,
what tea did she ask you about? And he won't tell me the

t so what was it? No, it's unbelievable because I don't even know
something. I am sick of yourlying at Dodge the clap. You are
liars, Maria, you are lyinglies. Assure you if don't call anything.
I have loyalty too. It isnot the truth. It is the

gossip, and if I had right, I want the gossip. What is
the gossip? He won't tell me, probably for this very reason, I
understand. I'm about okay. Sowe're off here. We are not off
of Jay's report, which we aremissing. You are okay? Will you

tell me? On the side.I wish that I worry nuts to crack,
but sadly I am. I'm hangingup goodbye, dong up like that.
Obviously this tea is about me yead. Anyway, Jay, Oh my
gosh, he worked so hard onnotes. I know he did. I

hung up on Maria. Also,this morning, Angie went to the doctor
who only had time to check twoof her eight hundred and sixty ailments.
But you know that's the start,I guess. Now. First off,
we looked at Angie's arteries, whichapparently had more wax in them than a
Yankee candle store. However, yeah, she's not going to stroke out on
the show anytime soon, which yesI am, Yes, I am,
which is good for Marys and myself. And we're still waiting to hear back

the only life insurance company that didn'thang ups when we said the name Angie
Taylor that was hard. The otherbig takeaway is Angie had the poop in
a box so they can count theirrings and see how many more days she
has left. Oh like a treethat's messed up? Like a tree?
What was Andie? Though? Yeah, I could tellue that picture. We
have that orange Sherbert from a fewyears ago. Remember when your daily poops
used to look like you had spenta day eating right ds at the girls.

Don't make fun of my bowel movements. I haven't been right since twenty
twenty. It's been a lot ofstress. And then there was a pandemic
in the show. Oh wait,hey wire, I don't know where can
we find And then you know,and people lie to you and say things
on your back and then nothing happened. Real quick call this bit? Are
we hold on answers? Do youwhat we are? A radio show?

Maria phone line? Maria, Hey, I hung up on you. I'm
sorry? Remember it happening? Yeah, but like, do you want to
like come clean now or no again? If I had goodbye? All right?
Wow see the gate Yeah notes AuntieTaylor show, if you want to

hear the podcast. I don't knowwhat the hell is going on? Anyone
of us do. Let's go.Yeah, what is it like some zzy
top or something. It's called aCDs the same thing Rock ninety five p
I'm so mad. Right now,it's time for the ten o'clock toast on
the Angie Taylor Show. Yeah,Angie's drinking a sure. Before we do

the toast, let me talk toJericho Northwest Indiana. Hi, Jered,
is this Chris Jericho? No?Oh damn, hang up on him.
I'm kidding, Jericho. Are youcalling to find out what the tea is
with Maris and Maria Palmer? Orwhat are you calling about? What is
happening this morning? Yes? Whatare you calling? Discussed in the group

chat. You don't need to worryabout that, is Jericho. I knew
it. All this stuff is goingon behind my bag. There is some
collusion. There's some kind of collusion, Jericho. I don't know what's happening.
What's your question? You cheating?Oh? My cheating? Hang up
on Jeriche has a question, hehas a valid question. I'm sorry to

know. Yes, what is yourvalid question? Sir? Lovely? You're
hassling Maria this morning? Reminded methat she gave me some tickets to the
Harley homecoming. Oh I haven't heardanything, you big surprise. Oh see,
that's probably what it is like.Maria' is like, oh, I'm
hoarding all the tickets from all ourlisteners. That's what it was, Jericho.

No, honestly, like if youyou won Harley homecoming tickets with Maria,
that lying ass liar, and youwill get your checkbody, No,
I'm not. You're gonna get anemail. You will get an email the
week of the Harley homecoming, whichis at the end of July. I
believe you have the copy in frontof you. Well, a fine,

Maress, I don't have it infront of me right now. So Jericho,
you will get a week of Julytwenty six, twenty seventh emails that
week. Okay, give it afew weeks in the apartment. It's not
a few, honey, that islike two. Two is a couple of
weeks? My bad? You isthree or more? I don't know what
day it is whatever, Like,Jericho, does this satisfy you? Yeah?

That works? But wasn't there supposedto be like a what what?
What the hell? Just bleed metry, Jericho, bleed me try.
Now there is a qualifying vi Pupgrade. But you'll find out about that
the same week. Okay, Oh, the same week. I give and

I give and I give joy Andthen Mario, you didn't hear what I
said. What you still don't haveany t after all this giving, you've
done none. I have no tea, I have no tits. I have

nothing. Jericho is your fault?Is you? Jericho? You gal?
Thank you, Jericho. You havea great day. You will get your
Harley homecoming tickets every I just wanteverybody to know here, Okay, So
my ten o'clock toast goes out toall our roadies who don't know about tickets.
Listen, if you win tickets.Let's say, for instance, we

started giving away Metallica tickets last yearfor the Metallica show that is two years
that's coming up in July. Wheneveryou win tickets for an event, they
come the week of the event.So damn Chris, Like, everybody,
don't call us every week and saywe're my tickets. Do I get my

tickets? No, it's like theweek of the show. Okay, just
letting you know, Jericho like that. I love Jericho, Jericho, you'r
bumba friend. Oh find out Ican have friends. I can have friends,
Jericho, Why can I have friends? Don't you worry about it?

Hey, they don't have to know. That's what dudes always say to me.
I'm married too. They don't haveto know, Jericho, Are you
married? Nope? See, theydon't have to know. All right,
love you, Jericho. You havea great day, by Jericho. You
guys, Please ask Maria palm Ourwife. She's such a liar. Later
today when she's on her show startsat seven. Correct, listen to her.

I guess if you want some lies? All right? Hey, Walt's
up next, always telling the truth, never has tea because he doesn't really
talk to anybody here. He isup next, rocking the Rooster up in
like eight minutes is rock ninety fiveto five
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