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July 15, 2024 • 59 mins
Well, that was certainly a weekend of things that happened. We could have probably spent the entire show dissecting all the insane things that happened but then how would you learn about the most embarrassing thing Marris once did on a date? For this morning's Daily Discussion Topic, Angi brought up how on "The Five" aka the Rock 95.5 podcast that brings together the 5 main personalities of Rock 95.5 to discuss music and deep dive songs. Last week's topic revolved around 2006 and Maria alerted Angi to a story about Marris that we somehow had never heard. Marris was 19 and macking on some rando when it seemed all was right to unleash his own gecko for a night of fun and so the pair returned to his apartment. Having good friends who wanted to see their bro succeed in conquest, everyone cleared out and left the two lovebirds to their own devices. However, Marris started talking about music and the talk turned to rock. CasaNOva decided to play a "sexy" song and turned on ... "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder. Oblivious to the fact that the song was about the guy cheating on his girlfriend, Marris only made things worse when he started singing the song to the girl. It should be noted we tried to force him to sing the song on air but he wouldn't because it may seem that he wised up to never do it again. While young Marris thought he was being romantic, he was actually just drunk and stupid and the whole scene did not go over well with her. As the chorus escaped his mouth and he started to realize the song was about cheating, he could see her sober up in real time and she simply got up and ran out of the apartment. Meanwhile, his friends across the hall were hooting and hollering over the whole ordeal and to be honest, it is kind of hilarious. Needless to say, his singing killed a sure thing and though he saw her a few more times, his friends never let him live the incident down. As for myself, I once was talking to a guy for a few months and finally invited him over. As you should know, I enjoy my alcohol and well, I ended up giving this guy alcohol poisoning the first night we hung out. We remained connected but yeah, that killed any chance of anything after that. So, we've talked about how we embarrassed ourselves on a date, let's turn to the Request Line and get some roadie submissions. Kelly was at a nice restaurant when she almost choked to death after getting a fish bone stuck in her throat. Tow Truck Ken went to put ketchup on his fries but since the cap was loose, it went flying everywhere after he shook it including on his eye and the entire booth. Matt threw up all over his date after having a bad appetizer. Jacob made a mixtape for one girl and gave it to another (but at least he married her.) Bonnie was on a high fiber diet and she accidentally farted while on the date. Lydia was trying to leave the club to hook up with a guy and ended up knocking over a waitress and had her entire drink tray spill all over them. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.
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Episode Transcript

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Oh my god, what a weekend? What a weekend? What a weekend?
Auntie Taylor Show. Good morning,Roadies, how you feeling, uh
feeling? Is your head spinning?Ours is? Good morning, Maris,
good morning, Good morning. Yes, crazy crazy weekend. We got assassination
attempts. We had celebrity deaths,we had tornado warnings in the city.

What the hell is going on?This whole world is going crazy? Not
even on my Beingo card. No, that's not on anybody's Bingo car.
There's no bingo happening. Thank youfor listening. I hope your weekend was
great. So today on the show, we got tickets to Sammy hag Our
Best of Both Worlds Tour. Wegot tickets to Collective Soul and Hoodie and
the Blowfish. Rocky the Rooster ishere after eight am. Your one thousand

dollars keyword first shot at one thousandbucks all day today, one thousand bucks.
You can text call it anytime eightfour four, nine to five to
five, ninety five point fifty getto be ninety five today and partly cloudy
heat end like one hundred and tenand chances of storms all day. Last
night was crazy. Did you haveany damage where you live. No,

no damage. That was south.It was just like loud thunderstorms coming through
big part of the tree, likefell right in our front yard. Oh
damn, it was crazy. Allright, let's get up, let's get
going. It is Monday. Let'skick you in the crotch. It's the
five Am Kicking the cronch on theAngie Taylor Show Rock ninety Oh yeah,

I thought this was an appropriate songfor today. Ride the Lightning. Yes,
it's Metallada and it's Rock Naughty fivefive lots of lightning, thunder winds.
Well, yesterday was crazy tornado warningsin the city with the hell Thank
you for listening. You have beenkicked. Yeah, right on the crotch.

Happy Monday morning. We're gonna tellyou what happened on this day.
Our look back in history is nextRock Naughty five to five, Oasis Rock
in ninety five to five. GoodMonday morning, Hot Roads. Let's tell
you what happened on this day.Today is July fifteenth, twenty twenty four.

On this day, July fifteenth,nineteen sixty six, Jason Bonham was
born. He is fifty eight today, son of Led Zeppelin's drummer John Bonham
John passed away in nineteen eighty,but Jason takes his dad's place on drums
when they're surviving members of led Zeppelinperform, and I believe he's in the
best of both worlds tour as wellis Sammy believe stand busy yes. On

this day. In nineteen ninety four, Whok Hogan admitted under oath in a
New York courtroom that he did morethan eat his vitamins and say his prayers
to get his twenty two inch pythons. Yeah. Brother. In other words,
Hogan admitted that he used steroids betweenthe years of nineteen seventy six and
nineteen eighty nine to quote get bigto no one's surprise. Not shocked at

all. But I didn't know,he admitted that under oath. I didn't
either. On this day in twothousand and six, April Labine married Some
forty one singer Derek Whibley. They'redivorced now. April also divorced very sexy
Chad Krueger of Nickelback. That oneended in twenty fifteen. That looks good,
though, I know, are thereany other Canadian rockers available for her?

M Well, Bieber's not a rocker, and he's also married Brian Adams.
Maybe it's a day's Florida man.Florida woman stabs sister with an EpiPen
after she didn't want to drink withher anymore that night and said, you
must be allergic to drunks. Theywere drinking all day. The sister said

I'm going to bed, and shegoes, WHOA, you must be allergic
to drunks and stabs her with theepipad. I don't think that works.
I mean, that's rude. That'sa real good way to have a reaction.
Well, she didn't want to drinkalone. That's what happened on this
day. Thanks for rocking with ustoday, all rock not the world.
Good morning Rod ninety five to five. Hello. You ever see stories about

thieves who were caught after returning toa place to rob it the second time?
Oh, the dumbest of dumb,The dumbest of dumb. Maybe they
think like, I don't know Igot away with it once I've figured out
I've cracked the code on how torob those places again. Yeah, or
even a third time. This womanhas them all beat. This twenty seven
year old woman in California named FlorenceMiller was arrested last Thursday, accused stealing

from the same TJ Max location upto thirty times, thirty over a span
of nine months. First of all, what's wrong with your security? But
maybe they caught her thirty times.How do they know it was thirty times?
Unless they caught her thirty times.The value of this stolen merchandise was
around six thousand dollars, included stufflike hambags and jeans. In most cases,

the anti theft wire locks were cutto remove the merch She's facing thirty
misdemeanor theft charges. More could beadded and this wasn't her first time.
During those nine months she was onprobation for theft. Don't know if it
was that same TJ Max or somethingelse what. So she just likes stealing,
She loves to see it. Seemslike she's getting a rush off of

this, so she keeps doing it. I feel like that's why a lot
of people do, because it's thrillingsomehow. Yeah, it is stealing.
There's better ways to find a rush. Or like old people that steal,
Oh yeah, just because they're boredor they feel like they deserve it.
Like I've been on this earth.I've been through hell. This is mine.
Now it is mine, It isnow mine. Thirty times that TJ
Max I fix your security. Igotta hope she was hitting different TJ max'es

same one, same one, thesame one. It's crazy. She knew
somebody at the door, probably youknow what, probably inside job. Yeah,
thank you for listening. We're goingto tell you what's up for your
day, news and info that youneed, and what a weekend it was
that is coming up in minutes.Rock naety five to fives, Rock ninety
five to five. Good morning,Angie Taylor's show is on. It's going

to be a hot one today,hot and humid ninety five heat an X
like one hundred and ten s traus. Thank you for listening. Let's tell
you what's up for your day.Angie will now fill your brain with the
right amount of craft for your day. Here's what's up, so listen.
Make a point of not being apolitical show, not going to be you

had never been a political rock show. That is never going to be us.
But I cannot do a little newssegment here without talking about the fact
that somebody tried to assassinate Donald Trumpduring a campaign rally Saturday in Pennsylvania.
Trump is fine after a bullet piercedthe top part of his right ear,
but one man was killed and twoothers were critically wounded. Trump said last

night he's rewritten his speech that he'sgiving to the Republican National Convention because he
considers this a chance to bring thewhole country together. As for the shooter,
here's what we know. His namewas Thmas Matthew Crooks. He was
twenty years old. He was killedby a Secret Service sniper. He was
a Republican, registered Republican and climbedthe roof of a building only about one

hundred and sixty four yards from whereTrump was speaking with an AR fifteen rifle.
Seems crazy. The law enforcement didn'tnotice him and didn't have that area
secured, especially around a rally.Exactly apparently, Yeah, obviously, the
Secret Service shot him. The manthat was killed in the shooting was a
true hero. He was a fiftyyear old firefighter named Corey Compretore. His

sister says he was killed shielding inhis family from gunfire. It is crazy
times. Oohoy, crazy times.I don't care what party you are or
what you believe. In that isnot the answer to anything, not at
all all right, So we hadthe assassination. Now we got tornado warnings
last night. That was nuts.Tornado warning was issued briefly for downtown Chicago

that rarely happens and other central areas. Last night, dangerous storms poured their
way through. There were no reportsof confirmed tornadoes touchdowns, but the rotations
of the storm was strong enough toissue the warning. But it was crazy
stormy and the wind and there's halfof a tree knocked over in my yard.

It was nuts. Yeah. Theywere showing the weather updates simulcast with
COPA Championship going on at the sametime as the weather updates. So yeah,
a lot of large trees went downin Lincoln Park. Yeah, it
was crazy. There. A treeof a diameter of aboup to sixteen inches
snapped and landed on the cars there. So it was crazy. So that
happened. The other thing over theweekend is celebrity deaths. You know,

they always come in threes, man, and so there were three. Richard
Simmons passed away on Saturday, whichwas a day after his seventy sixth birthday.
No word on the cause of hisdeath. My mom had all those
Richard Simmons workout tapes back in theday. Then Shannon Doherty Shannon Door lost
her battle with cancer on Saturday.She was only fifty three years old.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer intwenty fifteen, but then during a core
battle with her insurance company in twentytwenty, she revealed she was dying of
stage four breast cancer and passed onSaturday. And then doctor Ruth, sex
expert Doctor Ruth Westheimer died Friday.She was ninety six year old. A
year old years old when she died. Yeah, before her time as a

media icon. She was actually asniper for the Israeli military. Really,
yes, doctor doctor Ruth put thepiness into Va China? Dr Ruth,
how are the kids gonna learn aboutsex? Now? They're friends like everybody
else. I guess the friends misinformationthat you get. Oh my goodness,
Rest in peace to all the celebrities. What a wild weekend it was.
Indeed, whew, we made it. Everybody breathe, Happy Monday. Thanks

for being with us. That's what'sup for your day? Rock ninety five
to five, Rock ninety five fivemorning. I was out of town over
the weekend. I went to Minneapolisfor my grandmother's ninetieth. Happy Birthday,
Bubba, Happy birthday, Bubba.She's so cute. However, my daughter
got into some shenanigans with her cousins. Oh, cousin cousins, shenanigans the

best kind. Well, I lovecousins. Cousins. I always say,
are your first best friends in life. And you have those cousins and they
got her. I'll tell you whathappened. That's next, rock in ninety
five to five, Rock ninety fivefive, Happy Monday Morning. We made
it through the storms Margo Angie Taylor'sshow, Hello. I was in Minneapolis

this weekend for my grandmother's ninetieth birthday. The funniest part of that was her
ninetieth birthday dinner was at three pm. Oh if that's at the most ninety
year old thing ever. Really,I'm like three pm for a dinner,
okay, Grandma four? Well four, it was getting too late. But

my daughter was with us. She'snineteen, and you know, it was
very excited to see all her cousins. Because they all live in Minneapolis,
she doesn't get to hang out withthem as much. And I always say,
your cousins are your first best friends, and they tend to get you
in trouble sometimes, but it's funwhatever. So Saturday night, after this
dinner ended at seven pm, Iwasn't feeling great, so I went back

to the hotel. My daughter wasstaying with my mom because she doesn't get
to see her very much, soshe wants to hang out with grandma.
But I pick her up to goto the airport yesterday morning, and she
walks out looking like she had gonethrough war. I'm like, what did
you do last night? She's likeher yep, She's like I went out
with all the cousins. I'm like, where did you guys go? They

snuck her into a bar and likehow did they weren't carding people? And
she's like, oh, they were, but they had a back patio and
I just snuck in the back patioand nobody noticed. And I was like,
so did you drink? Cause shelooked hungover as hell. I'm like,
did you drink? She's like,I had some of those like hard
lemonades. I'm like so many?She's like I don't know, like three,

And I was like, damn.Couldn't even get mad though, because
the same bar that she got snuckinto with her cousins is a bar that
I snuck into when I was underageback in the day. Right here passage.
I wasn't even mad. I waslike, hey, it is a
rite of passage, you know.I'm like, you'll never forget that for
the rest of your life. Yeah, the first time you stuck into a

bar underage? How old were youwhen you stuck into a bar underage?
Do you think I was eighteen eighteen? I meant you had a fake It
wasn't even a sneak. They kindof let you in with a college id.
Oh wow. They were supposed tohave wristbands for under twenty one.
I could tell you about how manytimes I had wristband on. Oh okay

twice twice. Yeah, see theyI guess they really didn't care. So
then we get to the airport andshe's just like, do you have any
advil? I'm like, oh,you don't feel good. She's like not
really. I'm like, that's calleda hangover. Welcome to the world,
that's what you yet. But shehad fun, So it was very fun.
I mean that's the most important part, the bonding time with family,

bonding time with family. Grandmother wasso happy she turned ninety. God bless
her. She's gonna outlive all ofus. I swear to god. She
had a little tiara on that saidninety on its should as she should,
and you know, everybody stood upand made speeches. It was really beautiful.
And it's crazy to look around theroom where there's like fifty of our
relatives all sitting there and knowing thatnone of those people in that room would

exist without that one woman, right. You know, that's got to be
wild to be that old and lookaround the room and be like I made
all of this right, Oh no, I'm responsible for it all. She'd
be proud of what It was.Super cool. So happy birthday, Grandma,
Thanks for listening. Is Rock ninetyfive to five? Gen Z is
bullying us again for something? Canthey find something else to do? Nope,

they just love bullying us. Doyou use ellipses in your text?
You know, like the three dotsdot dot dom I do all the time.
Yeah, in my text and myemails. Apparently we're showing our age.
According to gen Z, those areboomer ellipses. Boomer ellipses, what
are we supposed to be doing inste I don't know. Apparently the boomer

ellipses habit stems from the early daysof SMS, when texts were charged per
message, so I guess in away to economize, we would cram multiple
thoughts into one text using ellipses.Gen zs who know nothing but unlimited messages
find this relic of the past bothamusing and perplexing. I don't know if

that's why I not do it.That is absolutely not how I use that.
Yeah, I use it as atrail off. Yes, like so,
like if you're in the middle ofa thought, but you want to
like actively dot that dot yes,yeah, something like that. Yeah,
but apparently that's another thing. Andthe socks are too damn short. We're
using too many emojis the wrong way. Shadowy shadow now boomer ellipses, here's

my thing with them, and like, have commentary, but also have some
life behind your commentary before you tryto come at people who have lived a
lot more than you have. Wehave lived and as a gen xer,
I don't care because we don't careabout anything. Thank you for listening.
I learned something about Maris oh Boythe other day when we were recording our

podcast. We do a podcast calledThe Five and it's everybody here on Rock
ninety five to five. All thepersonalities get together, we debate songs,
different songs from different eras, differentgenres. All that, and a song
that got picked during this the otherday blew my mind the story behind it,

and I can't believe I had neverheard this story about you before,
because it's hilarious. It's real dumb, it's hilarious. I'm real proud of
myself, and it has to dowith dating and embarrassing things you do on
a day. We're going to talkabout that next Rock. It's Rock ninety
five to five. It's Monday morning. Good morning, road Days, Angie
Taylor Show. Thanks for being withus every day in ninety five today,

heat index of one hundred and ten. Storms are still kind of looming.
We'll see what happens. Thank youfor listening. Hopefully not as bad as
last night. We all do thispodcast called the Five, Yes, Rock
ninety five to five. The fivewhere five of us, Me, Maris,
Walt, Walt Clinger, and Mariaof everybody on the station here,

we all lay do deep dives intorock songs, you know, like our
favorites and blah blah blah. Funlittle podcast, very fun. Last week,
the Deep Dive was on the eartwo thousand and six, Yes and
Maria picked the song Hinder Lips ofan Angel and told a story. Proceeded
to tell a story about Maris thatI had never heard before. You swear

I told you this before. I'mlightweight mad that you never told this story
on the air before. So let'stell the story about why this song is
significant to you. So a youngMayres, how old were you? I
was like nineteen, okay, eighteen, just coming back from a night of
drinking, was macking on this girlpretty hard, and it was actually going

well, to my surprise. Somy roommate and my guys were like,
hey man, we got you.Let's get back to the dorm. We're
gonna clear out, give you somespace. I'm like, wow, y'all
are super nice. So the entirenight me and said woman were talking about
music, and somehow rock came upand I was like, you know what,

let me show her how much rockI know. So you get her
back to your apartment, yes,and what did you do? I proceeded
to play this song from Hinder,thinking it was a sexy song, and
not really having listened to the words, I began to sing. She began
to sing lips of an angel,like, yes, let's hear it.

Oh you want to hear my singing? Yes? Oh wow, I want
to hear what you sang to her? Yeah, you know what, I
think We're going to save Chicago fromthat one. Okay, just because it
was so you thought this was reallyromantic. I thought it was romantic.
And while singing the first chorus,I realized that this song is about cheating.

And I feel like the light bulbwent off in her head at the
same time because I could see hersobering up. So let me get let
me get this picture straight in mymind. Yes, you take her into
your dorm. Is she sitting onthe bed, blake, We're sitting in
chairs around them, sitting in chairs. Then you put this on and you

start singing to her. Yes,were you drunk yet? And then what
did she what is what is thelook on her face? What is she
doing while you're sitting here serenading herto hinder? So there was a look
of fear is he stupid? Andthen it was actively I gotta go,
And there was no bye. Shejust got up and ran out of the

room. She just got up andleft. Yeah. So the guys are
sitting across the hall and they comein like what did you do? And
I'm like, I'm actively stupid.So you almost scored. You probably had
it, had it in the bag. If we lost it, if we
would have just went back and startedmaking out, it was in the bag.
But I was like, let's listento some music. I love that.

You thought you'd warm her up witha little serenade first, with Hinder
of all things, and then shegot up and left. Oh she ran.
She didn't just get up and leave, she ran. Did you ever
see this girl again? Oh?Yeah, a few times. We were
still friends afterwards, and like everybodywould clown me about it. Did she
ever bring it up? Like youknow I left? You're saying she never
brought it up, but the guysalways would on the side, so we

all know why she left. Ohyeah, because I'm an idiot. So
yes, Marie, it was.That's a move. Yeah, that was
it was. It was a bull, big fail. Don't sing, don't
say it. You go back tosome guy's house and he pulls out his
acoustic guitar. Hell no, especiallyif it's one of his original songs that

he wrote. And no, Sothere's a question for you. How did
you embarrass yourself on a date?Was it Maris level? Epic? Epic?
How did you embarrass yourself in adate? I feel like we've all
done it. Maybe you pooped yourpants. I don't know. Maybe you
got so drunk something happened. Maybeyou serenaded her eight four four ninety five
fifty. I want to hear it. I want to hear all about it.

We won't clown you, well maybea little bit. I've already clowned
myself, So let's go Chicago.You might clown you a little bit.
Somebody that calls will get tickets toCollective Soul and Moody and the Blowfish eight
four four ninety five fifty. Whatdid you do? How did you embarrass
yourself on a date? We're takingyour calls now, Hell, babe,
Hell, where we are right nowon the highway to Hell? What a

weekend? Thank you for being here, Auntie Taylor Show on Rock ninety five
to five. How did you embarrassyourself on a date? Did you do
something like Maris where she takes agirl back to his apartment and then serenades
her to the hinder song Lips ofan Angel. It's all about cheating.
If you didn't know the song isabout cheating, well that it's not the

theme of the song shouldn't matter.Don't serenade a girl back at your house
unless you're like Harry Styles or somebody. I don't want to hear you serenade
me. It's just weird. Let'sgo to Kelly for Montgomery. Hi,
Kelly, Hi, how are youdoing great? How did you embarrass yourself
on a date? So I wentto this really nice restaurant with the guy

and the date was going great,and then I almost shove to death on
a fishbone. Oh oh no,it was stuck in your throat and it
was stuck in my throat. Itwas Brandino, and he was like,
that's low key. Why I don'torder fish with bones in it. And

that's the last thing you need tohear when you're choking, Like, this
is why I don't order fish,Like, hey, help, did he
help it all? I mean,he tried to, But it was actually
the matre d that was moments awayfrom giving me the Heimlich maneuver before it
made its way out by itself.Oh my god, sing, did you
guys have another date after that?Or no? We did not. We

had a couple subsequent phone calls,but that was a rap. Oh Kelly,
I'm glad the bone came out.Thank you so much for the call.
I have a great day. Thankyou too. Thank you everybody hanging
line. Somebody's gonna get take usto Collective Soul and Hood. Let's go
to toe truck Can, Hi,tow truck can. Hey, guys,
happened Monday? Man? How'd youembarrass yourself on a date? All right,

so I'm out. We're having dinner. I got a steak burger or
hamburger, getting some ketchup for myfries. I grabbed the ketchup bottle to
shake it up, to mix thefluid and the ketchup back up, because
if it's sitting on the table,Wow, good restaurants, loosing the cat.
I shake this bottle. Oh no, the tighter booth that we were

sitting in, it covered and catchup glob a ketch up the size of
a golf ball hanging on my eyeball. Oh my god, I was mortified.
I bet did you date her again? Or no? Uh? Yeah,
we went out on another date.Okay, she was forgiving you,
but yeah, she thought it wasfunny. Everything I love it can hang

on the line. Let's go toMatt from Chicago. Hi, Matta,
Hi, what did you do?I threw up all over my date?
You threw up on her? Prettymuch? What happened? Were you drunk
or sick? What? No?We were like sit across from the table
having our appetizers and stuff. Aptizerscame ate it and they weren't sitting right

and just all over. Oh mygod, projectile did pretty much? Projectile,
did you get another day? Overthe table? All over? No?
No, no, that was awrap. Poor man, oh man,
hang on, Matt, oh,poor guy. Let's go to Jacob
from Elk Grove Village. Hi,Jacob, morning, everybody, good morning.

What'd you do? Well? It'sit's kind of it's an embarrassing but
the end of everything came out goodbecause, uh, I was gonna dedicate
this song to this girl, andI ended up giving it to the to
her one of her friends, andshe loved the song. And what do
you mean you're gonna wait a minute, what do you mean you're gonna dedicate
a song? How like where.Uh. Yeah, you know what I

back then, Like I'm talking aboutthe nineties, you know, I bring
the c D and uh and Irecorded the favorite song over and over and
over again, and I was gonnagive her the c D. Oh so
you made her a yeah, yeah, something like that, and I'm gonna
giving it to her friends. Youknow, she loved the song. We

talked, we fell in love,we got married with this. Oh wow,
Well that's not embarrassing. It seemslike it all worked out for you.
The thing is, when we endedup celebrating twenty five years, I
told her what happened. I endedup getting a little bit of upset and
I told her, look, we'vebeen to this with twenty Yeah, we

had four wonderful kids. That's great. Happy accident, Happy accident, Jacob,
hang on, hang on the line. Let's go to Bonnie from Chicago.
Hi, Bonnie, good morning,Good morning morning. Would you do
Bonnie? Well, I was ona date and we were cruising and I

had just started this high fiber dietand a part accidentally slipt out and I
was in I was telling a storyand I was at the park where I
say it wasn't my fault. AndI said it wasn't my fart. Oh
no, we died laughing. Atleast he died laughing. I think guys

think are funnier than we do.But it's still embarrassing. Boy, I
love it. Hang on the line. Let's go to Lydia from Hanover Park,
Lydia. Hi, good morning,good morning. What'd you do?
Well? We were at a club. This is I was very young at
this time, and we were ina club. I met somebody. We
kind of started making out. Iknew him in the past, but we

never could, you know, likehook up. And that day, for
some reason and our you know,in our mind, we were like,
okay, we're gonna get a hookedup and we're gonna have a good time.
We were trying to leave, andwe had a bunch of friends with
us, but you know, theykept like holding us back, and finally
we had a chance we broke.We were still making out, trying to

get to a door, and somehowwe knocked over a waitress and she had
everything on this trade so everything fellon top of the us. Oh no,
all different, kind of you wouldn'tbelieve it, you know, so
it kind of well, it wasn'treally your fault. It was both of
your faults, you know what Imean. Lady on my side, Hey,

things happened. She should have known, she should have gotten out of
the way of the makeout couple.Hang on, Lydia, Can we go
back to toe truck? Can?All I can think about is your big
glob of ketchup on your eyeball?Can poor guy, We're gonna send you
to see Collective Soul and Hoody andthe Blowfish. Okay, I'm right,

that sounds great. Yes, it'llbe great. August ninth, Credit Union
one Amphitheater. Have a great time. Hang on the line, okay,
yeah, rock on you and watchout for those ketchup bottles those roads.
Yes, always check the cap always. I've done that before too. I
start shaking something and don't realize thatthe cap is loose, and then it's
all over the place in all thetime is a m sure, and I'm

outside before I realized what I've done. Yep, it happens. Anybody else
that wants to go by the wayto Collective So and Whody? Tickets on
sale ticketmaster dot com. Thank youfor the calls. Rock ninety five to
five Green Day Rock ninety five tofive. Just a reminder of that after
eight am. Your first keyword forone thousand dollars Rocky the rooster dropping on
you. Okay, so be here. You want a thousand bucks? Of

course, I'm won a thousand dollarstoo. Yeah, me too. I
can't let me ask. What isthe crappiest household chore in your opinion?
Oh, folding laundry. I agree, laundry. I can't stand doing laundry,
and I'll do it. I'll foldit, but then I don't put
it away, like it'll sit inthe basket folded. The bed in my

spare bedroom is holding my clothes rightnow. What do you mean? Like
I am taking them out of thedryer and it's going directly on that best
you don't fold them first, becausethen you get all the wrinkles. I
mean, i'd rather iron not me. I'll fold them, but full lazy
state. I am hate doing laundryso bad. And the age of social

media accent tricks, it's easier thanever to learn you've been doing something wrong,
which is great. In a newpoll, forty percent of adults say
they witness their parents making mistakes whilecleaning and doing other chores around the house,
and they try to correct them.People what cleaning tasks they've been told
they're doing wrong. The number oneanswer was folding laundry, because nobody can
fold that damn fitted sheet anyway.It's not meant to be folded treated.

What do you do with it?You just roll it up in a ball.
Yeah, I've tried so many timesto learn how to fold my fitted
sheet, and I just whatever.It always looks like crap. Some chores
that people have been told they're doingwrong, folding laundry is number one.
Correct. Mopping and sweeping. Idon't know how you could do that wrong.
Maybe you just I don't know,doing laundry in general. Loading the

dishwasher, well, there's overloading adishwasher, Well there's overloading. But I
don't like when people load the utensiltray wrong. How are you supposed to
load? The knives go pointy downso that you don't, you know,
stab your hand if you reach down, so then pointy clutter of the knife

goes down. So forks and spoonsgo up because to save to save room,
because the forks and knives or theforks and spoons are so wide that
it takes up too much room ifyou put them face down, So you
got to put them face up.So I'll put like my cutting and steak
knives face down with the butter knivesthis face up. If I cut myself

on a butter knife on, well, that one doesn't really matter because it's
not sharp right, and they're bothskinny, so it doesn't really matter.
But yes, the pointy ones putface down. Gardening and yard work people
apparently screw that up a lot.Mowing the lawn. How do you screw
that up if you don't get thelines right, if you're like missing patches.
My grandfather used to get on meso hard about mowing the lawn because

it had to be perfect. Oh, of course, the lines had to
be so perfect. And that's likevacuuming too. The lines have to be
perfect. Cleaning the toilet, cleaningfurniture, and dusting. How do you
do dusting wrong? I don't understand. Un actual're just pushing the bunnies around
and not actually getting them up.It seems pretty straightforward to me, it
really does. I don't know.Go clean your house Rock ninety five to

five. It's Rock ninety five tofive. Hey, i'd be Monday,
good morning. Do you follow theTSA on Instagram? I should. They're
amazing. They they have a lotof fun they do, and they always
post these crazy pictures of things thatthey find in people's luggage and give us
reminders of things that we're not supposedto take. Yesterday, we got stopped
at the airport because my daughter forsome reason brought all full sized things like

full sized tuesthpaste, full sized likeshampoof. I'm like, what are you
doing? They took it, likehalf of her stuff. But more than
thirty two million people passed through TSAlike over the Fourth of July holiday in
the past few weeks, and alot of them had to leave behind their
banned items. Despite all this andthe warnings, they often the agents have

to take things like liquids and evensmall weapons a lot of times banned things.
Some of the most unusual items TSAis talking about that travelers tried to
carry through security already this year achainsaw all doing yes, when we give
you chainsaws on chainsaw Friday. Iknow you want to show them off to

your uncle when you go to visithim, but you can't take it.
Don't take it through the airport.No chainsaws. Somebody literally tried to put
a kitchen sinks through TSA. Idon't know how. Samurai sword, that's
okay. A bag of snakes,Oh, the sneaky snakes. Why hold
bag of snakes. It seems likeyour pet that you want to bring on

a trip with you. No,it's not a pet, it's a bag
of snakes. Snakes, fireworks,that's no go. Yeah, an electric
sander, a replica hand grenade that'sstupid, replica deer antlers, throwing knives,
and a taser. I got stoppedone time at TSA. I didn't

know I had it on me.I just didn't know it was in my
luggage. But I had a lighter, but it was shaped like a gun
and when you pull the trigger,it like lit the flame. Yeah,
that's problematic. You have a weapon. I'm like, it's not it's a
lighter. I didn't know it wasthere, and they're like, well,
we have to take it. Iwas like, oh, my bad,
my bad. Yeah, don't tryto take a chainsaw or a kitchen sink

or put your grandma in a suitcase. That's not going to work. Where
did you pack the kitchen sink thatyou thought that was going to get through
TSG. I don't know. Ihave no idea because it's probably it's not
on the banned list. But youshould just know, like not to take
a toilet or a kitchen sink orsomething. Hey, thank you for listening.
Get your tax in. Did youever get stopped at TSA for carrying
something on a plane or anything elseyou want to talk about? Ask about

questions, comments, thoughts. Didyou have any damage from the storm.
Did you just feel the earthquake?And did you know that de Kalb County
had an earthquake? I did notknow about that. At like three o'clock
in the morning, it was threepoint four on the Richter scale. Did
you feel the earthquake? Whatever youwant to talk about? Eight four four
nine ninety five fifty. We takeyour text every day, we read them
live on the air, and we'lldo that next. Let's take some calls

from the request line calling number one. Let's do it. Shall we thank
you for listening. Thank you forall the texts. Oh yeah, eight
four four ninety five fifty send themanytime? Eight four seven says, is
there anyway Fred John and Rob thewarehouse crew at Wagner and Son's Plumbing Supply

in Wheeling can get a shout outthis morning. Much appreciated. I shouted
you out. Shout out plumbers withyour cute little plumber butts. We love
you. Two one nine, Angie, that was a good recap of the
weekend. I hope you are well, Stay sane and safe. Always your
fan. Thank you. What aweekend it was. It was insane.

Oh my god. Two one nine, Mack Daddy Marris, what a dating
story if you missed it, youknow Maris sang hinder to a girl on
a date and she promptly left hisapartment right before it. Angel is not
a good song. Just don't serenade. Nobody wants to be serenaded. That's
awkward. What are we supposed todo? I know that now we're supposed

to sit there and look at youlike all lovingly like me. No.
Seven seven three says don't order fishon a date. Ever, Why should
go with asparagus over fish? No, you shouldn't go with asparagus. I'm
saying, don't ever order asparagus.You shouldn't never ordering fish. You shouldn't
order asparagus either. Makes your loadsmell. Oh yeah, terrible crew fan

We were talking about TSA. Crewfan says I never got stopped by TSA,
even flew with an ounce of weedfrom Cali back to Chicago. Look
at you, krew fan? Wayto go to A nine. I went
fishing in Mexico and brought the tunameat we caught as a carry on on
our plane. After I wrapped itin ice, TSA didn't say anything,
just asked what it was. I'msurprised you got through with that. This
must have been a real small amount. Man uh eight one five said.

I flew through Midway to South Carolina, spent a few days there. Then
on the way back through Spartanburg Airport, TSA, they found a pocket knife
in my carry on backpack and itwas a knife from work. So I
went through Midway TSA and flew therewith a knife in the backpack. Oh,
it's probably not good way to go. Let's see to Lou Headrody of

Maris's mutants, random question. Afterchildbirth do women become more or less sensitive
down there? I'm just highly curious, if you know what I mean,
Lou, you got kids on theway, hmmm, or maybe somebody just
had one and he's trying to getwith it. That depends. That really
depends. I don't. Everybody's bodyis different. Some people are more sensitive,

some people are less sensitive. Itdepends on what kind of childbirth you
had. I have no idea,lou. Why don't you ask the person
that you're trying to smash that's howthey're feeling down there there? It is.
I don't know another one. Let'ssee two one nine Swampy and sassy
on this Monday morning and I'm onmy way to work at Chili's and Dire

Indiana. You guys mentioned Chili's onFriday, and I missed what was said.
Please fill me in. It's Karina, by the way, Oh Karina.
The Beastie Boys are suing Chili's becauseapparently Chili's used sabotage or one of
those songs in all their advertising.Yeah for not like commercial, but like

they're online advertising, so that's notgood. But those baby back ribs are
slap. They slap delicious, sogood. Thank you for all the text
today. I'm gonna tell you what'sup for your day in minutes Rock ninety
five to five leaka Park on Rockonety five to five Happy Monday, Angie

Taylor Show. Thank you for listening. Who wants to play Don't Kill Angie?
Hoo? You you should call andplay if you keep me alive today,
I got tickets for you, SammyHagar with lover Boy the Best of
All Worlds Tour Credit Union one Amphitheater. Call now to play Keep Me Alive
eight four four ninety five fifty Don'tKill Angie is to choose your adventure game

to hopefully get Angie safely to Friday. Pick or fast, but be careful.
One wrong move we'll kill Angie.Killie. And it's only on Rock
ninety five. I survived this weekend. If we all survived this weekend,
Seriously, we should be able tosurvive anything. Let me talk to Steve

from Indiana High Steve, Good morning, Angie Merra, good morning. What
you're doing a construction work in thishorribly hot and humid egg man, it's
gonna be gross today. Did youbring the baby powder for them nuts or
what you do? Yeah? Igot a little. There you go,

there you go. You gotta haveit, you damn right, So listen,
you're gonna play Don't Kill Angie ifyou keep me alive today, you'll
have tickets to Sammy Hagar Best ofAll World Tour. That would be awesome,
amazing. All right, let's doit. Let's take it to our

narrator, Berkeley's you in a halfshell? Are you wearing a Powerpuff Girls
shirt today? Hell? Yes?Yes? Did they make Powerpuff porn?
I bet they did it on theinternet? Yeah, I bet they do
it. All right, take itaway, Mara, Yes, Steve,

and welcome to Don't Kill Angie.This morning, we learned that TSA has
a lot of people try to getchainsaws through the airport security. We know
you love your chainsaws, but youcan't take them on the plane. One
guy tried to take a bag ofsnakes through security. The snakes. Angie
wants to test TSA on her flightthis weekend and see what she can get

away with. Now, the questionfor you, Steve, is what should
Angie try to smuggle through TSA?A bag of tarantula's or a bag of
squirrels? Yeah, well, thetransos might go easier on the old tail
Wawley for smuggling purposes. Let's gowith the tarantula. Tarantula, Yes,

oh no, tarantula is a finechoice, indeed, a fine choice.
Indeed, I'm scared. Nobody likespiders fighters. Angie thinks she's slick,
but her bag immediately gets pulled byTSA. TSA pulls the big bag of
tarantula's out. O. Sorry,oh ma'am, you can't bring this on

the plane. I'm sorry about that. Angie apologizes, and they pull her
over for further inspection. Man,and all of the sudden, the drug
sniffing dog comes out of nowhere startsattacking out. Hey, I don't have
any drugs on me right now.The dog doesn't care. He thinks he
smells suss and rips her apart.Oh god, oh Steve, I'm so

sorry, but you you absolutely killedAngie today. Didn't even have drugs on
me, I mean maybe yeah,came out, No, no, sasquatch.
Where'd you hear that? No?I couldn't hear who came out?
And the dogs a dog, thedrug sniffing dogs. Yeah, I didn't

even have any drugs on me.And maybe they smell that I was high
last night. I don't know.They're really good, those dogs. Hey,
you are still qualified for our grandprize, though, so thank you
so much, Steve. We loveyou. Oh that's the screaming for you.
Yes them, how Gray was thescreaming muchacho? I love that unbelievable.

Steve, You're going You're going toSammy Hagar Lover Boys is gonna be
there too. The Best of AllWorlds Tour Credit Union One Ampitheater, Saturday,
August third. You have the besttime ever. Okay, I appreciate
it. Yeah, it's gonna becool. Joe Satriani on guitar, Jason
Bonham on the drums, is gonnabe awesome, have a blast. We
love you, Steve, Thank you. Yes, hang on the line.

Prison tattoo will get you all hookedup. Anybody else that wants to go.
Tickets are on sale right now Livenation dot com. Thank you for
playing Zode kill and Joe the wrongchoice, and you see we are all
suffering now Rock Betty five to fiveAngie Taylor Show, Good morning. I

just got a text from six tothroe Oo that says good morning. Do
you guys know any inside info onthe Death Lepper concert tonight regarding the weather.
Do you know if they would reschedule? Thank you, Well, we
don't have inside info on that.I do know that it's not supposed to
the chance of storms is supposed tobe really late tonight, Like, yeah,

it's going to be moving into theevening, but after the concert and
the show would go on if itwas raining, as long as there's not
lightning. You know, they usuallycancel for like lightning. Right, I
would say, stay in tune withthe Cubs and Death Leopard on social Did
you say death death? I thoughtyou said death. No, no,

no, no, They're not goingto cancel. They're not going to cancel.
The show is going to go becauseby the time it starts, it's
still going to be sunny out.So don't worry about it. I wouldn't
worry about it. I mean,if they cancel, it'll be toward the
end, and I doubt that willhappen. It doesn't look like storms until
late hopefully not storms like last night. My guard fingers crossed. Oh,
I have half a tree sitting inmy front yard right now, to old

ass tree. It's almost like youneed a chainsaw. It is, Oh
my god, that's a great idea. Somebody give me a chainsaw. Is
there any in the closet prison tatAre there any in there yet? Maybe?
Did you steal them No, notyet, not yeah, okay,
steal me you want if you stealing? All right, ninety five minutes commercial
free rock. We do that everysingle day after this wild weekend. You

need some rock and roll, justnot stop rock. That is Next Rock
ninety five to five Ever last Rockninety five to five, Good Morning,
ninety five minutes commercial fore going down. We were talking earlier about how you
know, like gen Z bullies usall the time. They're the worst.
Now it's ellipsis in your text,like the dot dot dot when you're writing
text. Now they bully us forthat. That's a sign that we're old.

A recent Reddit thread is highlighting someof these old people that older adults
get teased about, usually in goodhumor. Some of the habits here are
some of the best examples of thingsthat older folks get teased for. Let
me know if you get teased byany of these things. The massive font
size on my phone. Somebody said, I'm not there yet. I'm not
there yet, but I'm not thereyet either, but it's close. It's

close. My old guy white newbalanced walking shoes. I don't have a
pair of those. No. Goingto the stores early in the day,
or going anywhere early for that matter. I love it. I know a
lot of ons you can just gothrough, do whatever you want to do.
If I have to make a targetrun and I happen to wake up
at six am on a Saturday,I'm like, I'm gonna be the first
one at target. Believe me.Double spaces after periods. I can't undo

that me either, because that's theway we learned how to type. That's
how we were trained. And likeeverybody's like, you're just trying to eat
up space. It's like, no, no, I learned. We learned
it that way in school. That'show you're supposed to type double space.
Yeah. At work, I've hadto learn to stop using media reference is
because they're all old and nobody getsthem. And she said, I remember

my grandmother saying the world leaves youbehind when you get old. Now I'm
living at media references like certain likeif I drop a reference to good Times
on prison tattoo, he's probably notgonna get it, Like old timey shows
or movies that the younger generations like, what are you talking about? One
guy said, I've gotten more sentimentala move to tears by happy things and

sad things. I have noticed thatme too. I'm just sitting here crying
in the middle of a Marvel moviefor no reason. What happened? I
could get a Cleanex commercial or likeone of those baby commercials, like a
Pamper's commercial where it's like sleep littlebaby, and I'm like, oh my
god, you should clean ex commercials, not from when you accidentally burned yourself.
No, I don't want to talkabout that. Okay, we're not

going to go onto. Somebody said, I get endless crap for driving like
a little old lady by my family, friends and colleagues. M that'll work.
Early dinners and early bedtimes. Loveearly bedtime now, I love early
dinner. I mean we get upat three o'clock in the morning. Oh
yeah, somebody said, checking theweather app multiple times for that. Well,

I'll save you from that. Ninetyfive today, it's now time for
Request Wars. Arm your torpedoes.Are you sure we should do that?
Yes, we're sure we should dothat. Prepare your best macoff because this
is gonna get real about a second. On the Angie Taylor Show, request
time to go to war today?Yes, this is Request Wars, where

you guys pick a theme, musicaltheme, and Maris and I will pick
a song and battle it out.You get to vote on which one you
want to hear on the radio.Today's theme came from seven to eight.
They said four request wars do songsyou believe are underappreciated. That's Ryan our
head, Roady of Love. Thankyou Ryan. Yes, let's do that,
shall we. Maris is the twotime champion, which means I will

go first. My song picked today, and I've picked this before for request
for was it hasn't won. Ibelieve it is underappreciated. Yellow Card Ocean
Avenue, Take me away, Justtake me really, this is no one's

serious. Take me away from here. I can't take it anymore. The
hell's happening, Yellow Card Ocean Avenue. If that's your peg, text the
letter A to eight four four fiftyMarris, what you got? Oh,
it was kind of not hard topick this one. It was kind of
not hard. Yeah, we talkedabout it earlier. Today I chose to

serenade a drunken woman. You knowyou didn't just pick this song today,
Yes, I did. Yes,my son Angel, Oh my god,
Marius was so close to the touchdownbrings a girl back to the dorm and

then starts singing this to her,and then she ran for the hills.
Who knew it was a song aboutcheating. I don't think that that was
the problem. You keep focusing onthe theme of the song. I don't
think that was a problem. Ithink it was that you started serenading some
girl, and that's very awkward.What are we supposed to do in that
situation, Maris? I mean shecould have sang along. She could have,

but she thought better of it andsaid, this guy's psycho, he's
gonna murder me. So she ranMaris hinder lips of an Angel. If
that's your song, pick today,text the letter M to eight four four
ninety five fifty, get the boatsin. Let's go rock ninety five to
five, Yeah, yeah, ninetyfive minutes commercial free rock happening. I'm

rock ninety five. We are inRequest Wars, though, asking for your
votes, begging for your votes,looking for your votes. Oh, absolutely,
thank you. It's very close rightnow. Our Request Wars theme today
came from area code seven oh eightsaying, for Request Wars, do songs
that you believe are underappreciated. That'sRyan the head roady of love. I
like that, so we are.Maris is a two time champion right now,

two time. My song today underappreciated, never wins, request wars.
Maybe today, I don't know.Yellow Card Ocean Avenue, the driving song
that's right forever, It's another planet. The violin says the tone for sure,

Yellow Card Ocean Avenue. If that'syour pick, it texts a letter
A to eight four four ninety fivefifty, or you can pick Maris's song
today. This is based on hisuh Little Date that went awry attempt failed
attempt to seduce a woman by serenadingher with hinder Lips of an Angel,

Summerson. It could work if youwere Harry Styles or some sort of Michael
Bublet or some sort of corny That'sthe only person I want serenading me hinder
Lips of an Angel. If that'syour pick, text the letter M to
eight four four ninety five fifty.Can't wait for your next day. Find

out what song you picked for thatone. Get your votes in Rock ninety
five to five, Harmonica, Ilove it? Do you love it?
Ma'am? Are you sure? Yeah? Rock ninety five to five, Good
Morning, ninety five minutes. Commercialfree is going on today. Songs that

are underappreciated. That was our themetoday. It came from Rob the Hedroadi
of Love, Harry Code seventy eight, Thank you or Not, Rob,
Ryan the Head Roady of Love.Thank you Ryan, very close. Songs
that are underappreciated. Maris, youare the two time champion. You had
the hinder song, Lips of anAngel. Yes, your favorite serenade song.
I had Yellow Card Ocean Avenue.Do we have a winner, Yes

we do. Thank you again forall the votes, but I am still
all a champion. Start singing.Let's go, honey. Why are you
calling me this time? Palmer saysaid lock my job. Thank you for

listening. Happy Monday. Let's goto the Head of all the Roadies,
shall we? No, we're notchucking yet. Now there it is head
of all the Roadies, the secretaryof the show, keeping all the notes.
Jay the Gay, good morning,Good morning you, my darling,

ding Dong, Good morning. Nowlisten, this morning we heard all about
the wild weekend, not talking aboutthe dead celebrities, assassination attempt or Cannado,
but Angie having supper at three pmon a Saturday because she's as old
as her grandmother. Okay, thatwas the old lady warm up, Yes,
my ninety year old grandmother. Theyhad dinner for her, a dinner.

I'm like, oh, a dinner. I can take a little nap,
you know. Nope, dinner wasat three pm because she's ninety.
It's adorable. After this ended Angie'sfaken illness so she could sneak back to
the hotel bar and surprise, surprise, like mother, like daughter, Angie's
kids snuck into a Minneapolis bar withher cousin. Well done, funny enough,

I could have been had Angie's pictureon the Wall of Fame for most
drinks and men consumed after she haddone the same thing she was her daughter's
age. It's the same bar.Isn't that weird? It's crazy? Yeah,
I should be shocked, and yetI'm not at all. I feel
like I know all about you andeverything you've done. Yes, I've got
all the notes. The goal asa parent is to make sure that your
child has a better life than youdid, And I don't know how this

is going to go. Seems tobe starting the same. What else do
you have? Well, also,it seems Angie was the only one doing
wild step at nineteen after we hearda story about Maris and the songs Lips
of an Angel. Now we're goinghis normal attempt at picking up girls by
asking and if they want to takea ride on his lightsaber and death stars
approach that getting one girl to givehim a green light involved him singing the

song from a band that now playstheir shows in Denny's parking lots, Damn
Damn or on rock because it's justone request. To say, the turning
of a song about some dude sittingon the toilet talking to a side piece
didn't go well. It would bethe understatement of a century because as soon
as the word slid out of hismouth, the girl ran out of the
house faster than Angie does when thescience switches from clothes to open at liquor

barn. Yeah, dam and goodfor her because that's scary. Yeah,
when guy starts singing to you intheir home and you're like just in there,
like what how do you get outof there as quickly as possible?
Well, there was there's no guitar. No, you didn't know the word.
I mean, it's terrible, itwas. It was bad all around.

Right, Where can we find yournotes every day. Jay. You
can talk my notes on Rock ninetyfive to five chi dot com and click
on the Angie Taylor tab. Won'tyou sing us out? Maris honey while
you call me this lady? Hellya, Let me get my lighter and
turn again. Thank you again,my cherson the next room sometimes of you.

Yeah, because this was so good. Thank you. Now I feel
serenaded. Oh you feel serenaded?Does it make you horny? Absolutely not.
I just dried up, dried uplike mead. All right. If
you want to hear the show backanytime, anywhere, any place, please
check out the free iHeartRadio apps.Just search the Antie Taylor Show on the

podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. It is ninety five minutes commercial free
on Rock ninety five to five.It's time for the ten o'clock Toast on
the Anngie Taylor Show. Yeah,Angie's drinking at ten am. Joiner in
at toast the fellow show man today. Make sure it's something hard after that
weekend, after that weekend, pleasecheers. Today's ten o'clock toast goes out

to this mom of three, NicoleMitchell. She works as an adult model
in life coach in million, thatin itself is hilarious. So she has
an OnlyFans. Oh, she's nowworking as a sugar baby. That means
she gets paid to go on datesand she's earning between thirty thousand and one
hundred thousand dollars a month a month. How do I do this? That

is a huge change from her previouscareer as a pastor. So Miss Nichole
says she had a real sheltered upbringingand started making adult content as a means
of self expression. So the mostcontroversial part is that she talks about her
children and her content and even letssome of her daddies buy her gifts for

her kids, ages thirteen to nine. While she talks about her kids.
She also has a fiance that shekeeps private. This girl really figured out
life. And I don't know,like what sort of calculator life calculator advocates
that she has, But that's amazing. How do you go from a pastor
to a sugar baby making one hundredthousand a month? And why do I

do this job? So her fianceis cool with her sugar babying, That's
my question because I don't know ifhe knows that she's doing it. That's
my question as well, because itbut I mean, he how can he
not if she's bringing home one hundredk a month? Oh yeah, if
she's bringing bankroll in, I'm sittingat home taking care of the kids.

And she better get a prenat ifshe's keeping it from him so that she
can get, you know, keepall one hundred thousand a month. Like
if you're sugar babying, do youhave them get something for your fiance too,
along with your kids. Well,she doesn't tell them that she has
a fiance. Well he's got,he's got. She doesn't tell her clients,

but she's but her fiance has toknow because she quit her job as
a pastor, right, So whatis she doing? You can't just have
mystery money coming into the house andshe's gone it like every other night,
not taking care of them damn kids. But at least she's getting the papers
paid for. Yeah, good forher. Papers are expensive, formula,
all of it. It's crazy expensive. But yes, good for her,

Nicole Mitchell. See, she's gotit all figured out. And here we
are going to our damn jobs,clocking in, clocking out of the quarry
every day or wherever we're working.Thank you so much for listening. Is
Walt up next? Do we know? Or is he still on the Death
Star or something is on vacation.Walt's back, Oh my god, Walt
is back. It's about time.Did you miss him? I did?

I love me some Walter Walt isup next. Ninety five minutes, Commercial
Free still going, and Rocky theRooster coming up in about thirteen minutes.
Don't go anywhere your one thousand dollarskeyword is coming up rock ninety five to five
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