Episode Transcript
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Well, Happy Friday to you.I hope it's off to a good start
for you, and I hope it'sa great weekend for you as well.
Good afternoon, everybody, and welcometo the program here on Sports Radio AM
thirteen hundred The Zone and where youcan always always listen to us for absolutely
no charge whatsoever, always free onthe iHeartRadio app. My name is Craig
Wag. Glad to be with youand we bring you the program from Big
D today, Dallas, Texas.Tonight is Game four of the NBA Finals
series between the Dallas Mavericks and theBoston Celics. We know the situation.
Boston's up three games to none.They're one win away from winning the NBA
title and moving past the Lakers tohave the most NBA World Championships. The
Mavericks just trying to keep things alivenow and send the series back to Boston
for Game five. The average trailingthree games to none, Game number four
is tonight here in Dallas at theAmerican Airlines Center. So we brought the
program up to Big D this afternoonto not only talk about the NBA Finals,
the first game of the College WorldSeries is underweight in Omaha, Nebraska.
We'll keep you updated that. Obviously, second round of the US Open
is going on at Pinehurst, willkeep you updated on that as well.
Of course, the regular regularly scheduledproducer of this program as Cameron D.
Parker. The deed on the birthcertificate stands for Dallas, as in being
named the at least in middle namesake for his dad's favorite football team,
the Dallas Cowboys. Cameron's as well, at least through the twenty twenty three
season, and then of course hehas pledged not to watch them, but
to continue to follow them. We'llsee how all that works out. But
Cameron, like I said, regularlyscheduled, is not here. He is
at Pinehurst, or is in NorthCarolina. He's going to be at the
third round of the US Open tomorrowat Pinehurst, number two. I think
he's getting in a round of golftoday there in North Carolina. So Cameron's
back there in the old North State, so standing in and as always doing
a great job. The native ofnorthern California, but a four year resident
of this Greater Austin area out bydripping springs, none other than Cole Dixon.
How you doing, Cole? Bythe way, Cole, I know
you teach and work at Dripping Springs, but you live and drip as well.
Is that right? No, No, I live in Kyle, that's
right. Yeah, told me thatthat's right. You do. Okay,
all right, living Kyle, teachingdripping and don't work here. Incorrect Hayes
County community. I had down there, So okay, all right, so
good even though I can see union, can't see me. Good to hear
your voice. Everything going on,right? Oh, I'm going great.
Happy Friday. Yeah, it isthat. I always say this. I'm
glad you reminded me of this.I always say this every Friday. If
it is indeed what the traditional Fridaymeans to you in terms of your work
schedule or whatever schedule it might be. And Friday, in other words,
means the advent of the weekend.Good on you, good for you,
and hopefully your weekend gets off toa great start. There are others for
whom Friday is merely like a Wednesdayto the rest of us, or even
a Monday. And for those,hey, I feel you understand it,
and hopefully the rest of your weekgoes well. But hopefully Friday is good
for everybody. Today. The highwaysand byways not too bad in driving up
I thirty five here at least untilyou got into Dallas proper. You got
a little bit dice once we gotinto Dallas. But glad to be here
and happy to be bringing you theprogram. Also, as always, we
make our text line available to you. All you have to do is text
the word Texas follow by your questionor comment to eight one five three zero.
So just text the word Texas followby your question or comment to eight
one five three zero. Standard messagingand data rates may apply. Like I
said, there's ongoing live action rightnow. So if you're tuned into this
program, and I do appreciate that, we will try to keep you as
updated as possible. For example,Game one of the College World Series is
underway at Charles Schwab Field. TheSchwab there in Omaha, Nebraska, and
it's an all acc matchup at gamenumbe on North Carolina and Virgini India.
North Carolina the fourth seed, Virginiathe twelve seed, able to get there
by sweeping out Kansas State because kyState had in part eliminated the number five
seed Arkansas during Regional weekend. Arkansaslost in the winner's bracket game to Kansas
State and then was eliminated by SoutheastMissouri State on Sunday and then k State
and winning the regional by winning Sundayevening over Simo Southeast Missouri State. But
when they went to Charlottesville, Virginiaswept them, and so Virginia earning its
winning to the College World Series.North Carolina also an annual competitor for national
honors, and the game right nowis one one in the bottom of the
thirty in North Carolina. The designatedhome team is the higher seed for this
one. This is in what's calledBracket one of the College World Series,
and Bracket two will get her ina way tomorrow. There's one more game
in Bracket one tonight. The overallnumber one seed is Tennissee and this is
an SEC versus ACC matchup. It'llbe Tennessee against the eight seed Florida State.
So the seeds held to form inthose two regionals and super Regionals for
the number one overall seed the TennesseeVolunteers and the number eight seed the Florida
State Seminoles, So the seeding heldto form there and they will play tonight.
So the winner of this North CarolinaVirginia game will play the winner of
that Tennessee Florida State game on SundaySunday evening in the Winter's bracket elimination game
will be early Sunday afternoon between theloser of this Virginia North Carolina game and
the loser of tonight's matchup between Tennesseeand Florida State. Then Bracket two begins
play tomorrow the first day of thefirst game of that another SEC versus ACC
matchup the number two seed Kentucky againstthe ten seed North Carolina State. NC
State won the super Regional at numberseven seed Georgia on Monday in the decisive
third game, So it's the twoseed against the overall number two seed against
the overall number ten seed Kentucky againstNorth Carolina State, that is ACC versus
SEC versus ACC. And then anall SEC matchup tomorrow night between the number
three overall seed Texas A and Mand Florida, the only unseeded team to
make it DOMA. In fact,Omaha was probably not so much on the
minds of a lot of folks fromFlorida was picked for the field because they
were one of those last four endteams, but they got in. They
won the regional and stillwater over OklahomaState. Then went to Clemson and knocked
out the number six seed after beatingthe eleven seed Oklahoma State, they beat
the sixth seed Clemson to win thatsuper regional in Clemson. South Carolina.
So you have the three seed TexasA and M against the unseated Florida Gators.
Florida won two out of three againstthe ages issue when they played them
in the conference play. So youhave one all ACC going on right now
Virginia North Carolina. You have oneall SEC matchup tomorrow night, which is
the final game of the first roundof play, Texas hanging him against Florida.
And then you have two SEC versusACC matchups, the one tonight Tennessee
against Florida State, the one tolead off tomorrow Kentucky against NC State.
Now coming up in the four o'clockhour, Ty Herrington will join us and
one of our baseball contributors and Tywill be with us. We'll get his
thoughts on the because this first gamewill be in the book should be in
the books by then, between NorthCarolina and Virginia, and his thoughts on
the matchup tonight and the other twomatchups tomorrow, so we'll do that coming
up in the four o'clock hour.We do have Inconceivable certainly coming up a
little bit later on this hour.But the other live thing going on,
as we mentioned, is the USOpen second round of the US Open,
and there's a three way tie rightnow atop the leaderboard. Three way tie.
Patrick Cantlay, who yesterday shot afive under round of sixty five,
is even for his round through fourholes, so even for the day and
still five under par for the tournament. Ludvig Oldberg of Sweden, who shot
a four under sixty six yesterday,is one under through his round today,
so he is at five under andtied atop the leaderboard. And Matthew Pavon
of France, who yesterday shot athree and a round of sixty seven,
is two under through for his roundtoday through three holes, and so Pavon
is at minus five as well.So there's a three way tie atop the
leaderboard of the US Open. LudvigOldberg, Patrick Cantlay, Matthew Pavon.
All three of those guys share thelead at the US Open right now at
Pinehurst number two. So that's whereit is right now. Now. The
we probably are expecting this tournament tobe tightly contested all the way through,
simply because of the difficulty of thegolf course. That's why there's so many
guys really within five shots to thelead right now. One shot back at
minus four Thomas Detrie of Germany,who today shot at three and a round
of sixty seven ago with his oneunder sixty nine yesterday, he's in the
clubhouse and so you would say he'sactually the leader in the clubhouse at minus
four, along with Bryson de ShamboDeshambo who yesterday shot three under sixty seven
today shot one under sixty nine.That is the inverse of what Detri did.
So Detri and de Shambo both inthe clubhouse at four in depart that's
the clubhouse lead right now. Butas we mentioned, Oberg can't lay and
Pavon all at minus five. They'reall early in the rounds on the golf
course. Oberg and can't lay throughfour holes, Pavon through three holes of
his round. Also Rory mcclroy,this is notable. McClory was in a
tie for the lead after the firstround with Patrick Cantley, but he shot
two over seventy two today. Hisround is done. He's in the clubhouse,
but he shot at two of around to seventy two, so mcrory's
in the clubhouse but he's three underpar. And then Hideki Matsuyama shot a
sixty six today, four and around to go with his two over round,
so Matsuyama is at minus two.Tom Kim is at minus one.
He shot sixty eight today. XanderSchoffley, who won the PGA Championship,
is at one under par. Heshot sixty nine today after an even part
round of seventy yesterday, so he'shalfway through the open at minus one.
Tyrell Hatton shot one over seventy oneto go with yesterday's two under round of
sixty eight. He's in the clubhouseat one under par. Ak Sebatia also
shot a seven one today after asixty eight yesterday. He is in at
minus one. Sergio Garcia is stillone under par. He's still relatively early
in his round. He has onlygone through six holes after shooting sixty nine
yesterday. Tony Fenw through four holes, is one over for the day,
one under for the tournament. ZachBlair is at one under par through two
holes of his round. Neil Shipley, the amateur, is at minus one.
So all of those guys are theguys in the red numbers right now.
And then with regard to some otherfamiliar names that you might be wondering,
like Ricky Fowler shot two over seventytwo yesterday or one over seventy one
yesterday, and he's won over inhis first four holes today, so he's
at plus two for the golf tournamentright now. Jordan Speith yesterday shot two
over seventy two, shot one overseventy one today. Speith is in the
clubhouse. He'll make the cup,but he's three over par right now and
eight shots off the current lead.Martin Kaimer, who won at Pinehurst ten
years ago, is at three overpar for the championship. So there's and
Tiger Woods, who yesterday shot fourover seventy four is even for his round
today, but he's only through sixholes, so that's where it is right
now. We'll keep you updated onthe US Open leaderboard as well. Coming
up, we'll talk some NBA finalsand we'll get to some of your questions
as well. If you have thoseon the text line again, text the
word Texas follow by your question orcomment to eight one five three zero.
We'll be right back here on sportsRadio AM thirteen under the zone of the iHeartRadio