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June 5, 2024 9 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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He's a Texas legend, a Hallof Fame broadcaster, the voice of the
Texas Longhorns, and your host ofthe Craigway Show. Here he is now
Craig Way. Second hour of theprogram here on Sports Radio A in thirteen

hundred zone, Greg waye with CameronParker joining us from Oklahoma City, where
tonight you'll hear the completion of lastnight's rain interrupted game. Or is right?

Cameron Hale interrupted again? Hale wasfalling at the ballpark last night.
No, Oklahoma City, wasn't itjust for a few more moments and then
it just became a downpour of heavy, heavy rain. In fact, it
was. It was raining pretty hardon the top of the first and then
I think after that third out andit weather really changed. In the home

played umpire John Bacon decided, Yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're
gonna postpone this game, or we'regonna suspend the game. Of course,
they can't make an official determination untilthirty minutes after that suspension, So about
eight thirty one was when that seconddelay of the night came. And then
about nine o'clock was when we gotthe word that this game would be played

and resumed tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, uh so, uh so again to
run it down, you've the resumptionof play of last night's uh uh suspended
contest? Is this evening right?Seven o five six fifty pregame star time?
Same same as same as normal?Is that right? So that's incorrect?

Yeah? Okay, all right?And then there will be a double
header tomorrow at proximately what four thirtyI believe, right, first pitch,
seven innings. The second game willfollow the first game by about thirty minutes.

And yeah, we'll get back getback on schedule by Friday. Okay,
all right. Now I know thelayout out there, and I know
how far you had to walk fromyour hotel to the ballpark. Not that
far, but certainly you're not goingto walk that in a hailstorm. I
get that as well. So howlong did you wait at the ballpark before

you walk back to the hotel?About an hour? Okay, about an
hour. It was about nine o'clockwhen we got the fishal word and packed
up, took care of some things, and it went down into actually the
seats where most of the fans thatkind of stuck around because of how hard
it was raining and then once itstarted to you know, let up where
it was just a light drizzle.That's when I headed back to the hotel,

so about ten o'clock, about hourafter Okay, all right, so
you did not avail yourself of anylate night dining options I presented you with.
Did not, did not last night. Just got home, showered in
uh bed. Yeah. Pretty eventfulnight in Oklahoma City on Tuesday night.
Okay, it's probably the best wayto do it there. On the tax

line, somebody said, with theyouthfulness of this Texas softball team, it
seems to me that they are aheadof schedule. But I agree, this
team has offensive talent that they didn'thave during Kat's tenure at Texas. I
was telling a story about that whenI was doing the games in the early
two thousands, and Kat Osterman wasjust an amazing marvel to watch in the
circle with the way she could pitch, but they were really offensively challenged.

It was amazing. You made threereally good runs to the Women's College World
Series with Kat doing most of thedamage pitching, and they didn't have that
much offense, and ultimately it endedup bustinon in Oklahoma City that had won
nothing League. Going to the bottomof the seventh inning, Ucla, who
had the tremendous team, found away and there was an error and then

a little dink base hit and allthat, and they wound up scoring two
runs in the bottom of seventh andit was definitely Texas best team, the
three team and a chance to winthe whole thing. And I had just
gotten through calling that day. TheWomen's College World Series was backed up earlier
in the calendar in those days,and I had that afternoon called the Loghorns

Baseball Big twelve Championship walk off teninning win over Baylor. They won ten
to eight. And the other interestingfootnote on it, it was a two
run homer by Curtis Thickpen that wantedto walk off and Cameron, as you
look outside of you look right downthat left field line and you see that

opening that slab between the top ofthe outfield wall and the outfield bleachers.
You see that one just kind ofopen area there right Yeah, Okay,
that's where the right down the leftfield line, that's where thick pins Hommer
went. The interesting trivia node isthey won ten eight, they had a
runner on base. The trivia questionwas who was the runner on base for

Texas. The answer is Houston Streetwas a pinch runner. Houston also played
some third base on occasion, buthe was he was there as a pinch
runner and was on first base atthe time of that walkoff. Hummer Well,
when that game ended, Keith MorlandI zipped over to what is now
Devin Park. Back then it wasDon porter Asa Hall of Fame Stadium for

Texas Softball in the National Semifinals againstUCLA and they had that heartbreaking loss to
the Bruins in that contest. Butthis, obviously, this is definitely their
their best their best team since then. And you think about Texas and Oklahoma,

they've split four games. Texas wontwo of three at mccomb's during the
regular season and winning the outright regularseason title. Oklahoma won the one head
to head matchup there in the NationalChampionship or excuse me, in the Big
Twelve Tournament championship game. Sideally,Gulieris had ten strikeouts in that game.

No Oklahoma team that had won onegame where they had that many of their
own hitters strikeout in years. ButTexas portrayed itself with some arras they ended
up losing that game, So it'sgonna be interesting, and we're going to
hear from some of the some moreof the Texas players, and the four
o'clock hour we'll hear from Mike White, the head coach, will visit with

Andrew Haynes. We had two guyson from Oklahoma City today. You got
Cameron and we're going to have AndrewHaynes join us in the four o'clock hour
as well. Also in this threeo'clock hour. Coming up in this hour,
the three o'clock hour, Chuck Cooper'steam radio play by place of the
play by play voice of the DallasMavericks joins us. He'll give us some
Mavericks perspective and insight on these NBAfinals. Tomorrow on the show, Bill

Shooning will pop on with us.I mean he's called games against both of
these teams, and as the voiceof the spursa Bill will join us tomorrow
to talk about it. On Friday, Keith Morland will be on with us
to preview the NCAA Super Regionals.We ran down those super excuse me,
super regional matchups yesterday and there aresix teams seeded. Either they were either

A three seed in the region ora four seed. There's one four seed.
Evansville are the only number four seedto advance through the regionals to the
super Regionals. And then there's fivethree seeds that made it, including the
two Big twelve teams that are stillstanding, West Virginia and Kansas State.
So there are five three seeds andone four seed and that's the most three

and four seeds ever to advance toa super Regional. Somebody had tweeted out
said, can anybody answer the questionon whether when was the last time a
College World Series would not have thesefollowing blue bloods? And they listed a
whole bunch of They listed Texas,they listed LSU, they listed, you

know, several teams that were usedto seeing being an old Misssissippi State,
several other teams like that. Therewas a whole list of them. And
the answer is never. Never.It's never happened before where that particular group
of teams. Nobody out of thatgroup managed to make it to the College
World Series. So it's a differentyear. No doubt Arkansas was in that

listing for sure. So yeah,it's it's definitely a different, different kind
of year, all right, Comingup we're gonna hear from Texas softball players
and we'll have more on that.We've got some other Major League baseball topics
to get to. We'll get youupdate on the UIL State Baseball Tournament.
They got underway late today because ofthe rain that hit on the far north

side and down into Williamson County.I got a little rain at my house
in Georgetown this morning, and theyhad some rain at Dell Diamond, so
they were late getting started. Butthey're underway, and they moved one of
the two A semifinals from Dell Diamondthe UFCU just falk Field. So we'll
update you on all of that comingup when we continue here on Sports Radio
AM thirteen under the Zone in theiHeartRadio app.
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