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June 12, 2024 10 mins
Craig and Cam talk course conditions at Pinehurst No. 2 ahead of the U.S. Open
Mark as Played

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It's the Craigway Show with the voiceof the Texas Longhorns and Hall of Fame
broadcaster Craig Way. I don't knowdid you ever use the phrase yamo be
there. I have not said thephrase Yama there, Yama'll be there.

This is a yacht rock standard.When he told me this the song title,
I was like, what, y'amwill be there? Like, how
do you spell that? You eventhink about that for a second? Why
a H hyphen and then separate wordsbe there? Yamo be there? James

Ingram, Yeah, this is adefinitely a a yacht rock standard, in
fact that you should hear the chorushere, you know, I'd say,
so you understand it. I thinkthis is coming up right here. Yeah,
it should be right here, yamobe there. So this is when

you hadn't a yacht rock standard you'dnot heard. But I've not heard the
song before. Okay, yeah,but I love yacht rock. Yeah,
it's it's easy to like. Ithink the DJ played this at my wedding.
I think he did. We wereout. I think I was going
to get a crimberlet or something,and I think that Linda might have been

going over there with that might havebeen the moment when Linda was walking over
inner bride dress over with Aaron Hartiganfrom Vallet Sports Southwest, who was really
fetching to a lot of people becauseshe was wearing this lying green dress and
she's a tall woman anyway, andthey were walking over along with Ashley Pickle,

to do tequila shots. Yeah,and and the the bartender would not
serve them tequila shots that but beforeLinda walked up and she walked over and
it's so it's Linda, and it'sAaron Hartigan, and it's Ashley Pickle and
it's Ashley's now fiance and they wereall over there. So Linda walks over
because they said he won't give ustequila shots. So and we had an

open bar at the wedding. Thatwalks over, said yet, So she
walked over to the bartender and saidin her bride's dress and said I need
four tequila neat He said, youmean shots. She said, why the
only did one. There's just oneshot to do as a celebratory kind of
thing. But it made it madefor me. It's her wedding, absolutely,
and it made for good photography.So was that that might have been

when that song was playing at thatpoint. I don't remember exactly. Okay,
so you're leaving tomorrow for Pinehurst,and I found it interesting. There
was an article I was reading onthe USGA website entitled Pinehurst number two the
same but different. And what they'retalking about, you know, obviously when

it was there in twenty fourteen,that the golfers are finding more vegetation and
more potential trouble in the sandscapes thanthere was in twenty fourteen off of that
deal. Now you named all ofthose weird plants and grasses and things like
that that are very much indigenous tothe sand Hills region. As a golfer,

let me ask you, because Ilove golf. I play golf very
poorly. I do it one timea year, basically when I'm on vacation
the beach. I'm going to takemy clubs when I'm on the Carolina coast
coming up at Dennis end of themonth, and I'll play a few times,
and I'll play poorly, but Ido enjoy playing. But you play
regular what kinds of how does itaffect golfers like this with the sand Hills

and escaping with that kind of vegetationon the side other than what we know
to be the characteristic deep, thickUS Open rough. So I think when
you get to US Open courses andespecially major championship style courses, there's a
difference between tough courses in fun courses, and it's tough to fund that balance

of tough and fun. Right.There's some courses out there, like the
Memorial last week where they played nota major championship golf course, but it
is a good test. The otherDublin Dublin, Ohio. We had a
texta from Dublin, Georgia yesterday thatgolf does not look like fun because it's
high rough. If you miss thefairway fairway, you're kind of screwed.
And it seems like even Roy McRoytalked about how it isn't really more isn't

really a fun style golf, butit's tough, right, and that's what
you want to see at major championships. Pinehurst is tough, but yet it's
fun. The style of the golfcourse is fun and from those who have
played it. I have not playedit, but my dad's been there before.
I've had friends who have played itand they say, even after eighteen
holes at number two. The toughestcourse at Pinehurst. You might shoot ninety

five. When you finish eighteen,you want to go and play it again.
There's a lot of courses in theUS Open Rotato that you don't have
that. And this course it's funbecause you're going to see the greens,
the turtleback style greens with the runoffareas. You're going to see golfers putt
from the fringes. You're gonna seegolfers probably go from one bunker to the
next bunker. They have that thatMelbourne Australia type of course of course designed

by Donald Ross who did some greatwork down in Australia. And then you
have the wispy, whispy kind ofwaste areas inside the fairways. There's no
rough. If you miss the fairway, you're not going to be in ankle
high rough. No, you're goingto be in sand because it's the sand
hills. It's your flat there offit. But there's vegetation, it's just

not thick grass. And the funpart of it is that you don't know
your lie. You might be ableto get lucky and have a good lie.
You might be in a wire bushand you're screwed and Kevin Clark and
an ESPN writer, he was talkingabout this week where you know, I
think he played at the US OpenMedia Day a month ago and he missed
the fairway by a couple of yardsand end up in a wire brush,

wire bush. Excuse me, andhis caddie said to him, you're not
going to be able to advance thisball more than ten yards. But in
one month, neither were the bestoffers in the world. It's that type
of course true. By the way, when you say wire bush, you're
talking about what we up there calledpampas. Yeah, the pampas when you
hit it in there and it's justlike a big wire and it sticks something

like that. Yeah, I've gonein so many of those Pampas bushes.
I'm here to tell you right now, Cameron Parker, if I were allowed
to a play Pinehurst number two andb shoot a ninety five on it,
I would pay you ninety five dollarsif I could do it. A it's
hard to get on. It's notimpossible. You can stay at the resort
and you can do stuff like that. It's like you can play pebble Beach

if you want. Cost a lotof money, but you can do it.
There are very few, well,I won't say very few, but
there's a collection of world famous golfcourses in America that you cannot play unless
you're a member of special privilege.Olympic would be one of those. I
think, Riviera is one of those. Pine Valley is one of those,

I think, but a lot ofthe other ones. If you stay at
the resort or in a place thathas a membership or something like that,
you can get on and by nurseis one of those. You can do
that, but it's it's just difficultto do that. So but that's where
you think. First of all,Scottie Scheffler is fairways and greens anyway,

but when he does leave the fairwayoff the tea, you think that his
game is okay in being suited tothat type of terrain if you get off
the first cut. That's my question. Yeah, I think so. The
way this course will probably be setup this weekend and this week is that

if the landing areas on these greensyou'll see are very short, three to
five yards, so if you missyour shot will not be rewarded. There's
a lot of golf courses in thePGA Tour, where if you miss your
final, you'll be on the greenand maybe you'll have like a twenty footer
for Birdie. And you know,we see that a lot of courses.
And while we have such low courselow scores. The last Pinehurst, last

US opened the Pinehurst twenty fourteen,Martin Kimer went, I forget what he
was at. I think seven ornine under. Second place was one under
par. I believe only a handfulof golfers under par. So for those
who are gonna be missing the greens, it's gonna reward those with great around
the green type games. We seethat from Scottie scheff the right. He's
great around the greens. But alsoif you're able to be accurate with your

irons, with your wedges and hitthose landing spots, you're gonna be putting
for Birdie. It's a course thatis very scorable. There's a good chance
you might make double bogie on onehole. There's also a good chance,
if you play correctly, you couldbe putting for Bertie. We don't see
that lot on the PGA Tour.So I think for Scottie Scheffler, like
you are worried about missing the greensand stuff. But also he's the best

iron player in the world. Sothis course will reward the iron players who
are going to stick at the landingspots, but also if you missed the
green, and reward those who aregetting up and down. Okay, all
right, so there's a little bitof you might say topography for you.
With what you'd have to deal with, you kind of have to see it

yourself as you went there. Bythe way, I had a dream last
night, because I know you're stayingin Ashborough, which is my father's hometown
and where I used to play atmy grandparents' house as a kid. I
had a dream last night that youwent in search of my grandfather's store that
I talked about Way Grocery that wasthere for fifty five years. It doesn't
exist anymore. I would probably lookout for the brick building though, and

then gets to myce cream from YoungYoung's. Yeah, there you go there.
That's another twenty five minutes up theroad in Greensborough. But there's a
I can tell you some other placesin Nashburgh to dine. All right,
We'll be back to wrap up today'sprogram on Sports Radio AM thirteen under the
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