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Continue on sports Radio AM thirteen oundersign. We've had what several other folks pop
in. Let's listen to a fewof these. These are again, like
we said, you win a copyof Dave Campbell's Texas Football Magazine, all
you have to do is use thetalk back feature there and leave us a
message like these folks did. WhatI look forward to the most is the
high school coverage, district by district, seeing the newcomers and see you now
this year is going to play out? Yeah, damon, Greg, Southlake
Carol, one night living out inTucson now. Really enjoy getting the Texas
Football monthly. Just really like seeingwho's going to be on the cover and
then reading the future article about whoeverwinds up being on the cover that year.
Of course, keeping up with SouthLake Carol and how they're going to
do a year in and year outbeing this far away, and always keeping
up with my longhorns. Love theshow and love what you guys do.
Thanks for everything. I started buyingthe David Campbell's Football magazine in the mid
seventies when I was in middle school, and I remember looking at the pictures
of the football players back then,looking them looking so tough and strong,
and then of course Earl Campbell.I love looking at his stuff with the
Longhorns at the time. Then Ifound myself my name in print there and
couldn't believe how happy I was.Been buying it ever since. Hi,
this is Adam. I look forwardto the most Dave Campbells, the players
to watch, and then following thosekids throughout the year, hearing about them
on the news or on Texas HighSchool Show on Friday nights and local news
stations. So those are things Ilook forward to. Also look forward to
the predictions and then evaluating at theend of the year how close those predictions
were, how accurate they were.Yeah, there's uh so, there's some
I always like it when you hearfrom somebody who actually had their name in
the magazine as of uh. I'vetalked to some other people too, and
they said when they finally saw theirname listed in the magazine, if they
were a high school player, andit was like to say, if they
had their their picture in there,and or even if they were just listed
as players to watch, like whenone UH person on talkback said players to
watch and if if your name waslisted in the players to watch, you
know that you had achieved something thereif it was in the players to watch.
So that's that's how easy it is. That's uh, that's as simple
as it is. You just leaveus a message there and we're give we
have we have a couple more copieswere given away today. We were giving
away ten today and I know we'regetting pretty close to the number uh today,
but we'll give away more tomorrow andwe'll give away some on Friday as
well, uh, if you wantto do that. Now, speaking of
hearing from folks, Texas State,as we pointed out, is coming off
a land season for the Bobcats.I mean, they're most easily their most
successful season since the final four runas an FCS team in two thousand and
five under David Bailiff when they hadthe great run there to the FCS semifinal
round. Well, now, ofcourse they've been in FBS for a few
years and finally we're able to breakthrough and get to their first bowl game
and win it last year. Thenwhen eight and five a year ago,
and now Texas State is favored towin the West Division of the Sun Belt
Conference Championship. GJ Kinney is thesecond year head coach. He accomplished all
that in the first year, andhe garnered some wins over FBS programs like
Baylor and Rice and Nevada along theway, and he's trying to get his
program up and running where they're anannual contender there in the Sunbelt in cam
Is this from Sun Belt Conference mediadays that have been going on this week?
Is that what this is here?Thinks so with Kenny speaking at the
at the media days, because alsoyou know Big ten and acc are are
underway as well right now. Yeah, yeah, I saw a quote and
we'll hear from g. J.Kenny in just a moment here, but
I saw a quote. I wantto pull this up if I can.
There was a quote where yeah,here it is. Brett McMurphy tweeted this
out. Brad of course had beenwith ESPN, he's with the Action Network
now and he is at Big tenMedia Days. And I will admit to
you camp this morning when I wasslipping around, I was watching some of
the acc ACC kickoff event as theycall it their media days, and at
the time it did, they hada roundtable discussion going on. Mark Packard
and some of the other guys andthey're talking about Georgia, Tag and Syracuse
and some of those teams. Sothen I'll flip over the Big Ten Network
on Big Ten Media Days and there'sLincoln Riley in usc up on the podium
and I was like, gosh,get used to that, right. Well.
Brett McMurphy tweeted out that in thatsession. I didn't see this live
at the time, but apparently duringthat session he was talking about different things
like future scheduling. He said thereare challenges that he mentioned the scheduling model
in their nick sabe and he saidAlabama didn't schedule for their fans. They
scheduled to win championships. He saidit's possible teams may rest players in the
regular season if they've locked up aspot in the conference title game or in
the playoff. He said, you'regoing to be putting some interesting positions.
We're gonna have to make those decisions. But then he was asked for his
response to this. This is somethingjoke. Astig Leone said when he talked
about Oklahoma and the excitement that Oklahomahas for joining the SEC, and Castiglion's
quote was the Ou coaches that weren'texcited about joining the SEC aren't here anymore
interesting, So they asked men kinrally about that. His response, I'm
not getting into that next question.Oh that so here anyway, this is
GJ Kitty, uh speaking with histeam of course, expected to do very
well. I like to start outby giving my wife a shout out,
Summer. I know she's watching.We just you know, had our third
child, first little girl, andwe we induced early to make sure we
were here today. So I wouldnot be here if it wasn't for her
and that decision and a real coach'swife decision right there. So appreciate you.
Yeah. So the g J Kinny, who was part of that panel,
discussion ed with the other Division oneFBS coaches and we were talking about
how his level the G five level, and he brought it up when I
asked him about transfer portal versus scholarshipathletes from the high school realm offering scholarships
to high school kids versus those whotransfer in via the portal onto scholarship and
how you balance that to remain trueto your recruiting self and of the coaches
in the state of Texas. Andremember this is on a stage in front
of an estimated nine hundred coaches inthe room at the time. But I
think Sark made a good point whenhe was asked a similar question about it,
and he talked about He said,we owe it to the University of
Texas to put the best possible versionof ourselves to win a conference championship and
compete for national honors, to bethe best possible program we can be,
whether it's all Texas kids or beyondthe borders, which is what it usually
amounts. He said, I'd loveto be able to tell you that we
could build an entire national championship winningroster just on kids from the state of
Texas picking having our pick of allas he gets, but that's not the
reality of it, because certain kidswant to go to certain places, some
even want to leave the state ofTexas. And for a G five program
like Texas State, G five meangroup of five. Obviously, we used
to say that at Hushtowns. Groupof five. G five for sure makes
me think of Gatorade too, youknow. But G five programs like Texas
State or UTSA or Rice, youknow those those programs or Texas He said,
you really do have to strike thebalance when you have to win now
because we live in a win nowenvironment, and Stark acknowledged that as well.
But when GJ came in to hissituation in San Marcos, he knew
they had to fill some gaps immediately. Well, he was able to do
that by and large and do itsuccessfully. And so while they added more
through the portal, he still saidthey're going to rely primarily and should primarily
on the high school recruiting world,which of course is the right thing to
say when you're in a room fullof high school coaches from the state of
Texas. That's a big part ofit as well. All Right, we
have more coming up as we continuehere on this Wednesday afternoon on Sports Radio
AM thirteen under the Zone in theiHeartRadio app.