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March 4, 2024 34 mins
Dave and Josh Board talk about the 5 Best Film Stunts

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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And now iHeart Media presents the DaveRigords Podcast, The Dave Rids Podcast.
So we had a little late starttoday because you're in traffic. Yeah yeah,
And you said something to me thatI've got to take exception with.

This is how we're going to starttoday. Okay, you want to say
it to me again just now.Yeah. I said, whenever there's an
accident that holds me up and keepsme late somewhere, I just hope that
the person involved is dead. AndI know that's a horrible thing to say.
Yeah it happens, but that's notwhat you said the first time.
Before we start recording. You said, whenever there's something in traffic that slows

me up, I hope that that. And there's a bugaboo for me because
you slow down and you speed upand people say slow up. I'm just
it's weird when people get into thenuance of language. Because I have a
guy that I played racketball with fortwenty years, and his big pet peeve
is if somebody said I could careless, He's like, well, that

means you could care less. Icould not care less. That's right,
You're right to say. It's Icould not care less right, But I
think if you know what somebody means, who cares? Who cares unless you're
a nitpicker like me? Right,exactly exactly. Hey, listen, I
want to get your opinion on somecurrent events. This is something new we're
going to try here today. I'mgoing to run some events by it,

and I want to see what JoshBoard thinks about this. Okay, there's
a woman in Ireland who'd been ina car crash, not her fault,
and she got eight hundred thousand dollarsin settlement from her insurance company. Okay,
and this was a couple of yearsago. Well, lo and behold
she showed up in a newspaper ina competition and by the way, she

got eight hundred thousand dollars. Excuseme, because she gave Hang on a
second, I can't see you anymore. I'm right here because I tried to
turn my volume up and then Ipressed a button and now I don't see
Oh my god. You know Ionly gave Ruth sixty six one button.
It was a giant button, likea family feud button, like the size
of a dinner plate. That's allshe had to do. Eh, boy,

I'll tell you. I'm not touchinganything else now, I see you,
all right, Okay Ireland, Okay, I think Ireland. Yeah,
And she said that she wanted themoney. She was suing for the money
because her back or something was allmessed up and she could not do her
job anymore. So they said,okay, here you go, here's eight
hundred thousand dollars for your paint andsuffering. That's what insurance is for.

Well, a couple of years later, and this just happened recently, she
was seen in a tree throwing contest. I've never been to Ireland. I
don't know that this is what theydo, but there's a tree throwing contest
that they have, and there's apicture of this woman and she has a
I think it's a six foot Christmastree and she has heaved it many feet

above her head into the air.And the insurance company said, ah,
we take exception with this. Youknow, it's funny with a story like
that. There have been so manystories where people try to get one over
on the insurance company and the insurancecompany sends somebody out to follow them because

they go, they end up goingbullying. Well, you still haven't given
me your opinion on this. Whatdo you think? I mean, does
the woman does she lose her insurancesettlement or is she cool? Of course
she was saying she couldn't do herjob and then she's throwing you said,
a tree. I thought in Irelandit was those Highland games where they throw
like the telephone poles. They kindof I think they throw their wives too.

There's all kinds of thing. Well, you know, it reminds me
of a story many years ago onour radio show that we had in San
Diego. We were giving away ticketsto some lame ass show. I don't
know what it was, and wedid We did the simple thing. We
just said, hey, what wouldyou do to win these tickets? And
this guy called up and he said, I'll tell you what I'll do.
And this is a guy. Hesays, I will put on my wife's

neglige and her little fancy hitting heelsexy time slippers, and I will ride
my bike from ocean Side down toyour radio station, which was what do
you think it is from Ocean Sideto Mission Valley twenty five miles something like
that at least. And I'll dothat on the freeway through traffic. And

we thought, okay, let's let'sdo it. And sure enough this guy
showed up like a champ. Apparentlyhe was a great bike rider. Thing
once he was on a worker's compensationrelief program. Oh, because he had
injured his back, he had injuredhis bag. He did something like I
think. He was a mechanic whoinstalled air conditioning on big buildings, and

he was sued by the insurance companyand he won because he proved to a
judge that the muscles required for hisjob are different to install air conditioners are
not the same muscles required to ridea bicycle in a neglige with kidney heels
down the five Freeway to win ticketsto some lay mass show that I was

given away anyone. I seem torecall the second part of that story you
sharing on the air when it happened. If I recall, right, but
you know, I'll tell you astory similar to that that involves you.
I was writing bits for a radioshow and we had a program director briefly
before he got fired. He wasa nut, and he said I had
this great April fools prank ready togo, And he claimed the FCC had

just passed a rule that radio stationscan't do pranks because a radio station said
the Rolling Stones were doing a privateshow at a club, and a bunch
of people showed up to get ticketsbecause there was only a few hundred tickets
available, and a guy in amotorcycle crashed into a guy in a car
and he died. So the SECpassed a rule that if anybody gets hurt
because of a radio station prank,the radio station's liable. So we couldn't

do a prank that April Fools andKGB and you did a prank with the
shuttle landing at an airport that madefreaking national news. So you guys were
able to do that, well,our morning show could not do anything.
First of all, the Space Shuttlelanding made international news, not national news.
Anyone can make national news, myfriend, big deal, it's international

bab the way it goes. Yeah, we did, but let me tell
you something. We got in somuch trouble for that prank. The owner
chewed us south, the president ofthe company chewed us out, the general
manager chewed us out. It wasbad news, believe me. Yeah,
we paid for it, even thoughit was the best stunt we ever did.
Okay, next, thing I wantto ask you about. Did you
see recently there was a basketball game, girls basketball game, and one of

the teams had a transgender player.And this player was very large and outsized
and out muscled all the other girls. And there was a skirmish for the
ball, and the transgender player grabbedthis ball and the girl at the same
time and threw her on the floor. Did you see the vid this?

I didn't see the video, butI saw the story online and I read
it. It was something else.I'll tell you well. Chris Goodwin,
who is the coach of a girls'basketball team in Vermont, got together with
his players and he got together withthe administrators of the school and he said,
you know what, I coach bothsex as. I coach boys and

I coach girls, and it's adifferent game. And here's what we're going
to do. We're a girls teamand we're just not going to play any
teams that have transgender players. Sodo you know what Vermont did to this
school? Picked them out of everyathletic event. I think every other school
should boycott and forfeit and make themsay, oh, okay, now we're

not having any competitions, you know, because unless everybody boycott's, whether it's
a swimmer or whatever, this isjust going to keep happening. The great
comedian Dave Chappelle has a bit onthis. He says, so if Lebron
James decided he wanted to be awoman and joined the WNBA and scored ten

thousand points a night, which hewould, are you telling me that that's
okay? Men and women are notthe same, because if we were,
there'd be no need for the wNBA. You'd just be in the NBA.
Yeah. I think he finishes itwith or he could just shut the
fuck up, which is kind ofa kind of thing. So you know

that. Let me ask you aboutthis. Did you hear that the CEO
of Wendy's has announced surge pricing,but it's got to be lunchtime or dinner
time, certain things like I thinkthey gave the example of the chocolate Frosty
could go up in price because therewould be a sudden demand for their products.

I would pay twenty dollars for chocolateFrosty. I love those things.
What I find so amusing about surgepricing, I mean, I think there's
already companies that do that to somedegree like, don't airlines do it?
Like? Airlines do it? Oh? Does it? I mean, what
I think is funny about Wendy's makingthis proclamation is this The only time I
go to Wendy's is when I seethe drive through line in and out is

too big? Then I go,well, I see down the street there
nobody's at Wendy's, or I knownobody's going to be at Wendy's or RB's.
When when is the line at inand out not too long? Is
it not too long? It's ridiculousthat line. Well, the CEO of
Wendy's, now, after about tenseconds of thunderous backlashes, now said,
heit a minute. I never saidwe were going to raise the prices.

I just said we were talking aboutbeing able to This is all a lie.
He's doing some Olympic gold medal backpedalingright now. So Wendy's, who
knows if they're going to do thesesurge pricing or not. But you touched
on something there. We do toleratesurge pricing. You know, if you
wait till the last minute, youpay a butt ton of money for a

plane ticket. If it's very heavytraffic right now, you pay a ton
money for an uber. If yougo downtown and try and park your car
on the night of a ballgame,it's not forty bucks to buy a parking
spot. It's eighty. It's eightydollars in downtown San Diego. I don't
know where you live, but it'seighty dollars to buy a parking parking spot

on the night of a ball game. That's surge pricing, and we put
up with it. Yeah, butI don't know what the Wendy CEO should
do is hire the transgender person thatbud Light used and hold hold up of
Wendy's Frosty saying I go anytime,whether it's crowded or not, because that
worked out so well for Buddy exactly. Last thing I want to touch on

there's a compilation reel of many differentpeople talking about the president's mental acuity.
And we've been hearing about this nowfor a long time. And it starts
out with Nancy Pelosi and it's followedup with many other people who say the
president is very sharp ta da.Then they cut to the next guy.
Well, I've noticed that the presidentis a deep thinker and he's very sharp,

And they're using the word sharp.This seems to be their marching orders.
And there's five or six people whosay the president is incredibly sharp and
he's very curious. And it's difficultsometimes for us to remember that these people
work for us. They are ouremployees. And this is not a matter

of if you're Republican or your Democrat, or you hate Trump or you love
Biden or whatever. The president isclearly not sharp by anyone's definition. And
if these people who are telling youthat the president is sharp were working for
you, if they were your advisors, you'd fucking fire them immediately. You

know what I've never understood about thingslike this is it always seems to me
a better approach if they didn't sayit like that, but they said,
look, the president's obviously lost thestep. He's not as sharp as he
was eight years ago, five yearsago, but he's still doing it great
job. I mean, I don'tthink he's doing a great job, But
I'm saying, if they wanted tostill say something positive, just downplay it

more instead of saying, oh,he's just as sharp. It's hard keeping
up with him. I think it'slike James Carvel is like the only person
I mean here's You don't get anymore democrat than that guy. And he's
going, I wish I could dohis accent. He's going, well,
he's obviously not sharp because he ain'tdoing the super Bowl interview. Who doesn't
do the super Bowl interview? That'sthe easiest interview on a planet. He
ain't doing that. Oh does thattell you I've seen him get lost on

a sidewalk? Come on, you'rekidding. Hey, you want to talk
about some movies. You want tohave a cigar and talk about some movies.
I do. My great friend JoshBoard is the San Diego movie critic
extraordinaire. You can't name a mediumthat he hasn't dominated on radio, TV,
print media, and now the podcastworld. He's king of it all.

And he is here now to joinme as we talk about our five
favorite Well, let's see, whatdo you want to talk about today?
Our five favorite ones? It's alwaysfive favorites somethings. I like the idea
of stunts. Okay, five beststunts. But you know, Dave,
I sometimes throw a litany of rulesat you, rules, your way,

the rules. After I make mylist, he comes up with the rules.
Here we go, all right,let's hear him. So one of
the rules is no car chases,because I think I sent you an email
saying maybe in the future we dobest car chases. Okay, so I
thought we'd say car chases. Theother one is the jack I'm glad we're
not doing car chases because everyone usesBullet, which is the stupidest car chase

in the history of car chases inmovies. It's great car chasing. You're
wrong. But the other rule Iwant to do is the Jack rule.
And here's the Jack rule. Wedon't do any movies with Jackie Chan because
then then we'd have too many,and he does all those. The other
one is no jackass movies. They'reall stunts and they're all wacky. So

no Jack's involved in this little list. Okay, absolutely, you can follow
that. Okay, I'm safe.I'm good on all that stuff. And
for those of you who are bigBullet fans, let me just let me
just put this in your head tothink about for a second here when that
green Mustang shows up in the rearview mirror, because Steve McQueen has worked
this way behind the bad guys andthey're going what thirty miles an hour.

I think that's so great. Ithink that's so cool. The staging,
the photography, the music, it'sfantastic. When they're downtown San Francisco,
it's super cool. Yeah. Myproblem is everything that they do, all
the stunts, the shooting, thedriving, the weaving, the bobbing.
How does it end? The badguys go, there's a gas station,

let's crash into it for no apparentreason. They aren't touching, the cars
aren't touching. They just swerve offand what do you know, there's a
gas station for us to crash into. Come on, no worst ending of

what could have been the greatest carchase scene ever. Are we gonna have
this same debate when we do ourcar chase thing? So now I can't
put Bullet on my list because Iknow what you're gonna say. I've done
it. I've preempted Bullet being outthere. But whatever, Hey, let's
have a cigar first. What areyou gonna what are you gonna enjoy while
we talk about the best stunts inmovies. I'm gonna take a page out

of the Dave Rickards playbook. Okay, you one time had a seize cigar?
Well, a buddy of mine hada grandkid the other day and I
went to the hospital and they werehanding out these cigars that were made of
gum. It's called a mad Bullbubblegum cigar. I love those. And
the two things I thought of wasthis one, I now have a friend
group that has grandkids. That's whenyou realize, damn, I'm old.

My friends have grandkids. The otherthing I realized is when did cigars stop
getting passed out at hospitals when peoplehad a baby, Like in nineteen eighty
one. That used to be athing, and I don't think it's been
a thing for a long time now, and we need to bring it back.
I'm with you, buddy. Fortoday's I went into my humidor and
without thinking about it too much,I chose the oldest, weirdest looking cigar

I could find. And take alook at this thing. First of all,
it's wrapped in like it it's wrappedin a leaf with a label on
the outside, and it's just theweirdest looking thing. I think it's called
a corojo, And uh, Idon't know. I don't know if it's
good it's bad. It's just weirdlooking. So that's why I chose it.
That's like, once you start lightingit, it's just gonna fall into

a million pieces. I think I'msupposed to unwrap it, but it's kind
of like it's I don't think so. Enchilada is in Mexican food? Are
you do you? When you haveit? Do you take them out of
the corn husk? Well, theydon't usually have a husk that looks Oh
wait, wait, you're talking aboutMexican food now, yeah, do you
take the food out of the cornhustle when you're having a Is it an

enchilada? No, it's no,it's not that, But I don't know
because I don't like the I don'tlike the taste of corn bread. Yeah.
Okay, well I don't know whatthe rules are, but that's what
I'm having here today. All right, I want to hear your five best
stunts in movies according to Josh Board. Here we go. Okay, and
these aren't in order of my favorites. But when I was a kid growing

up, Burt Reynolds was the biggestmovie star, so he did a stunt
in the movie Stick that was kindof fun. Where but this isn't my
pick. This is where I sneakin a sex an extra pick. Wait
a minute, you're doing an alsoran first. To set up why I'm
picking the pick I picked, Ihave to get like a yellow flag,

like an NFL referee, and I'mjust gonna stary penalizing what in the movie
Stick, which is horrible. CharlesDirnings a mobster. This guy who's a
stunt man named Dar Robinson. Hewas known for the biggest stunts in Hollywood.
He got paid like one hundred andfifty thousand dollars in nineteen eighty two
to do a stunt in a ChristopherPlumber movie. He does stunt whereas he's

falling off the building, he's shootingat Burt Reynolds, which is a cool
stunt, but the movie is sobad. But they used this guy again
to play the bad guy in Sharky'sMachine, which is a great Burt Reynolds
movie. And this is this isback when Burt Reynolds would wear the two
pays that look realistic. Somewhere inthe late eighties he decided to get two
pays that were five feet high andlooked fake. But this just was like,

look like he had thinning hair.And this guy, Dar Robinson does.
At the time, I remember itbeing on Entertainment Tonight as the high
the biggest stunt ever off of abuilding. It was like two hundred feet
and it's at the end of themovie. He shoots him out the window
and I just really loved it.Actually, he was stunt doubling for Henry
Silva. Henry Silva was the assassin, and I just loved the stunt,

mostly because there was a build upto the stunt that I saw before I
saw the movie, and I wasthe kid, and I just thought that
was a great stunt. Did yousee Sharky's Machine? Oh? Yeah,
it's great stuff. I love BurtReynolds. I mean there's no cooler guy.
One of the all time coolest moviestars of all time, Burt Reynolds,
and I don't like any talk abouthis two pays at all. I
don't believe it. I think whenhe did a stunt in Deliverance, he

threw himself out of the canoe theywanted to use a stunt man and broke
his Uh. I don't know ifI'm saying this right. Cossacks is there,
Yes, Well, it's it's thebottom of your spine, your tailbone
and his ribs. He broke hisribs as well. Oh really very painful,
very painful injury. Not as painfulas ned baby seeing in that movie.
Anyway, sticking with that, mynext pick is going to be from

Lethal Weapon. The same stuntman DarRobinson did the stunt where I don't know
if you remember mel Gibson going upto get a suicidal guy off a building
and Danny Glover said, be careful. Well, mel Gibson's idea of being
careful was going up to the guyand handcuffing him to him and saying,
if you jump, you're gonna killa cop. And he said, well,
I will kill a cop. Idon't care and they jumped together,

handcuffed. And I actually googled thatbefore we did this segment because I wanted
to know more about the stunt andthey said they actually filmed mel Gibson doing
it from thirty feet into an airbag. That way it would actually look
like him, and I thought,wow, that is a great stunt.
And you know, they followed itup in Lethal Weapon two where he crashes
out of the window with the badguy into the swimming pool. It snared

in the tarp on top of theswimming pool. I mean tremendous, great
opening stunts in both of those movies. Yeah, And you know, in
Lethal Weapon, at the end ofthe movie they dedicated it to the stuntman
Dar Robinson, who died not inthat movie, but in a different movie,
I don't know which movie. Hewas doing a motorcycle scene and he
hit the guardrail and he was impaledinto a tree. Ugh, that's good.

Did they leave it in the movie? If I was a stunt man,
my ghost would come down and say, fucking leave that in. That's
my best one ever. All right, that's good stuff. I love Lethal
Weapon, good one. So anotherthing I didn't want to do is I
didn't want to pick a bunch ofJames Bond movies. You know, you
could have a list of all JamesBond movies. But for me, it
was For your Eyes Only. Andpart of the reason is I was a

kid. My older brother had theposter for that in his bedroom. And
when you're going through puberty and you'relooking at this poster of For Your Eyes
Only, has the woman in abikini with a crossbow, and you see
James Bond weigh in the distance gettingready to shoot her. You see James
Bond right under her crotch. It'sthe sexiest movie poster ever. I just
thought it was a lot of fun. It was a great stunt. Great

one. The other one is MissionImpossible, the Last Mission Impossible, Dead
Reckoning, And again we could havea bunch of stunts that are all from
Mission Impossible movies. But you knowthat there was the time that Tom Cruise
had himself tied to a plane.That was great, but when he takes
the motorcycle off the cliff. Iwas in Vegas at Senemacon and Tom Cruise

was supposed to be there to showthe stunt, but it was COVID was
going on, so we didn't showup. It was just some producer of
the movie. And it was atwenty minute making of this stunt where he
has to drive a motorcycle off acliff that's like one thousand feet two thousand
feet and they told him we canget a stunt man. He says no,
and they said you have to drivethe motorcycle off the cliff, wait
five seconds, and then deploy yourparachute. And they ended up doing it

four times. And that stunt,to me, is better than the entire
movie watching the making of that stunt, and even when they put a camera
on the motorcycle, you just think, why would this guy do this?
This is like the craziest thing ever. And I love the philosophy you had.
When I was bringing up how coolit was that Tom Cruise does his
own stunts, You're like, I'mnot that impressed, because if he's not
doing it, somebody else is astunt man. But still, it's the

fact that you can have stunt man. If you make twenty million a film,
you can go, yeah, howabout we have Dar Robinson do this
instead of me risking my life.But it's a great it's definitely a great
scene. Yeah, I love it. I mean, you're right about Mission
Impossible and James Bond. Those movies, the entire franchise are nothing but a
compilation of great stunts, and that'swhy we love them so much. And

that's a terrific one. Love it. And my last one, I'm gonna
again take a page out of theDave Rickards playbook and I'm gonna go old
school on you. A movie fromnineteen twenty three called Safety Last Harold Lloyd
hanging on a clock and it wasfunny because when I was telling my wife
I was gonna put this on mylist, She's like, I just always
thought that was like a fake background, you know, But that then it

wasn't like they had CGI. There'sno fake. Yeah, they could do
in those days. They could dosome very very clever camera angles to create
illusions, but no CGI. Notrick photography really, unless you consider a
camera angle being trick photography. Butthose were real stunts that those guys pulled

off. That's good stuff. AndI should say, on this episode of
Cigar in a Movie or two Asholestalking movies, we did not reveal our
picks to each other. So theseare complete surprises. And I wondered if
you and I would have any thatcrossed over each other. We're close,
but not quite. I figured withstunts we wouldn't because there's so many stunts

to choose from, it seems oddthat that would have happened. My first
choice is gonna be Buster Keaton,who I believe is without a doubt the
greatest stuntman actor of all time,and that includes people that you see today
because no one's doing no one's reallydoing what you see today in the movies
the one that gets me. Iwonder is it the general. The good

thing is is nobody will know ifyou get it wrong. Since we're going
back so far, you're right,you're right. So instead of worrying about
getting the title right, I'm goingto tell you about this, this scene
that Buster Keaton did. There's astorm. It might be a tornado,
I'm not sure. And you seethe front of this house. Oh,
I love this. I know exactlywhat you're gonna say. Yeah, the

house is coming apart. The frontwall of the house is going to tip
over like this, and the bedthat he's hiding in gets blown away.
And so he stands up and he'slooking around, and he's standing in front
of this house, and the wallfinally comes off and falls right down on
top of Buster Keaton. So here'sBuster standing and the wall falls right down

on top of him and misses himby inches on both sides. Because the
window in the wall of the house. Don't get too excited about by what
I'm doing here, Joe, thewindow envelops him and comes straight down on
top of him. This is atwo ton wall that they dropped with Buster
Keaton standing on a mark that theyhad carved out in the dirt and there's

no trick to it at all otherthan just very good positioning and that's it.
If they've been off by six inches, they would have killed him.
You don't know why that stunt impressedme so much is I think I saw
a documentary on Buster Keaton, andthat's when I really appreciated that they didn't
cover this in the documentary. ButI figured, it's not like you could
have a dummy there and then doit and say, Okay, we know

it's definitely going to work if weput the mark here, because it would
just take too much time and moneyto then rebuild the wall. Number two
on my list is going to beBen hur and the Great Chariot Race.
In Ben Hurr, you're familiar withthe Charlton has to move. Yeah,
that's classic. Yeah. Ben Herrhas a chariot race against his good friend
who has now become his blood enemyunfortunately, and there's a stuntman in this

movie. His name is I'm goingto say his name incorrectly, Joe Cannutt
Canute. I'm not sure, buthe was the stuntman standing in for Charlton
Heston and he actually loses control ofhis own chariot race is chariot in this

race and goes up and over whatwould be kind of like the dashboard of
the chariot, and just a couplemore inches and he would have actually been
under the hoofs of these horses.It was a mistake which they left in
the movie to show just how perilousand precarious it was. I think it's
a terrific stunt. It is.I read a thing years ago about them

filming that. I didn't realize thatscene was so dangerous. I just thought,
yeah, that's a cool scene.But ask you do you recall for
number three here in the first IndianaJones movie, Indy fighting those Nazis.
I mean, those Nazis are justThey're everywhere, aren't they Going underneath the
car? Yeah, he's in trouble. He's hanging off the bumper, the

front bumper of this Nazis car,and there's a Nazi in front of him.
So these Nazis who think like Nazis, say, let's just crash the
cars into each other and squish IndianaJones guts all over the place. So
he has no choice but to dropunder the speeding car. So he ties
his bullwhip onto the front and thenhe lets himself slide under the car.

You remember this, I do.Yeah, Well there's a stunt. There's
a stunt that predates this. Thisis where they got the inspiration. Are
you pulling to Josh board and you'reslipping in an extra one? I'm not
nominating it. I'm telling you whatin When I tell you you say it's
like a pick, it's like apick. No, No, I'm telling
you that stunt because you're not goingto know the movie I'm talking about.

Oh okay, because you never sawa stage coach with John Wayne, did
you? Yeah, I've seen partsof it, but I have not seen
it. You're right, Well,there is a scene. It's a four
horse team dragging this stage coach stagecoach? How did I forget that?
Dragging the stage coach along? Anduh? This stunt man jumps on the

top the front two horses, dropsbetween them, and drags himself between the
thundering hooves and under the stage coachand to the rear to safety. There's
no trickery in this movie and stagecoach. This guy drops in between thundering
hooves of two sorry four horses,going at a fall gallop who understand nothing

about making movies or hitting their marks, zero understanding that whatsoever, and makes
it all the way through to theback. And that inspired the Indiana Jones.
But so I got to tip myhat to that one. That was
a very impressive stunt. I don'teven know the rest of your picks,
but I'm going to say that isthe best one, because I think when
you're dealing with animals is an unknownthing. You don't know what they're going

to do, and they might panicand who knows, great pick. This
has to be a connection the stuntmanthat I was referring to just a minute
ago, Joe Canut Cannut, thefellow who did this in Stage Coach,
who I think could be one ofthe all time great stuntmen is Yakima Hannutt.
So this has to be a fatherson team somehow related to you know,

you know, Dave. I'm reallypissed this year the Academy announced they're
going to add another thing to nominations, and it's going to be Best Casting
in a Movie, which to meseems utterly ridiculous when I've been saying for
like years they should have Best stuntin a movie I couldn't care less about
casting. I know who cares.Hey, we're going to see Ryan Gosling

saying I'm just a Ken at thisyear's Academy Awards. Yeah, one of
my favorite more contemporary stunts. Andyou're gonna love this one. Josh,
you're gonna go, Dave, that'syour best pick. I've changed my mind.
That's your best pick because it's ina movie made by your buddy,
the guy you've hung out with,been to his house, broken bread Head,

drinks with him, Mister James Cameron, bab cool and I am taking
true Lies. It's True Lies.Where Jamie Lee Curtis reaches up through the
roof of the speeding, careening,out of control limousine on the bridge causeway
down on the Florida Keys. Thebridge is out, the driver's dead,
Arnold's hovering above her in a helicopter. She's about to drive off the bridge.

He goes, come on, baby, and she reaches up and he
pulls her out of the limousine tosafety. And then you see the limousine
crash into the Atlantic Ocean or theGulf of Mexico, and then you see
the helicopter flying away with Jamie LeeCurtis dangling by one arm. I'm sure
none of it's real, but Iloved it. I think it was one

of the greatest stunts ever. Iactually love that stunt. But that's one
of those movies. I get alot of grief from my friends because I
didn't care for it. I didn'tlike True Lies. I just there's a
lot about it that I just didn'tlike. It was weird to me.
Well that he's wrong here sounded likelike you said he didn't like True Lies.
How is that possible. It's oneof the greatest all time action movies

ever. It's James Cavia. That'sthe movie where the guy is pretending his
wife is in the room. Andthat was so dumb. That scene.
I, oh, you know whatyou're talking about. That scene was so
dumb. We got to do asegment. We've got to do a segment
of this, two asholes talking movies, great movies with a stupid scene in

it. We should do that nexttime, good because I'll be able to
come up with something. Okay,all right, And then my last one.
I'm not gonna have too much tosay about this because it's like,
oh yeah, whatever, mission impossible. But the one I chose with Tom
Cruise is I forget which one itis. It's you take your pick whatever.
He's running down the side of theBurj Khalifa, the tallest building in

the world, is like nine thousandstories, and you know he's got to
get up to the one hundred andfiftieth story. They're only one hundred and
fortieth story. Let's break out awindow and I'll climb up there with suction
cups. And when he tries toget back in and has to kind of
like swing his way across the sideof that building in the middle of a

sandstorm, it's it's breathtaking. It'sfantastic stuff. Is that the scene where
they filmed it in like the highestskyscraper in the world, Yeah, the
bers Khalifa. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. I love that. I
love that scene. And what Iloved about it is I don't particularly I
don't particularly like heights, even thoughI've bungee jumped before and I've done I
like, if I go in askyscraper, I look out the window,

it kind of freaks me out.I don't like heights, So I'm like,
I don't care if they had amillion harnesses on him, that would
like it would have just given mea heart attack to go out there.
Even if they say, Josh,you're fine, just go out the window
for a second. We got yourtied there. I wouldn't do it.
Yeah, it's a ghost protocol isthat it was the episode of a mission
impossible. So there you go,there's my five. And look at that.

We didn't we didn't choose one ofeach others this time. Yeah,
but that's it. That's that's theend of the show for I add up
for you. There. That's asgood as ending as ever. But the
next time we get together for twoashules talking movies, we're gonna do that.
You're gonna choose five movies that youthink are good movies. But there's

an incredibly dumb scenic that almost ruinsthe movie. Okay, good, and
I'll have my five too. You'vebeen listening to the Dave Rigords podcast.
Stay tuned for more episodes. Tocome. To reach Dave for comments or
suggestions for future podcast topics, emailhim at Dave Rickards at iHeartMedia dot com.
That's d A V E R Ic K A R D S at

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