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July 10, 2023 25 mins
Dave Rickards and Josh Board discuss the five best food scenes from the movies! Do you agree? Listen now!

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No. Figard Media presents the DaveRiggarts Podcast. Welcome to it. It
is cigar in a movie with ordo we call a cigar in a movie
or a movie in a cigar?I can't remember. You know. Here's
the thing, Dave, you saidwe might come up with a name for

these segments. I'll show you somethingreally quick. Okay, what are these
cigar boxes? Cigars? Yeah?Right, So the first title I came
up with was cigar box office.Cigar box office, definitely, And you
scoffed at that. You scoffed atthat. I thought it was brilliant.
Yes, will everything you say,h scoffing comes naturally to meat. Yes,

I'm a scoff fist. Yes,exactly. Cigar in a movie,
movie and a cigar whatever you wantto call how about you call it?
You do? You decide whatever youwant to call it. Thank you for
watching us here today. And JoshBoard, who's the movie critic on AM
six hundred Kogo with Ted and LaDonnain the morning, is my co host
here and he's he really is thepremier movie critic here in Southern California.

He's been on all the media's he'san affluent writer was on my radio show
quite a bit because he was sucha good writer and I really enjoy his
work in his company. Josh,good to see you again. I seeing
you today. We're going to selecteach of us are five movies that we
feel has a great eating scene ina food scene in the movie. It's

not that we I think this istrue, it's not that we love the
movie so much, but there's afood scene in that we think is terrific,
right, And I think we don'thave to necessarily keep it to just
five because, like their owners,I want to just mention a certain scene
and we don't need to dissect it. I just want to say, hey,
wasn't that a badass scene when RichardDreyfus piled the mashed potatoes up to

the ceiling in Close Encounters? Wellwhat can you really say about Close Encounters?
You know, but it just kindof makes you go, oh,
yeah, that was a fun foodshere. Okay, all right, very
good in setting this up, Ihave to tell you this, folks,
I again scoffed at my friend Josh, and I declared to him that I
have the ultimate pick, the ultimatemovie scene involving food that will bring withering

shame on all of his choices.And they think I have the ultimate scene.
But not only that, Dave.I think I know what you're scene
is going to be because I knowyou. I know what you picked,
and it's a good pick, butit's not the best. I'm sure I
know what yours is going to be. He sure of it? Yeah?
Okay, And this is this isonly to demonstrate our level of immaturity.

I have already I have already writtendown what I am sure, Josh as
sure is my choice. I've alreadywritten it down, and I'll reveal it
as my last one, and I'llreveal if I was right or wrong and
should be a wager on this?Is that legal? Yes? I think
we should have a cigar. Don'tyou think the problem with guys? There's
some expensive cigars. It's not gonnabe my problem. I won't be bothering.

Well, okay, wait a second, I have I'm notorious for this
with my friends. When I makebets, I have caveats because people find
loopholes to get out of bets withme. So let me say this first.
There's been over, wouldn't you say? Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of
movies made since movies started being made. Right, that's not fair that I
just get one pick on what yourultimate food scene is. I think I

should get three picks, because ifyou're so sure I'm not going to get
it, you should give me threepicks to get it. I think that's
fair for this bet. No,that's all I have to say about that.
All right, let's begin our fivefavorite scenes. I'm dying to hear
this. I'm so excited about this, and I know that your wife was
very She was she was like,really on you, You've got to do

this particular theme for our podcast,right, And she was also excited because
you always ask me what cigar I'msmoking when we start these First, I
gotta seize cigar. Did you knowSeize Candies sells chocolate cigars. Yes,
they're they're fan and they're really goodchocolate. So I'm not so good that
I'd hold one up and funny,and then of course she ate them all
before we even got to do inthis segment, so they're spoken. Yeah,

they're good, but I'm smoking anew brand called Southern draw. I
went to an event on Memorial Dayto raise money for the military and these
three soldiers started their own cigar company. Two of them had PTSD really bad,
and they found they loved cigars.And when they're trying to come up
with a company, they decided they'dmake cigars. And so they make the
cigar called a Southern Draw. SoI bought a bundle, you know,

because any you, I'll do anythingto support the military. If it involves
me getting cigars or girls stock cookiesout of it, then I'm in.
And how do you get ahold ofthis? How do you? I don't
know. I found them at aplace in Escondido, Puffer, So I
don't know if since it's a boutiquelabel, probably all the cigar shops aren't
carrying them, but they probably findthem online. Yea. And what do
you search for? Southern Draw?Okay, guess that's the name? Okay?

Does my choice for today doesn't haveany good causes or anything like that.
It's just a fun cigar for mebecause I care about people more than
you. Yes, you do.You're so big hearted. It's a it's
a rare all whole punch. It'sa big, squarish kind of punch.
I love these, especially for thepackaging look at this square cylinder tube with

a cork in it on the endthat these come in. So I've always
liked these, spending the humidor forover ten years, I think, and
also punches perfect for the theme offood and drink for a segment. Punch
there you go. Yeah, allright, lead us off. Tell us
what your first choice is for agreat food involved scene in a movie.
Okay, my first choice is goingto be the movie Hannibal, which was

a sequel to Silence to the Lambs. It wasn't a very good movie.
But when Anthony Hopkins captures ray Leodaand drugs him and he is serving him
a meal and then you realize he'staken out parts of his brain and he's
cooking it with the onions, andray Leota can smell the food but he's
out of it. It creeped meout so much that Anthony Hopkins was doing
that and just you know, tauntinghim as he did it. That's what

And that's fantastic and two great guysright there. Now. I never saw
a hand of course, I sawa Silence of the Lambs on the Hannibal.
Got to have ray Leota in studio. That was a real, treat
fools and talk. Okay, whenhe was doing those commercials, he had
problems. He could talk great,and you know that, you know that
kind of sinister evil laugh Ray had. He was kind of like he he

kind of a guy. That's hisreal laugh and real. Really Yeah,
he was lovely, he really was. He was a super cool guy.
Hopkins. Did you ever get tomeet him? Oh? I wish I
did. When I was in Hawaii. I had just gone to an art
gallery. He has an art gallerything there because he's a great painter,
and they said, oh, hewas just here yesterday, and I was
like, damn it, right,all right, very good. My number

one first pick for great food scenesin movies is gonna be this scene defined
the movie is cool hand Luke fiftyeggs, No One, Kenny fifty eggs.
Okay, I'm glad you said that. That was going to be one
of my three picks as to whatyour all time was going to be.
Right there. I knew it.I knew it would because this is what

I head now. I was hopingto break your balls the first punch,
but that wasn't gonna be what Ipicked. But that was gonna be one
of the three if you let medo three? Yeah, okay, alright,
so I didn't get it right.I was wrong in what I thought
you thought I thought was the bestone. I don't know. That's you
get half credit for that. Okay, that is a great scene. You

always wonder, you always wonder inscenes. You know what I'm gonna I'm
gonna segue nicely. You're a radioguy, so you like good segues.
I'm sure I'm gonna go with mynext scene being Rocky eating the raw eggs.
Oh, that's that's probably more disgustingthan Paul Newman trying to shove fifty
down while he's getting sick. Haveyou ever had raw eggs? No?

No, I never did that thing. Yeah. It's just even if they
tasted good, just the way itwould feel going down would just be bad.
No, don't want to do it. And that certainly is an iconic
scene from that movie. So Inever did that one. Okay, Next
up for me, my second pickis going to be stand by Me.
That's funny because I have that onmy list of worst done food scenes in

a movie because I loved stand byMe. It's funny that Stephen King has
done some movies like Shawshank, Redemptionand stand By Me. There weren't horror
movies, and there were great films. I loved the movie, but I
did not like the pie eating scene. You're referring to the pie eating scene.
That's the one. Yes, there'ssomething about it where it didn't work
for me, because one, itwas kind of gross watching a bunch of
people throw up. Oh yeah.Also, they're trying to establish that this

character is going to become a greatwriter and he's going to do great things,
and his great storytelling ability is peoplethrew up at a piating contest.
So something about that scene didn't workfor me. I mean, it's a
great pick by you, because it'sa great I think most people like that
scene. The scene is told assort of a campfire horror story. This
gigantic child, who has been bulliedand mocked for being so heavy and fat,

is at the pie eating contest atthe Big Fair. But first he
secretly drinks like five gallons of castoroil. Then he goes and eats the
gigantic dark red cherry pie and murdersall the competition, and just as he
goes up to win his trophy,he begins vomiting like crazy, which causes

everybody, all the judges, allthe contestants, and all the people in
the audience to vomit crazy too.Now, I think this shows tremendous personal
growth on my part because I amextremely vomit bobic. But I had to
acknowledge that scene as an iconic foodeating scene. Yeah, it is a

good one, all right, howabout you? All Right, so I'm
gonna go with another classic Annie Hallboiling lobsters. It's a really funny scene.
It showed they had good chemistry.If we had a program director for
this podcast, the program director mightsay, do we have to bring up
Woody Allen movies? Can we?Can we just stay away from Woody Allen?
Don't you guys have enough? Right? But you know, Woody Allen

used to make great movies before hemarried his stepdaughter, and even after he
married his stepdaughter, he made goodmovies. But do you remember that scene
were talking about boiling them. It'sreally funny. One gets away and yeah,
my next selection is gonna be amovie that just makes me want to
eat the entire time, all theway through the movie. And I've got
to have spaghetti when I'm watching goodFellows. They even make spaghetti while they're

making Good Fellas, and they showhow Polly could raizor thin slice the garlic
so it dissolves instantly when it hitsthe pan. And when they all get
together they have Sunday dinners all thetime at Polly's house and eating in prison,
the whole thing with the salamis andthe bread and the gravy. That's
funny because you took the wind outof my thunder. I had the Good
Fellows scene and it was in thejail. For some reason, there's something

about him cooking in jail, andit looks so good because you're thinking of
jail. You make that wine outof grapes and the toilet and stuff like
that, raising jack, yes exactly. And so the fact that they're cooking
these meals and you're like, thislooks delicious. But it's so funny because
one time when we met up fora cigar, you told me. I
said, I knew how much youlove Good Fellows, so I thought you

might have the canoli scene. Leavethe gun, take the cannoli, or
when my wife loves the scene sinceshe's half Italian, where Sonny rips off
the bread and dips it in thesauce, because that's what Italians do.
So I thought for sure you'd goGodfather with the scene, and you went
Good Fellows or I mean, Ilove them both. I love them both.
I've got to have spaghetti when I'mwatching either one Godfather or Good Fellows.
I just think that particular scene whenall the mobsters who have gone to

jail are in their own little clubin the prison and having dinner together.
They can't wait for ray Leota's characterto show up with all the groceries.
He's got the bread and the salamisand the wine and the Scotch and everything.
Since you brought up spaghetti, I'llgo with my next one is gonna
be a spaghetti one. Just again. I like the segues and I'm afraid
it's a movie you didn't see,which is gonna bumm me out because it's

one of the funniest movies made inthe last ten years, a movie called
What We Do in the Shadows?Did you see that? It's where they
do a reality show with these threevampires. And I can never say the
director's name who's also in it.Teky Waki Eaty or whatever his name is.
He does like the thor movies now, and he's done a couple of
really funny movies. But a realityshow wants to follow these vampires and they

agree not to eat the people filmingthe show because they're regular humans, and
they always make spaghetti for people andthey make it look like worms and the
people think they're eating worms out ofthe spaghettis because you know how vampires can
make you see things, and it'sjust a very funny scene. Was that
your That was your fourth? Right? I'm up? I don't know.
I maybe something like that. Ithink I'm up to my fourth. I'm

really torn on which one to choosefor my fourth. All right, I'm
I'm gonna do it. Um,I'm going with Beauty and the Beast because
b our Guest is such a fantasticentire scene where all the characters are sitting
bell down for dinner and they're dancingand singing and they're cooking, and you

even eat the dishes at the endas just I mean, that's a cool
I wouldn't I wouldn't have had youpegged for throwing an animated movie in and
you you like in the classics.I thought you would have gone if you
were going to do that lady inthe tramp with the spaghetti. It's cute.
It's cute. My backup if Iwas not going to use Beauty and

the Beast would have actually been RataTui because the scene where the chef actually
prepares the rata tui for the evilfood critic and launches him back to his
childhood days when his mother was makingthis peasant stew for him. I thought
it was really touching, and youactually see people eating and there's a whole

process. But the Beauty and theBeast number and that's probably won an Academy
Award, and the movie probably wonan Academy Award. I mean, it's
it's over the top for my money. Speaking of Academy Awards, the best
food joke ever at the Oscars wasBilly Crystal eat drink Man Woman one Best
Foreign Film, and Billy Crystal comesout and says, you know what's funny.

That's the exact thing Arnold Schwarzenegger saidwhen he asked Maria Shriver out on
their first date. Drink You've beenand by the way, I never even
asked you this. Have you everbeen in the set an Academy Award.
No, that'd be fun. Theyhave seat fillers and stuff. Even if
you wanted to do that, thatwould be a lot of fun. But
but I never saw rata Tui.But I met Patton Oswald a few times.

And one of the times it wasafter one of his shows, and
he had a fever, and Iwas telling him how much I loved the
movie Big Fan, which was thisreally cool sports movie he did, and
there was somebody waiting to meet himthat had like twenty different eight by tens
of Ratatoui that he wanted him toautograph. And Patton says, why do
you want me to sign all these? And I looked at him and said,
he's going to sell him on eBay. Yeah, And the guy just
sheepishly put his head down. AndPatton Oswald had no clue that that's what

some people do when they meet famouspeople. They get stuff signed to sell.
And of course that's one of thereasons, one of the big reasons
so many of them just refused todo it anymore exactly. And you know,
I wrote a story when I usedto write a column for Autograph Magazine
because I collect memorabilia, Will Ferrell. All the LA collectors told me it
was the worst at signing. Somy editor there wanted me to do a

list of the ten nice the celebrities, and ten worst and the ten worst,
like NPR wanted to interview meets atAlan All done the list. So
I go up to LA to beinterviewed by NPR about this article, and
then they just wanted to yell atme because they said, we've had Alan
Alda in here twice and he wassuper nice. And for you to say
he's mean, but he literally ismean to people, like a book signings,

if you show up with anything withMash, he'll get in your face
and say, get that out ofhere. I'm only signing a book,
Like, how hard is it youto sign a Mash eight by ten?
I had a better Alan All toencounter. He was. He was cool,
let's hear it. No, hewas just you know, he was
on our show and he was youknow, the guy is quite an accomplished
actor. He's played virtually everything,good guys, bad guys, right up
in the end. He's an icon, but he was wonderful to us.

You're up to your fifth one here, Josh this is so, are you
definitely gonna limit me to five?No? No, but you're gonna do
your fifth, and I'm gonna domy fifth, and you better picked out.
Wait. Wait, okay, soI'm gonna do my fifth, but
it's not my favorite one, solet me do a favorite one, understood.
My fifth is going to be pulpfiction. And I know I brought
up when we talked about movies before, but I love that Samuel Jackson is

taunting these teenagers that had his suitcaseand he's eating their food because he hasn't
had a hamburger in so long becausehis girlfriend's a vegan, and so the
fact that he's enjoying this cahuna burgerand you know he's about to kill these
guys makes it. And it wasalso great when they did the diner scene
with Travolta where he says he doesn'teat bacon because a pig is a dirty
animal. And it's so funny thatTarantino has nailed these food scenes perfectly,

because I think he ruined a foodscene in Inglorious Bastards. He shows these
Nazi soldiers eating strudel, and he'sdoing close ups of all the food and
I'm thinking, why aren't we seeingclose ups of food? It didn't make
sense. It's almost like Tarantino hadit in his mind that I love the
movie Big Night with Stanley Tucci,and that was a great food movie.
They showed close ups of food.I'm gonna do that because that's what Tarantino
does. He borrows from all hisfavorite films, which sometimes is wonderful and

sometimes it just doesn't work. Whatabout the five dollars shake? I mean
that scene a milkshake. That's greatbecause what I loved about it. He's
whacked out on har go in.Yeah, but he still has the presence
of mind to say, why cana diner charge you five dollars for a
shake? And there's not even boozein it? But then he faced It's
like, Okay, that's pretty damngood. They make that middleshake look awfully

good. Yes, yes they do. All right, I'm up to Mike.
This is it? This is thisyour number one? Do I have
to guess what your pick is?I'm circling it on the piece of paper
right now, so I can't say, oh, that wasn't it, Josh,
because are now on the spot toreveal to me what you think.
I think it's going to be thegreat choice. Before I guess it,

I'm gonna tell you it's right.I'll be so impressed by the way.
Before I guess I'm going to tellyou this. There's a ninety eight dollars
cigar at a cigar shop in Escondido. Right now, I'm just saying that
it's yours. It's yours, butyou got to earn it. And I
really don't think I'm attempted to say, buy a box of them if you
get it right here. Here's whatI'm not gonna guess. But I thought,
at first I thought possibly the BlazingSaddles scene where they're eating beans around

the campfire. But I thought there'sno way that you would be so adamant
that I wouldn't get it, becausethat's a scene I think a lot of
people would get. So here's thething I know about you. You love
the old movies. You love theclassics. Am I getting hot? Huh?
And you actually, I'm almost positiveyou know more about old movies than
me. You know, when youtalk about the older classics, I think

you're gonna go with whatever happened toBaby Jane with the rats. I don't
even remember the rats. I lovethis movie. They served up rats.
She thought she was getting this bigmeal and alsin. She opens it and
it's a bunch of rats. You'resaying, Betty Davis served rats to Joan
Crawford. I don't even remember thatscene. Oh my god, it's that's

not it. That's not it.No, I'll give you. I will
give you a second choice. How'sthis okay? I chose a happy scene,
a good scene, a fun scene, nothing bad, nothing grows.
I mean I had a gross scenethere with stand by Me. This is
a fun scene of okay, andit's quite long. Oh see, what

I was gonna guess was what mynumber one food scene is. And I'll
just tell you what it is.Yeah, let's do it. My number
one food scene is in Groundhog Daywhere Bill Murray realizing each day repeats and
who cares about calories? I'm justgonna have everything, And you know,
Annie McDowell comes up to the table. He's got everything. He's drinking coffee
out of the pot, he's justeating all these pastries because what the hell.
Yeah, that's right, that's good. That's your number one, that's

your favorite. Yeah, that's myfavorite. All right. I sure hope
you've seen this movie. Oh,I hope so too. My number one
food scene. Wait, wait asecond, wait a second, Yes,
if you tell me nine and ahalf Weeks with Mickey Rourick and Kim Batchum,
remember when they smear fit because that'sjust gross. You shouldn't have food
involved when they're sex. That's thingsget for you. Huh. Don't like
that? Yeah, that's not it. That's not it. But I know

I keep guessing though, you likeyou're getting closer by having a number sex
symbol involved because this involves a seventysecond is it? Phoebe Kate's in Fast
Times with the Carrot when she's teachingJennifer Jason Lee, howd it is?
Because that's actually the movie is TheGreat Race with Tony Curtis and Buddy and

Natalie Wood. The pie fight scenewith Natalie Wood in lingerie covered in frosting
and whipped cream, where Tony Curtisescapes getting hit by a pie. Through
the entire pie scene until the verylast moment of the pie fight. Dang

it. I saw that movie,but I don't even remember that scenes.
I was so young, But itmade me think of fight at Big Pie
Fight. He made me think ofthe pie the whip cream on that Herb
Albert album. Remember that album?Oh yeah, good stuff. And also
um, also I thought you mighthave gone with John Belushi and Animal House
in the cafeteria. Oh that's agood choice. Yeah, great one.

Yeah, and you know it's funny. I wish I had I wish I
had put that on this. Yeah, because he's just piling food on and
he's eating it. And there's somethingabout food scenes in movies where they work
well in two scenes school cafeterias becausethere's bullies showing up and things like that,
and also in prisons because it's whereyou meet the new guy, or
when the guy comes up and sitsdown and takes your food and tells you
he's gonna stab you in the shower. You know, food scenes always work

in those two. When Belushi sitsdown at the table, see if you
can guess what I am now,and his pals just watching, going,
this is going to be great.I'm a zeit, get it? I
mean, then the food fight,see, I always watch I've chosen that
now. I always wonder in sceneslike that, the woman opposite him is
still telling people. You know,John Belushi spit his mashed potatoes? Do

you think he did that in onetake? I wonder, God who knows,
but but it's always funny. WhenI met Gary Coleman Gary Oldman at
the Critic's Choice Stards and I hada cigar with me and he had just
won for What's the movie with thecigars at Churchill Chum and I said,
when he walked by my table,I'm gonna smoke this in your honor,

And he inked at me and pointed. It was like one of the greatest
moments of my life. But hewas saying to somebody near by me and
I was part of the conversation.He said, they spent twenty thousand dollars
on cigar budget for that movie.And so you think about animal hus you
go, how much food did theyspend? Like you think of these third
world countries that don't have enough food, and there's craft services on movie sets
and there's food just being thrown aroundfor pie fights and stuff. There'll be

a buzz kill, Josh, comeon, was it one of these Was
it one of those gigantic Churchill cigarsthat you're Oh, I just had a
regular size one. Yeah, youmet Gary Oldman? Was it? Was
it a good encounter? Yeah?And you know what surprised me. You
always hear this about actors. Hewas short. He's like five six,
maybe so many of them are.God, it was crazy. He plays

the wildest roles, does he not? Oh? He does? What is
the role he play? Doesn't heplay the pimp in True Romance? In
True Romance movie? Yeah? Man, Yeah, he's crazy. And then
he was great as I think it'sgood, Like he played Sid Vicious,
yeah, in the sex Pistoles movie. And he's just so diverse. And
wasn't he Wasn't he the evil copin the Natalie Portman movie where she's just

a child the professional? Wasn't hethe evil cop that's chased him down?
Remembering cop, I just remember thinkingit, well, there's an evil cop.
Definitely, he kills everybody. That'sgood. I just remember thinking it
was weird that we're seeing Natalie Portmanin underwear and stuff, because I remember
thinking, you know, we heardso many stories about Brookshields and her mom
would pursure to do these things.And Natalie you brought up Natalie Wood she

you know, when she was younghad to do a lot of stuff,
and you're thinking, like you're havingNatalie Portman prance around and she must have
been like, what ten? Yeah, kind of weird. She's singing like
a virgin buzz killing again. Man, come on, matter with you?
We did good. I think wedid good. We made good choices.
I'm interested to see. Now didyour wife? Did she happen to who?
She was a big influence in usdoing this topic. Does she have

a favorite food scene from the movies? I don't think so. I just
know her favorite all time movies GroundhogDay, so I know she likes that
scene. Oh you know what shedid? She actually mentioned the Godfather scene.
She just loves Sonny ripping the breadand dipping in the sauce, because
she said, that's just such acommon thing, you're testing the sauce if
you're Italian. Well, we didgood. Those are our choices. Five
plus a couple of almost made itfor the list of the best scenes in

movies that involve eating. With myfriend Josh board here, who you can
hear mornings on AM six hundred kgowith ten and like them with Laudana and
Ted, I can start saying andyou can see him on Dave Richard's podcast
called Cigar Box Office. That's right, Cigar Box Office. That's the name
of this show. That's what we'vedecided to right now. All right,
buddy, great, seeing you again. Next time we get together. We're

going to pick now this one.This is really people get real personal about
this one. You're gonna choose five. I'm gonna choose five the best sports
movies of all time. And becauseI'm kind of a weasel when it comes
to best, I'm probably going tosay to you that I should do a
double or nothing and try to guessthe movie on your lift. I'm taking
for you. I thank you forhim. I accept, I'll take it.

I'll take on the bed. It'sokay by me. We're gonna choose
the five best sports movies. Ifyou disagree with them, you're wrong.
Next night here on the Dave RickardsPodcast. Thanks everybody you've been listening to
the Dave Riggards Podcast. Stay tunedfor more episodes to come. To reach
Dave for comments or suggestions for futurepodcast topics, email him at Dave Rigards

at iHeartMedia dot com. That's dA V E R I c K A
R d s at iHeartMedia dot com, Dave Riggarts Podcast
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