Episode Transcript
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Kitty. Thanks to Comic Con,we're joined in studio now by one of
the sexiest women from one of thegreatest movies of all hair, Hair Wow.
Where the heck is she? Youknow you don't agree with that?
Well, I don't wake up inthe morning think of that. You should?
You are You're it? My god? Are you kidding me? One
of the greatest movies of all time. We had the best time doing that
film. You Got you do this. It's nineteen seventy nine, The Saturday
Night Live Guys Billy Bill, fourof the funniest men on the planet,
Bill Murray, Chevy Jay's Rodney DangerfieldTed Night. They locked us up on
a golf course and let us go. I heard it was a really crappy
golf course too. It didn't matternobody. That's funny. Sidney Morgan is
our guest, the famous and it'sand there's no Essena right, it's Lacey
underall, Lacy underall and exactly.And that was based on a character Doug
Kenny, one of the writers,knew some woman Kit walked up to him
at a country club and said,Hi, I'm Lacey, I'm seventeen and
I'm trouble with the good Wow,who's the guy with the drums over here?
That's Chris poyn Hello. Too close, okay, early, the chain
doesn't always hold them to the wall. I was, you know, since
we knew you were coming in.I was reading your your biography, and
you and I have quite a lotin common. Did you know that.
Well, you're from the Midwest.You and I are both land of Lincoln
get out of specifically Chicago people.Yeah, oh yeah. I went to
Mother Garon, I went to UH. I didn't go to a Catholic school.
Really no, I went to aregular old you know, public.
So that's why you're so well rounded? Is that right? It's just cheap?
That was I just threw your linegoing the Catholic church. I think
I think I did. I didI embarrass you? No, you didn't
address me at all. It sayshere after you finished at Northern Illinois that
you were on TV and Rockford.I went to Rockford, Illinois. I
was. I was on the airat w R. Okay, I was
on the air wyb R Get outof here. And I was at YAFF
too, and you were on TVand I was on TV. They hired
me to do the weather Now again, this was this is before anybody gave
cared whether you knew anything. Mydirector used to come down with a dry
marker after the weather show and usedto write Atlantic Pacific because my rule was
just keep talking. Yeah. Ithink people tuned in just to see what
the heck I'd say, because itsays shortly after that you were working on
the radio in Chicago, CagA,I was doing. I was doing morning
Drive at the Loop before it wasthe Loop. Wow, I was doing
afternoons at WMT. I'm not gettingout you are. That's why you and
I have so much in common.You say, my competition, that's it.
I know. Well, I wasdoing afternoons. You know why?
You know I left doing radio becauseI was doing morning drive and as a
woman, they wouldn't let me doanything on camera. And because they said,
oh, you know, you're gota waste serious, they said,
you're the radio person. So Isaid, the heck with you guys.
I'm going to l A to docommercials. Good for you, And they
said, I said, I'll havea billboard on sunset in the year I
had one eight months Woward Caddyshack Caddy, Oh yeah, Okay, coolatty shock,
you know, and they had mecome in for this job and I
went, I can't do this character. You know, twelve years a Catholic
school, I was fixed up withcousins Dan Yellow Carzoli's cousin for my proms.
I'm going, how can I dothis job? So you know what
I decided when I went in forthe last reading, I looked at the
guy I was reading with and Isaid, if I can just make this
man sweat and he did. Well, let's let's free live just a couple
of the key moments from Caddy Shackthere. This is your fade line.
Looks like you're going to make alot of money when you're older. Yeah,
when this is your Surnival Forts Hotel, hold on, I can dig
you. That was my audition saying, did you improvise the lick? I
didn't need to. He was hewas. And luckily I read with a
guy. When I first auditioned,it was a woman, so I kind
of stayed across the desk. Ohmy, but I just looked him dead
in the eye and I did thatsaying I was so scared. I was
like, this is crazy. Overhire me for this job. But it's
all right. And I looked themin dead in the eye, and when
I saw that little trickle of sweatcoming to a Seriously, iry, are
you telling me that you went frombeing and that I don't I don't mean
I was accepted from me. Iwas going to Illinois Institute of Technology.
I wanted to be an engineer likemy dad, but I was too scared.
It was like in all guy school. So I all right, I
went the other way. Wow,and you that was your opening move in
movies in front of Yeah, tobe lazy overall and Caddy Shoes and Irish
Spring commercial before that. But yeah, nice, Yeah, I jumped right
into Caddy Scheck. I mean,I'm writing the book from Catholic School to
Caddyshack because I didn't tell you whatit was like going from one completely different
back. But you know, thecool thing is we all you know if
you were ever like a you know, like a shy nerd kind and nobody
believes it, but it's true.You have these fantasies. What if I
was ever so cool? I coulddo anything I wanted. So this was
a fantasy character for me. Itwas a lot of fun. Now do
you get swamped. When you goto these things like comic Con, come
on, you must sometimes you knowwhat, it's sort of cool. Twenty
five years ago this would have sofreaked me out, would have been like
wha. But twenty five years later, it's it's it. Can you imagine
somebody coming in and say I heardthat show you guys did and that made
me laugh and that got me throughmy day and I just wanted to come
here and say, Hi, isn'ta kick ass? That's what it's like.
That is so cool? That isyou just go, whoa? That's
correct? Now? Are these arethese the pictures you're signing for your fans
out at the comic con? Well, I have the rub down scene.
That was the We were fighting duringthat scene. Why but well, Chevy
made a couple of comments. Imade a couple of comments back. He
told me I was nervous and Ihad a few things to say to him,
and he walked off the set andhe refused to work. When he
pours that bottle of oil on,I can't work with this. Oh yeah,
So when he poured that bottle,look at the face, Look at
my face, my eyes. Whenyou watch that scene again, you see
me go, you son of agut, because I'm sure you guys have
ever played a gag on each other. I'm the air live. So that
was not scripted, well not scripted, No, you upset. The piano
scene not only wasn't in the script, it wasn't even discuss I'm getting my
makeup done, and Harold Raimis,the director, says, come out here
and sit down, And I said, for what, He goes, just
sit out and I look in Chevy'splaying the piano, singing the song,
and I look up in the camera, lights on. Oh, I want
you sons the guns. This isgoing to be in the movie. So
I saw the tequila. I tooka big shot. Wow, and I
had a big water gum in mymouth and I blew it right in his
face. Is it real tequila?Yes? It was. This is the
famous This is the famous scene wherehe drinks the tequila. He snorts the
salt and throws the lime over hisshoulder. Yes, holy Yes. So
what brings you to this nape ofthe woods? Back? Quick? Come
here here? Daddy wanted to broadenme in this place. Good luck?
What do you do for excitement?Oh? I play a lot of golf,
Nixon plays golf. I bet yougot a lot of interesting stories about
your ball landing in the road.So what do you do. I enjoy
going to bull fights on acid.I bet you got a lot of nice
ties. What do you mean youwant to tie me up with some of
your ties? Time keeping a straightface an eye contact during that scene,
I think you're I don't think you'rereally truthful with me telling me that you're
a nice, nerdy, little Catholicgirl. And then your first movie you're
naked. You're tired, guys,I gotta tell you what happened. I
was very nervous until the first sceneI shot was the fake high dive.
I can't swim, I can't see. I had to go up there blind
without my contacts, and I hadto jump into the water. The second
scene was the nude scene. NowI agreed to it because it was the
R rating, and I agreed tobut they sent the photographer from play Way
down to the set and I calledthe producer and I said, can't do
it. I'm the Irish spring girl. My father's going to drop dead.
I can't do anything. And theproducer said, in old Hollywood fashion,
you're gonna do it, kid,or you're blanked in this business and you'll
never blanking work again. But Iused to run sound and camera. I
said, okay, now here's whatwe're gonna do. I'm clear in the
set and he would what, AndI said, I'm sorry. I agreed
to the scene. That's my job, but I can't do that because it
will it's a conflict of interest withProcter and Gamble, and in my heart
would it would would have hurt mymy dad. So I said no,
and he took away my paid ads, he took away my billing. That's
why you don't see me on theposter. That's why I did no.
They took away and introducing Cindy Morgan, you know the Bow Derek scene.
Intent this was supposed to be andintroducing Cindy Morgan as Losandele. But I
got to tell you. People say, do you regret it? No,
it was the best day of mylife, because that's the first day I
ever said that's my So what Idid to him as I said, I
used to used to run camera andI used to be in broadcasting. I
said, I got all day.I want to see four people on the
set and I can just take myand they were like, really mad,
But I did the right thing,So I don't understand you. You you
still agreed to do the nude scene. I'll tell you the difference. The
difference is it's twenty seconds. Itgoes by as the character and some people,
but on the coffee table it's me. Oddly enough, Playboy met with
me a year ago and said,would you do it today? And why
didn't you? Well, the reason, I mean, we're still talking about
it, but the thing is,for the same reason I wouldn't do it
twenty five years ago, I mightdo it today because nobody tells a woman
when and where and how? Thankyou? Thank you? Yeah, well
you should absolutely do Playboy right now, we have a camera. He's kind
of self, but I gotta takeCaddy. Scheck was the best experience of
my life because when they scared melike that and back me into a corner,
then you know how it is whenyou're scared, you're not when somebody
pushes you in a corner, suddenlyyou're not afraid anymore. And they literally
created the character of Lacey that didSuddenly I was all right, now this
is and then it made it easierfor me to be lazy. And you're
saying that you were the one whoactually did the dive into the pool.
No, I actually had to dothe climb. Now, I have a
negative seven point on myopic, soI can't see, can't swim. I
had to do the climb up thestairs, walk to the end. Look
at my eyes, I'm looking brave, but inside I'm going I'm good at
that. I walked to the end, and I had to take the spring
so that the editor one of thebest edits in cinematic history. The editor
cut to the real diver. Okay, but I had to do the jump
into what I knew for all Iknew a cement. Yeah, because and
I did, and somebody had tofish me outa Now, in Caddyshack,
you hook up with Tye and Danny, But on the screen did you ever
off screen? Did you hook upwith anybody in the movie who I slept
exactly or maybe just up against thewall. I don't care. What kind
of a show is this? Aftervery curious? Well, let's you know
what. This was nineteen seventy nine, and I had a lot of fun
on that set, and I don'tregret it at all and I'm actually going
to be writing a book about it, called From Catholics to a Caddy Shack.
And the thing is, I maynot name names, but I'll describe
the scenes nice, oh good.And again this is a different point in
time we had just gone through.You know, guys are always going You
were braless in that scene. Wehad just burned. That's right. It
was Spalding, wasn't it. Spaldingwas a hilarious And you know, nobody's
changed after twenty seven years. Everybody, Billy's the same. We all have
a little bit of and there's alittle bit of Lacey in me too.
I love it. I understand backin the day when you were a DJ
in Chicago that there was a therewas an argument at the radio station and
you said, I quit this bitch. They took away all my overtime and
gave it. They gave me morningdrive, gave me a cut and salary,
took away my overtime and gave itto a guy two weekends. You
know how much I was making doingmore? I was working at the Loop
before it was the Loop? Wasit a union shop that we just went
union when I joined the station andthe other DJ said are you with us
or against us? And I went, uh, with you okay, And
the management got very angry and theycut my salary to a figure I'm making
morning drive in a major market,one hundred and thirty five dollars a week.
Well, how can you? Howcan they do that? If you're
a union shop, you'd beginning orminimum. What they did was to get
sort of even. They took itdown in union scale. In show business,
everybody here is there's a lot thatgoes beyond behind the scenes, and
then you show up with your gameface on and you do a great job,
and in truth, on some ofyour worst days you do your best
work. So in the middle ofyour show, you are on the air,
it's like eight o'clock in the morning, you're supposed to go chill.
Ten called me on the air andhe said, I'm taking away your overtime
and giving it to a guy.Now go, I have a good break.
This was this was the owner's son, and he was always bawling me
out. And sometimes I would dothings just to was it heftel It was
the chess checker record people, ohokay, And sometimes I would do things
honestly, just yes, I didbecause because I would just listen going yes,
Terry, Yes, Terry, becausebecause it would just aggrivy. And
he told me this, and Isaid, you know, and I just
put on a long playing record.And I think because they put in a
time clock to get even with usagain, they made us punch in and
out to so I think my lastillegal, my last words were, this
is Cindy Morgan punching out. Youknow. It's funny. These are all
the things that we have in common. Because right before, right before I
went to met in Chicago, Iwas working at WZPL in Indianapolis and I
had the program director. And thisis true, folks. Most of us
who work in radio have the luckof working with these these program directors who
usually are blown out of their mindson cocaine. Yes, yeah, all
the time, And they'll call youwhile a record is playing or while commercials
are playing, and they will tellyou, in precise detail exactly how much
you suck, how you are oneatom away from getting fired while you're performing
right right, and then within thirtyseconds you're supposed to get back all the
radio. Good's a good board ofa body, and it's maddening. Yeah,
yeah, it is, and it'sall it's entirely counterproductive. They're almost
daring you to That's that's what separatesthe men from the boys, so to
speak, are the women from themfrom the girls, because that's when you
step up the plate. And that'sagain when I didn't catch it. The
hell you will blow me off thescreen. Yeah, the heck you will
get me off this. I'm goingto do my best job and I'm going
to take And when they told meI couldn't do commercials in Chicago, I
said, fine, I'm going toLa and GiB be a movie. Well
I had. I had one ofthose afternoons where the guy was calling me
and he called me like four orfive times in a row, and I
couldn't understand why because I was usedto getting it from him, like,
you know, every couple of weeksafter the show. Mostly no during the
show. He'd hotline you during theshow all the time. The hot line
is a telephone number that only theradio station people have, the phone number
two. And you know you betteranswer it because it's probably someone it's still
an idiot emergency program, right,So he'd called me like three times in
one show, and I couldn't figureout how I could please the guy.
And it turns out our music directorwalked into the studio and he said,
he's showing off in front of arecord guy. He's got you on.
Yeah, he said, he's showingoff in front of a record guy right
now. I was just in hisoffice. That's why he's doing it.
And he hotlined me again during commercialsand he started telling me how to suck
and la la la la la lala, and also the stuff. And
he'd threatened me somehow. And that'swhen I said to him, just like
you following in your footsteps. AndI said, well, these commercials are
over in thirty seconds. You betterget down here because I'm out. And
I walked out. I'll be youdid that, I walked out. Now
you did it before me, becausedidn't the GM coming. Well, I
was on the you know, Iwalked out the back door off to the
parking lot. I was getting atthat point. You're backwards against the wall,
and it's not like showing off.It's not like being a tough guy.
Your back's against the wall. AndI hated working there. I hated
it. I hated working there.I hated that I wasn't in Chicago,
and all kinds of things, andthe GM walks up and goes, what
are you doing out here? Aren'tyou supposed to be on the radio.
And I said, I just quit. I can't stand working for that guy.
Wow, I just quit. Andoh, come on, we'll solve
you know, he's a big goofykind of guy. And he solved everything.
But the guy was fired. Youknow. He took us when he
showed up. The radio station hada sixteen share, which is a lot,
and he said, this radio stationhas a lot of problems, and
he took us to an eight intwo. It's not so much for him.
Took you to the next level.Yeah, that's a good story.
That's not as good as yours.No, no, no, that's great.
During Tron as well, you know, very a lot of fans,
a lot of fans of Tron willrecognize the market first computer graphic movie ever
made, shot not against green screenor blue screen. It was shot in
black and white. Wow, andhandpainted frame by framing. No, no,
this was Disney. What was theguy? Is it? Jeff?
Jeff Bridges. Jeff Bridges got allon so it was all black behind us.
There was nothing there and you know, so this was you know how
it isn't broadcasting. You guys knowas well as I do. You come
in and you make the reality happen. You know, you look at each
other sometimes you find it, youknow, just look at each other's eyes,
going are we going to do this? Yeah? I guess we are.
Yeah. And so Tron was thisthis character and a computer and it
was a Disney process now very differentthan Caddyshack, where it was pandemonium,
wild and prevent Disney. You don'tmess with the mouse. Very struck.
Well, you're a lot of fun. You're just as gorgeous as ever.
And it's been great sharing stories withyou, and thank you. You know
how you do? You know howyou hear people do testimonials at the end
for a radio show. I wishI had a name like tie so I
could get you to I wish myname was like suck. He's a bad,
bad boy. Do you want meto sign something special in this second
year? Great, he'll disappear foran hour. I want this sorry,
all right? Sending Morgan and ComicCon all weekend. Go see her