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June 5, 2023 26 mins
Movie buffs Dave Rickards and Joash Board continue to break down their take on movies. This's the top 5 "Chick Flicks" all guys MUST see. Do you agree with their selections? Give it a listen!

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No, I heard Media presents theDave Rigards Podcast. Today on the Dave
Rigards Podcast, it's going to bepart two of my visit with Josh Board,
who is the movie critic on AMsix hundred Mornings with Ted and Madonna

Harvey on Cogo Radio. He's writtenfor virtually every publication. He's been on
every television station. He is aSan Diego movie critic. Uh what did
you say, Esquire Balm Vivon.He is our beloved movie critic. Here.
Josh Board is joining me here todayfor part two of a Cigar in

a Movie, Movie in a Cigar. I was thinking of something, Dave.
If we're gonna do chick flicks today, instead of cigars, we should
have had sended candles and c Yeah. By the way, yes, have
you ever noticed that cigars are alsoa great prop in a movie like it
could be Nicholson as a military guyand a few good men chomping on one.

Is tears into Tom Cruise, orit's always some big ceo fat cat
or a mobster like de nirog.Yeah, it's a great prop. It's
a great prop. Oh de Nirowith the cigar in the Untouchables. Oh
God, that could have been onmy five list. Guys have to.
I hope you saw our part oneof this podcast, which was five movies.

Josh had his five, I hadmy five the movies that all guys
should have seen by now, andhopefully there's one or two on that list
that you haven't seen and we've encouragedyou to watch. But today we're going
to do the five movies, chickmovies that we think it's okay for guys
to see. And because it iscigar in a movie, we'll show you

which ones we're having today. I'mstill with a Macanudo or I'm sorry,
I'm monte Cristo, but this timeit's it's might go to kind of every
day white label monte Cristo, justa good everyday cigar. Enjoying that one
today, how about you? Well, because it's chicks that we're talking about,
Yes, I got this cigar,San Crystal Ball. I hate the
names of their cigars, like Revelation. This is a Revelation and they got

one called s ever Vescence or something, but they have these cute little birds
on it. My wife loves birds. We always have parakeets because she loves
birds, so I thought Okay,I'm just gonna I thought that would put
me in the mood. Will yoube smoking in with your pinky up?
Will it being a holder or anythingspecial? That's that's a very good point.
I wonder if people care how youhold cigars, because sometimes I'll dissect

how somebody's holding a cigar in amovie and I'm like, oh, yeah,
they're not a cigar, not doingthat right? Yeah, And you
know, we want to it's importantto Josh and I to point out we
are not making fun of chick movies. We are fans of chick movies.
We really are, and we wantto encourage guys who have been afraid of
seeing chick movies because God knows thereare some bad ones out there that you
don't want to see. We thinkthese are good movies, that these are

movies that add any the manliest mancould enjoy these movies. So would you
like to start with your list?Sure, I'm gonna start with Clueless,
which might be more of a teamcomedy, but since it centers around girls
mostly, I think that could beconsiderate chick flick. And I just think
it's smartly written. Tina Fey wroteit. I didn't know that. Oh

wait, wait a second, maybeI'm thinking of a different team comedy.
Oh dang, it's yes, I'mthinking of mean girls who wrote Clueless.
I don't know who wrote Clueless.I'm clueless about that, but I just
thought it was great. And Ithink when you have smart movies like that,
they do every little thing right.A perfect example is her dad is
this great character actor. I shouldhave prepared better for this segment and figured
out what his name was, butI love that he's not this bumbling idiot.

He knows what his daughter's up toand all her shenanigans. Oh yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahyeah. And he's a lawyer and
he's always doing work on paper thingshe's getting mattered. I just thought it
was a really clever comedy and Iliked it. And you obviously saw you
have two daughters, so I'm sureyou saw Clueless. You know what,
having two daughters and a wife livingin a house full of women. A
lot of these chick movies that we'regoing to talk about here. They make

a lot of sense to me becauseI went to the movies to see these
movies because I have daughters who therewas a lot of appeal for that,
and I have yet to meet awoman today who didn't love Clueless, who
doesn't love Share, who doesn't lovethe fashion and the clothes and everything,
loves the whole thing. Dan Hedeiais the actor who plays Shares. You

know, you feel like he's atough guy, but you can tell he's
a softie and he loves his daughter. Right, Okay, what's next?
Okay, next, I'm gonna gowith a comedy When Harry Met Sally.
All Right, it's one of thebest comedies ever made. I think I
was actually disappointed to find out atthe end, you know how all those
couples throughout the movie are talking abouttheir relationship and how long they've been together,

And then I found out they wereall actors. And I don't know
why that bumped me out so much, because I'm used to radio stations and
TV stations doing bits that they makeit like it's live or something like that,
and it's not. But just lookingat these couples and they look like
real people and it turned out tobe actors. But what a great movie,
and it's really romantic. And Idon't know why guys always poop poo.

The idea of a romantic movie.Maybe it's because that movie's crap and
it's frustrating and I can't stand watchingit. That could be the reason they
always poop po is. Wait,sorry, you're saying you didn't like When
Harry Met Oh. Don't like it. It's too frustrating, there's too much.
There's too much personal self sabotaging goingon in there. Billy Crystal,
who I love in every movie he'sbeen in except When Harry Met Sally,

and that's probably his most famous movie. Wow, this is crazy. You're
so wrong on this now. Theonly argue, the only thing you could
say that's wrong with this movie iswould she have ever fallen for Billy Crystal.
He's like this five foot five Jewishguy with curly hair, and he's
so rude. I could say that, so I'm a Jew because he's so
rude in the beginning. I don'tthink she'd ever warm up to him that

way romantically. Yeah. Well,if you'n episcopalia, it's coming up on
our movies, I'll make tlut ofthem. No wonder. You know the
Jews always get to go. Ican say that because of a Jew,
no one ever hears I can saythat because I'm a white Anglo Saxon Prosits
products copion. So all right,we're gonna disagree on that one. But
I know I'm in the minority onthat one. I hate to say this

because I love Billy Crystal, buthe gosh, it just drives me crazy
and Meg Ryan is so adorable onit, so I mean, come on,
yeah, all right, what else? By the way, she actually
threatened to sue me on a pieceI wrote once that that'll be a story
I'll tell you some other time.Really, I's so it had to get
pulled. That is I don't likethis people. This is how he has

now hooked me into doing a thirdsegment with him because he knows I've got
to hear the Meg Ryan. We'lldo more segments and I are a smart
media guy. All right. Well, the next movie on my list is
Sense and Sensibility. Yeah. Now, I'm not so sure most guys will
like it, but I loved it. I loved everything about it. And

I'm not the biggest Jane Austen fan, but it moved me. I love
that Emma Thompson won an Oscar forwriting it. There's a scene where she
starts crying because she's so happy thatHugh Grant didn't get married like she thought
he did. And I tried toexplain that scene to somebody and I started
crying, and I'm like, I'mcrying talking about a movie that's a powerful
film, that is powerful. AlanRickman, Hugh Grant. Those are two

guys who can do no wrong withme. Yeah, and Kate Winslet.
She's going to show up a coupleof times here today in our discussions.
She's just that good. The nextmovie on my list is Terms of Endearment,
and I love the fact that BurtReynolds in interviews is always so angry.
He didn't win an Oscar yet.He was offered the part that Jack
Nicholson won the Oscar for, buthe turned it down because he didn't want

to do the part without his tupei. He had to wear his tupei.
Lonnie Anderson in her book, don'task me why I read her book,
but I read her book. Shesaid when they started dating, like the
first year of the relationship, hewould wear his tupai to bad. That's
a guy that's really vain about hisbaldness. I just went to hats and
growing a beard that's the way mostguys do it. They're both a head.

Come, do you wear your head? Do you wear your hat to
bed? Though? No comment,David, Okay, I can tell you
right now that a good friend ofmine, Abrahmowitz, wears his hat to
bed. Oh god, when he'swith Lady Company, he wears his hat
to bed. Some guys just needto cover that stuff up. Okay,
But terms of endearment, I justyou know that hospital scene. I know

that's the one, the quintessential scene. Yeah, how that just kills you
because it kills you're you're trying tohelp your daughter out, and then and
then when she tries to talk toher kids about Look, I know you're
being rude now and you're gonna feelbad about Oh my god. I just
that movie is amazing. What isit about Southern movies though, that need
to give men stupid names? Inever could get over flap. Thank you

as flap. I completely forgot aboutthat. That makes no sense to me,
doesn't. Somewhere along the line,maybe the second day of filming,
somebody says it feels weird saying flap. Just like if I see a truck
go by and stop in front ofa character and it says Smithy's automotive five
five five one two one two.I'm like, just don't put the phone
number. I know. I don'twant to start thinking that, oh,

there's another fake number. So whena character has a weird name, just
change it, even if it's froma book, just change it. Yeah,
it bugs me. It bugs me. Wondering if the director's watching it
going I called him flap so thatyou guys would remember it and you would
talk about it. All right?What hey? Have you ever had this
one, Dave where there'll be amovie and it's an actor like Lou Diamond

Phillips and his name is Lou inthe movie and you're going, really,
could he not remember the script ifit said Steve? Is that why we
did this? That creative? Wasthat? All? Right? What is
next? Tutsie? I don't knowif Tutsie would be considered a chick flick.
The reason I'm qualifying it is achick flick is it's one of my
all time favorite movies and I justwanted to put it on the list.

But also San Diego's own Stephen Bishopdoing those songs, I think that makes
it become a chick flick. Whenhe's singing, something's telling me it might
be you. You're like, okay, boy, is that a chick song?
It's got to be a chick flick, because the whole point of this
movie is I mean, obviously,I know Dustin Hoffman, he just he'll
do anything to get an acting job. But suddenly his mission in life,

or his character's mission in life,is about women's empowerment. He she touts
he wants to rise above, breakthrough the glass ceiling. She's got what's
the name of the great soap operadirector, Dabney Colemanbney Coleman, Coleman standing
in the way all the time,and the old lecherous soap opera actor with
the tongue Oh oh yeah. Mytwo favorite scenes in that are when he's

arguing with Sidney Pollock, who actuallydirected the movie, about why nobody's gonna
hire him as an actor. Yeah. I just think that's brilliant writing.
And just at the end when he'scoming down the stairs and he's going to
review that he's a man, andhe's just doing his whole soliloquy about you
know what, Dorothy Michaels came here, but I'm not Dorothy Michaels, and
he's like, I'm Michael Dorsey,the bastard son, and you know,

and the montage. Montage seen's neverwork in movies, but it worked perfectly
to see each person Charles Jurney whoproposed to her, and Bill Murray who's
the roommate, and everybody's face andtheir little comments. It was just a
perfect comment. Terry Garr. Thatcould be one of Terry Garr's greatest performances
in that movie. You know,she probably played a wife or a girlfriend

in so many movies, like inthe seventies and eighties. It's like,
oh, we need a wife,bring Terry Garran. My favorite Terry Garr
is Young Frankenstein because she's a tomato. She's such a snack in that movie.
But and she's a great comedic actor. But she's just so sad and
pathetic but believable in that movie,and you just feel so bad for her.

It's like, get away from theselosers. Now. The interesting thing
that I love about Tootsie is ifevery guy honest, if he had to
be honest, I'll bet it isbetter than fifty percent of guys would admit.
Okay, I would smash Dustin Hoffmandressed up his tootsie. Would I
did not think you were going therehe was a good looking woman. Well

no, yeah, as Terry Garrsaid, she's a little fat. I
couldn't get over the nose. Ican say that because I have a nose.
But I love the fact that,speaking of if everybody's being honest,
that Jessica Lang tells Dorothy, Oh, I just want a guy to say,
look, I want to make loveto you. I don't want to
play a bunch of games. Andthen he does that. She throws a

drink in his face because she's saying, yes, if you look like Brad
Pitt, you can come up andsay that, yeah, if you look
like Dustin Hoffman. All Right,those are good ones. Those are five
good ones. With a glaring exceptionof when Harry met Sally. I would
say, those are good movies foranyone to see. Here are mine.
Here are my five movies for youthat are chick movies that are okay for
guys to see. And they areThelma and Louise. Is this a chick

movie? Because you've got action,you've got a car chase, you've got
crime, you've got sex, You'vegot all this stuff going on. Gina
Davis, in particular being held downby her husband at home. I call
this a classic chick flick. It'sfunny. I just finished reading Gena Davis's
book, and she tells a greatstory about that movie. She was with
this guy for a couple of years, an actor Christopher McDonald I think his

name was. She leaves him forJeff Goldblum. Which wouldn't that crush your
ego if a woman leaves you forJeff Goldblooms. I didn't know those two
well. I didn't get the JeffGoldbloom thing until late in life. I
admire him. I think he's agreat actor, but I never understood that
he was a sex symbol that wholeyou know this thing in the Dinosaur movie
where he's all stretched out, thathe's Jeff Goldblum is a sex symbol.

But remember love Jeff Goldblum, Rememberhe played the nerdy character in The Big
Jill because of what he looks like. But she leaves this guy for Jeff
Goldbloom. But then when she startsdoing Thelma Louise, she says, Hey,
I think my ex would be perfectfor this part. And so he
gets at and fellma Louis is abig part. I think he's one of
the ex husbands or something like Iforget. I only saw the movie once
in theaters and I loved it.I do think the ending, though,

would have been a little better ifthey didn't necessarily drive off of the canyon.
But they started to, and thenyou don't know if they're going to
turn go or not, so thenyou can leave it to your in termination
because so many people were bothered thatthey died at the end. They were
like, oh come on, andyou try to say, well, they
went out on their terms, isn'tthat. But I think it would have
been better if they just didn't gooff the canyon but looked like they might

have. Harvey Kites all great inthat, and of course introducing Brad Pitt,
Yeah, and Louise. I alwaysthink it's funny when they put introducing
in a movie and it'll be likea kid that's eight years old, and
they're like, it's like, comeon, they're eight, we get it
all right. Next up on mylist for you is we talked about this
a little split second ago is MeanGirls. I have Tina Fey's Mean girls

on the list, What do youthink? I love it, And again,
it's one of those movies that ifany guy didn't see it, they're
insane because it's one the best comediesever made. And I hate to keep
going back to this steam of mine. I love when a great movie does
little things right. Like the principleplayed by Tim Meadows from SNL. He's
not a bumbling idiot. And Ilove when they do that with characters,

you know, because in real lifea principle or a police detective, they're
not going to be these complete bozos. It's just you know, but in
movies that are comedies like this,they want to make him that way.
Ever, get hung on why he'swalking around with a cast on his hand
all the time? Wait, inthe movie he had a cast. It
didn't even stick with yet these arethese stupid little attention diverting moments for me,

just like, why is he wearinga cast through the whole movie?
I mean, I guess he brokehis hand before they started the movie,
but it's never part of the storyline. But it's just so, here's my
cast, and it just bugs me. Well, you know, it's weird
because like in the sting. RobertShaw walked with a limp and they didn't
tell him too, but they thought, well, that's kind of neat.
It adds like, this guy's intoa lot of stuff with criminals, so

maybe he got tagged. And soI think that's that's always fun. And
you know, like Brando shows upfor Apocalypse Now with a shaved head and
they're like, oh, great,this isn't what we wanted. But then
they thought, we'll wait a second, he's crazy. Okay, let's go
with it. So and I thinkMean Girls I may be wrong, but
Mean Girls is the first movie Iknow of where you have a woman who

wrote the movie, Tina Fey,who has never done anything that I haven't
really enjoyed. Right, you know, I have that woman and her friend
to host the Oscars every year,Amy Poehler. Those two can do no
wrong. It's the first movie Iever saw that displays how conniving and vicious
and uh just really mean women notonly can be, but intend to be

in their lives and attacking each other, you know, not holding women up
the whole community. It's like,hey, women support women. Oh you
see this, this movie, thisshows you how they will sabotage each other.
And that's like that you like thetitle, then that it's mean girls,
because it really tells what you actuallyI think the book title is better.
I forget what the book title was. It was like, um queen
Bee and I don't know. It'sa really catchy title, and I wish

they would have stuck with that.All right, This next movie, this
is the one that may have yousending me to the dugout. This is
a chick movie. There's no doubtabout it. And I think that it's
okay for guys leg and it issteel Magnolia's go ahead, let me have
it, right, go ahead.This is weird. Why are you so

sure that I'm gonna hate this movie? And by the way, I do
hate it. I just it's oneof those that I'm embarrassed to say that
I love, so I know there'ssomething wrong with it. I don't know
if I was just annoyed by theirSouthern accents or the just the contrived nature
of like, you know, whensomebody's dying of cancer, that's what makes
it a chick movie. I mean, you got to have cancer and suffering
in pain and just you know,drama. What about something for Joey.

Didn't that football Player or Brian's songa movie? Yeah? Um, I
oh, I like. I thinkI only like to limp you ducoccus in
that that's the only character. Ithought, Well, this is a good
performance. I like her. Ijust oh, I hated the movie and
I only got halfway through it.I hated them. That's great. U
mean, I'm not saying this justbecause you knocked one of my movies,

because I'm not one of those guysthat says, oh, I'm gonna get
Dave now, Nate. I thinkI think it is the best performances I've
ever seen from Sally Field, DollyParton, way way think you think that's
the best performance from Sally Field Sally. Have you not seen Cannonball Run too?
You're right, all right? Secondbest the scene the cemetery scene.

The cemetery scene where Sally Field haslost her daughter, and that is just
it kills me every single time.That gets you. But I mean,
really, you could have the worstmovie. If somebody dies and they're acting
like they're grieving, it's pretty powerfulstuff. It's hard not to get moved
by that. And I have togive Shirley McClain credit for that one too.

Shirley McClain and Olympiadcoccus together in thatmovie are a toured force. I
got a question for you. Sinceyou like Carrie Grant and you you can
like some of these older actors andactresses. Yes, I do, which
is quite refreshing because like, Imet a guy at a party and everybody
said, oh, you got tomeet this guy. He knows everything about
films. He's blah blah blah.So I said, well, what are

the two best movies of all time? And he says Lethal Weapon too and
Terminator And I'm thinking, like,what, Like, I mean, you
know, I want I'm not sayingyou have to say Citizen Kane to impress
me. But that just was kindof like, Okay, they're good movies.
But he's not wrong though, accordingto him, is the thing.
But Sally Field in Absence of Malice. I just love that with Paul Newman,

and but I would Okay, here'swhat I'm gonna ask you, because
you you like a lot of theseolder actors and actresses. I have this
weird thing with my brain where whenI was a kid, because I was
born in nineteen sixty nine, LizTaylor was always kind of pudgy with this
hair or do that looked like mymom, So she was never attractive to
me. Then when I would seeolder films, I'd go, whoa,

she was pretty back in the day. But I'm thinking of what she looks
like now. Therefore, she didn'tlook pretty when I go back and revisit
those old movies. And I'm thesame with um. Was it Sally Field
or somebody in the in the movieyou just mentioned Steele? Magnali is,
Oh, I don't know, it'sjust certain actresses once I know him as
older characters. Yeah, Sherman McLaineand Lembiadcaucus and Dolly Parton. But if

you want to see, if youwant to see primetime Elizabeth Taylor and Paul
Newman, it's kat on a hottin roof. I mean you just that's
a couple right there that cannot betopped anywhere. Janetic, you can't beat
those two. Next up here onmy list. These are movies that it's
okay for guys to like their chickmovies is going to be the devil worst
product. Okay, that's interesting.I thought the movie was good. You

think most guys would like it though. I mean, it's really delves a
lot into fashion. It does.Yeah, but I think whenever you have
a mean boss character, I thinkeverybody can relate to that on some level.
Yeah, and Meryl Streep is themeanest boss there is in this movie
without were raising her voice. She'sjust ice queen in this whole thing.
Yeah, I wish I suppose she'ssupposed to be and a win tour.

I suppose that's yes, is theright the right of Vogue or whatever that
is. I think they should havehad a little more journalism in that and
a little less fashion, just tomake it a more all encompassing film.
But I liked it. One problemI had with that movie is all her
friends loved getting the free swag whenshe bring them all the stuff, right,
Yet they're so livid that she can'tspend time with them because she's working.

And I'm like, you know,like if you worked at a radio
station and you're hooking your friends upwith free tickets, they're not mad.
Going ad Dave canceled out on ourpoker game again. They're like, hey,
gave me free you two tickets lastweek. I'll give him a pass.
And especially people in their early twentieswhen they're all driven by their careers.
At that point where you're getting thatat your friends is if they leave
the group because they're in a newrelationship and you don't see from them.

It's probably my weakest pick in thefive here. And oddly enough, in
this movie, you know where you'vegot Meryl Streep and Cantley Tucci. Well,
Stanley Tucci is the one I'm goingto point out. He carries so
much of that movie for me.You know, all these powerful women who
are in this movie and there's StanleyTucci, and I just you know,

he's another guy. I've never seena bad movie with Stanley chi. Yeah,
for bad performers, there is allright. I saved my best for
lasts The Ultimate Chick Flick, whichevery guy must see. Do I need
to get a clean X ready?I don't think so. I don't think
so, because well, I don'tknow. It's this movie that I'm gonna
tell you about, which I thinkis not only the Ultimate chick movie,

is the original chick movie, andit's not one that all all guys should
see. It's one that all guysshould love. If you say, gone,
with the Wind. I am shuttingthe computer and walking out of the
room. I love Gone with theWind. I do I love Gone with
a Wind. I love Clark Gable. I can't help it, but no,
I'm real close to it though it'sCasablanca. Okay, okay, I

got the problems here. I havesome problems. Where do I start start?
How is this a chick flick?I mean, do you think the
notebook is a chick flick? Whatdo you think the notebook is a chick
flick? Yes, but I thinkthe notebook is one woman in love with
two guys. That's the same thingat Casablanca. One woman is in love
with two guys. And by theway I think, I think what he

does at the end, I don'twant to give any spoilers. I think
that's one of the most two Ithink it's one of the most romantic things,
like him letting her go. LikeI remember seeing that as a teenager
and it moved me so much,thinking, Wow, I would never do
that if a woman wasn't with meanymore. Um. I have a friend
that in the eighties. She toldme about this recently. I didn't know

her in the eighties at a charityauction. She bought a bar stool from
Cosa Blanca for fifty dollars and shehas it in storage and she's gonna give
it to me because she knows that'sone of my favorite movies. So I'm
gonna have a bar stool from CasaBlanca. Well, I'm I'm green with
envy, honestly, because I dolove hunting for props from my favorite movies.
At one time, I think itwas a countdown on eBay. I

was bidding on Humphrey Bogart's cigarette lighterfrom the Maltese Falcon. Oh M,
I think I saw an auction wherethey had the Maltese Falcon thing, but
it started. It was a startingbid at twenty five thousand or something.
The scene that gets me is whenit's nighttime. He's alone in his cafe

with Sam. Sam's just noodling aroundon the piano and the wall that Humphrey
Bogart has built around him from hisbroken heart from Elsa is crumbling and there's
nothing he can do about it.And he slams his fist on the bar
and that's it. He's given in, and that's when he does his of
all the gin joints and all thetowns and all the world's just to walk

into mind. It's fantastic. Ilove that movie. But god, I
just don't think it's a chick flick. It's a chick flick. And also
it's a lot of alone on thisBut was umph Humphrey Bogart wasn't the best
looking leading man in the world nownow, and he's always got a lot
of yeah, a lot of saliva, a lot of dribbling stuff going on

there. But he's another guy whoI've developed a real, a real appreciation
for his talent and his ability latein life. I think he's terrific.
Okay, we had a good list. We had nine good movies on there,
nine good ones. You know thattook me a second Math was never
my strong suit. So I'm like, okay, I'm like, wait a

second year. Those are the Thoseare the chick movies that Josh Board,
who is the emeritus movie critic ofSan Diego and I just a fan of
the movies, think that these aregood movies that guys should not be afraid
of. And again we hope thatmaybe we've planted a seed and there's one
that you've heard of and you've alwayswandered on honestly tried that one. We

think they're all great. Yep.And when we come back the next time,
when we do a third installment ofMovie and a Cigar or a Cigar
and I or whatever we've decided tocall the stupid thing, we're going to
hear the story. What was it? Was it Terry gar got mad at
you? No? No, it'sMeg Ryan, Meg Roan. It's going
to sue you. Yeah, yeah, I want to hear it. Why

all right? Next time the fivetimes Josh Board almost got sued by big
movies. And what we should alsodo is the movies that our wives gave
us and said you should have mentionedthis movie. I know it's on the
Hardmark channel. But you've been listeningto the Dave Rigards Podcast. Stay tuned
for more episodes to come. Toreach Dave for comments or suggestions for future
podcast topics, email him at DaveRickards at iHeartMedia dot com. That's d

A V R I c K AR D s at iHeartMedia dot com.
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