All Episodes

December 22, 2024 • 41 mins
(2024) 12-22 David Carrier Show Hour 2
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:26):
He served at the Pentagon as an army jag. He
graduated from Notre Dame and has two law degrees from
Boston University and Georgetown University. He's been practicing law for
over thirty years. He's your family's personal attorney. It's time
for the David Carrier Show.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Hello, and welcome to the David Carrier Show. I'm David
Carrier in your family's personal attorney, and you have found
a place where we talk about a state planning, elder law,
real estate and business law. So give us a call.
A just six one six seven seven four twenty four
twenty four. That's the number to call. Let's let's get

you read to the studio with your question, comment or
concern six one six seven seven four twenty four twenty four.
We do these workshops all with all kinds of workshops, frankly,
but the intro, the one that you should take your
parents to in January because you can't put off having
the conversation anymore, is the three Secrets workshop. Three secrets

which I'm not gonna tell you what the three secrets
are now, other than to say, you know, if you've
been listening to the show, you'll you'll recognize them. They're
not really ooh secrets. Nobody talks about this stuff, but
so they might as well be secret, but they're not
really not really all that. You know, if you're if
you're looking for the map to the treasure of the

Sierra Madre, well you're not gonna find it here. It's
not that kind of secret. But it is the kind
of secret that people are in denial about. That is
what we That is what we talk about. There's an
awful lot of denial going on out there, and so
that's what we covered. The Three Secrets. We do these
Three Secrets every week in Grand Rapids, we do them

in Norton Shores, we do them in Holland, we do
them down in Portage. So there's a lot of availability.
Not every week in those other locations, every week in
good old gr at the home office in Grand Rapids, Michigan,
but not the other offices. Every month, sometimes twice a month.
We also do the Trustee Workshop, how to be a

good trustee. We do the Beneficiary Workshop, how to be
a good beneficiary. There's a way to be a good beneficiary,
all right, there's a way for these things to go.
There's expectations that people need to have, and well most
of the time they don't have them, which is cause

of unbelievable psychic too bad as no way to monetize that,
I guess anyway, you know, exact or measure it. Measure
is what I'm thinking is there's a way to measure
the psychic stress that people go through because they don't
really understand how this stuff works. And so as a
beneficiary you don't really understand what's going on. As a trustee,

you don't understand your job very well, and so there's
all kinds of stress and strains and family. Be nice,
if you could nice, if you could bag that anyway,
that's what the workshops are all about. Come to a
three Secrets workshop and we'll you learn it. You know.
I spent the whole first hour talking about how difficult
it is sometimes to have that conversation. And at the

end of the year, when all the holidays are behind us,
that's when people frequently, just judging from the nursing home population,
long term care facility population, that's when the conversations finally
get had. And that's why there's a float of you know,
typically spike population be able to put up with it
through the holidays, but then we're really going to get

this taken care of. And that's why we encourage you
to come to the Three Secrets Workshop. Why, because so
much of the information out there is not true, is
not accurate, it's not complete. That's why we call it
the Three Secrets. But if you come and here's the thing,
here's the thing, bring the kids. Right, if you come

to one of these, bring your spouse, bring the kids.
It's important to have the same conversation. Right, It's important
for everybody to understand what's going on now. Lots of times,
lots of times to go, oh, whatever you want, my dad,
you know whatever, but lots of times and I just
had it happen this week when you have doubts, when

people have doubts right about well, nobody else told me this,
and you know, you get the questioning, which is fine,
you know, very human, and they don't want to move
ahead anyway because we just came in to fix this
little thing and now we found out about all this
other stuff and okay, we'll make sense, we'll go ahead

with it. And then they talk to the kids. And
if you don't think that you know how to get
out of your kids, which you want to get out
of your kids. You know what I mean in terms
of reaction. You know, the kids know how to read you.
And if you say I want you to tell me
not to do this, they will tell you not to
do it. You know how that works. I mean that's

just human relations kind of one oh one. And so
they will tell you what you want to hear, which
is I don't need to do anything. And so then
you'll come back to me and say, well, my kids
told me not to do it. I'm like, okay, fine,
you know, we'll see this has happened. I don't know
how many times you know where people but they keep

the card, you know, and then you get to call
X years later from the kids and it's like, we've
got a file on you. We've got to could we
keep files on everybody who comes in, you know, so
we know that you did come in, we know what
we talked about such a second. So we'll come in
as you pull up the file and it's like, oh, oh,
what happened? You know, why didn't you move? Why why

aren't we ready for this?

Speaker 1 (06:17):
You know?

Speaker 2 (06:17):
Why? Why is this a crisis case instead of a
pre plan? Well, because and then you read to know,
my kid said not to do it, or got cold
feed or you know whatever, whatever it may happen, Well,
it's okay, and we can still fix it to some extent,
you know, like I say, that's all the that's all
the review mirror, but but very very typical kind of thing.

Let's break. I would suggest breaking that pattern. Breaking that
trend is not a bad idea, not a bad idea.
Here's another trend. Here's another thing that I never thought
I would see. I think most of us are familiar
with the the the whole game of chicken that the

federal government plays, the Congress plays, and it's so routine.
Now it's like it's like it's so formulaic. You know,
one I blames the other, oh, and oh, we're not
going to get it through. And then they pass this bill.
You know, they pass a law that is so hundreds
of pages, and you know you know that it's a

fly infested pile of dog crap that it's just discussed. Well,
but we got to do it. Otherwise terrible things will happen. Right,
People with purple hair and funny glasses will yell at you,
saying that you've got to do it and such. But anyway,
you know that it's oh, it's as awful, but you
got to do it. And you know that nobody knows

all the stuff that's hidden inside that thing. Okay, tax
the tax code is like that, Okay, very difficult to
figure out exactly what the heck is going on with
the tax code because there's so many pages of it's
so voluminous, and the regulations are worse, you know, they're
even longer. But you know that most of it was

some insider deal with somebody. You know it. It's not
for the greater good of everybody hard work in America. No,
it's not about that at all. There was some secret
deal and they and you can't even figure out what
the hell is going on. Okay, But that's just the
way it is. Because if you don't pass this monstrosity
that was arrived at by four people in the closet

right who're trying to figure it out, or you know,
horse trading, and then everybody's supposed to accept it. I mean,
it is so frustrated to hear these Oh we had
an agreement. No, we didn't have an agreement. They voted
on it. That's how you know, you don't have an agreement.
You don't have an agreement until there's a vote. What
what We didn't give it to four people. We got

four hundred and thirty five representative. There another one hundred senators,
five hundred and thirty five people who got a vote
on it. It's not four people, you insane person, What
are you thinking? But here's here's what's different. Here's what's different.
There was a guy who actually read it, you know
that Viveate guy, Ramaswami guy. He read it. Can you

imagine what's it like to what's it like to have
somebody who's on your side who could take an eighteen
hundred page, three foot stack of paper and actually read it.
That's how that's how smart the guy is. And then
you got the other guy who throws it into his
computer and the computer spits out, Okay, this is doing this,
and that's doing that, and this is doing this, and

that's doing that. So they reduced it all to about
one hundred pages less than two other pages anyway, all right,
so you take this eighteen hundred page thing and now
it's down to him. It's like whoo, whooh, I didn't
see that coming did you see that coming? See that coming?
You know, think of think of everything that got trashed

out of that thing, all the creepy crawley stuff that
Congress people agree to both parties. This is not a
both parties. You had four people behind closed doors who
agreed to this of both parties, right that. Oh, it's bipartisan.
That means it's good. No, that just means that both
sides are ripping you off, and you would never you know,

it's shameful that these people would agree to it. But
they figured they'd never get caught. Now they're getting caught.
Isn't that Isn't that like amazing? That's amazing. I think
it's it's wonderful. It's like, you know, who's in favor
of secret deals, who's in favor of you know, smoke
filled rooms, who's in favor of all that you know,

behind the scenes horse trading nonsense. Is there anybody who
comes out in favor and says, oh, yeah, I think
we really need to do this thing, which is a
better fit to somebody in my state. I think we
need to do this which pays off my donors. I
think we need to do Nobody defends it. Nobody can
defend it, and now we can actually see what's going on,

so we don't have to put up with it. Isn't
that amazing? Isn't that amazing? And guess what it's being
done with the same people who are right in there
the whole time. You haven't even had change your hands.
Can you imagine what it'll be like when there's actually,
you know, folks who are have a different perspective on
the thing, maybe folks who wouldn't make that deal in

the first place. Amazing, amazing stuff. Anyway, You've been listening
to the David Carrier Show. I'm David Carrier, your family's
personal attorney, and.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
This hour up the David Carrier Show is prow Bone.
Is that so? Call now at seven four? This is
the David Carrier Show.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
Well, come back to the David Carrier Show. I'm David Carrier,
your family's personal attorney. Give us a shout. Why don't
you six one six seven, seven four twenty four twenty four.
That's six one, six, seven seven four twenty four to
twenty four. Will get your question, comment or concern on
the here and now. Here's the thing. Once you get
a state plan, right, once you get a bunch of documents.

Now you feel good, you see, And all you have
to do is take that binder of magical documents, that
binder of documents and put it on a shelf somewhere
because you're done. Now you never have to think about
it again. Right, you gotta tru There's something called the wheel,
something called the power of attorney. Right, you got all

the all the stuff, and it's great, and now you're done.
So you just take it, put it in the basement.
Seems to be a pretty popular place to put these things,
and just forget about it because you're not gonna need
it till after you pass, probably right after you're dead,
and you don't let the kids find it, tell them
it's down there in the basement somewhere, you know, and
then you'll be dead, or when you're dead, then you've

already got it all taken care of. And so because
you only need to do this once, because nothing will
ever change in your life, nothing will ever be different.
Everything will always be the same, and the laws don't
change either. Or that's one attitude, it seems to be
the majority of you. Or you can do what we do,
which is every single week that goes by every single week,

we have a two hour, two hour trust review workshop
where you come in you've got a question. It's not
a big question, you know, and you don't have to
you know whatever, but you have a question, So come
on in, come to the trust Review workshop, or you
can go to the trustee workshop, or you can go
to the beneficiary workshop, or you can go to the
you know, after death Administration workshop, or you can go

to the three Secrets workshop again, or you can go
to one of the funding workshops. Okay, so we got
all these workshops always, but you know, that's kind of boring.
I don't really want to go to that, and they're
kind of boring. Okay, that's fine, so we're boring. Got it.
Once or twice a month. Once or twice a month,
we have a visiting aspert, somebody who can talk about

real estate or insurance or investing, or the Civil War,
or do an antiques road show. We've done those. Something
that's kind of a chiropractor or a doctor or you know, somebody.
The lady from the Social Security Office comes in and
explain so security to you, you know, whatever it may
happen to be. And we do those all the time,

all the time as well. But you say, oh, and boring,
I don't want to go to that. They say, okay, fine,
what if we had some fun events? So what if
we went to a white Caps game, or what if
what if we went to the public museum, or what
if we did a big and go night, or what
if we did other stuff? Well that's a little more fun, right,
And then what if once a quarter every quarter, every

three months, what if we got the whole gang together
as many people wanted to come. That's why I have
a big venue for it. As many want to come,
and you know we do we give out toolboxes, metal
toolboxes because your estate plan is a fully loaded toolbox.
Or Hawaiian shirts. I don't really know why we did
the Hawaiian shirts, so you just kind of I just

kind of felt like it. Yeah, I don't have any
deep reasoning for that one. But the baseball Caps those
were those were kind of fun, right. And the annual
mugs that'll be coming up again at the first meeting
of the year. You get your yeah, the annual Yetti
coffee mug or what have you. You know, just you know,

get a full collection. So why do we do all
that stuff? I mean, why do we Because although it's
the best plan of course is just do it one time,
throw it in the basement and forget about it, right,
Or maybe you might want it to be a little
more involved in what this stuff is all about. Maybe
we want to make sure, right at least once time,

you don't have to go to everything. That would be extreme.
I don't know everybody goes to everything. That's to me,
But when you stay actively engaged, actively involved in your
life with this stuff, it can be fun to talk
to other people just like you who are going through
the same sort of thing. Why not? Why not? And

we've got a call around the line who attended our
last event who wants to tell just how terrible and
awful it was. And the fact that we ran out
of brownies and sliders? Is that what you got to
complain about? Gary? Is that what it is?

Speaker 3 (16:59):
No complaints. The first thing I'd like, I want to
wish everybody a merry Christmas in a happy new year
to you and your team in your audience. Well, yeah,
we've been We got involved in the red Wagon about
a year ago and it's been a blast.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
I'll let you happen.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
So it wasn't it wasn't It wasn't too awful with
the you know, I I usually plan those, you know,
when I get up on the stage, I usually think, well,
we'll see how long this goes. And what was it?
Like an hour and a half. They were they were
waving me down because the the caterers wanted to serve
lunch and get out of there, you know, but but

people kept asking questions and nobody was moving. You know,
it's like it's like a radio show and no commercial breaks,
you know.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
Yeah, so I was in the back. They were waving
a half a good job.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
Yeah, yeah, well where it worked out? Pardon me, Yeah, yeah,
it worked out. It worked out. You know. One of
the things we always have to wherever we do one
of our events, we always have to warn the caterers,
you know, you better, you better, you better bring extras
because because our folks like to you know what I mean.

It's it's it's really it's really great. They say, Oh,
older people, they don't need so much our folks do.

Speaker 1 (18:30):
You know.

Speaker 4 (18:30):
It's because they're out there gonna they're gonna. You know,
here's the thing, like we do them at the gardens,
right at the garden and Sculpture Park because when when
the event is over, you know, you have a free
pass to wander around. And you know, I think our
folks are the kind of people who if you give

them an opportunity to do something, they're going to take
maximum advantage of that opportunity. Like nobody just comes to
you know, has a has you know, does the thing
and then leaves. They all like they go through the park,
go through the sculpture park, they go through the through
the gardens, you know what.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
I mean, they really you know, squeeze that lemon pretty hard,
you know, and it's I just think it's wonderful so.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
That the parents always raved about, you know, the gardens,
and yeah, this was an excellent opportunity for the wife
and I to yeah participate there and catch the major events.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
So that was a boot h Yeah, good good good.
Well we'll be we'll be uh, we're gonna mix it
up next year. We're gonna do it our first event,
the butterflies thing, and then the Christmas Trees. But we're
thinking of the Public Museum for the for the interim
because we've had a couple of things over there at
the Public Museum that have been very well very well accepted.

So we're not giving up on the on the gardens
and Sculpture Park, but we are looking to expand a
little bit just to see you know, yeah, we may
we made.

Speaker 3 (20:08):
Them yea, yeah, yeah, another opportunity to get something that
we haven't planned. So you're planning worked out?

Speaker 2 (20:18):
Yeah yeah, well yeah, we've only got like thirty seconds left.
But I mean, would you would you say, hey, let
me put some words in your mouth. Would you say
that that talking to other folks in your situation has
been beneficial?

Speaker 3 (20:32):

Speaker 1 (20:33):
Very so?

Speaker 3 (20:35):
Yeah, good, good good, Okay.

Speaker 2 (20:38):
Well, that music means we need to get out. Thanks
for calling, Gary, I do appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
Thank you, Thanks for listening very much.

Speaker 2 (20:45):
Later, take that, take care. You've been listening to the
David Carrier Show. I'm David Carrier, your Family's Personal attorney.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
David's got the how too you're looking for Just called
seven s.

Speaker 5 (21:14):

Speaker 1 (21:15):
This is the David Carrier Show.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
Welcome back to the David Carrier Show on David Carrier,
Your Family's Personal Attorney. In nineteen sixty five, I was
eight years old and I was watching television and I
saw something that has been one of my absolute favorite things.
On TV ever since, which we're going to share with
you in just a minute. Since I've been doing the
show and I don't frankly, and it's almost twenty years.

The last show before Christmas is the one where we
play this clip. It was a Now, as you know,
we look for controversy around here. We try to be
bold and on the cutting edge and all the rest
of it. And the fact of that is when the
initial when this initial TV show was broadcast, this was

the most controversial part of it. The network wanted to
cut it out, but the artist, the author, the person
who wrote the thing, wrote the show, insisted on keeping
it in, and thank god that he did. So here's
the most controversial part of the TV show from nineteen

sixty five.

Speaker 6 (22:32):
Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about? True,
Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about.
Nights please. And there were in the same country shepherd
abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night,
and lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them,

the glory of the Lords all round about them, and
they were sore afraid, and the Angel said, unto them,
if you're not for behold, I bring you tidings A
great joy which will be to all people. For aunto
you is born this day in the City of David,
a savior, just Christ, the Lord. And this shall be
a sign unto you. You shall find the Babe, wrapped

in swaddling clothes, lying in the manger. And suddenly there
was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host,
praising God. I'm saying glory to God in the highest
and on earth, peace, good will toward men. That's what
Christmas has thought about, Charlie Brown.

Speaker 5 (23:35):
Mm hmmmmmmmm.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
Mmmm. I don't know about. That's what Christmas is all about.
That's what this is all about, right, It's about how
do we re establish relationship with one another? How do we,
you know, make the world a better place, you know,

in every way that we can, every way that we
can think of, whether it's fellowship, whether it's making sure
that you know, getting together with other folks, getting together
with our families, re establishing, re establishing the bounds, whatever,
whatever the political crap that is going on, right there's

still your family for crying out loud, you know.

Speaker 6 (24:39):
That's what.

Speaker 2 (24:41):
That's what this is supposed to be about. It's set
aside your petty differences, reach out to other folks. You know,
now's the time. Now's the time to do it. I mean,
every day that you get, every day of the year,
you have another reason to do it. You know, you
this is not this is not stuff that that you

have to wait for any particular time. Every day is
your opportunity. Every day is the right time to do this.

Speaker 3 (25:15):

Speaker 2 (25:16):
But what do you want to say? Christmas? Christmas gives
you a good excuse, right to re established, to fortify,
to strengthen those bonds that hold us together. And you know,
just a cartoon, you know, or is it I think

it's I just think it's really important. You know, what's
this legal stuff all about?

Speaker 3 (25:46):
You know?

Speaker 2 (25:46):
The thing that gives meaning to what we do here,
that gives meaning to the trusts and the everything else
we're talking about, are those relationships. You know, we have
to you have to recognize those, and you have to
realize that it's not just it's not just us, it's
it's everybody. It's you know, everyone in our family. You know,

like I say, set aside the differences. You know, that's
and this is a this is a great time, you know,
you think about, well, you know, what about presence and
what about all the you know, eating and all the
rest of this stuff. And I think it's really unfortunate
that that people focus on that in a negative way. Right.

It's we're not very good human beings, are not very
good at reaching out to one another. Okay, we're not.
We don't do it. We don't do it, you know easily. Okay,
But Christmas is a way, you know, what's the whole

present thing about? Think about that, what's the present thing about?
It makes it easy, right because it because it gives
you sort of a oh, I have to do this
or something like. It makes it easy for you to
do something. You know, you don't have to think of
it yourself. All right, it's already out there there, it is, right,

you know, give it, Give a present. Right. It's a
way for you to re establish a relationship. It's a
way to make a peace offering without the huge burden
of going forward and what's it going to mean and
all the rest of it. Okay, it gives us an
opportunity to come together around the table. Right, People you like,

people you don't like, Well, now you've got a cultural reason,
a seasonal reason, whether or not you believe, and the
Savior and all the rest of that just just on
the on the most basic human level. Right, you're around
the table. You've got an excuse now to be nice

to one another, to actually do something that's nice. Give
present that's pretty nice. Okay. You have a structure where
you can re establish where even if people are angry
at each other for God forbid, for political stuff or
old wounds are still there and all the rest of it.

Now you've got an opportunity to re establish. You've got
an opportunity to make amends. You've got to You've got
the opportunity to make a new world. Take advantage of it.
That's what I think Christmas is all about. You know,

we knew, you know, how do we renew the face
of the earth? How do we you know, make things
different in our lives, you know, and for the lives
of the people, the people that we and it can
be very difficult, you know. That's what I'm talking about
in this today, right, how difficult it is when you
see things that are you know, you've got a dementia

situation or whatever, it's still very difficult to reach out, right,
I provide, try to provide a structure to make that
easier for folks to have those conversations that are so difficult,
that are so fraught with misunderstanding and all the rest
of it. It's not perfect, I'm not saying it is,

but it is a way. And that's what That's what
Christmas is like. Right. You know, people are like, oh,
how do you deal with uncle so and so whatever?
I don't know. How about with love and consideration and concern?
How about that about having enough strength in your own
way of approaching things and feeling about things. How about
having enough strength that you don't have to take it

out on somebody else, right, that you can accept somebody else,
somebody else's position, you know, and just set it aside. Right.
It's it's a great that's what's so wonderful about it.
You know, you don't need to have your own reason
for it. We give you a You've got this whole
cultural thing, You've got this whole Christmas thing. Where the structure,

right is is functions anyway. I don't know if it's
intended to, but it functions to remind us we're a family, okay,
in your own family. Right, here's here's a family, right,
had a kid. What do you know? Wow? You know what?
Then how do families operate? Gifts and all the rest

of that re establish those bonds? And that's what I
think that I really do think that's what this is.
So it gives us such a great chance to make amends,
to seek forgiveness, to offer forgiveness. It works both ways.
So if you're asking me, that's what Christmas is all about. Oh,

by the way, I'm DV Carrier, your families Personal personal attorney.

Speaker 7 (31:14):
Side night, ohly night, Oh Liz came, I'm singing No
Liz Bride round neonuber gem mother and childly.

Speaker 6 (31:50):
Fan so gender and.

Speaker 1 (32:06):
David's parking and working and taking your calls down. This
is the David Carrier Chef.

Speaker 2 (32:13):
Welcome back to the David Carrier Show. I'm David Carrier,
your Family's personal Attorney. I did get some some folks
were wondering we do this thing at the office, and
we did it at the event just last week where
starting in the fall, we have a table set up
and there's a ziploc bag and then hats, gloves, socks,

you know, scarves, toothbrushes and hair combs and the idea
and cards. And the idea is that you go down
the line and you put one of those things and
usually a couple of toothbrushes in the bag, and then
you take the card and you write something nice, something supportive,

all right now an outreach. Put that in the put
that in the envelope, put it in the bag, and
then we take those two guiding light into melt Trotter
and then they distribute those. So some people are wondering, well,
you know, and then we do it again at Christmas time.

So we did a couple hundred at at Thanksgiving and
then you know, Thanksgiving cards and then Christmas cards and
we'll be we'll be taking those out tomorrow. I don't know,
maybe maybe we get in today, but we'll see today
tomorrow and and delivering those. And you know, you folks

have you know, clients and attendees and all you've I
think we've got at least four hundred of them now. So,
like I said, we did the around two hundred at Thanksgiving,
but I think we've got about four hundred now to distribute.
We don't distribute them personally. We give them to the
to the ministry and to meltrotter and they they hand

those out. So if you were wondering, you know, do
those do those actually get out? The answer is yes. Uh,
and it'll be like I say, it'll be uh Monday,
it could be today or tomorrow, just depends on when
we get out there. Okay. So if you're wondering about that,
that's the deal. And you know anything, of course, anything
else you can do yourself to do a little outreach,

that's uh, that's all. Uh, that's all good coming in. Uh.
You know, we've got one more show before the before
the new year. Uh, it's the easiest resolution to keep.
Come to one of the come to one of the workshops,
find out what what is this stuff really all about?
You know? Uh is it legal? Yeah, it's legal. Okay,

here's you know, just everything we do. Number one, it
has to work, Okay, it has to be consistent with
the law. Okay, so none of it is we're not
making this stuff up. It's uh, it's what's provided for.
It's the way the law applies. We've been upheld on appeal.

Sometimes people don't by people, I mean the powers that be,
think we're doing it wrong. Okay, So if they think so,
and they deny us, We appeal it, We win our appeals,
and so hm hm, you know who is really reading
the law correctly? We don't do anything as I say that.

You know that isn't you know, just square, you know,
according to Hoyle, And occasionally we've had to prove it,
and we have proven it. So so there you go.
But but the point is that as much as important
as the legal underpinnings are as important as it is
to get it right legally, because if you don't have

it correct legally, none, none of the rest of this matters, right.
But but the most important part is that we focus
on the relationships. We focus on the psychology, we focus
on the you know, there's so much more going on
here with the life's work that you've engaged in. If

you have savings, savings aren't just money. Savings aren't just stuff.
Savings represent years, decades of effort, of self denial, of
paying it forward all the that's what that is. What
is represented in your your what do you want to say,

your material goods? Okay, there's a there's a moral aspect
to it. Okay, you didn't steal it, you didn't You
know that that's what's so frustrating when you see people
who imply that people who have stuff stole it from you.
Didn't steal it from anybody. You know, you didn't. You
took the overtime, you didn't spend your money, waste your

money on stupid stuff. Okay, you built it up, You
did the thing. Thank god, you were lucky enough that
disasters that occasionally hit other people didn't happen to you.

Speaker 4 (37:17):

Speaker 2 (37:17):
You had your share of disasters, no question, but they
didn't wipe you out like some people think it. But
other people just made bad choices, sometimes selfish choices all
the rest.

Speaker 6 (37:28):
You didn't do that.

Speaker 2 (37:30):
Okay, you built you say, you did the good things.
You did what you knew you were supposed to do,
and a consequence of that is materially you're doing well.
And there's that moral aspect to it. Okay, you know
the bank robber doesn't have any more. There's no moral
aspect to the stolen things. Okay, there's no moral You know,

what did you build up? You didn't build anything. You
stole it from somebody else who did. All right, you
know you're just you're just pretending to be the person, right,
the moral person, why do you have a house because
you work for it. One of our young paralegals just
decided to you know, he's buying a condo. Now. I

just love that. You know, the folks on the team
are they're building houses, they're having kids, they're doing all
these great things right and to some and it is
the things that they have are reflective of the work
that they do, of the moral contribution, of the positive

contribution that they're making. The stuff that they have reflects that, right.
The things that my parents built up over the lifetime.
Dad worked seventeen years school teacher by day, brewery worker
by night, seventeen years of that. Okay, and guess what,
he's got a house. Guess what, he's got a car,

He's got some stuff. Okay, that's the moral aspect of
what you're doing. That's why I think that this kind
of work, the whole state planning, elder law, all the
rest of it is so it's not just about the stuff.
And if you think it's about it's got to be
about the stuff, right. You got to have the legal part, right.

You got to know what the tax law is, you
got to know how probate core works. You got to
know how trust works, You got to know all that,
how the long term care stuff works, you got to
know that. Yes, but that's just the very beginning that
scratches the surface. What's really going on is how do
you care for the ones that you love? How do
you care for yourself? Right? How do you not be

a burden to other people? Well by caring for yourself,
by contributing, that's how right? How do you care for
your spouse, How do you care for your kids? How
do you care for your other loved ones? And there's
an awful lot of people, more and more all the time,
who were mostly concerned not so much with family members
because we don't have family. You can get married, you

don't have kids. Whatever. Okay, Well, there are other people
for whom you have a great deal of concern, whether
it's through volunteer agency, whatever it may be, whatever your
affiliation is. Right, it's stuff, but stuff that reflects a
moral commitment on your part to earn it number one,
not blow it number two, and number three, Be concerned

about somebody outside of yourself, unselfishly self less, lead right
to be concerned about them, to make the world a
better place for the people that you love the people
that you care for. That's what this is. That's you know,
that's what this is really all about. That's what all
this work is for. Right, The work is to move

the planet ahead, move people ahead, make it better. You
have the power, exercise it. That's all I gotta say.
I've been listening to the David Carrier Show. I'm David Carrier,
your families personal attorney. Merry Christmas.

Speaker 1 (41:20):
You've been listening to the David Carrier Show. A lively
discussion addressing your questions and concerns, but not legal advice.
There is a big difference. So when making decisions that
affect your family, your property, or yourself, the best advice
is to seek good advice specific to your unique needs.
If you missed any of today's show, or would like
additional information about the law offices of David Carrier, please

visit Davidcarrier Law dot com.
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