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October 2, 2024 • 19 mins
Tim talks about natural alternatives to weight loss drugs, joint pain, and their new product, Pineapple Express.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Good morning, Good morning, Happy Wednesday, Sean.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
How are you. I'm doing great, man. It's good to
talk with you. And we've got such a lot of
great stuff to talk about, some really really cool things
going on. As always at the Healthy Place, it's a
great day to learn more about the Healthy Place the
website find your Healthy Place dot Com. That's find your
Healthy Place dot com. Speaking of great informational venues. Not
only the website find your Healthy Place dot com, you

can learn more on Facebook, social media, Instagram for example
at find your Underscore Healthy Place. Also they've got a
great YouTube channel as well with find your Healthy Place
and the Healthy Place. Again, the website finds your Healthy
Place dot Com links to all those social media platforms
as well from the website. It's also a fantastic day
to get on into any one of the three area

Healthy Place locations, whether it's Westside of Medicine, Sun Prairie
or Fitchburg. And if you stop by the Fitchburg location,
today is a Wednesday. Someone I know very well.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
End of five today I'll be working at the Fitchburg store.
I am still enthused, Sean to be back in the stores.
I've missed my customers, and every Wednesday Fitchburg Store ten
to five. You should come by and give me high five.
If I haven't seen you for a while.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
It would be great to have you stop on in.
I know Tim would love to see you. Speaking of
having that conversation and saying hello to Tim a great
opportunity right now as well. If you've got a question,
we'd love to get you on the air with mister
Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place. All I gotta do
is pick up phone, dial us up six oh eight
three two one thirteen ten. That's six oh eight three
two one thirteen ten. We'll get you right on the

air with Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place. And Tim,
when folks call in, you give him a little thank
you for taking the time, don't you. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
Twenty five dollars gift card is a thank you for
calling in that can be used on the website or
in stores. And if you're just curious, Hey, what's a
natural alternative supplement that's been working for health condition? Small? Medium? Large?
For you were a loved one, now's a good time.

Speaker 2 (01:53):
To call six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's six soh eight three two one thirteen ten, love
to get you on the air this morning with Tim
o'bris ian from the Healthy Place. We've also got other
ways to reach Tim. If you've got a question, you
can always email him Tim at find your Healthy Place
dot com. That's Tim Tim at find your Healthy Place
dot com. It's always great to stop on it. I
know Tim would love to see you today at the

Fitchburg location between ten and five. Also, of course, got
wellness consultants standing by at Fitchburg, westside of Madison and
sun Prairie, as well as online at finds your Healthy
Place dot com. And Tim we're seeing all of I watch,
you know, the evening news. I sometimes wonder why I
watch the evening news, but I I just it's just habits,
so I watch it. It seems every commercial is for

some kind of like like weight loss, injection or you know,
type two diabetes, oh zempic, oh my goodness, everywhere. Let's
talk about about weight loss. And for folks that are saying,
you know what I want to who doesn't. I want
to be healthier. I want to I want to live better,
I want to lose weight. I want to look my best.

People that may have some questions or concerns about the
pharmaceutical route. There are great options and things that folks
need to know as well when it comes to options
available for people for concerned about diabetes or weight loss.

Speaker 1 (03:15):
Yeah, absolutely, man. I mean, as a team, we're always
looking at what is our community doing right now to
treat their health problems? What is there and where is
their education at for this condition or that condition? And
type two diabetes as well as obesity is and are
two areas that are heavily discussed and prescriptions around. You know,

semaglue tide drugs targeting that GPL desh one hormone ozempic's
kind of the name that's biggest. Folks are looking to
lose weight and they're looking to take care of their
type two diabetes and it works. It also has some
side effects that people are concerned about. I mean, just
to name a few, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation of domino pain,

fatigue are major hypoglycemia major side effects that are consistently reported.
And then there's some kind of scarier ones from some
of the semiglue tide drugs that I like people to
at least know about. You know, there's like good and
decent science studies around animals that produce thyroid cancer, in

taking some of the semaglue tide drugs, pancreatitis, gull bladder disease,
kidney damage. So just like a lot of the pharmaceutical
drugs out there, you know, it'll treat a symptom, in
this case type two diabetes or weight loss, and then
have a host of sort of side effects or ways
that it can damage hurt your body, both short term
and long term. So anytime we see a conversation in

our community that's quite heated and quite popular where folks
are consuming these pharmaceutical drugs getting the shot, you have
to get a prescription for the semiglue tide drug. It's
somewhere between two hundred and fifty to five hundred dollars
a month. And anytime we see these conversations, Sean, it's like,
how can we dig into this and how can we
serve the community. So what we're sort of talking about now,

or one of the things we're talking about, is are
you interested in natural alternatives to ozempic, semiglue tide drugs
or other drugs that target that GPL DASH one hormone.
And if folks in our community would be interested in
learning about natural alternatives before going down the drug path.
That's sort of the model that we encourage in general,

like at least for people to know about the natural
alternatives before getting sort of hooked on the drugs. So
specific to ozempic or semaglue tide drugs, there are natural
approaches that work, and they've been working for years in
our community. One of our top sellers is a product
called Sue Controlled D. It's Sue Controlled D by Terry Naturally.

If you go to our website, it's right on the
main homepage. There you can click on the box, and
this product helps balance sugar levels. It targets a one
C levels carbohydrate metabolism. And I've just had another testimony
on Wednesday that a guy named Rocky at the Fitzburgh
store his levels have not been above one hundred since

he got on the Suit controlled D product. So it
just works very consistently. The Hintonia herb is out of
Central America, South America, over one hundred years of science
there and has been used in Europe's medical system for
over sixty years now in treating type two diabetes, weight
management and then The cool thing that we get to

do when these folks come into our stores is ask
questions like are you were you interested in taking ozebic
more for weight control, and a lot of people will
say yes, they're or diabetes, you know, a lot of
people say yes they're or both and a lot of
people will say yes they're and those three different groups.
There's natural approaches that we're getting the chance. It's pretty

rewarding to educate these customers because you know, a lot
of folks want some quick results, which I understand, and
in the natural supplement space, you can have faster results
with sugar management. It's not that difficult to gain those results.
So people are sort of wowed by that. And then
the weight loss side of things, we're not going to
take an approach like the semaglutide drugs, which is you know,

you know, it can be pretty unhealthy for your body,
sort of shuts your stomach down and you don't have
an appetite to the point where it's it's concerning at times.
And so we take a different approach that we've been
successful with. And so anyway, we invite the community if
you or you know someone that's sort of considering ozempic
has taken it would want some help in the type

two diabetes space and or the weight control space. Come
on in mention ozepic just in general, like natural alternatives,
it's a good good thing to remember and our team,
I think you'll be surprised gain some education. You don't
have to buy anything, but again, we're trying to communicate
and educate our our community here to be able to
be more equipped to make decisions that are best for

their health, whatever that looks like.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
And this is this is me speaking now. Tim. I'm
not speaking for you or anybody else, but I one
of the things I wonder about with some of these
some of these new pharmaceuticals is and especially one where
it's a regular injection, what's the long term? That's like
right away, I thought, oh wow, these are How great
is that? It's a you know, and I think a
lot of us hear these stories. I think, what happens

if you decide one day to stop or you have
to stop, or what's the you know, the like just
I don't know. Again, that's that was for me. That
was always something that kind of yeah, well that's so.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
True, you know, prolonged appetite suppression and rapid weight loss
can lead to psychological issues. There's bone health concern Sean
that you know some of the emerging evidence, uh one
of the g LP DASH one receptor aganists like ozempic
can have a negative impact on bone density, heart rate increasing.

I mean, these are all items that I've heard. There's
severe gastro intestinal issues that arise hypoglycemia I already mentioned,
but you know, the kidney damage and overall health of
the human body. I mean, I think people are passionate
about you know, they want to get some breakthrough right
and sometimes when there's a drug that's that's quick fast,

they jump for it. And so what I would say
to you if you're listening, is come by one of
the stores, ask the question, gain some education, and there's
paths that we can reduce your friction to gain victory
for you in a way that strengthens your body instead
of damages it.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
It's a really good day to get into the healthy place,
start that conversation, meet with a wellness consultant. You can
also chat online and find your healthy place dot com
that's fined your healthy place dot com. It's a perfect day,
though to take a stroll right on in. Whether it's
the West side of Madison, Fitchburg, or sun Prairie location
of the Healthy Place. Don't forget if you get into
the Fitchburg location it's Wednesday. That means Tim O'Brien he

is hanging out in Fitchburg from ten until five. Loveday.

Speaker 1 (09:59):
Yeah, you questions too, Like consultations are my favorite things.
So a lot of times, you know, whether it's an
ozembic conversation, whether somebody has chronic pain or they know
somebody that has some sort of disease, they're just curious.
You know what natural alternatives have some decent science and
reason to believe it can help. I love doing consultations
all Wednesdays, So questions are welcome and high fives are given.

Speaker 2 (10:20):
Fantastic today's day to get on in and say hello
and start that conversation. I speaking of starting conversations. Last
week we started talking about an amazing new product that
you have at the Healthy Place, talking about Pineapple Express.
We're gonna get the details on that, and of course
take your call if you've got a question for Tim
six eight three two one thirteen ten. That's three two

one thirteen ten. We'll do all of that next as
ask the experts with the Healthy Place, and Tim O'Brien
continues right here on thirteen ten WIBA eight fifty one
thirteen ten WIBA and ask the experts hanging out with
Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place. Learn more online find
your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place

dot com. I'll go to the phones real quick here, Xavier,
thanks for calling him, my friend. What do you have
for us this morning?

Speaker 3 (11:10):
Yeah, I gotta not really a quick question. But I've
already lost sixty pounds. I've been swing swimming, cycling, I've
been eating right, and I've been washing my dogs on
the days that I don't go to the gym. Okay,
I'm trying to trying to do a triathlon next year. Okay,

well done, But I do have a bad knee, and
I've I know, I know, I mean, I've I've been
really working hard. I've been trying, I've been sweating, and
I've only been losing like three to five pounds a week,
I mean a month, a month, a month. Is there
any way I can lose like two pounds a week

or something like that without starving myself and going on
the show and not eating for a week and then
gaining the way.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
Oh I'm ready for you, dude. A couple questions, one
talking about that knee pain. One of my heroes in
our community is doctor Rogerson, orthopedic surgeon. He's retired now.
Taught me so much about knee replacements, shoulder resurfacing, and
he would recommend every single client that had bad knee

pain BCM ninety five kurcumen, which is a highly absorbable
form of kurcumen that cleans the inflammation out of the body,
including the knee, and reduces pain quite a lot. So
folks would come to him, Hey, my knees pretty bad,
might need a knee replacement, and whether it's age or
some other reason that it wasn't the right time for that,

he would say, hey, get on this curcuman and then
post surgery he'd highly recommend it too. He'd hand out
literature to each of his patients around this kirkcuman topic. So, Xavier,
you know, I'd write down here a health that's cure,
a health. See you are a health. It's one of
the more therapeutic forms of kurcumin you can get and
I'd encourage you for the first month take two twice

a day since that knee pain's really messing with you,
so that would be huge. And then jumping over to
your main question, how to increase overall healthy weight loss,
And there's so many variables. I think everybody knows that
it's diet and exercise number one, and then supplements, So
diet obviously, exercise obviously. In the supplement space, we sell

a lot of a product called metabo Gogo. It's Metabo
go Go that's by Lively vitamin co Zempic. Customers that
have been coming in we'll recommend the suit Control D
for the sugar balance, and then if they're looking for
a little more weight loss, we recommend metabo gog. So
that has been quite successful. People feel good on it.
Little energized appetite control, little natural fat burning. And my

claim to people, you know, again, there's so many variables,
so you can't promise anything. I'll say, adding that metabogog
you can count on one or two pounds a month,
so it's consistent, it's an attainable amount, it's a healthy amount,
and that's what we've been hearing our community report around
Then the other thing I really like to bring up,
whether it's for this conversation with you, Xavier or whether

it's with Ozebic conversation where folks are looking for natural alternatives,
is get on a natural, kind of healthy full meal replacement.
So you can get a protein shake like truvanni or
a loja or a variety of different powders that have
your macro nutrients. That protein. Protein helps build lean muscle.

Lean muscle helps burn body fat, and then get a
greens powder that mixes right in. It tastes really good
the ones we recommend, and then you have a full
meal replacement for breakfast or for launch something easy quick.
People like that side of it. It's fully nutritious tons
of seven servings of vegetables, four servings of fruits. Your

protein in there tastes, you know, like chuck of coverage,
strawberries or vanilla. I mean, you can get some tasty ones.
And once we're able to replace a meal a day
for a customer in that weight lost battle, that's really
helped them sort of move the needle. It's these little
micro changes that can go a long way. So those
are a couple of things I'd throw at you, Xavier,

you should stop in one of the stores or shoot
me an email. I can get you some links. I
do think we can help you there, and depending what
you have going on, there would be a few other
conversations to have too, so it'd be worth bringing up.

Speaker 2 (15:28):
Great great call, great question, Xavier. Thank you so much
for calling in this morning. Don't forget if you ever
have a question, you can anytime chat online at find
your Healthy Place dot com. It's even better to stop
on and say hello. Whether it's Westside of Madison, Sun Prayer,
Fitchburg location of the Healthy Place. Speaking of the Fitchburg location,
it's Wednesday. That means Tim will be hanging out from
ten until five. I know he'd love to see your

smiling face. And one of the reasons why yes, a
lot of folks are smiling. New product launch a couple
of weeks ago. Let's do it about Pineapple Express, my friend.

Speaker 1 (15:58):
I'm pretty excited about this. So folks will go to Colorado,
you know, Oregon, they'll find cannabis gummies, and cannabis gummies
are derived and sourced from cannabis marijuana, which is different
than hemp derived gummies. And one thing they'll get over
in Colorado ISFiC strain driven gummies, so that what that

is is crop, you know, cannabis crop that's been grown
in a specific method with a specific set of cannabinoid ratios.
And all that means in English is there's different strains
like Pineapple Express that are grown for specific conditions, in
this case stress management, So folks will have a variety

of options for these different strains. And we figured out
how to deconstruct a cannabis strain driven gummy and rebuild
it with hemp derived gummies. So I'm super pumped about this.
And it's actual cannabis terpenes in used into this Pineapple
Express gummy that we have. Now, it's cannabis terpens and

fused in at the specific ratios that help with stress management.
And then the form sativa versus indica. It's sixty sativa
and forty percent indica. So it's a nice balance between
the calm, stress relieving sense of well being as well
as the sativa in there makes it good for focus

and conversation. So we have a two point five milligram
THHC Pineapple Express, which is something that takes the edge
off throughout the day. You don't have to worry about
the psychoactive component or getting high from it. It's at
a two point five level, so folks can use it
in that way. And then for those that need greater
levels of relief, we have a ten milligram THHD Pineapple Express.

And what's kind of cool is the cannabinoid profile. So
for the two point five THHC, you have a cannabinoid
profile of one milligram CBC, one milligram CBG, and one
milligram CBD, so that blend. When I first tried this,
I was like, I don't know, we'll see what happens.
I didn't think i'd feel such a difference compared to

our other offerings in the area of stress management reduction
of stress. I felt great. I felt the edge taken off,
and I was like, this is truly different. So it's
starting a new thing that we're doing at the Healthy
Place with Strain Driven. In November, we're going to have
a strain driven ACDC is coming out, which is going

to be specific strain for pain. So what it's called
Sean don't bust into tunes here on me. Yeah, And
then in December we're going to launch BlackBerry cush which
is for sleep, and the sativa versus indica ratio is
different with each the cannabinoid profile. So people are really
feeling a difference with these strained specifics and I'm pretty
excited about it. So you can you can check this

out on our website, you know, type in Pineapple Express,
or you can pop in our store and ask some
questions talking about your specific life and what you're looking
for as far as relief comes. And that's the beauty
of our wellness consultants is we have an approach where
we ask you some questions and we guide you to
help you find your healthy place. That's the whole point.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
Today is to day to start that conversation. Get on in.
I know Tim would love to see you. He's going
to be at the Fitchburg location ten until five ten
this morning till five this evening. Get on out to
whether it's Fitchburg see Tim and say hello, or any
of the location. The Healthy Place Fitchburg, West side of Madison,
Sunbury online find your healthy Place dot com. That's fine,
your healthy Place dot com. Tim. It's always Gret chatting
with you, my friend. You enjoy this beautiful day.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
I had a blast Man, you too, Man Dan O'Donnell.

Speaker 2 (19:36):
He comes your way next and has a chance for
you to win one thousand dollars right here on thirteen ten.
Wiby I
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