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October 30, 2024 • 20 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
I'm doing well. I'm doing well. It is always great
to talk with you, my friend. And it's a fantastic
day to take a call or two. And I'd love
to hear from folks. If you got a question for
Tim O'Brien, love to have you join us on the show.
Tell if and I'm gonna get on the air six
eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six soh eight
three two one thirteen ten. Love to have a join
us with Tim O'Brien. From The Healthy Place, of course,

you can learn more about the Healthy Place. You've got
a great website, find your Healthy Place dot com. That's
find your Healthy Place dot com. You can also follow
the Healthy Place on Facebook and social media including Instagram
of course, find your Healthy Place on Instagram at find
your Underscore Healthy Place. You've got some great YouTube content
as well. You can link to that right from find
your Healthy Place dot com or just type in find

your Healthy Place on YouTube. You'll find them right there. Also,
there's there's just so much you can stop in great
day to get in and visit, whether it's Westside, Fitchburg
or sun Prairie. Location of the Healthy Place and speaking
of getting into visit Tim, if folks are in the
Fitchburg area, you are hanging out there on Wednesdays and
look at that Today's Wednesday.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Are the chances. Yeah, I'm super pumped dude. Every Wednesday
ten to five at the Fitchburg Store and would invite
you if you're listening, to come on out. Love saying
hi to the community, love giving consultations, if you have
questions around natural alternatives that would be for you or
maybe a loved one. It's my very favorite thing to do.
We're helping a lot of people since twenty ten. Sean,

we're hitting fifteen years this next time. I'm super pumped
about that. Anyway, So Fitchburg Store, come and visit.

Speaker 1 (01:33):
That's a great day to get on in again. Tim's
at the Fitchburg Store ten until five today. Of course,
all locations wellness consultants standing by, as well as online
West sid of Madison, Fitchburg, Er Sun Prairie and the
website finds your Healthy Place dot com. That's fined your
Healthy Place dot Com mentioned Also, today's a perfect day
to call in if you've got a question. Love to
have you join us phone lines. They are open for
you right now at six oh eight three two one

thirteen ten. That's six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
And Tim, not only would folks call, will they get
a great conversation, They'll help themselves and others when it
comes to getting some answers. You give a little thank
you for folks that take the time to do that,
don't you.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
Yeah, twenty five dollars gift card as a thank you.
I recognized a while back that when people ask questions,
it can lead towards answers, and so questions are my
favorite thing, and on the air here it helps demonstrate
what our wellness consultants do in our stores every single day.
So now's a good time to call if you have
a question, you're curious what natural alternatives could help you
with this condition? Small, medium are large?

Speaker 1 (02:29):
Call now six h eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's six soh eight three two one thirteen ten. And
that Tim, as we talk about, you mentioned kind of
what you realized as far as starting that conversation with folks.
I know that's part of also why you really wanted
to get back to the store and spend more time.
And for example, the Fitchburg location, you really do embrace

and enjoy and really love getting with people and talking
with people and really helping them out.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
Yeah, you know, I've always been sort of struck at
this like fork in the row of why some people
sort of choose life and some people sort of choose
like health, and others sort of don't, and they go
down this path of sort of pain and the depression
and anxiety and sleep issues and health problems, and you know,
maybe they don't really see or sense or realize the

value of their life or the value that they bring
to their loved ones like around them. And so I'm
sort of like, I love fanning the flame because we
all have this like either little flicker or you know,
a huge bonfire of sort of you know, life or
health or passion for life or impact of those around us.
And so the idea of talking to a customer and

guiding them, you know, asking a number of questions and
guiding them towards a path that might be a little
bit better quality of life, a little bit less suffering,
you know, educating them where they're a little bit closer
to becoming like the CEO of their own health. Like,
I love fanning that flame. So that's kind of what
we hire for when you talk to a wellness consultant
at the Healthy Place, like we hire for integrity and

for passion, and then we do heavy training around supplements
and vitamins and nutrients, you know. And I like to say,
we don't pretend to be doctors or pharmacists. We have
some of the best in the world here in Madison.
What our expertise is is supplements, the brands that are
good better best, the forms of ingredients that are going
to absorb good better best and actually impact and make

a difference in the body. So yes, when somebody stops by,
you know, and I get to connect with them and
encourage them, educate them a little bit, we're helping them
move towards health and life. That's like my favorite thing.
So I'll be at the Fitchburg store today ten till five,
and you connect with any of our wellness consultants, you'll
kind of see that care Becky and I whileback Sean,

we decided, hey, let's not do like a commission structure,
because commission can just sort of distract from what's most
important in that moment for that specific individual. Our team
has like a one size fits one, like a very
you know, personalize experience because everybody's so different and every
body is so different that supplements work different with different people.

So you got to be very intuitive and sensitive to
what that human has gone through, like what their pain
points are in the recommendation. So it's kind of a
cool process, I think. So if you're just like curious
on what natural alternatives could help you with this issue
or that issue, I would encourage you to stop in
one of our stores, get that conversation started, because it

can point you in a better direction.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
TIF you mentioned that one size fits one and how
we're all very unique, and you know we we have
special needs and you know, in different different desires and
seeing results, and unfortunately a lot of times folks who say,
you know what, I feel like, I want to make
some change in my life. I want to be healthier,
I want to put better things in my body, and
fortunately they go for one size fits all, they don't

see the results, they get discouraged and something profound you'd
said to me. It's probably been a year, maybe even
two years ago. Remember you saying that if you're taking
even something like a multi vitamin, you should notice the difference.
You should know that you've done that and I to me,
it was like this epiphany of like, wait, you should
you should. I'm like, I think for so many ys
to just routinely take them and say it's just part

of my but you should know your you should feel something.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
You know. Supplements in general, I think overall, like mass market,
we have this idea that yeah, they're good for me maybe,
and I shouldn't really feel any sort of difference from them.
So people take them daily out of good faith, like, hey,
this is going to be good for me. One just
total breakthrough that I get to watch in people's eyes

on a regular basis is. Supplements are supposed to change
and impact and be felt in many many areas. Of course,
there's some nutrients that you take you're not going to
feel on top of the world with. But you take
like a quality multi, you take a fish oil, your
focus goes up. You know the multi. Your energy should
be experienced, stress come to down, focus up. When you

take a b CM ninety five kurkuman versus a standardized
Kirkcuman with like black pepper that goes out of your
bloodstream super fast, or you grab you know, a turmeric
from some sort of mass market distribution, you don't know.
You'll feel from BCM ninety five Curcuman you'll feel pain
relief in forty five minutes and mental clarity and anxiety relief.

Anxio Calm is a product we sell all day. It
has a form of eucinasia called the ecinasia and gust
folia that you feel the anxiety. It's replacing lerazipam for
people because anxiety attacks are real and this ecinasia on
gust folia helps very quick fast taking the edge off.
So I could give examples all day. But it's exciting

because we get to work with hundreds of brands and
thousands of products, so we're not refined or sort of
restrained to working with one brand or one set of products.
So it gets to be this like, hey, this works
well for our community and area, and that works well
for a community in this area, and then we get

to test that out tens of thousands of times so
over the years. As a team. Because our wellness consultant
Army is like a team, we communicate every day what's working,
what's not working, so we get better and better and
more and more specific and successful with the community's health challenges.
So yeah, that's the most exciting part. I'd say for

most of us wellness consultants.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
It's really cool to see it in action. And speaking
of seeing it an action, if you've got a question,
time now to take action, pick up the phone, give
us call gets you right on the air with Tim
O'Brien from the Healthy Place. The cell phone number six
SO eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six soh
eight three two one thirteen ten. Love to have you
join us this morning. A Now, the way you can
reach Tim is via email Tim at find your Healthy
Place dot com. That's Tim tim at find your Healthy

Place dot com. Of course, stop on in. It's a
great day to get into the three locations to the
Healthy Place, whether it's West side of Madison, fitchburger Son Prairie,
don't forget on Wednesdays. That's today is out at the
Fitchburg location from ten until five. He'd love to see
your smiling face. Phone lines are open for you. We'll
talk a little bit more about some of the great
stuff going on at the Healthy Place. Take your call,
read some emails, do all of that so much more.
As we continue our conversation with Tim O'Brien from the

Healthy place right here on thirteen ten WIBA eight fifty
thirteen ten WIBA hanging out with Tim O'Brien from The
Healthy Place online find your Healthy Place dot com. That's
find your Healthy Place dot com. Great day to get
on in. Love to see you. Whether it's West Side,
Fitchburg or Sun Prairie location of the Healthy Place, don't
forget Wednesdays. That is today. Tim is out at the

Fitchburg location from ten until five. Make sure when you
stop in say hello, let them know that you listen
to the program, because I know a lot of folks
sometimes get a little shy about mentioning that, and it's
always really cool to hear from folks that get a
chance to see Tim and say hi and let them
know that I.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
Love that man. It's like been, you know, years, we've
been doing this together, and I often don't get to
connect with those who have listened. So when you come
in the store just mention hey heard you on the radio.
It pretty much makes my day because you know, I'm
just happy when somebody has listened or been encouraged or
benefited from our conversations.

Speaker 1 (10:06):
Get in today again. Tim's at the Pittsburgh location for
ten until five always available. Well in this consultants online
find your Healthy Place dot com. Let's find your Healthy
place dot com and Tim and other way folks can
reach us via email Tim at finds your Healthy Place
dot com. And Marcus emailed then and it's so appropriate
as to look out the over out the window at
the overcast skies, and of course I know we've got
daylight savings coming up on Sunday or the end of

daylight savings, and Marcus writes he says, how much vitamin
D should I take daily during the fall and winter
living in the area, I'm not getting enough sunlight this
time of year, And that email comes to us from Marcus.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Yeah, Marcus, super good question. And I've found it interesting
over the years to sort of learn about this topic
and read these different clinical trials. Where we sit on
the globe, you know, Madison here sort of midwest, it's

the angle from the sun, we actually don't absorb vitamin
D very well. So our own UW system did a
cool clinical trial some years back, and they found that
where we sit on the globe, just that angle, compared
to being like closer to the equator further south, we
don't absorb vitamin D very well, so in the Northern

States it's even more important to take vitamin D on
a regular basis, so we recommend five thousand ius, which
FDA they recently changed the measurement for vitamin D, so
five thousand ius represents one hundred and twenty five micrograms,
depending on what type of bottle you're looking at, but
five thousand a day, if you know you're low, taking

ten thousand a day is great for some months to
get your system back. I encourage people to take a
blood test, get a blood draws, get a full men's
or women's panel, see where you're not only your vitamin
D levels are at, but your vitamin levels in general.
Because when you're deficient in something like vitamin D, that
can affect your mood greatly. It can affect your energy,

your immune system, your cognitive, mental clarity, and mind space.
There's hundreds of actions and reactions from vitamin D, so
I highly encourage people to take it, especially going into
the winter months here. I recommend and the more you
read on vitamin D, the more you find out you
want to take a vitamin K two with the vitamin D.

So if you go into the healthy place you ask
for one called solar Power by Lively Vitamin co. We
have a number of good ones, but the point is,
if you're going to get vitamin D, get vitamin K
two with it, because your body utilizes your system's natural
K vitamin K storage in assimilating the vitamin D. So

in taking vitamin D, you want some extra K to
sort of give the vitamin D wings and so i'd
always encourage that together, and you'll feel a different If
somebody is low and D, which most people are, it's
the most common deficiency in the United States, you will
feel a little bit better on a daily basis, Like
you'll feel the mood is what customers report the most energy,

and you'll see that immune system get a nice boost.
So yeah, Marcus, five thousand a day, it would be good.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
Really great question, Marcus, don't forget. You can always email
Tim at find your Healthy Place dot com. That's Tim
tim at find your Healthy Place dot com. Even better,
I know, we'd love to see your smiling face. Stop
on NCM today at the Fitchburg store from ten until five.
Of course, wellness consultant standing by at all locations of
the Healthy Place. Madison West Fitchburg and Sun Prairie also
Wellm's Consultants, and you can order online also at find

your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place
dot com. Also, if you're not following them on social media,
you darn should do that right now. I say, darn
right or darn darntutin I don't.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Arn straight darntt.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
Today is the day Facebook and social media including Instagram
at find your Underscore Healthy Place. That's at find your
Underscore Healthy Place and Tim. Before we wrap I we
had mentioned getting into the stores and it's a great
day to get in and visit. It's also a great
day to pick up on some on some really really good,
really good snacks. You mentioned chomps, beef sticks, and you

talk about something that is that is for every reason imaginable,
just an amazing thing to be putting in your body.
Tastes great and they're good for you.

Speaker 2 (14:24):
Come on, come on. Yeah. Encouraging people in general, you
know grab and go items, you know, those that are
sort of find themselves grabbing a candy bar from the
gas station or a soda. You know, maybe consider something
that's gonna fuel your body, like clean fuel. So what
we started doing Sean at the Healthy Place is we
reduced all of our grab and go items thirty to

fifty percent, and then we ran around town and checked
out like pricing and such, just to confirm that our
prices were as awesome as we thought they were. So
grab and go items like you know, you mentioned chomps,
beef sticks, you know, a dollar ninety Aloha protein bars
seventy nine, Jocko Go Energy drinks, which is like clean
fuel dollar eighty eight, Guayaki Yourbramante two bucks, Element Sparkling

Electrolyte water two bucks. So we just reduced it all
to make it a little easier for people to grab
and go get something clean for you, clean for the family.
You know. Oh dude, I forgot something. Yeah last week? Okay,
so last I'm pivoting right now. Last week I forgot
to mention that we were doing a twenty percent off sale.

So hopefully if you're listening, you knew about that last
week from social media or email or text. But if
you missed it because I forgot to mention it, I
totally invite you to come into the stores today. You
can mention. Hey heard Tim on the radio. He was
talking If I missed the twenty percent that I could
use it. You can say that line, Tim said, but

if you come to the Fitchburg store, I'd love to
honor that as well, twenty percent off because I want
our community. I love our discount, Sean, because when you know,
supplements aren't cheap in general, so it discounts nice, but
it helps people try natural alternatives that are impacting their
health and impacting their life. So if you're listening you
have chronic pain, you know, maybe maybe some higher levels

of stress, anxiety, depression, maybe sleep problems. Maybe it's something
more like digestive related or in your lungs skin, you know.
In general, I want to encourage you to find out
what's been working for our community for that specific conditioner problem.
That's my challenge to you, and can give you that
twenty percent off today if you missed that last week,

just as a sort of token of appreciation, But in general,
I want you to consider finding out, Like when you
have a health condition, like a challenge for you or
a loved one, I challenge you to find out what
natural alternatives are working for that issue, because then it
doesn't mean you have to take it then or buy it.
You have this in your back pocket as life, you know,

is a gift and we want to discover what helps
to put out what fires when they populate. So that's
one of our services and would invite you to connection.
But I'm at the Fitchburg store today ten to five.
Would love to give you a high five.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Yeah, that'd be great to have. And when you're in
the story, it's just be like hey, Tim said, I
get twenty percent of Yeah, be real cool about that's
for sure.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
I know too.

Speaker 1 (17:23):
Yeah, I know a lot of folks love getting in
to see it. Give you that high five as well
at the Fitchburg location from ten until five, but again
all three locations west side of Madison, Fitchburg and some
Prairie of the Healthy Place and Tim before we wrap
this week. We got a couple of minutes here, just
about a minute and a half. And I do think
it's important is for people that wonder, say, where does
this passion come from? And really it's to your core.

It's you and Becky and the whole team around you.
This is what you guys live to do, is help
people live their best life and of course make healthy decisions.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
Thanks man, I mean, yeah, my teen years were pretty dark,
and so I came out of that darkness wanting to
do something with my life. And Becky's has a cool
health story with her family, and so we just recognize
suffering when we see it. And so there's suffering everywhere.
You know, there's there's quality of life being missed folks.
You know, growing up with my mom going through her

cancer battle, you know, I got to see some of
the medical system that you know, looking back, man, we
could have helped so much sort of minimize different levels
of suffering through that process. And watching my mom work
at a health food store growing up, you know, just
watching her take people by the hand that are suffering
in these different areas or a ton of side effects
from the drugs and watching her sort of guide them

towards natural solutions that worked for them. Because I get
to see these people come back four five, six months
later saying you know, thank you Tanya, that like helped out.
So starting the Healthy Place in twenty ten, it's like
we want to impact, empower and educate every customer to learn, grow,
create this lifelong foundation of health and wellness. That's our
mission statement and our vision is to end human suffering

an increase quality life. And that's what we're working hard
to do every day in Madison. So if you are
listening right now, i'd encourage you, whatever that looks like,
you know, make some healthy choices towards your life today,
towards your health today, because you matter. Life matters, health matters.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
Today's day to get on in love to see a
west side of Madison, Fitchburg in some prairie location of
the healthy Place, and don't forget Fitchburg. From ten until five,
Tim will be standing by to say hello, big high
five again. Online finds your Healthy Place dot com. That's
find your Healthy Place dot com. Tim, You have a
fantastic day, my friend. Thanks sean YouTube brother Dan o'donald
comes your way next here thirteen ten doll will you
all have you
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