Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's Wednesday morning at eight thirty nine and taking your
calls to keep you smiling with the Healthy Place. It's too.
Speaker 2 (00:11):
What is going on missus Son Theater? Good morning, how
are you.
Speaker 1 (00:16):
I'm doing well. I'm doing well.
Speaker 2 (00:18):
It's great to well, warm, welcome as always.
Speaker 1 (00:21):
Yeah, it's it's you know, it's always exciting. I talk
about this, got to match that energy, as I know.
I know you're always very positive, and you know for
good reason. I you know, with the work that you
guys do at the Healthy Place, it's so great and
you guys have really, you know, done so much to
to really help people in the area live healthy lives
and a lot of education, a lot of information, and
I can see why. Yeah, it's it's very you know,
you're very very energetic about it because it's it's important work.
And Tim one of the things too, speaking of getting
a chance to to educate and inform and have that conversation.
I'm looking at the calendar. Today is a Wednesday, so
I've got a guess, oh yeah, that you'll be hanging
out in Fitchburn today, Am I right?
Speaker 2 (01:03):
I'm on me more? Yeah, ten to five every Wednesday
at the Fitchburg store It's my favorite day of the
week because I like people, so I get to be
back in the stores. And for those that know me,
twenty ten to twenty twenty, I was in that store
every day, six days a week. We're closed on Sundays,
you know, open to close just about and it is
my jam. So I've been excited to be back in
there every Wednesday ten to five Fitchburg Store. I have
seen hundreds of you, So I want to give a
shout out to all the dozens and dozens of people
that I have journeyed with. You know, it's like for
those that have a chiropractor or acupuncturists or or you know,
some sort of specialists so that they they just see
on a regular basis, like I, you know, Sean just
thinking of our community. Like every month or two you
journey and connect with people. You ask questions about their health,
which is sort of like a close, sort of intimate,
you know, trusting relationship. You bring up like hey, my
stress levels or anxiety or depression, like like these are
serious personal struggles challenges that the community brings up to
our wellness consultants on a regular basis. So across years
and years of time you build relationship, you build a
sense of care around individuals, like how is you know,
Grandma Martha doing. You know she was battling this like
severe chronic issue. How are we doing? You know? And
working with families and loved ones and you know, it's
just it's been cool to be back in the stores.
So a shout out to the folks that have already
gotten to give a high five. Two And if you're
listening and you haven't, like I haven't seen you in
a little while, total invitation, like stop by if you're
in the Fitchburg area. Love giving out high fives, catching
up how you are doing. And to those that have,
you know, a consultation you know, or a question about
health natural alternatives that have been working in our community,
like come on in. That's my favorite thing to do,
is like talk through and try to help people, try
to encourage people where they're at and getting you a
high five and maybe making you laugh makes my day.
So pop on over.
Speaker 1 (03:13):
Great day to get on in again. Tim's at the
Fitchburg location of the Healthy Place from ten until five,
stop by, given that high five, say hello of course.
Well let's consultants standing by west side of Madison, Fitchburg,
and Sun Prairie as well. You can learn more about
the Healthy Place. They've got a great website, find your
Healthy Place dot com. That's fine, your Healthy Place dot com.
Speaker 2 (03:32):
And if you have not been into one of our
stores too, Like, part of the reason that I'm in
the stores is I'm I'm sort of a front facing
customer facing you know, personality or whatever you call me, owner,
business owner, and sometimes it's like this hurdle Sean, I've
heard of the Healthy Place, like I've heard some good things,
you know, I've heard that help people with maybe chronic
pain or stress, anxiety, natural supplements, natural alternatives that are
working for the community, but there's still this barrier of
entry that's like hurdle, like, oh man, are they going
to try to sell me a bunch of stuff? You know,
I've been to health food stores and they kind of
get a commission. You know, we don't do a commission.
We don't have this like pressure on sales because it's
about asking questions and it's about the relationship and sales
take care of themselves if you do that the right way.
So anyway, part of the reason I'm back in the
stores on Wednesday is to like lower that bar of entry.
You're just like, you know, maybe you've heard me for
a little while. You're like, Okay, maybe I could go
see Tim and talk to Tim, and I would want to,
you know, sort of show you what the Healthy Place
is all about. Like this is about asking questions and
encouraging and inspiring if we can educating, you know, lowering
the level of suffering in people's lives, increasing quality of life. Anyway,
So that's the invitation out there.
Speaker 1 (04:54):
It's a great and it's such a great opportunity for
folks that get a chance to start that journey. And
of course as we look towards they kind of wrapping
the year up, a lot of folks kind of focusing
in on what's important to them. And you're healthy and
you know, you don't want to take that for granted.
It's a great day to get in West Side of Madison, Fitchburger,
Sun Praiye location of the Healthy Place mentioned of course
online as well, find your Healthy Place dot com. If
you're on Facebook or the other social media platforms you
can find them there, including Instagram, and they've got a
great YouTube channel as well. Phone lines are open this
morning left to get your question for Tim O'Brien at
six soh eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six
eight three two one thirteen ten. When do you call in?
Tim will hook you up with a twenty five dollars
gift card to the Healthy Place. Just a little thank
you for taking the time to call in with your
question and Tim, am I seeing this right? I know
Black Friday is coming up. Uh, you bomb shared something
with me that I've seen. I think I may have
seen it on social as well. You guys have a
really cool special going on at the Healthy Place for
Black Friday.
Speaker 2 (05:53):
Yes, sir, so today we did Monday Tuesday Wednesday. It's
a pre Black Friday, you know, cyber Monday conversation. So
it's a fifteen dollars off sixty dollars purchase or a
sixty dollars off two hundred dollars purchase. So that's, you know,
a killer discount if you know our company and you
know our sort of discount structures in that that's a
generous discount. So if you are in the area of
any of one of our stores, or you want to
go to find your Healthy Place dot com, there's cup
on codes you can get all the information there. Now's
a good time to stock up on what supplements you
are taking or for you your loved ones. Also, it's
a perfect time to like try I'm always trying to
inspire because, like you know, people say I get, you know,
really excited about health and supplements, and I do. But
it's not like I wake up, you know, with a
vitamin Sea bottle next to me, going, oh my gosh,
this is awesome. It's more because I get excited about people.
I get excited about human interaction energy, like the quality
of life, minimizing suffering. Like we're designed and created to thrive,
not to survive. So anytime there's a nutrient, what I
get excited about is when there's a nutrient that causes
an action or reaction in the body that's positive. So Sean,
you know, people are dealing with all sorts of chronic
issues from you know, severe anxiety, depression, chronic pain. You know,
I've loved ones in my life digestive issues that are
just you know, terrible to live with, and these people
just constantly. So when there's a nutrient, just a simple nutrient,
you know, I'm not a doctor, and it's profound to
me though, a simple nutrient that can cause an impact.
So anyway, if you have a supplement or an issue
that you've sort of been battling for a while and
you're just curious, like what natural alternative would help maybe
help treat this symptom and bring some relief, you know,
now is a great time to do it because we
have the sale going on.
Speaker 1 (07:57):
It's a fantastic sale again underway right now. It is
a pre Black Friday deal and it's get more information
at find your Healthy Place dot com. Even better, just
get on in. Today is a great day to get
into the healthy Place west side of Madison Fitchburger's Sun Prairie.
Of course, learn more online mentioned the website find your
Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com.
And tim it's a great time of year right now,
we of course with Thanksgiving tomorrow and then all the
way through the Christmas and holiday season, a lot of
we call it the gathering season where a lot of
us get together with family and friends. And as great
as that can be, that's how germs get spread. So,
oh yeah, there are things that we should be thinking
about right now. I'm going to take a guess that
that could really help boost our immune system and really
get us get our get our body right more than interaction.
Speaker 2 (08:45):
There's three things at this time of the year that
we just get hammered with questions around and it's immune
system boosting, It's how do I keep some weight off
through the holiday season, and then how do I keep stress,
you know down, because you know, I'm going to be
seeing my brother in law or my you know family
at some event and I'm just feeling some stress. So
real quick, just just hitting these, you know, immune system,
Take some Elderberry, take some probiotics. Both of those powerhouse
for the immune system. Elderberry is has an active compound sambucus,
heavily studied, minimizes the ability for a virus to get
into the cell and then lessens the duration severity of
a virus. So pound the Elderberry. You cannot overdo this
with Alderberry probiotics. Eighty percent of your immune system is
in your gut, so you boost your good bacteria. You're
going to boost your immune system. Take us strong, you know,
a therapeutic probiotic. There's a lot of non quality, non
therapeutic probiotics out there that fifty to seventy percent gets
burned up right in your stomach. Acid you're not making
it to the lower intestine. Word absorbs, So that's immune
system weight. I'm just kind of shooting these quick here. Weight.
We have a product we're advertising right now called sue Control.
We are bringing it up trying to sort of educate
the community instead of drugs like ozembic. You know, supe
Control balances the sugar levels and the A one C
levels and helps with sugar carb cravings through the holiday
season here, So super Control d great for the holiday season.
A product called Mataba Go Go helps with like sugar
carb overall appetite control, natural metabolism. Like it's a clean
way to strengthen your system, kind of give you that
extra boost to sort of keep a pound or two
off over the holidays. So that has been successful. That's
called Metaba Bilgo. Bring that up a lot this time
of the year. And then stress, you know CBD, we're
known for CBD maybe a little THC small amount taking
that edge off with stress. And then we have a
second product called chill Pill that has your magnolia bark
which balances that cortissos. Stress hormone. A lot of us
need that at this time of the year. Elf eating
homing the mind is in the chill pill product. So anyway,
shooting a lot at you kind of like a fire hose.
But if you have questions, we have a ticket submission
on our website. I'm trying to encourage the community. Hey,
pop on there. You got a question in the middle
of the night, like on Natural, Hey you're suffering in
this city, Like, shoot that ticket and you'll receive a
response in you know, twenty four forty eight hours from
our wellness consultant team sharing what's been working for our community.
Call one of our stores. We do consultations all the
time on the phone every day, dozens of phone consultations
and of course stopping in. We'd love to see you.
That's our favorite thing.
Speaker 1 (11:39):
It is a great day to stop on in.
Speaker 2 (11:41):
And as Tim mentioned, there's and Wednesday ten to five,
which first star. Just come on out. I'm digging out
with this, Sean. I mean, I think the community is
laughing at me, but I am every week, dude, I
kid you not. It's like Wednesday, I'm getting back in
there and I have a battle plan. Well now that
I'm saying it out loud. Shoot, but I have a
bad plan of getting to two days in the store
next year. Really, and I'm gonna you know, takes a
little faith. When you have too much going on, You're like,
how are you going to fit that in? But it's
just it's the most important thing to me, dude. Just
getting back with the community sounds silly, but five years
I've been in my office over here, sometimes I felt
like I was sealed up in a little bottle. And
I'm just a pump to get out into the community again.
Speaker 1 (12:24):
And I love hear for folks that have had a
chance to stop in and see you. And if you
get a chance to stay, today is a great day.
Get in whether it's Westside Fitchburg or Sun Praier location
to the Healthy Place again. Tim is hanging out in
Fitchburg from ten until five on Wednesday, so definitely get in,
give him a high five, start that conversation. What a
great day to start that journey, start that mission. It
all starts with stop whether in store at the West
Side Fitchburg er Sun Praie location, the Healthy Place, or
online find your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your
Healthy Place dot Com. We'll considure our conversation with Tim
O'Brien from the Healthy Place. We will do that next
as ask the experts with Tim O'Brien, and the Healthy
Place continues right here on thirteen ten doll will you iv.
Speaker 2 (12:58):
Eight kay touch this.
Speaker 1 (13:03):
Okay, touch this Hey fifty thirteen ten Wi b Hey
had asked the expert check it out with Tim O'Brien
from the Healthy Place online, just find your Healthy Place
dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com. Tim
I was about to give the email address, which is
also important Tim at finds your Healthy Place dot com.
Where is Tim hanging out at the Fitchburg location on Wednesday?
Status today from ten am to five pm. Also, of course,
Welms consultantc at FITCHBURGID, Madison, Sun Prairie. You can also
start a conversation at find Yourhealthy Place dot com. Streaking
of starting a conversation, if you've got a question for
Tim O'Brien, love to have you join us this morning
six oh eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six
oh eight three two one thirteen ten, and Mike joins us. Mike,
welcome to the program here on there with Tim O'Brien
from The Healthy Place.
Speaker 2 (13:45):
Hey, Mike good Minning. Hey, Hey, it's a great question.
Can you explain the benefits of tystosterone? This is it important?
Why is it important? Mister you can offer? Yeah, great question,
And I mean hormones in general. I'm sort of surprised
at how many systems it controls or influences, impacts, how
many health challenges that both men and women battle. When
it comes to whether it's testosterone levels estrogen levels. For example,
number of people will battle like a cortisol fight or flight.
Their cortisol levels are too high, which leads to this
like higher testosterone, which can lead to higher estrogen. So
you can have too much, you know, of these hormones
too little, and it is as we age. You know,
I just turned forty. I've been learning more about it. Personally.
I get my levels tested once a year. I'd encourage
you to do that to know where you're at. Maybe
already doing that's why you're asking the question. But your
energy levels, your libido, your recovery time, your sleep. I mean,
there's just dozens of systems that your testosterone level kind
of impacts and controls. So yeah, there's a product by
intech called Testosterone Intech is I N T e K
and it's called testosterone Boost. We do not have it
on our website, but there's another product by Europharma called
testosterone as well. Terry Talks Nutrition has some great information
on it. Boosting the testosterone naturally is a thing. I
always encourage folks to work with their medical professional. Two
sometimes there's some additional insights there. Family clinic and natural
medicine is somewhere we send folks quite often to work
on their tesosterone levels. I'd bring up those two products, Mike,
and you could email me too, or stop by the
store even at Fitchburg today. I'd be happy to connect
with you kind of showing you these couple of products.
And usually what I'd recommend is is a guy take
those couple of products for two to three months at
a more therapeutic dose and just sort of feel the difference.
A lot of guys will feel more energy pretty quickly,
and then over some time they start to see a
little bit more hardness of muscle, like muscle tone definition.
You know, if they're working out, they're they're after some
of that. It's just healthy to have your testosterone levels
at a at a healthy place obviously, So yeah, great conversation.
One thing, of course, yeah, what do you what do
you think about metabolism? That's always like the word, you know,
the thing We've got to do something about your metabolism.
M Yeah. I mean, first off, stronger healthier testosterone levels
you know, lead to stronger, healthier metabolism, So that is
definitely a note to bring up. In general, our metabolism
starts to slow down as we get older, and that's
where weight can be more difficult to keep off. Energy
can tend to decline. So that's where I love having
these conversations because you can nourish strengthen your body in
ways that will help keep you strong and specific to
the area of metabolism, there are nutrients that you can
take that will boost metabolism. So Garcinia combosia, for example,
green coffee bean extract has an active compound called chlorogenic
acid that helps fire up the metabolism, giving you a
little bit extra thermogenesis. It's called raspberry ketone stimulates your
body's natural fatlopolysis. So there's some good products out there,
some bad products out there. Metabola Go Go is one
by Lively vitamin co that I recommend all the time
because it's clean. It's not like caffeinated. There's not you
know that which is going to make you full ofgitters
or heart palpitations, boosts your blood pressure. You know, we
want to get you a metabolism product that's going to
be good for your body, not hard on your body.
So yeah, metabolism and testosterone. Great, great questions, man.
Speaker 1 (18:08):
Really good call this morning, Mike, and of course thank
you Mike. Email Tim at find your Healthy Place dot com.
That's Tim at find your Healthy Place dot com. And
before we head out this morning, Tim, it's very important
we mentioned Black Friday underway already at the Healthy Place
and a chance for folks to really save some really
good money.
Speaker 2 (18:28):
Oh yeah. You know, we do five or six larger
sales per year and then some smaller ones, and Black Friday,
you know, this whole week is our best pricing of
the year. We want to be generous in that regard
because supplements can add up. They're not cheap, we're competitively priced.
Still can add up though, and during this kind of
Black Friday week we really go deep with some deeper discounts.
So fifteen dollars off sixty dollars purchase sixty dollars off
a two hundred dollars purchase. You can stop in any
one of our stores, take advantage of that, you can
shop online, and definitely keep your eyes out over the
weekend because it's going to be a blast and I
will be working all right. I mean, I know most
people don't care, but I care. I'm gonna be working
at the Fitchburg store today ten to five, On Friday
ten to five at the Fitchburg Store, and Saturday ten
till five at the Fitchburg Store, so all we can
totally got to stop. And I'm just peeking out on
this show and I'm gonna I'm gonna just stop now, but.
Speaker 1 (19:32):
I'll look forward and I hope everybody gets a chance
to stop out and say hello. I look forward to
seeing you as well. It's a great day to get
into the Healthy Place, whether it's the Fitchburg, west side
of Madison or some prairie location mentioned the Facebook page
and social media at find your Healthy Place, and of
course YouTube channel or the website find your Healthy Yeah,
take some.
Speaker 2 (19:49):
Action, get a little education, you know, That's what we're
all about at the Healthy Place. It's like make a move.
Your life matters, your health matters. They're both gifts. They're
worth fighting for. That's kind of We're here to remind
you of that. So enjoy happy Thanksgiving, Enjoy some time
with the family, friends, loved ones, etc. And anything we
can do to serve you and yours.
Speaker 1 (20:09):
We're here, well stated, well stated, my friend, you have
a fantastic holiday season as well. We'll do this all
again in a weekend. I can say, I'll stop out
and see it probably later today again, or or so
many opportunities to see tim great day to get on
in westside Madison, Fitchburg, or some prairie location of the
healthy place Dan O'Donnell. He comes you way next right
here at thirteen ten Wyba