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July 18, 2024 • 51 mins
On this episode of The Line Change, Jon Jansen talks with Adam Rosenberg to preview the second half of the MLB season:

-Paul Skenes Cy Young?
-One NL Cy Young futures bet to look at
-Reliever of the Year
-Manager of the Year
-NL teams to make the playoffs
-and much more!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It is episode number fourteen of TheLine Change Fox Sports the Gambler. This
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you get your podcast. Make sureyou search up the Line Change with John
Jansen. There are apparently a fewother line changes, but if you look
up the one with my name jO N J A N S E N.
Not the offensive lineman formerly of Detroitand Washington and Michigan, but John

Jansen, me of Philadelphia. TheLine Change with John Jansen. Find that
in the iHeartRadio app wherever you getyour podcasts. Joining me on this episode
of the Line Change and one thatI am very happy to have on again.
I made this show the podcast becauseI've been co hosting Daily Ticket.
I had a lot of guests homewhen I did The Line Change at night,
so now I'm trying to get allof those guests on a podcast because
I miss him and when I missso very very daily. The one that

looks if you're looking on video,looks very handsome right now. It is
the great Adam Rosen And like tenthirty in the morning, by the way,
dude, like feel the curtain backa little bit. Were Absolutely it's
always I'm like I'm doing a potwith Jansen. I brought the party shirt.
All right, well it's uh,it's gonna be a party on the
line change. And the one partythat just happened was the All Star Game

and All Star break. And theone name that keeps popping up over and
over and over and over again,and that keeps popping up in the Benning
world, not just for Rookie ofthe Year, but now for Cy Young.
The name Paul Skansall Paul Skeens islike the talk of the town.
We can't get enough of this guy. And now Betters are you know?
I think you and I were alongthe lines of, yeah, I'm gonna
fade the guy that's not starting rightaway, and that yeah he gets a

rookie and is he gonna pitch thatmany innings. But everybody just seems all
in on Paul Skins and all inon this award stuff now, Rookie of
the Year probably, But Cy Young, are you surprised to hear so much
Cy Young talk with? Yeah,I'm surprised when the Cy Young thing.
And I'm just pulling up the standingsright now because I think that the only

I mean, look, he's been. He's been Hidan Nomo rookie pitcher exceptional,
like carry Wood level exceptional maybe maybebetter. Well, wait, only
gets a really uses a third pitch, but because he's not even doing that
right now, he's really just usinga slider and a and a a four

seam. But just like it,I just want to look at where the
Pirates are in the wild card,and they are. They're actually a game
and a half back. I hadno idea. It feels like every team
in the National League is. Sohere's the that's the thing is that.
So I will say this because obviouslyI'm a Philly guy and I will throw
slander at at the sheets crowd.I don't think that the Pittsford Pirates are

a well run organization, so Idon't expect them to be understanding about how
you innings and do things like thiswhen you have a Strasbourg like town.
I'm just dropping all these other namesfrom from the era. But look,
he's been he's been rookie the yearhe has been good. I tried to
faint him because I thought he wasgonna hit an innings limit he pitched about.
I think that they did like Italianthat he's had over the last year,

it hasn't been crazy including college inthis. It's like he's now at
like one sixty and so he probablyhas like another like for major League Baseball
season, he probably or including tripleA. Hey, Like, the goal
I think is to not get himto be higher than one eighty. That
would be kind of what you'd seethe problems that you're seeing with Gallon.
But I don't know man about cyYoung, because that's what I don't get

as very open. I think thatrace is very open. Like there's other
guys I like in that. Look, if he gets this Pirates, first
of all, I think that gettingthe Pirates probably to win that division is
probably a better bet than them tomake the playoffs, just because like everyone's
mid kind of like you said,but uh, you know, like he

still gets up runs in the firstI mean, I'm not trying to poke
holes and schemes. It's just he'sbeen Rookie of the Year, but to
be there's only been one Rookie ofthe Year who's won cy Young and that
was Fernando. And honestly, Ilook, earlier this year, I thought
showed it was gonna do it,and showeda started tipping his pitches and everybody
figured out what was going on.But I just don't. I think that

there's a goin needs to be somesort of like team poll to do that.
I think, Look, it's probablya little bit more live than we
realize if the Pirates do make theplayoffs, But like five to one is
a little bit short for a guywho look, a lot of teams haven't
seen a second time. So onceteams like see these got see him like

a second time, like that's wheneverything changes for a pitcher. Like for
Shoda, he was having all thissuccess with uh, like, you know,
he throws a splitter and people haven'tseen one that moved like this,
and he was just killing guys.Then got to the Mets game and he
was very clearly tipping his pitches becausethey were just bombing them. And now
he's gonna start getting this other halfof the season where he's gonna people were
gonna be like a liarady saw himonce and sort of that is where pictures

only have their advantage really the firsttime and going down. But you look
at the odds for cy Young,I think I think sale at the top
is pretty warranted. So I sofar, Yeah, I don't think Wheelers.
I don't think. I think ifWheeler wins the Cy Young it is
not because of this year. It'sone of those we wanted to give it

to him last year we wanted to. It's like, this isn't the guy's
best movie, but the the bodyof work in this movie that he's in
pretty good will give it you exactly. I completely agree. I still think
I'm looking at it right now,like I look, man, I love,
I love Christopher Sanchez sixty to one. I think Christopher Sanchez is the
best picture on our staff. LikeI love, I still like it.

I mean well, I mean yeah, the whole one problem. Every single
one of his numbers is like unbelievable, except for he gives up a lot
of home runs and so is healready balloons up a little bit more so
Tyler Glass now at twenty eight toone. The problem I have with that
is that he is hit. He'snow pitched mornings that he's ever pitched in
his entire career. I still likeSonny Gray because if Sonny Gray I don't

like, it's these are but theseare. The thing is is that these
are. Sonny Gray was twenty toone two weeks ago. Now he's eighty
to one. The Cardinals are insecond place. That's a way that they
don't know how to price this stuff. It's a horrible reaction. That's that's
like. But Sanchez is Sanchez isreally bad home road splits. But I've
I've I've been very very vocal aboutSanchez's first of all, my first cy

Young pick for next year, Like, oh wow, okay, believe absolutely,
especially since he was an All Starthis year. I think and you
and I know we grew up withthis team. What was the last time
that the Phillies extended a pitcher inthe seats. They didn't even extend Nola
and Wheeler in the season, Yeah, I can't remember. I mean,
the fact that they had that muchbelief in the guy. I mean they

had a plan with him in tripleit seemed like, and then all of
a sudden it manifested into what thisis. And so they weren't surprised by
I was talking with Bob Milanchael thatwas the last episode of the line change,
and he was like, yeah,they weren't surprised by this at all.
There's a reason why he got extended. Yeah, but they never do
this long. They never do that, and like and so like he's the
guy, like and they also announcedit the day the day that Taiwan had
his UH had his his his phantomblister or whatever whatever they're calling it.

But anyway, like I still thinkthat when you look at the stats,
UH just based on the NL,like Santaz is second in pitcher war in
the NL, So like sixty toone I still think is too long for
him. I don't know, Idon't I don't think he's winning it.
He needs to be a lot betteron the road for that to to shorten.
But they're gonna go to a sixman rotation, like they've been saying
that, like they like part ofthe reason why, like like this is

obviously you guys, Luke will validatewhatever I'm saying. But like part of
look, there's there's a reason whyooh wow, they have six million dollars
now left because WIT's not there thatmagically seems to fit foraying Tyler O'Neill and
a pitcher. Yeah. So likewhich, by the way, I'm doubling
down, Like I absolutely think TylerO'Neill, Tyler O'Neill, you are a

Philly Oh that's a good one.I don't want Louise Robert. I don't
know why. I don't want.I don't want, I don't I don't
mind it. But like Kyler O'Neilmakes so much more sense because I think,
well, and like, that's whatthey need exactly. And I think
everybody gets the wrong idea of whatall in means. And I talked about
this on the last part. Allin doesn't have to mean all in a
one player. All in means useall the resources available or most of your

or whatever resources you can to makesure you feel the best team possible.
And I don't think that's all indoesn't mean Louis Robert Jr. All into
me means like Tyler O'Neill, abullpen arm and maybe a depth rotation piece.
Yeah, a depth rotation stuff likethat. You know, that's all
into me. I agree, Ilike I and Tyler O'Neil just makes sense
on the money side, like theand the Red Sox are like they're not

sellers, but there he's a oneyear deal and they're just and like they
just don't. It's an expendable andfor us, it's a right handed bat
that hits lefties. Like look whathappened to the team when Schwerber and Harper
were out like and again, likeI'm not trying to turn line change.
And because Luke is the man onall the Philly stuff and like he like
he does a very very good job, he would maybe agree with some of

these takes. But I think TylerTyler O'Neil's a Philly needless to say,
Christopher Sanchez at sixty to one,I'm still constantly looking at. I think
Sonny to Gray at eighty to oneis way too long for a Cardinals team
that has pulled itself out of beingso poorly constructed and having multiple guys that
I voke that I'm very vocal Ithink are the same guy. I think
lance Lynn Alec Burleson and Brendan Donovan, Barlson Joe part Way same player.

Yeah, they're the same player,just switching jerseys constantly in games. They
like they look the exact same.And yeah, I think that this Cardinals
team has pulled itself out really well, and Sonny Gray, like up until
the last couple of weeks, hasbeen very very good. I think at
eighty to one is he's another guywho like, look he was in uh

it was second in the third inCy Young the year Sale won it.
So he's very good. I thinkpeople are just like the The most known
he was was for not doing wellwith the Yankees and then he went to
like smaller clubs or like clubs,and people weren't paying attention to it,
so everybody was like out of sighton the fantastic Soney Gray is not great,
but Sonny Gray's been fantastic. SoneyGray's been amazing. Yeah. So

anyway, so this market, asI'm looking at, like Logan Webbin thirty
two to one is not not winningthis, like Max Freez not winning this.
I don't think Rangers winning this.Rinaldo Lopez I think is interesting.
I think like the Braids are justhanging around not but probably they're on pace
for ninety. So like we allwe were all like the Death of the
Braves. They're terrible. It's yeah, they're still gonna win nineties. They're

still gonna win ninety games. Billiesare struggling to do that like two years
ago. Well like last year,I was like, oh man there,
I'm like I am fading this underthis under and like they got they did.
They did more wins last year.I don't know, but uh yeah,
the way that this market is looking, I mean, look, look
I don't I mean, I knowyou love Nola. Nola at one hundred
to one is crazy. Is crazy? Given that one hundred green is eighty

to one, you're telling me agreen is that leads to quickly my next
question. Yeah, this is becausethe Paul Skiings thing. I understand the
stuff he's mesmerizing. Maybe his erais going to be good as whip.
But there are like a cumulative statsaward that like that's a part of the
cy young like he you need tobe top ten, top five or ten
in strikeouts. You need to betop five or ten in walks aloud.

You know at the bottom of that, you know, you gotta be you
gotta be good at this stuff.You're your cumulative numbers, the ones that
you tallied throughout the season. That'swhy Spencer Striider, I remember this,
what was it a couple of yearsago. Spencer Strider is cy Young last
year, right, he was aa war candidate. It was like Azra
stinks Era is like a three sixeight. He was given a boss every
game, Yes, and it didnot matter. Everybody was looking at a

strikeout numbers and going that's insane,and so there is going to be at
least for me. That's why,like Aaron Nola stays in the conversation,
every single number outside of his eRRA is in top ten every and so
going to x FIP x fip inthe NL. Top three guys areas Glass
now Sale, Sonny Gray and SonnyGray, by the way, has the

if you're gonna go ks by nine, Sonny Gray has he's a good strick
fifth highest case case per nine.Sonny Gray actually has like a I think
We've both landed on this and it'sfunny because I'm doing a future show later
today that I'm gonna steal this foryou. Get everyone here gets it first
I would double down on some Ilike Sonny Gray. I like Sonny Gray
Gray a lot for this, andthen Sat and Dylan ce See Dylan Cees

is basically West Coast Spencer Strider.He's like eleven nine and four like but
and you look at like picture War. I mean that Ray is gonna come
down, But yeah, what ishe gonna fit is? I don't like
Seas. I think I think Ceaswas at the cash fall on January sixth,
Chris Sale. That's my biggestsault thatany player is. So and so

if you have a mustag, whichI basically assumed you were at the Capitol
on January sixth, Chris Sale,Tyler Glass now and Ranger top three,
Uh, pitchers over with the warand all of them have three or above.
And then Sonny Grant two point ninehanging around. Dude. I'm just
telling me, as I'm looking atthe metrics and doing this live. My

bets, my bets would My betwould be on Sunny Gray. Uh.
Sticking with some of the awards iswe're kind of getting ready for the second
half of the Major League Baseball season. The one thing I'm seeing right now
on a book is m VP playerverse field. So Tani against any other
player, Aaron Judge against any otherplayer, and they're both massive favorites,

meaning like they have to come upwith some market for the m v P
because Adam is the MVP race justover in both leagues. No, I
don't think. I don't think anyWell, it's over and I think it's
over in the AL. I gottalook a little deeper. But is one
because of the DH thing everybody's havinga big problem. Yeah. I don't
even think it's just the DH thing. I think it's there's I think there's
a I think there's some pr stufftoo. I look, there was that

that was a massive betting scandal involvinginvolving his translator that Major League Baseball then
said, yeah, we checked,he's fine, did you That's fine.
I'm not saying he did, butlike, but the reality is is that
they shut that story up very quickly, and the headline is once once suspected
of gambling improp rieties during this season, Otani is your n L m VP.

I don't know. Plus, like, let's get real this dog.
But it could be the opposite couldbe sympathy points the victim of a sports
I mean there's probably some Otani fatiguefrom vetting on him on both leagues also,
just like, if you want tobe honest, fatigue, but not
many pitches, not many pitches.That's that's absolutely true. Yeah, he's

not pitching. He's not pitching,and his team's underperforming. Like so like
the versus the field. I justlooked the numbers plus two eighty. It's
Himmer, Brice, Harper. It'svery And here's the thing that I've noticed
of why I really like I Ihave Bryce, I love Bryce on this,
but I will say this, Brycehasn't gotten a narrative yet which is
coming. Like Otani when he wentup to the plane, Montski's had this

moment and he look the hear thatHarper won MVP. Let's hitting a three
run home run in the Al circamewas a incredible moment and they were like,
this is a possish. So manymoments in standout. Yeah, right,
Harper hasn't had it yet. Butdon't forget what happened in August of
twenty two. Was that great thegreat Like Harper won that MVP in that

Grand Slam against the it was twentyone. Sorry that Grand Slam against the
Cubs in the bottom of the night. Like that moment that was the I
was like, dude, this guy'swinning MVP. It was just incredible.
So and Harper. But so that'show these things work. They get narratives
and people get them. Freddie Freeman'sgoing to pick up a narrative. Ozuda
is not winning it. They're notgiving it to a guy who is a

year removed from a dui and andbeating his partner Francisco Lindor being thirty nine
to one but not making the thewin MVP but not making the All Star
team is hilarious. I still like. I mean, he's cooled off a
lot, but like, I stilllike, I still like William Catrez.
I call him my m v P. He was awesome for the first two

months of the season and then thismarket explodes. I one thing I am
saying to folks that I do letme see where Mookie is because uh so,
Mookie's two hundred to one. Thatis absolutely worth putting something on,
because keep the m VP is reallyone in August with whatever happens, because
someone has a monster month, andthat's what everybody remembers. Two hundred and

one for a guy who's gonna comeback in three weeks during prime hitting season.
They want to give it to him, so keep that in mind,
Like they like this was all thenerds were like, Akulia doesn't have the
highest war and it's on a podcast, just on a podcast, party shows,
you know, talking about how muchwe love Joseph qu I know,

Joseph Quinn just maybe cry with thecar trick. It's like, I know,
right, so we'll get we'll getto that, we'll get. So
I think putting money I think twohundred to one for Mookie Betts. Who
do you know that they like MookieBetts was the favorite the entire season not
and wasn't even having a good season. Is going to be very comparable to
a lot of the yes, andthey're gonna need and like they want to,

like they're dying to give it toMookie, like that's the thing.
It's and and it's sort of againit's one of those well we didn't give
it to you last year, sowe did this. It's sort of like
when they gave like, look,Otani didn't even play after August fifteenth last
year, and he got the MVPin the AL because the year before again
was the nerd saying, well,Aaron Judge is hitting a home run and
then Aaron Judge, also, bythe way, batted over three hundred that

season, so he shut everybody up. And their whole thing was like Otani,
you're done. Or the m vp's like your don was not the
MVP, and they get you know, I'm not saying Atani didn't deserve it
last year, but there's a lotof that that goes on. So I
would say for the NL MVP,I don't look Otani is probably I think

I think this is I think he'sway too heavy a favorite given that his
team is essentially like a five hundredteam over the last month. So like,
you know, so what, yeah, one other thing I'm also seeing
and just that this is a randomwe don't have to name players because I
haven't looked at this market yet.I'm sure you haven't. But it's reliever

of the year I'm seeing. Andlike Emmanuel Klas is like obvious minus six
fifty for that, but Ryan Helsley'sminus one twenty five is that just a
simple look who has like a decentera and like the most saves or is
the reliever of the Year Award moreabout Saves, like less about Saves now
than it has been because like Savesis a static I don't hear mentioned at
all anymore because nobody doesn't because noone has a true bus anymore, Like

nobody's like the first remember, likelike this is the first year that I've
ever really been like big on theMets. And don't tell anybody and all
the people that are listening to podwe should like the I love the Mets,
dude, I'm absolutely buying. Ihate to say I love the Mets,
but like it dawned to me acouple of weeks ago, like they're
a fun team, well not justthat they're good, like they might actually

a niece and baseball team they wereof two years ago when we were all
betting on the on the Detroit Lionsand they were like still like six and
eleven but like they but we didn'tknow that, but like they were just
fun to bet on the and theMets do the Mets. Yeah, I
love pe Alonzo, like he failedme in the home run derby, but

the Yeah. So I don't knowif Saves is as big of a deal
because like Diaz got all those savesand didn't even sniff so young and and
nobody does that anymore because everyone reallydoes closer by committee. You know,
that's such an interesting because like Isee Jeff Hoffman at seventy to one,
seventeen to one. I don't thinkanybody's numbers at this moment seem even really

all that comparable to what I don'tbe. I like, I kind of
like Hoffman. I kind of likeHoffmann Instromer in that I like Stram a
lot because Strom's got a really goodnarrative with him too, of like I've
been on all these like he hada really good quote at the All Star
Game of like I've been in ninedifferent clubhouses, multiple different teams. Like
he's been a starter and he's areliever. He's he's he's a you know,

he looks like if you put MichaelLorenzen through a blender, he would
look like Matt Strong. Like thatwas my that's my favorite joke last No
Hitter, And they put up apicture of Matt Strom, and I'm like,
that's absolutely the wrong guy. There'sa lot of Nick Cage like stuff
going around, not like Nick Cageand long legs, but just like yeah,
which I gotta still see. Wait, why is why is Hell's Lee

such a favorite? Like? Ishe it's saves? He has thirty two,
he's he's I think he's maginty interms of saves. But that's the
thing, that's why I asked that, because leads in Hoffman leads the NL
in reliever war Yes, and thenStrom and then he's tired than Strom.
And I guess who's fourth, ourfuture closer? Uh? Ryan? Well

right, Oh, I thought you'regonna say yes, no, just just
for an out. I mean,Oyan's Orion's gonna be in my opinions game.
But it's they ruined, Sir Anthony. And but isn't that what you
look at? More like Helsley yetthirty two saves and like not saying he's
bad. But the two point threesixty ray I don't think compares to what
Jeff Hoffman has, which is likea one point one to two e RA

and Matt Strama one point. It'snot like these guys aren't pitching any innings.
Jeff Hoffman has forty innings pitched.Jeff Jeff Hoffman is Jeff Hoffman we
all yelled at when he wasn't inthe game and Craig Kimball was last year,
Like we're all like wives, Hoffmannot in here right now, like
the Hoffman been nasty for quite awhile, for quite some time. I'm

just looking at you know. Butthat's but that's what always with these awards.
It's just like what narrative are peoplegonna look at? What are the
specifics of people look at? Idon't think it's saved and I think Helsy
is save it right now? Peopleknow what they don't remember saves. I
would venture a guess nobody would reallyknow who the sage leader is and how
many. I had no idea,and I'm a big baseball guy. I
had no stags at this point ofthe season. Is kind of wild,

Like that's a pretty good number,but again, nobody, nobody else is
doing it, Like what's the nextThe next I think is per nine is
they're both over eleven. They're likeincredible lights out, Like, I mean,
I don't know Man was my favoritethough? Is my favorite? Like
yeah, I kind of like II Strom's numbers are are I know one

big attention is also Hoffman is nice. We figured out Strom, Like I
know you look at you look atpicture stuff. You're really good with pictures
and yeah EVP stuff, Like,have we cracked the code on what Matt
Strom is doing? Because to me, it just looks like I'm just gonna
throw a fastball in the strike zoneand you can hit it if you want
to, but you're probably not goingto. But he was in the All
Star Game again, some of thebest hooters in Major League Baseball and all

he's doing is throwing ninety one milean hour fastballs in the strike zone and
nobody can touch it. Yeah.Well, you know what, what's his
name? I always forget his name, I just because probably out of spite
because he's younger than me. Uh, lot of people at this point.
Yeah, yeah, well what's thething. Yeah, Caleb cop Coin Coffin
is like thirty two, Like sookay, so I'm younger. That's good.

Yeah, Like it's so fun withhim, and uh, what's his
name? Not to change nothing,but the dude on the Red Sox is
like A Bailey's like like forty,But Caleb Cotham is like completely changed how
Matt Strom has done anything. AndI think that I think Strom's overall approach
is just he's like he's a confidentdude. They know that they like they
stopped at that experiment. I'm havinghim start. And that's what also changes

on every picture, because like,if you have a guy who you know,
like, oh, I could dohim as a spot start, well
let me have him close. Wellthat's giving you a guy that you know
has the power to go four andthe ment and at least three pitches and
you're able to send him out therefor you know, one in a third
or one I don't know either way. Pumps the same my former major league
starter, he was a starter.Oh yeah, yeah, I mean both

of those guys. So I gottasay it's so funny because I'm like,
this is basically me labbing for mynotes for the night. I'm getting strong
and one, yeah, man,you for you to go on to the
better shows, and yeah, it'smy own show. Wait, what's hold
on? And what about Tanner?I mean Tanner Scott is there's rumors that

he's going to become a Philly Idon't think Marlin. Oh yeah, his
war is well, the team's terribleand his and his excipt's terrible. So
he basically is like probably getting benefitedfrom the fact that nobody in those games
are scoring any runs. Uh,it doesn't even look like if you really
get into the metrics that like Suarezis even the best pod race pitcher.
But I don't know, I Ireally like Strom. I'm like, as

I'm looking at this, I'm like, Strom is a real good one,
and he's got a great and it'shis home run fly ball raid is two
point six stupid. It's stupid.And also to figure this out, just
like, hey, let's get abunch of ground all pictures please. Yeah,
well that was time. That's whatthey thought they were doing with Taiwan.
That's what they thought they were doingwith Thor. Yeah, they were

trying to turn Thor into that.That's right, they were, but they
turned successfully Ranger Suarez into and ChristopherSancho. So like the two best groundball
pictures in Major League Baseball right now? You know what else is at the
top of this list another former PhillyMark later, Mark Letter Junior is having
a very good year. So hewas a hot minute. Well, I
was so funny the other day Ifound a tweet someone someone did from forever

ago that it was like a quotefrom I don't know who it was at
the time, but it was itwas basically, yeah, when we had
Doug dray Back juniors, Doug,I guess it, Doug dray Buck Juan
and are like, yeah, butDoug drey Buck Junior is untouchable. And
like it was Kyle dre Back,Kyle dray Back, it was like it
was when we wouldn't trade when itwas well Ruben probably it was like he's

untouchable. And it's just looking atthe Phillies Den versus now and it's just
like him Don Brown are untouchable.It's like, okay, so yeah,
looking into the metrics, strom Strom'sgot Strom's got crazy value at twelve to
one. He's top two or numberone in every single category, and then
Helsley's behind him, and I justI refuse to believe that Saves is the

I refuse I I think I andalso like, keep in mind we're not
even talking about it, but theoverall Gimme award that is that needs to
happen. I don't even know ifhe's still he should be the favorite.
Oh it's not. I don't knowwhy Rob Thompson is in a minus six
thousand favorite to be Manager of theYear. Yeah, why Why wouldn't he

because Pat Murphy is apparently doing greatstuff in Milwaukee. But I don't agree,
Like, I mean, yes,they're damn like they've had everybody on
that everybody who's ever watched baseball ispitching for that team this season, like
you and I are the only peoplethey haven't asked to pitch. But Thompson
deserve he is. He's like he'shad four starts. I just wanted to
make sure I was getting that rightbecause every time that just I feels like

I'm having a fever like jump somewild stupid dream of like, is Dallas
kind is still pitching a major leagueLike, oh yeah, that's real life?
Is that rich life? Yeah?This isn't Diamond Dynasty. This isn't
a card from like ten years agothat somebody pulled. This is actut real
life Dallas Well Like, So again, Thompson deserved it two years ago.
Yeah, sixty eight percent winning percentageafter June and he didn't get it even

it wasn't even a finalist. I'mjust stunned because we do this with the
NFL. It's like the best team, the best coach is not always going
to win it because the best teamsare usually really good. Well we got
screwed that year. We got screwedthat year. But my my problem is
with that is the Phillies have notever won the division in the last two
years. They haven't even sniffed it. Like, this team has never been
close to one hundred win team.This team has never been close to being

an NL East favorite. This teamhas not even been close to being the
number one team in baseball throughout theentire season or not the world's favorite.
The Dodgers still like Rob Thompson shouldabsolutely get all the credit in the world
for making this team an absolute juggernaut. Like everything changed when he got there.
He got him to a World Series, got them to an n CS
the year after that, and nowhe's made them the number one seven Major

League Baseball. That that to medeserve, Like, get Milwaukee out of
here. Milwaukee I think is gonnafake. Maybe there is different on Thompson
because I don't think Milwaukee's gonna doa plus one. I still I just
think I think it's a two horserace, and like I mean, like
it's very clearly there's two and Thompsonthe biggest. Like for those who are
just listening. And I have noidea why Thompson's name is topper is nickname

is Toppers is because he was alwayson top of things, Like he has
been a career bench coach that theyalways were able to count on to be
like he's on top of it.He's on top of it. One of
the things that he does masterfully.And I can point to I can point
to the moment where I he gainedmy respect, and it was game two
of the Divisional uh two years agowhen Alvarado had had blown the lead.

We won the game, blown thelead, and the next night he went
right back to him. And hedoes that a lot, and he did
it in the playoffs last year.He did it with Craig Cranbell and it
burned him. Yeah, I rememberthe one time that it like burned the
top person. Most of the timehe put a Ryan in there because he
wanted to give him the experience.Like he's very good at pushing the right

buttons on players and knowing when todo whatever. Like team never looked,
team never panicked you and I livedthrough or maybe I did but you didn't,
but like live through Darren Dalton gettinginjured every year and teams falling apart
when you're through that. Yeah,I've heard brothers of that, but have
never through it. The fact isis that this team lost. It's at

the time, like the third besthitter on the team. The team for
a week didn't have its two studsand still managed to go five hundred on
a road trip like it was.It was. It's fine, Like he
pushes all the right buttons like anyat. Mundo Sosa is someone who you
and I look at and bats inthe top six when he plays. He

Let's be honest, we all hatedon Joan Rojas, but Joan Ross fixed
his swing. Like a month anda half, it has looked incredible.
He went down to Triple A andhe bombed in the first game like he
all the I was betting his underhits for the first two months of the
season and then they he worked withsome of the coaches and and and topper
and he he became like a twoforty hitter, which is fine in the

in the nine hole, and he'sfast. I think whatever time but Thompson
has done is great. And whathe's being able to manage his ship with
like if you know, if it'snot like there's not been any injuries or
there like. He has managed,he's lost judge and were in first place.
Everyone would say Aaron Boone is themanager of the year. We lost
lost I mean various points of theseason, their top three players very yes,

easily yep, and and and youknow, like we'll see what happens
with some of this stuff. Likeit's just it's just a it has a
The team this year has a Eaglesnext man up mentality that they haven't like
had in a while. Like itfeels very like everyone feels like Malcolm Jenkins
and I like that. Yeah,well it it feels like an organization.
I've always said this about Houston,I said this about the Braves. I

even said this about Tampa Bay,Like it is a everything works from the
top all the way down to thebottom. The the front office has to
know about all these players. Theyhave to be working with the manager to
be able to do it. Theygot to be working with the Triple A
guys to be able to develop theseguys. And then you know, all
the way pitching, coach down,and it just feels like there's a there's
a nice synergy between every single partof the Phillies organization. And I've never

been able to say that, I'venever seen that, never seen that since
what it was Gillick and Gillick andCharlie Manuel that they kind of understood what
they wanted to I want and helpedthem pick these guys. He's like,
yeah, I had this fact.Jason Worth is the guy who I liked.
They're like, who, all right, well, they had a vision,
they went all in on. Hewas a Rule five pick. They

loved him. Yep. Yeah,So that that synergy, like, I
haven't seen that in a while.And the Phillies have that, you know,
all the way from Dave Dombrowski downto Rob Thompson, the Caleb Coffin
to the Triple A guys, youknow, every Christopher Sanchez is one of
the best examples of that. ChristopherSacher's add a Planet Triple like, oh,
we see something, work on it, and then when you come back
to the bigs, you're gonna bemuch better and you're gonna be our guy.

And that's why they extended him immediatebecause they're like, yeah, they
got him from the Rays too,and they like they're like and the Rays,
you know, Ruin Pitchers it's becausethey've run him into the ground.
Yes, yeah, I don't understand. I I know it's short, guys,
but like plus one twenty five forRob Thompson, I still bet that.
Yeah, mostly because I think Milwaukee'sgonna fade as I think that's gonna

be. That's gonna be a veryclose title race for that division. And
if that divisions close, you know, I don't see any way you can
give it to not give it tothe manager that's been running away with the
division since day one of the season. Some of the markets I'm looking at
kind of for the future to makethe playoffs, and I find the National
League wants to be interesting because itfeels like every single team in the National
League is within striking distance of awildcard spot. The Braves are likely going

to occupy one, so we couldtake one away. But we're looking at
basically one, two, three,four, five, six, seven,
eight teams for two spots. Isthere a team that interests you most in
getting one of those two spots?Talking about the Cardinals, Mets, Diamondbacks,
padres Pirates, Giants, Reds,and Cups. The Reds do not
interest me, I can tell youthat. And that's so sad because I

love them coming into the season andyeah, I know it's not coming together.
I'm just looking at that and Iwant to see who do Let me
just see what do you not likeabout the Reds, Like what went wrong?
Because that wasn't pitching. I thinktheir pitching is awful. And I
think that people need to realize thatwhile Ellie is a very fun player,
the best player on that team,the two best players, one of the

best players on the team is noteven playing right now. It's Matt McClain
and the second best is Spencer SteerSpence one another bet I'm gonna make next
year Spencer Spencer's steer for MVP iswhen I'm picking next year. I was.
I thought it was crazy because hestarted off hot at the beginning of
the year. This year, like, this guy maybe has MVP stuff.
You know, I'm not saying votehim for for m VP right now,
or like bet him right now.This guy could be this bad is good

And so yeah, I like thatyou said that. I like that.
I'm just looking at the Mets schedulein September. So okay, so the
Mets schedule in September. The problemI would normally say the Mets. But
the problem that the Mets have inSeptember, oh, well, so they
have the Braves. Here's the issue. It's who are the teams that these
guys are going to play that arein front of them. So they're gonna

play the Braves and they'll play us, but they they don't really they don't
play like you really want them playing, like the Cardinals and some of these
teams and these mid teams. Likeso, I don't know if I want
to buy the Mets not at plusone thirty four. I'd rather buy the
Mets to get to the NLCS,like an all market on a lot of

this is to get to whatever becauselike one of these playoffs right exactly,
I'm seeing and the Rangers thinking,like we've seen this multiple times. The
Rangers were very comparable to what thePhillies were a couple of years ago.
I so part of the reason whyI'm all in a white Langford is because
I think that the Rangers are goingto kind of figure it out. Okay,

yeah, let me see the Ijust want to look at the Cardinals
schedule yards around like plus one thirtyfive for yes, yes, and like
I just want to see what theirtheir end of season schedule is. Uh
okay, so they're kno gonna havea So their end of season schedule is
is they play they play the Pirates, and they play the Reds and they

close on a very weird West Coastroad trip to the Rockies and the Giants.
So that Giants series is probably gonnabe for the wild card spot.
So let me look at the pricewith the Giants, and the Giants are
plus three hundred. Yeah, Igotta look at so the Giants, keeping
mind, are gonna get Robbie Rayback. The Giants are a fundamentally well

organization. They're boring. Not thatI forgot that Robbie Ray was even on
the Giant forgot Robbie Ray existed.Yeah, yeah, I did too.
I mean I don't think he evenpitched last year, but he he.
Uh So. Actually the one thatI like, the one that I like
the most here is actually I likethe I like the Giants at three to
one to make the playoffs, becauseI was I was about to say,
some of those are really like ajuicy not only three games back, they're

only three games back, but yeah, enticing numbers, because yes, Giants
are only three games back, andthey're three to one. You know,
three to one if you're a thingstriking distance man. Three to one just
seems seems like a solid number.Yeah. So as as Adam Rosenberg knocks
down as Mike professional, I Iwas trying to professional podcast that we have
going on. Yeah, we alwaysdid it well. I canceled. I

also canceled my call that I haveafter this because I'm like, this is
awesome. Look. So so themin September, Uh, they play the
Royals like they have they have.They have a schedule that I like in
in September because they're gonna be playingSo the Giants are gonna be playing a
lot of teams that they're gonna bebattling with for wild they're gonna pay.
They're playing the d Backs, thePadres, the Brewers. They play the

Padres twice. The one I don'tlike play the play the d twice.
I really like, actually really likethe Giants here because what are the so
what are the d backs for dBacks to make the west right and so?
And then the Padres are plus onetwenty six they that's the number I
like the least. So one ofthose so of those three one is gonna

make it and you can get theand they're only the Giants are only three
back and you can get them atthree to one. I that's that's my
bad. Yeah, I'd like that. I mean, you're gonna find some
good number of the National League andone of these combinations of teams. And
I think looking at any of thethree to ones as you just identified,
like the Reds just don't have thepitching. I thought the pitching was gonna
come together enough. It really hasn't. I love the young lineup, but

yeah, the pitching hasn't come togetherPittsburgh like it's they're they're led by young
pitching, like they're led by rookiepitchers. So we're we're just gonna trust
rookie pitchers to be able to leavethat. I know, like one of
them is an alien and we shouldn'tbe looking at Paul Skins the way we
look at other rookies. But theproblem is he's still a rookie pitcher that
hasn't pitched this much, so wewe do have to look at these things.
The Giants, to me, arestill a team that is a good

organization. They don't have any likecrazy star power, but always fills their
lineup out very well with just abunch of really solid hitters. I think
it's a team that kind of getsoverlooked a lot, just because again,
like as you just mentioned, weI didn't even know Robbie Ray existed and
was on the Giants. You know, I probably couldn't name you too many
Giants bats, but I know Icouldn't. But yeah, but you know

what, like I lived in theBay Area when they won all those championships,
and I couldn't name any I couldn'tname, like Buster Posey and Pat
Burrow who don't yeah, Pep Pepperrell'sand Eskimo and I are Eskimo brothers.
I know. That's that's that's thestory for another day, because I might
just stop the entire podcast now.I mean, well, I yeah,

well, I just I there wassomeone who I dated who was very close
to lots of folks on the team, and Pat Barow lived in the like
would hang out in the same barafter games that I would go do and
he didn't even know my name.Wild story, I guess Pat Burrow just
like he was Pat Burrow, hewas Frid who literally just told me a
story a week ago. He's like, I'm matched with somebody in like a

social dating app and they're like,yeah, I've I've like I dated or
like what ended up like together withPaparol for some time. That's what.
So he's superpproachable, nice guy.He used to when you have a bench
clearing brawl and he wants to fightyou, yeah, well, he like,
I love Paparol. But he uh, he called me. He used
to call me phil because he couldn'tremember my name except for the fact that

I was from Philadelphia. And heused to say, like Foo and I'm
like, you know that that's notmy name. It's not my name at
all. He's like, well,you're from Philadelphia and I'm like, yeah,
well that's still that's where I'm from. Not my name, that's the
name of where I'm from, butthe Marina that's where you're not at.
But yeah, anyway, Papparol.That's just that's amazing. Nobody can Nobody

can remember a lot of guys onthat team either, not at all.
I mean, does anybody know WayJunior really all that? Well? No,
nasty against right here. They havetwo catchers, Patrick Bailey, the
one who plays the most. Doesanyone know who Patrick Bailey is? I
know my Yeah, yeah, Iknow Chapman, but I didn't know Chapman
and or hey, Celaire's on thatteam. That team's actually like not terrible

and those two aren't a bad hittingpark is the problem. Oh that's a
huge problem. Yes, so butyeah, I like that. But look
if they can if they can getthat and they're a one game playoff against
the Padres in San Francisco, Ilike it. I like it. Yeah,
you're getting three to one odds essentiallyin that. Yeah. All right,
So we're coming towards the end ofthe podcast. So now I have
to because the line change is wheresports and cinema. Clyde, you,

for some reason respect my movie opinions. I don't know why. I love
movies, but I don't know ifI'm respected movie opinionator, but I respect
your opinions on anything. And uh, any movies you've seen recently we talked
about one, but any movies you'veso Look, because I have two kids
under three, I don't get tothe movies a lot. Recently, my
wife was like, oh, youshould go to the movies and like leave

the house and for a couple ofhours, I'm like, this is doesn't
that sound like Kevin? Yes,it's so. I was like, I
because she took our daughter to seethe new Despicable Me. I guess not
inside Out too. No, she'snot old enough to get like what all
the emotions are, but like shelike sees colors and she's like, I
love Minions, and and it wentreally well. And then I said,

well, cool, then I'm gonnago see Quiet Place three, which my
wife doesn't even remember. One ofour first dates was Quiet Place, the
first one remembered Oakland. Yeah,I don't know, because that's a great
movie. I love all the quietplaces like that's that is a very Oh
it's just so well done. SoI don't think that this movie is very
good. But you and I bothdiscussed this. There is a where Joseph

Quinn is in this and plays thecharacter is an answer other character, and
he is as he was in StrangerThings. Seems stealingly good. And I
came to the conclusion and you andI agreed on this. Whether or not
people have already claimed him at It, that dude is going to be the
IT actor. I think after theFantastic four comes out, he's like,
really gonna blow up, but becausefor those who don't know, he's gonna

be the uh Johnny storm. Butyeah, a lot of stuff I think
he's in, like Gladiators too.He's Gladiator too, Like he's gonna he's
gonna be massive. He's so forstranger things. The scene when he jumps
up on the table and does hiswhole thing, I'm like, who is
this guy? This guy like hehas a very very good sense of space.

And then there's a scene in quietThing Quiet Place three, which by
the way, should have been calledquietest Place, huge miss or Quieter Place
like something like that, and hejust there's a for those to go out
and see it. But there isa scene with him doing a card trick.
And keep in mind, most ofthis movie, no one's allowed to
say anything because hence the title,and these aliens will kill you if you

if you speak, and as asJansen mentioned, it will bring you to
tears. He's like, he's sogood with space and emotion without saying anything.
He is a fantastic actor. SoI didn't like the movie. He
makes that movie a five point fivefor me because he is so good.
Yeah, I know, I know. I that's what I put in.
When I reviewed it, I waslike, man, this movie probably didn't

work all that well. It's notwhat I wanted to be. I had
this okay story of like learning howto appreciate life even when you know it
feels like death is just like rightthere, and one of the characters is
almost it's a really it's the onlygood shot of the movie. I like,
everybody's running towards what is the safepart of the city, and when
people watch a movie, they'll getit like running towards life, running towards
like hope and life, and she'srunning the opposite direction. She's like essentially

running towards death. And that's like, Okay, we're really getting at something
here. But it really didn't domuch other than I heard critic described it
as like almost Hallmark movie like kindof stuff that they're doing. But then
Joseph Quinn comes along, and thisguy has a quality of I just I
just love the guy or a rootfor the guy, whatever, whatever character

he's playing, because I think EddiMunson was the character name and stranger things
that's right, Like he was completelyeasy. We have been attached to some
of these characters and Stranger Things forlike years now, so we love these
characters and here comes Eddie Munson.He in one season and he's not even
the main character, like all theother characters are still there are the main
characters. He is in one seasonand he goes, we love this guy

more than anything, more than morethan anything, I completely and so he
has that quality that, like weare, everybody's just very attracted to the
qualities I guess that he has asan actor, and it's gonna it's it's
gonna last him throughout his career.He's gonna blow he is. I don't
think Stranger Things really actually scratch that. I think Stranger Things knew exactly what

they had in him, and that'swhy they made it such a big part,
because they went, Holy f thisguy is like this guy's leagues above,
like what we're trying to do rightnow. I'm assuming he I'm assuming
in the finale like they've had tohave reshot stuff to add some more of
him in like they they I wouldI would imagine that they had to rewrite
the character a bit, not rewrited, but like make this character a much

more prominent figure in the story thanthey have because I think they knew exactly
what they had a Joseph Quinn oncethey Yes, I completely I think that
they look I mean the the brothersare like very good at they knew like
stranger things the first three seasons,like everybody's perfectly cast, Like what's the
name? Who played the who playedthe older brother? Who's terrible, who
was terrible human but has his oneredeeming spot. He basically like you know

what I'm talking about? Yeah,yeah, the joke again. He's like,
they do a really good job offinding these guys. There's like this
guy is gonna be a thing andhe's a thing, Like he's I don't
know what he's done since then,but like they did a really good job,
Like and I didn't think stange things. He has a hit song.
That's all I know? Is that? Is that true? So anyway,
so with the movie, like Igot those scenes to my one issue.

My issue I had is like andI really love Lapida is that? Oh
talk about the other brother? Ohthe brother in season three? Oh you
were talking about he is fantastic.I don't know what past he's awesome.
He's awesome. What are the bettercast in that entire they the show is

generally perfectly from season to season.It's just the problem was that all the
kids went through puberty and so likethey like like Sadie sinks fantastic like she
and like all these and you know, but she's been in a couple of
things since she was in the Whale. So she's been Yeah, she was
in the Whale. See the thewhich was also really great. Another great
movie that like nobody saw that.That is great fan. I didn't like

it, but that's oh I likebecause I mean, you know, I
just look and I'm like, oh, the guy from Encina, Man,
this is great. The uh.The last thing I'll say on like Quiet
Things is that the problem, thebiggest problem I have with Quiet Things is
that I understand that it is amovie where there's not a lot that's being
said, so you have to beable to convey the story with what happens
with nuances. There's a really goodlesson movie understood that more than anything right,

And there's a lesson in screenwriting thatwas done a video that that exists
for ID four where that can sitthat says the opening chess scene between Judd
Hirsch and Jeff Goldbloom is one ofthe best written three minutes in cinema because
you learn everything you need to know. When they're playing chess. You learn
that he's hasn't a strange wife.You learn that he's into the environment,

all this stuff. I didn't learnanything about Lapida because she had like two
moments where I knew, like,I know she's damaged and I got that,
and I know and like she saidsome stuff about like when they're at
her apartment with like her dad,and like I think it just it's I
was, And probably part of itwas like I got more from Joseph Quinn's
character and I was like mesmerized byhis story and what his play was.

I couldn't get into her story ofher pain and which again like goes back
to your hope messaging that. Uh. I just was like as soon as
he entered it, I was like, whatever he says, man, I'm
into him and this is great andhe's still he was seen stealingly good,
So yes, he was. SoYeah. Quiet Place Day one don't know
if I recommend it, even ifyou like the Quiet Place movies, It's

not really anything like the Quiet Placemovies. No. The only thing is
it's more about you know, thedrama surrounding it than like the actual monsters
themselves. I thought this was agood one in quiet place. They wanted
to give me more. This couldhave been a lower thing. This could
have been like, here's what thesemonsters are and all that. I know.
We we eventually got that, butI don't know, it could have
been more of like the actual eventsitself than having to go so much into

well, this movie has always beenabout family drama or you know, drama
itself, and that's what it didn'treally. I like that they want to
put heart in the movie, butit didn't need to be for a secret.
Yeah. I almost feel like theymidway through making it realized, ah,
man, you know what, likeif we go all down the route
of making this a monster lor movie, it's gonna be way too sci fi

and not enough like what maybe theydefinitely got afraid of it because you might
be right. The movie changed,Like the tone of it changed about halfway
through once the monsters got introduced andlike the whole thing happened in New York
City. It completely the movie wascompletely different, totally different, which I
think that they were like, eh, this is too sci fi. Let's
make it more about these characters anddo that so anyway is what it is

the direct don't. I don't recommendit. I do. I will say
though, quiet place movies are funwatch in a movie theater versus at home
because of how they're like. Ifthey ever do the re release of like
the first one, go to themovie theater to see that because it's just
a good experience. Yeah, Iwill say movie theater experience is always the
best, but especially for quiet placemovies. Absolutely, because sound design is

so important. And what's better withsound design than massive speakers that are in
your ear in a movie? Howstoked are you for Alien Romulus? Then
I'm not into the alien movies,but I'm I'm always open for anything the
one I'm excited for. And nowthat we're getting towards the end, uh
sorry sorry for no no, no, no, no, no all good
but Twisters, I cannot. GlennPallas already had one hit movie this year

and hit Man. Hit Man wasamazing. Richard link Later is a great
director, and they put together whatwas I think one of the best rom
coms and written smart movies of theyear. Yeah, very clever, very
good movie. But Twisters I'm soexcited for It's it's I'm glad that we're
going back to like, hey,let's make like a summer nineties blockbuster.
Yeah, and see what happens.And I think Twisters is gonna kill it.
I think it's gonna crush it.No, I'll check it out.

I'm gonna I'll get my wife towatch hit Man because she's into that guy,
because he's in another movie Netflix moviethat she was like, this is
so and so Tom go Maverick,you might you might see it. That's
right, the Sidney Sweeny anyone,but you yeah, ye yeah. Hit
Man is ten times better than anyone. But yeah, yeah, great,
well, Top Gun. Maverick isjust Star Wars. It's so it's just

it's just one of the best moviesof the decades so far. It's it's
still one of the best movies inthe decade. But it's the Star Wars
trench scene for two hours. Yes, so real quick, Adam Rosenberg.
Let the people know where they canfind you and all the the amazing stuff
you do because I see you absolutelyeverywhere, and then I hear like,
oh, I'm a free agent too. It's like, wait, what don't
you have ten jobs? Adam Rosenberg, you do it all. You're amazing.

Let everybody know where they can find. You can find me on the
Twitter machine at at Hey Rosenberg.Also, I I'm a I host a
bunch of shows for Outlier. That'sa at outlier, dot outlire bet or
dot bet you spell it all outand then yeah man. But otherwise I'm,
you know, kind of a freelancepr and comms guy and I just
do this fun betting in sports andnerdery on the on the side. But

you can you can find you canfind me mostly on the Twitter machine.
Love that and yeah on the side. Also, come on my silly little
podcast talk some baseball, Adam rosebark. That was very fun. Thank
you so much. Maybe we cantalk a little bit more movies next time
as well, if you're able tofind some more time in the movie theater.
But that's Adam Rosenberg. Follow meand Hey Rosenberg. My name is
John Jansen. Follow me at jaJansen thirty four on Twitter. Find the
Line Change Where to get your podcastThe Line Change with John Jansen. Also

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