Episode Transcript
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Hello, Killing Nash, Hello JonathanRush. It's tomorrow show Today. Tomorrow
will be the twenty fourth of July, No, twenty third. Okay,
I thought I got a day aheadsomehow. I know. I woke up
it was the twenty second, andI was no longer running for president.
Ah. They did him in onNational ice Cream Day. Oh no,
they ruined National ice Cream Day.It'll just loves ice cream. It'll be
forever marred. Oh no, Okay, but you know, the joke was
that he's going to be really tickedoff when he wakes up from his nap.
Yeah, finds out that he's nolonger a candidate. He wrote the
letter? Did he somebody write thatfor him? Do you think? Maybe?
Possibly? I don't know what.He's going to a destination here on
the next few days. Here yougo. We don't know when that'll be.
But he'll get back to us andwe'll see if there's anything we'll be
talking about. Probably not. Let'stalk about some other stuff we can talk
about for Tuesday morning on the morning. Rush, Well, let me get
you to my email here. I'vegot all the debate rages. I don't
know we've ever handled this debate bestpet, cat or dog. We're not
throwing in goldfish and other things.You decide the best pet. Is it
the cat or is it the dog. It's so funny you asked that question
today because just last night I saidI'm really a cat person. I finally
recognize that I am a cat person. I never thought of myself as a
cat person. I don't particularly likecats. That's what I'm saying, How
could you be a cat part?It's a bilateral choice. I'm a cat
person. I'm out last night betweenrain showers with Lolly, Sally's dog,
well, Janie's dog, and I'mdesperately waiting on Lolly to go tetee and
before so I put her in thecage and so so I can go to
bed. She's doing a little circling, she's sniffing. She's about to go
to te Here we go, thankyou, Here we go. I've only
been out here five minutes waiting onthis. We're going to get to go
to bed here in just a second. And here comes the rain. And
with the rain, she goes runningback into the Florida room. I'm like,
damn it. And I step backin the Florida room. There's the
cat. I'm like, you knowsomething, I'm a cat person because that
cat is an indoor outdoor cat.Okay, now that cat goes out and
does this business, I don't everhave to deal with it. Don't ever
see it. The cat likes todo it in private, but I'll never
see the cat. You're not acat person because you don't enjoy the cat
climbing in your lap. No,you don't want the cat rubbing against your
legs. That's another reason why Ilove this cat. This cat knows I
don't like it. It stays awayfrom me. It doesn't like you either.
No, I'm glad it doesn't.This is the perfect relation. She's
never gonna do anything you have relationship. Now. I do feed that cat,
so tadda. I am taking careof the cat. That's only because
you would be in trouble if thecat starved to death. Okay, maybe
I'm not a cat person. Ifyou were being unwatched, if there was
nobody living with you, that catwould not be in the house. No,
if you were suddenly a bachelor,if you'd found yourself a bachelor and
you got the cat in the divorceor whatever. I like cats because even
when they're in the house, theygo hide under a bed and take a
cat nap. You don't know wherethey are. They're not making a mess,
They're not you don't hear them barking. They're not running around getting crazy.
They're not chewing up the sofa.You are not a pet person in
general, you like. The onlyanimals you seem to appreciate are livestock,
something that can contribute to farm.Animals, Yeah, contribute to the economy,
contribute to my dinner. I likebarn cats. They keep the rats
away. They're doing to deal withall the snakes. They've got to work.
Yeah, for your affection, ananimal must work. Most people don't
feel that way. Now, Iwas coming to German shepherd on the farm.
They'll let you know when somebody pullsup. Yeah, most people like
their German Shepherd or other dogs becausethat dog desperately wants your affection and will
be begging for it all day.And they liked that. They liked that
feeling of being loved. Other peoplelike the cat because the cat, as
some people say, makes you earnit. They're not going to just give
it to anybody who walks in thehouse. And so I guess if the
cat and you are on good terms, then you have proven yourself worthy of
the cat's love. The cats getfleas, Oh, I'm sure, I
guess they would. They could getfleas if they they. I think they.
I remember my mom's cat years ago. I don't know as of late
what hat was going on up there, but I used to have a flee
collar. I used to have to. I had to go buy some flea
medication for Maddie. Excuse me,not Maddie. She's passed for June and
Lollie. Okay, it was likesixty bucks. Oh my god, everything's
through. Then what do we doin here? It's you don't want to
have fleas, so you got toput it on them. But Sally does
all that. I'm not gonna putthem. I'm not gonna read the instructions.
Yeah, on the farmways run youthrough a dip. It is a
dip. It's like a trough philwith some kind of chemical, some kind
of chemical through it. They calswim through it, come out the other
side, and you have to worryabout it again for another six months.
Perhaps sometime in my lifetime there'll besome sort of translation for suburbanites like myself
to learn farm speak. But Ican tell you, Jonathan, that we
have a new translation available right now. Alexa has launched the gen Z translation.
Oh this is for parents and grandparents. Have no idea what in the
world gen Z is trying to sayto them, or maybe they're not even
trying to talk to you in generaland you're just overhearing the text messages.
Or no, no, you actuallysay it to Alexa, speak gen Z
to me, and then I guessyou can give Alexa the definition or the
word. So like here, wehave a bunch like I figured out some
of these, like sus Do youknow what sus means? Suspect? That's
right, suspicious? We know whatdrip means free? No, it means
to be stylish. I got mydrip on. I have not heard airing.
Do you know what airing means?A I R I G airing.
I'm airing means to ignore you.Oh, I'm airing airing. They don't
even say I'm airying, they justsay airing. But what about David?
Airing means I'm not talking to him, I'm not paying attention to him.
It's over. Let's see what doesHot Girl Summer mean, Hot Girl Summer
is an encouragement for both boys andgirls to be unapologetically yourselves and thrive live
your best lives ever. Hot GirlSummer. So you just kind of boldly
declare that whenever something good is goingdown, like we're at the park,
we're at the Hot Girl Summer andbetter nothing better Hot Girl Summer. Uh.
I recently learned what RIZ is oris z z oh. I knew
this one. I knew this one. Riz's something to do with your Yeah,
it's a derivative of word has riesin it. Almost, it almost
has the word risen it. Okay, way we pronounce it, it has
got a ris in it. It'sright. So you got O I z
zlo. You wouldn't have the Zand your charisma. And I guess they
just it says mother is a femalestatus symbol. So I don't know how
they actually use that in the sentence. But that's maybe why I need Alexa
as well. It's like you're incharge. Eighty three percent of gen zers
say that they realize their elders areclueless about what they're saying. Forty eight
percent of them like it that way, So this could be oh, we're
letting the cat out of the back. This could be a problem for because
now they're going to have to createa whole new language, and which is
we're giving everybody a heads up whatthey're saying. Yes, okay, have
you ever had a translation that providedto you? I need you know what
I need translations on? Are theemojis? I see emojis put after sing
I don't know what those means onsocial media? And I have no idea
what I'm talking. I don't evenknow how to copy the emoji and do
a search to find out what itis. I don't know. That's a
good point. How do you youcan't copy I've tried to do this.
I can't copy the emoji and dowhat Google search to know what that means.
Why did they put that there?I don't even know what it is.
I'm not sure they know what itis. I think they just do
it. Yeah, And there's likean agreement amongst all the young people,
just like z or what is rismey? And they're going to tell you
something that it's not true. Youcan't even trust the translator. How am
I gonna trust my translator? Igot to walk around with a Google all
the time asking Alexa what is Risby? I guess I don't know. How
do I know Alexa is not lyingto me? She's probably what what which
category does she fall into? She'sprobably a gen z. I just learned
this one. Eight like you atesomething at E eight eight eight means quote
a showing of admiration for someone consumingsuccess. I don't know what that means.
They're concerned. How do I usethat word? How does somebody consume
success? I don't even understand thedefinition it's being given to me. I
can't understand. By my dad alltrying to think one of the persons that
would be consuming success Taylor Swift.Now, how would I use Taylor Swift
in a sentence with the word eight? They would probably the sentence would probably
be two words. The first onewould be the B word, and then
the second one would be eight.Got it? And then we would,
as gen Zers, understand that shejust had a big night. There you
go. I guess if she soldout Madison Square Garden for the time in
a row B eight eight got it? I feel so much younger now.
That's so good. I wonder whenthis whole thing started with like the younger
generation I don't really remember my generationin the seventies and eighties having lingo that
our parents from the fifties and fortiesdidn't understand. You know, that's very
true. We were playing spoken prettymuch. Although when you're going to come
up with a code language like Greeceif you want, what's the movie Greek?
But that's in the fifties. Yeah, those people were coming up with
phrases that their parents that were bornin like the twenties had no idea.
What it like? The cats meout? Sure the hell are you talking
about? The cats me out?That sounds older than the fifties though,
does it? Yeah? You knowwhat? And then I remember, for
some reason, oh, what wasthe word that they used to use Instead
of saying you were drunk? Youwere smashed? They had another one.
Tight. That was a word thatthey used to use. The rat pack
used to say it, we're gettingtight. Getting tight meant that they were
getting drunk. That's right, Butwhy would be that'd be tight? The
two, don't they? That makesno sense? You know, not getting
tight, you're getting loose. You'regetting loose. I got it? Okay,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. At least
we have a translation available. Now, what are we talking about tomorrow?
We're going to use words we don'teven know what we're talking about. We
have to bring in a lexa tomake sure we can keep up with it
tomorrow morning in the Morning Rush.You can always reach out to us on
social media and tell us what's goingon in your name or what kind of
words you missing out on. Youhave a translator and can you trust them.
I just saw one here in yourxx x era. Oh that's good.
I thought that meant like in yourporn era. Yeah, in your
triple x era xxx era, whichis describing your chronic emotions or preferences that
a person has see. There's alot we can learn tomorrow. Very educational
broadcast coming up tomorrow. You don'twant to miss it. You want to
record it. It's a very specialedition, special edition. You let us
know we start talking. You starttalking tomorrow eight oh three nine seven,
eight nine two sixty seven on theMorning Rush