Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Michael, I wonder how hard it'd be for a terrorists
to start a fire in California. Easy, very easy.
Speaker 2 (00:11):
Something that's a homeless person starting a fire in California.
Speaker 1 (00:14):
Yeah, a homeless person, a terrorist, an arsenist. In fact,
we have video of arsenists try. I forget whether it
was in Uh, it may have been along Mulholland Drive,
may have been along near Beverly Hills somewhere, maybe maybe
even Malibu, I don't know, but there there's now video
of arsonists, uh, you know, a bunch of thugs trying
to start fires. And we had the video that I
think is still up on my X timeline of the
homeless person actually starting a fire. But what drives me
crazy about radio, and I'm not blaming you, but and
maybe maybe someday I'll likely learn from my program directors
that encourage me to do this, but I just hate
doing it, and that is to continually, throughout a day,
repeat the same story over and over and over. And
I just I don't like doing that because my mind
is too linear and I'm too always moving forward.
Speaker 2 (01:18):
All twelve of our listeners that actually like you for
some reason or another will listen to the entirety of
the show, right, and.
Speaker 1 (01:25):
So I have to I have to repeat for them, right.
I have to cater to those twelve. I can't be
concerned about the two or three that might swerve in
and out of the program. Right. So so you know
I'm here to serve even though I am a dictator
of my program, I'm here to serve the majority.
Speaker 3 (01:41):
You know.
Speaker 1 (01:42):
I'm here to serve the people dragon, just like Gavin
Newsom or Jared Polis who, by the way, yes they
delivered the state of state address, which well we'll get
to at a minute. But what drives me crazy is
I tweeted or post did I guess is the proper
term now? Day before yesterday or maybe even Tuesday, I
forget what it was. By earlier this week, I posted
on x that I understand how these fires spread, both
in urban and in wildland areas, and even in the
urban wildland interface. I understand how they work. That was
just part of my job for almost six years. So
I get this. Been there, done that, I said. But
I made the comment that this is when behind the scenes,
and actually not just behind the scenes. But I haven't
even heard anyone from the FBI or Homeland Security come
out and make the comment that we are ex there
is I don't I don't want to say it how
I would say it, because I don't want to imply
or make you think that I leave that indeed terrorism
is involved in any of these fires. However, based on
my personal experience with wildfires in California, wildfires in Montana,
wildfires in Colorado, with hurricanes in Florida, Louisiana, Texas, the
Gulf Coast, with any natural or that for that matter,
man made disaster, I always had a liaison back to
the FBI and back to the CIA so that I
could get briefed on is there any chatter, Is there
any indication do we need to preposition and pre deploy
manpower or somehow alert authorities in other jurisdictions or even
in the jurisdiction where that natural disaster or man made
disass was occurring. Do we need to alert them? And
do I need to have you come in and brief them,
particularly law enforcement, about any indication that we have from
the intelligence community about other actors that may be attempting
to take advantage of a natural or man made disaster
in order to exacerbate it, make it worse and to
stretch all of our resources thin so that they can
then go forward and do something else somewhere else. So yes,
we discussed that at length. I probably spent at least
one segment, if not two segments on that in the
past couple of days where there is well, I'll tell
you what prompted me to bring it to your attention.
So I am one day this week doing show prep,
sitting in my office. I have the television on, I
have three auditors in front of me, and I'm doing
show prep and I'm watching things, and there's a news report,
presumably on Fox News, in which they're showing some drone
footage or aerial footage. And the reporter announced it somewhat surprisingly,
it appears we have a new fire that has started
in x And for some reason, I think it was
Topango Canyon, which is a very narrow canyon up in
the northeast part of La County. And I thought to
myself instantaneously about, hmm, I don't see any thunderstorms. I
don't see any lightning strikes. The wind direction would be
carrying the embers a different direction. I wonder what started
that fire. I wonder what started that. That was my
very first reaction, what started that fire? Now? And the
reporters just kind of glossed over it other than the
fact that, oh, my gosh, there is this other fire
that's starting and that's horrible, and my first reaction is
what started the fire? Now? If I were still in
that position that I was in at that at that
time some twenty years ago, I would have been immediately
reaching out to local law enforcement, whatever liaison arrangement I
had with the local law enforcement agencies, and with back
back to FBI headquarters and back to Langley. Okay, we've
got a new fire. What do you know about it?
What have you heard? What do you know? We had
a complete operations center within DHS. Once DHS was stood up,
which was kind of in the middle of my tenure
as the end of secretary, we would we had an
op center there that would act as my clearing house
for the FBI and the intel community so that I
could get briefings. This is part of this is why
when people talk to me about what it was like,
it was NonStop because you had to be on your
toes about all of those things, so you know, it
wouldn't surprise me at all that there is some nefarious either.
Look whether you call them terrorists as a generic state descriptor,
or think about all of the different types of people
that will take advantage of a situation like this, the cartels,
organized crime, homeless, just dirt bags. By that, I just
mean street criminals that just want to And this is
the video that I saw yesterday. They're just a bunch
of three street thugs that were probably trying to start
a fire because they knew they could also go somewhere
else and then start trying to loot. So yes, it's
absolutely a possibility, and it's something that we should not
at all dismiss as a distinct possibility now so far
I have and it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
But because I'm now out of that loop, I've not
heard any indication that any terrorism has been involved in
any of these I'm just saying that, based on my experience,
that is something that we watch for that the FBI,
the CIA. Now the CIA obviously is not operating domestically,
but if it's a foreign terrorist organization, whether it's isis,
Altaida or Hamas or anybody else, think about all around
the world, just stop and step back. Just forget California
for a moment and think about every terrorist organization, every
nation state organization or nation state itself that would like
to see US collapse. Well, Communist China, Russia. Uh, you've
got Hamas has Blah, You've got Isis, You've got al Qaeda,
You've got the Taliban for that matter. You have nation
states like the Iranians, you have Russia, you have well,
I mentioned China. You've got little dirt by craphole countries
like Venezuela. So there's this whole plethora of different nation
states and somesidiaries of nation states that would like to
see US collapse or like at least like to see
US knocked down in not or two. Well, you take
the second largest city in the United States, Los Angeles,
and you start burning it down. This is very near.
You know. I hesitate to use the word catastrophic because
catastrophic to me means something different than it means to
the news media and it does to somebody else. Because
when we do disaster planning, we're talking about the kind
of planning that you do for a true catastrophic disaster
that brings down, you know, an entire state, brings down
half the country makes it virtually impossible for this economy
to continue to function. So, even though this is catastrophic
to people in Los Angeles, and it is catastrophic to
individuals and families and businesses, it is not in the
vernacular that I use catastrophic disaster planning. It is not
that yet yet. But it continues unabated and very well
could become catastrophic. If you think, I don't know whether
you've ever been to California or not, but if you
think about the urban setting that is Los Angeles and
Los Angeles County and all the environs around Los Angeles,
and then you think, if you're just driving the PCH,
if you're driving the Pacific Coast Highway, if you're driving
the one, or you're on the five, whatever you might
be on, and you realize that if you're driving from
San Diego to Los Angeles and then on up to
San Francisco, even though there are sporadic spots where you
are kind of just if you're on the if you're
on the Pacific Coast Highway, Yes, there are some areas
that appear to be very rural and they're very picturesque,
they're very beautiful. But what you don't see unless you
see from satellite or you see from a helicopter that
it's just this gigantic urban area all the way up
and down the coast sometime, or go online right now
and try to find the photographs, the nighttime photographs and
look at you know that shows the lights. Well, you
can see all these urban areas. If this continues to spread,
it very well could become a classic emergency management defined
catastrophic disaster. Now, having said all of that, this is
getting close to that point. I don't know what the
number of structures. I mean, I heard one number, but
I don't know whether it was you know, one person
in a particular urban area talking about his jurisdiction versus
another jurisdiction. But you have thousands of homes, thousands of
homes that have been destroyed. You have. I was just
looking up real quickie, so I can see the number
of homes destroyed in the Marshall fire. Do do do?
Speaker 3 (12:34):
Speaker 1 (12:34):
Speaker 2 (12:34):
Speaker 4 (12:35):
Speaker 1 (12:35):
Don't? I don't just looking just skimming Wikipedia. I don't
see it. But you know, thirty seven five hundred people
evacuated in the in the Marshall fire right here in Colorado.
Well you know ten times that in California. So yes,
this is serious. And I do believe that law enforcement,
both local, state, and national, and that the CIA need
to be paying attention to this, and very well indeed,
I certainly hope that they are, because this is exactly
this is exactly precisely the kind of event that those organizations,
those criminal organizations, those nation states would like to see US,
would like to see something like this really stretch us.
Then now here's what I want to do today, because
today is going to be somewhat of a convoluted day,
not that every day on this program's not convolute, but
there's something happening today that I honestly did not think
was going to happen today that I want to cover,
and that is the sentencing of a former president of
the United States of America, and the President elect of
the United States of America is going to appear virtually
in a courtroom in Manhattan, in Midtown Manhattan, whereupon he
is going to be sentenced by Judge Juan Murshawan to
a felony to a felony conviction. So last night, Trump's
legal team petitioned the United States Supreme Court for a
stay of the sentencing based on presidential immunity. I really
did think it would be a five to four decision,
and I really did think that that five to four
would be the majority that would that would impose a
stay and that the court would not allow these proceedings
to go forward. Now, let me explain why, because in
this case, in the New York case, in the so
called hushma Any case, in order to get their conviction,
they had to use testimony from White House staffers, from
White House personnel about what the president did and was
doing in terms of his duties and how he'd conducted
his day to day affairs. I think that invokes presidential immunity.
I think they made a horrific the prosecution did. I
think Alvin Bragg did that. He made a horrific mistake
in trying to bring in federal law involving a president
at a sitting president at the time, because it goes
back to Trump's first term and what he was doing
on certain days that he signed checks or made certain decisions.
And so in order to get that dragged into a
case that is not a federal case but is a
state case, they had to use the federal election committe
and federal statutes about campaign contributions in order to get
this state conviction. Well, that is a federal matter involving
federal immunity under the court's decision. So I thought the
court itself would be pissed off about that. The Supreme Court,
the US Supreme Court, and I thought the US Supreme Court,
including Justice Roberts and Justice Amy Comedy Barrett, would say,
wait a minute, you're stepping all over and let us
use this case to explain how presidential immunity works based
on our previous decision. So I thought they would stay
the sentencing while they heard Trump's appeal. But they did not.
Justice Roberts and Justice Amy Comedy Barrett joined with the
liberal justices in the court and they refused to stay.
I don't have it in front of you. I can
tell you in essence what it said. It is said
that the president's request for a stay is denied and
that this, in their opinion, did not involve any sort
of presidential duties and the impact on his transition to
be the next president is infinitesimal or some descriptor like that.
I think they're wrong. So that means now that the
sentencing will go forward this morning at nine thirty Eastern times,
seven thirty hour time. Now, let's go back and think
about this trial. The judge Marshawn, because he did not
want the public to see or to hear all of
the horrific legal mistakes and reversible errors that he was
committing during the course of that trial, refuse to allow
any sort of audio recording, well other than the court report,
but there was no audio of the trial. There were
no cameras in the courtroom. However, now that he has
the chance to have Trump and he can lecture Trump
about the crimes, he's going to have audio. So assuming
that the networks, the cabal will be carrying the audio
at seven thirty Mountain time, nine thirty eastern, we will
carry that audio.
Speaker 4 (18:08):
Also, you are the only one that is bringing sarcasm
to the program.
Speaker 1 (18:16):
Thank you. I'm sorry, Dragon, Could you play that talkback
one more time for me?
Speaker 4 (18:24):
You are the only one that is bringing sarcasm to
the program. Thank you.
Speaker 1 (18:34):
I think that was a double entendre because I think
he was being sarcastic.
Speaker 2 (18:43):
No, these coopers would never be sarcastic.
Speaker 1 (18:45):
No, And of course it's totally false. Because I bring
no sarcasm to this program. True, I don't even I
wouldn't even know how to do sarcasm. If it came
up and bitch slapped me in the face, I wouldn't
know what to do. Sarcasm not me. I want to
get back to the fires in just a moment, but
I do want to. I have a challenge for all
of you. Jared Polish gave the State of the State
address yes or Wednesday, I think it was.
Speaker 4 (19:14):
That was yesterday.
Speaker 2 (19:15):
Huh it was yesterday?
Speaker 1 (19:16):
Was it yesterday?
Speaker 2 (19:17):
Correct? Yeah.
Speaker 1 (19:18):
See that's why when I did my minute, I couldn't remember,
because I write in my minute that Jared Polst delivered
the State of the State address yesterday, and then I
could remember if I put in yet the word yesterday
because I knew I was doing this today or I
was thinking that he actually did it yesterday, not yesterday, yesterday,
but like on Wednesday.
Speaker 2 (19:36):
Yeah, totally makes sense.
Speaker 1 (19:38):
See, this is how the brain works. So that's how
the brain does not work.
Speaker 2 (19:42):
That's how your brain does not work.
Speaker 1 (19:43):
Out of my brain does not work. So he delivered
the State of the State of address, and Jared Polis
has started. You know, it's it's it's wonderful, it's it's
a it's a marvelous thing to watch when you have
two totally incompetent boobs running for or president already for
twenty twenty eight, and that would be Gavin Newsom and
Jared Polus. Now, what are the Democrat reasons for wanting
to nominate either one of those guys. Well, they might
want to nominate Gavin Newsom because he has beautiful hair.
You know, he's got the slick back, black and gray hair.
You know, he's got that Hollywood look doing the chiseled face.
He's got all of that, and he has all of
the DNA that he needs to be the next president.
And that's Nancy Pelosi's nephew. Now, why would they want
to vote for and nominate Jared Polus Because then when
you think about diversity, equity inclusion, you could nominate and
have the very first gay president married to another man
that is a bald headed geek. Oh it needs a
billionaire too, So think about that. I mean, what more
qualifications do you need than those two. So I didn't
listen to all of the speech, just at all at
any time because I think that state of the state
speeches are about as stupid as the State of the
Union speeches. There is no requirement for the State of
the Union speech to be delivered in person. Send a memo,
send a briefing book, and you could even do that electronically,
and you could save some trees. Yes, maybe even save
some water. I don't know, I don't know. Maybe save
some chickens. Gotta save the chickens, so we could do that.
Now I'm gonna steal this because this comes from Jeff Hunt,
who is on a gun beating radio station. But I
know Jeff. Jeff a good guy, and published posted this
on x yesterday and he watched the entire State of
the State speech, because well, Jeff doesn't have anything else
to do, poor Jeff. We need to find Jeff something
to do. But he watched the entire thing and he
summarized it up for us. It's pretty damn good. So
here is the State of the State speech, as delivered
by the wonderful Governor of the Free State of Colorado,
Jared Poulis. The Honorable Jared Paulis, Governor of the State
of Colorado.
Speaker 3 (22:32):
Altitude altitude is in many.
Speaker 1 (22:35):
Ways our secret ingredient.
Speaker 3 (22:36):
Potatoes Colorado, growing potatoes, Colorado altitude.
Speaker 1 (22:40):
And also the Rockies play here.
Speaker 3 (22:42):
Altitude is more altitude. The sun's rays shines stronger and
brighter right here, right now, right here, right now. The
Governor's a nerd, and anyone and everyone pior to even
greater altitude. My corals ol fungi networks or wood wide webs,
expanding public transit and rail where Scotti can beam us
up to Craig, As they say in the Mandalorian, this
is the way climate change. Our bold climate action outdoor equity,
eliminating the penny needless bureaucracy and paperwork. And we are
committed to holding cattle wrestlers accountable, so I can speak
for another hour for a woman to make her own
reproductive healthcare choices, including abortion. And many other immigrants who
enrich our communities and economy every day are living in
fear Fabulous Lieutenant Governor Diane Pribabella and defying gravity. Rue
Paul says, reading is what fundamental. Ninety percent of students.
Imagine a class of twenty five students twenty two are
behind grade level in math and read. Sometimes simply breathing
can be an act of strength, Lord of the Ring
fans know that one does not simply walk into Mordor.
It's your body, it's your marriage, it's your choice. It's
your body, it's your marriage. It's your choice. It's your body,
it's your marriage, it's your choice. Diversity is a strength,
not a threat. I think I've seen this film before
and I don't like the ends. Tickets as low as
nineteen dollars for attles, ten dollars for kids.
Speaker 1 (24:37):
There you have it. Now, once with this free state
of Colorado bull crap, he lied, he obfuscated. The free
state of Colorado. Colorado is anything but free. So I
made a list without even looking, just off the top
of my head. So now I want you to make
a list. If we are the free state of Colorado
and I think we're anything but free, I want you
to add to my list. Okay, here's my list that
shows that we're anything but free. Think about the climate
change policies enacted by this governor through the legislature, through
the polit bureau that dictate the kind of house that
you can build. Think about the green energy requirements they're
being posed on developers for multi family buildings that are
going to increase the costs of those apartments and condos
and they're going to limit the uh oh, there was
another one that was I was going to use for
a Michael Brown minute. But in parts of Denver, they're
now going to make buildings closer to the streets so
they can make the streets narrower because they're trying to
get down to the digital fifteen minute cities. And they're
going to and the governor actually posted a meme that said,
we're going to expand light rail, We're going to expand
buses and all public transportation because that's more convenient for you.
It saves you money, and it makes it easier for
you to get to work. It makes it harder for
me to get to work, and of course I only
care about me. I don't care about you, but it
probably might make it harder for you to get to
work too. They're building bike lanes into the vehicle lanes.
Speaker 3 (26:29):
Speaker 1 (26:29):
They got those stupid cameras over on four seventy that
spy on you and then find you if you can't
see the double white line even when it's covered with snow,
and you get a ticket and you, by the way,
you don't go before a judge, and no, you go before.
It's just some other private citizens who apparently have the
power to you know, find you and if you don't
pay the fine. Somehow they claim, which I'm not really
sure is legal, that they can keep you from registering
your vehicle. Now, how can a private entity prevent you
from registering your vehicle, I don't know. But anyway, they
got those cameras to spy on you on the express lanes. Oh,
by the way, and you can't you cannot touch your phone.
Now you can touch yourself, you can play with yourself,
you can play a little pocket pool if you want
to while you're driving, but you can't touch your phone. Oh,
there's the reintroduction of the wolves to the detriment of
farmers and ranchers. And then you have a first husband
who dictates wildlife policy based on his animal rights activism.
And we're still a sanctuary state spending money on illegal
aliens and not US citizens. And of course there are
the incessant, incessant attacks on the taxpayer bill of rights.
So those are just a few of the things that
without even thinking about it, I just came up with
the top of my head that says that no, governor,
we are not the free state of Colorado. So here's
what I want you to do. On the tax line
three three one zero three, start with one of two words,
either Mike or Michael, or you can email it to
me Michael Brown at iHeartMedia dot com. I want your
example of how we are not the free state of Colorado.
And by the way, that the Colorado Rabbit has a
great mean about what in Heaven's name is Jared Schultz
Polis trying to screw Colorado's out of now, Colorado's run
by a bunch of communist clowns, And of course there's
Jared Poulis and and I'm not sure this looks like
maybe Mike Johnston and of course Jenna Griswold, all in
clown costumes. And of course let's see, uh, where were
oh freedom in the fifty States? Colorado? This is this
is a great meme, not not meme, it's Colorado party
control and it shows how Colorado has just been a
one party state for so many decades now, and how
that's destroying our freedom. It's gonna turn us into California. Well,
I want to hear just from you your list of
things that kind of negate Jared Poulis's claim that this
is the free state of Colorado. Send those to me
right now.
Speaker 5 (29:22):
If you listen to Governor Poulis's State of the State
speech and had a drinking game every time he said altitude,
well you're probably not alive anymore. I do not know
the state that Poulis is talking about. It's not Colorado.
I think he got that one wrong. I don't recognize
the state he discussed.
Speaker 1 (29:47):
Man, have I opened a can of worms here? Forty
three eighty I'm just going to give you a googer number,
and what you say, forty three eighty four. Illegals now
outnumber the citizens. Gang graffiti on the fences in the neighbor.
America will never be the same. I'm afraid to go
out in public. Seventy four hundred, Mike, I think you
are misunderstanding his use of the word free. He's given
us free wolves, free public transportation, free regulations, free healthcare,
free housing. We're free, Thank God Almighty, we are free
at last, free at last.
Speaker 2 (30:19):
I think he just has this speech impediment. So whatever
you hear free. What he is saying is ee oh ee, well,
delivery fee. Well, then the bag never mind.
Speaker 1 (30:36):
I apologize fifty three ninety one. Mike. The grocery bag
thing is one that just peas me to no end.
Why can't a merchant not provide a bag for risk
customers to carry out goods. It's come around that now
we pay ten cents for a brown bag to the state,
our ridiculous retail delivery fee for the infringement on Second
Amendment rights. No free color I don't hear dumbaspolis, but
you know someastic bags are more equal than other plastic
bags because if you go for Chinese takeout, they'll put
the paper bag inside a plastic bag for you to.
Speaker 4 (31:09):
Carry out, or the produce bag or the.
Speaker 1 (31:11):
Produce bags inside the grocery store. They can't use the
plastic bags. I love that one too. Seventy six to
twenty one. Can't buy ar fifteen bags over fifteen rounds.
Soon have a tax on AMMO and gun parts thirty
seven forty All the communist gun control laws that overlord
jerosigns is also part of the free state of Colorado
sixty six sixty six Mike, three day waiting period when
buying a gun nine zero two six. It's free for illegals.
I hadn't thought about that one. Why it is free
thanks to that genormous salary the Dragon mix back there. Yep,
he's helping pay for that. See. I just don't make
any money, so I don't contribute. I'm just a soaker,
that's all I am.
Speaker 2 (31:55):
We got this one zero four to three to three
after disagree with you, Coloro is definitely a free state.
You are free to take over an apartment complex. You
are free to steal cars, you are free to shoplift,
you are free to go downtown and put your life
in danger. And you're definitely free to come here illegally
and get everything for free.
Speaker 1 (32:14):
No that came in that Oh I see that one now. Oh,
and then just below that when dragging fifty four to
thirty one, Mike, just like a pig on the farm,
gets free food, shelter, and healthcare. If it's free, you
are the product. That's why we are the product. By
the way, could I get a cage free studio cause
I'd like my one point five square feet of free
cage free studio. I'd also like to have like chicken
wire on that glass between me and Dragon. It just
feel more appropriate, kind of like I was one of
the chickens. You know, I was just looking through there.
I fear there. Let's see ninety seven to ninety eight, Michael,
your body your choice, unless you don't want the experimental jab,
unless you want to breathe clean air instead of through
a mask, or unless you went to go to a
mom and pop store in May of twenty twenty versus
into the Walmart. We're staying closer than sixty from another
human being. I did not recognize the supposedly free state
the Post is talking about. Also, if the voters decide
for or against something that the government the Dems don't like,
several examples including property taxes and drilling, your voice does
not matter in the legislature. The pollit Bureau, you mean,
just passes or prevents whatever they want. Ninety eight sixty four.
I can't go out and buy a gun the same
day to or take my family and myself. Now I
have to wait three days forty three eighty four. Michael.
The illegals now outnumber the citizens. Gang grafiti on the
fences in the neighborhood. America will never be the same.
I'm afraid to go out in public. And then there
was this. This comes from on my Twitter feed on
my x speed. Colorado economic rankings according to the Colorado
Business Economic Outlook, see you lead School of Business. Real
GDP growth two thousand and eight to twenty twenty three,
fifth place, twenty twenty four, forty first place. Man, we're
going downhill. Fast employment growth. Back in twenty twenty three, again,
we were fifth in the nation. Now we're down to
ninth in the nation. Personal income growth ooh, this is wonderful.
We used to be third in the nation. Now we're
thirty ninth in the nation. And population growth sixth in
the nation, and now we're seventeenth in the nation. The
Free State of Colorado. What a dumb ass, and he
truly is a nerd. Imagine jd Vance versus Gavin Newsom
where Jared Polis