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April 22, 2024 • 34 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Michael, they allows you back inthe country. Well, not surprised and
giving our low standards nowadays, welcometo the Dragon red Beard Shoe. You
can now be the sidekick. Wediscovered just how talented Dragon red Beard was
last week. I think we shouldgive you a new nickname, maybe cupcake,

granola bar, something like that.It's dad Brownie. Have a great
week, man. That is thatis the way to start a Monday when
you've been gone for a few days. I think cupcake might work because when
I think of a cupcake, Ithink of a white cupcake with like some
pink frosting. And you've got thispink ish shirt on right now, so
that could work. Just needs alittle bit of sprinkles. I do not

understand the color palette that is inyour brain. I just I do not
understand it. I'm a guy.If it's blue, it's blue. I
don't care. If it's baby blue, dark blue, navy blue, it's
blue. You're wearing a pink shirt, you know, so it's it may
be a light something or other,some fancy color that women use, but

no, it's pink. It's salmonwhite and blue checks pink. Okay,
I'm very basic. When it comesto color, You're you're very basic in
many ways. You're very very basicin many ways. That that was a
brilliant talk back. That that thatthat shows me that once in a while,

what I need to do is,you know, I I've speak of
Goobrism kind of around the state,around the country, and then I need
to step back and kind of letit just ferment a little bit. I
think fermentation is the right word.And then they it kind of blossoms into
a really nice wine. So youhad a really great time at the end
of last week, and then Iwas doing good this morning, woke up

refreshed before the alarm, felt likea good night, good night's sleep,
walked in, started doing some prepwork. You saw me come fine in
here through the door. Yeah,yeah, yeah, and they're great.
It's great. And of course,so the other thing that that it happened
before the program, but I wassitting here and I reached up to grab

the microphone and pull it over tome, and of course it fell apart.
But fortunately it happened prior to theairing of the program. The only
thing would have made it better ifit happened right now. Yeah, Well
that that would have been just like, okay, everything's situation normal snaff foo,
you know, total snaff foo.I had a very very quick trip

to Rome at a leaf. Itwas wam bam, thank you ma'am.
Boom over there, come right backin. And Rome didn't feel a thing.
Rome never felt a thing. WellRome, Rome, Uh. Rome
really sucked up a lot of mymoney because I did nothing but just eat
the entire time I was gone.I thought, you know what I'm going
to since since it isn't wam bam, thank you, ma'am, trip,

I'm going to I'm just going togorge myself everything. I every meal save
one, every meal had a dessertwith it. Now. I did walk.
I walked a lot, both inNaples, Caserta, and Rome.
Three places that I was at.I ate on the train, ate on
the plane. I didn't eat anautomobile, so no plane, trains and

automobiles. And it was let mejust say that airport security is a complete
and total farce. What a farce. It is very much so, very
much so, and it really irritatedme. I don't know why, but
and I think I put this upon X or something. But as we're
coming back from from Rome getting readyto land in Chicago, maybe an hour

out, thirty minutes out. Youknow, the burcher, the the chief
flight attendant, gets on the publicaddress system and talks about now you know
we're burning a land No, youdon't longer have to fill out the cards,
you know, just to fill outabout you know, your arriving flight
and all that, blah blah blah. Plus I have Global Services, so

I don't have to shouldn't have todo that anyway. But now everything this
shows you how long it's been sinceI've flown internationally. Everything's facial recognition.
So I'm fumbling around as she's makingthis announcement, digging through my backpack to
get my Global Services card out toput in my pocket because I assume I'm
going to have to show it toa immigration officer. I don't. I

walk up to a kiosk, lookat a little round camera and it takes
about two seconds, and then Ihear someone say Michael, and I looked
over in this and this immigration officeris here and hands me a card,
a kind of a laminated I wouldknow what not eight but ten, but

maybe four x six or something cardthat says Global services, and I just
walked right past him and I handit right next to the person that I
walk It took me literally sixty secondsto walk through customs. Now what was
irritating to me was I still hadto show face break. I still wanted
to prove who I was to getinto the country. But nobody else does.

I mean, the people that werepaying for the people that are flooding
the country, the people that arethat are in fact, I've got a
story I'm gonna do in the minuteabout gangs. The people are they're coming
to get here as gangs. Itwas kind of the same thing in Italy
again. You you automatically, youjust scan your passport, and then once

your passport is in their system,then you step up to the same kind
of device and it compares your faceto what's on the passport and then it
flashes green and you go on through. But because the Italians are still so
bureaucratic and still so you know,you gotta have a jobs program for everybody,
there's still some No they're not inuniform, they're just wearing jeans and

polos and you know whatever, theyhave no official appearance whatsoever. They still
stamp your passport, and I'm like, if you've read my passport and you
have seen my fracial recognition, whichyou now have in your system, why
do you need to stand my passport? And of course, as I was

with dinner, some people were saying, but I liked my passport stamp.
Yeah, I'm just gonna say that. People like the stamp. Even my
wife when we went to Egypt,She's like, I want stamps. I
hope we get on in Germany too. No we didn't. But no,
you're not gonna get one in Germany. But in Nearly. It's a jobs
program, absolutely a jobs program.So let's get busy. I get a
lot to cover. How But diddid Caldera show up? Yeah? I

had to pokem with a stick atabout five point fifty five on Friday morning.
Yeah, and then I see Jimmywas just like peeing hiss pants excited
about it. He was ecstatic.He was the harmonicas and everything. It
was great. Yeah. So becauseI saw like twenty posts on Twitter about
Philly every bigel and Philly ever Bigel. Then on Thursday, I'm not sure
if we struck a nerve or youknow, the nerd base came out both

of whom you know, were veryexcited about what we were talking about because
Star Wars and then being woke andhow much money they lost, and we
talked about how bad the Star Warsuniverse is and the old Marvel universe.
So both of our nerd freak flagsflow that that morning, and we seem
to have pissed some people off thataren't normal, you know, nerds that

listen to the show. Then thewhole nerd group showed up and was excited
that we were talking about it,so proving once again you can't please everybody
all the time, so you justgot to please yourself. Yep, somebody
should write a song, you know. You just can't please everybody all the
time, you know, or sometimesyou can't always get what you want,
but sometimes you get what you need. You know. They no longer have

Coca Cola light in Europe, right, We saw that in age to My
wife's a big fan of diet coke, which we call it here they call
it cola yea, and coke colalight had a fantastic taste to it.
But now it's just coke zero.Yep, coke zero everywhere in a can.
That's all that's all you get.So the world's coming to an end,

very very soon. The world iscoming to an end. Uh.
Let me give you an example,Dragon, Because Dragon just reads the headlines.
Dragon handed me a story that hedoesn't realize fits in with a story
that I'm going to talk about thismorning. FBI director apparently Christopher Ray testified
last week. I should see ifI could find that real quickly. Uh,
the FBI, Christopher Ray. What'shis name, Christopher Ray? Person,

Christopher A. Christopher. Ay,there it is. Let's see apply.
Uh do it by date? Whatdoes he have to say? We
were senior wide Ray. WI see, I thought you were going to talk
about the airline seats not being declinedbeing allowed to be declined anymore. Oh

you didn't even see that one,because I mean you just got off of
a plane. So I just thoughtit would be kind of funny that that
they're going to take that away,all right. I saw it was trying
to vamp for you. Which whereyour finding? You know? Your your
audio clip? No, I've gotthe audio clip. Okay, I saw
the later, But can I justbe a snob? My seat on the

way over and on the way backdegrees flat? Somebody a big spender.
So yeah, sucks to be thosewho seats don't recline. I'm such an

ass, such an ass. Wethought about it, for an instance,
when we're going to eat, likethat sounds great on the big you know,
ten hour eleven hour flight just toget the business class seats and lay
down, and we looked at thecost and went, never mind. It
is. It is horribly expensive.Although since I got like two bazillion miles

on United, I can I canpay some money and some miles and so
then I can lay flat. SoI was prone listening to music and eating
my you know, my business classfood and you know, having old wine.
And yep. Chinese government hackers aretrying to infiltrate the computer systems of

US water treatment facilities and the energygrids in a bid to be prepositioned for
inducing panic, according to Christopher Ray, and in fact, Christopher Ray happens
to say that very thing in testimonylast week. PRC hackers are targeting are
critical structure, our water treatment plants, our electrical grid, our oil and

natural gas pipelines, our transportation systems, the CCP's dangerous actions, China's multi
pronged assault on our national and economicsecurity, make it the defining threat of
our generation. If you took everysingle one of the FBI cyber agents and

intelligence analysts and focused them exclusively onthe China threat, China's hackers would still
outnumber FBI cyber personnel by at leastfifty to one. I am so from
a political point of view, Iam so fascinated by this because do you

think, for a moment, Imean for a nanosecond, do you think
that Joe Biden cares is concerned,is doing anything at all to protect our
infrastructure. No, and in fact, he's doing just the opposite. You

know, there's a story that I'vegot somewhere that I found yesterday when I
was doing half ass show prep thattalks about Excel and the exorbitant rate increases
and the exorbitant costs that we're payingand for the increased unreliability of energy that
we're getting. Why, Because thereis this absolute, insane and unjustified attempt

to force us into a green economy, for lack of a better term,
a green economy. I don't evenknow what green economy means, except it
means unreliable, absolute, overwhelmingly costly, and not going to do it.
Damn things, say the planet,But that's what they're doing. And while
we're doing that, Chinese hackers realthat our grid is so ethan old,

is so out of shape, isso dilapidated, and that we're not doing
anything about it, nothing about it. So his comments, oh, he
also made these comments during the speechof Vanderbilt on Thursday, said that all
this hacking was about giving the Chinesegovernment the ability to wait for just the
right moment to deal a devastating blow. The PRC has made it clear that

it considers every sector that makes oursociety run fair game in its bid to
dominate the world stage, and thenits plan is to land low blows against
civilian infrastructure to try to induce panicand break America's will to resist. Think
about that. This is this isthe kind of warfare that we're actually should

be engaged in, but we're notputting that's not our priority. Do you
stopping. Let's just take the microcosmof Denver right now, No, the
microcosm of Colorado. Do you thinkJared Polis and the Democrats of the polop
Bureau, the Marxist sitting over there, do you think that while they're focused

on trying to do EV mandates,you know, zero carbon emissions by you
know, twenty fifty or whatever itis, or the stupid zero traffic desks
or that they're trying. You know, Mike Johnston is I did store my
Michael Brown Mintz this morning is aboutDenver? Is you know, they always
wanting money, always wanting money forsomething, but they don't have any money

to spare. Well something they findforty five million dollars, Denver finds forty
five million dollars. What do youthink Denver's going to do with that?
Do you think Denver's going to workon water treatment plants so we can have
safe drinking water, because that isn'ta necessity unless you just want colera spreading
all over the place. No,they're spending it on their so called newcomers.

That's the word that I heard somuch while I was gone. Newcomers,
newcomers, newcomers. You know what, I don't see any newcomers.
What I see as an invasion ofillegal aliens. We're not spending money on
anything that is the right priority.We're spending money on all of the wrong
things. And while we're spending moneyon all the wrong things. If you
dare say anything about, for example, I'm going to talk about the Ukraine,

the Taiwan and the Israeli funding thebills that actually there were four bills.
I forget what the fourth bill wasthat Mike Johnston cram through. Was
it over the weekend? I forgot? My days are all running together,
But whatever day it was that MikeJohnson cram those four bills through. Conservatives
are going was one group of Conservativesis going ballistic? How dare we spend

money on Ukraine? How But it'sinteresting how they bitch about spending money on
Ukraine, but I didn't hear anybitching about spending money on Israel or Taiwan.
Hmm, what's the difference? Becausethey're all threats to They're all threats
to look to the American world order. I understand that here's the argument that

people are making. You're spending moneyto help Ukraine secure their border, but
we're not spending money to secure We'renot spending any money or passing any bills
to appropriate money to secure our ownborder. And that is a legitimate argument.

But I would say, if youstep back, we ought to be
spending money on all of these things. We ought to be spending money.
We ought to be saying to theutilities that are a monopoly, we give
Excel Energy a monopoly. Now inexchange for that monopoly, we ought to

be saying, look, we'll giveyou a monopoly, and you can be
the only electrical provider and natural gasprovider in the state of Colorado. Exchange
for that, in your rates,you have to take a certain amount of
your rate that you collect from allof us that want to heat our homes
or cool our homes, or chargedstupid daml to evs that all of that,

you have to take a certain amountof that money, and you have
to reinvest that not in windmills,not in solar panels, but in rebuilding
the grid so that the grid canwithstand a cyber attack. But we don't
do that, the point being wespend money on the wrong things. Go

back to Denver. Denver found fortyfive million dollars, and that's special.
That means that they decided that therewas a priority of spending money on illegal
aliens. So they dig around.Now this is in addition to the budget
cuts. Then they find Shazam.They find forty five million dollars laying around

that. I don't know. Maybethey're going to spend on furniture. Maybe
they're going to spend on, youknow, somebody body making an economic development
trip to Botswana or something. Idon't know what they're going to spend it
on. But damn, look,we found forty five million dollars. Rather
than spending that on infrastructure, whatare they gonna do. They're going to
spend it on these invaders. Thepoint being, we're spending the money on

the wrong things, and we've doneit for so long that to do the
right things now now, I reckon. A classy talkback like that ought to
get us an exemption from cackles forat least a week, don't you reckon?
Have a groovy day bye. Ithink it really was a new story
that in Muleshoe, Texas, thewater treatment plant was compromised via the interwebs,

and they're blaming it on Russia,not China. So it's Christopher Ray
right or wrong. I think Ithink Christopher Wray is right just because he
talks specifically about China, because Idon't know the context that may have been
in response to a question about China. But yes, Russia is doing the
same thing. They're there and they'vebeen doing it. Look, it's been

twenty years, twenty years, andback twenty years ago when the interwebs were,
you know, still kind of intheir nascent development. They they were
already doing cyber attacks, just notas extensive as they are today. So
Christopher Ray is right. Just becausehe didn't mention Russia doesn't mean that Russia

is not doing it. But moreimportantly is the mentioning of the place where
the town called mule Shoe, Texason this program. I don't think anywhere,
at any time in my twenty yearson radio have I referred to Muleshoe,
Texas dragging your been to mule ShoeTexas? Never heard of it till

today. Well, I've been tomule Shoe, Texas, and I just
find it fascinating that And you knowwhat, it's a stunning metropolis. I'm
sure it is a it's a niceplace. Well, you know what I
say, it's a nice place.But considering like what's happening to my hometown,
Tamra while I was in Rome,Tamra was in my hometown. Shows

who has the right priorities? Somepeople go to Rome. Some people go
to the Oaklamba panandle. These littlerural communities are dying, absolutely dying,
and they're dying because of everything thatwe're doing wrong in this country, including
illegal immigration and and the look theeconomy is changing. I understand the economy

is changing, but I don't meanin terms of being a good economy or
bad economy. I'm talking about we'rejust we're becoming more automated. Like I
talked about going through customs, almosteverything I did in terms of this trip
was electronic. Everything was electronic.So that is you know, the people,

the people of the land, thepeople closest to the land that really
do produce. They produce our food, they produce so many things that we
consume. That those little communities aredying on the vine. And I don't
know what, if anything, anythingcould be done about it. But those
are as vulnerable because those are theeasy places to test because they don't have

the money or the wherewithal to putthe kind of safeguards in place to protect
their infrastructure. A place like Colorado, as wealthy as this state is,
when you look at the GDP ofthis state, it's like, why are
we spending money on these other thingswe can hold and I was looking at

looking through the text messages, Iunderstand. Not only do I understand,
but I agree with people who areupset about the passage of these appropriations bills
for Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan.I get that. But we need to

step back and realize there are severalthings that are all true at the same
time. Yes, the argument thatwe're spending money on Ukraine and not spending
money on our own border is avalid argument. It's also a valid argument
to say, why are we callingit genocide in Israel when our ally think

about think about how twisted your brainhas to be to claim that it's genocide
in in Gaza. In fact,I can counter that, which I'll do
later in the program. We haveall these brown shirts claiming that the Israelis
that somehow the Jews are committing genocideon the Palestinians, which is insane.

But is there anybody complaining, bitching, moaning, burning flags, protesting,
or doing anything about the genocide thatthe Russians are committing, not only against
the Ukrainians, but against their ownsoldiers. Their own soldiers are just being
thrown into a meat grinder. Yes, we need to defend Ukraine. We

also need to defend our border.We need to help the Israelis defend their
country. We need to help Taiwandefend themselves against China. We need to
do all of those things if ifyou want to maintain the American world order,
So why can't we do that?We can't do that because for the

past, well, I would saysince nineteen I'll say since nineteen sixty four,
Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty. Oncewe decided that instead of focusing on
the priorities that the federal government shouldbe focused on, we're going to subtly
take the kernels of Marxism that wereplanted by that were planted by Woodrow Wilson,

that were watered and more seeds spreadaround by FDR. And then Lyndon
Johnson in his War on Poverty,decides to plant the entire country with those
seeds. And we're now reaping thewe're now suffering through the costs of all
of that because we have our prioritiescompletely upside down. So while we still

let me see, let me askthis question, do you understand what paks
Americana is? Do you understand whatthe American world order is. Post World
War Two, establishing ourselves as theworld's superpower and fighting off Imperial Japan,

putting them in their place, destroyingNazi Germany and putting them in their place.
We save the world from Marxism andcommunism. And that established the American
world order. And we basically saidto the entire world. You know,

in Texas they had the big signsthat say don't mess with Texas. Well,
we put up a big honkin signthat said don't mess with America,
and that don't mess with America,kept our enemies at bay in Czech and
under control. Ronald Reagan in theCold War spent a boatload of money and

quite frankly a boatload of money thatwe had because of the Reagan tax cuts,
which increased revenues into the treasury.So Reagan had the money to spend
on the so called Star Wars defense. He had money to force to fight

Charlie Wilson's war in Afghanistan and todestroy the Soviet Union as they were fighting
in Afghanistan. But throughout all ofthat, the creepy Marxism in the country
continued to grow and grow and grow. And the continued Marxism that grew in
this country was the Marxism of allthe social welfare programs. We've now reached

the stage where it is different.It is very difficult for me to explain
that all the social welfare programs thatwe have all come to believe, well,
you know, it's the government's responsibilityto take care of everybody. We've
got to take care of everybody throughMedicare, Medicaid, social security, you

know, the food stamp program,housing programs, low income housing. You
think about all of the money thatwe spend to take for the government to
take care of individuals. That's moneythat we can't spend on things like infrastructure.
That's money that we can no longerspend on national defense. National defense

as a percentage of the entire federalbudget continues to shrink year after year.
Do you know what the fastest growingpart of the federal budget is today?
Interest to call American financing, becausewe put so much money on the credit
card that we're now spending a trilliondollars a year just on interest the largest

portion of the federal budget, followedin by all the social welfare programs.
You can't have a budget that doesthat and expect to be able to spend
the kind of money that we shouldbe spending on things like defending Eastern Europe,
defending the Middle East, defending theIndo Pacific. Now I also know

the argument is, but we shouldn'tbe spending that money. I would say
this to the isolationists, those whoare isolationists and think that we ought to
just withdraw to our own And Ithink sometimes many people conflate Donald Trump's America
First with Charles Lindbergh's America First.They're two entirely different things. They're not.

They're not completely. I suppose they'recomparable in some aspects, but not
completely. If you want to havean America First policy, if you want
to be an isolationist, if youwant to be focused solely on protecting ourselves,
you have to defend against the marchof tyranny elsewhere. You just can't

have it any other way. Youhave to be able to do both.
You can be isolationists and say wedon't want to be the world's policeman,
but you have to be able tohave even though you're not the world's policeman.
You have to have a world's presence, to keep the darkness in the
darkness, to keep the enemies atbay, to keep Marxism Communism from marching

and spreading. You have to dothat. We're being kip is that I
think Niger. I think we're beingkicked out of Niger because the Islaw must
have taken over because we weren't willingto spend the kind of time and energy.
So now that's going to spread throughoutAfrica. Do you know we will
take advantage of that. The ChineseCommunist Party, you see, the Chinese

Communist Party, much more so thanRussia, is really on the march worldwide.
The one thing that might save usfrom the Chinese Communist Party, or
at the same time could cause themto finally start World War III, is
the Chinese Communist Party. Economy isin the toilet, absolutely in the toilet.

So you can be upset about thespending bills, because I'm upset about
the spending bills, But for differentreasons, we should be able to spend
that money. And we should atthe same time be able to spend the
money to secure the southern border,for that matter, is secure all of
our borders. We will to beable to spend money on protecting our critical

infrastructure. We will to be doingall of those things, and we ought
to be taking a break right now. How much money are you willing to
spend in Ukraine to win? Youknow, that's a great point, and
that's the problem. We have notbeen spending the money to win. We've
been spending the money just to fight. That's the problem. Remember Biden said,

will be with you as long asit takes, as opposed to we're
going to help you win this thing. It's another example of Biden's absolute failed
foreign policy. He could have beendoing things long before the Russians invaded to
build up the Ukraine, to helpbuild up the Ukraine military. In addition

to that, here's the other bigproblem. I see again, several things
can be true at one time.The problem I had with the spending that
we're currently doing in Ukraine is notdesigned to win. It's designed to maintain
the status quo. The second thing, the second problem with the money we're
spending in Ukraine is this where isyou know, in Afghanistan, during the

Afghan War, we had the SIGAR, the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction
s i G. A r Well, where's the Shoegar, the saigr,
the saigre, the special Inspector Generalfor Ukraine reconstruction. We have no we
have no inspector general. We haveno accountability none whatsoever, that that money

is being spent the way it's supposedto be spent. In fact, I
would argue, see, because severalthings can be true at one time,
that while we ought to be spendingmoney on Ukraine, we should be saying
to Zelenski, we're gonna hold youpersonally accountable for this, and in fact
we're going to spend send over all. You know, the Special Inspector General

for afghan Reconstruction was a friend ofmine. He had a staff of hundreds
and their sole purpose was to accountfor every dollar that we spend in Afghanistan.
And it was a horrific job.I mean, he was constantly battling
the corruption in Afghanistan. At leastthere was some accountability. There is zero

accountability in Ukraine, zero accountability.They're just throwing money over there. Now.
See, this is where I thinkpeople get upset. I think we
should be spending money to help Ukrainedefend from Russia. Moving further into Eastern
Europe. But we ought to besmart about it. We ought to be

holding them accountable. We ought tobe spending money is actually going to help
them win and stop the Russians frominvading any further. But we're not doing
any of that. It's another exampleof we don't do anything right. We
don't spend money the right way aboutanything. The government has become nothing more

than a gigantic money laundering machine.So while we should be doing these things
Indiando Pacific, Taiwan is real Ukrainefor that matter, in Africa, anybody
want to talk about Niger for awhile, But what are we doing instead?
What we're spending billions, if nottrillions on stupid things like climate change
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