Episode Transcript
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Ryan. Can you absolutely believe thatMichael didn't know the Princess Bride? That's
just inconceivable. Huh Hey, dregoone, I watched some trailers of that
Princess Bride. You were making sucha big deal about if that's what you
think is funny? Son, haveyou not ever really seen anything that's funny
or heard anything that's funny? That'sjust dumb? Okay, Brownie, I
want my refund? Where is it? I want it now? Oh?
And how much is it? Michael, Dragon, Kelly and Goober's yesterday's show
in the third and fourth hour onthe Princess Bride was just pure gold.
It has been a while since I'velaughed so hard. Can't wait to see
what happens today. Will everything gooff the rails? Will Dragon quit?
It'll be interesting. Good morning fromSouth Dakot. Did you see the catfight
that Marjorie Taylor Green and AOC hadyesterday? I don't think they're going to
have a sleepover anytime soon. Everyonehave a great day. Okay. Mike
and Dragon is on this morning Friday? Will he be able to stay on?
Will iHeart get their stuff together sothat they can stay on the radio.
Will the people streaming the show beable to listen stay tuned to find
out. All right, Mike,we got the regular radios ready just in
case. Michael, two busy asyou watch an hour and a half movie,
but not too busy to do fourhours of this every morning. By
the way, the refund. Where'smy four hours back? Dude? The
Princess Bride is the greatest love storyever told. Come on, man,
dragon, you're talking about Princess Bridetoday? Ever, for I heard you
referring to sword fighting. However,yesterday you did distinctly say sword fighting.
What is the only own? Sincewe're chasing squirrels and talking about movies,
I think you really should check out. It's a mad, mad, mad
mad world. This is made backin the sixties. It has Phil Silvers,
it has Jack Benny, it hasSpencer Tracy, it has gosh,
so many different comedians of the time. Everybody was dying to get in and
have at least have a cameo inthis movie. Even the Three Stooges have
a cameo in it. Check itout, Michael. I bet President Biden
saw The Princess Bride, so duringthe news break I heard the cabal report
that the upside down flag symbolizes tostop the still rally on January sixth.
I know we have the First Amendment, but the cabal just makes stuff up
constantly. Something needs to be doneabout these people and the lives that they
just make up this stuff. Michaelwouldn't Castello testifying against Cohen b attorney client
for each of confidence. Just curious, Hey Brownie, just for information.
I'm a boomer who's like two yearsolder than you, and I love the
Princess Bride, and I quite afew of my boomer friends do as well.
So what about that? Hey Dragon? I know it's serious Friday and
all that, but I was justwanting to pass along Josh Ocean Thomas roasting
on a Biden administration employee doing astand up show. You got to check
it out. It's funny, Mike. Here's a shout out to to your
sponsors. First retirement Planning center ofthe Rockies Jars is awesome, which means
I get to retire early. Secondone is the Rocky Mountain Men's Clinic.
Wow, that tests, does youknow what I mean? Michael? They
want to kill off the mom andpops and the small businesses. Then They
control what we do, what weeat, how we do it, when
we do it, and even whywe do it. So yeah, corporatize
everything. Let's go back to thegood old communist countries. The communists people
are in control. That's what theywant. Dragon Are there any taxpayer relief
shots that we can have from thePrincess Bride? If there are, I'm
sure you'll find them. Michael,after hearing your stegment about what Count Darrah
said last night, you need togo home and watch the Princess Pride and
realize the best here is when youknow what you want to spend inside and
go for it and t get it. Michael, you talk about the God
given right of self defense. Idisagree. It's a duty of self defense,
a right you can exercise or nota duty you must perform a duty.
It is a duty, not aright,