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May 25, 2024 37 mins
Red Lobster files for bankruptcy.  But is it really because they offered all-you-can-eat shrimp for $19.99?  No, it's because private equity firms tend to load up the companies they buy with too much debt.

The release of the Twitter files has revealed new pressure by the CIA to force social media platforms to censor American citizens.  
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Episode Transcript

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Goo night. Michael Brown joins mehere the former FEMA director talk show host
Michael Brown. Brownie, no,Brownie, You're doing a heck of a
job the Weekend with Michael Brown.Hey, welcome to the Weekend with Michael
Brown. Glad to have you withme. Appreciate your tuning in. Don't
forget if you want to send mea text message, It's really easy to
do on your message app. Thenumber you use is three three one zero
three, and you start the messagewith the word Mike or Michael either one,

and then you tell me anything heasked me anything. I read every
text message, and you don't haveto be listening live. You can even
be listening on the podcast and sendme a text message. I read them
all. Be sure and follow meon social media on exter Twitter, it's
at Michael Brown USA, and onFacebook and Instagram it's at Michael D.

Brown. Then one last thing,I really would appreciate your subscribing to the
podcast. When you search for thepodcast on your podcast app, you're searching
for these Situation with Mike. TheSituation with Michael Brown, that's the name
of the weekday program, and thatgets you both the five days of the
weekday program and the Saturday program.So you get you get twenty three hours

of me. In that fantastic twentythree hours of me, what more could
you ask for? Give it toyour friends to make them happy. So
you know, you know the oldsaying, fool me once, you know,
shame on you, fool me twice, shame of me. I think
this. I think that addage hastaken on a new meaning for the left
because of Supreme Court or associates,Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito developing a habit

for displaying what the left refers toas far right flags in under a week.
Many you think, with everything goingon in the world, the flags
that people fly, that's what theNew York Time spends time on. They

have unearthed image of what are calleddissident flags. I think that's a fair
term. Dissident flags that are wavingproudly at Justice Alito's house on two separate
occasions. And now Democrats are clamoringabout judicial ethics. I find that hilarious
that Democrats are clamoring about judicial ethicswhen you've got a judge overseeing the trial

of Donald Trump in New York Citythat has violated I think almost every judicial
canon of ethics that you could possiblyviolate. He should have accused himself.
But this is you know, theold Crosby Stills and Nashlong teach your children.
This is really a great example ofhow you've got to teach your children.

Well. So, the smoking gunin the controversy over justice Alito is
a flag called the Appeal to Heavenflag, or as it was very originally
called, or kind of more generallyreferred to as the pine tree flag.

Do you honestly do you honestly knowwhat the pine tree flag or the appeal
to Heaven flag is? Raise yourhand if you do. If you don't,
don't raise your hand. Let's goto the Book of Knowledge, which

is not really the Book of Knowledge, but it's a good starting point Wikipedia.
The pine Tree flag or the Appealto Heaven flag, was one of
the flags used during the American Revolution. The flag, which featured a pine
tree with the motto an appeal toHeaven or sometimes an appeal to God,

was originally used by a squadron ofsix frigates. Those are ships commission under
George Washington's authority as Commander in Chiefof the Continental Armony in October of seventeen
seventy five. The pine tree isthe traditional symbol of New England. That's
why this particular flag. This isme talking, not Wikipedia. That's why

this particular flag is most common inthe East Coast and most common in the
northeast part of the United States.The phrase appeal to Heaven, you have
any idea where that comes from?It appears in John Locke in his Second

Treatise on Government, where it isused to describe the right of revolution.
Remember, the Declaration of Independence declaredthat when we declared our independence, we
declared that you know under the thatwe wanted to be ruled under the laws

of God, that we wanted tobe ruled freely, that we wanted to
enter into a social compact where wewould govern ourselves, and we would engage
in self governance, not a monarchy, not a dictatorship, not tyranny.
It was the greatest experiment in selfgoverness in the history of mankind, and

it has mostly succeeded until lately.The flag is the official maritime ensign for
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, though innineteen seventy one because they had to be
politically correct. Even though the flagwith the pine tree is still the official
maritime insign for Massachusetts. They tookthe script and appeal to Heaven off their

version. Okay, well, that'sfine to do that. In fact,
the flag was used by state navyvessels in addition to privateers sailing from Massachusetts.
So what does the flag look like? A flag with a pine tree
on it? A red flag witha cross of Saint George and the canton
with a green pine tree in thefirst quarter, used in New England as

early as seventeen oh four, mayhave been flown at Bunker Hill in seventeen
seventy five. It also appears havinga white field with the motto an appeal
to Heaven above the pine tree.I later designed the flag again from the
Book of Knowledge. Came from GeneralWashington Secretary Colonel Joseph Reed in a letter

dated October twenty one, seventeen seventyfive. Reid suggested to quote a flag
with a white ground and a treein the middle, the motto and appeal
to Heaven to be used for theships that Washington had commissioned the following summer.
On July twenty sixth, seventeen seventysix, the Massachusetts General Court established

the flag of the state Navy withthe resolution that stated, in part quote,
that the colors be a white flagwith a green pine tree and an
inscription appeal to Heaven. Now,where does the phrase appeal to heaven come
from? What's what's that about?It's a particular expression of the right of

revolution, As I said, Itwas used by John Locke in his second
Treatise on Government that was published insixteen ninety, and it refused the theory
of the divine right of kings.Remember, most monarchies, even the current
British monarchy, claims that it hasthe right to rule because it is a

divine right of kings. Well,Americans rejected the notion of a divine right
of kings. We said, no, God intends for each of us to
be free, and for us notto be ruled by a king, but
to be ruled by a social compactin which we would have representative government.

Locke wrote this, and where thebody of the people, or any single
man is deprived of their right,or is under the exercise of a power
without right, and have no appealon earth, then they have a liberty
to appeal to heaven. Whenever theyjudge the cause of sufficient moment. And

therefore, though the people cannot bejudged so as to have, by the
constitution of that society any superior powerto determine and give effective sentence in the
case, yet they have, bya law antecedent and paramount to all positive
laws of men, reserved that ultimatedetermination to themselves, which belongs to all
men kind. Where there lies noappeal on earth, viz. To the

judge, whether they have just causeto make their appeal to Heaven. That's
a quick cliff note history of theflag. So now what's the controversy.
Well, when we get back,let's listen to the ignorance of the dominant

media. They're freaking hilarious. It'sthe Weekend with Michael Brown. Remember text
the word Mike or Michael. Anyquestion, any comment to this number three
three one zero three. Just startyour question or comment with the word Mike
or Michael. Hang tight, I'llbe right back. Stay tuned. You're
listening to the Weekend with Michael Brown. Hey, welcome back to the Weekend

with Michael Brown. Happy Memorial Dayweekend. We're going to talk about Justice
Alito and this stupid flag. Controversy. And then at the end of the
hour, we're going to listen toRonald Reagan because I just it's a Memorial
Day weekend, and I do thinkwe ought to take a moment out to
remember why we have a Memorial Day. Do me a favor on your podcast

app subscribe to these Situations with MichaelBrown. That will automatically download both the
weekday program and the weekend program.And if you like what you hear on
the weekends, remember you can listenweekdays from six to ten Mountain time on
your iHeart app or on your computer. Just search for six thirty khow in

Denver, and you can listen tome during the weekday too. So the
smoking gun in the controversy is thisappeal to Heaven flag. They saw it
flying. These intrepid reporters from theNew York Times found the flag flying ao
summer home on Long Beach Island inNew Jersey last summer. Last summer.

So why are we talking about itnow? So the Time spoke to a
bunch of Alito's neighbors. They gotfour photos of this nefarious flag. I
guess it was darkening an otherwise beautifulvista, you know, This is absurd
when you think about the history ofthe flag. This is absolutely the most

absurd story. But it gets evenmore disturbing because of the reaction to it
from the cabal who was full bore. Let's go after these Supreme Court justices
for flying a patriotic flag now,because I want to be completely truthful with

you, there are, in somequarters, some very very small, minor
corners of society, people have takenthis flag to represent Christian nationalism. Some
say that some neo Nazis have takento use this flag, but that's a

very small minority, and quite frankly, I think they probably Those that do
probably do out of the complete ignoranceof the history of what this flag stands
for. And why should we allowIf indeed there are Christian nationalists or somebody
else that are usurping this flag fortheir own purposes, why should we allow
them to do that. I'll tellyou why. It's because we don't teach

our children, well, because wedon't teach them history. Because nobody,
you know, for before this controversyarose, I just laugh at the word
controversy. Be honest with yourself.Had you ever heard of the Pine Tree

flag have you. I'm sure you'veheard of the Gadgden flag that don't treadle
me flag. Well, just asAlito, his wife flew that flag at
their Virginia home because somebody was flyingnext door to them a flag that said
f Donald Trump, so she putup a flag that don't treddle me.

Justices can't fly flags, apparently notif you listen to the King Jeffries,
the Democrat minority leader in the USHouse, it's totally inappropriate. Samuel Alito
and Clarence Thomas are totally out ofcontrol. These individuals continue to detonate the

debtonate. I love the use ofthe word debtonate. Those two justices continue
to detonate, continue to detonate thecredibility of the United States Supreme Court.
In the case of Samuel Alito,he definitively needs to recuse himself from any

matter pending before the United States SupremeCourt that has to do with the January
sixth violent insurrection. What why why? Explain to me why I've listened to
the entire sound by the Samuel ofof Hakeem Jeffreys talking about he needs to
recuse himself. Why he never tellsus why. You know why he doesn't

tell you why because there is noreason for him to recuse himself. It
is. It is laughable, LaurenO'Donnell, the Salvavod socialist over at MSNBC.
President. He hasn't done it againwith Joe Biden, But then Samuel

Alito hasn't shown up for a singleState of the Union address since that time
in twenty ten when he decided totalk back to the President of the United
States, when he decided I findthat interesting. Do you know that?
I don't think the justices, anyof them, should attend the State of
the Union address. The State ofthe Union Address, according to the Constitution,

is that the President shall, fromtime to time delivered to the Congress
a message on the state of theUnion. It doesn't say to the Supreme
Court and to the Congress. Itsays to the Congress. But for some
reason, these justices show up forwhat is a purely political speech, a
political advance. Stay home, quitshowing up, stay away. I admire

those justices who do not show up. Lawrence O'Donnell nut job to be the
first and only Supreme Court justice toever do that. The year before Samuel
Alito did that Republican House Member JoeWilson was the first heckler of a president
in an address to a joint sessionof Congress. Yeah, addresses one of

them. If he were a memberof the House now, he'd be in
the back benches with Marjorie Taylor Greenyelling at the president. Yeah. The
defense by Justice Alito when The NewYork Times reported that the Alito home had
the American flag flying upside down afterJanuary sixth attack on the Capitol, which
happened right across the street from theSupreme Court, Justice Alito told this lie

as his official explanation. I hadno involvement whatsoever in flying the flag.
It was briefly placed by Missus Alitoin respond to a neighbor's use of objectionable
and personally insulting language on yard sides. So what you and I find interesting
about the flying of the American flagupside down? You what that is right?

That's a signal of distress. That'sa signal of distress. So if
January sixth was indeed the most horribleinsurrection ever, then maybe we should have
all flung the flag upside down.This is how nutty. These people are

absolutely how nutty they are. Sowhat are we to make of all of
this? What does all of thisnon controversy mean. Well, I think
it's a distruction. I think it'san attempt to discredit the Supreme Court.
And I'll explain why. Next.This is the Weekend with Michael Brown.

You want to send me a textmessage? This is the number three three
Wednesdayero three. Tell me anything,Ask me anything. Start to text with
the word Mike or Michael. I'llbe right back. Keep it right here.
You've got the Weekend with Michael Brown. Tonight, Michael Brown joins me
here, the former FEMA director oftalk show host Michael Brown. Brownie,

no, Brownie, You're doing aheck of a job the Weekend with Michael
Brown. Hey, welcome back tothe Weekend with Michael Brown. Glad to
have you with me. I appreciateyou tuning in. Do me a favor.
Follow me on Twitter at Michael BrownUSA. Follow me on Facebook and
Instagram. That's at Michael D.Brown. We're talking about Justice Alito in
this this stupid non controversy over theflag. But here's George Conway. He's

a so called Republican political strategist.He's on with Chris A's on MSNBC.
Listen to how dramatic and drastic hethinks this flag controversy is. You said

yesterday, we talk about this,this division between people have lost it,
and people were afraid to speak upabout that. You said this yesterday about
the upshot of the Haley endorsement andthe Alito flag. A lot of people
rather rights have lost their minds.A lot of the people the right are
afraid to say it. And Ithink that one of the things that's a
little chilling about the Alito news isthat he's in category one as opposed to

category two. Right, I mean, this is this is your circle,
George, these are your people,man, that you spent your whole career
around these folks. You keep insultingme like that I'm going to leave,
But that's true. I mean,I'm either just sociological fact. I can't
explain it. I mean I thinkthat I think there has been this steady
deterioration in the sort of the psychologicalhealth of a good many people on the

right. I mean, why whywould you, I mean why would you
do it? Talking about why wouldyou talk about this? This is the
thing that I would you. Ifind it so fascinating, Like I could
imagine. Can you imagine, imagine, George, you imagine yourself. Okay,
ten years ago and you're talking toa young up and coming forty five
year old, forty two year oldlike federalist society, really bright Supreme Court

clerk, highly pedigrade district court judge, and they're like, I'm going to
fly this flag for my house.Like obviously your advice would be, are
you out of your mind? Don'tdo that? Why would you do that?
You're a federal judge, don't doyou can't do it. But also
don't do it. Why would youdo that? Think about that a flag

that represents the American Revolution upon whichthe Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are
both based, and this flag isa representation of that. And they say
that a Supreme Court justice flying thatflag is a sign of some sort of
psychological deterioration, a steady deterioration inthe psychological health of a good many people

on the right. Wow, that'show insane these people are over a flag.
If if if they think that weare that insane over a flag,
then I have to ask truly,who are the insane people? I think

this is pure, unadulterated projection.Now, I guess the flag might be
offensive, as I said, becauseit's been adopted by some Christian nationalists.
But that's a tiny, tiny minority. You know what, what what if
what if some neo Nazis? Whatif some communists, some little communist group

in the backwoods, some little statessomewhere, decided that they want to adopt
the American flag or I don't know, the original thirteen star and stripes,
they want to adopt that as theirflag for their little communist commune. Are
we then supposed to say, okay, and nobody else forget all the history,

we just now have to capitulate andwe just have to give up and
that now they they have completely,if completely, taken over the flag.
No, we would. We wouldn'tstand for that. We would not have
stood for that. You know what'sinteresting. Justice Alito is not the only
high profile Conservative to waive the appealto Heaven flag. After he became Speaker

of the House last fall, MikeJohnson, the Congress from Louisiana, he
placed the flag outside his office andsince then, because of this stupid dumbass
controversy. Other members of Congress arestarting to put outside their offices too.
Johnson said this he goes back tothe founder's era. I've always flown that

flag. Johnson added that the flagwas gifted to him by a visiting Congressional
chaplain. Now the flag at theLong Beach Island home of Justice Alito is
no longer flying, and Alitos declinedto comment on the incident and seems to
be at ease as leftists lose theirminds. You know, I would be
too. This is what makes agood judge. A good judge is unflappable

when people start attacking them. Really, you want to attack me over this?
Okay. He has, however,been totally unapologetic about a previous controversy
that The New York Times dug up, and that was about flying the flag
upside down at his home in Alexandria, Virginia. And somebody raised a good

point on the text line. Somebodywrote this that since there was no insurrection,
then there the Democrats and the Cabal'sargument is moot. It's a great
point. It's a footnote. Letme have a footnote here quickly, Speaking
of January sixth. If if youwant to see or you want to watch

a film about January six that willgive you a completely different perspective. My
friend Nick Searcy, who is anactor, I was gonna say from Hollywood,
but I think he's he moved outof California in the last few weeks.
He was unjustified. Nick sar Whenyou see him, you'll recognize him

as a great character actor. Buthe, along with some other people,
have put together a movie called TheWar on Truth. Write that down right
now, the War on Truth,and then go rent it or buy it.
I think you can rent it forseven ninety nine. You can,
you can buy a digital version forninety ninety nine. You can buy it

on DVD. And if you dorent it or purchase it, when you
fell the form, be sure andtell them that you heard about it from
me. Michael Brown. I'm abouthalfway through the video the movie. It's
absolutely mind boggling. You really shouldwatch it. So. Shannon breen Over

at Fox News says that I spokedirectly with Justice Ledo about the flag story,
which she did. In addition towhat's in the story, he told
me a neighbor on their street hada quote F Trump sign that was in
fifty within fifty feet of where childrenawait the school bus. In January of

twenty one, Missus Leedle brought thisup with the neighbor. According to Justice
Legal, things escalated. The neighborput up a sign personally addressing Missus Alito
and blaming her for the January sixthattack. Justice Legal says he and his
wife were walking in the neighborhood,and they were and there were words between

Missus Alito and I'm at the homewith the sign. Leedle says, the
man engaged in the vulgar language,including the sea word. You know,
someone calls my wife the sea word, You're probably gonna get beat up.
So Shannon bring tweets out now.Following that exchange, Missus Alito was distraught

and she hung the flag upside downfor a short time. Just as Leto
says, some neighbors on the streetare very political and acknowledges it was a
very heated time in January twenty twentyone, and indeed it was. But
that does not, in any shapeor man whatsoever, mean that he should

recuse himself. You know, whenI was in grade school, boy Scouts.
We learned flag etiquette, and oneof the things I learned was that
flying the flag upside down is asignal of emergency. So, whatever your
political perspective is about January sixth,twenty twenty one, there was certainly a

sense of emergency. But to treatthis as a scandal is absurd. I
actually hate that the Alitos or thatall of these justices are constantly being attacked.
So I want you ask yourself thisquestion, why are the justices being

attacked? Because it is the onebranch of government that the Democrats, the
Progressives, the Marxists currently have nocontrol over whatsoever, and the majority in
that court is currently making decisions basedon the plane language in the Constitution,

and they can't stand that you.Alito also got in trouble because at one
time he owned about fifteen grand inAnheuser Busch stock, you know, the
beer maker, but the bud Lightmaker. And then when bud Light's partnership
with the trans influencer Dylan mulvaney cameabout last summer, Alito sold his anhydro

Busch stock and he bought the sameamount. He sold fifteen thousand dollars worth
of anhydro Busch stock, and hebought fifteen thousand dollars of Moulsenkour's stock.
If I don't stock, If Ihad owned stock in Anheuser Busch and I
saw Dylan mulvaney and what they weredoing to that brand, I would have

sold my stock too. There's nothingwrong with that. This is about destroying,
in the minds of ignorant people,the credibility of the United States Supreme
Court. It's the Weekend with MichaelBrown. Don't forget texta word Mike or
Michael with three three one zero three. Do me a favor. Subscribe to
the podcast on your podcast app.Search for this podcast The Situation with Michael

Brown. You hit subscribe and thatwill get you all five days of the
weekday program and the weekend program.When we get back. It's Memorial Day
twenty twenty four. Let's go backto nineteen eighty six. Keep it right
here. You've got the Weekend withMichael Brown. So welcome back to the

Weekend with Michael Brown. It's aMemorial Day Weekend twenty twenty four. Thirty
eight years ago tomorrow, Ronald Reaganwent to Arlington National Cemetery and deliver what
I think is one of the greatestremarks about Memorial Day of any president before

him and since him. So Ijust want to close out the program early
by letting you listen to Ronald Reagan'sspeech, and I hope it will cause
you to just pause for a momentthis weekend and think about what Memorial Day
is actually about. Audie Murphy ishere. Audi Murphy of the wild,

wild courage, or what else wouldyou call it. When a man bounds
to the top of a disabled tank, stops an enemy advance, saves lives,
and rallies his men, and allof it single handedly. When he
radioed for artillery support and was askedhow close the enemy was to his position,

he said, wait a minute,and I'll let you speak to them.
Michael Smith is here and Dick Scobe, both of the Space Shuttle Challenger.
Their courage wasn't wild, but thoughtful, the mature and measured courage of
career professions who took prudent risks fora great reward in their case, to
advance the sum total of knowledge inthe world. You're only the latest to

rest here. They join other greatexplorers with names like Grisom and Chafey.
Oliver Wendell Holmes is here, thegreat jurist and fighter for the right.
A poet searching for an image oftrue majesty could not rest until he seized
on Holmes, dissenting in as sordidage. Young Holmes served in the Civil

War. He might have been thinkingof the crosses and stars of Arlington when
he wrote, at the grave ofa hero, we end not with sorrow
at the inevitable loss, but withthe contagion of his courage, and with
a kind of desperate joy. Wego back to the fight. While all
of these men were different, butthey shared this in common. They loved

America very much. There was nothingthey wouldn't do for it, and they
loved with the sureness of the young. It's hard not to think of the
young in a place like this,for it's the young who do the fighting
and dying when a peace fails anda war begins. Not far from here

is the statue of the three Servicemen, the three Fighting Boys of Vietnam.
It too has majesty and more.Perhaps you've seen it, three rough boys
walking together, looking ahead with asteady gaze. There's something wounded about them.
A kind of resigned toughness. Butthere's an unexpected tenderness too. At

first you don't really notice, butthen you see it. The three are
touching each other as if they're supportingeach other, helping each other on.
I know that many veterans of Vietnamwill gather to day, some of them
perhaps by the wall, and they'restill helping each other on. They were

quite a group, the boys ofVietnam, boys who fought a terrible and
vicious war without enough support from homeboys who were dodging bullets. While we
debated the efficacy of the battle,it was often our poor who fought in
that war. It was the unpamperedboys of the working class who picked up

the rifles and went on the march. They learned not to rely on us.
They learned to rely on each other. And they were special in another
way. They chose to be faithful. They chose to reject the fashionable skepticism
of their time. They chose tobelieve and answer the call of duty.

They had the wild, wild courageof youth. They seized certainty from the
heart of an ambivalent age. Theystood for something, and we owe them
something. Those boys, we owethem first a promise that, just as
they did not forget their missing comrades, neither ever will we. And there

are other promises. We must alwaysremember that peace is a fragile thing that
needs constant vigilance. We owe thema promise to look at the world with
a steady gaze and perhaps a resignedtoughness, knowing that we have adversaries in
the world and challenges, and theonly way to meet them and maintain the
peace is by staying strong. That, of course, is the lesson of

this century, a lesson learned inthe pseu Datean land, in Poland,
in Hungary, in Czechoslovakia, inCambodia. If we really care about peace,
we must stay strong. If wereally care about peace, we must,

through our strength to demonstrate our unwillingnessto accept an ending of the peace.
We must be strong enough to createpeace where it does not exist,
and strong enough to protect it whereit does. The lesson of this century,
and I think of this day,That's all I wanted to say.

The rest of my contribution is toleave this great place to its peace,
a peace it has earned. Thankall of you, and God bless you,
and have a day full of MemoriesRonald Reagan nineteen eighty fifth kind of
the National Things Memorial. I thinkit's important to recall that it was the

idea of we must remain strong inorder to maintain the peace peace through strength.
It's not the idea that we're warmongers, but that as long as we
remain strong as a nation morally,militarily, politically, economically, the American

world order can keep peace in theworld. But only if we're strong,
only if our allies respect us,and as long as our enemies respect us.
When we fail to maintain that kindof strength, we do a disservice
to all who died in trying topreserve the freedoms that you and I enjoy

this weekend. It is, Ithink, incumbent upon every single one of
us to recognize that, however,we can do it in our little corner
of the world, wherever that iscity councils, churches, schools, businesses,

and yes, at the national level, to make certain that this nation
remains strong and that we preserve peacethroughout the world. Let's not let them
have died in vain. Enjoy yourMemorial Day weekend. I'll see you next weekend.
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