Episode Transcript
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President Trump is speaking, let's gostraight to it. When you look at
our country, what's happening where millionsand millions of people are flowing in from
all parts of the world, notjust South America, from Africa, from
Asia, from the Middle East,and they're coming in from jails and prisons,
and they're coming in from mental institutionsand insane asylums, and they're coming
in from all over the world intoour country. And we have a president
and a group of fascists that don'twant to do anything about it because they
could right now today, he couldstop it, but he's not. They're
destroying our country. Our country isin very bad shape, and they're very
much against me saying these things.They want to raise your taxes by four
times. They want to stop youfrom having cars with their ridiculous mandates that
make it impossible for you to geta car ford a car, but make
it very possible for China to buildall of our cars. It's a very
serious problem that we have. Wejust went through one of many experiences where
we had a conflicted judge, highlyconflicted. There's never been a more conflicted
judge. Now I'm under a gagorder, which nobody's ever been under No
presidential candidate's ever been under a gagorder before. I'm under a gag order,
nasty gag order where I've had topay thousands of dollars in penalties and
fines and was threatened with jail.Think of it. I'm the leading candidate.
I'm leading Biden by a lot,and I'm leading the Republicans to the
point where that's over. So I'mthe leading person for president and I'm under
a gag order by a man thatcan't put two sentences together given by a
court, and they are in totalconjunction with the White House and the DOJ.
Just so you understand, this isall done by Biden and his people.
Maybe it's people more important. Idon't know if Biden knows too much
about it, because I don't knowif he knows about anything, but he's
nevertheless the president, so we haveto use his name. And this is
done by Washington, and nobody's everseen anything like it. So we have
a judge who's highly conflicted. Youknow what the confliction is. Nobody nobody
wants to write about it, andI'm not allowed to talk about it if
I do, he said, Iget put in jail, so we'll play
that game a little bit longer.We won't talk about it, but you're
allowed to talk about it. Ihope you do, because there's never been
anybody so conflicted as this. Asfar as the trial itself, it was
very unfair. We weren't allow allowedto use our election expert under any circumstances.
You saw what happened to some ofthe witnesses that were on our side.
They were literally crucified by this manwho looks like an angel, but
he's really a devil. He looksso nice and soft. People say,
oh, it seems like such anice man, know, unless you saw
him in action, and you sawthat with a certain witness that went through
hell. And when we wanted todo things, he wouldn't let him.
He wouldn't let us do those things. But when the government wanted something,
they got everything. They got everythingthey wanted. It's a rigged It was
a rig trial. We wanted avenue change where we could have a fair
trial. We didn't get it.We wanted a judge change. We wanted
to judge. It wasn't conflicted,and obviously he didn't do that. Nobody's
ever seen anything like it. Wehad a DA who was a failed DA.
Crime is ramp into New York violentcrime, that's what he's really supposed
to be looking at. Crime isrampant in New York yesterday. And McDonald's
you had a man hitting them upwith machetes a machete. Whoever can imagine
even a machete being wielded in astore in a place where they're eating,
and they's going rampant. And Braggis down watching a trial on what they
call crimes crimes, they're falsifying businessrecords. That sounds so bad to me.
It sounds very bad. You know, it's only a misdemeanor, but
to me, it sounds so bad. When they say falsifying business that's a
bad thing for me. I've neverhad that before. I'm falsifying. You
know what falsifying business records is inthe first degree, They say, falsifying
business records. Sounds so good,right. It means that legal expense I
paid a lawyer, totally legal.I paid a lawyer a legal expense,
and a bookkeeper without any knowledge fromme, correctly marked it down in the
books. A very professional woman,highly respected, she testified marked it down
in the books as a legal expense. So a legal expense paid a lawyer
is a legal expense in the books. It's not a sheet rock construction or
any other thing. It's a legalexpense. Think of that. This is
what the falsification of business records were. And I said, what else are
you going to call it? Whatelse are you going to call it?
Now? I would have testified.I wanted to testify. The theory is
you never testify because as soon asyou testify anybody, if it were George
Washington, don't testify because they'll getyou in something that you said slightly wrong
and then they sue you for perjury. But I didn't care about that.
I wanted to But the judge allowedthem to go into everything that I was
ever involved in, not this case, everything that I was ever involved in,
which is a first. In otherwords, you could go into every
single thing that I ever did.Was he a bad boy? Was he
a bad boy? There? EmmaLawys said, what do you need to
go through? And all you wantedto do is testify simply on this case
because I would have loved to havetestified to this day, I would have
liked to have testified but you wouldhave been you would have said something out
of whack, like it was abeautiful sunny day and it was actually raining
out. And I very much appreciatethe big crowd of people outside. That's
incredible what's happening. The level ofsupport has been incredible. So the whole
thing is legal expense. Was markeddown as legal expense. Think of that,
this is my this is the crimethat I committed that I'm supposed to
go to jail for one hundred andeighty seven years for. When you have
violent crime all over this city atlevels that nobody's ever seen before, where
you have businesses leaving, and businessesare leaving because of this because heads of
businesses say, man, we don'twant to get involved with that. I
could go through the books of anybusiness person in this city and I could
find things that in theory, Iguess, let's indict him, let's destroy
his life. But I'm out there, and I don't mind being out there
because I'm doing something for this countryand I'm doing something for our constitution.
It's very important, far beyond me, and this can't be allowed to happen
to other presidents. It should neverbe allowed to happen in the future.
But this is far beyond me.This is bigger than Trump. This is
bigger than me. This is biggerthan my presidency. And the people understand
it because I just see a polljust came out the Daily Mail. That
was the first one came out.It was done last night, right after
the verdict, where I'm up sixpoints, six points from what we already
were. We were leading fairly substantially. We're up six points in the Daily
Mail poll. Now, maybe otherpolls come out and says something differently,
but a lot of people have predictedit because the public understands and they understand
what what's going on. This isa scam. There's a rig trial.
It shouldn't have been in that venue. We shouldn't have had that judge.
He should allowed us to have anelection expert. We had the best expert,
most respected expert, head of theFederal Elections Commission. He was all
set to testify. He was waitingfor two days and when it was his
turn, Braggs people protested and thejudge knocked him out said you can't testify.
He actually said, you can't testifyfor anything having to do with the
trial. You can say what thefederal elections is, Well, that doesn't
help. Everybody knows that. Butyou can't testify. So essentially he wasn't
able to testify. Other people weren'table to testify. But with these people,
they were able to use people salacious, by the way, and nothing
ever happened. There was no anything, nothing ever happened, and they know
it. But they were as salaciousas they could be. And it had
nothing to do with the case,but it had to do with politics.
And do you notice the timing.The timing was perfect. This case was
dead. It was dropped by everyagency, every governmental board. It was
dropped by the highly respected Southern District. They said, no, there's no
case here. It was dropped byfederal election. And that's what it's about.
This about a federal election, nota state election. You're not even
allowed to look at it. Theytook the state and the city and they
went into a federal election. They'renot allowed. The people from federal election,
Southern District and Washington dropped the case. Everybody dropped the case. There
was no case. Sivans dropped thecase. And when Brad came in,
he said, this is the mostridiculous case I've ever seen, and who
would have a certain person again,gag order, who would have a certain
person like this ever testify? Hesaid, this is essentially one of the
worst people I've ever seen ever totestify. He said, the craziest case
I've ever seen, this is Bragg. Then want to announced I was running
for president. A long time later, they decided to revive this case and
they got a judge, Judge Marshawn, who was responsible for another case that
was also brought. Destroyed the lifeof a very good man, by the
way, destroyed the life of avery good man who went to prison once
and then they just put him inprison again because they said he he lied.
He didn't lie. I looked atthe statements he made. In fact,
he didn't remember something, and theyput him in jail again. They've
destroyed him. With me for manyyears, he was an honorable person.
He was an honest man. Andif you'll look at what he did,
supposedly it never happened. There's neverbeen anything like this. The education of
his grandchildren over. He didn't reportthat he had a car or two cars
on his income. I don't know. I wonder how many people here have
cars. I wonder how many peoplesaid, oh, you have a car
that's worth X dos how to evenfigure it? And I guess you do
have to report it, but Iwould say probably almost nobody does. Nobody
even thinks about it. They putthis man, they destroyed this man,
but they put him in jail againbecause they didn't want him to testify.
They didn't want him to testify.That's why he went to jail. They
put him in jail twice. He'sseventy seven years old. Now normally I'd
say that's an old guy, butI don't feel seventy seven. Nobody ever
says that about me. I'd likethem to say, gee, we have
to have a little sorrow for thisman because they just don't say that about
me. But maybe I'm better offthat way. I think I'm probably better
off that way. But they puthim in jail twice, and you have
to see what They put him injail. And he was threatened by the
judge. This man was told you'regonna get fifteen years in jail if you
don't give up Trump. And hewas told that you're gonna get fifteen years
in jail. And he made aplea deal because he didn't want to spend
the rest of his life, andhe was told that viciously. We're living
in a fascist state. He wastold that viciously. So you can go
to jail for four months, fivemonths, or you can get fifteen years
in jail. So do it.Plea Almost who wouldn't do that? Plea?
Everyone does those please It's a horriblething. There's a whole group of
lawyers that fight that. It's sounfair. It's so unfair. But they
destroyed his life so many other things. You look at Southern District didn't want
to bring the case. Nobody wantedto bring the case. And then you
know who didn't want to bring thecase most of all is Bragg. Bragg
didn't want to bring it. Butthen he brought it, and they tried
to make it a different case.They didn't say legal expense equal legal expense.
Again, if I wrote down andpaid a lawyer. And by the
way, this was a highly qualifiedlawyer. Now I'm not allowed to use
the name because of the geg order, but you know, he's a sleeves
bag. Everybody knows that. Ittook me a while to find out,
but he was effective. He diddwork. But he wasn't a fixer.
He was a lawyer. You knowthey like to use the word fixer.
He wasn't a fixer. He wasa lawyer at the time. He was
a fully accredited lawyer. Now hegot into trouble not because of me.
He got into trouble because he madeoutside deals and he had something to do
with taxi cabs and medallions that heborrowed money, and that's why he went.
And then he pled to three threeelection violence. And as soon as
I saw that, I said,I wonder why he did that. He
planed, he took a deal.Now I took a deal because he wanted
to get off. In other words, I'll take a plea deal and I
want to get off. And hewanted to make a deal with the Southern
District. And they wrote the worstreport I think I've ever seen on any
human being, other than the reportthat was written on James Coomy by the
Inspector General. A very great inspectorGeneral actually wrote a report that was so
bad. This one was possibly worse. The Southern District. The judge didn't
let us use it. He saidit's hearsay. I said, it's not
hearsay, wouldn't let us use it. This is about the man. But
he got in trouble for a verysimple reason because he was involved with borrowing
a lot of money and he didsomething with the banks. I don't know
if it's defraud at the banks,but something happened. You guys know what
it is. And then in additionto that, he gave up in three
things where he wasn't guilty. Infact, they were going to testify in
that the head of the FEC,the brand Smith, the election expert number
one raided in the country, wasgoing to testify. He took a plea
in three things. He just addedthem in because that gave him more bargaining
power with respect to me. Butthe three things that he pled on having
to do with the election and havingto do essentially a little bit with me,
they weren't crimes. They weren't crimes. Nor is paying money under an
NDA. So we have an NDAnon disclosure agreement. It's a big deal
in non disclosure agreement, Totally honorable, totally good, totally accepted. Everybody
has them, Every company has nondisclosure agreements. But the press called it
slush fund and all sorts of otherthings. Hush money, hush money.
It's not hush money. It's calledthe non disclosure agreement. And most of
the people in this room have anon disclosure agreement with their company. It's
a disgrace. So it's not hushmoney. It's a non disclosure agreement,
totally legal, totally common, everyonehas it. And what happened is he
signed a non disclosure agreement with disperse. I guess other people, but it's
totally honest. You're allowed to makethe payment. Could you don't have to
make it. You can make itanyway you want. It's a non disclosure
agreement. And he signed that andthere was nothing wrong with signing it.
And this should have been a noncase. And everybody said it was a
non case, including Bragg. Bradsaid until I ran for office, and
then they saw the polls. Iwas leading the Republicans, I was leading
the Democrats, I was leading everybody, and all of a sudden they brought
it back. It's a very sadthing that's happening in our country. And
it's say it's the thing that I'mhonored. In a way. I'm honored.
It's not that it's pleasant. It'svery bad for family. It's very
bad for friends and businesses. ButI'm honored to be involved in it because
somebody has to do it, andI might as well keep going and be
the one. But I'm very honoredto be involved because we're fighting for a
constitution. The money that was paidwas paid legally. There was nothing illegal.
In fact, the lawyer in creatingthe NDA, because at that time
he was a fully accredited lawyer.He wasn't a fixer. I never thought
of mis a fixer. The mediacalled him a fixer, or the prosecutors
called him a fix He was alawyer, and he was fairly good.
Later on, I didn't like whathe did. I didn't like, for
instance, I didn't like that whenI became president, he went around and
made deals with companies. When Iheard that he was gone, he was
gone, and he had payments comingto him. And a lot of this
involved things that are very simple.There was nothing wrong. These were standard.
This was standard stuff, all standardstuff. Everything involved was standard.
There was no crime here. Infact, I just watched a couple of
the reports. You watched Jonathan Turley, Andy McCarthy, Greg Jarrett. You
look at all of these people,Mark Levin. All very talented people,
great people, many more, manymore, and they don't know me.
Essentially, they don't know me,the legal scholars and experts. But I
look at them. I watched Curarlythis morning saying there's no crime here.
Everybody says, there's no crime hereexcept for this DA that's got the city
out of control with crime. It'sout of it's absolutely out of control.
So we have an NDA that wassigned. We have legal and here's the
thing on legal expenses. You haveone hundred where they say if they do
it, charge I just recorded thisout falsification of business records in the first
degree. It sounds so bad.I said, wow. And even my
old lawyers, I get very upsetwith them because they don't say what it
is. They say, well,falsification of legal records is only a felony.
Well that's a lot is only athey say, misdemeanor, But they
try and bring it up to afelony if there's two crimes. They have
all these different things. The otherthing is they missed the Statute of limitations
by a lot because this was veryold. They could have brought this seven
years ago instead of bringing it rightin the middle of the election, so
they missed the statute of limitations.They did everything. Now let me give
you the good news. The goodnews is last night we just got to
report this morning. In the historyof politics, I believe, maybe I'm
wrong. Somebody will find that I'mwrong. Maybe, but I don't think,
sir. They raised with small moneydonors, meaning like twenty one dollars,
forty two dollars, fifty three dollars, thirty eight dollars, a record
thirty nine million dollars in about aten hour period. No think of that.
I like those people because so far, I guess it's backfire. Now
I don't know. I'd rather nothave it happen. I don't want to
have it backfire. I don't towin this thing legitimately, not because they
were stupid and did things that theyshouldn't be doing. They shouldn't have brought
this case. They were saying itthis morning, this is a case that
should not have been brought. Iwatched Andy mc arthy said this is a
case that should not have been brought, and that was this morning. But
they all say that, every legalscholar has said it, every legal and
these are great people. They reallyunderstand the law. The other thing,
A Paul just came out the firstpoll. I don't know, maybe others
will be bad, but a Polejust came out a little while ago.
The Daily Mail. Does anybody readthe Daily Mail? Very good? They
have a good poll at least Ilike it today And the Daily Mail just
came out with a Pole and ithas Trump up six points in the last
twelve hours, six points six pointssince this happened. Who thought this got
up? Because the people of ourcountry know it's a hoax. They know
it's a hoax. They get it. You know, they're really smart,
and uh, it's really something.So we're going to be appealing this scam.
We're going to be appealing it onmany differ and things. He wouldn't
allow us to have witnesses, hewouldn't allow us to talk, he wouldn't
allow us to do anything. Thejudge was a tyrant, and you got
to see that with Bob Costello,a fine man. I've never seen anything
like it, and neither has anybodythat was in that courthouse where he demanded
that the courthouse be cleared. Now, the good news is most of the
people in the courthouse were the mediaand anybody that was in the media of
your fair you'll say, Wow,that was anger. That was crazed.
He was crazed. And the reasonthat Bob Costello acted a little bit upset,
which I think he has a rightto, was that every question he
was being asked was being objected toby the other side and sustained by the
judge. Sustained, sustained. Ithink he did it many times. I
don't know what the number many times, even I was sitting there saying and
these were basic questions. And Inever saw anybody treated that way by a
judge. And I've been treated verybadly by two other judges also, because
it's all the same thing, andit all comes out of the White House.
Crooked Joe Biden. The worst presidentin the history of our country.
He's the worst president in the historyof our country, the most incompetent,
He's the dumbest president we've ever had. He's the dumbest president, most incompetent
president, and he's the most dishonestpresident we've ever had. And so many
of the he's a manchurion candidate.You take a look at the way he
treats China, Russia, so manyothers. You know, I ended the
Russian pipeline. It was dead.He comes in and he approves it,
and he gets three and a halfmillion, meaning three and a half million
is paid to the family, hisfamily from the mayor of Moscow's wife,
And I said, where did thatcome from? Nobody wants to talk about
it. But he's a very bigdanger to our country. And the only
way they think they can win thiselection is by doing exactly what they're doing
right now. Win it in thecourts, because they can't win it at
the ballot box. So we're goingto show them that we're going to fight.
It's actually, I don't know,it's something where I'm wired in such
a way that a lot of peoplewould have gone away a long time ago.
They would have gone away after Peachmenthoax number one. Those a total
hoax. I had great support fromthe Republican Party. Though then you had
in Peachman hoax number two. Andthen they formed the committee. How about
they formed the Committee of Thugs,the j sixth Committee of Thugs, and
they took their records and they destroyedall of the records after the committee was
abandoned, because those records were greatfor US. Now, can you imagine
if Republicans did that, everybody wouldhave been in jail by now. They
think of that the unselected. Icaught the unselect. They caught select committee.
I caught the unselect committee of thugsthey meet. It's one hundred percent
Democrat and two past Republicans that areno longer Republicans that are no longer in
business anymore, thank you. Butit was all Democrats and two wayward Republicans
Liz Cheney and crying Adamkinsinger. Hecries every time he goes on televisions.
The most emotional human being I thinkI've ever seen, and that was our
representatives. These two people were ourrep So they had all the stuff that
they're leaking, and then when itcame time to look at the records,
like where the police said and theCapitol Guard said that I supplied. Think
of it that I recommended as manysoldiers or National Guard as you want,
ten thousand. If you had fivehundred, you wouldn't have had a problem.
They wouldn't have been a j six. But Nancy Pelosi in the group
didn't want anyway. So they havetestimony to all of that that I did
not attack the Secret Service agent inthe front of a car. You know,
these are strong people. And Isupposedly went to the driver and I
grabbed him around the neck and herebuffed me. And then I went to
the other guy, who I thinkis a black belt in karate, and
he's slightly younger than me, maybethirty five years, forty years, fifty
years, and I grabbed him aroundthe neck and said, he's a black
belt in karate. Then I hadto get somebody from around their neck.
They would have gone like this andthat would be the end of that.
Actually, I had a friend thatsaid, you shouldn't dispute that. That
makes you look like the toughest cookiewe've ever seen. You should have let
that go on. But the factis it never happened. It was all
made up, and that was provento be made up. It proved to
be a false story, and theydeleted and destroyed all of that information and
every ounce of it. We're dealingwith a corrupt government. We have a
corrupt country. Our elections are corrupt. Our borders are open. Our borders
are going to be closed very soon. November fifth is going to be the
most important day in the history ofour country. Now when I say that,
because my people are always saying,do this, do this, because
we're fighting for America. DONALDJ.Trump dot com. I hope everybody watching
right now, Donald J. Trumpdot com, because it really makes a
difference. They have a lot ofmoney on the other side. I don't
know where they get it. Nobodyknows where they get it, but for
some reason, they get money.But they're not on the side of our
country. In many ways, Ithink they hate our country. Who on
earth can want open borders where peopleare allowed to pour in from countries unknown,
from places unknown, from languages thatwe we own't even that we haven't
even heard of. We have peoplesitting in schools with languages where very few
people have ever even heard of theselanguages. It's not like Spanish or French
or Russian language is unknown. Wehave people coming from corners of the globe,
and many of them are not goodpeople. Many terrorists, record levels
of terrorism, record levels of terroristshave come into our country. Record They've
never seen anything like it. Youknow, there was a report that in
twenty nineteen. I don't believe thisby the way the media gave it,
and it was good for me.Believe it or not. They said in
twenty nineteen, there were no terroristsrecorded that came into our country. I
don't believe that. I don't thinkthat's possible. But they actually twenty nineteen
was a Trump year. I don'tbelieve that that could be possible. But
they said no terrorists came into ourcountry. So let's say it was close.
Let's says, but now record levelsof terrorists, record levels, the
highest level we've ever seen of terrorstsare pouring into our country. You have
China with just in the last fewmonths, twenty nine thousand people came in
and I looked at them on aline and they look like perfect soldiers.
They're almost all male. From nineteento twenty five. It looks like a
recruiting exercise. They have beautiful tents, they have pro pane stoves, they
have cell phones the best you canbuy. I said, what's going on.
It looks like they're building an armyright in our country. Now,
I don't think that would happen.Right, we're losing our country. And
I really think that this is anevent what took place yesterday with this judge.
Look, we have conflicted, buthe's a crooked judge. And you'll
understand that. And I say thatknowing that it's very dangerous for me to
say that. And I don't mind, because I'm willing to do whatever I
have to do to save our countryand to save our constitution. I don't
mind. So, so thank you. So we will continue the fight.
We're gonna make America great again.Very simple. When people fight Maga,
they say we're going to fight ourwatch Biden, We're going to fight Margo.
We're going to stop Maga. Let'smake America great again. That's all
it is. Maga, make Americagreat again. Our country's in serious trouble.
We are thirty six trillion dollars.We were going to be we were
energy independent for the first time ever, and now we're begging Venezuela for oil.
One statistic you have to hear.Venezuela was crime written. Caracas cities
crime ridden two years ago. Threeyears ago. They just reported a seventy
two percent drop in crime in thelast year because all of their criminals,
most of them, and the restare coming in now. The ones that
didn't come in in Venezuela, theirprisons have been emptied into the United States.
Their criminals and drug dealers have beentaken out of the cities and brought
into the United States, and that'strue with many other countries. The Congo
has just released a lot of peoplefrom jail. Congo Africa just released a
lot of people, a lot ofpeople from their prisons in jails and brought
them into the United States of America. This is what's happening to our country.
And it's not sustainable by anyone.Little things like our kids can't have
a Little League game anymore because youhave tents and you have my living on
the fields. That's the least ofit. People are taking over our luxury
hotels migrants and yet are veterans,our great veterans are living on the streets
like dogs. They're living on thestreets. But migrants are living in luxury
hotels and cities all over our countryrun by democrats. So it's my honor
to be doing this, It reallyis. It's a very unpleasant thing,
to be honest, but it's agreat, great honor. We're gonna We're
gonna do what I have to do. I'm gonna do it, and and
the support has been that's why Imentioned the number of thirty nine million dollars.
That's why I mentioned we're up sixpoints, and we went up a
lot over the last month because everybody'sso it was a rig deal. It
was a rig trial. But we'regonna make America great again. We're gonna
make it better than ever before Novemberfifth. Remember November fifth is the most
important day in the history of ourcountry. Thank you very much. Every
day and there you have it.No dragon is at the end of the
feed. Do you hear any questionsright now? I just have applause?
Okay, let's let's hang on onesecond. See there any questions. I
can't tell from the time lapse onthe any questions. Nothing so far?
Can you tell on the time he'sstill talking on the TV, So because
of the delay, I've currently justgot crowd noise. I think we're probably
good here. I think we're Ithink we're good here. Let's let's let's
take a break right now. Thenwe'll be right back. Fire off one
hundred bucks to the Trump campaign.This is my symbolic middle finger salute to
the crooks in the White House,in the justice system, and elsewhere that
have permeated our funeral and state governments. Good for you, you know.
I, first of all, Iwant to say this about all of you
have sent me text messages. One. I'm I'm honored, and I'm humbled
by the things that you have toldme. Uh. It does not go
unnoticed. It irritates Dragon, butit doesn't go unnoticed by me. Dragon
made a point whispering in my ears. We were listening to that. He
went for what about forty five minutes, Dragon fird I would say closer to
thirty five thirty seven okay, thirtyfive thirty seven minutes. Uh, spoke
in typical Trump fashion, and didso without any notes or any prompter or
anything else. No whispering, nowhispring. Yeah, no yelling, no
getting mad. He didn't pull upa napkin or something at one point in
time to read off of that whateverstatistic or something. I think it was
the stats from the Daily Mail pollnumbers, but that was it. Yeah.
Uh, And then he made thatNow it was first reported that they
had raised thirty four million dollars,he reports they've now raised thirty nine million
dollars. And to you, thetalk back that contributed one hundred dollars.
I don't often do this, butyou're right that that's that's the way.
That's a good way to give themiddle finger to what what Donald Trump called
the fascists that are running this country. I made I made notes extending notes
of everything he said, and he'sright. Just you know, I feel
a little I personally feel a littlevindication in my use of the term cabal
and how they're all you know,communist, Marxist, socialist, fascists,
they're all the isms right now.So a good way to do the middle
finger is And again, I knowtimes are tough, but I can tell
you from personal experience in political campaigns, five bucks helps. There are three
hundred and what three hundred and fortythree hundred and fifty million people in this
country. And I'm not saying foreverybody to give five bucks, but you
know, ten million people get fivebucks. That's a lot of money.
So, you know, Donald J. Trump dot com. And because right
now, I mean, I've hadit, I've just had it. He
talked about he started right off thebat with illegal immigration. Now they're destroying
the taxes. But he made thispoint, which I thought was pretty good,
pretty insightful. They're against me sayingthese things. That's the whole purpose
of all this lawfare. They're againstthe things that he's saying. They're going
to raise your taxes, they wantyou to stop having cars, stupid mandates
you either can't afford to pay forone or you won't even be able to
buy one. And then he talkedabout the nasty gag order, how it's
threat he's threatened with jail. Hehas to be careful about what he says,
and for Donald Trump to recognize hehas to be careful about what he
says. And then he does dancearound the gag order. I'd say,
can grabs, mister president. Youdid a pretty good job of dancing around
the gag order. And he saidall of this is being done by Biden
and his people, and then Imean, there are several things I thought
were absolutely hilarious. He says,all of this is being done by Biden
and his people. But then heinterjected quickly, but I don't really know
if Biden knows about it, becauseI really don't know if he knows about
anything, and I kind of laughedout loud, and then he made a
note that, well, Biden isthe President of the United States, so
we do have to use his name. He says that nobody wants to write
about what the conflict is, butyou know about it and speaking to the
media, and you should be writingabout it. He pointed out, as
I did earlier in the program,how they were not allowed to use their
election expert. I think that's reversibleerror, and I think he knows that.
And it also tells me that hewas intimately involved in his own defense.
He says, the government got everythingthey wanted. We didn't get a
venue change for a fair trial.We wanted a non conflicted judge. We
didn't get anything that we asked for. And he's right. He points out
how Alvin Bragg is a failed DA, how crime is rampant in New York,
and he pointed out a great examplein the news yesterday about an attack
a McDonald's that I've been in inTimes Square, where there was a machete
attack. And then I thought thiswas pretty This was good self awareness.
Falsifying business, right, that soundsso bad, he said. He says,
it's only a misdemeanor, but itsounds bad to me. I've never
done that. It means legal expensesin a book keeper marked his legal expenses,
and then he gave great advice aboutinvoking your Fifth Amendment right not to
testify, he says, don't testify, Never do it. He says,
I wanted to, but I didn'tdo it, and you know why,
because I'll get you for something.And he's right. I think what he
knows, and what his lawyer toldthem told him was that if he did
testify in his own defense, thenanything is fair game. The prosecution can
go down any path they want togo down, because he's a hostile witness,
and so the prosecutor can do anything. He pointed out, he's facing
one hundred and seventy year jail timeas possible. And I thought this was
pretty self aware. Something I saidearlier, something I've said before about many
things. There is always something hegoes. He says, something to the
effect I had just taken him frommy notes. I could go through the
business books of anybody in this cityand I could find something, something that
they could prosecute them on if theychose to do so. And he's right.
Every big business, a business decide, is a Trump organization, JP
Morgan Chase. I don't care anyof the investment banking houses. They could
find something if they wanted to andthen speaking in the third person, this
is bigger than Trump and people understandthat. And then Dragon and I both
laughed out loud when Michael Cohen,although he couldn't say Michael Cohen, I
put my notes, it was MichaelCohen. He wasn't a fixer. What
was he dragging lawyer? Yes,And then he says, it's an honor
to be involved in this. It'stough on my family, it's tough on
my friends, it's tough on mybusinesses. But I'm honored to be involved
in this, and i might aswell keep doing it because I'm doing it
for our country. That's an amazingstatement to make. Not only is it
amazing to watch the comparison, Iwant to watch Joe Biden stand up without
notes and talk four Hell's Bills thirtyminutes, let alone thirty five or thirty
seven minutes. And I want Bidento express the kind of self awareness that
Trump expressed about how this is toughin his family, this is tough on
his business, this is tough onhis friends, but he might as well
keep doing it. He's going tokeep doing it. I'm honored to be
involved, and I might as wellkeep doing it for our country. And
then I didn't make notes about this, but he went full circle and then
he came right back to illegal immigrationand talking about the Chinese nationals and how
they've got their you know, theirpropane stoves and their tents and they all
look like they're between the ages ofnineteen and twenty five, and why are
they coming here? Why are theycoming here? And the other thing I
thought was amazing was I've had inmy pos a story about the Congo and
how the Congo's letting all these peopleout of prisons. Why I wonder where
they're going. Maybe all start lookingfor those that are speaking Congolese when they
come into this country.