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The night. Michael Brown joins mehere, the former FEMA director talk show
host Michael Brown. Brownie, no, Brownie. You're doing a heck of
a job the Weekend with Michael Brown. If you want to send me a
message, the easiest way to dothat send me a text message on your
message app use this number three threeone zero three, and just somewhere in
the message, use the word Mikeor Michael. That's the key word.
And I'll read your message. AndI appreciate all the message you send.
You can send them any time,doesn't have to be when I'm on air,
anytime you're listening to the podcast.Whatever you think about something, send
me a text message. I'd alsoappreciate it if you would subscribe to the
podcast. That's very easy to doon your podcast app. Whenever you use
listen to podcasts, search for theSituation with Michael Brown, the Situation with
Michael Brown, hit subscribe, Boom, you got all taken care of.
You're happy, I'm happy done.See how easy this is. I've been
thinking about this lawfare going on againstDonald Trump, and so one of the
things that I did, not justfor the weekday program, but knowing that
I would probably use it. Thisweekend was to start doing some historical research,
like how did this all begin?Because we moved so rapidly through the
news. The news cycle is justyou know, rambam, thank you,
ma'am. It's it literally is atwenty four hour news cycle and whatever the
big story is today, unless somethingsomething new happens about that story, it
dies off and gets replaced by anotherstory and you just can't keep up.
It's just, you know, notthat being a talk show host is easy
because you have to be you haveto have some discernment. You have to
decide what is you want to talkabout, you have to research it,
you have to study, you haveto be able to talk about it in
a way that you know, maybemakes sense and it's persuasive and entertaining all
at the same time. But it'salso easy in this regard. It's easy
in the sense that I'm not shortof topics. The topic part is the
easiest part. The more difficult partis what do you pull out of the
of the bazillion topics? Which onesdo you pull out for a four hour
program or a three hour weekend programand then somehow make it interesting? Well,
this is one, This is whereI want you to do a little
retrospective with me, because sometimes lookingover our shoulder, not because we're paranoid,
although maybe we should be, butwe're looking over our shoulder because how
do we get to where we are? Now? You know, the Democrats
have gotten the one thing they wanted. Now, all the lawsuits against Trump
are still proceeding, although some maybe very close to dying and others are
kind of being slow murdered. TheDocument's case, the January sixth case,
those are still proceeding, albeit outat the pace that the prosecutor, Jack
Smith would like. The case inNew York has concluded that gave the Democrats
what they wanted, and that wasthe phrase Donald Trump convicted villain. And
then the Georgia case. Remember theGeorgia case that's kind of gone that we
kind of lost track of that,right, that's the one where Fanny Willis
decided that she and her boyfriend,would you know, go after Trump for
election interference. Well, that caseis about to die, but I think
as it dies, it'll be abig explosion that will kill it. But
let's look back when did all ofthis start, Because it didn't start with
the filing of the criminal charges.It didn't start with the filing of the
cases. It started on Friday,November eighteen, twenty twenty two. Friday
November eighteen, twenty twenty two,because that's the day that the bike government,
not a prosecutor here, or aUS attorney here, or a special
council there, No, that's theday that the Biden government began its lawfare
campaign against Donald Trump. There werethree watershed events that appear to be connected
to connected to be coincidence. Idon't think there are any coincident. As
I've said many times on my weekdayprogram, if I've told you this too,
there are no coincidences in DC.Because on Friday November eighteen, on
that seemingly unremarkable Friday back in November, Matthew Colangelo resigned from his position at
the Department of Justice to join theManhattan District Attorney's Office. Attorney General Merrick
Garland appointed Jack Smith as special counciland Nathan Wade with the Fulton County District
Attorney's Office, was in the middleof an eight hour meeting with the Bidens
White House Council in the West Wingin Washington, d C. Did you
get all of that Friday, Novembereighteen, twenty twenty two. Now,
Michael Colangelo resigns from the DOJ.Merrick Garland appoints Jack Smith as Special Council.
That appointments being questioned as to itsconstitutionality. Nathan Wade, who the
boyfriend of Fanny Willis, is hiredon as a special prosecutor to prosecute a
Weeco charge, something for which hehas zero experience, and he's in the
White House talking to White House Council. All that's going on now. Just
nine days prior to that. OnNovember nine, Joe Biden's signaled that he
would use the federal government in lawfair campaign against Trump should he seek to
retake the White House in the twentytwenty four election. At a press conference,
when asked about the prospects of anotherTrump presidency, Biden said this,
we just have to demonstrate that hewill not take power if he does run,
by making sure he, under legitimateefforts of our constitution, does not
become the next president. Again,there are no coincidences in Washington, d
c. And let me broaden itout a little more, because there are
no coincidences in politics. Biden's remarksand the fury of activity at the Department
of Justice and the White House justnine days later suggests that all the Democrat
partisans had received their orders in thatpress conference, and now they were going
to spin up their legal attacks onTrump, which would unfold throughout twenty twenty
three. So let's take them apart. Matthew Coangelo's his departure from the Department
of Justice on November eighteen raises redflags. Let him explain to you why
he occupied one of the top rolesin the Department of Justice. He was
the acting Associate Attorney General. It'sa pretty damn good place to be in
the Department of Justice. Now thatwas acting, which means he had not
yet been confirmed by the Senate.But that's okay. He abruptly quit his
post. But instead of taking ahigh position with a high profile, say
white Shoe law firm in DC,he took a pay cut and he took
a far less prestigious position as anassistant prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office,
a guy by the name of AlvinBragg. Wow, why would you
do that? Because that's not somethingthat's normally done. Because in DC people
are always climbing the ladder, notclimbing off the ladder. Texas Word Michael,
Michael the three three ones zero three. Subscribe to the podcast. You
know how to do that. Let'stalk about this history. Hey, welcome
back the Weekend with Michael Brown.Glad to have you with me. We're
talking about the day that Law Fairagainst Trump began. The great thing about
being able to look back, whichis why history is so important, whether
it's long term or short term,is that you understand how we got to
where we are and why we arewhere we are. And as I said,
that Lawfair against Trump began on fightingNovember eighteen, twenty twenty two.
And the first indication of that isMichael Colangelo resigning from his acting Assistant Attorney
General position in the Department of Justiceand becoming an assistant prosecutor with the District
Attorney in Manhattan, Alvin Bragg.Now, just to make sure you understand,
a US Assistant Attorney General leaves theDepartment of Justice in Washington, d
C. Now, normally when thathappens, that means they're going to one
of the big law firms. They'regoing to go make a boatload of money.
But instead he takes a pay cut, and he goes to work for
a prosecutor in New York were they'reable to get what they eventually were able
to get, and that was DonaldTrump convicted felon. So while while Alvin
Bragg had hesitated, remember he hadhesitated to pursue these falsifying business record charges
against Donald Trump, after Colangelo joinedhis office, Alvin Bragg reversed course and
started an aggressive investigation. Coincidence,I hardly think so someone from the Department,
that someone from Let me be alittle more blunt about this. Alvin
Bragg, when he had first seenthis, these so called potential charges against
Donald Trump, for how did youclassify how'd you categorize your business record,
refused to prosecute it. He waslike, no, there's nothing here here.
But then an assistant US attorney I'msorry, an assistant attorney general,
which is an important distinction to make. An assistant Attorney general resigns from the
Department of Justice, doesn't take abig firm position, but instead takes a
pay cut, takes the ACELA trainup to New York and takes a job
with Alvin Bragg's DA's office. Andsuddenly the DA who was not going to
prosecute Trump over those charges, revershis course, and now he suddenly does
decide and he starts a vigorous,thorough investigation. Yeah, there are no
coincidences. That's where it begins.Now, Jack Smith's appointment as a special
counsel, he's the one that's overseeingthe January sixth case and the Document's case.
That meant that the Attorney General wastaking the January sixth riot and the
classified document investigation outside the normal Departmentof Justice channels. So, if you
want to make sure that you getdone what you want to get done,
or in this case, what youwant to get done, what your boss
wants to get done, and yourboss happens to be the President of the
United States, and your boss hassaid publicly that he's going to do whatever
it takes to make sure that DonaldTrump never enters the Oval office. Again,
well, you can't have you can'thave the January sixth case, and
you can't have the document's case beinghandled within the Department of Justice where all
sorts of lawyers can see what's goingon. No, instead, you appoint
a special counsel, you tap JackSmith. Now you should note that while
Special councils are usually elevated from themong the ranks of Senate confirmed US attorneys.
Jack Smith had been previously in Europe. What was he doing in Europe?
Well, he was a private attorneyinvestigating war crimes in Kosovo at the
Hague. So the choice of jackSmith was likely due to his reputation,
which he has as an overly aggressiveand a partisan prosecutor. How overly aggressive
and how overtly partisan is he Hewent after a former governor of Virginia.
I forget what the criminal allegations were. The United States Supreme Court overturned those
convictions nine to zero. That's howaggressive and partisan of prosecutor Jack Smith is.
And how convenient to pick somebody who'sbeen over here in Europe, just
kind of out of sight, outof mind, doing this stuff at the
Hague, and let's bring let's bringthis rabid dog in to take On January
sixth and documents. So on thesame day as Jack Smith's appointment as a
Special counsel, just a few blocksaway, Fulton County, Georgia Prosecutor Nathan
Wade was meeting with attorneys in theWhite House Council's Office. Now Wade had
been hired by his romantic partner byhis girlfriend, Fulton County District Attorney Fawnie
Willis. Fanny Willis why because shewanted him to assist her with the Rico
investigation and the subsequent prosecution of DonaldTrump. A month after Wade's meeting at
the White House, on December fifteenth, a special purpose grand jury in Fulton
County, Georgia handed down a sealedrecommendation for indictments against Trump and others,
Judy Awning all these others for allegedlyinterfering in the twenty twenty at presidential election.
That's how, and that's the dayLaw Fair began, and that's how.
It was a coordinated effort between theDepartment of Justice and the White House.
I've often said, you don't haveto directly get orders from a president
or the chief of staff to knowwhat the president or the chief of staff
wants done. Sometimes I'll tell youin a press conference. Sometimes you'll just
know. Sometimes you might just getan email that says, hey, can
you come over for a visit?You know, the president wants to talk
to you for a moment, Soyou go into the Oval Office for a
private meeting. I've been in somany private meetings where Bush would sit down
and just talk about you know,I'm really concerned about X y Z.
He'd never tell you what to do, but you knew what he wanted done.
Now with Bush, never anything nefarious. It was never anything like hey
Brown, go after this guy now. Wasn't that. It was just like,
you know, we really need totake care of this, or we
need to really take care of that, or I want you to spend some
time because you know, we needto we need to show up our visibility
in this disaster going on in Georgiaor South Carolina somewhere. Okay, well,
I'll make sure I'll fly down andI'll do some press conferences and you
know, we'll do whatever. Yeah, you don't need to be told what
to do. You know what todo. And again there are there are
no coincidences. So in this case, there were no coincidences here, not
whatsoever. It was a well oiledplan put together starting on Friday, November
eighteen, twenty twenty two. Andso where are we. Well, We've
got the one thing they wanted,and that is Donald Trump convicted felon.
But all the other cases are beginningto I wouldn't say rapidly, but they're
beginning to somewhat slowly but persistently fallapart. Some people are upset with Judge
Cannon Den in Fort Pierce, Florida, because she's actually taking the case seriously.
She's actually questioning. She's reading thebriefs put on by Trump's attorneys about
why Jack Smith's appointment may be unconstitutional. She's having hearings this past week about
about that very issue, and she'sasking very good questions. She appointed a
special Master to deal with the classifieddocuments because she wanted control over those classified
documents. She didn't want some otherjudge doing it. She wanted someone answering
to her about it. She's takingcontrol of that case, and of course
what's happening now, they're coming afterher for doing her job. It's fascinating
to me. Remember there are nocoincidences. You're listening to the Weekend with
Michael Brown. Tonight, Michael Brownjoins me here, the former FEMA director
of talk show host Michael Brown.Brownie, No, Brownie, You're doing
a heck of a job the Weekendwith Michael Brown. Hey, welcome back
to the Weekend with Michael Brown.Glad to have you with me. So
the rules of engagement. Let's dothis one. You a subscribe to the
podcast. That's real easy. Goonto your podcast app, search for the
situation with Michael Brown. Do itright now. Search for the situation with
Michael Brown. Hit that subscribe button, and then you've got boom on your
podcast app. You've got all fivedays of the weekday program, and you've
got the Saturday program, so you'vegot the weekend program too. You've got
everything. So I'm pretty excited aboutthis coming week because we're going to have
uh we're gonna have a showdown,or maybe we're gonna have a press conference.
Maybe we're gonna have a blood bath. Maybe we'll see a cheap fake
who knows what we're gonna see,but you know what, we will see
something that they're gonna call a debate. Now. I don't know whether it's
going to be a debate or not, but I can't wait to watch it
now. I will say this,though, I think the Republicans have a
horrible habit of setting expectations for JoeBiden way too low. Oh he's going
to have a senior moment. Ohhe's gonna get he's gonna mumble his words.
Oh, he's gonna walk off stage. He won't be able to stand
for ninety minutes. He's going toyou know, he's gonna fall apart.
Win. No, don't do that, talk about how great he's gonna be,
talk about you know, because theDemocrats keep keep talking about, Oh,
you know what, we want tosee a repeat of the State of
the Union speech. Yeah, I'dlike to see that too, except the
State of the Union speech. Whatif he was jacked up on I don't
know, B twelve, some sortof adderall ketamine, I don't know,
I don't know. They had himjacked up on something. But can they
jackum up enough where he can takequestions for ninety minutes on the same stage
with Donald Trump, a guy thathe utterly despises, and of course Trump
despises him too. So you gottwo people who hate each other on the
stage and they're supposed to act presidential. The Democrats are actually doing a better
job of setting expectations when over atMSNBC. Yeah, and certainly there's a
sense that because the Biden's don't reallypushed for it's no crowd because Trump plays
off the crowd, so well,he'll be deprived of that. There was
a coin flip yesterday and the Bidenteam won the coin flip picked which podium
to have as opposed the ability togo last. So actually it'll be Trump
who delivers the closing arguments next Thursday, at least. Eugene's point. The
Biden camp, we can tell howimportant they think this moment is for when
they wanted to have it June,the earliest we've had a general election debate
in decades, because they do needto remind Americans this is the choice.
I need to remind Americans, Hey, this is who Donald Trump is and
who he will be against. Well, the Biden campaign needs to set the
narrative early that Biden is competent andcapable to lead going forward, and he
absolutely cannot have a senior moment atthis debate. That's what I heard from
I was in Wisconsin and Michigan twoweeks ago for a lot of focus groups,
and what I heard from voters Democratswho support Biden is just that they
are going to be watching and theywant to make sure that he's up to
the task. They it's like watchingIt's like watching Nascar, it's like watching
the Grand Prix. I know alot of people watch it because they like
the speed and they like the racistbut a lot of people watch them for
the res They want to see thecar. That's what they want to see.
It's hard to imagine. I don'tget it what possessed Joe Biden to
decide that this was a good ideafor him, unless maybe he wasn't the
one that made the decision, whichis very likely the case. Since we're
in this era of just crazy psychodrama. This events like like some sort of
ritual sacrifice. Because Biden's public performanceshave I don't know, they've been a
little they they've not been very reassuring. I'll put it that way. They're
they're neither they're they're neither reassuring ineither the utterances of the words that he
says or the physical poise that hehas. Now we're told that those are
all deep fake. I'm sorry,they're all cheap fakes, some of which
are apparently deep fakes, and kreamAbdouljebar or cream Jean Pierre is really upset
about that. She doesn't like peopletalking about these cheap fakes, and she
doesn't like people taking things that areapparently edited Wait a minute, edited,
how we watch them ourselves. Weknow exactly what they're like, but she's
upset about it. There seems tobe a sort of rash of videos that
have been exited to make the presidentof here especially frail or mentally confused.
I'm wondering at the White Houses,especially worried about the fact that this just
appears to be a pattern number thingmore from Yeah, and I think you
all have called this the cheap fakesvideo, and that's exactly what they are.
They are cheap fakes video. They'redone in batchels and done in bad
faith. Let me explain quickly becauseI been there, so I know what
I'm talking about. Almost all ofthe videos that you see are either White
House cameras themselves, particularly if it'ssomething going on, say at in the
Rose Garden, or he's conducting apress conference, he's with a state leader.
It's either official White House cameras thatare recording the event, or it's
a pool camera. What do Imean by a pool camera? Well,
the White House Press Corps, whichis comprised of dozens and dozens and dozens
of different news outlets can't have dozensand dozens and dozens of video cameras on
the south lawn or in a tightspace like the Oval office. So they
all agree that and they take turns. Today is ABC's turn, and you'll
be the pool camera for the day, which means you'll be in charge of
getting all the video for us.And the next day it might be Fox
News, and the next day itmight be CNN, next day it might
be CBS. They take turns doingit, so it's not like that evil
Fox News is out there getting ohwithly, when's he got this photo with
him? When he's got this video? No, it comes from the pool.
So she talks about how they're outthere, all of them, And
I think you all have called thisthe cheap fakes video, and that's exactly
what they are. They are cheapfakes video. They are done in batch
faith. And some of your newsorganization have been very clear have stressed that
these right wing, the right wingcritics of the president have a credibility problem
because of the fact checkers have repeatedlycaught them pushing misinformation, disinformation, and
so we see this and this issomething coming from your part of the world.
Calling them cheap fakes and misinformation.And I'll quote the Washington Post where
they wrote. They wrote about thisand they said how Republican use misleading videos
to attack Biden in a twenty fourhour period, And to their credit,
we have a conservative Washington examiner didcall them out as well, calling out
the New York Post. Ironically,several recent camp fakes actually attack the president
for thanking troops. For thanking troops, that is what they're attacking the president
for. Let's talk about that onefor a moment. You know what that
one is. That's when he wasat the G seven in Italy and they
were out watching the paratrooper demonstration.And as the paratroopers landed and started folding
up their parachutes and doing everything,there was a group that had landed behind
the G seven leaders, behind theirbacks, and Biden turned and I don't
know whether he saw them or what, but Biden turned and started walking away
from the group. I don't carewhether he was going over to watch them,
whether he was going over to thankthem, whether he was going to
go over and salute them, whetherhe was curious about them. I don't
care about any of that. WhatI know is It shows a lack of
presence of mind that you are therewith a group of leaders and the group
is watching this group of paratroopers.We're watching this now. How do I
know that's the case, Because theG seven leaders were all kind of plumped
together, they were all watching everything, and then Biden just kind of wandered
off, kind of like, oh, well, there's some over here too.
I think I'll go look at them, and you can see Emmanuel Macrone,
the President of France, kind ofnudge Georgia Maloney, the Prime Minister
of Italy, and the group startslike, oh my gosh, he's wondering
off. Let's all kind of shuffleover here. And then Macron actually kind
of pushes Maloney and she turns aroundand goes over, takes him kind of
like Obama did at that fundraiser inHollywood. Takes Biden by the arm,
turns him back around and brings himover and stands him back in the group.
You don't do that to our presidentof the United States, except you
do it here because he didn't understandthat, oh I'm with this group.
It's pretty sad. It's not prettysad, it's really sad and quite Frankly,
what's even more pathetic is is kreamabdul jah bar calling them cheap fakes.
No, we all saw it,we all watched it. We all
watched Obama. Did you know whatObama could have done? I'm surprised he
didn't do it, but he's probablymore concerned about getting Biden off stage.
You know how people will do it, you know, like if you've ever
been seen a Broadway play and thelead actors come out and they're holding hands
and they all raise their arms abovetheir heads together. They're holding hands and
they raise their arms together. Well, Obama was waving to the crowd.
He could have taken Joe Biden hishand and raised it into the air as
if to be a victory thing,and then dropped it and then let him
off the stage. But he didn'tdo that. He didn't even take him
by a hand, by his hand. He took him by the wrist and
turned him around, put his armover his shoulder, and led him off
the stage. That's what we're getting, and that's what they're worried about.
Biden's performances again not very assuring ineither utterance or physical poise. He comes
off as Captain Queig meets mister Magoo. So you kind of have to wonder
if some ancient the tropism of themind steers him to a certain destruction,
egged on by those of his ownfaction, who will benefit from his exit.
I mean, people keep I sawa great meme the other day about
let Biden wonder off, let himgo stop it. If Democrats really want
him to go away, that's whatthey would do. Now let's go to
the Bragg prosecution, because I thinkthat's backfire. Text the word Micha or
Michael to three three ones zero three. So Weekend with Michael Brown. Hang
tight, Hey, welcome back tothe Weekend with Michael Brown. Glad to
have you with me. As Ialways do, I always want to thank
the audience. I want to thankeach and every one of you for tuning
in. If you like the program, tell your friends and neighbors and your
enemies about it, subscribe to thepodcast, do all of those things.
But I sincerely appreciate everybody tuning inand it means a lot to me.
All the text, messages, emails, everything that I get, So again,
thank you, I appreciate it.So we're talking about the debate coming
up Thursday, which I absolutely cannotI'm actually excited about this. Now either
candidate can absolutely blow up in ourfaces. This could be a train wreck
of moncumental proportions. Now on DonaldTrump's side, his temperament is usually what
gets him in trouble. But whathe can do is just simply mind you.
You know, mind your manners,mister president. Don't allow yourself to
be baited, don't allow yourself tobe taunted by Joe Biden. You know,
when you think about the roster ofJoe Biden's failures, it's so deep
that all Donald Trump really has todo is remind the audience what they well
know adds up to an apparently deliberateeffort to just wreck this nation. Open
and open borders, a growing recordof atrocious crimes committed by illegal aliens,
the immense anxiety about the intention ofjihadis the anti Semitism going everywhere, the
idiocracy of our role in Ukraine.Are we there to win or not win?
What are we really doing there?The cratering on the grand economy of
goods and services when you take awaygovernment handouts, bailout subsidies, all the
shell games, the economy, theeconomy actually actually sucks right now, the
out of control deep state, theintel blob that's eating way at our basic
liberties, all of the efforts bythe cabal to sow hatred and disordering among
just normal human relations, and allthat's been done to insult and humiliate the
people of this country. In short, the record of Joe Biden and all
the minions behind him is unequaled forthe demolition of our national principles, our
institutions, our traditions, all ofour aspirations. And if it's not already
playing for you to see, allDonald Trump has to do. Donald Trump
is in a position to call onlymake the case next week, next Thursday
night, without resorting to any histronics. There'll be you know, Muhammad Ali,
his famous Muhammad Ali's famous ropodote.He can do that. He can
play with Joe Biden. Let theold fart start gapping about convicted felon.
You're a convicted felon. All Trumphas to do is offer a review,
calmly of all the cash gifts fromforeign countries, foreign entities that went into
Hunter Biden's dozen or so shell corporations. Then do a recitation of the bank
records, the deal memos, thetestimony under oath already in evidence hearings that
are still going on. There's allof that the economy. Talk to every
average day Americans that despite getting raises, there is some guy on television.
I'm making more money I've ever madeand I'm still falling behind. I haven't
changed my lifestyle. I'm just tryingto keep up with the old lifestyle I
had, and I'm making more moneyand I still can't do it. Talk
to those people. Talk to thepeople who go to the grocery store once
a week or every two weeks.Talk to the people have to fill up
their cars once a week to getto and from work. Talk to the
single mothers, the single fathers.Talk to them about you understand. Talk
to those people who have lost childrenor loved ones to murder or rape of
illegal aliens. It's so simple todo this now. There's also a fair
chance, in fact, I thinkthere's a pretty good chance that whatever the
add or all is with the ketamine, whether they got him jacked up on
that, Joe Biden, will he'llquickly melt down altogether into some sort of
I don't know, pathetic gibbering zombie, you know, and this would be
a great opportunity for Trump to usea little humor. I mean, don't
laugh at him for mispronouncing words orhowever he talks. But just say,
Joe, uh, mister president,could you tell us about your who was
it? What the what was theuncle's name? Whatever? The uncle uncle,
uncle Bozzie or whatever it was beingeaten by cannibals? Joe, can
you tell us more? Can yougive us details about that? Can you
tell us about your your victory overthat Archville and corn Pop or how about
your conquest amount Everest as you werewith Gegene Ping, how about you growing
up with Latino and Jewish people inSacramento, and about about you rescuing Martin
Luther King from Amma KK cars.You know, just have a little fun
with it without being mean. Pointout all the things that Joe Biden has
actually said, for which we actuallyhave evidence and for which we all know
is a bunch of bull crap.You do that, you'll come off.
You'll come off with an oscar.What does the Democrat Party have to do
besides run on utterly empty, mendaciousbattle cry about saving democracy The Democrat Party
really offers nothing but ruin the debatemight even spell the death of the party
itself. I don't know, butalso don't rule out Joe Biden canceling at
the last amendment. You know,we have reasons. Well, you know,
the president's talker. Well you know, the president needs to be somewhere
pay attention. But we'll talk aboutit next weekend because however it goes,
it'll be fascinating. Have a greatweekend. I'll talk to you next weekend.
Were mm hm