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June 26, 2024 32 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Michael. Comparing Japan's immigration policy tothe US invasion is impossible because Japan does
not have a land border anywhere.Well, we have people arriving by boat
all the time. They could bearriving from uh, they could be escaping
from North Korea. They could bekind they could be coming on boats.

I still, it's the policy,that's the comparison. You can, just
as the East China Sea acts asa border, you can have a secure
border even on land. But wejust failed to do it. Yeah,
don't don't we all remember the kid, the Ilien Gonzales. Oh yeah,

yeah, yeah, he was coming. He was coming over a boat on
water. Yeah. Uh. BeforeI get to I wanted to get to
a story about mar Lago and theraid. But now, guy, I'm
facing a squirrel. Apparently Rolling Stonehas has listed the greatest guitarists of all

time? So, Dragon, areyou ready go for it? No?
No, no, I'm not goingto list them. I have questions.
Okay, all right, who wouldyou rank number one? You're just gonna
get into a fight when you putout any kind of these lists, right,
which I find because of this list, I find absolutely hilarious because some
of them I'm thinking, okay,yeah, that I would put you over

there. Well, i'll explain whyI say that in a second. Who
would you put his number one?Hendrix comes to mind, is tops of
the list, but you've also gotprints in there. He's not. Oh,
but there's a lot of a lotof I think Hendricks is number one.
Yeah, and he is number oneon this list. If somebody asked
me who's the greatest guitar player ofall time, I would say Jimmy Hendrick.

Yeah, so I think that's Ithink we all agree there, and
then it completely falls apart. Yeah, then it goes off to whoever you
really like more so than any else, because let me just suggest, or
let me just tell you. Numbertwo is Chuck Berry. Now I found
that one kind of but I yeah, maybe, but number three Jimmy Page.

I would have put it before,clearly put before Chuck Berry. Okay,
Yeah. Number four was Eddie vanHalen, Like I'm like, yeah,
okay, we were talking a littleoff the air and that was yeah.
I'm like, okay, I'm rightwith that. Jeff Becket five,
sister Rosetta Tharp at number six,Nile Rogers at seven, b B King

at eight. See, I wouldI probably would have put BB King a
little higher than those others. Uh. Number nine, explain this one to
me. Do you see the list? Are you looking at the list?
I'm hunting it down now. Okay. Number nine is Joni Mitchell. Huh.

I know that's kind of what Ithought too, huh, followed by
Dwayne Alman. I would have putDwayne Alman before Joni Mitchell, but I
guess that's me now. Number elevenI probably would have put at at least
in the top ten, So Iwould have moved him in front of Dwayne
Almond, certainly in front of JoniMitchell, probably in front of BB King,

certainly in front of Nile Rodgers orJeff Beck. And that, of
course is one of my favorites.Carlos Santana, who Yeah, I know
that guy that he did some stupidsong. I don't know what it was.
Prince was at number fourteen. Ithink Prince should have been in the
top ten. I'm not a bigPrince fan, but I certainly admire his

talent. Keith Richards at fifteen.Now, okay, see, now I'm
getting to the wait. Is Slashshowing up anywhere on there? Who slash
just glancing though. I think someof these are probably all so more or
less they're impact in the music industrymaybe rather than their guitar skill qualification.

Right, Like you get over tonumber, you get over into the thirties.
So number thirty nine is chet Atkins. Okay, he is a great
guitarist. A different style, obviouslydifferent genre, but yes, I think
chet Atkins is a great guitarist.Pete Townsend at thirty seven, clapped in
at thirty five, Jerry Garcia atthirty four, Stevie Rayvaughn, Steve where

was stew Stevie Rayvon? Yeah he'sat number twenty. Yeah, so I
think that's pretty good. I thinkthese thirties like Townsend, Atkins, Clapton,
Garcia, George Harris, and NeilYoung, David Gilmore, who's very
obscure, but I think very good. Yeah, those are all I think
in the right place. Zapp atnumber forty six, Curtis Mayfield at forty

eight. Who else here that Ifound interesting? Any Beatles yet? Well,
we had George Harrison. George Harrisonwas at thirty one, Mother Maybell
Carter at number seventeen. I findthat, yes, a different genre.
But again, great guitarists, Iget that. I think it also depends

on your understanding and knowledge of someof the other genres. So it just
found. I think everybody would agreeon Jimmy Hendrix. I think even those
that would put Mother Maybell Carter onthe list, or put a chat Atkins
on the list, or a BBKing on the list, I think even

they would agree. Yeah, Hendrix, Yeah, number one. Now do
you think Hendricks would have remained atnumber one? Had he lived up an
entire lifestyle lifestyle? His lifestyles willhe killed him? Do you think he'd
if he'd lived an entire longer life. Do you think he'd remained at number
one? That's hard to say becauseyou don't know where he was gonna go.

A lot of people say that thetwenty seven Club, if they would
have lived longer, would they beas good? Because they're gone, so
they just yeah, so they're they'refrozen in time, right, they can
they continue to live up to thatlegacy, And it's a lot of people
don't think so, So let mea couple of names I freely admit I

don't recognize, so this may showmy popular culture and number twenty five is
John Fruscianti? Does that ring abell with you? Not? Off the
top of my head, you saidtwenty five, Yeah, John Frusciani,
Fruscian, some Italian name, uh, number eighteen. But if this is

somebody that everybody knows and I don't, I feel like an idiot. Tom
Morello, Yeah, he's yeah,he's big with uh, he's big,
but I can't think of who itis with? Right, Okay, all
right, well, fair enough,all right, enough about that. Maybe

he'll put the list up. Idon't know, but if you agree or
disagree about Jimmy Hendrix, let meknow. We don't really care because we
know we're right when it comes tolists. We're always right. So there
are now notes and audio recordings.Oh sorry, Tom Ralone, I'm sorry.
What Rage against the Machine? Ohokay, okay, See now I

would have recognized Rage against the Machine, but I wouldn't recognize any of the
individual members of Rage against John FrushinTime, Tan Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Oh okay, see another group thatI would recognize, but not an individual
player, And neither did you.By the way, mister third floor,
mister FM guy, huh, showswhat you know? Shows what you learned

down there. Yep. Oh,speaking of which, it's been a minute
since I've been done there. Ihaven't been we haven't done the guitar lists
and best drummer, best did.Yeah. So the kid, the kid
from uh Master Services, the technicianChristian Uh huh, great kid, don't

get me wrong at all. Greatkid. So when he figures out who
I am, of course he wantsas I said, I think I told
you on Tuesday, he wanted tosee he wanted to see the photos,
he wanted to you know, hearabout my story, all of that.
But you know what he was mostinterested in, Oh, do tell Do
I know Rick Lewis? Aw he'sa big Fox fan? And you told

him that you guys are best friends, BFFs forever. Actually I was a
smart ass, he said Rick?Who I did? I said, Rick
is he? Is he a talkshow host or what? And then once
I he got to talking, thenI, yes, I know who Rick
Lewis is. In fact, Rickand I are very good friends. And

have you told Rick this yet?But he and I are good friends.
That he's got a fan because Rickthinks he has hundreds, is not thousands
of fans? And I don't wantto disappoint him, and you know,
crush his bubble that he's got onefan. Yeah, yeah, and he's

a plumber that was in in mycrawl space. That's I found Frick,
I found your fan. He wasin my crawl space this entire time.
So notes in audio record he's abelonged to a lawyer that represent Donald Trump
that had to do with the retentionof these classified documents indicate that the President

himself had told his lawyers that hewanted full transparency and cooperation with the Biden
Department of Justice. Now, isn'tthat interesting. You've instruct your lawyer,
look fully cooperate, do whatever theyask. Just come on. So,
despite Trump's efforts not think about this, despite Trump's efforts to comply with all

these requests, the Department of Justicekept sending the FBI still rated the Marl
logo residents back in what was it, August? Yeah, I think we're
coming up on the two year anniversaryAugust of twenty twenty two, just months
after the recordings were made. Nowthe notes have been released, they've now

become part of the of the courtrecord. According to these notes from a
May twenty two meeting, Trump toldhis lawyer, Evan Corkoran, quote,
I've got nothing to hide. Ifthey ask, I want you to show
them. He then directed Corkoran toreview the documents in his possession and hand
over any classified materials to the Departmentof Justice. Man, owe me,

this is an example of I wouldhave clients that would come in and say,
I want to sue Dragon red Beard, that Dragon red Beard is an
SOB and he's done this X yZ, and I want to sue him.
And I look at him and Isay, okay, So you're accusing
Dragon red Beard of all these horriblethings. Tell me what Dragon red Beard

gonna say about you. Because we'regonna go into depositions, We're gonna go
into a conference room. There's notgonna be a judge present. There's just
gonna be you and me and Dragonred Beard and his dumb ass lawyer,
because dragons get a dumb lawyer likehim. So it's gonna be the four
of us in a room and acourt reporter and maybe a visitor or too.

I don't know. Maybe you wantto bring missus Redbeard, maybe you
want to bring your spouse, Maybeyou want to bring your boyfriend or girlfriend.
I don't care if it's gonna be. It's just no judge, and
they're gonna ask you any and allquestions. And even if I object to
the questions, it's not going tomake any difference. You're still going to
have to answer the question, andthe objection will be dealt with when the

deposition is used in the trial.So all of these things are going to
come out. So do you reallyare you sure you really want to sue
Dragon red Beard? Because if you'vegot Dirdle and Dragon red Beard, Dragon
red Beard probably has Dirdle new That'swhy Dragon and I are to standoff.
We can never sue each other becausewe know too much, so we can't

sue each other. This is thepoint I want to make about these documents
and this lawyer in this case.So the Department of Justice, by golly,
we're going to show this president what'sthe narrative about? Tell me what's
in your head? What's the narrativeabout Donald Trump and the documents at Marlago?

He was hiding things, He refusedto turn over things, He told
his lawyers to hide stuff, Hetold people to move stuff, when in
fact, now we have evidence yousee, be careful when you sue somebody,
Be careful when you charge somebody withthe crime, because now all of
the stuff's going to come out,and now we're finding out that Oh wait

a minute, Trump told the lawyer, now you review everything that we have
in our possession right now, andif you find anything that's classified, you
turn it over to dog to theDJ. Well, it turns out the
former president insisted that his attorneys grantthe Department of Justice access to any additional

documents they wish to review. Letme just start this. Here's what I
wrote on my notes. If youneed anything, just ask. Well,
that seems kind of contradictory to whatwe've been told about this case, right,
So Corkoran reviewed the boxes of WhiteHouse materials that Trump had taken tomorrow

logo. A half inch stack ofdocuments determined to still be classified were placed
in an envelope bound with tape.Trump's lawyer, including Corkran and others,
contacted the Department of Justice to notifyand arrange the return of the materials.
So what the Biden government do?They dispatched Jay Brant, who's Jay Bratt

rightfully named Brant. He was thenDeputy Chief of the Department of Justice National
Security Division. Now, almost everydepartment agency has a national security division.
My national Security division was in chargeof delivering to all the classified materials that

I was dealing with, reading,studying, or whatever. And then I
would call my national security division andI would have them take the documents back
and put them in a skiff,or I would arrange for hey, guys,
I need to have a secure conferencecall with the White House sit Room,
set up the skiff in the buildingso that I can use it at
seven o'clock on Wednesday morning. That'swhat the National Security Division does. So

they sent the deputy chief of theirNational Security Division at the Department of Justice
to get the documents. So hearrives at mar Lago. They surrendered the
materials to Brat. According to allof the documentation, the President was cordial,

telling Bratt and his comrades that showedup with him, quote, I'm
glad you're here. I appreciate whatyou're doing. If you need anything at
all, just ask Evan Evan Corkran, the lawyer. Now, according to
Corkran's notes, the former president,against his lawyer's advice, even went so

far as to show Brat and theFBI agents the storage vault and the storage
area where the documents were capped.Remember the infamous picture, the infamous picture
that we now know, oh theclassified documents, the so called classified documents

because they had the classified covers kindof sort of laying on top of them.
Turned out to be well, thoseweren't classified at all. Well,
in addition to that, Corkoran showedthe FBI where all of those were.
Next marking in my notes, FBItampered with evidence. You're shocked, you

say, well, then stay too, because I've got shocking news. The
FBI tampered with evidence. Michael,at least bricks coordinated. He could play
the drums. You have a hardtime walking in chewing gum? No no,

no, no, no, no, no no no. I have
no problem walking and chewing gum becauseI would never attempt that feat alone.
I would never try to do that. So don't call in here trying to
leave a talk bag about it.You think you're gonna make fun of me,
because I would never walk in chewgum. At the same time,

Jimmy Christmas, So the shocking newsis the FBI tampered with evidence. Shazam
who could have seen that gunman.So rather than acknowledging Trump's cooperation, uh
the Department of Justice Special prosecutor JackSmith, he tries to convince us that

the notes show that the former presidentintended to deceive the Biden government. Now,
I know, scratch your head onthat one. Here's what he He
contends that the addition little documents thatwere found during the FBI raid, which
occurred two months after Trump met withBratt, he suggests that they were also
classified. So that is how hegets to the obstruction charge. Oh well,

yeah, we went down there andwe got everything that they said was
classified. But then uh, twomonths after that, we found other documents.
But god, I just I loveit when this kind of crap happens,
particularly with the FBI, and particularlywhen the narrative has been in message

into everybody's brain that Trump was hidingclassified documents, the actual status and the
documents of the FBI c's during theraid of mar A Lago. Well,
it's unclear, you know. JackSmith has now acknowledged that agents put the
classified cover sheets on the stack ofpapers themselves prior to taking the photo shoot.

So now the President's attorneys are askingfederal Judge Eileen Cannon to dismiss the
case due to the FBI tampering withthe evidence and the withholding of the exculpatory
notes from another federal judge who authorizedthe raid. The tampering charge I think

is legitimate. But if he ifI spread some papers across the floor without
knowing anything about whether they're classified ornot classified, let me tell you a
little dirty seat. It's not adirty little secret, but let me tell
you a little secret about documents.It's fairly easy to tell if a document
is classified or not, irrespective orsome goobers would say irregardless, irrespective of

whether or not there's a classified governorsheet or not on it. And that's
because every classsified document, particularly thehighly classified ones, every paragraph is marked.
You know how in a paragraph youmight have an indentation for the first
sentence, well they they or maynot have indentations on them, but over

in the margin that paragraph will bemarked ts s C I four mean no
foreign access or it might just beclassified as official you know, just you
know, just be careful with this. You can look at the document itself

and tell whether or not it's classified, even across the top of the document.
Across the top of the document willbe the classification, if any.
So when the agents took just randomsheets of paper and then took classify covers,
Now, Dragon, you said thatthat Kaminski had some story that said

that the FBI agents brought their ownclassified cover. Yeah, I'm not sure
if that's exactly what he had said, but yeah, he said that the
famous photo of all the documents splayedout on the floor with those covers on
them that say classified, the FBIput those covers on those. Now they
did. They did put the coverson there. What I'm interested in interested

in is whether or not they broughtthe covers. Now, I think it
would be reasonable for them to bringcovers because if they're convinced somehow that they
might find the classified documents somewhere thatdoesn't have a cover on it, then
they might bring the covers and thenthey would do this. Well, you
have spied those covers before. Didthey look like the actual Yeah? They

did. They look like will covers. Some are some are orange, some
are yellow, some are red dependingon the classification. Gotcham But here's what
I found fascinating. Yeah, sothink about this. If I'm an FBI
agent and I'm raiding somebody's house ortheir residents or their office because I think
they're going to be classified documents inthere, I'm going to bring covers.

But here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to gather the documents that
are classified, and then I'm goingto staple the cover to the documents.
Because that's probably how unless it wasin a three ring binder and the entire
binder was classified, every cover wasstaple to the papers themselves. Now why

because you don't want the papers toget scattered from from their covers. You
want the cover to remain intact withthe with the memo. If it's a
memo, or if it's a youknow, it's a briefing, you want
that cover attached. Now, mostof my briefings were in three ring binders.
But however, even within the binders, sometime there were covers on top

of the documents, particularly if itwas you know, sci documents, and
it was no foreign it was highlyclassified, it was something having to do
with my CUE clearance or whatever.That's why when I saw the photo originally,
I thought that seems just kind ofweird because those should be all stable
together. This case is falling apart. It's absolutely falling apart, and I

think that I matter. You know, here's what I think the rest of
the weeks can look like. Justgive you an idea. It's actually my
worst nightmare. My worst nightmare isthis. We have a so called debate.
We have this press conference coming uptomorrow night. I think it's nine

eastern seven Mountain, So I'll stayup late and watch it and then come
in on Friday morning and tell youwhat you already know. But actually I'll
tell you my little inside stories aboutwhat happened, and we'll replace some sound
bites and we'll have a fun timewith it, particularly if you know,
Sleepy Joe turns out to be sleepyJoe, or if you know, the

medication kind of wears off and whoknows what happens, So we're gonna have
fun with that. But I've beenthinking a lot about this. Let's say
that the January sixth case about theSarbaines Oxley Statute being used against the j

six defendants, that decision is pending, as is the presidential immunity decision pending.
If I'm John Roberts, if I'mthe Chief Justice, Here's what I'm
thinking. Maybe let me rephrase that. If I were the Chief Justice,

this is what I would be thinking. Okay, on Friday morning, every
news outlet in the entire world isgoing to be talking about that stupid news
conference aka presidential debate. What bettertime to release two decisions, two momentous

decisions about immunity and the January sixthdefendants. Then on the same morning that
everybody's talking about that press conference aaaka the debate, because the news departments
will have aneurysms, they won't beable to handle all. I mean,

it will be you know the phrasedrinking from a fire hose. No no,
no, no, no no,this is drinking from the spillway.
They won't be able to handle it. Now, I hope that's what happens.
Now, that's gonna make my jobdifficult because we also have taxpayer relations
on Friday. So what are wegoing to do? Well if those cases

come down, Just as fair warning, we probably would put off taxpayer relief
shops for a week, particularly ifboth cases come down, because now you
have to cover the debate, youhave to cover the immunity case, and
you have to cover the January sixthcase. So boom, boom, boom,
there's almost four hours of coverage ofstuff right there. That's that's what

I think may be happening. Ifif I were the chief Justice, that's
certainly what I would do. Howmany times do we hear in this country
about a civil war? Well,guess what. Emmanuel Macron, the president
of France, he's actually issued awarning about a potential civil war if the
snap legislative decision that he called seeshis globalist Renaissance Party fall behind the National

Rally and the far left New PopularFront coalition. So if the populous National
Rally the lapenn Group and they getuh, let's just say one third and
one third or two thirds and aquarter or whatever, but they get more
than Macrone's party does, they'll takecontrol of the government. Now, according

to Macrone, the so called farright, and it's not really far right,
but the so called far right,they're actually presenting solutions to mass immigration.
They're actually presenting some solutions to thebreakdown of social order based on,
according to Macrone, categorizing people interms of their religion or origins, and
that leads to division and to civilwar. And then he lashed out at

France unbald that's the leading party inthe new Popular Front coalition. He claims,
quote, there's a civil war behindtheir program too, because he alleges
they categorize people in terms of theirreligious outlook or the community they belong to.
Let's just say, for the sacredargument that they do. Let me

tell you that again, they categorizepeople in terms of their religious outlook or
the community they belong to. Whodoes that sound like, Oh yeah,
that sounds like Democrats, don't.They divide people up into the community they
belong to, like which gender,which sexual preference, which religion, everything,

identity politics, and the crone's tellingus that if people who do that
get elected in France, that's goingto lead to a civil war. Huh,
maybe we should watch France because maybeFrance is a precursor of Oh I
don't know, maybe this country.Thought I'd better throw a talk back in

just in case we start hearing cacklinghyenas and stuff. You know, Mike,
I think you ought to have DavidSirota on as a guest. Remember
the good old days when that idiotwas on with you. I used to
really hate that show. You thinkyou hated that show, you should have
been in my shoes. I don'tknow whether the statue limitations is pasted or

not, but someday I'd love totell you the backstory about that show.
You know, when they approached meabout doing that. I think I will
tell this story when they first approachedme about doing that show. You know,
in radio, when program director's managementapproach you about doing a show,
it's not about doing a show.It's about you're going to do the show

right, dragon. It's not aboutthere's a choice in this matter. Yeah,
this is the decision we've made andnow you can take it or leave
it, and we can't afford tofire you, so you're gonna do this
right exactly. And I sat thereand it was just it was the two
of us at the time. Itwas me and so Rowe was sitting in
this meeting they were telling us aboutit, and I remember thinking to myself,

there's no way in how that's goingto work. That's just not going
to work. And the reason it'snot going to work is that he is
so far to the left that thereis no rational conversation to have. And
then I just based on you know, you get to kind of know people's
personalities a little bit in the building, and I was just like, this

is just oil and water. There'sjust no way. But you know,
I didn't have a choice, andover time it imploded, absolutely imploded.
I God, I would love totell you about what happened the day that
it imploded, but I don't knowwhether that would be a violation to my

contract or not, so I'll justkeep my mouth shut except to say this.
The way it came down was absolutelyglorious. I I was told at
the beginning of the last day ofthat not the last day of that program,
but the last day of the twoof us being together. I was

told, just finished today's program andwe'll talk later. Well, I hadn't
even gotten to my car in theparking lot when the big boss called and
said, just take the you know, it's almost Christmas time. Just take

the rest of the year off andwe'll just see you the day after New
Year's I was like, okay,done, give me an extra couple of
weeks off. Fine with me,because I know what's on the other side
of that into that poor week vacation. But what happened inside the Studio, Holy how
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