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June 28, 2024 • 31 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good morning, My call dragon.Anything interesting happened the last twelve hours?
Did you guys do anything from lastnight? Pickleball? Maybe go out to
dinner? Be sure to catch usup on everything. March thirty first,
nineteen sixty eight. March thirty first, nineteen sixty eight. Finally, my

fellow Americans, let me say this. Of those to whom much is given,
much is asked. I cannot say, and no man could say that
no more will be asked of us. Yet I believe that now, no
less than when the decade began,this generation of Americans is willing to pay

any price, bear any burdens,meet any hardship, support any friends,
oppose any fold to assure the survivaland the success of liberty. Since those
words were spoken by John F.Kennedy, the people of America have kept

that compact with mankind's noblest cause,and we shall continue to keep it.
Yet I believe that we must alwaysbe mindful of this one thing, whatever
the trials and the tests ahead.The ultimate strength of our country and our

cause will lie not in powerful weaponsor infinite resources, our boundless wealth,
but will lie in the unity ofour people. This I believe very deeply.

Throughout my entire public career, Ihave followed the personal philosophy that I
am a free man and American,a public servant, and a member of
my party in that order, alwaysand only, for thirty seven years,

in the service of our nation,first as a congressman, as a Senator
and his vice president, and nowas your President, I have put the
unity of the people first. Ihave put it ahead of any divisive partisanship.
And in these times, as intimes before, it is true that

a house divided against itself by thespirit of faction, a party, of
region, of religion, of race, is a house that cannot stand.
There is division in the American house. Now there is divisiveness among us all

tonight. And holding the trust thatis mine as President of all the people,
I cannot disregard the peril to theprogress of the American people and the
hope and the prospects of peace forall peoples. So I would ask all

Americans, whatever their personal interests areconcerned, to guard against divisiveness and all
of its ugly consequences. Fifty twomonths and ten days ago, in a
moment of tragedy and trauma, theduties of this office fell upon me.

I asked them for your help andGods, that we might continue America on
its course, binding up our wounds, healing our history, moving forward in
new unity, to clear the Americanagenda, and to keep the American commitment

for all of our people united.We have kept that commitment, and united
we have enlarged that commitment. Andthrough all time to come, I think
America will be a stronger nation,a more just society, a land of

greater opportunity and fulfillment because of whatwe have all done together in these years
of unparalleled achievement. Our reward willcome in the life of freedom and peace,
and hope that our children will enjoythrough ages ahead what we want when

all of our people united just mustnot now be lost in suspicion and distrust
and selfishness and politics among any ofour people. And believing this as I

do, I have concluded that Ishould not permit the Presidency to become involved
in the partisan divisions that are developingin this political year. With American's sons
in the field far away, withAmerica's future under challenge right here at home,

with our hopes and the world's hopesfor peace and the balance every day.
I do not believe that I shoulddevote an hour or day of my
time to any personal partisan causes,or to any duties other than the awesome

duties of this office, the presidencyof your country. Accordingly, I shall
not see and I will not acceptdenomination of my party for another term as

your president. But let men everywhere, no, however, is that a
strong and a confident and a vigilin America stands ready tonight to seek an

honorable peace, and stands ready tonightcould offend an honored cause, whatever the
price, whatever the burden, whateverthe sacris, that duty may require.
Thank you for listening, good night, and God bless all of you.

And so. On March thirty first, nineteen sixty eight, President Lyndon Baines
Johnson announced that because of the VietnamWar, because of the turmoil, quite
frankly, because of his unpopularity,he would not seek his party's nomination.
And that was in March of nineteensixty eight, the beginning of April,

March thirty first, nineteen sixty eight, and the world was slightly different then.
I mean, he talks about,you know, we can't let partisanship
and blah blah blah, all ofthat, and the country was divided.
Remember what the Chicago convention in nineteensixty eight looked like. Now many people
have said that the convention of twentytwenty four, the protesters will not be

the same as nineteen sixty eight,and I agree with that in this regard,
the protesters that I assume will showup in August of twenty twenty four
will not just be anti war protesters. They will like to be supporters of
terrorist organizations hamas They will be peoplelike all the National Organization of Black Lives

Matter Hell's Bells. For all weknow, there will be ISIS terrorists within
the group of protesters. Nineteen sixtyeight twenty twenty four have a lot of
parallels. Not exactly, but alot of parallels. I watched the entire

ninety minutes last night, and almostfrom the very beginning, my two reactions
can be summed up in two words. Sadness and fear. Absolute sadness and
a little bit of tinge with alittle bit of anger. Because if Joe

Biden someone that I do know,but if Joe Biden had been a relative,
an uncle, a grandfather, afather, a husband, I would
be like, this is absurd.What are we doing? Why are we
pursuing and persisting that he continued todo this. So there was sadness,

sadness in that regard that the oldman just can't do it. That's not
That's not an inhumane or a rudeor a crass or any other sort of
criticism. It is a criticism ofhumanity that we respect our elders and that

we understand that we all age differently, and we all have different problems.
You know, we will all sufferfrom to some degree, from some cognitive
decline, some physical infirmity, somephysical decline. It is the very nature
of the bodies that God gave us. But we change and we alter our

lifestyles. We change and alter thingsthat we do. We don't do things
we used to do. We nowdo things that we never did before.
We adapt because we know that thatlight at the end of the tunnel is
a great adventure. But for afamily and for a party, and those

who continue to push, shame onyou, absolutely shame on you. The
other reaction I had, and Isay this because again just to make sure
you understand my perspective as one whogot those presidential daily briefs who worked with

a much younger and a much morevigorous, a much more attentive, and
much more hands on, a muchmore you know, active individual, George
W. Bush. I know thedangers that exist in the world, and
those dangers have got inexorably worse thanthey were, and I was getting those

briefings. I shudder to think aboutwhat are in those briefings today that I
don't even know that when he readsit or receives it, that he fully
comprehends what the briefers, whether itbe the Director of National Intelligence, the
CIA director, or the Chief ofStaff, whomever it might be, the

Secretary of Defense whoever, I don'treally know. I truly, sincerely don't
know that he comprehends what's being told. What we watched last night was watched
by enemies and allies alike. Youknow, we take extraordinary measures when a

president, for example, is goingin for a surgery and the surgery is
going to last, you know,couple of hours. Behind the scenes,
there are extraordinary measures that are takento put this country on a defense offensively

and defensively, a defensive footing,so that if any of our enemies take
those two hours to do something thatis not in our national interests. That
the chain of command is well defined, understood, the parameters are settled,

and we all know what our rolesare if and when during those even just
two hours something happens. Those sameenemies that we were briefed on and that
we studied and that we were watchfulabout, we now know are actively actively

engaged in pushing the limits in Ukraine, in Israel, in Taiwan, and
all of the the Ayatolas putin Jijingping. They all saw last night what we
saw, and if at any moment, either on foreign soil or on American

soil, they decided that this wasthe time to make the move, because
what they saw was an individual thatfor all the joking and for all the
laughing about who's really running the show, it's now a legitimate question who's running
the show. And when you don'tknow who's running the show, and you

know that the person that is constitutionally, legally, morally and ethically in charge
of running the show is both incapableof doing so that when a the high
pressure point hits, that individual mayor may not be able to make a
decision so now either a former presidentor former president's staff or the current president's

staff are the ones that are makingall of the decisions. We now should
understand why we don't see press conferences. We should now understand why we only
hear yes or no answers as hewalks from the South portico to Marine one.
We should now understand why we don'thave you know, coverage of giant

rallies. The panic, the absolutepanic that erupted not just after the debate
was over, but as I'm watchingon several tabs all of the cabal.
The cabal is absolutely panic. Ihaven't looked at Drudge this morning. Drudge

last night was an absolute panic.Let's see if they are this morning.
Operation replaced Biden. DEM scrambled withone hundred and thirty days to go.
Actually they have less than one hundredand thirty days. And I'll explain why
in a minute debate catastrophe, theWhite House spends worse performance in history.
Joe has a cold, really,because what I heard last night is what

I always hear. It wasn't acold. It is what it is.
The open gaping mouth, the staringat his opponent is his opponent answered just
staring as if what's he say?Now? Here's what I find from a

political science point of view, andbased on having been in that bubble,
what I find absolutely fascinating is,and what I really want to walk through
different scenarios with you, is whatdo the Democrats do now? Because the
Democrats are, as we should betoo, just as American citizen, we

should be in some sort of apanic moment. I'm not asking you to
run screaming streets, but you shouldbe fearful, you should be worried because
this is a this is an incrediblydangerous moment for all of us. So
my theory that he won't be thenominee, I'd like to say, I

told you good morning, Michael anda red beer. You know, I
found out something new last night.I learned from Joe Biden that Roe v.
Wade actually had three trimesters. Ididn't know that. How about you,
guys, Let's put it this way, Mike, I'm not joking man.
At least we know that Biden beatmedicare I mean I had no idea

it. I mean one of theDemocrats complaining about Biden's been this way for
several years and is getting progressively worse? Is that it? For now?
Dragon? That's it? Now there'smore. I bet there's a lot.
I bet there are a lot.I of course, you know, I
go to bed early because I gotto get up early, and I need

my sleep. You know, I'man old fart like Joe Biden. I
need my sleep. But at leastI can put a sentence together. But
I did do this as I amrounding the dogs up and getting their dog
food ready and doing all the things, you know, my little routine I
do before I go to bed,which is normally, you know, around
between eight and eight thirty, butlast night was closer to nine thirty.

I put an earbud in so thatI can listen to and I don't I
don't care what the Fox people say. I can almost predict what the Fox
people are going to say, butI wanted to listen to CNN commentators.
Within minutes of that debate finishing,CNN's own network commentators were actually discussing the

possibility of replacing Biden on the ticket. Now, I want to just I
want you to understand, don't don'tjump ahead of me, but we're going
to walk through how that could happen, all the pitfalls of it. But
also while many people may be gleefulthat Biden will not be the nominee,

including me, who I have areally sore left arm from patting myself on
the back all night long about mytheory that Biden would not be the nominee
is not just alive, but man, it's running around the racetrack. It's
it's doing one hundred yard dashes,just boom all the time. That theory

is alive and well and taking likean old TIMEX watch. But for CNN
Van Jones, Van Jones of allthe people's talking about, oh my gosh,
we got to do something, We'vegot to do something. Wait a

minute, I guess stupid dragging.Can you turn that off? For one
second, I thought I had thisteet up, But you know, I'm
old. I'm old like Joe Biden, and they want me to play an
advertisement about some sort of recipe forsomething which I don't think you'd be interested
in, but who knows, maybeyou would be. So we're getting let's

say, so here go drive.I love that guy as a good man,
he loves his country. Uh,he's doing the best that he can,
but he had a test to meettonight to restore confidence of the country
and of the base, and hefailed to do that. And I think
there's a lot of people who aregoing to want to see him consider taking

a different course. Now we're stillfar from our convention and there is time
for this party to figure out adifferent way for it, if you will
allow us to do that. Butthat was not what we needed from Joe
Biden. And it's personally painful fora lot of people. It's not just
panic, it's pain of what wasall night. You know, I don't

often agree with Van Jones, butwhen I do, you ought to take
note of it. But I dodisagree with him about something. They really
don't have as much time as theythink they have, and I'll explain that
in a minute. But there is, I mean, there is a way

for them to replace him before November. Technically, the Democrats can nominate a
fresh candidate at the convention in theevent of a candidate declining a nomination.
But it's a creaky process. Therehasn't been you since Mark Which thirty first,

nineteen sixty eight. Let's start witha baseline. There's no mechanism by
which the Democrats can literally throw Bidenoff the ticket. When you when you
think about the Democrat National Committee rules, they just can't do that. Remember,

this primary season for both parties wasdesigned to get a nominee in place
as quickly as possible, and theyboth succeeded. We have presumptive nominees,
and I you know, I keepusing the word presumptive because I'm you know,
politically, I'm one of those guysthat believes, you know that nothing

is over until the fat lady sings, And quite frankly, it's not even
over until the fat lady sings andsits down that you can finally say,
okay, yeah, now now nextstep, next move. So they did
everything they could, including Republicans,to cram up this primary season, and
here's where we are. Biden hasnow garnered ninety five percent of the approximate

four thousand delegates that are up forgrabs in the Democrat primary. Now,
let me tell you something that's kindof technical. They are pledged to Joe
Biden, but they're not committed tobacking Joe Biden. There's no legal requirement
in the Democrat National Committee rules thatthey must vote for Biden in the first

roll call. But he is thehead. Joe Biden is is the head
of the Democrat Party, and Biden'scampaign has had a role in choosing the
delegates at state conventions all across thecountry. At least half of them would
have to turn their nose up andsay we are going to deny him the

nomination. They would have to affirmativelysay we're not going to do it.
So you would have to have almosthalf of the four thousand delegates be a
Van Jones that would say no,we're not going to do it. Now,
what you think about who those delegatesare. Those are delegates who have
done everything that their mom and pops. They're small business owners. Some of

them are big megadowners. But they'vebeen working their butts off, bundling money,
you know, gathering signatures, doingwhatever they need to do, whatever
the campaign has asked them to do. And they have worked to become a
delegate for Joe Biden. So theygot skin in the game. And it
would take at least half I ifprobably more than half, for them to

deny him the nomination on the firstballot. But that means that you're already
at the convention now, if Bidenagreed to decline the nomination like that SoundBite
from Lynda Baines Johnson of March thirtyfirst, nineteen sixty eight, that would

throw open the convention. He wouldhave to say and notify by let her
email. However, they communicate withtheir delegates that he is releasing them from
any obligation more legal, political,whatever. He would have to release all
of his delegates in order that conventionto become open. But now let's think

about what happens if it becomes anopen convention. Who is the presumptive nominee
absence of Joe Biden, Well,in any other universe, in any other
election, including March thirty first,nineteen sixty eight, the presumptive nominee when

your boss decides, you know,it's like in any organization, when your
boss decides that they're moving on,I'm out. Personally. I'll give you
a personal experience. When Tom Ridgeresigned as the Secretary of Homeland Security,

my name was, honestly be Iwas the Undersecretary of Homelandsecurity. So I
was one of the four you knowundersecretaries, and my name was bantered about,
including the deputy secretary, as takingthe place of Tom Ridge, and
I had to seriously, you know, I was asked by White House personnel,
would I consider doing that? Well, of course I would consider doing
it, because the natural thing thatmanagement would do, in this case white

House personnel, in this case,the President and the chief of staff would
look around and say, Hey,who do we already have that's doing this
that we could put in place?Oh, Michael Brown. Oh, Kamala
Harris. Kamala Harris. A personwho polls worse than the person that is

now probably going to step aside orattempted to be pushed aside. Her poll
numbers are worse than Joe Biden's,and the Democrats know that, and the
Democrats don't like her her. Oh, you have that factor too, a

black female. The Democrats are goingto be eaten alive by their own identity
politics if it isn't, if theydon't just naturally turn to her, or
if Biden doesn't, you know,Biden could do that too, and they
would have no control over that whatsoever. So think about that scenario. Joe

Biden is sitting down with Jill todayand they're having a They're having a come
to Jesus conversation over breakfast. Yeah, you know, I really, I
really, you know, I justI just I hate Trump. I don't
want Trump to win. I despisethe man, which is very obvious.

I despise the man. I willdo everything I can. I just don't
want to quit. And Jill's saying, I hope to God. Jill would
be saying, Joe, listen,it's time to go back to Rehoboth.
Let's go spend a bunch of timeat the beach. You know, Let's
let's spend some time and just goback to Delaware. We've been You've been
the president of the United States ofAmerica. You beat Donald Trump. You

would you have done everything you have. You were the youngest senator and now
you're the oldest president. You've goneall the way up the ladder. You've
reached the pinnacle of success. Let'sgo out. Well, they would consider
it to be a win. Ialready think it's a loss, but they
would consider it a win. Imean, if I were trying to convince
Biden, I would say, look, you become president. How many people

in the country have ever become president? Jill, You've accomplished the pinnacle of
political power. Now let's go tothe beach. But what if Biden said,
y'all do that. But you knowwhat, she's been loyal. She's
uh, she hasn't caused me anycontroversy. I mean, it's just this

way Biden thinks she hasn't caused meany controversy. It's the right thing to
do, and the right thing todo is take a break. The right
thing to do is turn my nominationover to the first female black president of
the United States of America. That'swhat they're thinking right now, Michael.

Why aren't they pushing the twenty fifthAmendment? You get it, Joe,
I'm going to be the next presidentof the United States. Dragon I were
talking during the break, as wenormally do. I hate I hate talking
to him, but I left.I feel like I have to maintain some

cordial relationship with same. But twentytwo ninety three, this is exactly what
Dragon and I were just talking about, Mike. Jill telegraphed her distress as
she helped Joe off the stage.Great shot of her dragging him and her
hand to her forehead, thinking,is there any way of saving this?

How do I start packing this weekend? Can we get a hunter to move
out of Rehoboth. So I Dragonhas that video up. It's in the
first it's the third video, Michaelsays, go Yo dot com. And
it looks like it's an entire lengthyvideo of the moderator's discussion. But what

you can see is as the debateends, Trump just walks off, but
Jill goes up and Jill helps himdown three steps to walk over to where
the three step I think, Ithink it's literally just one step, but
she has to help him down thatone step, and he turns to his

side to side step down that onestep, which is again, as Dragon
pointed out, somebody's got me problems. He understands how painful that can be.
I'll trust me as a guy thatwent to spine one because a back
problem, I understand how painful thatcan be. But it's the sign of
the infirmity, of the physical infirmity. So when we get back, I

want to finish because I really dowant you to understand that this is a
complicated situation that's fraught with danger forDemocrats.
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