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June 6, 2024 6 mins
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Hey, I don't know whose showI'm actually leaving a talk back for,
but this is actually so that atsix o'clock in the morning, I don't
have to listen to the cackling thatI just listened to because it's oh,
it's just torture, and I don'tthink I can handle a Thursday after listening
to that. So you know whoyou are, please don't do it.

Happy Thursday, Good morning. Anotherfun fact that's coming out about the trial
of Donald Champ but Pusley was justlike every other trial and following the legal
process is Chuck Schumer's brothers law firmgave three highly paid attorneys a leave of

absence so they could go work onthe case with Alvin Bragg to get Trump.
Yeah, that's not the same tohim. He's such a moron.
I remember what the heck is wrongwith our country, but I know that
there is a problem, and it'sBiden's family. He's a moron, an

absolute fucking idiot. Sorry about thelanguage. I'm probably already banned, but
you know, such a life.I enjoy your show very much and I
appreciate everything you do for our country. I'm just a tiny man and a

tiny life, and I don't haveany voice. Well, I can do
Red you when we do Red.No shit, I don't know him.
Yeah, he got Brannie. Thecalendar on my phone made sure I knew
it was alphabet people month, butit didn't make him mention about D Day.

Hell, when I google June sixth, first thing that pops up is
National Eyewear Day. We're not gonnamake it people, I mean, quick
answer. No, from US leadershipall the way down to the individual,
we are not worthy. It's toomuch me me, me, me me,

And it's kind of how we've beengroomed to think with everybody gets a
trophy. They weren't looking for atrophy. They were looking for freedom of
the world. Michael. If wewere worthy of what went on that day
back in June sixth, there wouldn'tbe all these videos of veterans sitting there

in tears wondering why they sacrificed forthis country and what it's become. They
all just sit there and say we'veturned into an s whole country. I
hope people will join me in watchingsaving Private Ryan an Manuel viewing for me,

just to appreciate what was done forus. Michael Dragon and the rest
of you groobers. I'm a MarineCorps reserve officer. I hate to hear
people running down reservists, and Ican guarantee you that there are men out
there who are absolutely worthy, andthere are sixteen year olds who would lie

to get in have a good day. My uncle was in the one hundred
and first Airborne I don't know whichpi are he was in, but he
jumped into Belgium Operation Market Garden andhe was at the Battle of the Bulge
and he helped liberate the Nazi slavecamp. And he never talked about it,

But God bless them all. Iask you to remember that those days
were a different day today. Thoseboys didn't have PlayStations in social media.
They had hard work every day.It was a different time back then.

After nine to eleven, we hadheroes that stepped up in the same fashion.
We're not lost, we're just wondering. God bless those men to go
and fight for our freedoms. Parencontrast what the American soldiers on Normandy Beach
gave for us in the United Statescompared to current people who want government handouts,

free healthcare, free college. Also, look at the illegal immigrants who
come here demanding five star hotels forsix months, culture culturally appropriate food,
completely shameful. Michael. I wantto thank you very much for this narrative
that you are sharing with us thismorning. I have been told since childhood

that my first name, Lawrence,was given to me in memory of a
great uncle on my mother's side thatdied on those beaches on that day.
My mother died of Alzheimer's some yearsago, and the rest of my family
on that side is gone, soI'll never know anything more than his name,

add his son. I am sothankful he didn't what a if,
Mike. I'm reminded frequently of oneof the closing scenes and Save in Private
Ryan, where an older James Ryanis standing in the cemetery that began the
movie, his family visiting for thefirst time with him, and he turns
to his wife and essentially asks ifhe's lived a life worthy of those that

died so that he could live asa veteran myself. I can assure you
that I feel this every day tomy core, as do many other veterans.
Take care, God bless ach.Look up their mission statement online.
So Jared Polison Companies signed into lawthat starting next year, we're not allowed

to have our cell phones in ourhands when we drive, to which I
say from my cold dead hand,Michael. The acronym FJB stands for Let's
Go Brandon,
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