Episode Transcript
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We have a problem the significance ofthe passage of time. So when you
think about it, there is greatsignificance to the passage of time. You're
listening to the Situation with Michael Brownon Sex thirty kh ow one. Think
of this moment as a moment thatis about great momentum. Here are their
rules of engagement. Text the wordMike, the three three one zero three,
download the three to you I HeartRadio. Be sure to favorite two
shows, The Situation with Michael Brownand The Weekend with Michael Brown. Can
we talk about the children of thecommunity. They are a children of the
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you'd like. You can follow Michaelon x, Facebook or or Instagram,
as well as streaming the program liveto podcast listen to a combination of the
different topics. Check out the merchand send pis of you and the merge
to Dragon. You need to getto go, I need to be able
to get where you need to goto do the work and get home.
You can also see the various photosand stories the Dragons. If you visit
Michaoh says go here dot com.What's us here, Mico says, go
here dot com and you're gonna literallysee the creators on the with your own
eye. With your own eye,I'm telling you, let's get back to
the shoe better. Hurry you youmight find her out here. Michael and
Dragon, the shoe is yours.Well, what's the problem, Dragon?
We did it. We did it. Joe, You're gonna be the next
president of the United States. AllI know is I'm sitting here getting every
last minute things done, and Ihear those rules of engagement start, which
we absolutely do not like. AndI look up at Dragon and he stepped
back away from the microphone and hejust he's got his arms out like it's
not my fault. I didn't doit. I didn't do it. I
didn't do it. The last talkback that this entire cluster got was for
our good friend b Large at tenthirty. Then prior to that was a
Broncos country tonight at the seven fortyseven. So ten thirty last night.
Yeah, And since ten thirty lastnight, there's not a goober anywhere in
the entire country that couldn't have leftto talk about not for us. I
mean, there is a the Patriotsam thirteen sixty. But that that was
you know, that was just pocketnoise. So I did listen to that.
And then there was one for ourgood friend Denise Plant for Mix one
oh seven point seven. I didn'teven happen to listen to that one because
I don't even know where one Oseven point seven is. Yeah, that's
not that's not our that's not thebull, that's not our correct, that's
one O six seven. Yeah,So I didn't even listen to that one,
tell you the truth. So Isaw on you guys, not us.
Well, you know, and I'mkind of in that. I'm kind
of exhausted. I mean, Iknow, I know it's Tuesday, and
I'm kind of exhausted, but uh, there's a lot to be exhausted about.
Maybe maybe the Goopers are exhausted too. I want, I want,
I want to do some just freethinking here for a moment, because I've
really thought a lot. What inthat montage of people that say negative things?
Isn't it Who's that actress that saysI've really thought a lot about bombing
the Capitol Building or bombing the WhiteHouse? Was that the Madonna? Was
it Madonna? For you? Who? It was? It? Was Madonna.
But the minute I said I've reallythought a lot about that's the first
sound that comes in my head.My gosh, that's how that's how iconic
or some of these sound bites canbecome in our culture. But let's go
back to Saturday, because since Saturday, I've I've talked to a couple of
my friends that well, one thatI casually mentioned yesterday that's former deputy director
of the Secret Service. And I'veand I've had a few conversations with some
people totally off the record, butI've come I've come to this conclusion.
Uh, you've heard reports that someof the Trump detail, you know,
let me quit us in term detail, because I hit that shorthand for me.
When I say detail, I'm talkingabout like my personal detail or the
president's detail, and that is thesmall group of maybe six to ten,
maybe a dozen of Secret Service orsecurity personnel that are signed to guard the
body of an individual. So mydetail is, for example, my detail.
While I had six members of mysecurity detail, I generally traveled with
two or three at a time.So I'm referring to my detail. I'm
talking about those two or three atthat time that are there to protect my
body. And so when I referto the detail, the presidential detail,
I'm talking about those six to adozen that are assigned to him specifically,
not the entire entourage, not thosethat are you know, that are the
tactical teams or the other special unitsthat comprise the entire group that when there's
a motiicate. Now, once youbecome a former president, you get lifetime
Secret Service protection. The level ofthat protection is based upon a dozen different
factors, but the two most importantfactors are one the threat level, and
then two the resources. And thesecond one, the resources, is driven
primarily by the first one, thethreat level. Because I don't even know
what it was yesterday, but I'mjust I don't know. I'm driving around,
I'm doing something. Maybe I don'tknow, But at some point yesterday
I had this light bulb go off, and it dawndled me that the threat
level for George W. Bush,UH, Dick Cheney UH to some degree,
Condoleeza Rice maybe maybe not quite somuch Condiiza, but for Bush and
Cheney at the time that Rumsfeld wasalive, it was the threat level for
Rumsfeld was extraordinarily high. The threatlevel currently for someone like Mike Pompeo is
extremely high. The Iranians, theMullahs actually have they've they've got hit jobs
out on UH. Well, AlQaeda has Blah Hamas. The Iranians all
have UH contracts. Let's just let'sput in a vernacular of organized crime.
They have contracts out on Bush andCheney, Mike Pompeo, and a few
others. I don't know specifically whetherthere are so called hit contracts out on
Trump or not, but regardless ofwhether they are or not, we've had
the FBI, Christopher Wray, theDirector. We've had Alejandro Majorcis, the
dumbass, absolutely worthless Secretary of HomelandSecurity, and the Director of National Intelligence,
the director of the CIA, andothers testify before Congress and in public
statements talk about how the threat levelis extraordinarily high right now and that what
did Christopher say? The alarm bellsand the sirens and everything are going off
everywhere in that environment. When youhave the threat level and resources as your
two criteria for the determination of whatyour level of protection is going to be
for a former president, then youmake certain that you you have the resources
available for that individual based upon thethreat level. Now, let's step step
back for a moment, and thenlet's think about the threat level. Did
did what did Donald Trump do duringhis tenure? Well, first and foremost,
he approved and pulled the trigger onthe the killing of Solomon Absolutely a
horrific individual that is responsible for thedeath of American troops and American citizens and
is responsible for a lot of theviolence and the terrorism in the Middle East.
So we eliminated him. You mighteven say we assassinated him, but
we got rid of him. Sothat would make the threat level against Donald
Trump pretty high because they take theirtime. They say, Okay, you
know what, let's get him,meaning Trump, but we'll take our time
now. As it turns out,without without going into any of the conspiracy
theories that any of you or anybodyelse has espoused over the past, say
what Saturday Sunday? Monda, whatis this Tuesday? So Saturday to Sunday
to Monday. It's just almost seventytwo hours that people have espoused without going
in any because none of the conspiracytheories are necessary right now. They indeed,
some of them may indeed prove tobe true, I don't know,
but they're not necessary to deal withwhat is the real problem here, and
that is that the incompetence, theutter incompetence of the Secret Service, the
utter incompetence of the Department of HomelandSecurity. I heard someone refer on the
news yesterday to the Treasury Department's SecretService. No no, no, no,
no, no. All of thisportion of the Secret Service is now
under the direct management of the Departmentof Homeland Security, the same department that
is responsible for the invasion into thiscountry of millions of illegal aliens. Just
you know, in May York islike Bagdad Bob continuing testifying about the border
is secure, while you know,again animal House, we're watching Kevin Bacon
screaming about you know, everything's fine, everybody cool, now, everything's calm
as we just watched the riot takeplace and we're supposed to ab you know,
the media wants us to believe thosepeople. Why would you believe one
one frigging thing those people say.Go to Christopher Ray for a moment.
The FBI, the same FBI thatwas that was complicit in the Russian hoax,
the same FBI that says that peoplethat go out and pray in front
of an abortion clinic or domestic terrorists. The same FBI that says that people
go to school board meetings and mightget back and raise their voice about the
school board doing something or exposing mychildren to some you know, crazy ass
book about a transperson when the child'sonly six years old and getting mad about
it. And so they're domestic terroristsand we're supposed to rely upon them to
do the investigation of this. No, absolutely not. The more I thought
about it yesterday and the more Ithought about my absolute and I still do
have respect. You have to haverespect for those for those detail. I
still have the utter respect and stillremain in contact with my detail because Becky,
my driver, who was part ofthe detail, so I guess I
should say she was always there.So there were probably always at least three
or four people with me. Buthere's this diminutive, small woman that could
I don't care who you are,she could whip your ass. Now.
She may not be able to protectmy body, because you know, I'm
six foot, proud to say I'mone seventy nine today, Dragon, I'm
one seventy nine. I congratulations,thank you away this morning. She may
not be able to protect my body, but Kenny certainly could. Kenny had
six foot three, two hundred andeight pounds, shoulders as wide as this
studio, and had you know,he was the He was really a he
was really a teddy bear. Butif you were to meet him just you
know, walking down the street orin the back alley, you could probably
he would probably you'd be like BarackObama's you know what was it his mother
or grandmother crossed the street when shesaw a black man coming. Well,
you might not do it because Kennywas a black man, but because Kenny
had this look in his face likedon't mess with me, don't bother me.
But when you know he music,he was a complete eddy bear.
I absolutely trusted that man with mylife, as I did with the rest
of my detail. And then Iwatched again those secret Service agents. Now
there is always, there's always thehead of the detail. So Kenny was
ahead of my detail. As Isaid before, Eddie, Who's I've got
to look up Eddie's last name.I feel badly who was that was was
the head of Bush's presidential detail,his personal detail. Eddie was. Eddie
was a guy. Again, hewas probably six foot two, he was
he was muscular, but he wasnot He was not a giant of a
man, but he had a giantpresence. And again, as I watched
that video yesterday, as the headof the first person you see rush toward
Trump is the head of his detail, and he does exactly what he's supposed
to do. Now, the othersrespond in kind, and they do what
they're supposed to do. But thenas I watched them try to get him
to the car, I know thatthey've been told that the shooter is down.
And so when Trump raises his fistin the hand, his fist in
the air, and he puts hishe you know, he kind of pushes
his head up so that he canyell fight, fight, fight. I
know at that moment the Secret Serviceis that they're facing a They're in a
conundrum. We got to get thisguy in the car. We got to
keep his head down, we gotto protect him. Yet we know that
this is what he's going to do, so we can't stop it. So
give them a second or two.And I know only it only takes a
second or two for to to youknow, get to get a round off.
But nonetheless they're still moving him towardthe car. So in terms of
his detail itself. They did preciselywhat they needed to do. Everything else
was an utter failure, an absoluteutter failure. The question then becomes yesterday,
I don't have a SoundBite pulled up, but this woman named Cheetle,
who is the current director of theUS Secret Service, made a comment that
said, you know, quoting HarryTruman, or maybe she wasn't quoting Harry
Truman. She's probably not smart enoughto know that's what she was doing,
but she said, the buck stopshere, meaning with me as the head
of the Secret Service. Then ma'am, you need to resign. You need
to resign your position immediately. Becausethe more I thought about the threat level
and the fact that Trump is aformer president, the Secret Service and the
Department of Home Landsecurity, and byextension, the Biden administration completely failed Donald
Trump. Now, I know someof you think it was on purpose,
and some of you think that itwas perhaps as you know, I mean,
there are all these there's so manyquestions, and when there's so many
questions, you can raise so andyou can create so many different conspiracy theories.
Well, I'll leave that to youwho want to dabble in that,
and that's fine, Am, Igoing to object, Truck, trust me
on this one. I'm not goingto object. You can dabble in all
the conspiracy theories you want to.I'm just going to let everything play out.
But I do know this, consideringone the threat level and two the
resources, the two main components whenyou make a decision about what the levels
protection will be for your protectee,for your principle. The administration in the
department, and that team utterly failedTrump on Saturday, Michael and Dragon so
disappointing. iHeart. I did leavetwo talkbacks last night. This has happened
before. The iHeart system is adiscriminating system. I don't know what's going
on, but they bear get itfixed. I don't want to listen to
Cacklin Kamla when I have paid mydues paid by dues. I love that
faid by dues. And of course, you know, we also would blame
it on corporate We would blame ina iHeart in a New York minute.
No, you get what you payfor well exactly, so you know,
and we could raise you know,if you want a higher quality program,
we could raise the fees, youknow, the subscription fees. We could
do that double them, we shoulddouble our triple them. In fact,
you'll dragon half of the program today, you know. I mean, I
know you're busy, but you don'treally do anything over there. But we
could have a little conference, alittle meeting about whether or not to triple
the subscription fees to the program.Yeah, we'll just call it Bob right
now. It'll be fine. Yeah, okay, Yeah. Somebody says there's
probably no talk This is Gubmer eightythree seventy eight. There's probably no talk
back because people were still stunned bythat teamser speech confession. Since I hate
to admit this, but since I'vebeen to a couple of conventions, both
Democrat and Republican, I don't reallyhave much interest in them. There it's
all pomp and circumstance. It's alla bunch of it. It's just and
I don't get me wrong, it'san opportunity for people who have worked hard
to get their nominee, you know, nominated. It's a chance for them
to go and cong and be amonglike minded people. I get the whole
purpose of the conventions. Do notget me wrong about that. And I'm
totally fine with it. I'm justsaying It's one of those things where you're
like, okay've been there, donethat, and so I just don't pay
a lot of attention to it.Now. Probably when Vance speaks and Trump
speak, yeah I will. Iwill listen to those speeches because but you
know, when you've got the whenyou got the city councilman of Poughkeepsie talking
about you know, whatever they've done, I just Okay, well, that's
his moment, and I'm happy forhim to have that moment, and it's
wonderful that we do those things.It's just that well, I don't really
care, and I'm just I'm justbeing brutally honest with you. So I
did a quick search on the teamsfor speech. It sounds like it was.
It sounds like he went after bigbusiness. Sounds like he challenged Republicans
there on their support for unions.It also sounds like he talked about the
elites, so maybe he talked aboutthe cabal a little bit. So I
don't know. I'll have to goback in. I'll watch the speech.
I didn't realize that that was goingto happen. It's the I think it's
probably the first time that a teamster'sunion president has ever spoken to a Republican
convention. I don't know that fora fact, but I'd have to check
and look. But let's go backto my anger that's developed since my you
know, I'm slow to do this, but my anger about what happened on
Saturday is growing by the minute,because the more I watch the video,
the more I dig into the actionsof local law enforcement, the more I
look at the the schematics and everythingelse about this particular event, the more
furious I am because it shows anabsolute disregard for the safety of Donald Trump.
Now not only is he the formerpresident, but he's likely the next
president. And putting all of thataside, even if he's not likely to
be the next president, let's justsay that there's you know that all the
polls show there's no way in hellhe's going to win. He's still the
nominee, and he's still the potentialnext president of the United States. Now,
I personally happen to think he isgoing to be the next president of
the United States because the you knowthat those Keystone cops over there, the
Democrats, they continue to shoot themselvesin the foot. Well, we're going
to talk about Biden because man.He it's like he took a ten gage
to his foot yesterday. Unbelievable.This guy is truly out of it.
But let me focus which would besomething new. The fact that this dirt
bag was able to get even oneshot off is completely unacceptable, com unacceptable.
There are different depending on which storiesyou read. There is anywhere from
eighty six seconds to one hundred andtwenty seconds to maybe even before he even
got into the venue. There weresuspicions about this kid. Where is you
know, there's another component to allof this, and that's intelligence. Now
I don't think they probably had anyintel because it appears that this kid is
something that in the business we referto as a clean skin. A clean
skin is someone who has no criminalrecord. He's not on anyone's radar because
he's not a member of you know, some neo nazi, you know,
right wing you know those are theskin you know, the skinheads which really
run the Republican Party. It's puersarcasm. I hope you realize he's not
a member of any group like that. The best I can tell and what
people have told me, there reallyis not much to the social media account.
We still don't know what's in hisphone. I don't I have yet
to find out what kind of phonehe has. They did just say that
it was unlocked. Though, ohit has been unlocked. Now okay,
does it say what kind of phoneit was? I didn't gather that information
because what I find interesting is ifit was an iPhone. This is one
of those situations where I do believethat Tim Cook and Apple would step up
and say, let us unlock itfor you. You know. Oh they
didn't for one of the other iisterrorists or whatever back in the day,
but ten years ago, give hertake. Yeah, but I think Apple
has changed their tune, and Ithink in this case, Apple, I
think they would unlock this this inthis specific incident where you have where you
have one the individual is dead.Two he actually attempted to assassinate a former
president of the United States. Ithink that Apple would step up and say,
here, not only let us helpyou, we'll come and do it
for you. You don't have tocome to us, We'll come to you.
Or maybe they maybe they have todo it Kupertino. I don't know,
but I do believe that they would. But anyway, he's a clean
skin so there's there's nothing that theintel portion of Secret Service protection that would
cause them to, Okay, listento this event. There's a guy over
that's you know, lives twenty milesaway or something, and we need to
maybe go check on him, orwe need to watch for him. So
none of that. But apparently hedid raise suspicions as he was trying to
get through the magnetometers to get intothe venue. That's like when you walk
up to TSA and as you youknow, get ready to you turn around
and walk off. That raises suspicions, and it may may or may not
be enough for them to call lawenforcement and say, you know, see
that guy over there. He walkedright up to the magnetometer and he turned
around and walked away. The veryfact of somebody being on the building,
the lack of that building being secure, whether there was a ladder or not
a ladder, how did he getonto the roof. You have the video
of all of that. Then youhave the snipers showing that they are that
they have sighted him in or atleast appear to have sighted him in,
and only take him out when hefire after he fires a shot. That
in itself calls into question the rulesof engagement. You have someone who is
not supposed to be on a rooftopand this bull crap about well the snipers
were unsure about whether or not hewas local law enforcement. Do you know
how long it takes to find thatout about? And I know the seconds
count and five seconds might be toolong, but they should have seen him
as he you know, as theyare surveilling their you know, their field
of vision, so they they haveone hundred and eighty degree view, then
you have overlapping under one hundred andeighty degree views from probably three over it
should be at least three or fourvantage points where the sniper teams have complete
coverage overlapping. It's like a vendiagram, overlapping coverage of the venue.
Why didn't somebody, Why didn't somebodyalert the teams? There is just failure
after failure after failure, and Ithink part of that is that. And
I know this is where conspiracy theoriescome in, that did they lack the
resources because they just kind of thoughtto themselves, well maybe if we just
cut back and we stretched the secretservice, then then some of these all
of these threats, well maybe that'llsolve our problem. Not saying that's true.
I'm just saying this is why peoplehave these questions, and these are
all very, very legitimate questions.And I'm saying that as someone who has
not only been in that bubble,but has understood and trained and worked with
that bubble and the people who createthat bubble. I'm infuriated because again,
go back to the idea that youfirst have. You know, you've got
the threat level, and you've gotthe resources, and you match those up.
Here the resources didn't match up atall, not at all. And
the failure to do that is squarelyon may Orcus and Cheetle, the director
of the Secret Service. Now mayOrcus isn't going to resign, he's been
impeached. That's not going anywhere.Chuck Shimmer won't even allow a trial to
be held on may Orcus. Theguy is completely worthless and she is worthless
too. She needs to go backto PepsiCo because she utterly failed in the
one simple mission. I know it'sa complex mission, but the mission statement
itself is quite simple. Don't letanybody get hurt. Don't let anybody get
hurt. So if you evaluate thethreat level, it's Donald Trump, and
according to the Democrats, he isthe fundamental threat to democracy. A fundamental
threat to democracy in my If youask me, what's the fundamental threat to
democracy in this country, would benot taking a break on time. I'll
tell you next. I've got anice, crispy, brand new one dollar
bill right here in my pocket,and I'll bet you that one dollar bill
his gun winds up being a ghostgun. Air quotes and that this is
a DOJ job. The Secret Servicewas just there to take out the shooter
after he did the dog's dirty business. I'll take that bet because the Washington
Post is already reported that the gunwas purchased over a decade ago by his
father. Yeah, but I don'tthink that's the point of the bet.
I think that all the inside jobstuffis that the DOJ was Yeah, Okay,
yeah, I think I think that'sthat's what the bet is. You
know, we now live in aworld where and I think this is part
of the problem, is that welive in the world where you make that
bet with me, I'm not goingto take the bet, but and I'm
not going to say I agree withyou, But there's also a part of
my brain that says, you knowwhat, yeah, yeah, But what
I want to deal in right noware the facts and then and the facts
for this talking about the threat leveland the resources. Now you're going to
tell me that the FBI and theSecret Service are going to be the ones
that are going to do the investigationinto this incident. No, absolutely not.
Ask me how much credence I putinto an investigation by the FBI and
the Secret Service into this incident,into and this quick colleague, in an
incident into this attempted assassination. Zero. If I could put negative on it,
it'd be a negative twenty or thirty, negative thousand. I don't know.
I have zero. I have zero, zero confidence that they will tell
us the truth. They have destroyedtheir own credibility. The Democrats in this
country have destroyed the legitimacy of allof these institutions to the point that I
believe that they truly do need tobe just blown up. Now, before
you go crazy, well, Michaelbo Michael, that's vitriolly claim language.
I don't mean like we'll put,you know, a bunch of C four
and blow them up, but theyneed to be completely turned upside down inside
out. What's that stupid phrase Bidenuses about building the middle class from the
bottom up and inside out. Whateverthe stupid phrase is, the uses over
and over and over. I've justlearned to ignore it. We need to
do that with these institutions. Americahas reached the point where when when that
kind of talk back, I can'tsay, you know what, I can't
say you're crazy. I'm not goingto say you're crazy because I believe these
institutions are utterly corrupt. A democracy, a republic, a constitutional republic,
a banana, whatever you want tocall. This country, whatever it is
right now, cannot survive. Sothat's why I think that this election will
determine the fate of the country.You know, there there are there are
truly transitional elections where a country endsup going one direction or another, where
they where they continue down the pathof the Roman Empire toward utter collapse.
And while Donald Trump seems to bea you know it says that God uses
you know, strange people to doamazing things. Well, in this case,
I'm not a member of the cultthat you know, believes in all
of the feels that the angels Ishouldn't say cult, but I think there
is a cult of personality around Trump, but I do believe it's going to
take someone like him as a disruptorto stop this utter destruction of the country.