Episode Transcript
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So if you take mad out andmove to w to the front, you
get woo motto, which is partof Joe Biden's made up language. Okay,
that that's the talkback that wins todayfor me, like Joe biden ated
language to be sagod berger in forMichael Brown. That's the situation here on
six point thirty k how And it'sgood to be with you today. It
is Friday, feeling pretty loose.We've flown through Free Out. We are
at our number four dragon. Canyou believe that we are already on our
number four? It's gone by somuch faster than any day I have ever
spent with Michael. Of course ithas, of course it has. That's
just wise when you're having fun.It is, indeed, and I am
just having a blast, and I'mglad you are too. Draggon had the
Goopers too, even those who getfrustrated with me because I didn't say they're
Gooper number for example, it's justso needy. I guess that's why Michael
calls them goopers. It's just soneedy at Goopers. But I love you
anyway, and I appreciate you beingalong for the ride with yours truly great
to be with you today, theday after the end of the Republican the
National Convention. With a barnstorming speechfrom President Trump, America's future will be
bigger, better, boulder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, greater,
and more united than ever before.And quite simply put, we will
very quickly make America great again.Thank you very much. Thank you very
much. Wisconsin. God bless you. God bless you Wisconsin, and God
bless the United States of America agreat country. Thank you very much.
You ever got into thank for.That was how he ended this speech.
I have to say I was relievedwhen he finally ended the speech, because
look, I I was about tohost a six am radio show and I
had to cut audio from Trump's speech. Full disclosure, I fell asleep about
forty five minutes in. It waslike nine to fifteen or so, and
I'm like, I can't anymore.In fairness, you were already up super
early yesterday morning. I'm gonna I'mjust gonna be nice to you. Dragon
appreciate that you're nice to me.So I'm gonna I got you back.
I got you back, thank you. And also he probably should have ended
the speech about forty five minutes anyway, But I have to say that said,
what a production, what a powerfulfirst half hour in particular, like
it was pitch perfect until eventually hewas going on for what was too long
for a speech to national audience likethis, although I understand he had a
lot to say, especially because hedidn't get to give his speech last Saturday.
He was denied that in an assassinationattempt. But last night, the
spectacle, the pomp and circumstance,the energy, the enthusiasm was absolutely palpable.
And before we shift gears to somethingdisturbing going on here in Colorado,
let's hear about the enthusiasm for theRNC at the RNC from folks predominantly on
the left, like Van Jones,Phil Maddingly, a reporter at CNNM a
reporter at MSNBC. The last timeI was in the commision that belt like
this was Obama two thousand and eight. You know, there's something happening where
a headline headline, just like Obama, and just like Obama promptly showing in
this convention he has the capacity toalter the composition of the electric Yeah,
I think the only one that isa post analog for me at least in
two thousand and eight, and atleast from a Republican convention perspective, maybe
two thousand and four. But thisis something that I just haven't seen in
several cycles. And the delegates keepsaying the same thing, delegates that have
been here or cycle after cycle,convention after conventional that the energy level is
just different. It's not happening inisolation. Obviously, guys have been building
to this moment throughout the course ofthis week. I've never seen an enthusiasm
gap like the one we're witnessing inthe summer of this election year. I've
heard horror stories from people on theground in Michigan, in Pennsylvania, in
Arizona about just striking out time andtime again as local Democratic Party chapters,
county chapters have tried to get peopleto come in and phone bank to get
mail, going to knock on doors, can't do it. They can't find
people. Talk about an enthusiasm gapand the real world impacts thereof as extraordinary.
Goober four six three two, textingin at three three one zero three,
I think Trump was great last night. What a contrast to that oatmeal
brained mashed potato face. Biden,MAO. I hope Trump wins, but
the September sentencing still hangs out there, and Republicans have to hold the House
or four more years of endless impeachment. Republicans can't be lazy and complacent.
And the twenty million illegals are Democammivoters if they get to vote. Okay,
lots there. Let me just sayabout the September sentencing real quick.
That's still hanging out there, realquick, because it's my thing and that's
what I do. Do we havea Hunter Biden sentencing date announced? Good?
Is that quick? No? Wedon't know. No, thank you
for keeping tabs because I haven't,but you were keeping us on top of
it. I mean, his trialended like the week or two or so
after, and we don't have them. We had one for Trump and then
they postponed for Trump, particularly becausethe immunity case that said that a president
cannot be held personally responsible for officialacts. That immunity case impacted this and
the judge has to look back,and it's possible that verdict may be thrown
out and teflon Don survives yet anotherlegal issue. But still no announcement for
Biden. No, we're just Biden. Where is Biden at the sentencing?
Where is it? Where is ithappening? When good question, But yes,
Trump was great last night on thewhole. It was just long.
That's the one real critique that Iwould have. The opening was absolutely tremendous.
Uh shift gears here at home inColorado. There's a story first reported
in the website The Publica by journalistsSarah Fields last month, and it is
something else. Transactivists. Medical studentsat the University of Colorado have successfully brigaded
a state Medical Society vote that wouldhave banned cosmetic missectomies for transgender female minors
in the state. The students wereencouraged to flood the polls in an effort
to override physician opinion by a professorat the university, As Fields reported.
First advanced by doctor Travis Morrell,the proposal requests that existing Colorado Medical Society
policy broad in the definition of femalegenital mutilation to include the alteration or removal
of a miner's biologically healthy tissue thatdecreases potentially innate adult functionality and for which
may involve the medical, hormonal,functional or surgical treatments of gender dysphoria or
gender incongruence. And it also calledfor the association or this society to advocate
for this position with the American MedicalAssociation, including via resolution through its delegates
to the a M. Seems likea sensible proposal to say, hey,
you shouldn't do this with minors,so we're going to redefine this form of
mutilation. And Morell has talked abouthow really evidence must guide our empathy if
we want to actually help kids.That's true, the facts need to justify
it. So this proposal seemed likeit was destined for success when practicing physicians
within the Colorado Medical Society voted nearlytwo to one in favor of the measure,
a positive ratio, as Fields reported. But then there was an email
send the last day of voting byFrank Merritt, an assistant professor of medicine
at the University of Colorado's Medical Campus, and shoots, I don't usually use
this position for things like this,but this struck a nerve with me,
and I feel compar hell to reachout. Merit began his email as medical
students that see you, all ofyou are automatically members of the Colorado Medical
Society, though I imagine most ofyou have not registered accounts or engaged with
CMS in any way. I wasrecently made aware that CMS is currently voting
on a proposal to characterize gender affirmingcare in minors as female genital mutilation.
Merit goes on to condemn the proposaland encourages students to sign up for an
account which is free by the way, with the Colorado Medical Society to vote
against it. And shortly after Merritt'semail was sent, medical students flooded the
vote, and the next day theColorado Medical Society board voted down rejected the
proposal from doctor Travis Morrell. Asa result of the student vote and folks,
it became, as Fields reports,one of the rare occasions in CMS
history, that the majority opinion ofphysicians in Colorado was overridden. Just to
be clear on what happened, Aproposal was put forward regarding so called gender
affirming surgeries and other medical care likehormonal treatments by a physician, an active
doctor for years, and then aprofessor goes to his students and says in
a blast email, Hey, everybody, I need you to go ahead and
vote. But in order to vote, you need to sign up. Did
you not know that you have anautomatic membership to the Colorado Medical Society.
Please go act as your free membershipand cast your vote. Do it quickly
now, because they're about to winthis vote. And lo and behold,
I think it's one hundred and fiftynine medical students flood in. Almost all
of them voted no and overrode physicians. Medical students overrode physicians because of a
professor. I'm wondering here, asI was reading this story and looking into
it more, why does the ColoradoMedical Society let medical students override seasoned physicians
on major medical matters like this inthe first place, especially about kids in
general. Though this was an eleventhhour move by a professor Merit to galvanize
his students and sway the vote,and it's wholly inappropriate, and really at
a base level, it casts abig paul, big shadow over the medical
establishment. And here's the thing.We've seen a lot of things cast a
Paul over the medical establishment of latefor example, COVID nineteen. So many
in that establishment and policymakers, apoliticians said, you know what we need
to do we need to force kidsout of schools and put them in masks,
and then when they get back toschool, put them in masks,
including very young children, which TheNew York Times recently had a piece talking
about all the damaging effects on littlekids, including babies born during COVID,
because of these policies. And youknow what, in Europe. Over in
Europe they said, by and large, we are not going to shut schools
down, we are not going toforce masks on kids, and they're doing
much better as a result of that. Well, now in Europe the tide
is turning on issues of gender dysphoria, where increasingly you are seeing studies and
reports come out saying these are theharms of it. And now you have
puberty blockers and gender surgeries being bannedor restricted in growing numbers of European countries,
to the United Kingdom or on theUK and in a moment, Finland,
Sweden. The list goes on.And these are countries that were leading
the world on gender identity issues formany years. That was the narrative.
Look at Europe, we need tofollow them. Well, there's a report
this is fascinating from the National HealthService NHS England. It was released in
April. It was a four yearreview by Deductor Hillary cast She's the past
president of the Royal College of Pediatricsand Child Health and already this comprehensive report,
again just released in April, hashelped reshape an HS policy in the
UK, particularly in England, andgarnered widespread bipartisan support. Both the Tories
and the Labors, the two majorparties in the UK, have embraced this.
This review looked into the so calledstandards of care when it comes to
youth gender dysphoria, including w PATH. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health
which lo and behold is supposedly theworld leader on gender identity care, even
though it's dominated big time by activistsover physicians. Seems to be a theme
right. Colorado Medical Society has medicalstudents because of a professor flood of vote
and override physicians, and then wPATH predominantly consists of activists not physicians,
and yet they are treated as likesome major authority. Well. Doctor Cass
has even said the United States isout of date on gender dysphoria and gender
identity. Now look, I Ican sympathize with so much of the mental
anguish that is going on here withso many children who feel like they are
in the wrong body or the wronggender. But you can find personal stories
and accounts from parents who say thiswas good and okay, they can be
compelling, But look, folks,medical standards and physicians need to be guided
by the evidence, not just theanecdotes. We've seen a surge in children
who believe that they are trans ornon binary and they want different procedures done.
But look, I mean, youlook at young people and they're often
they often look at their problems andsay, this is urgent, this is
existential, we need to do somethingnow. But let's be real that a
clinician's job is to slow things down, to examine the evidence, make thoughtful
recommendations based on the specific cases oftheir patients, and that's not being done
in so many instances. And thiscast review out of the UK finally is
giving some nuance into the discussion,and yet it is being dismissed in the
United States more and more because ofpolitics and activism and students being able to
override physicians. What el's going onhere? What world are we living in?
Text me free three one zero three, But Mike or Michael at the
beginning. I'm Jimmy Sangenberger in forMichael Brown six point thirty kow, Hey,
Jimmy. I sometimes wonder how theseliberal pundits get on TV and literally
talk about things that you know,they don't believe in. I can't,
for the life of me understand howpeople get up the front of well,
in their case, hundreds of peopleand just flat out lie for the sake
of lying. Have a great day. I share it. I share the
sentiment, thank you, goober,you're a good man. You're pointing out
an important observation. I appreciate it. And thank you Dragon for plugging in
my favorite version of hold On I'mComing, which is the song that played
after Trump spoke last night and alittle while before, just after Elena Habba,
President's attorney senior advisor in the campaign, after she spoke and talked about
Trump's love of music and how thesong hold On I'm Coming came about for
him as a tune, and theband played it twice last night and they
did a great job. They reallydid a great job with it. I'm
Jimmy Sangenberger in for Michael Brown onthis Friday, and we are getting close
to the end of the show.There's one clip from Trump's speech that I
didn't get a chance to play at. And I think, honestly, this
may feature the best line of thenight, which is saying something because there
were a lot of great lines inTrump's speech, And this is where he
joked about the immigration chart that hehad up at his rally last Saturday,
and he was looking up at turnedhis head and that's how he didn't get
shot directly, how he's alive todayand it wasn't able to detail it.
And well, here's what he said, last time I put up that chart.
I never really got to look atit. But without that chart,
I would not be here today.Never got to look at it. And
then he proceeded to break down thechart and talk a lot about immigration.
But that was just it was goodhumored, yet it was raising a serious
observation, very important one, thatthis was a serious moment and that he
was shot at and he was gonnatalk about this chart and didn't get the
chance because something terrible happened, andnow he has the chance to break it
down for a much larger audience.Good humor about it, I mean,
it was a profound moment in thespeech. Now there's something else that was
just it's just one of these sidestories that makes you go, huh,
all right, Well, so,okay, former Speaker of the House Kevin
McCarthy was at the convention, andlook, I have mixed feelings about him,
but you know, there's a lotto criticize about Kevin McCarthy, but
I don't despise him. I thinkthe guy was okay. Mike Johnson seems
to be doing a good job asSpeaker though, really filling out that role.
Well, somebody who really doesn't likeKevin McCarthy is, of course Matt
Gates, the Congressman from Florida,uh, who helped to try and thwart
his first run for speaker and hisinitial run McCarthy's, and then who helped
to take out Kevin McCarthy. Andlast night, or two nights ago rather,
McCarthy was on the floor of theconvention being interviewed by Caitlyn Collins of
CNN, and Matt Gates happened toshow up. Now this is a montage,
so you can hear more of McCarthybeing interviewed and a little bit of
Gates in the background, and thenyou can hear from another angle Gates what
he said juxtaposed with a guy whoI think, give this guy a metal
and I say, this is someonewho just can't stand Matt Gates. Listen
to this montage. Oh what muchmore? You know? I mean,
I think about that. That wasall the Democrats and eight Republicans, one
who's not coming back. And thenand then the other part that you have,
And the other part that you haveis one person who raised the issue.
He's got an ethics complain about payingsleeping with his seventeen year old.
So that's the way they to go. So that's that's the biggest challenge we
have. Thank you so much,as MARICARTHI thank you. What night are
you speaking to? Are you speakingto Night? Hey? You're not.
If you took that stage, youwould get booed off. You would get
booed off the stage. Shout up, dude, I don't even know too.
It doesn't. So that was aguy confronting Gates because Gates was making
an ass out of himself by tryingto shout over McCarthy. Look, I
don't care how you feel about McCarthy. This is a dumb thing to do,
a moronic thing to do, andthen this guy is like, shut
up, Gates, and Gates islike, I don't even know who you
are, and he's like, whocares who I am? Here being an
a hole. As just quite anexchange. There was feedback from Wisconsinert Representative
Derek van Orden, who I wasfilling in for Michael Brown on Memorial Day
and I had Congressman Van Orden onthe show. He's phenomenal. He really
is phenomenal. He is an exNavy seal, just a tremendous He was
a phenomenal guest, and he putsomething out on I think it was a
tweet. But Gates had a videohe framed as being physically held back by
security from this exchange, and VanOrden wrote, he pulled a hold me
back, bro move to look likea tough guy because he is in fact
little bitch. Now this is acongressman talking about another congressman. But I
happen to agree with him. Gates'saction there was absurd, just trying to
get attention, and he did getit, but I don't think the good
kind of attention, and it waschildish. Well, Kevin McCarthy happened to
mock mad Gates on CNN later.Well, you know, he looks very
unhinged. I mean a lot ofpeople have concerns about it, and I'm
not sure if he was on something. But I do hope he gets the
help that he needs. But moreimportantly, I hope the young women get
the justice they deserve when it comesto him. I mean, you're referring
to the House Ethics Committee investigation thatis ongoing, Yeah, with his partner
in jail because they paid underage womenfor sex and drugs. It's just zingers
back and forth. But I don'tknow, there's something Maybe this is childish
too. I'm kind of here forit, just a little bit to see
Matt Gates get a little bit ofa comeuppance from McCarthy, from Congressman Derek
Van Orden, from others, justbecause he's not a good representation of Republicans
in Congress at all. And Iget really frustrated by the prominence of somebody
like him, and I'm glad tosee a little bit of a consequence,
or at least criticism in them.A little mockery. Sometimes mockery is okay,
and it's called for dragon does itto me all the time. You
know you might not hear it becausehe wants to have this. I really
like Jimmy image on the you knowsense on the air for the audience,
but secretly he's mocking me at everyturn. I would never. I have
no idea what you're referring to.You're mocking me, aren't you would never?
Yeah, notture, I think peopleare believe me and not you.
I'm Jimmy seging Berger in for MichaelBrown. One more segment up ahead,
Let's wrap it up and wind itdown. Keep it right here on six
point thirty k how Denver's talkstation.Michael, Happy anniversary, Slacker, have
a great Friday. Second died.Thank you for the opportunity to come on
in and fill in here for you, Michael Brown, Jimmy Sangenberger here with
you as we wrap up and winddown the program. The time has just
flown right on by. Notwithstanding Dragonbeing the Dragon difficulty guy that he is
always makes life just more different.No, what I do I have to
say? He's actually he's actually kindof fun to work with. Guys.
Dah, Now that's recorded, huh, that's going to go on the podcast.
Then it'll be said into perpetuity.Oh my goodness, the world in
which we live. A couple finalthings as we wrap up the program today,
be sure to check out my website, Jimmy Sangenburger dot com, your
place for all things content from yourstruly. Keep in mind there's no AI
or you in sang and Burger.It's all ease all the time. Once
you know that sang in Burger iseasy. Have you gotten it down?
But I do know it's all easeall the time, all the time.
That's right, brother. I alsogot a text earlier that I hadn't seen,
so we were talking about this subversion, this gender affirming subversion of Colorado
physicians at the Colorado Medical Society,where doctor Travis Morell would put forward a
proposal to redefine, or to addand amplify the definition of female genital mutilation
to include altering or removing a minor'sbiologically healthy tissues when treating gender dysphoria when,
of course, someone believes their bodydoesn't match their gender, and this
is particularly through medical, hormonal orsurgical interventions. And the proposal was poised
to pass until a professor doctor FrankMerritt medical professor CU who sent out an
email to his students imploring them tosign up for their free membership, which
he informed them that they had accessto free membership in the Colorado of Medical
Society, and the medical students overrode, they flooded it and overrode the physicians
that were voting two to one infavor of it. Listener text coming in
saying people and especially parents need towake up and become informed and involved concerning
the Left strands gender movement. Genderdysphoria does exist, but those who actually
suffer from it require specialized treatment byquote knowledgeable medical professionals who understand the ramifications.
Anyone with half a brain knows whatis happening is dangerous and a lot
of the procedures that are being doneare irreversible and can destroy a patient's life.
In fact, that is true.This isn't just some small change in
their lives. By undergoing these hormonaltreatments or these surgeries. According to physicians,
you can find a patient can findthemselves being missing out on physical intimacy,
being able to breastfeed their baby,other fertility effects, significant consequences that
a young teenager and even parents don'tfully understand. In fact, WPATH,
this leading organization on gender identity issuesthat sets standards of care. There was
a big exposure of this organization,this international organization not too long ago,
revealing that they even acknowledge that parentsand kids can't really understand all the ramifications
here, can't really have informed consent, yet they push it anyway. And
this review out of the UK's theNHS National Health Service in England by doctor
Hillary Cass four year investigator or reviewfound a persistent lack of high quality evidence
for these things from reviewing over onehundred dividendiary sources, and they said that
this poor evidence base makes informed consentdifficult for young people and their families and
recommended quote an extremely cautious clinical approachand a strong clinical rationale for providing hormones
before the age of eighteen. Thatway they're able to keep options open during
this crucial development phase of adolescence.This is not a small matter, it
is a huge one, and weneed to understand what really is going on
here and recognize there's a reason whyEurope is turning on this is restricting,
if not outright banning puberty blockers forkids for gender dysphoria and surgeries among other
treatments. Just it's really something else. One other thing I really want to
just wrap up with. Is therethis whole hullabaloo going on with the Colorado
Republican Party. I wrote about thisin a column for the Denver Gazette last
week, where a former supporter ofChairman Dave Williams, Todd Watkins, has
turned on him and said he needsto go, especially since Williams prioritized his
own campaign the party endorsed him.He ran for office for Congress while maintaining
his position as chairman. The growingopposition to Dave Williams has been very strong.
You're familiar with that, I'm sure. But there was this whole kerfuffle
over a request for a meeting thatwas duly called by Watkins, for a
meeting of the state Central Committee ofthe party to remove Dave Williams. And
now there are two conflicting meetings thatare supposed to happen, one tomorrow being
put on by Vice chair Holpe Sheppelman. You remember the one who shared an
ad for Democrat Adam Frisch in orderto blast Jeff Hurd, the now Republican
nominee for the state for the RepublicanParty in the third Congressional District and removed
the disclaimer of paid for a buyand then recall tomorrow or then next week.
There's another meeting that will be takingplace that was the one called by
Watkins, and they're trying to saythat one is illegitimate. Let me tell
you, I've looked into this.It's legitimate. Participate. If you're on
the Central Committee, go to theone in the twenty seventh you should do
that. That is it for metoday. I'm Jimmy Sangenberger. Thanks so
much to Dragon for doing actually agreat job behind the glass. To all
you goobers, let's go out witha little bit of a harmonica. May
God bless America. Have a greatweekend.