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Michael Dragon. You know, normallyI listen to the Alumn podcasts and everything
at work, but they've changed ourwork schedule for this coming couple of weeks.
And now I'm having listened to youlive. Whenever I listen to your
own podcasts, I listened to youat one point twenty five maybe one point
five normal speed. Now I'm havinglistened to you on normal speed. You'll
sound drunk? Are y'all drunk?Is that what it is? Maybe when
I listen to you on fast speedand don't sound drunk? Damn it,
Dragon, we've been outed. They'reon to us. They're on to us.
Dang it. It's tough enough waitinguntil four o'clock in the morning to
start drinking. What am I goingto do? Now? Yeah? You
have to you know, you don'teven get up until four thirty. So
why drink? I drink in bed? What? Right? Of course,
it's right, it's right there onthe You just make We always make fun
of super Shoe and this and thatand that rat infested nest of a place
that he lives in. And youknow, we think about all the cans
of PABs blue ribbon laying around andcigarette holes burning the place, and you
know and just you know, justikey iky iky. But my bedside table
has like, you know, halfopen bottles of vodka and gin and you
know, some bourbon and whiskey andyou know, glasses of fallen over and
spilled onto the carpet and stained thecarpet. You know that That's that's my
bedside. When you wake up toroll over, you get thirsty too.
Don't those people keep a glass ofwater or something next to their beds,
you know, yeah, yeah,well mine mine just happens to be bourbon.
Mine just happens to be you know, there's And I don't drink like
the tequila. I like to drinkthe tequila out of the glass. So
I usually don't drink the tequila untilI've at least turned around and put my
feet on the floor. That wayI can pull the pour the tequila.
Of course, the dogs looking tome like eat, yeah, and I'm
having tequila at about four thirty inthe morning. All right, dad's got
to get his medicine in, right, Yeah, that Dad's got to go
to the pharmacy pick up somewhere medicinetoday. Oh, let's look about Jennifer
grand home for a moment, doesanybody dragon, i'm'na try and put you
on the spot. Do you knowdo you know who Jennifer Grandhome is.
I know that the name sounds familiar, but I probably could not put a
face to it or whatever else.That that's it, right, That's just
all I got. Alright, alright, Well, she was the governor of
Michigan. Yeah, I think Michiganfor Gretchen. She she was a governor,
and now she's the Secretary of Energyand she's in the news and she's
well, she's news and it's prettyfreaking hilarious. But before we get to
why I want to talk to herabout specifically. Uh, she was asked
this question on a local Let's see, where's this Fox affiliate? Uh?
Just Fox five, So I meanit could be no Fox two, So
anywhere around the country, some Foxaffiliate. Any talk of him pulling out
out among the inner circle, No, he is moving forward, and that
inner circle sees him every day.The inner circle sees him every day.
I can't tell you the last timeI saw him, sweetheart, but the
inner circle, they see him everyday. He is moving forward, and
that inner circle sees him every day. And he he family. How often
do you see him? Do you? Well? Again, I'm here in
my personal capacity, so I can'treally talk about what I say, but
I can tell you that wait aminute. The question was how often do
you Here's why she doesn't want toanswer the question. He never sees them.
My guess is this cabinet never seesthe president unless you know I do
think that maybe Lloyd Austin and theSecretary of State see him occasionally. But
he doesn't have meetings with Jennifer Granholme, doesn't have meetings with Pete Budajig.
He doesn't. I'm not even sureI could. What's her name, Romando,
Gina Romando, the Secretary of Commerce, He didn't. Do you think
he really has meetings with the Secretaryof Homelandsecurity? No, I don't think
he does. So the simple questionis how often do you see the president?
Now? I really think most cabinetmembers would give an answer that says,
oh, I see him quite often. Oh, you know, the
President I talk a lot, evenif they never see each other. Even
if they never talk, you're gonnalie about it. Am I confessing here
that people in Washington d c liedragon. I need some more medication.
I need some help here. Well, I I'm here in my personal capacity,
so I can't really talk about whatI said, but I can tell
you this. Everybody who is sayinghe should be running again knows and sees
the president on a daily basis,and so people, I mean, going
forward, he's got to prove rightthat he's up to it. And he
started that on Friday. He willcontinue that on Saturday, and he's going
to continue and going forward. Thesepeople are so desperate. They first of
all, they don't know what theirmarching orders are, so they're not quite
sure what to say about anything.Jay Johnson, the Secretary of Homeland Security
or former Secretary of Homeland Security,I should say, excuse me. A
presidency is more than just one manone woman. It's an administration. I
would take Joe Biden his worst dayat age eighty six, so long as
he has people around him like likeAvril Haynes, Samantha Power, Gina Romando
supporting him over Donald Trump any day, with the crowd that was behind him
on January sixth, two thousand andtwenty one, that's brilliant. Actually impressed
by that. I would take JoeBiden at his worst day at age eighty
six, so long as he haspeople around him to prop him up.
Over Donald Trump, who was surroundedby those people a January sixth Are you
eving kidding me? Those were Trump'sadvisors on January six There were cabinet members
marching on January the cabinet where theywere a bunch of insurrectionists. You know
what, how many days we havethe elections? I don't this is going
to get so good, Jennifer groundhome again. It's just so frustrating that
people are automatically willing to dismiss ninetyminutes of a bad performance and compared to
three and a half years of anexcellent presidency. And Michigan could see that
more than any other state. It'sjust so frustrating that people are medically willing
to dismiss ninety minutes of a badperformance. No, honey, it's not
ninety minutes. It's three and ahalf years. We've been watching it for
three and a half years. That'swhat bothers us over at CNN. Now,
remember we've just heard from Jay Johnsonabout you know how great that he
he is. He'd take Joe Bidenat a eighty six over Donald Trump any
day and Jennifer Granholm, well howoften you sing? But you know what,
he's wonderful. He's going to begreat. He's got one. He's
going to be wonderful. Now,now let's go over to CNN. This
is from Yeah, this is fromthis is from yesterday afternoon. Or by
the president's defenders at his age,was also considered an issue four years ago.
You know, if you look atthe polling now compared to it was
pre debate, and compared to itwhat us four years ago, it's just
not even on the saying planet Anderson, it's not even on the same planet.
So the corporate media is, sowhat's behind? I mean, first
of all, they can't ignore itany longer. And I do think remember
I told you all wanted to givea little bit of a benefit of the
doubt to the media that they actuallythey may have had suspicions. They may
have you know, as they asthey were in their little cubicles in the
West Wing, they may have whisperedeach other. You know, what do
you think they called a lid todayat eleven o'clock. Uh, there's nothing
on the schedule today. Or didyou see him last night? Did you
see how he walked? Did yousee fake move the arm? Did you
see did you see the makeup?We can't ever make fun of Orange Man
bad again because did you see him? So you know this? These are
the kind of whisperings going on.But there's a part of me that thinks
that I that debate night Thursday night, that the media that was so in
the tank for him that they werewilling to ignore. You know, if
you, if you really love someone, you tend to well, yeah,
they got some things that irritate me, but I ignore them. Like Dragon
loves me to death. There's notreally much to not like about me,
So it's not really a good analogy. But Dragon loves me so much that
he overlooks the one or two flawsthat I have. I am the dumbest
son of a bitch in the world, right, you know what I mean?
He tries, he tries to pretendthat he doesn't just adore me.
I am an idiot, and Ifreely admit that. You know, you're
just happy that you found those again, and now you're just looking for an
excuse to play. I got touse them twice one day. No,
you're just so excited so the corporatemedia is kind of they're kind of dumbfounded
by this. They they found theold sound bites like, oh my god,
wait a minute, we thought itwas bad, but it wasn't nearly
as bad as we thought it was. And now they don't know what to
do if you, as voters,now, does Biden have the mental fitness
in factory president? Those numbers areincredibly low. The percentage who say he
does not have the mental fitness.Look at this, seventy two percent say
he does not have the mental fitnessin order to be present right now.
That's up from sixty five percent predebate. But compare that to four years
ago the percentage of voters who saidthat Biden was too old it was just
thirty six percent. That's half thelevel that we're looking at right now.
These numbers are not anywhere close tobeing the same four years ago. Voters
for the most part, thought JoeBiden was with it, he could handle
the job as president. See that'swhat they believe. That's why I think
they're they're they're in shop. Theyfeel betrayed. They have run cover for
this guy, and now they canno longer hide it. Listen, closely
to this. Voters who said thatBiden was too old it was just thirty
six percent. That's half the levelthat we're looking at right now. These
numbers are not anywhere close to beingthe same four years ago. Voters for
the most part, thought Joe Bidenwas with it, he could handle the
job as president. You look atthose numbers now. The fact is voters
do not even see them on thesame planet. They don't think Biden's with
it. They do not believe hehas the mental fitness to be president.
And I have to be honest withyou, I don't know how he wins
with the numbers that we see rightnow. Oh no, what are we
gonna do? You see, theywent the twenty fifth a movement. They
win an open convention because they fearNow I think an open convention, I
think twenty two. Look again,let me emphasize I believe this from the
bottom of my heart. This electionis Trump's to lose. If the election
had today, BAM, it's alandslide. Election held tomorrow, BAM is
a land slide. So what wecan expect between now, because we have
the sentencing, Trump's going to besentenced on what January fifteenth, or I'm
sorry January fifteen, July fifteenth.It's just it's just a couple of weeks
away. He's going to be sentenced. What's what's that, judge, Mrshawn
gonna do? Throw him in jail? Hey, if we're talking about sentencing,
didn't somebody else get you know,convicted guilty? If there's some bang
bang, shoot him, shoot himsome charges, I would I have no
lua about what you're talking to thepresident. Somebody got charged with the guns.
There's some hunter, some hunter gotcharged, got right, Yeah,
and there's no sentencing date yet nearlythree weeks later. Hmmm, Well,
maybe they're maybe the court's dock.It's really dizzy, you know, maybe
you know, maybe they're waiting tosee what some other guy gets before they
decide what they're gonna get that guy. Do you ever think about that before
even scheduling a sentencing date, they'regonna wait till whatever. And you know
what, that's the right response.Yeah, whatever, that's the world we
live in, dragon whatever. Thereis no precedent for the numbers that we're
seeing right now for someone running forpresident, letting alone getting a nomination.
These are the types of numbers whenyou combine them with some of the numbers
that we're seeing post debate that showhim trailing Donald Trump. These are the
types of numbers that could end acampaign if he can't turn them around.
There is some comparison being made betweenBiden's for debate performance and Ronald Reagan's,
and their requestions raised after Reagan's firstdebate performance, he came back with a
second better one. He can't RonaldReagan was anything like what Joe Biden was
in the first debate, not atall. Reagan just didn't seem prepared.
Reagan wasn't out of it, hejust wasn't that well prepared. The same
thing can be said about George W. Bush's first debate against John Kerry.
I personally know about that when Iwas in the car when his brother told
him, Hey, you need togo back to the hotel. I'm gonna
whip his ass. I'm gonna lightthe floor of John Kerry. And Jeff
was like, man, you know, you know, George, I think
you ought to go back and study. They even tried to draw me in
that argument. I'm not getting inthe middle of that. And what happened.
Bush lost, but it wasn't becausehe was like U and neither was
Reagan. So all Anderson Pooper's tryingto do here is try to like,
well, you know, it couldbe like Ronald Reagan. And look,
he came back and won in alandslow. Some comparisons being made between Biden's
first debate performance and Ronald Reagan's,and there were questions raised after Reagan's first
debate performance he came back with thisand better one. He came back with
the second better one. But thefact is, if you look at the
numbers that Ronald Reagan had after thatfirst debate, the percentage of voters who
said that Ronald Reagan was too old, look at this, it was just
twenty seven percent. This guy's notgoing to have any Whoever, this guy
is some guy in the CNN's Intonuh. He must be either a poster or
something. He's throwing it right backinto Anderson Cooper's face. Look Reagan nineteen
eighty four, only twenty seven percentof the electorate said that he was too
old to be president. Biden,is it seventy two some having seventy four
percent three fourth of Americans? Itwas twenty seven percent. Age was an
issue at twenty seven percent. Thatwas after That was after the first debate.
That wasn't before the first debate,That was after the first bit.
And I averaged two poles there.So it's not like we're just looking at
one number back in eighty four.We're looking at two poles average him together.
It was twenty seven percent who saidthat Ronald Reagan was too old.
Now that number for Joe Biden,who says that he doesn't have the mental
fitness to be president, is wellmore than double. It's seventy two percent.
Ron Reagan was able to recover inthat second debate because voters were willing
to give him the benefit of thedoubt. The fact is voters might have
been willing to give Joe Biden thebenefit of the doubt going to the first
debate, but afterwards, I don'tsee it all right, No, it
ain't there. It's not there atall. You're watching everything beginning to implode
and explode. All I can suggestis, hang on, it's a roller
coaster. It's going to be funagain. It's Trump's to move and right
now I feel pretty damn good aboutincluding the down balance to you guys.
Remember on July first, twenty twentyone had a White House bested that we
were going to save sixteen cents onour Independence Day cookouts. I wonder what
they're going to do this year.They're either going to a have to tell
the truth and tell us it's ahuge price increase, or b as Joe
Biden would say, lie and tellus that it's a price reduction when our
wallets know the difference. Well,interesting, you had mentioned that. Let's
listen to a few clips again.Let's go to ABC News, Chuck Silverstein
or Silverstein Silverston, I don't knowwhere announces. Consumer prices were flat from
April to May, the mildest performancein more than four years has the Personal
Consumption Expenditures Index were PCE. Governmentreports measured from a year earlier, prices
rose two point six percent last month, slightly less than in April. When
you take out volatile food and energycosts like gasoline, inflation from April to
May was just zero point zher onepercent. It's encouraging for those hoping for
federal reserve rate cuts that could lowerhome, auto, and other loans.
It did you get that, uh, prices are up, but prices are
down. Consumer prices were flat fromApril to May, the mildest performance in
more than four years, the mildestperformance in more than four years. So
prices zoomed up and they've kind ofstayed up. Is the Personal Consumption Expenditures
Index were PCE government reports measured froma year earlier, prices rose two point
six percent. Left, So pricesrose two point six percent this month,
slightly less than in April, butslightly less than April, so they still
rose. And remember inflation is cumulative, cumulative, so it continues to add
on, so every little thing costsa little more and more and more.
But you know, that's just someABC News story. Instead, let's go
to the Federal Reserve. Let's seewhat he had to say. Are we
going to go back to the verylow levels of neutral rates that we had
in the recovery of the global financialcrisis? Are we going to go part
of the way back from today's highrates to that? And you know,
intuitively, most people think that wewon't go back to those very very low
rates that we saw, you know, during the global financial crisis recovery period,
but we don't really know, Yes, how he refers to this global
financial crisis recovery period. Wasn't thatfinancial crisis back in two thousand and eight?
Wasn't that like sixteen years ago?And so we've been in a recovery
period all the way up until whatBiden took office when inflation took off.
And that's supposed to be the recoveryperiod. Man, I'm telling you what
some kind of stupid around here.But volunteers, let's see, volunteers from
across the US contributed to this year'sAmerican Farm Bureau Fourth of July Market Basket
Survey to determine the average cost ofsummer cookout staples. What's the cookout staple
for you? Dragon? Burgers,hot dogs, know, buns, the
cheese, soda, chips, potatosalad, probably potato salad. Yeah,
you botulism, your potato souf.Of course, it's delicious, wonderful.
Let's see. Well here the homemadecookedout consisting of cheeseburgers. Yep. Now
do you put the cheese on theburger when you first put the burger on
the grill? West raw? No, No, just like shumor that's what
I throw the burger patty on thegrill, immediately put the cheese off Okay,
all right, there's our public serviceannouncement. That's how you put the
cheese. So when you ask anybodywant cheese, you need to ask when
you first start cooking. I'll evenskip a stick to just put the cheese
on the cow itself and then thencall it good. Call it good,
that's right. Chicken breast, porkchops. Who has pork chops on the
grill for Fourth of July? Doesanybody do that? Pork chops are delicious,
but I don't see it as aFourth of July food. Okay,
Well, potato chips, pork andbeans. I'm getting hungry. Now.
Do you like lace potato chips?You like like like those kinds of chips?
Do you like pringles potato chips?I like them all. I mean,
I'm particularly about the flavors salt andvinegar. Stay the hell away from
me, and that's not coming intomy house. But yeah, I'll take
some pringles. I'll take some,you know, kettle chips. I'll take
some Lais, some doritos. Yeah, ruffles or non ruffles, if it
depends if I am I dipping thechip. If I'm dipping the chip,
then I need to have ruffles.Because then it needs to hold up to
the big, heavy, thick dipthat I'm using, and there's more area,
there's more space. There's something aboutthe flavor of pringles that I find
that I like. I like thepotato chips too, because they're potato flakes
just pressed into that. Yeah,is that the difference is that? But
yeah, man, I could eata whole can of pringles once. Yeah,
you want to talk to former fatguy about food? I can go
on about food. Well that's whatwe're doing here. In case you didn't
that. We just we've been talkingabout. Are you just waking up?
I asked you about pork chop?Right? Yeah, yeah, I'm good.
No, I said, I'm justsaying I can help out in this
conversation. Okay, what didn't helpout? Porking beans? Hey, they're
they're they're hit or miss for me. You know, I'm we got bushes,
baked beans. They don't they don'thave to be there. But if
they're there and I've got some roomon the plate, sure you what's really
good is to dip your porking beanswith your potato chip. Yes, that's
that's right there Again, you wouldhave that delicacy you have to go back
to the ruffles because of regular oldlaths potato. But I'm just saying that's
a delicacy, porking beans dipped withyour your the fact that you would need
a big thirty fixed chip all right, fresh strawberries homemade of botulism, potato
salad, fresh squeeze lemonade. Sure, okay, yeah, chalk the chocolate
chip, cookies and ice cream,yes together. Crumble Cookies today has strawberry
shortcake. I might even though mya one seed jumped up a little bit,
I might have to get to CrumbleCooking, get trying with little strawberry
shortcake cookies or flat cookies or whateverit is. Okay, cho chip,
strawberry shortcake, patriotic birthday cake,s'mores, cornbread and apple pie. You
know see, I'm going down disposedlocation. Uh tomorrow afternoon, I might
have stop at Crumble Cookies before theyrun out. You may have to stop
the one over here on a rappahole because they have a new testing cookie.
Uh huh, cherry cheesecake. Okay, where's it on a wrappa hole?
Right off for a wrappa hoo ontwenty five, it's right there.
The little go West West, Yeah, okay. Is it in a strip
mall or standalone? A strip mallstrip mall? Okay, it's right next
to the five guys and oh okay, okay, I know where it is.
Okay. So, with plenty ofoptions to feed a hungry crowd,
a group of ten this year canexpect to pay seventy one dollars and twenty
two cents for their celebration, upfive percent from last year. And up
are you? You didn't read thisarticle? Did you? Nope? What
do you think it is? Upover the past five years? Five?
Over the past five years? Whatdo you think that is now? I
remember we're talking about cheeseburgers, chickenbreasts, pork, chopped potato, chips,
pork and beans, fresh strawberries,homemade potato salad, fresh squeeze,
lemonade, chocolate chip, cookies,and ice cream. I my gut wants
to tell me it's up fifty percent, but it's probably not that high.
So I'd say somewhere between twenty fiveand thirty percent. Thirty percent, there
you go, thirty percent, buthey, inflations down, so you know,
instead of paying uh, seventy twodollars and eighty nine cents. You're
paying seventy one dollars and twenty twocents now thirty percent. So that's thirty
percent. Is so you'd have paidabout a little under fifty bucks five years
ago. All right, it continuesnaturally. This means we are surpassing seven
dollars per person for the first time, with a total meal coming to seven
dollars and twelve cents a person.I was about to say, you can
go out and eat cheaper than that, but you'd have to go, like
get the five dollars special at McDonald's. Only two dishes decreased in price.
Grocery bill is still in lia seemaybe a shock. Oh who wrote this
FB dollar? Oh the farm bureafarm bill did. Okay, your grocery
may be a shock, but itis still in line with the inflation that
has royaled the economy, including thefarm economy, over the last several years.
Meat will put the biggest dent inyour grocery budget. Ground beef,
pork chops, chicken breast, whichaccount for fifty percent of the total cookout
costs this year, two pounds ofground beef will cost good great, I
see, I don't go to thegrocery store. Yeah. Same, I
just saw the image there too,him like, wait a minute, no
wonder my credit card bills are sohigh, man, I gotta stop eating.
I gotta check the cat I gottacheck the cost of canned dog food.
You know. I saw a commercialthe other day for spam on the
on the TV. They chopped upspam into little cubes and they fried it
and then they put in they grilledor didn't grill, but then they stir
fried some veggies like onions and greenbell peppers and stuff, throwing some rice.
Yes, And then they flipped itover and said they had a great
tagline, but I don't remember it, something about spam don't bitch until you
try it. I don't think it'sexactly those words, but that's what they
were implying. Brown beef will costan average of twelve dollars and seventy seven
cents. That's two pounds, Sothat's over six bucks a pound. That's
up eleven percent just from last year. Oh, but this is good.
California's Proposition twelve bans in state meatsales from animals whose production did not meet
California's animal welfare standards regards as wherethey were raised. This is the first
year spending full effect, and manyhave anxiously awaited its impact on pork prices.
Unsurprisingly, our pork chops rose eightpercent nationally, up a dollar from
last year to fifteen dollars forty ninecents. Pork chop prices in California were
even higher, at nineteen dollars andninety one cents. Yeah, I think
Gavin Newsom should run for president becauseyou know, here's the here's the ideal
ticket. Newsom Polis. Think aboutthat. You got the animal rights activist
husband, you got the gay husband, You got Gavin with his greased hair,
You get all the animal welfare rightscrap in California. We could turn
Colorado and California. We could Californiakate Colorado, ate the entire country and
do it with a gay and straightguy. I'm tell you this is America.
Maybe this is America. Hamburger bondswill cost you two dollars and forty
one cents. That's up seven percent. I don't care about milk coast to
coast. Who listened to coast tocoast anymore? How the farm built hill
gonna say, Now, I'm justirritating you have obviously not been to a
Mexican family's celebration of the fourth ofJuly. Let me tell you about pork
carnis. Oh my lord, isit good? Anyways, that's where the
pork is on Fourth of July.Bye. Oh yeah, well yeah,
yeah, pork tacos. Right,But I am curious. So Mexicans celebrating
what do they have to celebrate thefourth of July? For Mexicans in Mexico,
like Mexican Mexico, w they celebratethe Fourth of July as well?
Well, why not we celebrate singledemile? True, very true. So
the Mexicans just need a reason toshoot off fireworks and drink okay, and
have and put cheese on raw hamburgermeat. Mexican Americans, I could see.
Yeah, the whole pork carneadas andthe pork tacos and good go for
it. Yeah, how do youget picking one of our goobers? No,
I'm just relaying what she said.The Mexican family is celebrating fourth of
July. So those in Mexico andthe Mexican families they celebrate Fourth of July
as well. I had never knownthere's such an ass. What did I
do I think one of our Ithink one of our listeners, one of
our truck drivers might be in trouble. A mister tough guy, Florida thief
got his butt whipped by a sixtysix year old man whose truck he tried
to break into. The truck ownercalled nine one one early Thursday morning after
heard twenty nine year old Blake Robinsonattempting to break into his truck outside his
Brevard County home. The old manwent outside to confront Robinson, who punched
him in the head before throwing himto the ground and kicking him in the
head. Blake Robinson, twenty nine, I ain't got his butt whip by
a sixty six year old man heattempted to rob. Police in Florida joked
on social media. Now when thepobo starts joking, which is worse getting
beat up by the sixty six yearold fart or having the popo make fun
of you on social media because ofsixty six year old I got a one
of your truck drivers. But ifyou're down in Florida and this was you,
I want to know about it now. I haven't read this story yet,
but I love the headline. Ithink I know why Dragon printed this
one off. This is from Westward. No free RTD rides around Denver this
summer, but who's riding anyway?There will not be any free RTD rides
this summer for anyone over eighteen.But using the bus or light rails nowadays
is getting bumpy Anyway, Dragon,was the last time you wrote RTD light
rail several years? Yeah? Probably? I think mine probably four years going
to a Broncos game, m