Episode Transcript
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Uh, we're gonna have to listento the Kamla cackle every day for the
next eight years and several months,regardless of how many voicemails we leave you.
No, that's not true. Thecackle is no longer what's important.
It's not what's important at all.Uh, I'm going to do it.
But but here's what is important.And be and be unburdened by what has
been? Can what can be unburdenedby what has been? What can be
unburdened by what has been? Whatcan be unburdened by what has been?
What can be unburdened by what hasbeen? What we can see, what
we believe can be unburdened by whathas What can be unburdened by what has
been? What can be yea unburdenedby what has been? What can be
unburdened by what has been? Whatcan be unburdened by what has been?
Who we can be unburdened by whowe have been? What can be unburdened
by what has been? Where wecan be unburdened by where we have been
and unburdened by where we are rightnow? What can be unburdened by what
has been, What can be unburdenedby what has been? What can be
unburdened by what has been? Whatcould be unburdened by what had been?
What can be unburdened by what hasbeen? What can be unburdened by what
has been? What can be unburdenedby what has been? What can be
unburdened by what has been? Whatcan be unburdened by what has been?
Unburdened by what has been? Believingin what can be? What can be
unburdened by what has been? Whatcan be unburdened by what has been?
What can be by what has been? What can be unburdened by what has
been? What can be unburdened bywhat has been? What can be unburdened
by what has been? What canbe unburdened by what has been? What
could be unburdened by what had been? What can be unburdened by what has
been? What can be? Yeah, even I can't do it anymore.
There's four minutes of this of hersaying exactly the same thing, exactly the
same phrase, in speech after speechafter speech. It's no different than Joe
Biden's you know, I'm going tobuild the middle class from the bottom up,
middle out. Whatever that stupid phraseis, or his phrase about you
know, we are the United Statesof America. Really, no feacis shirlock.
I didn't know that. I neverunderstood where I was living. This
is who the presumptive nominee is ofthe Democrat Party. But before we get
to that, remember, so Bidenannounces that he's not running for re election,
and then he in a tweet,says that he supports Kamala Harris's candidacy
to the exclusion of all others.Interestingly, that announcement came as a shock
to the people at work in theWhite House and to his campaign aids,
one of whom told Politico this weare all finding out by tweet. None
of us understand what's happening. Well, the same thing was true in Delaware,
in Biden's home state. A campaignofficial said, I don't think his
soul in Delaware knew what was goingon. Now I can argue again,
this is the problem with this story. I can argue both sides of this,
which is just driving me BATTYE youknow, making a momentous decision about
whether or not you are going tocontinue in the campaign or not is one
that is everyone is so hyper focusedon it. You are under such a
microscope about it, even more sothan just the mere fact of being president.
That I sincerely believe that at itscore, that was a family decision
that needed to be made. First, they needed to decide themselves what they
were going to do. Now Idon't begrudge them that, I do think
they should have considered while they weremaking that decision the impact that it would
have on the national security of thiscountry. But nonetheless, whether they did
or not, I don't know.Do you know, Of course you don't.
None of us know. But atsome point once that decision is made.
If you even tell your campaign staffwho was out on Face the Nation
yesterday, they were literally on Facethe Nation, the Biden campaign coachair,
It's not it wasn't Chris Coons,whoever the other y'all who is talking about,
Oh, yes, Biden is inthe race, that he's in the
race. I can tell you he'stalking to Margaret Brennan. I can tell
you unequivocally he's in this race.Says, oh no, there's no question
about it. He's in the race. Well, it turns out, you
know, at the same time hewas saying that on face the nation,
they were probably composing the letter thatsaid, no, I'm out of the
race. I understand why. That'sbecause the minute you tell one, you
might as well have told you,you might as well have told the whole
world. You tell Chris Coons andwhoever that other guy is that runs the
campaign, you tell the two ofthem, they will ineviably. I don't
care how many times they tell you. I promise not to tell anybody.
They will tell somebody. You knowthat's true. You've done it yourself,
We've all done it. This isthe third time in three presidential elections that
the Democrat Party elites have subverted democracyto choose their presidential candidate. Don't believe
me. The first time twenty sixteen, and that's when the Democrat National Committee
manipulated money and the process to whatstopped Bernie Sanders and put Hillary Clinton in
there. That even started with subvertingthe presumptive heir to that nomination. Oh
yeah, a guy named Joe Bidenwho happened to be vice president for eight
years. Now, let's put afootnote. Let's insert a footnote here for
just a moment, So if intwo fifteen, twenty sixteen. The Democrat
elites can turn to a city vicepresident who has served his boss for eight
years, and Barack Obama can callhim in and say, you're not going
to run now. They didn't askhim, they didn't try to cajole him.
They told him, we're not supportingyou. We're supporting Hillary Clinton.
And we're supporting Hillary Clinton not becausewe necessarily support Hillary Clinton, but because
we got to defeat Bernie Sanders,because Bernie Sanders threatened the way progressives work.
Progressivism is by its very nature progressive. It's it defines itself. And
so you work little by little,inch by inch, one piece of legislation
by one piece of legislation, slowlybut methodically, so that I want to
use the term dumbass here, butI don't think that's fair. So that
you get American citizens accustom to whatevernew government program you've implemented, so that
now it becomes a part of theirlifestyle, becomes part of their survival,
their economic means of living, whateverit might be that you get them.
It's no different than the crack dealer. It's no different than the fentanyla,
the cocaine dealer, you just givethem a little taste of something and you
get them hooked on it, andthen suddenly Americans who claim to be conservative
are suddenly well, I love thisgovernment subsidy. I love this government program.
And now you got them hooked,and now they'll want more and more.
The Bernie Sanders of the world wantto speed that process up, but
in so doing causes such a kneejerk reaction about, oh my god,
we can't go that far, butyou're going that far. You're just going
that you're just in a school zone, and you're just doing it at twenty
miles an hour, as opposed towhat brought. As opposed to what Bernie
Sanders wanted to do, which ismoving up to, you know, seventy
five miles an hour. Bernie wantedto get you out of the school zone
and get you on the freeway.And the Democrats know they can't do that
because that's not how progressivism works.So the first time that the elite stepped
in and what were a threat tothe democratic process was in two thousand and
twenty fifteen sixteen when they got ridof Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders and coronated
Hillary Clinton. Then The second timewas in twenty twenty. Don't remember this.
I mean, for some reason,people seem to remember twenty sixteen,
but they don't remember twenty twenty.Because the party elites pushed out Pete Budhajig
and Amy Klobachar so that Elizabeth Warrenwould then split the progressive vote with Bernie
Sanders, and that allowed James Clyburnto open that pathway for Joe Biden to
get the nomination in South Carolina.They created the pathway for Biden. That's
what the elites did. Then fastforward to this year, Biden and the
Democrat National Committee prevented a competitive openprimary, and now Biden is deciding who's
going to be the nominee for theDemocrats. Remember, the nomination was moved
up to the objection and chagrin ofmany of the early states were like,
wait a minute, you can't changeall of this. All you're doing is
you're front loading all of the delegatesso that Biden will get the nomination and
seal it up, sew it upso that nobody else has a chance to
run against an incumbent president. Nowwhy would the Democrats do that? Well,
one, because they're anti Democratic two, because they're run by elites.
And three, they've done that manytimes before. They've got chosen candidates,
and they've got chosen people that theywant. JFK Bobby Kennedy Senior. Look,
those are all chosen by the elites. In fact, I do believe
that but for the assassination of RobertF. Kennedy, he would have gone
on to Chicago, he would havegotten the nonmin A Nation, and Lyndon
Johnson would have been done with.Lyndon Johnson saw the handwriting on the wall,
he saw the poll numbers. Nowit's it's true that Biden is now
deciding that he's not going to runand then in a tweet deciding that he
is going to support Kamala Harris.Is actually a fight. That is a
sample, is an insight into thefight that's now going on within the elites.
Because the elites, remember those thosesix people I described, Barack Obama,
Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, and Chuck Schumer.
Out of all of those, Bidensitting over here, he was really
kind of an outsider because he'd alreadybeen pushed to say once. But then
they turned to him because now theylooked at their they looked at their bench
in twenty twenty and said, ohmy god, we can't have any of
these. So let's alter our nominatingprocess and let's make sure that we get
Biden, drag his dumbass across theline in South Carolina and give him the
momentum to move forward. But Biden'salways been an outsider from those six that
I just described. This year,they prevented an open primary, and Biden
now thinks he is the one that'sgoing to be the ciding the nominee for
the Democrats. Well, let's lookat it historically. Harris was deeply unpopular
with Democrat voters when she ran inthe twenty twenty primary. She dropped out
after her polling plummeted to the singledigits. She could not garner one single
delegate. She was that bad.What has changed since then. Nothing.
She's just as bad, if notworse, today than she was then.
The only advantage that Kamala Harris hastoday is that that she's the vice president.
It's it's true that the Democrat elitesfollowed the formal rules. Most Democrats
agreed that Biden should not run again, and a Democrat could still challenge Harris
Kamala Harris at the convention. Buthere's the problem. The party undermined the
very spirit of democracy in every election, and democracy is actually about letting people
decide for themselves who their representative willbe in our constitutional republic. Well,
that simply did not happen. Infact, a very small number of Democratic
Party donors, media elites, andthe ruling elite. Oh who's that?
Oh yeah, the cabal, theychose Hillary Clinton, Biden, Harris.
And in many ways it was themedia who influenced the donors and decided that
Biden should go after that disastrous debateperformance. Other than Joe Starborough, we
had Jake Tapper, we had WolfSplitzer, we had obviously Fox News,
we had George Stephanopolis who did itblatantly on national television. And then even
when that didn't work, so nowthey drag out Lester Holt, and Lester
Holt does the same thing to himon national television. To the extent that
ordinary Democrat voters turned against Biden,I think that was in response to the
cabal turning against Biden. When themedia insisted that Biden was fine and that
the worries about his health were justwhat right wing propaganda, It was just
us nut jobs. Democrat voters werestill loyal to Joe Biden. Now it's
true that someone could challenge Harris forthe nomination, and I think that's why
Pelosi and Obama holding out. Theywant to make sure they influence who does
or does not make that decision.Michael, I got to disagree with something
you just said. Jefferies is thesame as Kamality. He's a DEI stand
in. He has no power andnever will have power, never has authority,
and just basically announced what he's toldto do. Hm hmm. You
might be right, only to thisextent that he's a Californian, and so
being a Californian, he is subjectto I was. I'm gonna talk about
natural born such as chip in aminute. He is a as a Californian,
he's a natural born protege, anatural born acolyte of Nancy Pelosi.
So yeah, he's gonna do whatPelosi says. But he still has power
on his own as the House Minorityleader and the next speaker, and he
pretty much stood behind Biden up untilthe very end Saturday. He was like,
nowind Biden's my guy, right asmany of them did. They they
stood right up next to him,right up to the very up right up
to the very end. Let metell you where I'm going, and then
jump back and go to that point. Kamala Harris is gonna be the nominee.
There's little, if any doubt inmy mind about that. But I
think it's important for you to understandabout how the elites are the threat to
democracy with the populist movement that isgoing on all around the world right now.
You look at what's going on inFrance. You look even larger than
that, you look what's going onwithin the European Union. Now, remember,
the European Union itself is not asovereign nation. It is not a
sovereign country. The European Union iskind of like just a hodgepodge of countries
that all agreed to get together andlet somebody to make hard decisions for them
that they themselves don't want to make. They're trying to emulate the United States
of America without a constant tution suchas we have, where the States retain
their sovereign power. Well, populismis spreading throughout Europe and the United Kingdom,
and with the driving forces of thatis illegal immigration. Oh who's the
czar the overseas illegal immigration in thiscountry? Oh yeah, Kamala Harris.
She's doing exactly what they want herto do, which is nothing at all.
But I want to go back againbecause when I when I use the
term and I'll use I know,I use the term cabal a lot.
But what you're witnessing if you stepaway from the chaos, and you step
away from the just the the onslaughtthat you're hearing on television and radio,
if you step back from that amoment, you'll realize that this cabal,
this is what you're witnessing. Now. I think think it's I do think
it's true that to some degree thatsomebody could challenge Harris for the nomination,
But I just don't see that happeningbecause you have several things playing against that.
Well, you have Biden's endorsement FastFurious now, albeit by a tweet,
nonetheless, And I'm just telling youwhat's in my head. I kind
of understand why Biden did it theway he did it, although I'm not
sure I would do it on atweet that certainly says a lot about how
powerful x slash Twitter is. ButI understand that if you're going to withdraw
your nomination and you're not going torun for a second term, you want
that to be the soul because becausethat letter will go into the National Archives,
and that will be some letter thatwill be, you know, at
some point in the future of Americanhistory, if we survived long enough,
that'll be a letter that somebody willgo somewhere and they'll see in the in
the Library of Congress. They mightsee in the National Archives. It'll be
like you can see Nixon's letter ofresignation. So he wanted that to be
the only thing. That's the onlysubject matter of that letter. My fellow
Americans, blah blah blah, blah, blah blah blah. Then you five
minutes later you endorse your vice president. And then it's the minute he did
that. I'm just trying to think, to me, the minute, the
minute he did that, that's whenBill and Hilly stepped up. Senators Tammy
Baldwin, I'll read Hoffman. ReadHoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, one
of the huge mega donors the DemocratParty. He jumped in almost immediately and
endorsed Terras, and then all theother party elites are likely going to do
the same thing. So you goback, look over your shoulder for a
moment. Over the just say,the past three or four weeks, Biden
was actually fighting the Democrat donors,he was fighting the media elites, he
was fighting the party leaders. Hekept insisting repeatedly that he could do the
job. But then in the endthey overwhelmed him. And as I said
last week, for me, theriding on the wall for Biden, eventually
doing this was withholding of funding.Money truly is the mother's medical politics,
and with that you can't go anywhere. You gotta have money, you have
to have an organization. So thenthey became relentless. They attacked him every
day. They only let up forthe twenty four hours after the attempt at
assassination on Donald Trump. So asa result, you simply could not watch
the events of the last few weeksand believe in any way that the Democrat
Party is democratic. It is apart what either is controlled by the media,
controlled by the donors, and controlledmost importantly by the deep state.
However you might feel about the Republicans, you can't say the same thing about
Republicans. Republican voters rejected their ownparties leaders, they rejected their donors,
they rejected the foreign policy establishment tonominate Trump back in twenty sixteen, and
Democrats, by contrast, slided withthe establishment candidate in choosing Clinton in twenty
sixteen and Biden in twenty twenty.Now, why is that? Why is
it? The Republicans kind of areand get face, I'm gonna do what
we want to do, and theDemocrats are like, well, you know
what, We're going to tell youwhat to do. Why did the Democrats
become the party controlled by the elitesand obedient to authority and Republicans are the
party of rebellion and increasingly the partyof the working class. Demographics explains a
lot of this go back to thenineteen thirties, the Democrats New Deal Coalition
that was labor that was a coalitionof labor unions, blue collar workers,
ethnic religious minorities, white Southerners.And then you got to the seventies and
Democrats essentially gave up on the NewDeal Coalition and the white working class voters
who they increasingly came to view andcall racist, sexist, reactionary. Every
pejority of you could come up withDemocrats focused on winning professional, college educated
voters. They wanted to go afterthe lawyers, the teachers, the doctors,
the journalists, those unions, andthose professional managerial elites do what they
display authoritarian characteristics. You don't believeme, that's an authoritarian. What was
the reaction to COVID authoritarian? Thereaction to so called climate change authoritarian?
Think about the social media censorship.Progressive professionals, the progressive elites have treated
their ideological and political views as theso called subtle science. And they therefore,
because because their positions are the onlyposition you can have, they demand
that democracy defer to committees of credentialedexperts, the administrative state. That's what
they represent. That's where their poweris. The elitists that make the rules
and regulations by which we are forcedto live under. And it's not just
the national level. Look at Colorado. Look at how Colorado has descended into
utter degeneracy. Colorado is a Coloradois a crap whole state. Why because
we now have allowed ourselves to besubjected to Democrat leadership who sat back with
the blueprint back what was twenty yearsago now sat down with the blueprint,
and Striker and Gil and Polis alldecided, we're going to put these billions
in and what are we going todo. We're going to start grabbing city
councils, We're going to start grabbingschool districts, We're going to start start
grabbing state rapid state Senate houses.We're going to take control of this state.
And then we're going to put allof our experts in to start coming
up with all these rules and regulations. And so we are a microcosm of
what's going on nationally, and it'sdemocrats. The common denominator between Colorado and
the national scene are democrats. Isn'tit hilarious that progressings condemn Republicans as in
the grip of right wing authoritarianism.How can you say that we're authoritarian?
How many times I'm sure you getthinking of me using the phrase, you
know, talking about individual liberty andindividual freedom. F is that authoritarian?
You look at new research that suggeststhat progressive professionals display entitlement and grandiosity,
the two traits behind both narcissism andleft wing authoritarianism. That's what this country
is delving into. A European socialistwelfare state where you're going to be told
are almost a caste system. Thebottom line, the Democrats are the authoritarians.
They're the threat to democracy. Theytook away their delegates right to choose.
The elites jumped in. I'm lookingat a headline from Deadline right now,
a Hollywood based outfit. Top Hollywooddonors already writing checks, excited and
motivated for Kamala Harris after Joe Biden'sexit. And here's a list of all
the top Democrat donors in Hollywood pouncingright now to make sure that she's the
nominee. Pelosi, Schumer and theothers have lost control. Oh they're still
trying to exercise it, but they'velost some control. But there is some
good news. Yeah, there's somegood news, you know, guys.
I'd rather listen to cackling Cruella thanthat promotional spot about Brownie knows everything,
schooling is opinionated and I like that. And Dan caplis is whatever Dan capitalis
is good grief. Those people soundlike they've never called a radio show in
their life. I don't get it. It's the promo that you like.
I know it's the promo, butI don't get what his point is about.
It's like they never called radio showtheir life. He just doesn't like
the promo. Oh okay, Wellyou can send an email to management to
him you don't like the promo,and they'll do a new promo. If
then somebody else won't like that promo, and we'll go through that cycle again.
So it can't please everybody all thetime. So there is some good
news, and I think the goodnews hooks up with Trump, which may
encounterintuity. And the good news isthat only thirty two percent, technically less
than a third of Americans tell Gallopthat they trust the cabal even a fair
amount or even a great deal toreport the news fairly and accurately. That's
the lowest level in fifty two years. Now. Polling also shows with Gallup
that public approval and disapproval of Democratsand Republicans are now about the same.
But the good news and all ofthat is this Trump vance represent and I
think you know if you if youwant to find the good, the good
in the attempted assassination of Donald Trumpis that he had a near death experience,
which, while while he will stillbe the same kind of over the
top in terms of everything's the greatestand the biggest and whatever, and we're
going to be the finest ever ofwhatever it is. The tone is different.
Tone matters, and so for thosewho are fed up and they hear
the and here, I would betempting. I would be tempted to play
the uh cackling sound, or temptedto play a little more of this.
Unburdened by what has been? Whatcan be unburdened by what has been?
What can be unburdened by what hasbeen? What can be? What should
be unburdened by what has been?What can be unburdened by what has been?
What can be unburdened by what hasbeen? To see what can be
unburdened by what has been? Yeah, whatever, what can be? Wasn't
being unburned, whatever it is.If Trump a Vans are able to kind
of latch onto that disaffection with theway the country's going and actually offer policy
differences or off to the races,