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May 7, 2024 27 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Glenn. You need to know she'sgot you. It's three good morning.
I promise I'll get to the metGala. Just a reminder though, at
seven thirty your first chance of themorning to win Billie Eilish tickets. This
will lead to the met Gala.But the Internet is still talking about the
Tom Brady rose that happened Sunday nightLive on Netflix, and we're kind of

in an agreement here that Nicki Glazerwas the one that really stole the show.
She was on Howard Stern yesterday andhe had asked her, were there
any off limit topics here? Sheis, yeah, I mean I think
we all collectively just decided not toinvolve his kids too much in anything because

they didn't ask for that, Soany kind of reference to anything with that
we left off the table. Soso I mean they were mentioned, just
not specifically, which leads me intotalking about the met Gala because guests who
was absent yesterday and reportedly spoke tobe their people magazine is saying that Giselle
was supposed to be there but deeplydisappointed by the Tom Brady roast. And

I'm even seeing rumors that she shouldget half of the money that he made
from that roast. Now, again, this is from People magazine, so
I'm just speculating here a little bit. The roast itself, I thought was
executed very well. It was threehours long, so by now you've probably
just caught clips on the internet.Am I taking that with a grain?
Absolutely? I take everything in thecelebrity world with a grain because I'm not

in their group text right, Idon't know. I don't know as logistics
and specifics, But that's a rumoras to why Gizelle wasn't there. Let's
chat Rihanna. I had c Aimade a night last night. There were
several images, including Katy Perry andone of Rihanna, that I saw that
had me convinced that both of themwere on the carpet. They were,

in fact not. However, severalother celebrities were and they looked stunning.
Zenda had two outfit changes, whichchallenging enough to show up in one outfit.
She was there first because she wasthe chair of the Met Gala this
year, and then at the veryend of the night, she had a
look that was just she was beautiful. The other one that people are talking

about is Kim Kardashian. Has thatgirl taken a breath since she hit the
carpet yesterday? I'm not sure becausethat corset was so fight that she had
to have been uncomfortable throughout the entireevening. We're gonna share more on the
looks and stuff coming up in ournext hour when we're commercial free, but
I wanted to leave it at thatfor now because those are at least the

big trending moments Outside of that.The one I forgot to mention was Cardi
b She had the biggest gown andit took about eight or nine people to
get her set up on the carpet. What a time. That is.
Three things you need to know forthe seventh of May. I'd mentioned it
earlier, but I'll remind you comingup at seven thirty your first chance of
the morning to whin Billie Eilish tickets. Don't go too far. Good morning.

You're waking up with fifth in themorning. Kiss what I seven?
Oh ari embarrassed? Good morning?A reminder that at seven thirty is your
first chance of the day to winBillie Eilish tickets on my show, So
don't go too far. Have youever been house hunting and during that process
accidentally tried to get into someone else'shouse that wasn't on the market. I

already have second hand embarrassment. Ihave a feeling that this won't be the
first time that I'm uncomfortable in thehouse hunting process. How are you,
guys? So I haven't really sharedmuch about this, but in the last
it's new. It's really new.Within the last month ish, I've started
to scratch the surface on the homebuying process in twenty twenty four. And
you have may have already owned yourhome. You might be just like me,

or you're like dreading it because youknow you have to do it at
one point or another, whatever phaseyou're at. Just know that I'm learning
right alongside you, and we'll spendmore time on that process. If you're
like, oh, I'm curious onhow it works here in Sinsey with the
new interest rates and just like Texasand any all of it. Any Nonetheless,
about a month ago I started theprocess and I went on my first

set of home tours, and I'mstill getting acclimated with which area i want
to live in. But if youknow me, you already know I live
in Mount Adams, so it's gonnabe really hard for me to leave that
area, and I'm trying to staydesperately. I was looking in this was
probably the East Walnut Hills area,kind of before it gets to Evanston,
right, just that that general areathere. And I'm not going to give

out the specific address obviously, becauseit was wrong. I don't know how
my real it or and I messedthis up. But we had parked the
car on the street. You've gotthe list, You've got the paper right
that has all the information on it, and we I swear we know how
to use Google Maps. Okay,so we typed it into Google Maps.
This is twenty twenty four, andwe're knocking on the door, knocking on

the door, knocking on the door, and it really looked like someone lived
there, and that happens right wherepeople sell their home and they're still in
there. But we were knocking,we're knocking, we hear a dog go
off, and all of a sudden, I'm like, this does not feel
right. I had the most uncomfortableick in my stomach that I had ever

had in my life, and Ijust like immediately bailed. Didn't the house
could be beautiful, could still verywell be on the market. I will
never ever live in that house becauseof how uncomfortable that is. I cannot
be alone in the process of havingsomething weird happened, happened while you were
like house hunting, or maybe youlive in the home and you were trying

to get it sold and you didn'tknow the real litor was coming by and
you were in the shower. Therehas to there has to be more stories
like this five one three, seven, four nine, one oh seven one.
I was house hunting and blank happened. Please send to help my way.
Good morning. We're just a fewminutes away from your chance to win
Billie Eilish tickets here and sait fromthe morning. We're in the midst of

talking about the house buying process sinceI had just entered that phase of my
life, and I accidentally knocked onsomeone's door that wasn't selling their house.
And that was probably the most secondhandembarrassment I've ever had in my life,
first hand, secondhand and third hand. You're waking up with Tim in the
morning on Kisuano seven one. Idon't you don't have a story for me
as far as weird things that havehappened while house hunting. But you are

in the process here, so everyone'sbuying them, right, they are,
and then they're trying to there's toomany buyers and enough houses. So yeah,
do you ever have people like mewho have never purchased a home before
but are interested in it? Yes, all the time. I need to
help you with that. Yeah,that would be great. I mean I
look all the time. They saythe new thing is like instead of watching

porn hub or porn, people arelooking at real estate porn like meaning like
looking at houses in the cost ofhouses and if the closet's big enough,
or if there are sinks in thebathroom. It's like real estate porn is
a real thing. When you needto know, she's got it's three things
with tip good morning, We're justbefore eight o'clock, and a reminder.

At eight thirty, I have yourfirst chance of the day to win Jack
Harlowe and Scissa tickets. The Internetnearly collapsed yesterday when this one video started
surfacing of Joe Burrow back on thepractice field baby after the season ending wrist
injury. He was out there andnot only were Cincinnatians excited, I picked

up this video from the Pat McFeeshow. We got some big news of
Cincinnati. Joey Burrow, fresh outof the g one, raced out of
Miami throwing the ball round in theindoor facility in Cincinnati. Good TORQ,
good pop, good spind aj Ohioan'swere losing her mind. I ser oh
mine is gone fully sent at leasthere in the iHeartMedia studios with my buddy's

over at Wow and ESPN fifteen tothirty. But who he's back looks good.
More to come on football season rightnow. I'm assuming you and I
are still fully immersed in Hawk Girlsummer Elie de la Cruz FC Cincinnati.
But it's nice to know that Joeyb is on ice all right. Speaking
of ice, Camilla Caveo walked thered carpet last night at the Met galam

holding a literal block of ice asher purse. It looked like she was
holding it like a purse when thatwhen she was zoomed in, that block
of ice looked miserable to hold,like there's no way that the girl wasn't
dying to drop that block of ice. The things that people will go through
for fashion At the Met Gala,happens the first Monday of men. Here's

what you need to know about themesand such. So the Met Gala theme
and the Red Carpet theme are twoseparate things. Garden of Time was the
red carpet theme, and then insidewas like Sleeping Beauties of Fashion, which
is a lot of really old costumeand couldture fashion fashion inside the actual exhibits,

et cetera, which by the way, are free to go to anytime
you travel up to New York Cityfor vacation and such. The Met Gala
raises money for that foundation. Sono, let's talk about big fashion moments.
My favorite headline was CNN this morning. It said celebrities were couture and
Doja Cat wore a wet T shirt. The woman was dressed in a long

white wet tea that she essentially dumpedwater on before she started walking the red
carpet. But I feel like she'sbeen leading up to this look for the
last week, maybe two. She'sbeen seen wearing a lot of household items.
A sheet, a shower curtain,a saran rapp was another one.
So that was her look. I'llhave audio from her coming up in the

next part of the show. Theother notable ones were I would say Cardi
b It took maybe eight or ninepeople to get her dress set up and
situated on the carpet itself. KimKardashian probably just right around. Yeah,
it's right before eight o'clock this morning. She probably just took her first breath
of the day because that corset wasso tight. I cannot imagine what was

like to walk. That is notthe first time, though, that we've
had to talk about and reference Kim'sbody when it comes to the Mecalam.
Last year, if you need areminder, the headline was that she dropped
sixteen pounds to fit into Marilyn andRose dress. This one just looked uncomfortable.
There was some quote on the internet. If I can pull it up
while talking at the same time,I'll read it. But it was sent

around in my group text and ithad me giggling that she wore the dress
and then that sweater over it tomake it feel like she was running through
a garden, and that she neededto grab her boyfriend's sweater. I don't
remember where this came up this morning, but that made me giggle. Absences,
Oh, first, let me touchBased on Zendea. Oh this okay,
this is the quote. This islike the wildest night of my life

in a garden and I just ranout and grabbed my boyfriend's sweater and threw
it on and had to get towork. I could always count on Kim
for something silly. We didn't seeBlake Lively last night. That was a
notable absence. And we didn't seeRihanna where it is that she had the
flu, although there are some AIimages that got me at least of not

only her, but of Katy Perry. It looked like they were circling the
red carpet. Those were fake.And then last Lee Arina Grande spotted as
well, and then she performed insidethe met Galis at least three different songs,
one of them off of the newalbum We Can't Be Friends. That
is three things you need to knowfor the seventh of May. Coming up
at eight thirty, Jack Carlow andScissy tickets on Tiff in the Morning this

one. See it's time to makea date or break on Tiff in the
Morning. All right, we areback. Good morning. This is where
therapy and relationships intersect on my showA Lori's Sharp page joins us every Tuesday
at this time to help those decidewhether they're going to make their next date
or break it off. And we'llstart with you, high caller one.

Let me know what your name isin what neighborhood you call me from this
morning, Robin, and I'm callingfrom till all right, you had mentioned
you hadn't been in a relationship ineight years, and you really wanted to
talk about that. Go ahead.I lost other eight years ago. I

have not had another significant other sincethen. Don't desire a significant other?
I want to know it's that bad? Like am I supposed to have a
relationship? Like the physical contact?I mean I get hugged from other people.

I do get hugged. I amlove girl. I know you are
loved. But the question here fromRobin when I'm picking up is that she's
been single for eight years and she'sreally like craving some touch, but also
is kind of conflicted whether or notshe should I know or not. People
that tell me I need a friendor don't you know, like I need
a friend or I'm okay right,Like I'm okay, okay, so go

ahead that okay, I mean,it's okay, okay. I mean I
think it's interesting because I think yourfriend are trying to care for you in
a way. You know, they'retrying to say, this is what we
think you need, but you knowwhat you need, and you're telling me
that that's not something you're really interestedin. And I think that's okay.
I don't think that's bad. Ithink that's you knowing yourself. And I
also think that relationships and touch comein all different forms, and we're really

really focused a lot of times onthat romantic significant other. But if that's
not what you want, that's okay. Yay. Are you feel good healthy?
Okay? Good? Well, whydon't you give us a callback with
an update, Robin. I reallyappreciate you calling Tiff in the morning.
Girl. Oh, thank you somuch. Thanks for having me. Thanks.

What a sweetheart. Sometimes you justneed to get that off your chest
and know that if you like thereassurance, right five one three seven four
nine one oh seven one, noquestions out of pocket. Good morning,
You're waking up with Tiff in themorning on Kiss one oh seven one.
We're back with make a Date orBreak, which really started as our way
of trying to help the dating andget rid of ghosting. It has,

like most things evolved in life,where we talk relationships and not only do
you get my opinion, which doesn'tnecessarily hold a lot of weight and value
for you. If it does,I'm so thrilled to give it to you.
But every Tuesday at eight twenty ish, we have Lori Sharpage, who's
our licensed clinical counselor, comes injoins your questions. Whether you've been married,
you're newly dating, you live togetherfor a year, and this morning

I'm already blanking on your name.I'm so sorry, but I know you
live in Batavia. Yeah, I'mMarissa, Marissa, all right, what
is your question? Go ahead?Yeah, So basically I'm engaged. We've
been together for a year now andwe have I have three kids, kids
two, so we have five together. It's absolutely chaos. Well about once

a week, I just get sofar out that I just need a night
to myself and he doesn't agree withthat. It starts treating me kind of
like trash because he doesn't agree withme meeting a night to myself once a
week. I just want to knowif I'm in the wrong here. Well,
I think, first of all,I mean you're taking care of yourself
and that is never a bad thing. I really appreciate that you know that

you need this. I also livein a house of chaos, so I
get it. But one thing Iam curious about is does he get a
night on his owner or does hehave his own version of you know,
that time for him to kind ofrecoup. Well, yeah, so basically
he has his own place still andI have my own place, but he
lives with me like ninety nine percentof the time. However, you know,

just one night a week, Iwant that night with my kids,
if he has that night with hiskids, So it's basically like we're getting
that safe top. Absolutely, Ithink that's really really a healthy thing for
you guys to have that separate time, and I think that could be something
that you continue on even after you'remarried and even after you're living together potentially,
because you still have different relationships withyour kids and I know you're bringing

everybody all together, but I thinkthat having that quality time is totally appropriate.
It's a bummer that he doesn't seeit that way, and I wonder
if there's a way for him tounderstand that there may be times that he
needs to spend that time with hiskids or on his own to recharge and
reconnect. What do you think doyou think he would get that? Yeah,

I just think that he doesn't seeit the way that I do.
If he doesn't see it as arecharge and a reconnect, he sees it
as more of like a negative situation. Marisa, do you mind if I
pop in for a quick second.I'm so glad we have a professional here,
like Laurie Sharpage. That's the voiceyou just heard a second ago,
because she's being neutral. Where Marissa, I'm a bottle? Who was it

in this studio right now? Ofcourse, I think you deserve some time
on your own. Every person deservestime on their own. And I know
that you probably put in a lotof work and energy and effort into your
own life and your family. So, Laurie, how should Marissa kind of
phreeze this conversation with her significant Absolutely, I would focus on what are the

benefits of you having this time?Are you more refreshed? Are you more
able to engage? Are you moreable to connect with him? And I
would really explain to him why youneed this time to be the best mom,
fiance, woman, friend, whatever, you are. I would really
focus on what are the outcomes ofyou getting this time, and I would

lead with that. Okay, thankyou so much. You are so welcome.
Marissa. Hey, no question isout of pocket. I'm sure Blended
families are a super big challenge.Five win three seven four nine, one
oh seven one. We've got onemore open phone line if you want to
join Good Morning. You're waking upwith Tip in the morning on Kiss one
oh seven one. We're back withMake a Date or Break. It takes

up the eight o'clock hour on ourTuesdays. It's where relationships and therapy come
together with our licensed clinical counselor,Lori sharp Page. Sometimes she talks about
the big thing going on in relationshipsin her office. Today, our phone
calls have been kind of all overthe place, and we have time for
one more. But I loved Marissaearlier talked about a blended family, and
then we had Robin earlier who talkedabout it's been great being single. Yeah,

love the diversity of phone calls thismorning, and no question is out
of pocket. And by the way, if you're too nervous to call the
radio, you can always leave mea talkback message. If you want to
remain anonymous, you just hold downthat microphone. It's right next to the
play button, and we'll end ithere with this one. I feel like
I'm fun short of expectations, andeven though I significant there never makes me

feel bad about this. I alwaysfeel like I'm letting her down and I
just don't know how to get pastthat. I feel bad for him in
that. Yeah, he sounds sadwhen I hear that. But expectations are
something that cause a lot of challengesand really all of our relationships. And
the reason why is because a lotof times I have an expectation, you
have an expectation, and we don'tnecessarily talk about that that is, and

we just but matches up. Andthat doesn't always work. Especially when we
are in a long term relationship withsomeone, we can kind of forget that
they have their own reality, theirown experience. They're not necessarily completely aligned
with what we're thinking and what we'reexpecting. And this is why it is
so important to have really, reallybare bones conversations about what are the expectations

I expect you to behave like this, I expect this to be done like
this, and if that's not done, then here's what I'm gonna do.
It sounds like for this person thatthere needs to be a little bit more
clarity on what the expectations are andalso some more conversation about what happens if
I'm trying my best and I can'tmeet that expectation, Because that happens too.
It happens quite a bit, andyou'll have to forgive LORI. She's

going, what Ohio is struggling withPaul right now? But in that statement,
it sounded like she was saying,the expectations are being met, You're
fine, and he's having a hardtime believing her. Yeah. Well,
And I think that sometimes people willsay that it's fine, but their behavior
demonstrates that it's not fine. Andagain, this is where a conversation is

really important, because a lot oftimes it'll be like, oh, yeah,
it's fine, it's not a bigdeal, but the person may be
really upset, and it's really importantto communicate that if you are upset,
because otherwise it can leave the otherperson like this individual kind of hanging wondering
like what am I doing wrong?What's not working? I don't feel good,
I don't feel like I'm meeting this, but I don't necessarily know what

to do next. That is theclassic conversation of I know something's wrong with
you. I've brought it up twiceand you keep saying everything is fine,
but you're acting like it's not fine, and I don't know. I don't
believe you, but I don't knowwhat else to do. Yea, what
do you do this? So myrule actually is two times I ask,
two times I ask, and ifyou haven't told me after the second time,
then it's on you. And myexpectation is that eventually you will come

to me, because the other thingis, like, you know, it's
really easy to say you should havethis conversation, but it can take people
some time to kind of process throughand think about what they're really feeling and
understand it, so we can givethem some space. But if you've asked
twice, then the expectation on myend is that you come back around with
me and I actually have that conversationwith my family and significant other as well.

And make that very clear. Welove Lari sharp Page. She's our
coping queen. That's what her Instagramhandle is too, and you know she's
always answering dms and such if youhave one, if you can, This
happens every Tuesday, So our phoneline's filled up quickly this morning. But
you're more than welcome to shoot usDMS talkbacks. We will get to you
as best we can. But inthe meantime we're commercial free and I have

your chance to win Jack Harlow Incissittickets coming up here in a couple of
minutes. Yeah, you're waking upwith fifth in the morning on just one
O seven one. Good morning.Your chance to win Jack Harlow incissit tickets
right now, caller ten five onethree seven four nine one oh seven one.
My apology is running a little bitlater than usual on our Tuesdays.

Our Tuesdays become less structured because ofmake a date or break. I try
to get in as many calls aswe can from Lori sharp Page, who's
our licensed clinical counselor. And ourcalls have been great, they've been awesome.
I really really appreciate everybody calling in, and I think together this conversation,
this really is going to improve therelationship game. No, that's why

we started in. We just wantto make not just the dating scene anymore,
whether you just moved in with somebodyI don't know a year ago,
or you've been married for like fiftyyears. No question is off limits,
are out of pockets. So shejoins us on Tuesdays, and if you
have a specific question for her outsideof the ways you know how to reach
me and my show, you canalways hit her direct. Absolutely. Yeah,
at the Coping Queen again Jack Carlowand says it tickets five, win,

three seven four nine, one ohseven one. I appreciate your patience
and we're not far off from thethree things you need to know to get
your day started in Sincy. ThanksLORI, thank you, Glynn. You
need to know she's got you.It's three things with tip. Good morning.
We're just before nine o'clock and youknow at nine oh five is when

I get your bills paid here onKiss one oh seven one, So don't
go too far if you need thatextra cash. Before we get to the
met Gala, before we get toJoe Burrow, before we touch base on
Drake, let's chit chat about theweather, because there was some trending stories
this morning out of Oklahoma with somecrazy tornadoes and we're gonna kind of see
some of the aftermath of that weatherhit here later on this afternoon. Prepare

for some heavier down pours and stormswith some wind later on when you commute
home during the John John era,so be cautious of them. All right,
let's start off with the video thatessentially broke down Cincinnati yesterday, and
that is the one of Joe Burrowthrowing a football. The man is back
and the man looks good. Ipulled some audio from the Pat McAfee show.

If you want to listen to ithere and how would you nope?
That' stochia cat here it is.Oh, we got some big news out
of Sincinnati. Joey Burrow, freshout of the g one, raced out
of Miami, throwing the ball roundin the indoor facility in Cincinnati. Good
tork, good pop, good spin. Aj o'hio losing her mind. I
sue assumptions. Would you describe thislook? The boys down the hall at

seven hundred WLW and ESPN fifteen thirtywere losing their minds yesterday. The fact
that Joe Burrow is back inside thatbubble throwing that ball around right now,
I'm still entering my hawkrel summer eraand baseball era. So we will just
leave Joe Burrow on ice. Butit's I'm glad to know he's alive and
well and recovered from that injury.Second and three things you need to know

this morning, Let's chit chat aboutthe met gala, and I think that
that will take us to the endof three things. Dojah Cat headline was
probably my favorite this morning CNN.It read celebrities wore couture and Dojah Cat
wore a wet T shirt which shepulled off and how would you describe this
look? So I know that peopleare going to do flowers, but my

flower of choice is the most usedflower and it's cotton. And so I
wanted to do a white T shirtalso because as a white tea shirt is
timeless, and it felt very poeticto choose this, And I knew it
wasn't going to blend in too much, and I don't really like to blend
in, so we went with this. So the thing about Doja Cat that
I respect is that I don't thinkshe just does anything like out of the

blue, out out of pocket thingsare what Dojakat does, but I think
they're well thought out. If youhad noticed any of the social media pictures
from the last week. Two weeksshe'd been wearing things that you could find
around your house, a sheet,saran wrap. I think I saw a
shower curtain at one point or another. A towel. That's the other one
I was missing. So she wasa big headline Kim Kardashian for the second

year in a row. We're talkingabout this woman's body. The last year,
if you needed the reminder is thatshe dropped sixteen pounds for the Marilyn
Monroe dress. That was like thebig headline out of it. Right this
weekend was or this Monday was howis that woman breathing in that dress that
she was wearing. The corset wasso tight that I think that the Kim

Kardashian must have just taken her firstbreath of the morning today, like her
lungs needed that much time to recover. She looked beautiful, of course,
because it's Kim Kardashian. Also someother big moments, where as our girl
Zendea, she actually two outfit changes, which is kind of impossible to just
have one on the met Gala redcarpet, and she had two. Ariana

Grande made an appearance. She alsoperformed a few songs at inside the Mechala,
which is a thing that we neverreally get to see the inside of.
So just seeing some clips of herperforming I thought was pretty cool.
Other notable moments, what else amI missing here? Tyla was dressed in
sand. It looked legit like sand, and she needed to be escorted up

and down the stairs by someone carryingher like a chariot. Like they just
like lifted her little body up andthen put it down each and every stair
that she went up. I justlove how the mechala really goes from like
zero to one hundred real quick withsome of these fashions. And I think
those are the notable absences. Wedidn't see Rihanna she had the flu.
Supposedly, Blake Lively is usually onethat is there, she was not,

and then Giselle Bunch and wasn't thereeither, And we're wondering whether or not
that has anything to do with theTom Brady roast that was reported with People
magazine. So that's kind of themet gala and a nutshell for you this
morning. And then finally, justvery quickly, in three things, DJ
Academics has said that if there wereto be a winner out of Drake and
Kendrick Lamar this past two weeks thatas of late, it looks like Kendrick

is going to get the win nowbecause fan bases will not budge on either
side of this. I think it'sreally going to come down to, and
I'm quoting his words, not mine, whoever has the strongest bop And right
now Kendrick is in the lead withthat one. That is three things you
need to know for the seventh ofMay, as promised, your chance to
win that grand is not far fromnow. So the best way to keep

listening is on the free iHeart Radioapp. Good morning,
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