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April 18, 2024 • 21 mins
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Episode Transcript

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When you need to know she's gotyou. It's three Things with TIF.
Good morning. It is Thursday,April eighteenth. The week paced fairly quickly.
I feel like I hope that's thecase for you as well. We're
just before seven o'clock here. Andthis might sound redundant because this was in
fact the lead story in yesterday's ThreeThings, but I think it's a value

to repeat that we are less thantwenty four hours away from a new Taylor
Swift album. At midnight, youwill hear for the very first time,
not only Taylor's new album back toback to back to back, straight through.
We're gonna rip right through it assoon as it becomes available. She's
also gonna host the iHeartRadio album releaseparty and then talk about these songs for

the very I haven't heard it guysfor the very first time. So if
you're like, Okay, I'm notgonna be tuning to Kiss one O seven
one tonight at midnight, it's justI don't have that bandwidth. All good
tomorrow and this very three Things report, I will have it for you,
okay. So in your brain,there's a special place in helm for people
who start Taylor Swift rumors because youhear one and it takes off like wildfire,

and I don't want to contribute tothat. However, behind the scenes
pictures and footage of stuff has beenpopping up of this La Grove pop up
of hers, if you want tocheck it out. I've seen some behind
the scenes on Good Morning America,et cetera. But I am hearing there
is a chance that she is gonnashow up at the Grove on Saturday.
Again, there's no validity to that. That is just what I have heard

so far this morning, and Idon't want to contribute to those rumors,
but I want to give you alittle bit of the tea. Okay,
who knows she could go back toCoachella with Travis. I don't know.
And then of course we'll play musicfor you all day long from the new
album all right, second and threethings you need to Know. An announcement,
yet not an announcement. So Essencemagazine dropped new photos and an interview

of as Shanti and Nelly. Somaybe this is the first time you're hearing
it that they are welcoming their firstbaby together. Now, these pictures of
I mean her pregnant, that likethis announcement. This came out a long
time ago, but this is thefirst official announcement, I guess, and
with it came an engagement. Thisis Nellie's third child, two from a
previous marriage, and Ashanti's first baby. I'd like to note at the age

I believe a forty two or fortythree, which I think gives hope to
women like me that potentially will havekids later in life. All Right,
finally, in three things you needto know this morning, Kanye West is
in some legal trouble, and Ihave to say I think I'm with him
on him as to why Bianca Sensorywas essentially assaulted yesterday. This was reported

late, like nine pm California timelast night, so we were already snoozing
by then. But a man hadapproached Bianca and you know what she wears,
so there's a very good chance thatthis man like got skin to skin
contact with her, which is notappropriate. But Kanye West had hit him,

and after that had happened, theyhad left. So a rep for
Kanye is saying a man put hishands under her dress, directly on her
body. He grabbed her waist andspun her around and then blew her kisses.
She was battered and sexually assaulted.I think that, of course horrifying.
Right, she's clearly shaken up byit. I don't think Kanye West

will face any charges for this one. I stand by him on it.
That is three things you need toknow for the eighteenth of April coming up
in our seven o'clock hour. Theseare mostly PG. I will warn you
of that if you have your kidsin your car, so you can stay
right here. But my mom essentiallysexted me instead of the person that she
was supposed to sext and there's justsomething about it that stays with you for

forever. And again, I'll readthe text they RPG coming up at seven
to twenty. Stick around, goodmorning or don't go too far. Denise
from Liberty Township, Ohio. I'mjust seeing you this swarm wish Hello.
I'm outside the recess with my kindergartenclass. They're oftening out in time out
because they can't listen son hooked tohave a great day, and it is

very cloudy. I'm here in Cincinnati, Ohio, but I'm wishing you a
warm and sunny day. Hoop totalk to to you soon. Bye bye.
You're waking up with kids in themorning. Kiss Denny, thank you
for the talk bag with TIF.I appreciate you. That was the first
one I walked into this morning,which meant she sent it yesterday. And

I want to remind you you cantalk back anytime that you have the time
to do it all day long.So that was the first thing I walked
into this morning. I appreciate you. Girl. You'll see the microphone next
to the play but once you listenon your phone, just hold that down.
You have thirty seconds and shout outto my teachers. Oh my god,
you are at the end right.We're super close to summer vacation,
and I know at this point inthe year it's like you just gotta get

through it. All right. We'regonna talk about the sext messages that my
mom, of course accident sent tome instead of the person they were supposed
to go to. Now, again, these are PG okay, but anyone
that has an unhinged mother knows thatwhen you get text messages from them,

you usually have to decode what they'retrying to say. I spend more time
figuring out what my mom is tryingto get across, rather than just having
a conversation with her. So shestarts off with out of a Blue,
a text message that says, I'mgoing to Cincy to see my lively,
lovely, funny, successful daughter withiHeartRadio. I hope Cincy is better than

Boston. So then I said,you're coming here? She just immediately ignores
that question and goes to the nextone. She's climbing the ladder of success.
I am going to Cincy. Idid something good in my life.
Hollywood Dot dot dot, Hollywood swinger, it's sometimes. I just responded with

a heart emoji, being like yep, respect and are like love the fact
that you're thinking of me. Ican't decode this message, but I see
you. Then she responds with sorry, I was texting this guy who has
been chasing me for years again.I'm gonna put him where he needs to
be, which is far far away. And I went back with and I

don't know why I did this,probably because I was just so curious on
who this person was. I'm soconfused. What are you talking about,
mom? She said, I thoughtit was this guy who's been trying to
get with me. I put myglasses on now, Sorry, he will
go away. He also said toher that ninety two point nine is looking

for people. Do you want tocome down here and work? And I'm
like, well, mom, that'snot how corporate America works. But I'm
sure the radio station of Florida willfind a host. I've got my own
show here in Cincinnati. She goes, I think he's crazy. It's just
my luck. And I'm like,that matches you, guys, would be
a match made in heaven together.By the way, if you've listened to
my show before, this is thesame woman that is trying to hook me

up with Drew, a Paris sailinginstructor in Tampa. Also the woman that
sent me the unhinged easter basket withthe shirts in it. I'm sure you've
seen it on social media. Ifnot, just look on TikTok under my
page. And I said, okay, well, now that we're in this
conversation, how do you know him? Is he your current man? Or
is your current man not in thepicture anymore? She's got a longtime partner

that she's been with for years andyears and years. She goes, no,
I've known him for as long asI've been here. Miguel is still
in it. Forever. I'm justmessing with this guy. He's been trying
to get with me for years,and I'm like, Mom, jeezus,
she's on hinged. I'm going tosee this woman by the way next weekend,

so I'll have so much to reportback on. But what I want
to know for me while we're hangingout here, is am I the only
one that has ever gotten bizarro randomtext messages because they don't sit well with
you, especially if you're like,mom, who's this guy? Five win,
three seven four nine, one ohseven one? Have your parents accidentally
sexted you instead of who they weresupposed to kiss one o seven to one.

Well, I mean I was datingthis guy for a while and then
all of a sudden he goes tome. So then I decided to text
him and say, well he lastedlonger or the flowers he got me lasted
longer than he did. Then allof a sudden, his wife started texting
me, So now I know whyhe goes to me. How nice.
Thank you for the talk back withTiff on the iHeartRadio app. That's so
you contribute if you don't feel likecalling. I'm not surprised that I can

get a single phone call from Cincinnatithis morning, talking about how unhinged their
parents are. And sometimes you gettext messages that are not meant for you,
or if you do get them andyou have to decode them. I
was just reading off a few frommy mom that she had meant to send
to another guy, but those landedin my phone, and those are quite

interesting so that I can't I can'teven relive them. So right now,
what we're gonna do is play commercialfree music. Coming up at seven point
fifty three things you need to knowto get your day started in CINCI,
including what Jason and Travis Kelsey hadto say about being in Cincinnati last week.
I've got it from the new Heiestpodcast for you You're waking up in

the morning Kiss Warning every Thursday atE twenty ish. Although I'm running a
hare behind this morning because of theTaylor Swift news and such, Julie on
the Job joins us to answer yourcareer questions. If you're gearing up to
graduate here in a couple of weeksand you're like, well, I have
no idea what I'm doing and I'mpanicking, or my parents are hounding me,

Julie's our career ments or she answersyour questions. Hi, Julie,
help take a deep breath, okay, and realize that you are in a
transition phase, and part of beingin a transition phase is moving slowly getting
clear on what you want, consideringyour options, versus being on the timeline

that says, well, I graduatedin May, I want to take two
weeks off and then I'm ready tostart my start my career. And if
you're getting that pressure from your parents, yes, that is the way it
used to be, but it's notthe way it is now. And your
friends who have jobs don't look atthem as some sort of role model necessarily,

because I promise you that in sixmonths there's going to be several of
those people who've said, Hugh,I took the wrong job, or wish
I would have taken some time offto really consider my options. Everything in
my body right now, so we'vetaken the deep breath, but everything in
my body wants to ask you,Okay, what should I do? But
we've already talked about this at lengths, so I won't waste your time.

If you want to catch up onthe podcast Tiff in the Morning, set
the four pillars of career happiness ofwhere you should start, and I highly
recommend catching up. So then Iask you this, though, how much
time is too much time from collegeto starting your career. There are people
who say I'm going to take thesummer off, That's okay. There are

people who say I'm going to takea trip. I'm going to take a
gap year. Lucky people, andthat these days is okay. It doesn't
make you look unseerious or uncommitted,which is what boomers will tell you.
And I know this because I'm ahomer. So it is now acceptable to
say, once I graduated, Iwanted to step back and take a deep

breath and really consider what I wantedmy first job to be. I went
out and met with people and startedlearning more about the job market and how
I might fit. That is abeautiful action to take versus sitting at home
playing video games waiting for the careerfairy to knock on your door. Because
that's not happening. We love thecareer fairy, she doesn't really come by

that often. You're my career fairthat one I am, Yes, exactly,
all right. So so the newnorm of finding a job after graduation.
I wouldn't even know where to begin. Is there just one tip?
You willing to reach out and connectwith people who have more experience in life

and in work than you do.That's where the wisdom comes from. The
wisdom is what you're looking for,and it doesn't come on job boards or
just sitting at home pointing and clickingand applying to jobs. You need to
get out and meet with people whohave more experience than you do and get
their insight into the job market intohow skilled your skills might be a match.

So you have to become curious andstart looking for something that's a good
toe hold, a a good firststep into the market, because your first
step is not your last, butyou have to get started. Okay,
Speaking of reaching out, Julie onthe job on all social media platforms.
She puts up videos that are easyto digest and share. She also takes

your questions, as do both ofus. So every Thursday eight twenty,
Julie and don't forget you can reachout any time. I appreciate you,
girl. Hey yeah, coming upnext the family four pack and tickets to
Kosai. If you're looking to getout and enjoy this weather, maybe this
week and take a trip up therefor that new Titanic exhibit. Your chance
to win that coming next and youknow you're going to need the key phrase

career happiness. You're waking up withTiff in the morning. One seven one?
Alrighty, I'm really hoping you havea keyword for me. Call a
ten. Is it career happiness?Yes, it is. Congratulations you are
calling number ten. Nice. Thankyou, You're so welcome. Thanks so
much for waking up with Tiff inthe morning every day, absolutely every day.

I do. Oh, I appreciatelot. I didn't get your name.
By the way, what neighborhood arewaking up with me in this morning?
It's Billy and I'm crentin ten,Kentucky. Billy, if I were
to go to Crentinton, Kentucky,what would be the one thing you recommend
I do? Probably head back northbecause there's not much to do or beat
down here. I love that.Thank you, Billy. I'm sure we
could find something. Every town hassomething good quickly. Are you a Taylor

Swift fan? I can really hearit. I'm kind wife. Okay,
well, Billy, we're tell yourwife for doing the whole album tonight at
midnight. Here okay, Oh she'sready, I'm ready or ready? I
loved that. I appreciate you listening. Hey, if you took an l
on the cot side tickets, I'vegot you tomorrow at eight thirty if you
want to set a reminder, Andwhile I have you, John John's got

Zoo tickets this afternoon at four thirty, still commercial free. Good morning.
When you need to know she's gotyou, it's three. Oh my god,
we're okay. First, I haveto remind you on thousand dollars coming
at nine o five. That's yourfirst chance of the morning to pick up
that grand New Heights Live spent amajority of the podcast yesterday talking about Cincinnati.

Both Jason and Travis pretty much brokedown the live recording with that.
They showed various clips of what washappening inside Fifth Third Arena, and if
you were inside that arena, there'sa decent chance that you were caught on
this podcast. Yes, they didtons of crowd shots. So first,
let's touch base with the graduation ceremony. I guess there was some internet backlash

on why Travis Kelsey would quote sugarBeer at his graduation. He was like,
dude, that was not a legitimategraduation ceremony. Okay, that was
impromptu. Now anyone in Sincy didn'treally think that, but you know how
the internet internets and here they aretalking about it pouring out of it.
That was that was more like uh, foam those phone because I couldn't get
the airflow. I couldn't. Yeah, there is when you can't get the

airflow and it's just like dumping out. If there's anything anybody should have been
upset with, it's the fact thatyou didn't finish that chug. That's my
my d I did I did it. You can be the judge of it
because the video is posted online.They also talked about Joe Burrow and how

that was a really cool moment,easily the loudest that it could possibly get
in that building, and that's themoment Joe Burrow came out of that tunnel.
I mean, chill, everybody lostit. He was such a good
dude man, such a good sucha competitive shared great stories. If you
haven't seen the upclose pictures of JoeBurrow at Kiss one oh seven, I've

got the full one minute breakdown ofthis podcast and it's also on my page
as well. One more thing,just because I think we have like thirty
seconds worth of time. I didn'tknow this, but Jason Kelsey had lost
his actual Super Bowl ring in thatSkyline Chili vat sky I mean I would
get away from that corner. Iwas children's pools filled with Skyline chili three

ways was absolutely disgusting. Oh mygod. Mixed into that chili, there
were socks with some make believe rings, and then there's actually one real ring
in there, which was my SuperBowl as. At some point the sock
got kicked out of the three wayand it made its way out of the
pool, and that it was thrownaway in some shape or form. But

yes, the super Bowl ring isofficially gone. We've already put the insurance
claim in. Don't know if he'sgonna get the money back from that one.
All right, let's quickly talk aboutTaylor Swift in the same vein.
I guess if we were to leadto the next thing. We have the
entire album premiere tonight on Kiss oneoh seven one at midnight. This will
be the first time that we hearfrom her, and she'll break down all

the songs. So if you cannotlisten in person, you can pull it
up on your phone, and ofcourse I'll break it down for you tomorrow.
And then lastly, let's just touchbase with the Land of Make Believe
really quickly, because Rihanna was askedwhether or not she's going to release music
in a recent event, and here'sher answer. My be musicians in the
future, I mean, any plansto have Riza and Riot on your upcoming

album, just saying it's up tothem. I already got stuff that I
feel like I can make hits outof them. Oh yeah, yeah,
really give me more. Me andRocky are really like trying to figure out
who's gonna use what the Land ofMake Believe. We'll see when that day
comes. All right, that isthree things you need to know for Thursday,
April eighteeth coming up in about tenminutes. Your first chance to win

a grand on Kiss You're waking upwith fifth in the morning, Kiss on
seven one Good morning. We're gonnajust air out some family drama. I
feel like, because if Sarah fromWEBN is going through it, there's a
really good chance that you could begoing through it yourself. And when someone's
going through something, you can't help, but giggle and also feel bad for

them. Hi, Sarah, Hi, It's all we can do is laugh
at this moment to hisself, youare babysitting your parents' dogs. At this
point, we're on the fifth night. How many hours of sleep are you
losing each night? I think I'maveraging around three hours a night. And
these dogs are grown, They're notpuppies, and they should know how to

get it together. It has beennothing short of a nightmare. Why do
they ask you to babysit rather thanjust bored them? I think because my
parents hate me. At this point, I'm like, oh, I thought
I was the favorite child. No, I think they hate me. I
mean, granted, they took careof me, and I appreciate that,

but it's also between me and mysister. So my sister, when she
found out they were going on vacation, she decides to go on vacation conveniently
at the exact same time she knew. That leaves me to watch these dogs.
I don't understand because I've never beena full time pet owner except for
when I was a child. Butobviously it was a family dog. Why

didn't they just bored them? Theyrefused to do that. They're like,
they love their home. We don'twant to take them out of the home,
so I just go to them andthe dogs. I love dogs.
I'm a dog person. I haveone of my own, and she's an
angel, and she's perfect. Everyonethinks their dog is perfect, and everyone
is right. But I will tellyou these two dogs are far from it.

That I've met a lot of amazingdogs. And these dogs love to
cause drama. They wake me upat one o'clock in the morning, and
of course I cannot fall back asleep. They leave messes for me. It
has not been fun. We arenot having fun to why they aren't the
type of dogs I go to thebathroom in the house, are they?
That's They're leaving the messes inside thehouse. That's a nightmare being everywhere.

I think I have cleaned up fortypiles of poop over the past few days.
And I'm not lying about that.I'm not exaggerating. Do you have
German Shepherds or Great Danes for thepiles? It's a Cocker Spaniel mixed thing
and a Wiener dog. Oh,that's nightmare. And they are mixing the

pile like the poop is a mixof everything. There's something for everyone.
It is not a solid, easycleanup. It is a disaster. It's
like a construction zone of crap.It's it's not horrible, Tiff. I
need this trip with my parents towrap up right now, but we still
have days to go. There aremillennial children that go to their parents' house

to strip them of all of theirgoods and valuables, toilet paper, food
leftovers. And then there's Sarah who'scleaning up poop yep,
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