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Just one or seven one. It'stime to make a date or break on
TIF in the morning, therapy andrelationships come together at eight twenty on Tuesdays
on my show, you'll decide whetheror not you're gonna make your next day
or are you gonna break it off? But we don't ghost anymore, okay,
So I call it that and noquestion is too weird or off the
Richter scale for a Lori's Sharp page. He's our licensed clinical counselor and practicing
therapists. Sometimes you want to goto your friends. Sometimes you want to
stay as far away from them aspossible because you feel you're gonna get judged,
or it's too close to home,or maybe you've repeated the same scenario
over and over and over again,yet you're not over it yet. Whether
you're newly dating, you moved ina year ago, you've been married for
twenty five years. You come tous. You can remain anonymous. I
try to make it easy as easyon you as possible. Whatever you need
so you can shoot me a DM, a talkback. That's a great way
to stay anonymous or five win threeseven, four, nine one oh seven
one. Lori Sharp is here andgood morning. We'll start with you,
what opinions on the open relationship status, like would they do with themselves?
Do they think it would be toxicor do they think that in not the
longest run, it'll end up ruiningthe relationship in total? That is a
really good question. Do you thinkthat it leaves room to ruin a relationship?
I think it absolutely can. Ithink that it really depends on the
couple and the situation at hand.I think if it is entered into without
a lot of thought and reflection andcommunication, you are not setting yourself up
for success. But yeah, Ihave definitely seen this successful for people.
They can grow their emotional relationship whilestill allowing for a level of openness.
So I wouldn't say it's automatically atoxic thing or automatically something that's going to
ruin your relationship. But I dothink the level of care that you take
to really explore whether it's for yourrelationship or not is essential to determining that.
Does that make sense? Yeah?Do you believe that you can also
have a very fulfilling relationship with justtwo people? Yeah? For sure,
absolutely absolutely, And I think fora lot of people that open it up
they have chapters in their relationship.You know, maybe it was the two
of them for ten fifteen years andthen they open something up to do something
different, So I think that andthen maybe close it later on too.
I mean that's a possibility as well. I've seen that with couples who have
had openness for years and then havedecided to close it for whatever reason for
their relationship and the health and safetyof their relationship. So yeah, I
am a believer that it can goalways all the different ways. But I
also think that it really does comedown to the trust and communication piece.
Sue, do you feel a certainway about any one of these things that
you're either looking to try out orthat you're like scared to try out.
Well, me personally in the past, and it did it turn out great.
It kind of ruined everything, Some personally, I didn't have a
great experience. I was just tryingto see your output on that. Yeah,
Lori's sharp page does a great jobof explaining how it could work.
But honestly, Anonymous, if I'mputting if he's you and I together right
now, there's no way I wouldever want to open it up. But
again, I'm not in a relationshipright now. I think that's a really
important point because sometimes you have tokind of experience something to know like,
hey, this isn't for me.And I also think that there's there's nothing
wrong with monogamy. If you're amonogamous person, lean into that love that
that's amazing. So in your Anonymous, would you make your next date or
would you break it off? Ialways asked that at the end of the
conversation on Tuesdays, I would definitelybreak it all. All right, Well,
thank you for opening up to us. I really appreciate you, man,
Thank you. I love I'm twentythree years old and I've been listening
to y'all since I was like sick. Do you feel like sharing your name?
I called you anonymous because I didn'twant to give you away. Shout
out to my name, Connor Holbrook, Cincinnati, Conor. We thank you
for listening to the radio every day. I appreciate you. I love you,
guys. Because you're waking up withTiff in the morning on one seven
one, Hi, you're on theair on ten. Do you have a
key phrase for me? Make itor break it? Congratulations? You are
caller number ten and you got thekeyword. You're going to COSI up in
Columbus. I'm hearing this Titanic exhibitis pretty cool. Oh, I'm so
excited to go see that. Icried yesterday, but I was only to
call her one and call her nine. Well look at you paying off.
You've got good luck. What isyour name, by the way, what
neighborhood are calling me from? Myname is Jill Linda. I'm calling for
Oxford. Well, thank you forlistening to Tiff in the morning every day.
I really appreciate you, all right, I listened every morning. Thank you.