Episode Transcript
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Oh, it's time to make adate or break on Tip in the Morning
on Tuesday's Relationships and Therapy Intersect onmy show. You come right here if
you have a question that you wantto get answered. Like most things,
it's evolved from when we started,but you essentially have to decide whether you're
gonna make your next date or breakit off. Whether you're newly dating,
you're married, you moved in togethera year ago, whatever the case may
be, there's always something, right, Laurie, there is always something Lri
Sharpage is our licensed clinical counselor she'sthe expert, not me. As a
reminder, make a date or breakis the keyword you're gonna need to win
the genuine tickets. He's coming toFlorence, Kentucky. By the way,
Wow, who okay? How fittingis this? So, Lurie, I
have to tell you this story fromKenny Chesney this past weekend pez your girls
little feral out there. Typically,you guys are more than welcome to call
if you have questions, but I'mgoing to steal Lori's sharp Page's time on
the show today for help with mebecause I think that this comes up.
How do you know when to chasesomething and go after it versus kind of
just letting it sit and be letme tell you the story as to why
while you mill that over. I'mreluctant to say this guy's name, but
he does live in Covington. Okay, we were at Kenny Chesney on Saturday
night. I walked into that showalmost right before Kenny went on. It
was like right around nine o'clock andI stood on the party deck, which
is at TQL Stadium. It's kindof in the back by the bailey because
we didn't feel like going up toour seats, and I was wearing an
orange skirt. Guys, if youhaven't seen this skirt on Instagram yet,
check it out that way you havea visual as to what I looked like.
Okay, at the tiff two fs Potter like the Wizard. So
I'm standing there and almost immediately thisguy comes up to me and starts almost
kind of dancing with me and justkind of like you know, flirting and
you know, like rubbing up onme. And I was like, you
know, what's having a good time? Little did I know that putting on
a thick coating of body butter beforegoing to this concert was gonna result in
me sweating so extremely bad. LorieI was I don't know what I was
thinking, but I got to thepoint where I was so sweaty that my
friend that I was with, Abby, She's like, do you need medical
attention? Oh? She's like,girl, you need to go to the
bathroom and wipe this lotion off yourskin. So she goes to the bar,
she gets ice, she brings theice bag. She's like, I
don't know, I don't know ifwhat's going on with me, but the
body butter made me sweat so badthat at one point this guy says to
me, quote, are you wipingyour sweat on my T shirt? I
was so embarrassed. I was soembarrassed. I couldn't stop sweating. There
was something wrong with me. AndI looked around. I mean, it
was a hot human night in city, but it wasn't that bad. The
sweat was dripping down my arms andpooling in my elbows. It was everywhere.
And you know when a guy putshis hand like on your low back.
Yeah, and I had a croplike tank top on. Again.
If you want to see the pictures, you guys can check them out.
He was just essentially putting his palmin my sweat. Now, granted,
this guy definitely had had a fewdrinks, which was in my benefit.
I don't know if he necessarily remembersthat or not. But anyways, at
the end of the night, andone other point, he's like, it's
so hot that you're so sweaty,Like, is it my Pheromon's giving off?
I'm gonna say there's some chemistry happeningthere. So at the end,
he I At one point, Ikind of knew that we were going to
leave this concert and that was goingto be like the end of it,
right, So I grabbed his Androidphone, which I didn't know how to
use, and also so I typemy name in. I don't even use
tiff, which is what I typicallygo by with my friends and in the
radio industry, but I put Tiffanyin his Android phone and he says to
me, how soon is too soonto reach out? And I'm like,
you know whatever, I'm smiling aboutit. Towards the end of the night,
he kissed me like maybe three times, right, So meanwhile, girls,
this is just an I don't knowif this guy from Comington is ever
going to hit me up again.So that's why we're talking about this,
Lori Sharpage and your professional opinion.When does one chase and track them down
and essentially talk about them on theradio versus just letting it be and letting
it come, letting it come tome? What should I do here?
So I think it's a balance.It's a balance of both, okay.
And this is where it's really reallyhard because people want it all or nothing
rule, and it's it's got tobe. It's got to be both.
So do you have his information?No? Nothing, you have nothing.
I just gave him my name andmy phone number. And by the way,
when we were getting ready to leave, because we didn't stay until the
very very end of Kenny, hemust have either left or gone to the
bathroom or something, or he waslike, this girl is way too sweaty,
and I'm now coming to like arealization that I need to get the
hell out of here. I didn'tsee him, he didn't make a plan.
I just gave him my name,I gave him my phone number.
I know his name, and Iknow he lives in Covington, and I
left, so I didn't even geta chance to say goodbye or anything like,
yeah, did I find love ina hopeless place? Or is this
going to be genuine? I mean, I think there's your answer right there,
right, So when do we chase? Yeah? When do we let
it come? Okay? So Ithink that you are in a really unique
situation and I think that a littlebit of chasing would be appropriate if it
feels good to you. And here'swhy I'm saying that. So, first
of all, obviously there was sometype of chemistry happening. And I know
we joked about the pheromones, butthat is real stuff, real science like
that. That is that there's meaningto that. So there's that part of
it. But the other is that, like you had fun, you had
a good time. So I thinkit's worth continuing to see where the story
go. Or is that's the professionalopinion? What about yours? Five win,
three, seven, four nine,one oh seven one? Should I
announce this guy's name on the radioand have you guys help me find him?
Make a date or break is thekeyword you're gonna need for the genuine
tickets coming up here in a fewminutes. Let's get Cincinnati's thoughts first.
So good, so, good morning, you're waking up with Tiff in the
morning on Kiss one oh seven oneon Tuesdays is where we do make a
date or break where relationships and therapyintersect on the show with Lori sharp Page,
who's our licensed clinical counselor Hello.This time around, I stole her
for some advice with me. Ifyou're just walking into this. I met
someone at the Kenny Chesney show onSaturday and he has my number. We
made out at the end of thenight and I haven't heard or seen from
him since. I don't know anythingabout him. So we're asking the question
today of when do you chase someoneversus letting them come to you? What
was your opinion on that one.It's a balance of both, and this
is where you've got to be reallytuned into what feels good to you.
Because if it feels good to chase, go after it. If it feels
good to let it be a littlebit, let that be the line.
So we asked Cincy too, shouldwhat what what would you do? And
we'll go with line one. Goodmorning, you're on the air, go
chase your man. You say yes, yeah, to chase them. We
didn't say no, don't call hewas probably drunk. You're right, should
what's the worst that's gonna happen?You're right? Should I put his name
out on the radio because I don'thave it would be the only way for
me to track him down because Idon't I don't know. He didn't give
me any of his information. Itwas just his first name and what neighborhood
he lives in. Yeah, becauseI think what's gonna either happen is either
A, you're going to be thenew main character in a new movie on
that place, or B he's gonnablow you off in ghost You or or
C. By the way, yousaid no sweat off her back, that's
because that man has all of mysweat on his shirt. What's your name,
Colin? Remember that it's Megan.I'm from the West Side. Okay,
go ahead, good, go ahead, you finish your thought. Sorry
about that. I forget now,but I don't know they do it all
right? Well, here it goesnothing. I love it. Mark from
Covington, Mark from Covington. We'relooking for you, babe. I'm your
lady here, lady, I'm readyfor me Netflix show girl. I love
you. Thank you for calling.I appreciate you, and thanks for listening
to tiff In the morning. Allright, good luck, let's do this
now. Five win three seven fournine one O seven one. The genuine
tickets are yours. If you havethe keyword that I mentioned earlier, just
because it's the holiday, Lourie,let's state again, what nor what is
it? Normally? Make a dateor break? Five win three seven seven
one. You're waking up with Tiffin the morning on one O seven one.
Good morning. I'm hoping you havea keyword for me, make a
date or break? Congrat elations.You are going to Genuine why? Yeah,
oh yeah, we'll be buye.I would have never thought that Genuine
would make the trip to Florence,Kentucky. But what a time, right,
that'll be a good time July Julythirteenth at Turfway. You're gonna have
yourself a time. And what's yourname? What neighborhood? Are waking up
at me in this morning? Amy? And I'm going from Beatavia. Amy.
Thank you for listening to Tip inthe morning every day. I appreciate
you. Yeah, thank you.I'm gonna put you on hold if you
took an l on these John Jonesgot you this afternoon at four thirty,
and then I'll have another chance foryou tomorrow, coming up right after Pink.
I've got the three things you needto know to get your day started
in Cincy. There was a reasonI had a dream about Joe Burrow last
night, and I'll explain why.Because Joe Burrow took a trip to Boston.
Do that next