Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
When you need to know she's got you. It's three
things with Ti.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Hi, good morning, We're just before eight o'clock. At eight thirty,
I have of your chance to win tickets to glass animals.
They'll be at Riverbend in the next week or so,
so don't go far. I'm getting conflicting stories and reports
on this Nelly situation.
Speaker 1 (00:19):
Bottom line, he was.
Speaker 2 (00:20):
Arrested and his mug shot is up the bottom bottom
line on top of that is, if the baby hasn't
already come with the Shanti, it's definitely on the way.
What the hell are you doing out at four forty
five in the morning in Missouri. Saint Louis loves Nelly.
Right Here are the reports. Scott Rosenbaum, who I believe
is that I think that's Britney Spears's lawyer, is saying
that he was targeted by an over zealous and out
of the line officer. He had won a jack butt
at the casino yesterday morning, and the arresting officer told
them falsely that he needed to run a background before
giving Nelly his money.
Speaker 1 (01:02):
The other conflicting report.
Speaker 2 (01:03):
I'm getting is that he was driving was not driving appropriately,
so they pulled him over ran him and then realized
that he had a warrant for his arrest. I believe
the warrant part is true for for not having insurance
like he got in trouble for not having insurance on
his vehicle. What you need to know, regardless of how
it happened, Nelly was at the casino really late, was arrested.
No idea why that man is out at four forty
five in the morning, but two weekses own. I guess right,
That's not my place to judge people and what they do.
Speaker 1 (01:34):
I just report what they do.
Speaker 2 (01:36):
But then on top of not having insurance, he had
four pills of ecstasy on him and so his munk
shot is floating online.
Speaker 1 (01:42):
Nelly will be at.
Speaker 2 (01:43):
Great American Ballpark this coming September, and I absolutely will
be at that show. Second in three things you need
to know this morning, the Drake stuff continues all morning. Yesterday,
I had reported that Drake dropped one hundred gigs for
your head Top, which is one hundred gigs of content
plus three new songs in a brand new Instagram account.
Now that people have started filtering through the one hundred
gigs worth of data, we're learning these tidbits about Drake
and his music and his lifestyle from years and years ago.
Speaker 1 (02:14):
This one video is starting.
Speaker 2 (02:16):
To get some traction because.
Speaker 1 (02:21):
He talks about Serena Williams.
Speaker 2 (02:22):
Now, you remember there have been photos of Drake and
Serena in the past, a long time ago.
Speaker 1 (02:27):
Now this video came out.
Speaker 2 (02:29):
I'm curious as to why Drake put this one out here.
And I remember vividly this summer, Serena Williams went viral
for saying that Kendrick Lamar's song not Like Us was
the song of Summer. So I'm wondering if Drake was like, Okay,
well here you go, because he released some info about
the song too Good for You and who it's actually about.
It's not about Rihanna. It is, in fact about Serena.
Speaker 3 (02:54):
I just don't understand.
Speaker 1 (02:58):
Up and coming real late on, everything's gonna be very light.
I'm not gonna get like to really into things.
Speaker 3 (03:05):
No, I get heavy on a couple of joys. But
this is more about me and Serena.
Speaker 1 (03:08):
So I gathered. I gathered that, but I.
Speaker 3 (03:11):
Wanted to make a song. Well, it's funny because when
I make songs about women, I also make songs for them,
So I know what kind of song to make. If
I'm going to talk about them, I'll at least do
them the justice of making them a song that they like. Yeah, okay,
So I know Serena very well and I know that
she'll hear it loud and clear. But she'll also not
hating for it because it's lighthearted, you know, and she
hasn't seen somewhere else. I don't know, mom, will house.
Speaker 2 (03:47):
That last part absolutely made me giggle when I listened
to this video three hundred times this morning.
Speaker 1 (03:53):
That's his mom in the background, by the way.
Speaker 2 (03:54):
So he's explaining his music to his mom, and his
mom's like, well, you know that she's seeing someone else, right,
And this is his reaction.
Speaker 1 (04:00):
If you missed it.
Speaker 3 (04:01):
Not hate me for it because it's slight hearted, you know,
and she had someone else.
Speaker 1 (04:07):
I don't know, Mom, I don't know.
Speaker 2 (04:10):
Mom. I loved that, And just because I know you've
come to expect it from me, here's a clip of
the song I'm too good to You.
Speaker 3 (04:17):
I'm waiting too good to you, You take my love, Brian,
I just don't understand, And oh I'm too.
Speaker 2 (04:23):
Good to your absolute banger all right. Finally, three things
you need to know this morning, Just a quick Olympic update.
You come to expect that on my show, we're looking
forward to probably the most No Alliles today is going
to be racing in the two hundred meter and he
is considered the fastest man on earth right now after
winning the one hundred.
Speaker 1 (04:39):
With that photo finish.
Speaker 2 (04:40):
That is three things you need to know for the
eighth of August coming up at eight twenty.
Speaker 1 (04:44):
We do it every Thursday.
Speaker 2 (04:45):
Julie on the Job is going to come and join us,
chatting about that viral TikTok trend of millennials making fun
of gen Z on what they're wearing to work, but
where millennials might be going wrong and boomers