All Episodes

October 19, 2024 • 26 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
There's a battle going on for the soul of me.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
He's the.

Speaker 3 (00:09):
Very but I'm safe within the arms of Goddier Bride.
She's the keeper of the surge the Church of Christ.

Speaker 4 (00:22):
I'll not surrender. I'll have surayender. I'll not surrenyender.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
I know I'll always be a godspel.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
Defender, Ladies and gentlemen, Rick Brydenbaugh of the Gospel Defender ministries,
this gospel message will encourage and equip those who have
ears to hear to be a Christian clothed with the

armor of a gospel defender.

Speaker 1 (01:09):
A surrey.

Speaker 4 (01:14):
All surrey.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
Ridala a godspool.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
Ladies and gentlemen, you have no doubt already heard the
account of the rich young Ruler. However, at this time
we consider it once again. As we examine this account,
we will consider the ruler, the rules, the responses, and

the reward. First, we consider the ruler. Matthew writes, Behold,
one came and said to him, good teacher, what good
thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?
So he said to him, why do you call me good?

No one is good but one that is God. But
if you want to enter into life, keep the Commandments.
Matthew says, Behold. When a writer of the scriptures writes, behold,
it is written to get our attention. The word carries

with it the idea of fastening your eyes upon the object.
To behold. There is something extremely important we are to
learn from this account, And so I say to you
at this time, behold. It marks account of this event.

We are told that this young man came running and
knelt before Jesus. It was only appropriate that he did this,
since Jesus is the Christ, the only begotten son of God.
How many people do you know who would do this today?

Why is it that when Jesus lived, many came running
and kneeling, but now that he has resurrected from the dead,
only a few come, and they come grunting and squealing.
I may not have the real answer to my own question,

but I cannot help but think the people of the
first century saw something in Jesus people do not see
in the twenty first century Christians. Every day people saw
in Jesus a person who was truly godly. First century

people knew the Kingdom of God was reeal to Jesus
every day, not just on Sunday. From the time of
Luke two verse forty nine, people had seen that to Jesus,
his church was foremost in his heart and mind. The
church was the daily business of Jesus, not only the

first day of the week business. If we could get
more Christians to make Jesus first on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday, as they pretend he is on Sunday, we
would have more people running and kneeling to Jesus on
the Lord's Day, and show it by sitting at the

table upon which is placed his body and his blood.
Matthew also says this young man of chapter nineteen called
Jesus master. Except for the apostles of Jesus Christ, no
other person but Nicodemus ever called Jesus a master teacher.

This young man was indeed unusual. He was young, and
he was rich. But what really made him unusual is
he sought information about salvation. What good thing shall I
do that I may have eternal life? He was concerned

about his eternity. He was concerned not about what would
make him happy, but what was necessary for him to
do to be saved. He was a young person who
had his priorities right I have been in the preaching
and teaching ministry of Jesus Christ for five plus decades,

and I have yet for anyone come running to me
asking the question, Preacher, what must I do to be saved?
And this is the primary objective of my life, to
tell people how to be saved? But no one is
asking me this question. Regardless if no one ever asks,

I will continue to keep giving the answer to this
most important question. It is as Jesus said in Mark
sixteen sixteen, he who believes and is baptized will be saved.
It is as Apostle Peter preached, repent and let every
one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus

Christ for the remission of sins. Some think Jesus's reply
in Matthew nineteen, verse seventeen was a reproof or rebuke.
Why do you call me good? But I think not?
The young man was Jesus is the good Master. Rather

than reproving or rebuking the ruler, Jesus was simply assisting
and aiding his faith by asking him that question. Yes,
you are right, young man, I am good, but why
do you call me good? The answer to the young
man's question what good things shall I do that I

may have eternal life? Was keep the commandments? Of course,
as we see by the subsequent conversation of Jesus, those
commandments were the ten commandments which now in this present
day dispensation have been nailed to the cross of Christ.

And yet the answer is still the same for us today.
To be saved, we must keep the commandments of the
New Testament dispensation. Blessed are those who do his commandments,
that they may have the right to the tree of
life and may enter through the gates into the city,

wrote John the Apostle in Revelation twenty two, verse fourteen.
Ladies and gentlemen, you will never receive eternal life except
by keeping the New Testament commandments of Jesus Christ and
his apostles concerning how to be saved. No one will

ever have a right to the eternal tree of life
and enter through the gates of the New Jerusalem without
keeping the commandments of salvation, which includes the commandment to
be immersed in water in the name of Jesus Christ
for the remission of sins. Next, we consider the rules.

The rules applicable to the ruler are those referred to
in Matthew nineteen Verses eighteen and nineteen, Jesus referred to
six of the ten commandments when Moses went atop Mount
Sinai to receive the written law of God. God placed

the first four commandments on one table of stone, and
the last six commandments on a second table of stone.
The first four of the ten commandments concerned man's duty
to God, and the last six of the ten commandments
concerned man's duty to man. Jesus served the young man

only the bread of life from the second table, and
it was a table from which it was difficult for
the young man to eat. As the account reveals, the
young man believed he was faultless in his relationship to God,
but this was not true. Regarding his responsibilities to his

fellow man, he failed miserably. Jesus reminded him of that fact.
Ladies and gentlemen, no one would argue that Jesus was
not the first, the best preacher of God's word, who
ever walked God's globe. No one would be so silly

or ignorant to argue that. So. Therefore, take heed. Jesus
knew this young man's heart, and because he knew his heart,
Jesus knew that the young man fell miserably short when
it came to six of the ten commandments. Jesus was

not a preacher like some among us today who tell
their audiences how good they are. He told people living
in his day not what made them feel good, but
what they needed to hear to be right with God.

The job of the preacher is not to tell people
how good they are. After all, most of us know
how good we are. The job of the preacher is
to remind those created in God's image how far short
they fall from God's will, and then to preach how

to do God's will. The average church member would rather
receive a pat on the behind as the preacher tells
him or her how wonderful it has been to have
them in the assembly. As she or he leaves the
church building on the one Sunday out of the four

that he or she has decided to attend, the church
member goes on his merry way, living the same way
he did before he entered the church doors, believing that
all is well and that he has fooled the preacher again.
The preacher has petted his pets to make sure they

come back next week. To play church again with him.
Ladies and gentlemen, if this describes your preacher, you need
to pray that God will send you someone like Jesus
who will tell you what you really need to hear.

As far as the commandments were concerned, the rich young
ruler asked, all these things I have kept from my youth,
what do I still lack? But when he asked what
do I still lack? He opened himself to the judgment

of Christ. Mark says Jesus looked at him, loved him,
and said, one thing you lack. Ask Jesus a question,
and he will always give you an honest answer, whether
you will like it or not. Ask Jesus how to

be saved from your sin, and he will always give
you an honest answer. He who believes and is baptized
will be saved. Ask Jesus how many churches he built,
and he will give you an honest answer one his church.

Ask Jesus how often must the church observe the Lord's Supper,
and he will give you an honest answer. Upon the
first day of the week, what week every week? Ask
Jesus the name of his church, and he will give
you an honest answer. The churches of Christ. Salute you.

Ask Jesus a question, and he will always give you
an honest answer. In the case of the rich young ruler,
the answer to his question, what do I still lack?
Was he lacked a good and honest heart. This rich
young ruler had a heart problem. It was filled with covetousness,

which is idolatry. He was guilty of transgressing the very
first of the ten commandments that said he was to
have no other God before Jehovah God. The rich young
Ruler's god was mammon materialism, and his god came before

God Almighty. Though he would never think of killing anyone,
neither did he give any thought to feeding a man
dying from hunger, or clothing a man who was freezing
to death. Though he would never think of hurting anyone,

neither would he think of helping anyone. When it came
to his possessions, it was hands off. Things have not
changed much in the last twenty one centuries. Most people,
even some who profess to be a follower of Christ,

are filled with convetousness. They covet their time. They have
no time to serve God or his church. They have
no time to read or to study God's word, or
to pray. They have no time to attend church assemblies

to be taught the word of God. There is time
for most anything else, but there is no time for God.
People are rushing to hell as if it were a bargain.
Ladies and gentlemen, you will not be in hell five
seconds until you will want to blow the whistle for

a time out. But there are no timeouts in hell.
What many never wanted in this life will be their
eternal gift in hell and eternity, with no timeouts for
or with God. Only those who took time out to

serve God here in this present life will enjoy an
eternity of time outs with God in the life to come.
Those in the church whose lives are ruled by covetousness.
Many congregations are strapped for money to get the Gospel

of Jesus Christ outside the four walls of their church
building through radio, television and printing ministries. Because of cove
church members souls go to hell because the church is
more sold on themselves and their things than on the

Church and her mission. What do I still lack? In
the case of the rich, young ruler, it was his
heart that lacked love for God and his creation. We
have taken a bird's eye view of the ruler and
the rules. Now a word about the responses. Three responses

to the conversation between Jesus Christ, the ruler of the universe,
and the rich young ruler who was ruled by his riches. First,
when the young man heard Jesus say, if you want
to be perfect, go sell what you have and give
to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven,

and come follow me, he went away sorrowful, for he
had great possessions. Mark says he was sad at that word.
The reason was not that he did not get his
question answered, What good things shall I do that I
may have eternal life? He did not get his question

answered in a way that suited him. And thus it
is today Some go away sorrowful from this radio broadcast
because they do not hear it said that they can
be saved right where they are by praying the sinner's prayer. Remember,
ladies and gentlemen, the plan of salvation was written not

to suit you, but to save you. Like the rich
young ruler, many choose to leave Jesus Christ in sorrow
rather than to believe and obey Jesus Christ and rejoice
in their salvation. Second, we are told the disciples of

Jesus were greatly astonished. That which caused their astonishment was
Jesus teaching them that it is hard for a rich
man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and that it
would be easier for a camel to go through the
eye of a needle than for a rich man to

enter in the Kingdom of God. Third, we are told
that Peter answered and said to him, see, we have
left awe and followed you there, or what shall we
have Peter said, Lord, fasten your eyes upon that which
we have left to follow you. You can always count

on Peter to make a ridiculous remark every now and then.
But before we are quick to rebuke Peter for his
ridiculous remark, we need to ask ourselves the question, what
have we given up for the cause of Christ. Peter
gave up his fishing business, his nets, his boats, his home,

his family. That isn't a bad track record when you
stop and think about it. Compare it with what the
average Christian has forsaken for the cause of Christ, and
Peter's record looks pretty impressive. But even if you were

to die as a mission on some foreign field, owning
absolutely nothing, he would measure as nothing in comparison to
what it cost the Son of God to purchase our salvation.
The Lord Jesus Christ, though he was rich, yet for

our sakes, became poor, that we, through his poverty, might
be rich. Have you ever left a mansion of glory
for a mess at Golgotha, Peter, Peter? Have you ever
left a throne of authority for forms of agony? Peter?
Have you ever given up a crown of majesty for

a cross of murder? Of course, the answers know, not
only for Peter, but for ourselves as well. Whatever is
given up for the cause of Christ is never in vain,
be it small or great, be it that of an apostle,

or of a Christian.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
The ruler, the.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
Rules, the responses, And now a brief word about the rewards.
Jesus said to his disciples that day everyone who has
left houses or brothers or sisters, or father or mother
or wife, or children, or lands for my name's sake
shall receive a hundredfold and inherit everlasting life. The reward

for serving Christ is great. Only a faithful servant of
Christ understands the immensity of the reward, And only a
person who has obeyed the old fashioned Jerusalem Gospel to
repent and be baptized for the remission of sins can

be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ladies and gentlemen,
you can leave this message grieved or relieved, mad or glad,
saved or depraved. What would it be if you want
to enter into life? Keep the commandments of salvation.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
There's a battle going on for the soul of me.
He's of wythvery But I'm saying, within the arms of God.

Speaker 3 (23:39):
Dear Brad, She's the keeper.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
Of the suge of Christ.

Speaker 4 (23:45):
I'll not Surreyender, I'll have Surreyer. I'll have surreyder.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
A godspel.

Speaker 2 (24:09):
Ladies and gentlemen, Rick write in Boss speaking, you have
just heard another gospel defender Ministries radio broadcast brought to
you by the Church that Jesus built and preaches all
of the Word to all of the world. Jesus said
in Mark sixteen, verse sixteen. He who believes and is

baptized will be saved. So find someone today who will
immerse you into Christ. Today before it is everlastingly too late.
Our mailing address is Gospel Defender Ministries, Post Office Box
five seven five Jellicothi c h I lll I CT

Jellicothi Ohio ZIPP four five six zero one. You can
also contact us through the world wide Web at Gospel
dash Defender dot org or by email at a gosdef
A g O S D E F A gosdef at

roadrunner dot com. At your request, written transcript or an
audio copy of today's message we'll be sent to you
free of charge. We have no obligation from you now
or in the future. We need to hear from you
as soon as possible, so please take the time to

contact us today now until you and I meet again
at this same time and at this same place. Our
prayer is that you will be steadfastly set for the
defense the Gospel God
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