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December 12, 2023 34 mins

No longer safe in Europe, the cartel bosses move to a city that is attracting criminals from around the globe.

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Speaker 1 (00:15):

Speaker 2 (00:18):
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p per month. Currently only available on iOS. There's a
link in the show notes. Previously on Hot Money, Daniel
Kinahan took over the family business, launched his career as
a boxing promoter, and waged a bloody war on the
streets of Dublin. Europe was no longer safe for him.

Back in twenty twenty one, I was working for the
FT as a foreign correspondent in Italy. One morning I
noticed this story that was causing a bit of a stir.
One of it to Lea's most wanted Fugitives.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
This guy on the run.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
He'd given an interview to a local Naples newspaper and
his name was Rafaela Imperiale. This interview, it was a
pretty audacious move because at the time he was wanted
on drug trafficking charges and was thought to be tied
to the Neapolitan Camora mafia and Imperial le He looked
like this classic mob character. He wore finally tailored clothes

and expensive leather shoes. But the thing that really grabbed
my attention was his nickname, the Van Goff Boss. That's
Van go if you're listening in the US, but Van
Goboss doesn't really sound as good. It came from a
story that began in two thousand and two when these
criminals sledge hammered their way into the Van goth Museum
in Amsterdam in the middle of the night. In less

than five minutes, they lifted two priceless paintings off the walls,
ab sailed down the building and disappeared into the night.
The robbery made headlines around the world and was listed
by the FBI as one of the most notable art
thefts of the twenty first century. The thieves they were
eventually caught, but the paintings were long gone. They were

sold to an unknown buyer, and for years no one
knew where the Van Goffs could be. And then in
twenty sixteen, an Italian public prosecutor got a letter. It
was from Raphaeli Imperiale, he was by then living on
the run in Dubai. Imperiale told the Italians that he
was the guy who bought the stole a Van Goffs,

and he was willing to come back and face the
charges against him, but he wanted to trade the paintings
in for a lighter sentence.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
It didn't work out.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
The Italians weren't interested, and soon enough the police raided
a property outside of Naples and recovered the paintings.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
That interview with Imperiale, a lot of it was about
the Van Goffs.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
What could a mobster know about art? He was asked,
was he aware about how valuable?

Speaker 1 (03:08):
They were?

Speaker 2 (03:09):
Seemed to slightly annoy him. He tells the interviewer that
he's a man of culture and refined taste, and that
he was raised to appreciate fine painting. I'd never seen
anything like it before. If the most wanted man in
Italy was freely giving interviews, why hadn't the police caught
him yet? But what I hadn't grasped was that imperial

had become a sort of trailblazer. He was a guy
who spotted a big opportunity in the middle East before
everyone else, because around the same time that the police
seized his stolen Van Goffs, the top drug traffickers from
around Europe were looking out for a new safe place
to base their operations, and they settled on the same
city the Imperiale, the Van Goff boss had chosen back

in twenty ten, the tiny Gulf Emirate of Dubai. Imperiale
had seen that Dubai was a dream location for a
man like him, and soon the Kinnahans and other top
bosses in Europe would be following him out to the
Middle East alone. Each of these men were ruthless and
cunning operators, but once they're all together in Dubai, they

begin to pull their resources.

Speaker 1 (04:19):
They came to realize that by forming a new.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
Type of criminal group, they could become richer, more powerful,
and more feared.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
Than their wildest dreams.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
They were about to transform organized crime in Europe and
create the supercartel. I'm Miles Johnson and from the Financial
Times and Pushkin Industries.

Speaker 1 (04:42):
This is Hot Money Season two.

Speaker 2 (04:44):
The New Narcos episode four, Gangster's Paradise.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
See Dubai as a bit of a combination between Manhattan, Miami,
and Beverly Hills.

Speaker 2 (05:18):
Matthew Page used to work for the US government in
several three letter agencies. Now he's an analyst and a
author who studies corruption and kleptocracy at the Carnegie Endowment.
He co edited a report on Dubai that helped me
understand why people like Raphaeli Imperiale love living there. Matthew says,
Dubai first of all, is a bit like Manhattan.

Speaker 3 (05:41):
Right, you know, Manhattan, because it's got that sort of
elite skyscraper type of feel to it. Beverly Hills sort
of that conspicuous consumption, the bling, the if it wasn't
so hot, they'd have furs, but they certainly have the
Bentleys and hate couture. And then also Miami because of

the climate, the beaches, the beautiful people.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
In that newspaper interview, imperial says his life in Dubai
is nothing fancy. But I've got hold of an Italian
police file on him that tells a different story. It's
based on wire taps, informant testimony, financial documents, and information
shared by police around the world. It paints his portrait
of him strutting around Dubai wearing expensive suits, tailored in

his native Naples and always trailed by three bodyguards. Dubai
is somewhere he can flash his cash in the company
of other wealthy people who are doing exactly the same thing.
There are pictures in a high end restaurant with his
much younger girlfriend draping her arms around him, and he's
wearing an open net white shirt and a smart jacket.
It's got selfies he took at the gym, flexing his muscles.

He drives custom made supercars with conspicuous two letter license plates,
and he's also developed an expensive diamond habit. He buys
jewelry for his girlfriends at the Graph Jewelry Store and
jokes to his friends that he has a motto, no Graph,
no Love. For a while, he lives in the Burgeo Larrab,
the luxury hotel where Daniel Kinahan will soon celebrate his wedding.

The Italian press report that he and his entourage are
often found at a club called Provocateur inside Dubai's Four
Seasons hotel.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
It's his sort of place.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
It's guest list only, with leather seats, bottle service, and
a huge custom seeding light that looks like a giant
diamond and Imperiale has this reputation as a lavish spender.
He buys dozens of bottles of crystal at thousands of
dollars and then picks up the entire tab and leaves
a very generous tip.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
But it's not just a great place to party.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
It's also a fantastic place for him to do business,
because in Dubai, alongside the beautiful people and the very rich,
and the powerful and the dangerous. Someone once told me
that the best way to describe Dubai is sort of
like a bling version of the Cantina and Star Wars,
full of these strange and shadowy characters from around the world.

You have hedge fund managers and professional athletes drinking at
the same bars as Russian oligarchs and cocaine kingpins.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
It could be an Afghan warlord who has taken all
the money that he made during the Karzai regime and
now that the Taliban is back in control, kind of
can't go back to the fiefdom that he once ruled.
The Instagram influencer who makes their living taking pictures of

themselves on fabulous yachts. It could be the sort of
nerdy but indispensable sort of pasty British accountant who provides
the services that these individuals need and legitimizes them. It
could be people like Isabelle de Santosch, former head of
Angola's national oil company and whose father was the former president,

and she's basically on the run from international law enforcement.
And that's not to mention the local elites, right the
royal family, the ruling family, cousins and nephews and grandchildren,
who are the most powerful people in this in this country.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
To understand why Dubai was the perfect place for a
bunch of international drug lords to join forces, you need
to know a little bit about its history. It's part
of the United Arab Emirates, a federation made up of
seven neighboring monarchies. Before the UAE gained independence in nineteen
seventy one, the region was a British colony and an
important source of oil, but the oil belongs to Dubai's

Emirti neighbor, Abu Dhabi. So when the British left and
the UAE was born, Dubai needed to find ways to
diversify its economy.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
And it was really a tiny place with just you know,
a few tens of thousands of people until the nineteen
eighties nineteen nineties when it saw an explosive growth. You know,
so the royal family in Dubai really had a vision
of how to transform the emirate by building lots of
you know, world class infrastructure, you know, power roads, airport, seaport.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
And it wasn't just infrastructure.

Speaker 2 (10:11):
The royal family also invested in some of the most
luxurious real estate in the world. Dubai today is now
full of skyscrapers and gated communities. Some of them are
built on these artificial sand islands that stretch out into
the Persian Gulf. If you've never seen them before, they're
pretty surreal. There's one in the shape of a palm tree.
There's another archipelago that replicates a map of the world,

and they're isolated, which means for the rich and the powerful,
they feel safe. When Imperiale moved to Dubai, he starts
to make huge investments in property, and he doesn't settle
for anything but the very best. He buys the island
on the archipelago that's shaped like Taiwan, worth an estimated
eighty million dollars. He begins a project to build ten

luxury villas worth twenty million dollars each, and according to
a police file, he tried to get Zaha Hadid, the
critically acclaimed architect, to design them, because in Dubai he
can spend that sort of money without too many questions
being asked.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
Dubai is like a membrane. It's where the sort of
brackish waters of the underworld and the murky waters sort
of percolate and mingle with the fresh water of the
rules based international financial system, and that really captures Dubai
in a nutshell. It's a place where these different flows

merge and mix and just generally come out cleaner and
sweeter smelling than they came in.

Speaker 2 (11:41):
But Dubai has also been an island of stability in
a region that, otherwise from the perspective of the West,
has been pretty unstable, and so in the nineteen nineties,
a lot of Western banks and other companies they chose
Dubai as their base in the region.

Speaker 3 (11:55):
But at the same time, its own system of rules
has been kept loose and fungible enough to allow the
penetration of a lot of unexplained wealth illicit funds into
the country and as a result, it's served as a
magnet for those types of funds.

Speaker 2 (12:18):
The fact that there's lots of people who want to
move there presumably that has also resulted in springing up
of financial and technical kind of infrastructure to support people
bringing money from all around the world.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
Absolutely, so these include you know, high end estate agents,
you know the people who again manage those transactions, the accountants,
the conveyors and so forth. It involves lawyers and maybe
PR consultants as well, and people who are essentially functioning
as wealth managers and helping you often within the bounds

of what is legal, avoid tax and optimize the wealth
that you have gained without necessarily questioning what the source
of that wealth is. I mean, if you think about it,
the international financial system is twenty first century as it
is with you know, contactless payment and instant transactions around

the globe, is still a very sort of almost like
eighteenth century element to it. You know, there's a lot
of trust involved. There's a lot of essentially taking people
at their word that the money that they've acquired is legitimate.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
In countries either the US or the UK. If you
suddenly turn up to a bank with a million dollars
in a suitcase, they might get a little twitchy, But
in Dubai, according to Matthew, very few questions asked about
where your cash comes from.

Speaker 3 (13:52):
They're just looking for ways essentially to take that wealth
off you, you know, and in exchange for a luxury
apartment or a high end car, or looking to provide
services to you an extraordinarily high net worth individual, whether
you be a Silicon Valley you know, multi billionaire who

earned your money legitimately, or you're a drug trafficking kingpin
from Europe.

Speaker 4 (14:20):
So there's sort of a whole universe of sort of
like twenty first century gat spies, like people who've sort
of come to escape their past in a way or
at least like sort of set up shop, you know,
as a new type of person with lots of money
where people don't ask any questions.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
Yeah, and it's a way in which wealth can be
traded or exchanged for elite status. Right, places like Oxford
and Cambridge used to be that for global elites one
hundred years ago. Right, this is the twenty first century
answer to that. And it's all about conspicuous consumption, you know,

Instagram selfies and an ill gotten wealth.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
But there's another very important part to living in Dubai
that even the bloodiest crime bosses understand.

Speaker 1 (15:09):
You might be.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
Murdering people or shipping industrial quantities of drugs somewhere else,
but you don't commit violent crime in Dubai. And that
means for a city inhabited by some of the scariest
men on the planet, it's pretty safe. There are very
few robberies or murders. So why is Imperiale always walking
around Dubai with bodyguards. Well, the thing is he tells

his friends that his hench men, they're not there to
protect him, they're there to protect others in case he
gets angry. Because in Dubai you've got to keep your
temper under control, and if you do that then most
of the time the authorities there they'll leave you alone.
At the time, Dubai doesn't have extradition agreements with a
lot of other countries, so even if you do get

in trouble, it's very hard for the police to actually
get you, and that means for the kinner hands, Dubai
will be like the Costa del Soul, but even better,
more luxurious, lower risk, and way beyond the reach of
European law enforcement. So Daniel Kinahan arrives in Dubai in

twenty sixteen, not long after the attempt on his life
at the Regency Hotel, and his family moves there to
his father, Christie and his brother Christopher Jr. Corporate documents
and property files they show that Christie wasted very little
time in setting up a bunch of companies, usually in
the name of Christopher Vincent, leaving off to Kinnahan. He

reinvents himself as a commodities trader and a business consultant.
He sets up social media accounts for his companies and
he tweets out news about the oil market and.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
Tesla's earning results.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
He even follows the ft on that, and he sets
up a new LinkedIn under his fake identity, and he
describes himself as an executive with a view to expanding
my company's and an eye for detail.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
He lists his skills, skills that you would.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
Probably expect a crime boss to have, such as negotiation
and strategic planning. And actually many of his top business contacts,
people like Imperiale guys he's known for years through the
European cocaine market.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
They're all out there with him.

Speaker 2 (17:27):
It's around this time that different police forces they start
to see that something pretty BIG's.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Happening in Dubai.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
At the start, they only get little snippets of meetings
and deals. They learn that the Kinnahans and Imperiale they're
spending more time together, and other notorious kingpins. They seem
to be part of the same group. Ridu Antargi he
shows up in Dubai. He's a Dutch Moroccan crime boss
who's linked to multiple murders. There's also a Chilean called

Richard roquelme Vega. He's nicknamed El Rico or the rich
guy under the Giant diamond in provocateur in five star
restaurants and high end hotels. These gangsters they start to
form a sort of consortium. It's a powerful new alliance
and European police. They believe that by twenty seventeen, they've

seized control of a third of the continent's cocaine market.
That's a business worth billions of dollars a year, and
that's how they earn the name the Supercartel. Like any
criminal conspiracy, it's not easy to get a clear picture
of how it works. I've tried to piece it together
a sort of tapestry of information. But the documents I've

got they're based on hundreds of pages of shared intelligence
from various law enforcement agencies, and they do a pretty
good job of sketching out how the Supercartel operates. It
calls them partners in a sort of holding company for
international cocaine trafficking, and that holding company it works on
a few simple but powerful economic principles. The most important

thing is market power. This new consortium it's based out
of Dubai, but it has a global reach that stretches
across Europe, Africa and Latin America. And by being bigger,
the Supercartel can buy cocaine in larger quantities at lower prices,
they can spread their risk. The file says that they

work to form joint ventures with Colombian cartels to quote
control the trafficking of cocaine from South America into the
ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp. They share the same transport
routes and they start to pull their cash. The aim
is to quote maintain control of the supply channels because
that gives them bigger market share in Europe and a

better ability to set prices. And the cartel starts to
establish economic co interests. They're laundering their money together and
they're investing it in countries around the world. The file
also has these remarkably detailed examples of the logistical complexity
of these operations. They're not only using ports, they send drugs, money,

and guns through fleets of articulated lorries leaving the nether
to travel across Europe. And they're these photos sent between
Imperially and his crew of huge shipments of cocaine sitting
in a warehouse.

Speaker 1 (20:18):
They're on industrial palettes.

Speaker 2 (20:20):
In this case, it's being sent to Sydney, Australia in
a shipping container disguised as Italian natural stone. On another occasion,
Imperially arranges for a truck filled with several million euros
to be sent to a fellow supercartel member's son in
the Netherlands. So this is starting to look quite a
lot like the way you'd structure a multinational trading company.

You've got equity partners pulling their resources and spreading their risk,
and they use their scale to get cheaper prices and
lower distribution costs and profit margins.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
They go up.

Speaker 2 (20:54):
Business is booming, and all of them are making more
money than ever before. But for Daniel Kinahan, quietly growing
his business, it's not enough because he wants his reputation
to grow not as a drug trafficker but as a
global sports tycoon. And this next bit of the story
it shows just how fuzzy the lines have become between gangster,

online influencer and entrepreneur. Today, Tyson Fury is one of
the best known boxers on the planet. He's outspoken and funny,
and recently he was given the ultimate badge of fame.

Speaker 1 (21:32):
I Say his own reality TV.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
Show on Netflix, following him his wife Paris and their six.

Speaker 5 (21:38):
Children living in the busy household, three girls, Throny Ball's
small wife, all freaking crazy.

Speaker 2 (21:45):
Before he met Kinnahan, Fury had some major success in
twenty fifty.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
He defied the odds to beat.

Speaker 2 (21:51):
Ukraine's Vladimir Klitschko in a match broadcast by Sky Sports.

Speaker 5 (21:55):
I've got everything in the gym for this and i
just can't believe it, and I've got.

Speaker 6 (21:58):
It, so Fury's credit. It is genuinely one of the
best wins that British boxer has ever done. It wasn't
in England, it was a win on foreign soil, and
it was against a guy who hadn't been beaten for
more than a decade. But after that win, Tyson Fury's
life just spiraled.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
This is boxing journalist Alan Dawson.

Speaker 6 (22:18):
He tested positive for the banned substance in andrelone, and
by his own admission, he was using cocaine and drinking
tequila in the morning.

Speaker 2 (22:26):
By twenty seventeen, Tyson Fury's down and out. He later
talked about this period of his life on Joe Rogan's podcast.

Speaker 5 (22:34):
I'd wake up and I think, why did I wake
up this morning? This is coming from a mom who
had everything, money, fame, glory, titles, a wife, a family, kids, everything. Well,
I felt as if I had nothing. I felt there
was an empty gape in hole.

Speaker 6 (22:48):
So Kinahan entered his life at this point.

Speaker 2 (22:52):
When Daniel Kinahan was in Spain, he picked up promising
young boxers, paying for the best trainers and the best equipment.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
But that's not what Fury needs.

Speaker 6 (23:00):
And it's kind of unclear what specifically Kinahan did for Fury,
But for Ben Davison, who was Tyson Fury's coach at
the time, it was simply a belief in him. It's
a theme I've observed in Kinnahan where he tends to
enter people's lives when they're at their lowest step, and
I kind of see that in quite a predatory way.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
In twenty seventeen, Tyson Fury posts a selfie on Twitter.
He and Daniel Kinahan are sitting next to each other,
both wearing colorful shirts.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
They look relaxed.

Speaker 2 (23:28):
They're grinning, arms around each other's shoulders, giving the camera
a thumbs up. They look like best friends. It's a
classic story, the fallen champion on the ropes, needing to
relaunch their career. Tyson Fury doesn't have any connection to crime,
but just like that, one of the world's most famous
boxers has a new advisor, Daniel Kinahan. Fury is clearly

one of the most talented, the most talented boxer of
his generation, at least bristboxer.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
You know, he's clearly like a huge figure in the sport.
But what does it do for Kinnahan.

Speaker 2 (24:02):
What does signing up a boxer like Tyson Fury do
for this seemingly fairly small, low level figure in boxing.

Speaker 6 (24:11):
It completely legitimizes him in boxing. He's in the ear
of the number one heavyweight in boxing. Yeah, that was
really the beginning for Daniel Knahan to become one of
probably the top three most powerful figures in the entire sport.

Speaker 2 (24:29):
Through Daniel's friendship with Tyson Fury, a whole new world
of celebrity and fame is opening up. So in twenty seventeen,
he's at the top of his game. He's rich, and
he's feared, and he's about to get married. There's a
huge moment in anyone's life. The venue for the big
day is the Burj Al Arab, arguably the most luxurious

hotel in the entire Middle East and easily one of
the most expensive in the world. It's all about as
far from inner city Dublin as you could be. His fiance,
the woman by his side as he builds his family's
empire in the Middle East.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
She comes from much closer to home.

Speaker 2 (25:07):
Daniel's bride to be was born close to where he
grew up and for Nicola Talon, the Irish crime reporter
that we heard from last time, his choice of partner
gives us an important insight into Daniel's character.

Speaker 7 (25:20):
I see it is amazing that he has traveled the world.
He has mixed with people both in you know, organized
crime and at the highest end of boxing. He has
followed his father's footsteps, first to the Costa del Salon,
then to Dubai. Daniel Kinahan had to come back to

Dublin to find a wife and his brother is the same.

Speaker 1 (25:46):
What does that tell us about that, well, about Daniel Kinahan.

Speaker 7 (25:50):
I just think that and maybe you'd need a psychologist
who could explain this sort of stuff to you. But
you know, has he got deep underlying insecurities there? Has
he lived a pretense as he always aspired to be
his father and at the same time he has those

narcissistic tendencies. You know, does your world get smaller the
richer you get. You know, maybe you do have to
go back to the to the original circle to find
somebody that you trust. But I think it probably has
more to do with his insecurities. He's always had a
craving for.

Speaker 2 (26:27):
Home and maybe that's why, well, he's getting ready to
enter a new phase of his life, Daniel just can't
let go of old grudges.

Speaker 8 (26:53):
On the streets of north inner city Dublin, we had
armed patrons where our emergency response unit were seen along
with those members of the Girls she con it I
would normally walk the beat and they were there to
protect their lives, primarily of those who we knew to

be targets of the Kinahan organized crime group. So there
was a huge element of fear within the community.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
Well, Daniel Kinahan establishes himself in his new home back
in Dublin. John O'Driscoll has just taken up a new
role as the Assistant Commissioner in charge of Serious Organized
Crime and his first job is to try and contain
the gang war that's broken out after the attempt on
Daniel's life. A year after the shooting at the Regency hotel,
the violence was still raging. There's this grim contrast between

the Kinnahan's luxury life in Dubai and the brutality that
they're orchestrating thousands of miles away in Ireland.

Speaker 1 (27:52):
How is it even.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
Possible to be ordering murders in a European capital with impunity.
There's only one thing on John's mind, stopping the Kinnahans.

Speaker 8 (28:02):
Perhaps, if they hadn't engaged in the murderous activity that
emerged after the Regency, they may have escaped the level
of focus that was placed on them.

Speaker 2 (28:18):
While Daniel Kinahan is making decisions about his wedding, choosing
the flowers, the wine list, the music, deciding on the menu.

Speaker 1 (28:27):
He's also planning something else.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
Three months before Daniel's wedding is due to take place,
an Estonian man in his late fifties lands in Dublin.

Speaker 1 (28:37):
Unbelievably. This man he's known as the Butcher.

Speaker 2 (28:41):
He's got a reputation as a ruthless professional, a man
who for the right amount of money, he'll get the
job done. So Daniel, in between picking out the final
details for his wedding, he gets in touch, but the
Irish police are prepared. They follow the Butcher from the
moment he lands in Dublin and soon it becomes clear

to them he's in Ireland working for the Kinahans.

Speaker 8 (29:04):
And within a couple of hours had been apprehended. Gard
to Chicana and on entering a particular premises, was found
to be in contact with people believed to be based
in Dubai, where instructions in relation to a murder that
was to be undertaken were being discussed.

Speaker 2 (29:27):
That person was convicted, so the contract killing fails. It's
a blow, but Daniel doesn't have time to dwell. One
of the most important aspects of planning any wedding is
the seating plan. Awkward cousins need to be spaced out,
doting aunts made to feel important, and for Daniel's wedding,

picking the right seating plan is going to be more
delicate than usual because among the guests scheduled to attend
some of the most powerful crime bosses on the planet.
Raphaeli Imperiale is one of the names on the guest lists.
Another it's really Antargi, the murderous Dutch crime lord. And
there's Richard Vega el Rico, the Dutch Chilean drug trafficker.

Each of them they're known to their police in their
home countries. Some are already on the run. But Daniel,
he succeeds in keeping the wedding quiet. There's no pictures
on social media. Nikola Tallon picks up some details from
her sources.

Speaker 7 (30:26):
I'm going to say seventeen tiied wedding cake. It was
in the ballroom of the place. There was thrones for
him and her.

Speaker 2 (30:33):
One way to get a glimpse into the luxury of
a wedding at the Burj al Aram. It's from photos
and videos that other happy couples have shared online. The
ballroom is circular and dripping with gold paint. A vast
chandelier hangs from the domed ceiling. The waiting staff they're
dressed in tails, and there are flowers everywhere, vases and

arches of them, bouquets hanging over every table. There's also
an outside space, a terrace that feels private, jutting out
into the Persian Gulf. In the pictures I've seen, the
water gives this scene of feeling of peace and calm.
And I wonder if Daniel Kinahan was feeling calm that
day as he juggled the competing demands of cousins from

back home with some of the most wanted and dangerous
criminal master minds, because he might have been too busy
to notice that somebody there was paying particularly close attention
to the details of the day. One of the guests
is an informant, and later they'll share their account of
the wedding with Western law enforcement. It's not long before

the information reaches John O'Driscoll. Do you remember when you
learned about the wedding, Daniel Canahan's wedding in Dubai and
what did that make you feel when you learn about that.

Speaker 8 (31:46):
To see Kinahan's at that table and perhaps even being
looked upon as performing some sort of leadership role, it
illustrated beyond any doubt that no one law enforcement entity
could achieve any realistic success on its own entackling one

of these criminal enterprises to loan a scenario where they
were cooperating together.

Speaker 2 (32:13):
For John O'Driscoll, the message from the wedding is clear.
He knows that he and the Irish police they can't
tackle the kin Hands on their own. They're going to
have to work with partners in other law enforcement agencies.
And John realizes something else. Seizing drugs or convicting their associates,
they're just short term measures to really bring the kin

Hands down.

Speaker 1 (32:35):
He's going to have to focus on something else.

Speaker 8 (32:37):
Money is the motive for getting involved in crime, and
whatever tactics law enforcement used to tackle organized crime. Until
such time as you tackle effectively the motive involved, you're
not going to achieve the dismantling of an organization.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
John starts working on a plan. It's going to take
a few years for it to come to fruition. But
at the same time, elsewhere in Europe, police are close
to cracking an important code, a code that will take
them one step close to bringing down the Supercartel and
solving the murder of the electrician in Almair.

Speaker 8 (33:14):
So in Then Netherlands.

Speaker 7 (33:16):
The panics within Organized Crime group started.

Speaker 8 (33:20):
On that day.

Speaker 1 (33:22):
That's next time on Hot Money.

Speaker 2 (33:34):
Hot Money is a production of The Financial Times and
Pushkin Industries. It was written and reported by me Myles
Johnson and if you've got any leads or information about
this story, you can email me at new narcost ft
dot com. The series producer is Peggy Sutton. Edith Russello
is the associate producer. Fact checking is by Arthur Gompertz,

Engineering by Sarah Bruguer, sound design from Jake Gorsky. Jeremy
Warmsley wrote the original music. Our editor is Sarah Nix
and the executive producers are Jacob Goldstein and Cheryl Brumley.
Special thanks to Laura Clark, Alastair Mackie and Green Tunner
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