Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thures doing good. Hm, that's the same as different the
last time you saw talpers between that.
Speaker 2 (00:08):
Aw you're saying back back two years ago.
Speaker 1 (00:16):
I don't know.
Speaker 2 (00:17):
I mean there's I mean, I don't know the you know,
they they've been doing this for a long time, and so, uh,
there's gonna be a little tools, little nuances here and there,
you know, little techniques.
Speaker 1 (00:29):
It seems like.
Speaker 2 (00:29):
They've what they have been versus what they're doing now
is just you know, a little nuance things. But it's
a it's real similar to what their identity is. And
at the end of the day, they're a really good defense.
They played together, they communicate well with each other, they've
played together as as one unit, and I think those
things are things that you see are consistent carryovers from
what they've been you know, uh two years ago and
back to four years ago. It's just it's it's not
the same stuff.
Speaker 1 (00:59):
What what what are your memories of that your you.
Speaker 2 (01:06):
Uh yeah, I mean it was very frustrating. We're a
very frustrating game. Obviously not how you want to start
the season off. But uh, I don't know, I mean,
it it's so hard. I mean, these games it seems
like Sean has an ability to live these games and
internalize every nuance of the everything that happened, you know,
f whatever it is, it's more of moments here and
there for me, and you know, it was it. It
was just it was one of those games that, yeah,
you just you don't get things going early. Uh, find
a few plays here and there, but just weren't able
to finish, finish enough offensively and yeah, frustrating, frustrating start
to do that season. But it is something I don't
know if it just as a player having to move
on from things and be here for that next week,
but yeah, just a little blips here and there. Its yeah,
I think you know, being a f just fin finding
ways to finish, finding ways to finish, finding ways to
keep you know, stay positive. I think that was a
big thing in the second half, moving the ball forward
and out of the guys up front, and Kiren did
a great job, Blake did a great job run the ball.
And when you can run the ball like that and
stay ahead of the sticks, it makes everything a little
bit easier.
Speaker 1 (02:30):
So, you know, I think that's.
Speaker 2 (02:32):
Something that that's obviously something that an any team wants
to do, and that's gonna be a focus for us,
I think, uh, being able to make sure that we
can run the ball and and say stay ahead of
the six.
Speaker 3 (02:53):
Speaker 1 (02:55):
Yeah, yeah, I feel good.
Speaker 2 (02:57):
Yeah that was just Reggie, you know, exercising his power.
Speaker 1 (03:02):
So that's just that's all it was.
Speaker 4 (03:05):
How would you have to see, I mean, for someone
like you, does he just come and say, you know,
you're shouldn't You're not going today?
Speaker 2 (03:14):
No, it's more of like a dictatorship and he just
kind of like says it is what it is, and
he doesn't like when you guys, guys want to be
out there practicing. Guys want to be out there you know,
with the with with the team, with the guys and uh,
but he gets real moody if you say anything back
to him. So we've just learned to let it, let
him think that he has he has the juice.
Speaker 1 (03:37):
So yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2 (03:50):
I think there's a little nuance here and there to
it in terms of what kind of reaction you're getting
from a defense. Knowing that you know, linebackers are you know,
getting into pant drops and things like that, especially when
you run the ball. Well, uh, understanding that you know,
space opens up as you get down the field. You know,
we have been a lot more play action based than
drop drop back this year, and uh, you kind of
get a feel for what those are, what the timing
is of those things, and what your spots are. And
we've done a very good job of of being able
to excuse some of those things into.
Speaker 1 (04:18):
The play action movement game.
Speaker 2 (04:19):
And you know, kudos to Matthew being able to do
u stuff. It's tough when you turn your back to
the defense, you'll flip back around and try to, you know,
diagnose what's happening. But I think we've got one of
the best in the best in the world doing that.
And uh, you know, as the receivers, you just want
to street the field well and let him make throws.
He's done great job. Come on and give us some explosives.
He obviously has a superpower to get down the field
and you know, something that's that should be on the field.
I mean, it's been something something that we've talked about
here for a while. He's shown that he can do
it and uh, you know, finding those spots for them,
I think has been a good thing for us offensively.
He's uh, yeah, he's made the most of those opportunities.
So yeah, really happy for him and and he's I mean,
he's he's shown that that's something that he's very capable
of doing.
Speaker 3 (05:09):
That's close to that's wants across the watch and yass
surprising you all or puts away.
Speaker 2 (05:22):
Yeah, I you know, I think, yeah, Matthew has a
thing against running the ball. He doesn't for whatever reason,
doesn't like positive rushing yardage as a quarterback. So I
think we had the first QB sneak a while back
and then he then we need it out to go
back to neutral, and it's like, you know, he just
does not want to be in the positive whatever reason.
But you know, let's the e's kudos and him he
can do whatever he wants. He's old enough now he
can choose to do whatever whatever it is he wants
to do. But yeah, so you know, you're never too
old to QB sneak in my opinion, but you know,
he he lives by a different, different rule book.
Speaker 3 (05:59):
Kind of take the last time and here's.
Speaker 1 (06:02):
Host for those post games that you know and have
time for the totality around players and coaches like one
of the ball, the wall and also.
Speaker 3 (06:10):
Last week and telling everybody about the hall will win
all layers or the coaches speed up in your time,
You're what has that been really perfectly?
Speaker 1 (06:21):
Who has the big sporty of regardment to speak up
and something like that?
Speaker 2 (06:25):
Is it's it hasn't been just one person. I think
there's you know, everyone's had the their moment of just
conviction and saying, hey, this is what I'm seeing out there.
Speaker 1 (06:34):
And I mean, this is a team game.
Speaker 2 (06:36):
It's a it's a game that is is won and
lost based off of the collaboration of the guys out there.
And guys are convicted and feel a certain way, they're
gonnavoice their opinions on it. And it's always done in
a in a positive manner. It's always done with the
intent of you know, what can we do to to
move the needle forward? And and that's welcome by by
all of us. And the coaches do our great job
of accepting that stuff too and being feed off that
and seeing guys that when you see ah, an offensive
lineman saying, let's go, like run the ball again. You
know you just gonna you can get the ball and
run it behind him again, and uh. And so it
has been it's been a good thing of just you know,
across the board, having guys step up when they are
feeling that conviction.
Speaker 1 (07:13):
It's perfect. You guys, excuse me.
Speaker 4 (07:25):
I thought it was great.
Speaker 1 (07:27):
Uh I.
Speaker 4 (07:28):
I either get to hear that guy come over to
my house and hear him seeing all the time, so
I was it was only fair that everybody else gets
to hear him sing as well. And uh uh, I
think that was such a cool moment for him to
kind of go get to do something that he loves
and he has a passion for. And uh yeah, I
love my Guy Kobe.
Speaker 1 (07:49):
Album. You know.
Speaker 4 (07:52):
Leadership, Yeah, I think uh. And last year and being
able to look back at it and kind of reflect
and seeing somebody and took the opportunities to learn from
one of the greatest players to ever played this game
of football on that defensive side, so and then being
able to use those experiences that didn't happen and maybe
not in the same situation for him last year and
this year, being able to lead by example and to
do the things that he can best on the football
field and know that that will rally guys around him,
and then also taking the vocal leader in it as well,
and being somebody who who I can seeing and knows
his own voice and is confident in himself and being
able to communicate with other people around him, not only
on the defensive line, but across the whole defense. And
he's continued to thrive and be a leader on that
defense for sure.
Speaker 2 (08:42):
A lot of younger guys came in together like disapprot
each other for each other's bbies.
Speaker 1 (08:50):
What is that like for you?
Speaker 3 (08:51):
I mean, their first real job and they have.
Speaker 1 (08:55):
Over him around.
Speaker 4 (08:57):
What is it like people who were like to be Yeah,
I think it's a It's a credit to the entire
environment that we have here. I just think of the
positive energy that Coach McVeigh feeds into us and how
that is reciprocated in each other in the locker room,
and how great that feels when man, you you can
talk about things that you you have a passion about
outside of football, and how that enjoys and that connects
us even more out there on the football field of Man.
I know, Kyra is gonna right, He's got this little
RC driving wheel and I'm like, I love driving. Steve
loves driving, and just like the way to connect in
a different level and how that influences the game of football.
I think the level of communication and trust. I think
communication especially the biggest thing, as much as we trust
Matthew Stafford and being able to communicate what we need
as an offense, but then being able to communicate in
each position. There's not every time where Matthew Stafford is
talking about how a nine technique is gonna get blocked
between the tight end and outside receiver, or how we're
gonna that the the double accommodation between the guard and
the tackle is getting up field. So it allows you
to to build that trusted communication and you you learn
different ways to communicate, You read body language, and all
all signs of communication start to come alive.
Speaker 1 (10:15):
Speaker 4 (10:16):
How much of the time.
Speaker 1 (10:24):
That makes the difference how you.
Speaker 4 (10:27):
Definitely, I think at the game, it's a game within
the game. I I I that's uh uh our coaches
have said to me, and some of that. I feel
like it definitely is playing an influence in my play
style and being like man, uh if I if I
if I'm hitting you as hard as I can all
three quarters, by the fourth quarter, one of us, somebody's
gonna get ready to give out, and there's you gotta
be ready for that moment because you never know when
it's gonna come.
Speaker 1 (10:45):
It may come in the.
Speaker 4 (10:46):
Fourth quarter in the in our in our four minute drive,
where it may come in the second quarter where we're
trying to go close the half out with points or
something like that. So, uh, the game within the game,
if you were to get up you know, is that
something that you work on? It that just always or
what a little instinctual I definitely it's uh the guy
I I I've I've watched a lot of tape on
a in Cooper Cup, uh I seeing him and put
on that that spin move on tape a couple of times.
So and then definitely with the with the other coaches
who are teaching our our our ball security and their
ways to tack defense and stuff like that. So trying
to put a uh an accumulation of all the things together.
There's a lot of how a pictures watching you spend
time all theb or some questions. Very one is that
like the no look past? Is that like something that
I called in the huddle? Is that like something that
he's like telling you, like, hey, I'm about to know. Look,
I wish I wish that is how it worked. That
would that would make my job a lot easier for sure,
and being like, man, uh on this one, I just
cleared the guy out or the defender, I'm not I've
I thought I was open, and then you're like, oh, no,
I've actually open. I'm getting the ball. So and then
I guess just kind of how he is at a
person and somebody who sit down in the lunch room
and is talking to all the guys, and somebody in
the meeting room who as much as he's always talking
about football and trying to make sure everybody's on the
same page, that he throws a good joke in there.
He's quick witted. His brain is probably running a thousand
miles per hour all the time. So somebody who you
feel like you can trust and you can rally behind easily,
it's somebody that obviously our team is rallied behind him.
But I'm sure in that any locker room they would
find him a rally guy. I guess it definitely took
me a little thinking of trying to process what the
team was gonna look like. But I guess I never realized.
I grew up a Packers fan in Las Vegas, so
I was like, man, I never realized until I went back,
and I was like, wow, I've probably watched you play
a lot. I was just always cheering against you. I
was like, I'm so sorry, Like I apologize.
Speaker 1 (12:55):
I never knew this type of ers that in this game.
Speaker 3 (13:00):
I mean, its been to a little especially after what
happened in between two two and.
Speaker 1 (13:05):
This is war that you were here. But uh, sure
that's been discussed in some of these.
Speaker 4 (13:10):
The physicality needed not just to play the summer football,
but especially starting all this team. So mean, is now
what's been the emphasis this week?
Speaker 2 (13:18):
If any kind of coaches minimust players about that house style?
Speaker 4 (13:23):
Yeah, I think, uh, it's definitely there's been a a
run emphasis for us for a long time. Uh physicality
and uh and us being able to get on the
same page and uh to impose our will. So I
think that's something that our team, Uh, we've been building
along and we we've found moments where we feel like we're.
Speaker 1 (13:37):
Confident in that.
Speaker 4 (13:38):
Uh, but it's trying to confine that con consistent execution
in that and UH, I know it's uh maybe hasn't
been verbalized this week, but it's definitely something that's been
understood in these last couple of weeks of trying to
find our groove and then UH also to to find
our rhythm as our offense and UH to find that
to emphasize our identity where we feel like we we
uh we play our game style.
Speaker 1 (13:59):
Thank you great