Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome to Rolling 18
This 40-year veteran is herefor anyone wanting to stay up to
date in the trucking world.
Grab your coffee, hop on boardand let's get on down the road
with Walter Gatlin.
Speaker 2 (00:19):
Hello drivers and
welcome to Rolling 18 Podcast.
I'm your host, walter Gatlin,in the beautiful state of Iowa.
If I sound a little upset todayon this podcast, it's because I
Politics is really bitingpeople hard.
I try to stay out of it becauseyou know I'm in a trucker
I like to tell people aboutthings about trucking and I
believe this particular story islinked directly to trucking
Because I've asked peoplethroughout the years what their
biggest three problems were outon the road.
And of course, it has to dowith parking.
It has to do with, you know,being able to afford certain
things rates on the loads, Imean.
There's a list about 10 long,20 long.
But the one thing that reallycatches my eye, especially in my
ear during this election period, is the fact that so many
people are complaining thatthere's so many foreigners out
there driving on the road.
Now look, I understand thedifference between legal
immigration and illegalimmigration.
Politicians left, right, centerdoesn't make any difference.
Their main job is to getreelected, so they're going to
say whatever their constituentswant.
I'm not up for election.
I don't care about politics.
I do vote, but I don't care totell you who I'm voting for or
to have you tell me who you'revoting for None of that matters
to me, you who I'm voting for orto have you tell me who you're
voting for.
None of that matters to me.
I'm going to expect people tobase their decisions on logic
and what's happening to them intheir personal lives, especially
with the top three issues,which is, economic issues,
illegal immigration issues andissues that have to do
personally deep withinthemselves.
Pick one, two, three it doesn'tmake any difference, just pick
whichever one you want.
Those are the issues thatpeople are going to worry about
the most, because when you haveto go to the store and spend all
the rest of every ounce of yourmoney on food in order to
survive, and maybe even skip afew medications or one or two
other bills in order to buy foodfor your family, that's crazy,
it's nuts.
But I came across this story andit's all over the internet.
All you have to do is type inblack woman has to sell her food
truck to an illegal immigrant.
Okay, that's exactly whathappened, and the fact that it
was a black woman makes it morenoticeable, because I honestly
believe that black folks inDemocrat-run areas are the ones
hurt the most by the DemocratParty.
They say they're protected bythe Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party swears upand down.
They protect them, but it seemslike all of these shenanigans
happen in Democrat cities.
Now I'm not going to say oneway or the other because I'm an
independent and I don't want toget your feathers in an uproar,
but this story is directlyrelated to my story because it's
almost identical.
Now this woman tried to get a$20,000, $25,000 loan so she
could stay afloat.
Everybody denied her Okay.
So no, clearly there's onepolitician or another politician
that's not looking out fortheir constituents.
But either way she goes out.
She tries to get a loan severaldifferent avenues finally
realizes that if she does notsell the food truck, she is
going to go under and gobankrupt and rather than have
that happen to her and herrecord, she decides to go ahead
and just sell the food truck,get out from underneath it, pay
off you know whatever bills shemay have left, and then just
start from scratch doingsomething else.
What choice does this womanhave?
So she goes to sell it, sheputs it out on the whatever
social media site, she puts itout on for sale and who and
behold, comes up to buy hertruck, but an illegal immigrant,
with a letter from the federalgovernment saying they will
guarantee the money.
So I started doing some researchand I started and this is
several weeks ago that I starteddoing this research even prior
to this story I believe.
I don't know if they came outat the same time or not, but
it's amazing how this story cameout about the same time I was
doing research on the illegalimmigrants that are driving semi
and getting help from theUnited States federal government
, because they sit there and saythey're paying for their
education, they're paying fortheir, their hospitalization,
they're paying for their food,their rent.
So I wanted to go deep and seeare some of these illegal
immigrants driving semi, and arethey allowed to drive semi and
come to find out?
Yes, they are, and they arealso buying trucks with
government money, which is yourtax dollars, by the way.
They are literally buyingtrucks, paying fees, getting
started in the trucking businesswith your tax dollars, the
money that you've earned.
These are illegal immigrants,ladies and gentlemen, not legal
immigrants, not the ones thatcame in here and did things
legally, not the ones that cameinto the United States and
decided to go through everysingle hoop the United States
has for legal immigrants becausethey have to have background
No, these are the ones thatcrossed the river.
These are the ones that came inand snuck in through the night.
These are the ones that paidthousands of dollars to mules to
move them across and, for onereason or another, didn't get
kidnapped and sex traded likesome of them, but were let go
and were told to pay themcertain amounts of money when
they got here with the moneythat they earned.
This woman if you look up blackAmerican woman has to sell her
food truck to migrants.
You'll find out that that moneywas given to them to purchase
her food truck by the UnitedStates government.
Now, and the research I've doneand I'm not going to quote
anybody because I don't care oneway or another you can do your
own research I have people thatI talk to who want to remain
anonymous and you can understandthat this day and age and you
can believe me or not, believeme, I don't care.
Either way, I'm not making anyassumptions.
I'm telling you.
What I am being told is that,yes, these illegal immigrants,
if they come here and they'vehad experience with with truck
driving they can go out and lookfor a used semi and the United
States government will pay forit.
They will pay the fees to getit licensed.
They will pay the fees for thefirst few months or six months
to get it insured.
They will pay the fees to getuh, whatever license they need
to go independent or to helpthem lease on to a company.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, thiscrap has to stop, because, being
a truck driver as long as Ihave, I've never had anybody
hand me any type of moneywhatsoever, especially my own
tax dollars back to me and sayhere you go, we're going to give
you a hand up and we're goingto help you through this, you
know, through the tough times of2008, the tough times in the
late 90s, the tough times in thelate 80s Nobody ever came to me
and offered to do that for me.
And to have the United Statesgovernment hand people money who
aren't even supposed to be herelegally, which means there is a
federal law against it.
But to have the governmentignore federal laws and allow so
many thousands, if not millions, of these people in this
country and then start payingfor their livelihood for them to
get started, for them to get ajumpstart ahead of the United
States government's own citizens, people out there struggling
every single day to make endsmeet.
And I know for a fact that mostbrokers out there are good
But there are some brokers outthere taking advantage of these
illegals and the illegals byripping them off with their
broker fees.
Same thing with companies.
Most of the companies out therethat lease on owner-operators
do the right thing, but theyfind a vulnerable or gullible
illegal immigrant or even legalimmigrant, somebody that can't
speak that good of English.
They will have them signpaperwork.
They won't even have them readit and they will screw them
until there's no end.
And there are even Americans,regular Americans like you and I
, that are signing on withcertain truck companies that are
leasing people trucks,promising them the moon and
taking out so many fees.
They barely get $200 to $500 aweek when they're done gouging
This is all illegal and I betif most of this was brought to
the forefront of any districtattorney that has any compassion
for his or her own oath, theywould take that company, lock
the doors and throw the ownersin prison, probably for the rest
of their lives, for screwingover so many people.
But we have to get to the bottomof it.
Black people are much smarterthan the Democrat Party are
giving them credit for, and theyhave been using the black folk
for years and years and years.
And I'm so happy to see theblack folks starting to wake up
and realize this, because Idon't mind people getting a hand
up, but I certainly don't wantthem getting a hand out.
I don't want them to be coddledand taken care of for the rest
of their life when they didn'tearn it, just like any of you
folks out there that work for aliving.
You don't want that.
You don't want our tax dollarsbeing spent unwisely, and that's
exactly what is happening.
The government is literallypaying for all kinds of things,
including up into buying illegalimmigrants full used semis and
then stating on there that it isa grant or it is a loan and
that loan technically does nothave to be paid back.
So there's a money operation, aPonzi scheme, going on by the
United States government in morethan one way, and it doesn't
matter if you're left or right.
They're screwing us all.
We're already almost $37trillion in debt.
We don't need that, and Icertainly hate talking about
I really don't like talkingabout politics.
But, ladies and gentlemen, thisis now starting to saturate the
trucking industry.
A lot of people are complainingthere's way too many foreigners
driving truck and they don'tknow how to abide by the rules
of the road.
They don't abide by the ethicsin a truck stop, they don't
abide by the parking rules.
They don't abide by a lot ofthings, and that's partly
because they're ignorant of ourlaws.
They don't speak English.
They can't be explained wellhow to do things in the trucking
industry in America.
We all have to be on the samepage when it comes to this and
we have to be cordial about it.
But we also have to recognizeit is a problem, and just merely
talking about it does not meanyou're a racist.
What it means is that you wantto be involved in an industry
that is on the same page.
That's all that means.
Now there's a lady by the nameof VoodooDollTV and she reacted
on this.
She posted this about a day ago.
It's called Black AmericanWoman has to Sell Her Food Truck
to Migrants.
Celebrities Are Paid toWhatever Paid to Mislead Us, and
then she has the hashtag BlackAmerica.
I'm going to put the link downbelow and I want you guys to
watch this because it's factual,and I don't think this gal
Voodoo Doll TV wants to starttrouble with the white
I don't believe she wants tosegregate us from them.
I believe she wants to tell thetruth and I don't know what
political affiliation she is,and I don't believe she wants to
segregate us from them.
I believe she wants to tell thetruth and I don't know what
political affiliation she is andI don't care.
I'm just glad she's standing upfor what's right and she's also
standing up for this blackwoman that literally had to sell
her food truck in order to payoff her bills, because nobody in
God's creation, especially theDemocrats, would hand this poor
woman or loan this poor woman$20,000 or $25,000.
When they spend that everytenth of a second, they hand
that to illegals.
I don't know exactly how to putthat, but that's exactly how I'm
putting it.
They spend hundreds of millions, if not over a billion dollars
already on illegal immigrantsand they're just dumping money
into their lap left and right,and you cannot help this woman
out with twenty, twenty fivethousand dollars.
If I had the money, I'd havegiven it to her and I'd let her
keep her food, even if I heardabout this before she actually
sold it.
I would have just given her themoney, because I would rather
see a hard-working american manor woman try to make it on their
own and do well, especiallyduring the times where the
United States government isripping off everybody and
they're just spending money likeit just grows on trees because
they can, I guess, because theyprint it.
But, like I said, I don't wantthis to be a podcast about
politics, but I do know that oneof our top issues out there on
the road today is immigrantsillegal immigrants and illegal
immigrants from other countriesdriving truck in our country and
not learning our laws and ourways of doing things.
And we have to try and figureout a way to communicate these
issues to DOT and everybody else, because it affects us greatly.
Click on the link down below andlisten to this video, because
I'm telling you, watch thisvideo.
It's very important that weunderstand what's going on here.
Okay, very, very important.
Now, another thing I want totalk about was Red Simpson.
Red Simpson passed away.
I believe it was 2016.
Yeah, he died on January 8th of2016.
I'm going to put another linkdown below, because Red Simpson
he done Nitro Express.
He did a lot of trucking songsand stuff.
Here's a small smidgen of hismusic, but I guarantee you, when
I put it on YouTube, they'regoing to block it out Because
they're just that pansy.
I'm just playing a clip YouTube, that's it, because I want them
to hear a little bit.
I'm not going to play the wholesong, but YouTube gets bent out
of shape when you try and playjust a little bit of the music.
Speaker 1 (14:10):
Well, I was pulling
up a grade that's known as the
Devil's Press.
Speaker 2 (14:22):
All in 36 ton.
That song is called the NitroExpress and I'm really pleased
with it.
I listen to a lot of RedSimpsons music.
His last album he put up, Ibelieve, was called Soda Pops
and Saturdays that's what it wasand he put this album out just
a short while before he passedaway.
But the reason I'm putting thelink to my kind of country radio
is Red Simpson was interviewedby this gentleman His final
interview on January 8, 2016,.
Just hours before he passedaway and he had been ill.
He was a great man, a greatcountry.
If you go to Wikipedia and justtype in Red Simpson and then
read Wikipedia, his story onWikipedia, the man put out tons
of great songs, especially someof the best trucker songs ever,
and I recommend you guysdownload some of these trucker
songs red simpson and uh, quitea few others had put out.
Um, in fact, I have a list hereof some of the best country
songs and these are these arecountry songs, of course, but
they're they're songs that thatare basically trucking songs,
and you, you got Red Savine,Teddy Bear, which is my number
You got Six Days on the Road byDave Dudley Girls on the
Billboard, one of my favoritesDel Reeves Passing Zone Blues by
Coleman Wilson, Truck DrivingSon of a Gun by Dave Dudley
Convoy, which was used in amovie.
Let's see we got.
I guess I read all of them.
I guess I doubled them up sothey're on here twice.
Oh, they're shorts.
I put shorts on there so I canplay the shorts back on the
podcast here.
But Facebook doesn't like that,or not Facebook?
But well, maybe Facebook too.
I don't post on Facebook anywayas far as the podcast goes,
except a link to the podcast.
But Buzzsprout doesn't block itand neither does that other
company Rumble, they don't blockit, and neither does that other
company Rumble, they don'tblock it either.
If you play just a small tidbit,you're not creating.
You know it says when you'redoing a story, you're allowed to
play a little bit of a videoclip or an audio clip to show
people what you're doing.
But YouTube takes it.
You know 100%.
You know they just startblocking things.
I think everything YouTube doesis by algorithms.
I don't even know if they haveemployees anymore.
They're that stupid.
And I only play video clips ofme driving down the road when I
actually do, you know, post mypodcast on YouTube.
So I don't really care muchabout them.
I recommend if you want tolisten to my podcast, the best
place to go is Buzzsprout, andthe second best place would be
to click on the link onBuzzsprout down below the
And the second best place wouldbe to click on the link on
Buzzsprout down below thepodcast.
It'll take you to Rumble andthen I do have a Facebook page
which you guys can also like theFacebook page.
You'll get updates and postsfor me and stuff like that.
So really, really cool.
But the one thing I want to getto you guys real quickly before
I cut off here is I want to letyou know if we don't start
getting along, if we don't startacting like we are the biggest
industry in the world because weare and we don't start getting
along, we don't start doingthings to better ourselves, how
can we expect anybody else tobetter the industry?
How can we look forward and goto DOT or anybody FMCSA and say,
hey, look, this is what we needdone.
We're not asking you, we'retelling you.
This is our livelihood.
We know you have regulationsand that's fine for safety, but
as far as the rest of it, staythe hell out of it, because it's
none of your business.
We're truck drivers, this iswhat we want done and this is
what we're going to get done.
And if every let's say even 80%of us just stuck together and
said screw you, and we started acampaign against the federal
government, you don't think theywould listen.
You don't think they would makethem changes so fast.
It'd make your head spin.
You're wrong if you don't thinkthey won't.
Because they have to With thatmany people.
They have to.
And you know why they'rebringing in illegal immigrants.
A lot of people say it's forvoting.
Well, it ain't strictly forvoting.
They're bringing in illegalimmigrants to take over the big
industries, like trucking too,because here's what they want to
They want to put them all onthe road so they can work for
peanuts and then boot the restof us to the curb when we make
demands, because they know damnwell we need to make regular
money, because we're not goingto stick 10 to 15 families in
the same house.
You know what I'm saying andthat's just a fact.
And if you guys don't like thetruth, there ain't nothing I can
do about that.
Just don't listen to my podcast.
But I do know that most of youout there have a brain and most
of you most of you out thereunderstand what I'm saying.
So let's collectively gettogether and let's start making
some legitimate demands to dotand fmcsa and let's get the
truck in this industry backwhere it belongs.
Okay, all right, you guys.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much forlistening, as always.
God bless, Be safe, Keep itbetween the lines.
Speaker 1 (19:10):
Thank you for
listening to Roland 18 Podcast.
Please visit Walter's podcastsite at Roland18Podcastcom or
his social media site, such asInstagram, Facebook and TikTok.
All links are in thedescription Breaker one nine.