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May 29, 2024 13 mins

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Ever wondered how a simple dashboard camera can transform your appreciation for the open road? Join me, Walter Gatlin, as I add my podcast to Rumble for a visual experience. I take you on an enchanting journey through Iowa’s scenic highways, accompanied by tales and tunes that celebrate the essence of trucking. This episode of Rollin' 18 promises breathtaking views on Rumble, thanks to my new video content showcasing the lush green fields and serene rolling hills of Iowa. All links are down below. Along the way, I'll share some classic trucker songs from legends like Red Simpson, Red Savine, and Dave Dudley, and even recommend a timeless tune that every trucker and road enthusiast should add to their playlist.

But it’s not all about the beauty of the drive and nostalgic melodies. I also highlight the "Nothing Without Trucking" campaign from Trucker News, a powerful initiative that is reshaping the public image of the trucking industry and emphasizing its critical role in our economy. This episode is a heartfelt tribute to the dedication and hard work of truck drivers everywhere. So, grab your coffee, sit back, and join me for an enlightening and entertaining ride that celebrates the spirit of trucking and the stunning American landscapes we get to traverse.






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Nothing Without Trucking Campaign

Email me anytime with news, suggestions, and stories at God bless, be safe, and keep it between the lines drivers.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome to Rollin' 18 Podcast.
This 40-year veteran is herefor anyone wanting to stay up to
date with the trucking world.
Grab your coffee, hop on boardand let's get on down the road
with Walter Gatlin.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
Hello drivers, and welcome to Rollin' 18.
I'm your host, walter Gannon.
I appreciate you drivers outthere downloading my podcast.
I believe I'm pretty close to6,000.
This is the number 18th episodeand I think I'm doing fairly
I appreciate all of you folkssupporting me in this endeavor.
I'm not charging a dime.

I don't have any sponsors oranything at the moment.
If I do ever get sponsors, theywill be short and sweet.
I promise you.
I'm not going to try and sellyou something that I would not
myself investigate completely tomake sure that it's worth your
time to even look at.
So let's understand that.
First, pretty savvy when itcomes to the computer.
So let's understand that first,pretty savvy when it comes to

the computer.
So if I ever get a sponsor foran app, I'm going to make sure
it is the most viable and safestapp known to man.

Now number two I have startedputting videos of me driving my
truck down the road with my dashcam, because I travel a lot of
two lane highways one way andthe other way.
You don't want to get in theleft lane because you'll end up
hitting somebody head-on.
But anyway, besides that, I godown these highways, the scenery
is so beautiful the green grassand the rolling hills out here
in Iowa and all the corn poppingup and the soybeans.
Every once in a while you catcha deer or something running out
there in the field.
It is pretty cool.
So I started putting thepodcast on top of video and I
think a lot of people like that.
I have gotten a couple ofrequests not many, but a couple
of requests.
Hey, can you make a video too?

I don't want to show you guysmy ugly mug.
I don't want you guys to freakout and start having a bunch of
mini strokes.
I am not real bad looking, butI'm old.
I'm 60 years old.
So let's keep that for theyounger generation.
They like to go out there andshow all kinds of stuff.
Let's let them have their funand we'll stick with the serious
stuff like trucking.
Every once in a while we'lltell a good joke and have some

fun, because isn't that whatit's like to be out on the road?
Another thing I wanted to bringup too is the old trucking songs
I went through my albums thisweekend and I was checking out
all my old albums and I comeacross about six or seven
different trucking albums.
There's several of them outthere.
You know you've got Red Simpson, you've got Red Savine, dave

Dudley I mean just the list goeson and on and on, with so many
great singers back in the daythat wrote songs.
And you know, if you read thehistory of truck driving songs,
it was, I believe, mgm or one ofthose big powerhouses came up
with the idea hey, let's getsome guys together, the guys
that like to drive truck andalso like to sing songs, let's

see if they can put togethersome trucker songs.
And boy, that was the smartestfinancial move any record label
could do, because they soldmillions upon millions of those
things and it's just amazingsongs.
But at the end of my podcast I'mgoing to recommend a classic
trucker song.
I'm going to play a littlesound bite of it.
I can't play the whole thingbecause of copyright issues.

I'm going to tell you a littlebit about it.
I'm going to tell you why youshould get it.
You know you can go online andget these things all over the
place any which way you want to.
I'm not going to advocate anytype of theft, but I am going to
say you can get it any way youwant to.
I have the original albums onall of these songs, so I'm very
proud to have that and they willbe passed on to my children.

Today's story is about a storythat I saw on Trucker News and
this was posted on March 22ndand it really caught my
attention because it saysNothing Without Trucking Message
of Industry's New ImageCampaign.
Now I know a lot of thegovernment organizations and the
big trucking organizations thatare outside of driving the

You know they're not the peopledoing all the intricate things
of driving, like drivers andshippers and receivers,
logistics people, brokers.
You know all that stuff.
They're outside of the industry.
And I don't know if this one isoutside of the industry or not.
I hope they're within theindustry, I hope they're actual
people that have actually drivena truck, because it seems to me

like they're biting the bit onthis one.
And it's a good thing becausethe trucking industry has a new
image enhancement campaign witha blunt and forceful message.
And this message could helpowner operators, it could help
lease operators, it could helpcompany-operators, it could help
lease operators, it could helpcompany drivers, because it's
all about letting people knowthat nothing without trucking

gets done Nothing, absolutelynothing.
I always gawk at the fact that alot of these roads that we're
barred from being on, they hadto be built by us.
It's kind of like you knowbuilding something really cool
and then all of a sudden youcome to the door after us.
It's kind of like you knowbuilding something really cool
and then all of a sudden youcome to the door after the day
it's completed and they poke youin the chest.
They hit the bricks, pal,because you're no longer allowed

here, and you're like wait aminute, we built this place, it
doesn't matter, you're notallowed here.
Hit the bricks, isn't thatcrazy?
Isn't that crazy to think theytook 40-ton vehicles to build
this road and we are no longerallowed on it?
It's like we gave birth to youbut we've got to leave.
We're going to let these peopletake care of you from now on

until it breaks down and thenthey'll call in the big boys and
the dump trucks and stuff.
They'll go in there and put allthat heavy weight on that road
and it won't matter to the city,state or whatever.
They'll let them do it becausethey're repairing.
We build it, we repair it, butwe're not allowed to drive on it
But anyway, the americantrucking associations on tuesday
, may 21st, launched nothingwithout trucking, which the

organization said is amulti-year nationwide image
campaign to educate policymakersand the public about the
indispensable role truckingplays in Americans' lives.
The campaign launched at ATA'smid-year management session in
San Antonio, texas, with anintroductory video, and they
also have a new website.

I will put the link down belowto that as well as the story
that I'm reading off as well,and it says they put a
introductory video, new websitewith social media shareables and
call to action for industrysupporters to share their
I love seeing these sort ofthings because I know the more
we as drivers are respected byothers, the more we as drivers

respect other drivers.
It's a catch-22, I know it, butthat's the way it goes.
We get miserable when peopletreat us like crap and then we
start we're like family, sowe're like the big brother that
picks on the little brother, or,you know, the big sister that
picks on the little sister.
That sort of thing does happen,that mentality does happen when
we don't get treated right andright now we're all kind of sort

of miserable.
So maybe we can work on thatourselves and I keep preaching
that every show that I do,because I think it's important
that we get along.
But it says here, this time ofthe year, as schools wind down
and summer vacations dot thehorizon, we're here to remind
America that, in every seasonand at every moment of daily
life, there's nothing withouttrucking.

And the American TruckingAssociation President and CEO,
chris Feer, is the one that'ssupposed to have put the charge
into this, so I hope it reallyworks out.
It says here, in an electionyear when it can feel our
country is more polarized thanever, which it is.
Trucking is an incomparableindustry that connects Americans
of every background in waysthat are literal, essential and

Our footprints, our omnipresent, our reach is inescapable and
the campaign will show whytrucking is the true beating
heart of the nation.
So back off Chevy.
We are the heart of America, weare the heartbeat of America.
It is the trucking industry andwe're going to get this back.
We've been in a lull for thelast 10 to 15 years, fighting

amongst each other and doing allkinds of stupid things, really
separating everything.
A lot of people think thatbecause we have so many
foreigners in here driving truckthat they don't appreciate
America or appreciate truckseither, and I can tell you
you're wrong.
There's a few bad ones outthere, just like there's a few,
and not to mention every singleother color that happens to be

on the road.
So let's quit separating eachother in groups and let's start
separating each other with goodor bad, and let's start letting
each other know who is the badone, so we can stay away from
them and possibly I don't knowget rid of them somehow.
We can't do that.
It's illegal to use basementsand duct tape anymore, so don't

do it.
Anyway, the ATA said in astatement Nothing without
trucking will champion thetrucking industry story through
earned and paid media, digitalcontent, grassroots mobilization
and in-person events thatconnect the men and women of
trucking with elected officials,political candidates and the
motoring public.
We need a backbone.

We need to regain our backboneso that we regain our inner
strength, so that we can startshowing our professionalism and
our strength to the rest of theworld.
We are the largest industry inthe world.
We need to start acting like it.
It says here.
The tireless work of theindustry instills a quiet
confidence in every Americanthat we can effortlessly get the

products and goods we needprecisely when we need them.
The American TruckingAssociation Chief Operation
Officer, sarah Ratik said, thiscampaign will tell our American
story in new and innovative ways.
American story in new andinnovative ways.

We will spotlight the millionsof individuals who make trucking
safer, innovative, efficientand more environmentally
responsible, from the driversbehind the wheel to the techs on
the shop floor, to thedispatchers, safety directors
and fleet managers, brokers,everything else who will play an
indispensable role in keepingour economy moving.
Who will play an indispensablerole in keeping our economy
Now it sounds like a lot ofpolitical jarble and I

understand they.
I'm looking at the new logo.
Now it's a new campaign.
I'm really hoping it works out.
A lot of this stuff is done forpolitical reasons.
A lot of money was spent tobring women into the trucking
industry and we went from 7point something percent to 6

point something percent afterhundreds of millions of dollars
were spent.
So very few things that thegovernment and large
corporations do, except when itcomes to making money actually
work for people without thatbenefit of them making billions.
So I hope they're doing thisfrom their heart.
I hope they're doing this forus personally, like says here,
and I hope to God this campaignworks.
But nothing is going to workuntil we, as drivers and
brothers and sisters of thelargest industry in the world

start giving each other respect,and once we give each other
respect, we give the roadrespect.
Those that are around us willstart respecting us a lot more.
I will put the links below.
On this Now the song that I'mgoing to play well, it's one of
the saddest trucking songs everand it's called Teddy Bear.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
I was on the outskirts of a little southern
town trying to reach mydestination before the sun went
The old CB was blaring away onchannel one nine when there came
a little boy's voice on theradio line and he said Breaker
one nine, is anyone there?
Come on bike truckers and talkto Teddy Bear.

Well, I keyed the mic and Isaid you got it, teddy Bear.
And the little boy's voice cameback on the air.
Appreciate the break who we goton that end.
I told him my handle.

Speaker 3 (11:52):
Now I'm going to put a list of each song that I put
on my show and I'm going to pickone song per day, per time.
I may do it once a week, I maydo it for every Monday,
wednesday and Friday show, Idon't know, I haven't decided.
But I want to try and bringback some of these cool classic
trucker songs because if youlisten to four or five of them
where you're going down the road, it really makes you feel good

and fuzzy inside.
Some of you newer folks, youyounger ones, you'll probably
think, oh, that's really corny.
But if you listen to the lyrics, my friends, you will see that
they have a lot of meaning and alot of heart to them.
Some of them are just plain fun, but most of them really
explain what we go through outon the road.
And this here, teddy bear, isthe story of a man that come

across, a child that lost hisdaddy as a trucker.
It's got a very happy but sadending.
Anyway, thank you folks forlistening to my podcast.
If you want to check out myRumble video, you can go.
I will put links down belowhere at Roland18 Podcast on
Buzzsprout and I will have linkseverywhere and eventually
Rumble will show up as Roland18on Google as well.

So when you go to do a Googlesearch, it'll show up.
If you'd rather watch a videoof a Peterbilt going down the
road while you're listening to agood podcast, I'm your guy.
Thank you guys very much.
God bless, be safe and, asalways, keep it between the

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Thank you for listening to Roland 18 Podcast.
Please visit my website atmediaiowacom or the podcast page
at roland18podcastcom.
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