Episode Transcript
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Hey, it's Angie Ward. Nowhere's this week's iHeartRadio countdown of the top
trend big songs. We'll start thingsoff with Landy Wilson cooling down three places
to number five with Watermelon Moonshine nowplaying a big, a bad drag a
lot that shine cut the bar,putting little lust. Dustin Lynch holds steady
for week number two as Stars LikeConfetti holds on at fourth place. Allows
the reader here that Shady Baby upschosus Confetti. Great news for Russell Dickerson.
He jumps up two places, takingover at number three with God Gave
Me a Girl, God Davy GirlGirl Baby keys kesn Jason Aldan ticks up
a spot this week. Try thatin a Small Town clocks in at second
in place, Look try that inthis hot sun CFI and making but Morgan
Wallen hangs on at the top spotfor a second week. Thinking about Me
repeats as your number one song whenyour faith and blot he's drinking night,
You're thinking about me when you're ridingwhere he's driving. Now you miss in
my street And those are your toptrending songs of the week. Hear them
all on iHeartRadio,