Double A Chattery with Amanda Keller and Anita McGregor •

Addiction – But Not As You Know It - Double A Chattery with Amanda Keller and Anita McGregor

Double A Chattery with Amanda Keller and Anita McGregor

When we think of addictions, we think of smoking, drinking, drugs, sex.... but there are other serious addictions out there which you might have already fallen victim to. 

Amanda found an article from The New York Times where there’s a new bookstore in Brooklyn devoted to romance books – the only fiction genre to see big increases in sales last year. Amanda and Anita discuss the obsession everyone is currently having and now how men feel they can’t live up to the romantic pressure women are putting on them.  

For men, it's porn. For women, it’s romance!  

Anita knows of a psychologist who actually had her own addiction…. Reading vampire novels. This spiralled out of control until she found herself reading books inside her medical journals so no one knew what she was doing!  

Speaking of… our very own Amanda Keller admits to her own obsessions. It got so bad she had to seek professional help!  


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Addiction – But Not As You Know It - Double A Chattery with Amanda Keller and Anita McGregor