Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Do you angry starting? What you do?
Speaker 2 (00:02):
We that you do it?
Speaker 3 (00:03):
That's a fancy the moldy bacteria invested slab of meat.
Speaker 1 (00:09):
Fall off, the fall result too much tends to give
your diary.
Speaker 4 (00:14):
We make food from.
Speaker 3 (00:15):
TikTok and this is something that you see lots of
TikTokers make in America around this time of year, and
all in their popular culture, their movies or whatever. They're
always having at Christmas egg nog. And I've often wondered
what it tastes like, Why are you pulling a face?
I haven't even started.
Speaker 4 (00:29):
I don't like even the word.
Speaker 3 (00:31):
You don't like egging things, do you. Well, there's a
lot of eggs, and there's a lot.
Speaker 2 (00:35):
Of booze eggs, and booze is pretty much what eggnog
seems to be.
Speaker 3 (00:40):
So here we go. What we're doing is, let me
turn this. We're starting with six eggs separated.
Speaker 4 (00:45):
Have you already cracked it?
Speaker 2 (00:47):
I've cracked it big time. I'm not. I hate separating eggs.
Speaker 3 (00:50):
So I've had my kitchen helpers, which this is a
Martha Stewart recipe. By the way, I might set my
ankle it off now, which bit, no, that bit doesn't
go well, I almost messed up my yolks and my
whatever the other bit is yep, hang on, oh come on,
I've tried to separate this head and I haven't done
a good job anyway.
Speaker 2 (01:13):
Look there it goes. So that's the white.
Speaker 4 (01:15):
Speaker 2 (01:16):
The yolks go in there?
Speaker 4 (01:17):
Speaker 2 (01:17):
What I do?
Speaker 1 (01:18):
Speaker 4 (01:19):
What are you putting those shells just there?
Speaker 2 (01:21):
Don't you worry about them?
Speaker 3 (01:22):
Then I add three quarters of a cup of sugar
that goes in there. And now I get out my
stick blender. This is the bit that gets a bit noisy.
And I don't know how long this takes because I
have to do this until until when, until it's pale
and thick.
Speaker 2 (01:35):
A bit like you in winter. So you talk what
this happens. I'll put on turbo.
Speaker 5 (01:41):
Let's do it.
Speaker 2 (01:43):
Pale and thick, pale and thick.
Speaker 4 (01:44):
Right, you really have whipping that in there?
Speaker 2 (01:48):
And what else goes in here?
Speaker 3 (01:50):
Once I've once it's pale and thick, we add milk,
we had whipped cream, We add bourbon, rum and cognac.
Speaker 5 (01:57):
Okay, Can I just say if you do that too much,
doesn't something happen to the egg curdle?
Speaker 2 (02:02):
It no, have you ever made a cake?
Speaker 5 (02:05):
This is what you do?
Speaker 4 (02:06):
Okay with THEO?
Speaker 2 (02:08):
Is that pale and thick? Because I'm board. Now, have
a look and tell me what you say.
Speaker 4 (02:12):
It looks exactly like it did before that.
Speaker 2 (02:16):
Because otherwise we'll run out of time?
Speaker 3 (02:18):
Would you do it?
Speaker 5 (02:18):
Just don't put now I do on the desk to
our new desk. Two cups which we haven't even paid
for yet.
Speaker 3 (02:24):
Two cups of milk are going in here? Hang on,
two cups of milk, so it's pale and thick?
Speaker 4 (02:30):
Right? Is that a comedy duo from the eighties.
Speaker 3 (02:32):
To hail and paste? Two cups of milk in there?
Then three cups of heavy cream. This isn't going to
be good for your arteries.
Speaker 4 (02:40):
What's what's the difference between heavy cream and normal cream?
Speaker 3 (02:43):
Well, heavy is a thicker consistency. So three cups of
that going?
Speaker 4 (02:47):
Well, that's three.
Speaker 2 (02:48):
Then we add half a cup of bourbon.
Speaker 4 (02:51):
Yep, what sort of bourbon I've got?
Speaker 3 (02:53):
Jim beam here, got it out of your sock that
you keep it in for the work.
Speaker 4 (02:58):
So you've got a hymp flast there.
Speaker 2 (03:02):
Like I've got big hips. Half a cup?
Speaker 3 (03:05):
Then what else goes in then a quarter of a
cup of dark rum.
Speaker 2 (03:10):
It's bundleberg rum.
Speaker 4 (03:11):
Yes, bunderberg rum is because it says.
Speaker 2 (03:13):
Bunderhut your neck. How much of this did I say?
A quarter of a cup? That's about that.
Speaker 4 (03:18):
That'd be stingy on the booze.
Speaker 3 (03:22):
Okay, and then it's all curdling in there. And then
a quarter of a cup of konyak. Look at this,
where do we get the office konnak? Well, that smells
quite nice. Quarter of a cup of that, yep.
Speaker 2 (03:35):
And then what happens now?
Speaker 4 (03:39):
It's a lot of booze when you look.
Speaker 3 (03:42):
I forgot to whisk things before I put the alcohol in.
I'm supposed to whisk that cream in and milk. I'm
whisking it all now, whiskey business, whisky, whiskey, whiskey, and
I reckon.
Speaker 2 (03:51):
What happens now is.
Speaker 3 (03:52):
This goes in the fridge and you're supposed to leave it,
maybe overnight.
Speaker 2 (03:56):
We're going to leave it till a little bit later
in the show. We've had a night.
Speaker 4 (04:00):
Why do you use to.
Speaker 2 (04:01):
Kick my finger in and have a taste.
Speaker 4 (04:03):
You keep whisking yourself. You're drinking raw egg.
Speaker 2 (04:08):
I'm meeting the dogs I'm meeting the cats. I'm eating
raw egg. It tastes boozy and great. Well, no wonder.
Martha Stewart's always off her face. She's a friend of
Snoop Doggs. She trains a lot as well.
Speaker 4 (04:23):
I think she partakes in a bit of a hayma.
Speaker 2 (04:25):
Do you think?
Speaker 4 (04:27):
Okay, well, you keep doing that.
Speaker 3 (04:28):
I'm doing this, and we're going to put this in
the fridge. Yep, don't at the sales team's drink it,
and then later on we will sample my favorite Martha
Stewart egg nog.
Speaker 4 (04:38):
I'm excited for this.
Speaker 3 (04:41):
It's that some of you where TikTok is filled with
people making egg nog. I've seen it in movies and
American TV shows. I've never really had an appreciation of
what it is.
Speaker 5 (04:50):
It seems to sit down on the counter with little
to any refrigeration, but it has cream eggs. I know
it has booze in it, but I've always sorry I'm
watching those shows.
Speaker 3 (05:01):
Yeah, I know they have heaters on, but it is
winter there. I'm making this morning Martha Stewart's egg nog.
We started with six large eggs separated. You beat the
yolks and three quarters of a cup of sugar together.
Then you pour in milk cream, bourbon, rum, cognac. It's
been sitting in the fridge. It says to leave it overnight,
but a couple of hours is fine. I'm now going
to squirt some dairy whip on the top. It says
you can whip up things, but let's just.
Speaker 4 (05:27):
Put you you're just the dairy w Have you ever
used that before?
Speaker 1 (05:30):
Speaker 4 (05:30):
Have you? Wow?
Speaker 3 (05:33):
Look at that, Ryan, I'm passing this over the panel here,
don't Yeah?
Speaker 4 (05:37):
Great, over the desker. We still haven't paid for yet.
Speaker 3 (05:40):
Texta excitent Oh yuck, I hate this canned whipped cream.
There's yours, Ryan, Yeah, and here's mine. I've got to
put the nutmeg on.
Speaker 4 (05:52):
Oh have you got nutmeg?
Speaker 3 (05:54):
I've got nutman. I'm to put someone. Do you want
some nutmeg? Pass it along and finish it yourself. You
feel all right?
Speaker 2 (06:00):
Why my coming here driving? I don't know.
Speaker 4 (06:02):
I come here to Amanda's for the service.
Speaker 2 (06:04):
All right.
Speaker 3 (06:04):
When I say three, I know we're all going to
get that whipped cream on our nose because it's sitting
right on the top.
Speaker 2 (06:09):
You have to you have to get a sip of
what's underneath the cream. Are you ready? One, two, three,
and go, oh, y wow, I've missed my mouth.
Speaker 4 (06:21):
You have to look at you. A cream all out
of your face.
Speaker 2 (06:24):
That is delicious.
Speaker 4 (06:27):
Yum wow, that is great.
Speaker 3 (06:30):
Any of my nose, we'll probably have a heart attack,
but that is spectacular.
Speaker 2 (06:33):
Obviously. The booze is what makes.
Speaker 4 (06:35):
Oh my goodness, wow, that's really good. How many of
these can you have in the first hour, Officer?
Speaker 2 (06:42):
That is the first TikTok tucker all year that I
want to skull. I want to consume all of them.
It's like, that is so good. It's like a Bailey's
or something, isn't it?
Speaker 1 (06:53):
Speaker 2 (06:53):
But better, Oh so much better. It's got not better
for you.
Speaker 4 (06:56):
But it doesn't taste boozy, no taste.
Speaker 2 (07:02):
Give us a filed it all down my shirt.
Speaker 4 (07:05):
It tastes refreshing, and I don't.
Speaker 3 (07:07):
Yeah, who's gonna fight with me on Christmas Day?
Speaker 2 (07:11):
I might make this over Christmas.
Speaker 4 (07:12):
I'm gonna make it over Christmas. This is the best
one ever.
Speaker 2 (07:15):
It's the best one ever.
Speaker 1 (07:17):
You do.
Speaker 3 (07:19):
That's a fancy The moldy, bacteria infested slab.
Speaker 1 (07:23):
Of meat too much tends to give your di.
Speaker 2 (07:30):
Wouldn't put that big dollup of cream on the top.
Speaker 4 (07:32):
I would would you? And the raw eggs. I can't
believe I'm drinking raw eggs.
Speaker 2 (07:36):
That is spectacularly delicious.
Speaker 3 (07:38):
We will put this recipe Martha Stewart's egg nog on
our socials so you can.
Speaker 4 (07:44):
The cops out in the front of the building.
Speaker 2 (07:45):
By the way, I'm seeing ten of them.
Speaker 4 (07:48):
Okay, I mean we're not drinking any more of this