Great Chats with Francesca Rudkin •

Episode 6: Marian Keyes, Trent Dalton, Diane Kruger - Great Chats with Francesca Rudkin

Great Chats with Francesca Rudkin

In the sixth episode of Great Chats with Francesca Rudkin, one of Ireland's bestselling authors Marian Keyes talks Francesca through her 16th novel and why people crave love stories. 

And Australian author Trent Dalton visited New Zealand for the Auckland Writers Festival - and popped in to studio for an interview. 

Hollywood star Diane Kruger starred in Kiwi film Joika - and joined Francesca for a chat. 

Great Chats with Francesca Rudkin brings you the best interviews from Newstalk ZB's The Sunday Session. 

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Episode 6: Marian Keyes, Trent Dalton, Diane Kruger - Great Chats with Francesca Rudkin