The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Joseph Mooney: Southland MP says the region has been dealing with healthcare staffing shortage for a long time - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The MP for Southland says the region has been dealing with a healthcare staffing shortage for a long time.

It comes as a cancer care advocate claims Invercargill's Southland Hospital is on the brink of collapse due to ongoing staffing shortages.

It’s believed the hospital's Paediatric Assessment Unit has been closed for three weeks now - and is not likely to open for at least three more.

National MP Joseph Mooney told Mike Hosking 21,000 nurses are needed across the country.

He says the wait list for cancer patients at Southland Hospital is well over the Ministry of Health recommended timeframe.



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Joseph Mooney: Southland MP says the region has been dealing with healthcare staffing shortage for a long time - The Mike Hosking Breakfast