The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Greg Miller: Hawke's Bay Restaurant Owner on the lack of support from the cyclone recovery fund - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

Hawke's Bay businesses are concerned that the Government's 50-million-dollar cyclone recovery fund's starting to run dry.

The local Chamber of Commerce has received 1600 applications, but only 500 have been approved so far.

Esk Valley's D'vine Restaurant is still closed.

Owner Greg Miller told Mike Hosking that he hasn't heard back after applying for support through the fund.

He says it's totally devastating and he needs the money for his staff, who he's been paying out-of-pocket for the past seven weeks.


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Greg Miller: Hawke's Bay Restaurant Owner on the lack of support from the cyclone recovery fund - The Mike Hosking Breakfast