The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Shane Jones: NZ First MP on Te Pati Māori swearing allegiance to Te Tiriti and their mokopuna as well as King Charles III - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

Shane Jones says he's going to be taking Te Pati Māori's recent actions to the new Speaker.  

Te Pati Māori MPs defied tradition at Parliament's opening ceremony yesterday by swearing allegiance to both Te Tiriti and their mokopuna, as well as King Charles III. 

The New Zealand First MP told Mike Hosking that if it's good enough for Winston Peters and himself to follow the letter of the law and swear allegiance to the King, its good enough for Te Pati Māori.  

Jones believes they've contravened section 11 of the Constitution Act, and he will be speaking to Gerry Brownlee. 

He says he's also unhappy with the imagery the party used to organise recent protests. 


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Shane Jones: NZ First MP on Te Pati Māori swearing allegiance to Te Tiriti and their mokopuna as well as King Charles III - The Mike Hosking Breakfast