The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Hadley Dryden: Destination Hauraki Coromandel General Manager says the opening of State Highway 25A will boost tourism from the domestic market - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

There are hopes that new research will help boost the Coromandel's tourism. 

The region has now been scientifically proven to be good for the soul, with participants reporting significant improvements in wellbeing and happiness. 

It's also welcoming news for the peninsula after bearing the brunt of extreme weather at the start of the year. 

But Destination Hauraki Coromandel General Manager Hadley Dryden says it's still been business as usual for international visitors. 

He says when State Highway 25A opens it's likely to get the boost from the domestic market heading to their favourite haunts. 

That's due to open by December 20. 


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Hadley Dryden: Destination Hauraki Coromandel General Manager says the opening of State Highway 25A will boost tourism from the domestic market - The Mike Hosking Breakfast