The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Richard Arnold: US Correspondent on the stampede in Gaza and Donald Trump's potential immunity - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

Donald Trump may have avoided trouble once more. 

The Supreme Court has intervened in Trump’s trial regarding the January 6th insurrection, which was supposed to begin on March 4th.  

This would ensure that the outcome would be decided before the Presidential elections in November. 

The Supreme Court has now said that they will consider whether a former President has absolute immunity from any crime, a claim made by Trump’s lawyers. 

US Correspondent Richard Arnold told Mike Hosking that by their own admission, they want to delay the case until after the election. 

If Trump wins, he said, this will allow him to either pardon himself or cancel the federal lawsuits he is facing. 


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Richard Arnold: US Correspondent on the stampede in Gaza and Donald Trump's potential immunity - The Mike Hosking Breakfast