The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Shane Henderson: Auckland Councillor on the response to the removal of 30% of public bins - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The removal of 30% of public bins across Auckland has locals fuming. 

As part of the Auckland Council's budget plan last year, the ' bin optimisation' project is expected to save ratepayers at least $9 million. 

But many are taking to social media to complain about the litter, dumped bait bags and dog poo left behind in local neighbourhoods.  

Auckland Councillor Shane Henderson told Mike Hosking that many councillors disagree with the project. 

He says $9 million is significant, but it shouldn't stop council delivering public services. 


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Shane Henderson: Auckland Councillor on the response to the removal of 30% of public bins - The Mike Hosking Breakfast